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G Building


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: G Building

Yoshio assists in pushing in Ellisas' chair before taking one for himself opposite.

"Ellisa-san, I beleive the pleasures all mine..."

(Another... Sword? What does she mean? Herself?)

Staring briefly, Yoshio notices... The Obvious

(Shes... Kinda cute...
Idiot don't stare! Say something! Quick! Anything!)

"S-so if I may ask... How have you been as of late?"

(Oi! Genius! A "Casual" question? Better off just drooling like the idiot monkey I am!)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

((Can't remember if Aya has encountered Mia yet or not, so playing it off as she hasn't for now.))

Aya hadn't a clue what the pattern was, but it sounded interesting so she wasn't complaining. "That they are. I'm taking it this isn't an every day occurrence here."

Siphon gave Sho a hug as they continued to watch on, and let his eye wander over to nod to Elissia and Grace.... and then one eye raised as he turned away, having spotted Mia. Sho would feel a slight tensing of his body, but it wasn't clearly visible to anyone else, and the only reason Sho would notice it was because she was quite literally up against him, his arm still around her.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"They're usually saved fer special occasions or celebrations," Ian explains. "Loike t'night. Ah mean, they're not rare, but they kinda lose somethin' if ya see 'em all the time. Considah y'self priv'leged," he chuckled..

Feeling Siphon tense up, Sho reached up to rub his back under his jacket. She glanced up, asking more with her eyes what was wrong than actually voicing her question. For him to react like that, it was obviously something that put him on the alert but she didn't want to be obvious about her looking around.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"I see," Aya replied, mesmerized by the scene.

Siphon spoke only one word to Sho, low and almost impossible to hear. "Mia."

The tone suggested that their flaky demoness stalker was in the area, but he seemed to be trying not to draw attention.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Privileged?... You could say that I suppose...The only place sights such as this are common would be your local battlefield..."

If Mia had noticed Siphon's presence, she made no real show of it as she continued to stare at the display without moving. She seemed almost... defenseless, to a certain extent. Simply another person mesmerized by the show of lights. Albeit, a person who seemed to have a few mental issues, but another person nonetheless.

"Course... on the battlefield, if you stopped to stare at the "pretty lights", you'd find yourself buried soon enough. Especially by the metal rain..."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Grace listens as the mysterious terror speaks presumably about her dark past. She wonders how many other ancient beings were lurking around. The janitor here probably invented fire. Battlefields? Being drank from? Say what?
"Uh, I'll pass. Turning up at a party and expecting others bring your drinks? That's kinda cheep y'know."
The thought sent an imperceptible shiver down Graces spine. She viewed her blood as a somewhat personal belonging, and didn't intend on giving it out to some demon with the munchies. "I'm not going to pretend I understand what the hell you or the alien were talking about the other day, so if I may ask, just who or what are you, and why are you here? I can't imagine your here to brush up on your maths."

"How have I been?" Battered, poisoned, and bitten, with a sizeable kick to her pride. A mission with recently uncertain goals. An uncontrollable new foe. All came to mind. "Well, it's been tough here I suppose, but interesting at the same time. I arrived here a few weeks before the rest turned up this year, but I'm still relatively new, to the school and region."

It was a shame that Simon's binoculars couldn't record video or sound too, it was quite the display, and a feat of pyrotechnics preparation. He snapped some pictures anyway.



RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Mm.. So your new here too..."

(So she probably wouldn't know anything about the fight... Or fights... I never could confirm that rumored fight in the nurse office...)

"I'm sorry to hear your first week hasn't been better..."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: G Building

The demon suddenly tensed up upon being asked her purpose for being at the school, her smile fading as her eyes began to glow dangerously red. Emitting a strong "killing intent" detectable even by the most insensitive person, it was obvious that the topic was a touchy one for her. Fortunately, this seemed to pass as the woman realized where she was, causing her to dispel the murderous aura and returning back to "normal" before she gave her reply.

"I am... searching for someone...someone very special..."

Putting up a hand to stop any further questioning, Mia made it obvious that any further questioning beyond what she was willing to say would be done at the interrogator's own risk.

