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Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Isolda looked up from her chosen spot near the starboard side of the junk boat upon which she stood, just another passenger here amongst a handful of other strangers. While many of them were easily identified--Deunic or Honrainese refugees, laborers, and migrating hopefuls, she was not, with her cloak's hood pulled generously over her head, masking origins that would otherwise draw some unwanted attention from this mostly human populace. Even then, most of the other people aboard this unnamed trading ship kept a healthy distance away from the mysterious figure, only conversing with her when it was absolutely necessary. "Eretz, van ri!" yelled a sailor from his post near the front of the vessel, which Isolda knew in modern Deunic to mean that land had been sighted. And if she were to look, she would find that it was indeed, as the blurry image of her destination formed in the distance.

Now visible upon the horizon was Havenport, one of the busier port cities located on the east end of the Western Continent--a region which may have brought about some bittersweet memories for the half-elf. After all, it was her birthplace, and the realm where her many of her life's most memorable events took place, from braving harsh winters in northern republic of Grem, to scraping by in the slums of Elynsor. It was there, on that continent, that she learned the finer points of the Hardtslag Tradition, the sword style practiced by her father, and there that she lost her mother to the Redclaw Syndicate. While Isolda had learned much overseas, it was the Western Continent that held all the answers involving her past.

Furthermore, Isolda was no stranger to this area, and knew that Brevnia, along with the forests in which elves were said to dwell, lay to the south, while the icy Kulds, home of the Republic of Grem, waited to the northwest. Elynsor lay just west of the Faust Mountain Range, which divided a majority of the continent into its eastern and western portions. Remembering all of this came naturally to her--in many ways, it was home.

When the ship pulled into port, the captain of the boat, a diminuitive Deunic gentleman, had a brief exchange of words and gestures with the dock attendant, who then simply nodded and turned a blind eye to the motley crew of passengers now disembarking the vessel--but not before accepting a heavy-looking satchel as a 'gift of sorts. That appeared to be the extent of the customs check. This city was as lenient as they got, provided one had the proper coin to add to their persuasive efforts. It was a melting pot of people from all over the world; Deunic, Honrainese, Gremic, Talean and Elynsorian folk alike came here to partake of the various pleasures that Havenport had to offer. Furthermore, it was, surprisingly, one of the areas with relatively little Syndicate influence, as a number of rival organizations were known to operate here--after all, it was a center for international trade, and lords from these various nations settled down to do business here.

Not long after she stepped off of the boat, the port city's sights and sounds could then be taken in by the hooded swordswoman. The inherent diversity of the folk walking the streets here gave Isolda at least some reason to feel less incriminating, at least appearance-wise. The afternoon sun lay partially obstructed by some of the taller buildings, shedding a calm, reddish light upon the cobblestone roads of the city.

On this side of town stood a series of inns, from the shabby to the luxurious, as Havenport was known for, some brothels, taverns and assorted shops. From here, Isolda could either find a place to stay the night, enter an establishment where she could relax, such as at one of the many pubs and cathouses that lined the strip, or even to take her chances outside of the city if she felt too suffocated.

Fetish Preferences Sheet (for easy ref):
Humans: 8
MalexFemale: 8
FemalexFemale: 10
MalexMale: 1
Pregnancy: 8
Birthing: 3
Eggplay: 8
Non Consent Sex / Rape: 7
Monsters: 7
Roughness: 5
Tentacles: 9
Mindbreak: 3
Futanari: 7
Transformation: 2
Bestiality: 3
NTR / Cuckoldry: 4
Group / Gangbang: 7
Cumming inside: 8
Facials: 8
Femdom: 7
Maledom: 7
Furry / Anthro: 3
Double Penetration: 7
Double in one hole (double vaginal, anal, etc): 3
Emotional or public humiliation: 4
Dehumanization (human furniture, ponygirls / pet play, etc): 1
Consent-inducing drugs or alcohol: 5
Mind Control: 4
Scarfing or Breath Control: 3
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda stood near the bow of the ship and watched as solid earth appeared on the horizon, not needing the call of the sailor to know that the land of her birth lay ahead of her. She had never thought of any place as her home, not since she had been a little girl at least, but from a certain standpoint all of the land before her could be called her home. Maybe that was why she cared so little for it?

