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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Fiera felt her fold parts as the bandits cock sank deep into her. Her sister was right he was big. As Fiera started her sister moved and sat over the man's face. Grinning she found Fiera's lips with her own and began to kiss her, matching her movements perfectly. The two woman's breasts rubbed against one another as Fiera rode the man and her sister kissed her passionately.
Fiera moaned as she felt herself filled once more. She had to savor the moment, but gave a squeak in surprise as her sister pulled her into a kiss. she moaned in pleasure, feeling her much smaller breasts ground against her sister's larger pair, as she began to thrust on the man beneath her. She didn't break the kiss, keeping pace as she moaned, trembling in delight at the feeling. She tightened down on him, curious how long he'd last under two succubi. She wasn't as sexually powerful as most, but she had her own tricks. Pity she couldn't think of them at the moment as she rode the high of the indecent act between sisters, and the toy beneath them.
The man below let out a muffled cry of dismay and pleasure as Fiera felt his impressive cock twitch in her. Surprsing however no rush of warm liquid entered her hungry sex. Instead the man seemed to get harder. Her sister kissed her even more, the girls hands taking a firm grip on her ass. She seemed content with this position letting Fiera ride the bandit. Meanwhile off to the side Amy began to blush though it was hard to tell on her coal black skin.
(Apologies, illness decided to strike.)

Fiera was a bit surprised. Her sister had done something to him she supposed? No matter, she kept riding hungrily, and made out even more so, her hands moving up to grope her sister's breasts as her rump was fondled. She glanced briefly at Amy's embarrassment, chuckling mentally a little. Seems somebody was getting warmer in their own ways. She'd have to teach her a bit later. Right now was family bonding time though and she pressed forward against her sister some more, starting to work faster, eager to reach her peak, and to see what else her sister may be planning.
Her sister shifted as Fiera pressed against her breaking the contact with the mans mouth allowing him to grasp for air and cry out in pleasured dismay. "~~~Ohhhh Fiera you always did know how to use your hands!" Once more than man twitched inside of her but nothing. His eyes where wide with desire as he began to thrust harder and harder inside of her. Her own climax was fast approaching if the trembling of her body had any indication. Koraya leaned up and whispered in her ear. "When your ready just say cum for me out loud."
Fiera blushed a bit at her sister's praise but didn't stop her movements, continuing to tease her nipples next. Admittedly getting praise from a succubus on ones skills was certainly high praise indeed though she part wondered if it was just to encourage her to return to being a full succubus. Didn't matter right now, as she leaned down and gave one of her sisters nipple a rough suck as she moans, trembling. Bouncing faster she trembled a bit. She was close. Though she probably should pull up before she got pregnant by some random bandit.

She moved faster, hand running down to work her sister's clit as she pants faster, before crying out huskily. "Cum for me!," she cried, as she tried to pull off in time. Though whether she meant the bandit or her sister was hard to say.
pregnancy check: roll = 3 fail no babies yet
At the words the bandit exploded inside of her with a giant rush of warmth that seemed to fill her and then some. Not only did his warmth seep into her but she could feel his very essence drawn into her body as he screamed in a mix of pleasure and horror. As Fiera reveled in he sensation of her own climax she felt her half sister kiss her lips sensually a moment before breaking away. "Don't be a stranger Fiera." With that she vanished called back to whence she was summoned. The bandit however groaned as he still shot spurt after spurt onto his own body, still amazingly hard even with Fiera no longer riding him.
Fiera cried out in bliss, evidently too slow to stop the flood from him, but still getting his energies. Mmm, that was always a rush. She didn't feel a spark inside her so still not a mother. Probably. She wasn't sure that was how it worked. She groaned as she was kissed once more, blushing with a nod as her half-sister departed and she got up, blinking in surprise at the bandit still gushing. Damn, what had her sister done to him?

She glanced over to look for Amy. If she was in sight she called out, "Oh hey, enjoy the show? Would you like to try? I mean he's here and still going. Unless you'd rather it was me that was your first?" She gave her hips a wiggle with a wink, "I am a shapeshifter after all. I might keep this one as well for relief purposes if he's stuck in that state."
Amy shook her head no and went about gathering things up. Meanwhile the bandit finally groaned one last time before passing out his cock going limp. Looking about at her handi work she took it all in. None of the captives had stayed, fleeing for their lives. Of the bandits the only one still alive was her toy from earlier. The rest seemed to be empty husks now. Still she had a tone of supplies and a few horses to carry them with. She could return with what she had or she could wait for the scout party to return and end the bandits once and for all.
Suit herself. Oh wait. Theeeere he went. Whoops. Alright so nobody stayed, no big shock. Only this guy was still alive. All the prizes and supplies, horses, and all the stuff she could take off the bandits to make a crude armory of sorts. She could leave now, odds were the bandits would abandon the area entirely. Course, why leave it to chance? It might be good to wait and see this scout team return and find out what they were scouting. Yeah that might work.