"As for why I'm searching for him... I don't know. It's been far too long for me to remember. All I know is that when I find him... my purpose for continuing to exist will finally become clear..."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

'eep, think I hit a nerve there. Unknown murderous demons are tough to talk to...' Grace decided it best not to remark about even demons having special someones. "O-ok then. Best of luck with that, I suppose." She paused a moment before deciding whether to hazard asking anything else. Wasn't everyday you could attempt a conversation with someone like Mia in relative safty. "Just, one other thing... to avoid any future confusion. When I've been talking to "Ima", just who was I talking to?"

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Ellisia seems distracted by something for a second, before merely looking back, "Hmm, how do you mean? How have you found the school then?"

(I'm "minimalising" the killing intent as far as Ellisia goes. Otherwise she'd be up and trying to find a way to fight/confront Mia. I'd rather avoid it for now.)


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: G Building

An amused smile crossing her face, the demon chose to answer in a tone that sent shivers down one's spine as she recited what appeared to be a rhyme of some sorts.

I my me you...
Me I you my...
I am Ima. Am I Mia?
Mia, Ima, Ima, Mia...
I am Mia. Am I Ima?
My you I me
You my me I..."

Stopping her chant, the somewhat maniacal girl finally gave a straightforward response after having evidently disturbed the people who could have heard her.

"Ima is my other self so to speak. A "pet" I keep for my own amusement. She's also my personal toy to ravage whenever I'm in the mood for it."

It was obvious from that she had left out key details in her response, however it didn't seem like she was interested in clarifying the ambiguous parts of her response.


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: G Building

Straining to keep his eyes ahead, Yoshio noted in his own way:

(What was with that insane bloodlust?


Too quick to tell where, but... Holy hell it was intense!

The hairs on the back of my neck are standing!
Shit, she's talking again...)

"Oh, uh, you can say I'm doing just fine! I got a bed to sleep on and I don't have to hunt for my meals! I'm good!

Though recently I been camping out again... Old habits I guess?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

((Pity you couldn't get that 'rhyme' to palindrome, Keylo.))

Ian simply enjoys the show with the girl beside him. As Mia's feelings creep around the room, he does tense up, but immediately relaxes once again, just as soon as the demoness calms herself. It does make him look around, but it's only a feeling of caution and uneasiness, given that his abilities don't run into the supernatural spectrum. It does, though, make him shift a little closer to Aya, a subtle gesture of protective intent.

Sho goes still as she hears Siphon whisper the demon's name. Her hold slips a little tighter around him as the demoness' aura permeates the room. It seems a protective gesture, her seeking it and at the same time, striving to keep him from doing anything that might be dangerous, especially given how brief it seems to be. Even fruitcakes had moments of clarity now and again and she hoped that realizing she'd be completely exposing herself to the student body gathered here would be enough to keep Mia in check. Then again, she could just be that far gone enough to either not care or think that 'removing all witnesses' would be a good solution to that problem.

When things did seem to settle, she let out the breath she'd been holding and put her gaze on the flashing lights once again, determined to let them help her calm down and enjoy herself, even if they were explosions.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Aya felt the aura around them and she did slightly tense up. Unfortunately this also caused her powers to become slightly uneasy, and as Ian got a bit closer he would notice that Aya's body temperature raised a significant amount even before he had gotten very close. It was enough to give off the feeling that the heat wasn't caused by embarassment of him being that close, but rather it seemed as if her body were generating enough heat that if she allowed it to, it could set something on fire. So far she hadn't, but the uneasy feeling wasn't helping. Once the demoness calmed down some though, Aya's body temperature slowly returned to normal.

Siphon continued to keep his arms around Sho, and she could tell this close that while he was tense and concerned, his body language wasn't one of someone who was going to intervene and make the situation worse. He knew if he made any sudden moves it could set Mia off, and he wasn't completely certain how to deal with her anyway. Of course if she went all out and attacked first he'd be left with little option but to try something. Thankfully though Mia started to calm down shortly after, and Siphon relaxed slightly, though Sho could tell he was still very much alert of what was going on.