Isolda stepped off of the boat without meeting anyone's gaze or removing her hood, but not because she was feeling particularly antisocial. Truth be told, she didn't mind Havenport in the slightest. Little to no Syndicate presence, relatively open minded people courtesy of the multicultural nature of large port cities, good food... And a big red light district! What wasn't there to like? As she walked slowly down the streets that were cast in red light due to the way that the sun was blocked by some of the taller buildings. Isolda didn't mind that at all. IT made the city feel as if it were shrouded in shadows and blood, and wild imaginings fluttered through the warrior's imagination as she wandered aimlessly through the streets.

There were certainly plenty of options open to her, and as her libido had gone unsated throughout her sea-bound journey there was some temptation to find herself a partner (or several partners) and see about righting that grave injustice. Of course, unless she was the one doing the whoring that would probably either require some coin on her part or force her to wait in a tavern for a person that she actually found appealing to wander by. Neither option was much to her taste, but all the same Isolda resolved to take a stroll in search of a decent brothel or, failing to find one that suited her, a decent pub. She opened her cloak but kept her hood up, hiding her head but allowing a generous view of her ample bosom, plenty of cleavage on display despite the fact that her armor was on.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

The wanderer didn't have to travel far along the strip to find the first brothel, marking the beginning of the red light district, where nobles and commoners alike were strolling in either direction up and down the main path. All around her, there were countless establishments, of which the ground floors were well-windowed to entice customers inside with some pretty faces--presumably, much of the action occurred on the upper levels. The one located at the border was simply packed, as were the next two after it, but luckily for Isolda there were many more just a few feet away, and as she approached the first, marked by a large, fancy sign that read "The Silver Quarters", signs of a commotion could be seen just outside of it.

"Please! I... I'm only short a few, I-I'll even work for it! I'll do anything... just let me see her!" pleaded a young man in relatively practical garb, a type of artisan from the looks of it. A rather plain-looking fellow, of brown hair and hazel eyes, his expression was one of near-heartbrokenness, and his hands were clasped together, holding a small pouch of coin between them as he continued to beg. "You don't understand, I... I was going to..."

Blocking the entrance in front of him was a tall, pale woman with silver hair and icy blue eyes. A few lines upon her face were the only real noticeable indicators of age; otherwise, she was absolutely stunning, and the years appear to have treated her well. However, she did wear a stern, cold look, one that she was directing towards the would-be patron. "Oh, I am sure you were going to do all sorts of things to our dear Alona. Which is fine, if only you had the coin for it. Return when you have the funds," she replied dismissively.

The woman was just about to shut the door in his face before taking notice of Isolda, whose cloaked form and visible cleavage caused her to tilt her head slightly in curiosity, perhaps to get a better look, or just to gauge the newcomer's value as a possible customer. The crestfallen man turned to Isolda, whom he didn't know what to make of at first, but in desperation, he asked, "Kind stranger, have you just 5 gold? I... I really need it! If you could loan it to me, I would be indebted to you! Please! I... I beg of you!" Falling to his knees, he bowed, deeply enough so that he was facing the ground.

The older mistress rolled her eyes and scoffed at this. "Must you scare away our potential clients? Have some dignity," she commented, giving him another scolding look. If Isolda were to look past her, she could catch a glimpse of the building's interior, where a crowd of women waited--some beautiful, others not as much, but all were dolled up with fancy, colorful clothes and heavy makeup.

