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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Game Style
Some may see this game as an Strategic multiplayer rpg or a ERP rogue maze-like game, maybe it's a way to classify this game yet, most likely the game acts as a multiplayer board game where the rules may allow every player to decide their own goals, build their own armies or search for their own goals. All this using personal tactics than would make them interact with others players than could be allies or foes. Every room, even every door may lead to a possible challenge, the maps may already have minions, traps and devices but each player can spend time adapting each room to their needs.

Categories and Goals
The game divide the characters into three categories: Heroes, Neutral Minions and Overlords.

Heroes invade the lair in order to seek knowledge, fortune and adventure. There are not only the general goals of escape or defeat the maker of this atrocity corrupting your world. But also there are personal quests and goals that each hero can decide in their Bio, in some cases fulfilling these may lead to win even if the character gets to be fully corrupted or enslaved.

Neutral Minions seek also for their own goals, some joining the trial to get breeders, earn new lands, taint others with your curse to increase your number, seek shining things to build your nest and many more. Neutral Minions are creatures not allied directly with Overlords, they may partially join forces with Overlords, avoid them or attempt to take their place. They could be from any kind of sentient or brain dead creature, from mere goblins to plane entity deities. Neutral Minions may win in case they get to defeat or impregnate a certain number of either heroes or female monsters, maintain a certain number of rooms controlled, defeat an overlord and take its place. These Goals may be decided in the base the Neutral Minion Leader Bio.

Overlords are owners of their own worlds and planes, they are connected with the outsider entity and seek not only to protect her but also seek for personal goals. They may aim to save this new world in base their own twisted corrupted justice. There may have to be Good alignment overlords yet even the most good lawful one have twisted motives. Some may lead to try to change how the Queen does this, others may fear her, admire her, love her, hate her. But every one respects her and fears her power, seeking to avoid her defeat as this will doom them and their loved ones.

How the Game End
Events than make all Overlord loss:
- All Overlords gets to be fully defeated, each need to be defeated five times
- A Neutral Minion group gets to fully control over 50% of a dungeon for ten rounds
- A Hero fulfill all its goals, gets to reach the third dungeon then escape from first dungeon
- The Chosen One gets to slay the Queen
- A Helpless cumdump with the Queen Mark escape

Events than lead to an Overlord Win
- The Corruption Palace World happens 30 times
- All Overlords surrender to one of them or a Neutral Minion group
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Rounds and Actions
Overlords may move first, then Neutral Minions. Heroes can move free without waiting their turn, but require rest after going over some rooms or events to avoid bad stats, also they may get to be hungry faster as more move and once hungry they could faint easier.

Every round each Overlord has five actions. An action consists of moving an overlord's minion team or even the own Overlord's team. They can move a certain room number and open up to a certain treasure chest number all in base the Movement stats average in such a team.

In case they spot a foe, all that combat may count as a mere part of that action for that round.In case a character invades a room guarded by the overlord minions, the players will be informed and they may act freely even if they had done all theirs actions.

Possible actions
-open more chests than the number of minions at the group
-go to a portal without explore and get to other plane (3 rounds in case be far away a portal)

Combat System
Most of the time battles between npcs will happen without players getting to find it out soon, but in case a battle against another player or npc happens, there will be some stages in a fair battle between both sides or multiple sides.

1.- In case an invader gets into a room defended by minions of many groups, it will be done a roll to decide which group gets to fight the invader. In case many minion groups get to a room where an invader is resting, the first group to get there is the one that will fight it. In both cases the other groups will not be able to directly join the fight and will not win anything in case an action makes a difference in the duel.

2.- The fight will be as balanced as possible, yet overlords and neutral minions will have the upper hand over invaders. If an overlord group is stronger or is facing one or a very small invader group then not all the minion group will be able to join the fight. At the other hand, if there are many invaders and may beat easily the minion, the minion can run or earn a random bonus than could be bigger AC, multi target, more hp or random dodge, counter and many more random effects

3.- Initiative rolls will happen after any stealth or ambush attack

5.- Fight will start. Minions may do a main action and a sub action for each two mobility points. Before roll attack, the player must mention the order of the minions rolls attempts, if this roll without confirming the order, then GM may decide which one got each dice roll. Also Before roll it must post if is a base attack or it try to do a special skill

(Sub actions can be between many more: move after or before attack, use an item, damage clothes, foreplay)

6.- In case a critical hit, the player can add some extra action or do twice the damage. The extra action may easily be helpful in case of aim for smut victory. A crtit like this may fully remove a part of the invader equipment, improve grapple or do a special sex skill without need to roll anything or wait for the needed PP to do it.

