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FTL: Epic Starr-Maiko


Nov 19, 2008
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Reason for Being
A small post to introduce an RP I've promised a good friend. We're doing it here because I've been told this is the best place to do it, and for the convenience of having it on the forum.~


It had been hard, Kaitlynn had worked for years with her partner Jennifer. The two took every back room job and side street gamble until they were able to finally afford it, the Gemini. An old Imperial scout ship. It had been sitting in the scrap yard for a decade, its engines having gone long ago. The S.I.N. Gemini was decommissioned and scrapped, but now, with some hard work and elbow grease the ship shined like new. Its hull stripped of paint, and given a chromatic finish.

The black letters splayed across the side, P.M.C. GEMINI shone brightly in the glint of the sun. The newly repaired vessel sat on the launch pad of a refit station on one of the outlying Guilde worlds. Jennifer had prudently taken a course on the rudimentary elements of piloting, knowing that as hard as she tried, she couldn't get Kat to sit through a week of lectures without any field work.

The world on which they sat was brightly lit by its blue star, shining a perfect light across the massive red trees that towered over the planet, and the small yellow shrubbery that covered the forest floor. The planet was dotted with small settlements in the clearings of the gargantuan forest. This particular settlement was a small refit station for the traders on the edge of the human sphere. There were a few other ships on the platform, one was a small vessel, looked like it was outfitted for recon, but they didn't know for sure, it didn't look like anything Kat had ever seen before. The third was an Imperial Vessel by the looks of it.

Jeana warned her to be careful, although the operation wasn't exactly illegal, the Imperials weren't known for their kindness. The station had just finished refitting the Gemini for service when the Imperials landed the day before, and Jennifer had arranged for supplies to be delivered that day. Fortunately the supply truck was just driving up the road.

Kat was just getting out of the rest beds they provided for travelers when the trucks pulled in. Stepping outside she saw Jennifer outside their ship, two imperial officers there as well. The red headed girl seemed to be flirting with them, but Kat couldn't tell from so far away.

Fleet Stats:
Scrap: 0

Character Stats:
HP: 100/100
Combat: Lv 2


HP: 100/100
Piloting: Lv 1
Repair: Lv 1


Gemini's Condition
HULL: 30
Fuel: 13
Missiles: 4
Special Equipment: FTL Booster
-1 Basic Laser Cannon
Charge Time: 5
Damage: 1
Energy Cost: 1
-1 Torus Missile Launcher
Charge Time: 3
Damage: 1
Energy Cost: 3

Engines: 0/2
Medbay: 0/1
Oxygen: 0/1
Shields: 0/2 (Lv: 1 Shields)
Weapon Control: 0/4

Reactor Energy: 0/10

Sensors: 1/1
Doors: 1/1
Piloting: 1/1


Re: FTL: Epic Starr-Maiko

Kaitlynn yawned and stretched as she walked out into the sunlight. No matter how long she slept for, when she woke up, it always felt as though it wasn't long enough. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at her and Jennifer's new ship with a smile. This was as close to true freedom that they could afford, and it looked pretty nice to Kaitlynn.

She looked over to her friend, chatting with the officers, and smiled again. Jennifer had a way with people. Kaitlynn just found it easier to fight her way through problems, but even she knew that wouldn't work all the time. She admired Jennifer for her skill with people.

Giving a wave to her friend to let her know she was awake, Kaitlynn headed towards the trucks, looking for a way to help unload them onto the ship. She was hungry, but after supplies, fuel, docking fees, repair and refit fees, not to mention the ship itself, they couldn't even afford breakfast right now. She knew some of the supplies consisted of food. The sooner they were on board, the sooner she could eat.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr-Maiko

Jennifer cast her a quick sideways glance, looking a little worried as she went back to chatting with the stiff looking officers. As the girl passed she saw the pair of dock-bots mechanically loading their supplies and equipment onto the ship. The mechanical beasts of burden worked maticulously, loading huge pallets of supplies onto the ship, a thick hose attached to the underside of the Gemini's engines charging the quantum turbines of the turbines. Unfortunately there wasn't much she could do to assist the robots, and there wasn't much for them to load anyway...

As she passed Jennifer, her partner slight of handed the remote to the ship's personnel ramp into her pocket. It was obvious enough to feel it slide into her pants. After a few more moments Jennifer turned around to face her, "Isn't that right Captain, we've got a lot of business to take care of an really need to get going?"

The officers looked down their noses at the women, judging silently. Her partner had a look of fear in her eyes still, nervously glancing back at the officers as she waited for Kat's response.

Fleet Stats:
Scrap: 0
Fuel: 10
Food: 10

Character Stats:
HP: 100/100
Combat: Lv 2

HP: 100/100
Piloting: Lv 1
Repair: Lv 1


Gemini's Condition
HULL: 30
Fuel: 13
Missiles: 4
Special Equipment: FTL Booster
-1 Basic Laser Cannon
Charge Time: 5
Damage: 1
Energy Cost: 1
-1 Torus Missile Launcher
Charge Time: 3
Damage: 1
Energy Cost: 3

Engines: 0/2
Medbay: 0/1
Oxygen: 0/1
Shields: 0/2 (Lv: 1 Shields)
Weapon Control: 0/4

Reactor Energy: 0/10

Sensors: 1/1
Doors: 1/1
Piloting: 1/1

Re: FTL: Epic Starr-Maiko

Kaitlynn sighed as she watched the machines work. At least they'd be done soon, she figured and turned to her partner, just catching what she said.

Kat may not be particularly book smart, but she's not stupid and quickly picked up on Jenn's demeanor.

"Yep! Already got a client over on... Whatsit again?" She turned to Jenn, 'forgetting' where their job was, then shrugged. "Well, it's not here, so we've gotta get going!"

Saying that she headed towards the ship. "Hoist the anchor! Raise the mizzen mast! Let's get this ship on the road... er... space."