Outside the fireworks caught both Aya and Siphon's attentions again, a welcome place to look at instead of in the direction of Mia.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Feeling the heat aura, Ian's posture shifts a little, still remaining close to Aya but trying to do his best to let her not feel crowded. Why he might not know a great deal about the abilities of others, he knew a protective shield when he could feel it, and with that sensation that crept around the room, he didn't blame her one bit. "Think ya'd maybe like ta step out fer some air?" he offered. Maybe the further away from the boogeyman she was, the better she'd feel.

Great. It's going to be next to impossible to relax and have fun with her around. Someone's not going to let himself get distracted. There was a slim chance of that, but all thoughts of simply enjoying the evening were pretty much out the window if they had to keep looking over their shoulders and making sure there wasn't going to be another roof incident. Maybe she could play on the logic of before to help. "You really don't think she'll try anything here do you? With everyone around? I mean, she's got just as much right to be here as we do, assuming she is a proper student," she adds with a soft chuckle.

((And no, this isn't based on Shadow's comments in the OOC thread. It's Sho knowing Siphon's personality.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Aya nodded. "That might be a good idea, lead the way."

Siphon was silent for a long moment before answering. "No. She's deranged, crazy, but she's far from stupid. Such a mass act in front of everyone here she'd have to leave zero witnesses, and I doubt even with a blaster that I could manage a feat like that. I'd be more concerned about afterwards, when she can get people alone. I think for the moment we're alright. Besides, Grace doesn't strike me as the type to not let loose a scream for help if Mia does go nuts, so I think we can relax."

He didn't add a 'for now', to it, but it was there. Nevertheless, she could feel his body relaxing some, and he took note of Aya leaving. "Seems Aya isn't so sure though, she's heading out with Ian. Probably set off her abilities, or came close to it with that outburst."


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: G Building

Yoshio watched as a couple of students left, and ponders as to why they would be leaving so early...

The list of possible destinations cut short at the thought of the dorms...


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

((True Jeraia form.))

Should Yoshio follow the two, he'd likely be pretty disappointed to learn that after getting quick readmittance stamps, Ian and Aya are merely walking around the grounds near the building. The music from the dance can still be heard, ableit mutedly, but it's still pretty peaceful outside. Now and then the occasional snatch of conversation will filter around, but where they're walking, there's hardly any one else.

"Ya seemed like ya could stand a bit of a breathah. Feelin' bettah?"

Sho tips her head so it rests against his shoulder. "Yeah, you've got a point there. On all counts." She glances over to see the other two leaving. "I say we just worry about it if they don't come back after an hour." She chuckles, though it is a little flat. Taking a deep breath, she looks out at the now quiet sky, then turns to look at him. "Dance with me. Its why we're here. I refuse to let my fun get ruined." Tugging on his arm a little, she escorts him to the dance floor.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Aya breathes in deeply, then after a long exhale nods. "Yeah, I'm alright now. I'm taking it you felt the... energy wave then?"

Siphon chuckles as she leads him out to the floor. "Wouldn't have it any other way my dear."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Ah felt somethin'. Don't know what it was except unpleasant and given the way you felt, Ah thought ya could make do with some open space. Especially if it comes back." He doesn't ask her about the heat that he felt, though. Either he doesn't seem to care too much about it or he's trying not to put her on the spot about something strange.

"Mmm, good answer." They find a place on the floor and join the song in progress. Sho behaves and lets Siphon lead again, though there's not much of the music left to dance to before another song starts, this one a little more upbeat and not quite requiring formal steps.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Aya nodded. "Well, I'm glad you did get me out of there. If you hadn't and that bad vibe in the air had continued..." She made a motion with her hand that suggested a spontaneous fire. It would also seem from her look that such a feat would have been beyond her ability to control under those circumstances.

Siphon chuckles as the music changes. "Hmm, she may have done us a favor."

He starts a more complex series of dance moves to fit in with the music playing, making certain that Sho is able to keep up first.