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Galt's Ranch (Guest22)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Galt's Ranch

Galt's Mamono
Mandragora: Grade D
Mamono Level: 207
Life: 32
Power: 33
Intelligence: 105
Defense: 70
Skill: 148
Speed: 35
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: Begins battles hidden in the ground, and cannot be attacked until the Mandragora attacks.

Galt's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Galt's Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono."

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.

Galt's Money: 5000G
Galt's Rancher Rank: E
Time Passed: None
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Re: Galt's Ranch (Guest22)

Asides from the troubles Galt has already gone through, several more troubles were on his way, simply as he expressed desire to become a Rancher. With the money to start his own Ranch, and after passing the examination to become a Rank E Rancher, he stepped before Venice, and expressed his desire to become a Rancher. Upon looking at Galt's exam, Venice only gave him one glance,

"Your requested partner will be ready for you next month. During that time, consider finding a different profession before you regret it." the woman said coldly to him, before leaving him with a cold shoulder.

But for reasons belonging to him alone, when the next month came around, he reappeared before Venice, and she seemed to well recall what she had told him when next he entered the Mamono Labs. Her frown was stern, and her eyes glared at him as if to spot any weakness as she rose from the desk at which she sat to look directly at him with a level gaze. "This is not a job for men. Do you understand what you're getting yourself into? If you are even weak for a moment, your career will end at the hands of your own mamono. Even if it's a mandragora, you are it's natural prey, and the prey of all mamono. Only one man do I know who is a Rancher, and he employs far more than just good grades on exams and inspiration to his aspirations. If you end up becoming the seed for a Ranch of mamono who go wild, then I will send for elite Ranchers to have your Ranch taken from you and you will be removed from your partners. Before I take you to see your mamono and train you on how to start your career, you must swear before me now that you will act all within your power to prevent giving your seed to mamono to create wild mamono that may endanger the town and other Ranchers. Do you swear to keep yourself and your mamono in check?"
Re: Galt's Ranch (Guest22)

This was a victory. Galt had lied, cheated, and weaseled his way into this job. He was deep in debt and profitability still seemed far away. Despite all this, Galt's plans had come to fruition and he was proud of making it this far.

Now it all depended on a woman who clearly disliked him. He had feared that Venice would find some other excuse to delay his efforts long enough for Galt's debts to cripple him. Galts fears were not met, thankfully, as Venice ran down what she needed from him.

"It seems most professions these days are 'not for men'." He said wryly. Galt bit back the rest of his sarcastic remark and put on a smile. "Yes, I swear. I have no interest in becoming a slave in my own home. I'm not doing this for fun. This is a business and I'm going to take it seriously." Galt had his vices, but lust was not one of them them.
Re: Galt's Ranch (Guest22)

Venice frowned at his sarcasm, before leaning back and folding her arms at him. "That's because most professions involve multiple cases of men vanishing while on the job. We don't need more uncivilized mamono to spread their chaos, and especially not those elusive witches. You made a wise choice in your first partner, but once you start to advance in rank... The mamono you will encounter after that will show you no mercy." she said, before turning on her heel. "Let us go collect your first mamono, beware, as she's been starving herself ever since she started counting the days that you were arrive to pick her up. She will be hungry, and will likely try to feed off of you." Valdis warned Galt as she lead him through her labs filled with glass rooms on either side down a long hallway, created to fit the environments for every mamono imaginable. When they reached the room for Galt's mamono, Valdis opened the door to a room with flat, lush soil beholding several plants sticking out from the ground that all seemed similar.

"That one is your's." Valdis announced, pointing to one particular plant in the middle that seemed to sway without wind, as if calling attention to itself.
Re: Galt's Ranch (Guest22)

"I could get picked off by a wild mamono just by walking down the street at the wrong time. At least with ranching I have a measure of protection, even if it's the devil I know. Is there a witch problem around here? What have they been up to?" Replied Galt, stuffing his hands into his pockets while they walked down the hall.

Galt frowned. "She's starving herself. She literally lives off of dirt and she's starving herself." He sighed, perplexed. "Is this a normal reaction? Out of excitement? Fear?"

Maybe he should have picked something easier, like an Alp or a cowgirl. Oh well. Too late now.

The man knew what to do when the arrived at the Mandragora's enclosure. He pulled a pair of industrial earplugs out of his pocket and stuffed the orange foamy bits into his ear canals. Galt followed that with a pair of earphones and set them to blast heavy metal at max volume. The rancher clapped his hands to test out his protection and ventured inside the room.

Galt nudged the plant with the toe of his shoe. "Hey there greeny. Get up. We've got a boatload of stuff to do." It was odd to know you were talking only from the vibrations in your jaw. Galt couldn't even hear his music.

"You gonna make me do this? Fine." The rancher reached down, grabbed two fistfuls of mamano plant, and pulled.

((OOC: You can assume that Galt takes off his ear protection once Venice wants to talk to him again and it's safe to.))
Re: Galt's Ranch (Guest22)

(There's technology, but not that much to actually support the kind that lets you blast heavy metal through headphones.)

Venice sighed in seeming disappointment at the way Galt was handling things. And when he stepped over to the mandragora, and pulled her easily out of the ground, the timid girl looked up at him with a deep red blush, reached up, removed his ear protection with one hand, and immediately screamed loudly as all the strength in his body left, and he collapsed to the ground.

"She was starving herself because of the meal that was coming to her that she was excited to eat." Venice announced as the mandragora took Galt's pants by the waist.

"Calling me greeny and poking me with you shoe, you are a very mean human," the timid girl announced as she exposed his length, and immediately took it inside her mouth, sucking on it hungrily.

Turning her head away, Venice rolled her eyes. "You'd have heard her scream sooner or later, but to upset her so soon... Did you only seek to become a Rancher as a joke? You'll end up as nothing more than food, like every other male Rancher who acted quite similar to you."