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G Building

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Coming back to the G Building Harrel strolls into the cafeteria. Slowing his steps a little he glances round the building looking for Ellisia. Not spotting her he murmurs to himself and goes to retrieve the bread rolls and sauce packets he had left, unsurprisingly no one had been interested in pinching some mystery bread left in the middle of the room, though he noted he was possibly short on sauce. "I guess she's not done yet. Why did they have to take the brown packets..." Taking his banquet again, he looks for a table once more. The table he'd spotted before had cleared out. He notes Siphon at one, and also spots Athanasia at another. He hadn't seen her before, but in this place the Alveran soul stuck out to him with ease. 'Hmm, so that's the Alveran woman. Is she wearing coffee?' He thinks to himself walking over to her table. Picking a spot at the other end of the table he sits down casually, looking as if he'd picked the table without any real reason, and begins to apply the sauce to his rolls. He rather doubted he would actually learn anything of value in this lazy spy routine, but it couldn't hurt. As soon as Ellisia came back to the school grounds he'd be able to detect her and report his fleeting detection of Charles.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Athanasia tries to take a few sips from her coffee cup, looking down she realized that by this point, the damned thing was already completely empty. For some reason. And that she was feeling uncomfortably hot in the face and hair. She yawns as she gets up and pours herself another cup, leaving a trail of coffee dripping from her clothes and hair as she does so, and eventually returns to the same table, sitting down again, albeit in a different seat. The pipe that she had brought in was still sitting on the table, however, and if anyone cared to look, would probably realize that she had taken it from some existing pipe system in the school.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Harrel couldn't help but watch Athanasia's small spectacle somewhat bemusedly, a little surprised that she came back with only a new coffee and no means or attempt of drying herself. Ellisia had never said why she wanted to talk to this woman or what was said, but her current behaviour had him wondering all the more. He of course pondered the pipe also. He almost speaks up to ask if she would like some paper napkins to dry off, but decides if she was bothered she would have gotten some herself already, and returns to his ketchup sandwiches.

Across the other side of the room, another rather drowzy looking girl sways lightly whilst leaning back in her chair. Yume staring off into the distance with half closed slightly sad looking eyes.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Siphon poked his head up and spotted the girl, and nodded.

"Yeah ... I bet it did, though I think she's too tired to really care. Looks like she finally realized she needed more drink."

He briefly spotted Harrel, just nodding over in his direction before returning his attention to what little remained of his meal, and Sho.

"I'm thinking of taking a walk here over by the waterfall, care to join me?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Too much blood in her coffeestream, apparently," she remarks, watching the other girl shuffle off for another cup. "You think she's all right?" She notices the pipe, too, brows skewing as she tries to fathom why that would be there. Her attention goes back to Siphon. "Baring no otherworldly invasions or apocalyptic crisises...crisies...problems, that sounds like fun."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

He nods after a moment.

"Yeah, probably. I used to get tired like that before Talvesh, it isn't fun believe me. At least here it's coffee and not a live grenade ..."

He nods again, downing the last of his food and drink.

"Alright, yeah hopefully no uglies pop up tonight. Shall we proceed then?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Sounds like a plan. Where'd you want to meet? Or do you just want to sneak off now?" She grins a little, rising and picking up her tray to clear that up and take it to the cleaning bins.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"I figured we could head on over now, we've still got some time before we'd be likely to run into any snags. Unless your planning on taking a swim?"

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Athanasia slowly turns her head without moving her body seemingly as she stares at the boy that was sitting at the other end of the table, who was eating what appeared to be hamburgers without the ham. She paused for a second as she pondered why the ham from the hamburger did not taste the same as other ham she had obtained and consumed. She had long reasoned that perhaps the language used the word ham to mean more things than one. She finally snaps back into focus as the tiredness seems to leave her face, most of it anyway,"You are staring at me. Why are you staring at me?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Nah, I'd rather not press my luck," she laughs. "Just a walk and relaxing sounds fine." She'll walk out with him, looping her arm in his about the time they hit the door. "Lead on, MacDuff."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Harrel blinks at the question, apparently she wasn't entirely asleep after all, "Oh, well, you just have that whole exotic "I'm covered in coffee" look going on. It's an interesting style." The young man replies with his common slightly sheepish laid back friendly smile, lightly waving a hamlessburger as he speaks.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: G Building