7.- If facing a nude foe, the minion can lead directly to penetration after a previous grapple round, in that round doing the grapple is allowed a sub action for foreplay. Ifa foe hasreached a climax, as this recover, the minion need to roll to attempt do anything against that invader, if succeed and goes for sex attack it will do a second free action, like grapple with penetration, matting press, tie as rape, etc.

8.- Each time then a foe gets to climax is possible to add a Temporal Corruption. It can be done up to three times, if the target has given in fully the temporal corruptions total can be twice that number and even more if some special events get to happen.

9.- If the Minion win, then this may get them to do some extra smut, the minion player can use as many items and skills as possible against the defeated invader or neutral minion. Once this gets to end the smut minion player must mention five permanent corruptions and then randomly some of these will be chosen and given to the defeated invader. If the invader win, this will get experience and have a turn to freely rest if needed

10.- In case Minion win the GM will then roll the Palace Corruptions, one of them remove something from the invader, the second will corrupt either an item, the own invader stats, skills, past , self or whole world

11.- It will be given then the Points earned and Corruption coins in case the minion win
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These are divided in two groups Permanent Corruptions and Temporal Corruptions.

Temporal Corruptions are decided up the player minion interest, these quite often are used to help the minion to maintain a control at the fight by increasing PP damage, restrain or reduce foe stats. A single Temporal corruptions cant lead to a direct defeat like Mind Break, turn invader into an inanimate object, turn the invader into an ally and many similar total defeat corruptions, these can only be done after fully defeating an invader and just for some turns.

Permanent Corruptions are divided in Overlord Corruptions and Queen/Realm corruption, The Overlord Permanent Corruptions can lead to fully turn any invader or neutral minion into your own Overlord minion, the corruptions cant be accepted if the afflicted player hate such fetishes, in such case the Overlord Player will be informed and must say another corruption than don't affect the defeated player tastes. These corruptions cant be removed easily, there are items and rituals, both are either rare or expensive. In case the invader gets defeated by a neutral npc minion the Permanent corruption will be decided using a special list already done and specialized in base each minion.

Queen/Realm Corruptions
After the Player's Minion Corruption has been decided the defeated invader will be the victim of the Realm's teleportation Mist. This Corruption Mist leave behind or erase anything related to the defeated invader, this will feed the Queen and will lead to an extra Permanent Corruption, this being choiced from a list. Each Realm has a corruption list and the Palace list is the most important.

Palace Corruption List
The list is divided into:
-Equipment (items, equipment, etc)
-Character sheet (self, skills, stats, etc)
-Past (this can be from some characters? past part to even affect the ones close them or the whole nation)
-World ( Could erase or corrupt things like: Nature laws, races, realms, deities, rights and many more.)

There are special effects caused in case an invader gets to receive a quantity of the same corruption type.
-3 corrupted or erased skills may lead to affect character job
-4 stats corruptions may simplify character sheet into one similar used by enslaved characters
-30 times world end the game
- past and self may helps player defeated character into corrupt its character to what he wants without the need to wait for the corruptions gets to affect its stats and skills
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General rules

Hero Info

Hero character sheet

Overlord neutral minions info

Instead the usual experience, players will obtain special coins by succeed at actions, defeat foes, open chests, events, consensual sex with foes, prostitution and a successful ended pregnancy.
These coins may be used in exchange for services at shops at the first and second map. The price will depend, being cheaper for low started level and more high for started high level characters. Actual level also affect the price.

Shops are used to buy equipment, food, drinks, rest, gamble, increase level, increase stats, evolve skills, tame monsters, nursery, contract helpers, prostitution add or remove corruptions, remove bad stats and some more services.

Shops dont use coins from the invaded world but the shop owners can do deals with the client and let the client sell its items or itself for some coins. Minions and Overlords have a minor extra discount