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Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 13, 2011
Reputation score
Name: Lily
Violence: 4
Awesome: 7
Random: 8
Weirdness: 19

Description: A women with white clothes, and Silver hair with purple eyes, Some curves, and a average bust.

Name: Lezard
Violence: 6
Awesome: 6
Weirdness: 17

Appearance: An average sized man in his early twenties, he has somewhat tanned skin and a fair complexion. Having bad eyesight, he wears a pair of rectangular glasses. His hair is combed to the sides neatly, with a parting at the middle. His usual daily attire consists of an untucked black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of white cargo pants with a black belt, and a pair of black sneakers covering his black-socked feet.

Personality: Pretty calm and collected. Gets slightly excited when someone talks about anime/manga or video games. Has an eye for detail, and fashion.

Name: Mat
Violence: 3
Awesome: 8
Random: 8
Weirdness: 19

Description: Of middling height and somewhat bulky, the redheaded man wears a black hoodie along with gray cargo pants. He also uses somewhat worn skating shoes. He has gray eyes and he sports a small goatee that shows signs of nearly obsessive care.

Name: Draw
Violence: 3
Awesome: 2
Random: 10
Weirdness: 15

Description: The first shape Lezard had drawn. It turned out random and when in contact with something it will turn into a random shape.

Name: Sketch
Violence: 3
Awesome: 10
Random: 2
Weirdness: 15

Description: The second shape drawn by Lezard. This one has a much more awesome design then Draw, do to this Sketch will keep the shape no matter what into contact with.

You are in a plain, A plain of nothing. As far as anything can see is white. Like someone just erased the world of every color, of everything that made the world interesting. This is what you should notice when you open your eyes, and look around. You look around on the barren landscape, noticing you have clothes, and you notice the feeling that you forgot something.
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Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"...what?" the redhead exclaims. "Where the hell am I? And where is everything else?"

After pondering for a moment and stroking his goatee, the redhead picks a direction and starts walking in a straight line.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Hnn. Wh...What happened?" the black haired man regains himself, gathering his wits. After that, he looks around to sort out where he is. Only problem, he doesn't know that either. Slightly confused, the young man looks around a few more times before finally giving up on it.

"Ugh, forget it. I gotta...What...?" the young man suddenly stops himself and scratches his head with a rather confused look worn on his face. He shook his head, "Gotta..what? I...damn. I don't even know." The young man had no recollection of anything. If anything came to his mind, it was very vague and ambiguous. "...Forget it...," he said. He straightens his glasses, pushing them up on the bridge of his nose and starts to just slowly walk in the direction he's facing. He hummed a tune as he walked, a tune that he knows but doesn't remember.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The humanoid creature opened its eyes and sudenly noted that everything was empty and completely in blank. It was like a dream and sudenly the eyes decide to look below but only saw white clothes and even it dont recognize its body, so just walk through the place, her head was looks like also was empty without any memory of its past
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The red haired man looks at the horizon. At first he sees nothing, but soon enough he sees someone in the distance.

Another man some distance away, this one with slightly tan with neat haired. He looked around for other life. In the distance he saw a person, but he just couldn't tell it's gender.

The third person, with silver hair and purple hair. It looks around to get a bearing of it's surrounding. It notices the blank area, but then notices two other people on the horizon.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Who is that...?" the man sees someone in the distance, but can't make out if they were male or female. Not really caring what gender they were, but instead being grateful that there was someone else in this plane of nothing. The young man walked toward the other person, sighing in relief.

"Well...won't hurt to meet someone else, right?"
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

Seeing another person in the distance, the redhead stops to think for a moment, before taking another look all around, to see if there was something else he'd missed.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The two man get the attention of "it" who started to walk toward them giving a wave with its hand, expecting to get answers of which was this place or any other kind of information, but even if they are clueless too, at least stay with them will be better that be alone. Then one of them was getting closed too and then in a point they get in front of each other, then it waited for an answer of the man expecting to have founded an ally in this place.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The man with the neat hair walked towards the red haired man, as did the silver haired person. The group of 3 met up quickly, despite the deceiving distance.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

After meeting up with the two other individuals that were also in this strange and unknown place, he waves to them with a small and friendly grin. He looks to both of them. When his eyes move from man with redhead the to the silver haired person, his mind is somewhat baffled. There is no certainty with what this person is, but that it was humanoid in figure. Deciding to leave it be for the moment, the young man asks the two people, "...Hey, do any of you know where or what this place is?" Most of him knew what their answer to his upcoming question was, but a small part of him decided to ask anyway. Who knows? Maybe he might be lucky.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

Unfortunately one of the males show to all that was clueless too. Without think twice the silver haired humanoid shaked the head and answer with a genderless voice Sorry, but i dont have any memory or information of this place the human get surprise by the tone of voice that was able to show, it was always like this? it tried to remember but was in vain.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"In the middle of nowhere? I suppose it could be some sort of purgatory or afterlife or something, if you believe in that sort of thing. I take it both of you just appeared here like I did?" the redhead says, scratching his head.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"As far as I can tell, yeah. I...don't remember anything all. When I came to, I was here. Then I saw you guys." The glasses-wearing man crosses his arms and looks to the two people he was speaking to to. With a sigh, he looks around him another time and looks back to the two individuals he spoke to.

"So...Should we stick together for now?"
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The silver haired human nod to the answer of the glassed man. It was a shame to dont had earned information about the place but at least all will be better if they stay close each other, as this place could turn someone alone insane after a time.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"You two stick together, I'll be over here where it's less crowded" the redhead says, turning around and walking about thirty meters to the direction he came from.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Eh? I guess he's the loner type. I guess you and me, then," the bespectacled man watches as the redhead walks off in the direction he came from. Still pretty visible, but still pretty distant in terms of personality and whatnot.

He looks to the silver haired...person-thing, and thinks to himself, What on earth is this person...I can't figure out if they're male or female. Is he...err...she...it even human? Ugh

"Well, let's get going. No use sticking around here. Maybe we'll find something if we start walkin'," the young man said as he turned to the side and began walking that way, expecting the silver haired person to follow.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

I hope that he dont get in problems by his choice, but before we start. is Something wrong with me? The grey haired humanoid ask after note the countless times that the glassed man had turned. After the answer both start their journey in unknown lands.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Is something wrong with you...? Well, if you want me to be honest...I can't figure you out. Are you a chick, a dude? A thing? I...honestly don't know."

The bespectacled young man paused for a moment before continuing to walk again. He looked back to the other person he came into contact with, I can tell that we're gonna be great friends, he thought to himself.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The two groups went there separate ways. The red haired man stood where he stopped, the other two walked in separate direction. The walking group kept on walking. They walked till the red haired man became small silhouettes. The one group kept on walking but, the red haired man never looked any smaller then he did a minute ago. It was like they were stuck in place by a invisible force not moving anymore.
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Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

Not paying attention to the other group, the redhead started drawing different geometric shapes to the soil with his foot. After a while he paused to see whether there's anything in his pockets.