The unfortunate soul begging the swordswoman for a little monetary help slowly looked up, keeping his eyes glued on her expectantly. Judging from his stature and the air around him, it wouldn't be difficult for Isolda to simply browbeat what little cash he had out of him for her own benefit. All things considered, there really wasn't much she couldn't do to him, given his vulnerable state. Alternatively, she could ignore him and address the woman who one might guess was the mistress, or continue on elsewhere and leave them.
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda watched the exchange between the strange man, apparently an artisan of some sort judging by his clothes, and the woman who was probably the mistress of the bordello he'd just been kicked out of. Though she was looking to get laid herself, Isolda couldn't help but find the man's desperate pining for a prostitute somewhat off putting, but when he turned to her and stooped to begging she didn't quite no what to think. The half elf had hardly considered herself a target for begging, but this man's desperation seemed far too deep to be affected. Though she would normally have scoffed at the idea of giving away money to random strangers, particularly when her own purse was so light, Isolda's curiosity was piqued by this man's story. What could be the harm in asking a few questions?

Turning her still hooded head toward the woman in the door, Isolda casually asked, "What are your rates, ma'am?" She was more or less broke and thus couldn't afford much, but it wasn't like she had many options for making money at this point anyway save for trying her own hand at whoring, which she had long ago resolved not to do. Then, turning and gazing down at the man bowing at her feet, Isolda asked in the same voice, "Who is... Alona... To you?"
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Alona is a girl in the Silver Quarters with what I swear are a set of the town's most amazing, massive, gargantuan breasts! Ones that I could nestle myself into all day. Such is the only relief I have from a long, tiring week of work as a locksmith," he replied, training his eyes on Isolda's rack as if he had just taken notice of it, perhaps having been too distracted by his odd episode of sorrow from earlier. Despite his lewd, almost comical description of the courtesan's bust, the young man spoke with a great degree of conviction in his tone, almost as if he were praising the qualities of someone he truly loved. "Though they won't care to adjust their unreasonable prices, even for a loyal customer such as myself..." he adds, which earns him a frown from the one blocking the doorway.

"Ugh, this man acts as if such things were necessary to keep him alive," remarks the silver-haired woman offhandedly, who then reminds herself of the newcomer's presence, and soon adjusts her pitch to sound much more enticing. "...Not that our girls won't make life a little more tolerable, of course. If it's Alona you want, the charge for a night with her would be 100 gold," she offered. "Others are lower, although you'll find that they may not have the 'assets' that this man speaks so highly of." She manages a polite, if somewhat cold, smile after the suggestion. Whether or not this was considered expensive was another matter, although considering the gold Isolda had on hand, it was certainly beyond the realm of readily affordable.

"W-Wait! I... I can share her, anything, if you but help me with the 5 gold!" said the artisan, who couldn't help but stare at Isolda's exposed cleavage. "Uh... Or, even if you--"
"Give it up!" interrupted the lady, who looked to be losing her temper. "I've shown more than enough tolerance for your incessant begging today, and now you've the nerve to be striking deals with customers in my presence?! Leave!"
The man's hopeful expression wilts at this, and he gets back to his feet before turning his back and starts to slowly trudge away in the opposite direction, one in which Isolda can notice other signs for taverns and the like.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda wore half of a smirk as the man took notice of her over partially exposed bosom. Though his response could hardly be called respectable, at least he'd been honest with his intent rather than attempting to hide it. His tone was mildly pleading, but it was hardly the first time that Isolda had heard of a regular customer developing feelings for a whore. The warrior winced slightly at the price for the woman in particular that the locksmith wanted, which turned out to be well out of her price range. She'd have to get a job to earn some quick coin before moving on, but for now there were more enticing prospects in Isolda's future.

Turning briefly toward the silver haired brothel mistress, Isolda spoke to her in a respectful and polite tone, "Sadly, I lack the funds to make use of your establishment at the moment. Good day," She offered the woman a low bow before taking off at a casual walk after the departing man. When she caught up to him Isolda casually looped one of her arms under his and began to speak, once more maintaining a polite and casual tone, "Come on then, you'll get your relaxation. I'm not a whore though, so you'll be treating me to something proper. I'm strapped for coin at the moment, so a place to stay, something to eat, and perhaps a drink or two to loosen me up. Understand me?"