Jonathan watched Athanasia with a puzzled look on his face. The girl stood out, mainly because of the state she was in. She seemed to be barely awake and moved with the grace of a stoned zombie. Plus, she soaked herself in coffee. It seemed that she finally managed to snap out of her daze and started a conversation with another person Jonathan didn't know. Curious, he moved to a different table, one that was closer to the weird pair, and began to eat slowly. He wanted to hear what they're saying.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Athanasia takes another drink from her cup before pointing a finger accusingly at the young man, "And what kind of person sits around in a cafeteria eating nothing but bread and processed tomato and mushroom sauce?" She trembles slightly from being jittery from both lack of rest and the caffeine that was running through her systems, her eye twitches as she looks the young man over before pulling back from the young man slightly, "You're one of those meatless people are you not?! I will not subscribe to your beliefs nor do I have any care of what you say about the delicious animal products that are served in this place!" Suddenly she lets out a yawn and slams her face down on the table, starting to snore a little as the brief boost she got from the drink went away.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Harrel's eye focus on the tip of the finger thrust at him, before glancing sideways to his bun. He opens his mouth to respond when he is accused of being meatless, and can only sit there with a bewildered and amused expression. '...aand she's fell asleep. Oh boy. I didn't even get a chance to defend my meatless ways...' He thinks to himself clearly delighted by it all as he tries to rub the smirk from his face. 'She's wonderful. Though that refined soul of hers doesn't fit in with this room at all.' thought leaning back to take another dull bite of bread, closing his eyes and simply letting his 6th sense view the room for a while. It's then he notices something else in the room that stood out in a different way. Very hard to spot, but noticeable only in that it was different to the rest of the people in the room. He opens his eyes and glances over directly at Jonathan, quickly trying to pass it off as a casual look across the room when he notices that the student was in a position to be able to see him, and going back to looking at nothing in particular. 'Hmm? What are you then?'


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: G Building

Jonathan was suprised by Athanasia falling asleep so suddenly, but he quickly realized she must have been extremely tired. This made him even more curious - there had to be a reason that explained why the girl was so exhausted, and it definitely was something unusual. The boy mused over his next action as he continued to eat, then decided to quickly finish his meal and try to start a conversation. Jonathan devoured all the remaining food, then left his table without bothering to deal with the tray he left. He approached Harrel, walking nonchalantly as if he was just a random passer-by. "Hey, is your friend ok? Perhaps she should visit the nurse."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Harrel looks up to Jonathan as he speaks, and then at Athanasia uncertainly. He realises that he probably looked a little ungentlemanly with his relaxed reaction to her collapse. "Uhm, well I don't actually know her at all, but it does seem you could be right..." He replies, considering it. He was hardly going to mourn not finishing his last hamlessburger.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: G Building

Jonathan raised one of his eyebrows - a quirk that he displayed when suprised. He never managed to hide his emotions well, always leaving signs for others to interpret. "Well, the cafeteria doesn't seem to be a good place for a nap. By the way, I haven't seen you here before... Are you new here?" Of course, Jonathan himself was a new student, but he assumed that Harrel wasn't aware of it - and frankly, he figured it could be a nice way to start a conversation.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: G Building

Standing up and discarding the last half of his bread roll, Harrel faces Jonathan again, and tries to figure out the best way to go about this little humanitarian quest, "Well I suppose if we both help out we could get her there. Assuming she doesn't wake up first. She did seem a bit cranky. Though yeah, I arrived yesterday morning. I'm not actually enrolled, just here on a visitor pass." He says in a casual friendly manner. "Means I don't get meal tokens." He adds jokingly at the end. He was still curious about why this guys spirit looked so different to him than the others. It seemed he couldn't go anywhere in this school without running into interesting people. "Name's Harrel."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: G Building

"I'm Jonathan." The student introduced himself. He looked at Athanasia, who seemed to be still asleep and showed no signs of waking up. Those coffee stains would be a pain to get rid of. "And I guess I'd be cranky too if I couldn't tell where my mouth is. Well, we better get this sleeping beauty out of here." Jonathan approached the girl, grabbing her under her arms and lifting off the chair. "Kinda makes me wonder how did she manage to trash herself that badly."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: G Building

"I'm wondering with you there. And right then..." Harrel says stepping over to assist. Glancing back to the table, he careful reaches one arm out to pluck up the mysterious pipe she'd brought along, having a quick look at it before tucking it into his pocket, secure enough for the trip. "Ok, ready when you are. It's in the building just opposite here right?"