She moved to the front, moving the bodies away from the gate. She didn't want to give away what happened from a distance after all. Good odds the smoke might draw them back though. She'd best hurry. Still with all these bodies and your usual superstitions about demons, she was pretty confident she could spook this lot into submission. For everything else, there was fire.
Creepy abandoned old fort check
Very silent and still check
Random bodies in odd places check

Fiera would have some time to arrange things to her liking before the bandits showed up

It would approached evening before the scouts would return bathing the encampment it a twilight haze. Fiera head them long before spotting them the sound of horses clear in the rather quite still air. A voice called out and long moments followed. With nobody to return the call the four bandits entered weapons drawn. There where four of them three men and one woman. The woman seemed in charge and better equipped than the rest of her followers. Though with her hood up she could only make out her feminine form.
Oh hey, new fun. Fiera took to hiding and watching with her bodyguard. Soon. Very soon. Once they pulled in, Fiera would keep a wall for cover and first placed a mine in the gate behind them to cut them off. Then she called out. "You're the last ones you know. Everyone else decided they were better than surrendering. I'm not going to allow banditry to continue to prey around here. But I'm not without mercy. Surrender and we can work out something more constructive for you all to do. I always can use more servants. If not, well... You can make this painful for yourself or I can make it quick. Or give me a counter offer, but one way or another, you four aren't walking out of here without dealing with me."

If they decided to run away, well... She'd collect what was left and then move on. She wouldn't let the disease take root later elsewhere by letting any escape here.

Fiera casts Flaming Mine, spending 2 EP to set the trap. Deals 3d6+3+12+15 fire damage that ignores 10 AV in a Ball when enemies cross the gate. 30 Perception to notice the trap.
From her vantage spot Fiera saw the woman give a few hand gestures. Watching them the other three took up defensive positions. One of the men spoke up next. "Who are you! What do you want!" These seemed to draw a quick glance from the woman, but she said nothing. It was then that one of the men found the first semi charred body that her fire elemental had carelessly tossed aside. She couldn't see his expression but from the way he stumbled back it must have been good. It was then the woman spoke. "Hold your ground. This place is probably rigged. We've walked into an ambush so stay still." This seemed to steady the group. "A counter offer you say? Well how about this. You let us leave and we never come back. You keep whats here and we just get out of dodge." The woman had a pleasant voice not gruff like some bandits or too high pitched to be annoying. It was low bordering on sensual.
"But why would I do that when I already have you? You're right you know. I've set fire mines all over. Maybe I'm not even alone. Maybe there's an whole army.," says Fiera with a giggle, "Really, is serving me so onerous? You get a much nicer place than some messy fort. I've already got some of your friends anyways. Less people means more to go around too. And besides. Let's be realistic, where is safe in this time? I'm going to make this place good and proper for proper nobility. That means no bandits, no more abusing citizens and the return of cake. I want my cake, bandits. So you can be part of fixing this with me or part of the fertilizer, unless you've got a better offer than letting you go. So cute. Seriously, what do you get out of banditry that you can't get from me? And if you say freedom, I might get a little annoyed."

She shifted her position a bit, keeping to cover, but knowing they might be trying to track her voice. She went to a lot of trouble taking them down. It'd be nice to have some more manpower to come with it. But eh, she didn't want to keep paying for collars too at this rate.
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"Im not interested in being anyone's slave." Fiera couldn't see exactly what she was doing but the woman's stance had shifted. "Its obvious that you must have some power, after all almost everyone here is dead." She paused again before speaking. "Ill throw down my arms if... if you promise me none of this slave nonsense I've been hearing about. I don't much care for it." This seemed to draw a look from her companions. The mood among the three men changed.

"I ain't going to jail again!" The man who spoke before began to turn tale and run. One of the others started too as well.
"Nobody said anything about jail. Ooo, wouldn't go that way. Unless dead is better than jail. Then keep going! I wouldn't go the other way either. Anyways. I'm not big on slavery but it is a sort of question of trust and all that. You may not have a lot of reason to trust me, but I've way less reason to trust you guys based on your resumes. If I go that route, what assurances do I have that you'll be willing to play ball rather than just run off at minimum the first chance you have?," muses Fiera, curious to see if she had any assurances indeed. "I mean. I'm game to play pass the trust ball and such if you've got a good argument or offer to make?"
Not heading Fiera's warning the first man began to run off, quickly rounding the corner they came only for a scream to echo out. This seemed to cause the other man to stop mid step. This didn't phase the woman in the group. "I didn't much like him anyway. But to the question at hand. I don't have anything too offer other than my word. Think of it as your first generous offer and sign of your benevolence. Besides you could use someone willing to help rather than forced to help. Am I right?" The woman stopped speaking but didn't move waiting for Fiera's answer.
Fiera sighs in irritation at them running around. "No, stop, come back.," she says, deadpanning, "Why does everyone run away from me... I'm nice! Ugh..."

She paused and listened before shrugging a bit. "Eh, fair enough. I mean I do sorta have that too but not... A lot? Fine, no enslaving. Though if you betray me I'll do worse. Deal? How about you, sir? Still want to gamble on the traps? I mean it's be over quick I guess, but I don't think tossing your life away is better than having, you know, a REAL shelter and home. And hey you get to watch me light bad things on fire!"
The other man simply froze not wanting to face the threat of the hidden mines. The woman paused a moment before taking a knee. "Trust must be met by trust. I am at your services my Lady." The remaining two men quickly fell too their knees. There she waited exposed and at the mercy of Fiera. Her guardian Amber waled around the corner carrying the other man over her shoulder. It seemed she had intercepted him as he ran.