As she spoke, Isolda eyed up the taverns in search of one that she could drag the man into. Though she didn't search out the most expensive place, she also made sure to pick out a place that looked decent. Affordable but still pleasant were the best words that Isolda would have used to describe them had she felt any need to. Of course, if her new friend had anything to say on the subject Isolda would be glad to listen. As they entered whichever tavern she ended up picking out, Isolda quickly said, "The name's Isolda, what's yours? It's good to know the names of those you're going to bed with."
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Ah... that is unfortunate. You are welcome to return when you have the cash on hand--we'll make sure that your time spent here is worthwhile," replied the icy lady, who simply nodded her head slowly in response to Isolda's deep bow, then slowly creaked the door shut after the traveler had turned her attentions elsewhere and walked off in the other direction. She seemed unfazed by it either way, likely having been used to the browsing and price-matching johns. After all, the Silver Quarters was far from the only establishment in this area.

When the wanderer had finally caught up to him and slid her arm under his, the man turned to look at her with a surprised expression, hardly having expected for such a thing to happen. And for this woman to approach him so casually in that confident manner of hers, addressing him with such directness, looked to be quite a turn-on for this stranger, whose face lit up with hope, as if everything wrong in his life had instantly been turned on its head in light of the beautiful vagabond's enticing offer. Essentially, Isolda had just made this man's day.

"O...Of course! Even if you were, I wouldn't hold it against you, regardless. I'll treat you to whatever you want--well, whatever my current amount of coin can afford," he offered, managing a smile for once before look straight ahead and swallowing nervously. Obviously, the artisan was probably far from a virgin given his business around this part of town, but couldn't help feeling a bit awkward due to Isolda's stunning beauty. While he'd normally be able to resist hiding his excitement with perhaps almost any other woman--save for Alona, maybe--this one was... well, different. Combined with the aura she gave off that most people found unsettling, as well as her lovely scent, he still couldn't figure out what to think, although the man was certainly in no position to complain about the new situation.

The tavern they settled in was a small, quiet little place called The Wandering Lady. Inside, it was relatively dimly lit, with a series of round, wooden tables, as well as a bar. The two sat down at one of these, near the corner and not terrible far from a set of steps that led up. The locksmith was fairly quick about making their orders, allowing Isolda to specify her choice when it came to her supper for the night, and getting something for himself as well, a plate of Brevnian pasta. The server, a rather attractive girl in her own right, passed back and forth multiple times to get Isolda and her partner their food, first bringing appetizers, then about fifteen minutes later following it up with the main course plus several mugs of Elynsorian draft. She gently swayed her hips as she walked, bringing them surprisingly fulfilling meals with a home-cooked feel to them. Even then, the man couldn't keep his eyes peeled from this alluring woman sitting across from him.

"Er...yes, I suppose it is, isn't it? I'm Ciran. It's truly a pleasure, Isolda. Seems like it's been quite the day for me... I imagine it may have been for you, too. I uh... can only hope you've worked up as much tension as I have, as I'll admit, I'm feeling particularly... well, vigorous tonight..." His strange brand of straightforwardness was daring, especially in the face of a girl who some might argue outclassed him to a degree--not that she didn't do the same for many in the city--but at least the locksmith didn't waste too much time dancing around the point.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

The almost childish look of hope that came over the locksmith's face when she took him by the arm was almost enough to cause Isolda to laugh aloud, but she managed to keep it down to a grin that he likely attributed to eagerness or somesuch. Not that she wasn't eager of course, it had been almost a month and a half since Isolda had last had a partner, and there were only so many nights that one could go before jilling herself became more tiring that satisfying. "Don't fret over the coin, my career path has led me to spend sparingly," Isolda said reassuringly as she glanced back at the man as he finally cracked a smile. She let him turn forward and lapse into relative silence without comment, wondering whether this was really a good idea.

She drew back her hood when they entered the tavern, allowing her long white hair to flow freely behind her and down her back. When they took a seat at a table, Isolda leaned her chair back and crossed her legs, also crossing her arms under her breasts so as to provide a better view of her ample cleavage. She watched her companion carefully, particularly his eyes, and as such when the waitress came to take their orders Isolda was pleasantly surprised to find a very pretty young woman standing before her. Isolda smiled at her and uncrossed her arms, putting only the slightest hint of suggestion into her initial gaze as she simply ordered the same thing as the locksmith.

