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Game Info/OOC thread


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Woot, it has it's own subforum! Anywho, copypaste FTW.

First off, this will be mostly free form, as usual. There will be an ability system, but read on and you'll get the idea.

Basically, this RP will have a much different setting from my others. It takes place on a planet that draws much influence from Earth, except during the Renaissance era. Wild West-era guns do exist, though not many people know how to use them or care to learn how. Most see them as "Symbols of a greater calling." Magic does exist, though few individuals know how to tap into their hidden potential for magic.

There will be 4 classes to choose from: Warrior, Ranger, Mage, and Gunslinger. Each will have an ability tree I will post later on once enough interest is shown. There will be a minor stat system, and the ability tree will allow players to customize their character's powers in combat. I sincerely hope I don't screw this up royally.

The setting is going to be in one of the larger cities, Dall, on the largest continent, Aerl. The characters will most likely be either residents or travelers passing through when the beginning events occur.

As a side note, there will be Erotic RP allowed, but remember, this is Renaissance period goings on. Back then they actually got to know each other before they had those kinds of relationships.

As far as Magic goes, magic in this world is drawn upon by utilizing something known as "Essence." Essence is present in all living creatures, be it a dog, a bird, a human or a humble butterfly. Essence is a being's physical manifestation of their "energy". Mages can tap into this essence and manipulate it to cast spells, and even some warriors and archers can use their own essence to augment their weapons, allowing them to become much stronger for a brief time. The problem with manipulating essence, however, is the more one uses, the weaker one gets before they must rest. Whereas the soul is the mental energy of the body, the Essence is the physical energy, and so if one taps into it too much, they soon find themselves tired or weakened, and if they use too much essence, can even lose consciousness.

Health will not be recorded via an HP system. Your physical health will be determined by the injuries your character sustains in combat, and the severity of those wounds. I'll be keeping a log of the injuries each character sustains, and when those injuries heal/are healed/are given first aid/are no longer a factor.

Commence chatter here while I post up the info and get everything ready for characters and such. Also, repost interest for a head count to compare to character sheets.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

So far, out of the 4 characters 1 belongs to a restricted class and the rest are mages, each with a staff which doubles as a some sort of polearm. I sense that we're going to have trouble if any enemies get into melee range.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

Key word being if. Besides, not every opponent is going to be a skilled melee combatant. It might be a problem, though.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

So. Seeing as how all the characters are more or less posted, might as well get this show on the road. If you wanna hop in after it's started, feel free to post here and I'll see where I can fit you in.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

Oh, and mages, don't forget you've got a magical barrier to help you defend against some incoming attacks while you prepare your spells to knock them back.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

So. Headache today. Gonna take some asprin and try to take a nap to clear it. Might not be a post today, but definately be one tomorrow.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

So. Family business has come up, and I have to tend to it. So I'll be gone for maybe a day or two. Hopefully, it's nothing serious and I'll be back by the end of the day. Just in case, I'm leaving this here.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

Allright, hope it's not shitty shit...

That familiar shit really can piss a person off

Insert Scat joke here

But... As a question... How will Level 2 abilities be learned in game? Level ones were said to be taught be a teacher of sorts...

But most of Level 2 abilities are fusions of level one abilities or just an upgraded version of them... Only certain types have a completely different abilitiy that would need tutoring...
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

I return, I'm home, family issues resolved.

For elementalist, they would over time learn how to form those level 2 "fusion" abilities as you call them. The ones that seem different will require tutoring. When you acquire level 2 abilities, I'll notify you via PM which ability requires a trainer to learn or whether you can learn them on your own.
Re: Game Info/OOC thread

Sorry for my prolonged absence razor, had a touch of writers block fr a bit; then attended an anime convention in St Louis. Nut I'm back now and back to my regular routine so j shall attemptto get a post for you out in the couple if day or so; but soon either way.