Isolda was only half paying attention to her dinnermate when he started speaking, her mind abuzz with possibilities as she followed the serving girl around the room with her eyes. Every time she passed by, Isolda felt the temptation rise to casually cop a feel of the girl's bottom, a temptation she likely would have given in to had she been in a seedier establishment. Her gaze returned to the man as soon as he started talking, however, and she gave him her full attention and offered him a smile much more suggestive than the one she'd offered the serving girl earlier. Isolda didn't have the slightest problem with his forwardness, in fact she actually found herself growing more appreciative of the tradesman at his blunt words. "Mmm.... You've no idea the tension I've worked up.... I just hope that I don't exhaust that vigor too quickly!"

She offered him another suggestive grin, "So, Ciran, shall we go and get a room, that I might show you how much of a pleasure it is that you've met me?" Before they departed but after Ciran had acquired their room key, however, she downed her last mug and beckoned the serving girl over and, when she approached, gently pulled her in closer so that she might whisper into the girl's ear, "The meal was wonderful... If you'd like to join us for dessert we'll be in..." she gave the girl her room number and, if the serving girl looked as if she liked the idea, sneaked a light grope of her bottom as the wanderer rose to her feet. Tonight might be even more fun than she'd originally thought..... If asked what she had said to the maid, Isolda smirked and casually asked, "Ever had a threesome with two women?"

Taking Ciran by the arm once more, Isolda swiftly pulled him up to their room and pushed him inside, then shutting but not locking it behind them. Shooting him a wry, suggestive smile, Isolda pulled off her cloak and tossed it aside, revealing her armored form beneath. She wore a finely crafted but seemingly very thin breastplate, a short leather skirt that had been stained black, and boots and greaves of a similar material on her long legs. "Shall we begin then?" Isolda asked questioningly, and without further preamble began releasing the clasps of her armor, eventually removing the plating and placing it aside. Beneath, her massive chest was only covered in cloth wrappings, and the tips of her breasts were plainly visible beneath, already hardened though not yet damp with her milk. Isolda had never really understood why her breasts did that even though she wasn't with child, but none of her partners had ever complained about it, so she had always allowed the mystery to remain as such.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Aroused, perhaps?

The serving girl seemed to respond to Isolda's looks rather well, though whether they were more of a friendly nature or a sexual one was a tad difficult to discern, at least at that point in time. She had bright red hair that stopped before reaching her shoulders, flipping up a bit at the towards the back, and her complexion was just slightly tanned, but not incredibly so. Her eyes were a deep blue, with a most charming smile, almost making Ciran's features pale in comparison, so to speak, though the man wasn't a terribly bad looker himself--plain, at worst. One almost had to wonder exactly why he had to resort to the brothels in order to meet his sexual needs, but the locksmith seemed to avoid the topic of the Silver Quarters or similar establishments while he and Isolda were having dinner together. She had his attention now, and he did make it a point to make eye contact whenever the white-haired beauty spoke, although during her pauses she would easily notice his gaze wandering to the assets she flaunted so proudly.

The redhead occasionally flashed a smile to the wanderer in passing while she traveled to and fro, from table to table, meeting the orders of the other customers in the background. While she returned to her usual business, Ciran responded to Isolda's sentiments regarding the possibility of him tiring out, saying, "As do I, but with such an amazing and well-endowed beauty like yourself, I shall do my best to savor the moment as much as humanly possible." She noticed him blushing now, probably having worked himself up as well over such direct talk of the future encounter they were soon to engage in. The brown-haired, green-eyed artisan gradually began to eat a bit faster, little by little, almost as if in a hurry to get down to business. While this action itself still remained mildly subtle, the aura of excitement she could feel from him grew quite noticeable by the time Ciran had finished his meal, wiping his mouth afterwards and taking a big swig of his drink. "Yes, and I hope to ensure that the pleasure isn't mine alone," he replied, apparently struggling to maintain his composure, as the busty warrior's appeal seemed to only rise for the man with each passing moment, though whether it was the alcohol or her Voidic nature as the primary influence to this was another matter.

When Isolda pulled the waitress in to whisper her sexy suggestion, she was met with widened eyes as the redhead gave a bit of a surprised look, first looking to her, then to Ciran and back. However, her lips slowly curled into a knowing grin, and she winked at Isolda before nodding and heading off to finish the rest of her shift. She didn't bother to tell her name just yet, preferring to express her interest in the matter nonverbally with that pretty smile of hers. Replying to her inquiry about the threesome, Ciran said in a somewhat surprised tone, "I can't say I have! And here I thought you'd be more than enough..." Perhaps he was still trying to deal with the possible pressure of the situation, but after a few seconds, including a stolen glance at the serving girl's nice backside, he simply smirked at Isolda. It wasn't something the locksmith would pass up, even if he was primarily captivated by the one sitting across from him.

After the lustful wanderer guided him up to their room for the night, Ciran swallowed hard, watching her every movement as she began to undress. Composed of an off-white shirt and green trousers, his clothes were rather plain, especially in comparison to those of the adventurer, but in terms of physique he at least seemed fit enough, average in many aspects overall, at least when it came to outside appearances--the stamina he would have and so on was still a mystery that was soon to be discovered by the beautiful swordswoman. A noticeable tent had erected itself at his crotch, to match his verbal honesty on the matter of wanting her. "Wow, you're simply amazing! I don't think I've met anyone with a comparable build," he exclaimed, taking his shirt off before eagerly embracing her, then moving on to plant somewhat shaky kisses along her neck and collarbone. Coming from a man of Havenport, a place known for its cultural diversity, the woman could take this as a compliment.

Isolda could tell that he was mildly nervous and yet very excited, though the artisan tried his best to keep himself from getting too wild with her, too quickly. His movements were slow and controlled--at least for now--with a high degree of tension simply waiting to be unleashed upon her at the right moment. While perhaps not the most skilled lover that the woman may have had, he was also no slouch, though the heavy air of passion about him was at least easy to appreciate. Isolda had offered herself to a man who, while ordinary in many regards, was apparently quite taken with this most unique specimen among worldly--and even otherworldly--beauties. Nipping his way down from her clavicle to her ample bosom, he kissed the tip of her nipple, which was still covered by the thin layer of cloth, before methodically working those restricting bindings off and taking her teat into his mouth, closing his wet lips around it and starting to suckle upon it zealously.

She felt his tongue tickle the very tip of her sensitive nub, coaxing her milk ducts to release their nourishing fluids, and he looked up at her, gauging her reaction as he went on, cupping the woman's unattended breast and kneading it gently between his fingers while employing the other hand to slide up along her inner thighs and tease at her womanhood, stroking up and down the full length of her petals, with only the thin barrier of her panties, or whatever it is she wore underneath, hindering his further progress. It didn't matter much to Ciran, who seemed content to play with her like this until she either requested for more with the sounds from her mouth or pushed the action herself, to which her all-too-willing partner seemed very game for.
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda smiled despite herself at the artisan's compliments toward her physique, proving not immune to flattery. She appraised Ciran's physique as he removed his shirt and approached her, proving quite adequate if not exemplary. That suited Isolda just fine, as she had worked up enough tension over the last few days to settle for bottom of the barrel if she had to. Though he was shaking slightly with nerves, the swordswoman cooed softly and slid her hands along his chest as Ciran began to rain kisses upon her neck and collar, tilted her head to give him room to do as he liked while still allowing him to hear the sounds that she made to encourage him. When his mouth settled upon the cloth covered peak of one of her breasts, one of Isolda's coos turned into a soft murmur of pleasure. She had already untied the top of her the cloth winding around her torso, but Isolda handed him the strip and allowed him to undo the windings himself.

Once her ample bosom was unwrapped, the tips of which were already fully erect and the surface of which were perfectly pale without any signs of veins or blemishes, Isolda gave a low moan as Ciran dove right to work upon her. The zealous sucking of one of her sensitive nipples caused Isolda to moan aloud and shut her eyes, her body tensing as her back arched and pushed her massive mounds toward him. The first brush of his tongue caused her to shudder slightly, and he would taste the first bit of her milk leaking upon his tongue shortly thereafter as a bead of white appeared on the breast receiving attention from his hand. The glance toward Isolda's face found her with an expression of deep pleasure, and she nodded for him to continue.

Isolda was not idle herself as this was happening, however, as one arm wrapped loosely around Ciran's shoulders and neck while the other traced its way down to the tent in his pants. Isolda slid her fingers along the man's length through his pants before closing them over the head and squeezing lightly. When Ciran slid a hand up under her leather skirt and began to rub her petals through the thin barrier of the panties that she wore underneath, he found the unnaturally pale woman already damp and growing damper by the second as he stimulated her all over. Though content with this much for the moment, Isolda's hand ceased teasing Ciran's member through his pants, instead undoing the garment and pulling them down until they slid to the floor, at which point she wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft and began to rub it softly, exploring his member from base to tip and back before she took it by the base again and began to stroke him softly.

Finally, after a few moments of greatly enjoying the attention that the locksmith was providing to her, Isolda decided that it was time to proceed onwards. The arm unwound from around Ciran's shoulders and pressed against his chest, and Isolda pushed him until his legs hit the foot of the bed and further, pushing him onto his back. Kneeling between Ciran's legs, Isolda flashed him a grin before she opened her mouth and took the head of his rod into it, sucking gently and flicking her unnaturally agile tongue over the tip as she looked up into his eyes. A few seconds later she descended upon his member, taking fully half of it into her mouth and running her tongue along the underside smoothly and swiftly as she gave a delighted murmur. Though she made sure to provide ample pleasure to the man, Isolda only bobbed her head a handful of times before she had taken the whole thing into her mouth and down her throat, coating it in her saliva as the muscles of her throat clenched and spasmed in a reflexive action meant to expel the intruder.

With that, Isolda pulled her mouth off of his rod and spat on it softly as her hands glided along it, ensuring that it was completely coated in her spit before she straightened. The pale wandered slid her panties down her legs and hiked up her skirt, showing the first few hints of her rounded, chalk white bottom as she climbed on top of Ciran and said somewhat apologetically, "I'd have finished you like that, but I'm a little pent up at the moment... Maybe when the barmaid shows up!"

With that, Isolda took the man's member in her hand, aimed it properly, and slipped her sex over and onto it while exhaling in a loud, lewd moan. Her folds were already quite damp, and with her saliva still coating his member it slipped easily up into her depths until her nether lips were clenched around the base of the artisan's cock. Pausing momentarily, Isolda placed her hands on Ciran's chest and shut her eyes, biting her lip softly as she adjusted to being filled again after her long (for her at least) abstinence from sex. Her hips began to shift back and forth as Isolda became accustomed to Ciran's cock, her sex softly tensing and relaxing as if testing its limits. Finally, her full breasts hanging down over Ciran's face while tiny beads of her milk still leaked from their tips, Isolda's hips began to gyrate swiftly as she took his manhood fully into her depths, her inner walls occasionally spasming around him as she moaned and cooed with pleasure. Her long period of tension had left her even tighter than usual, and the crushing force of her depths was only exacerbated by the rapid approached of her first orgasm, also caused by her lack of recent attentions.

Her hands held against his chest, Isolda bucked up and down with enough force and speed to cause her entire body to shake with the force of it, her softer portions rippling pleasantly while her muscular form trembled with passion. Though she did so more for her own benefit than for Ciran's, it was likely that the man found himself quite enjoying Isolda's aggressive use of his member, which she was taking with near-perfect accuracy from base to tip with every buck of her hips. His hands and mouth were free to do as he liked with the, and Isolda's breasts were within easy reach of both if he desired to provide further stimulation to them, something that Isolda herself certainly wouldn't mind in the slightest.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Ciran's somewhat shivering frame did find itself calmed by Isolda's liquid touch, the smith finding her unique scent inexplicably alluring, accentuating and even bolstering his need to be close to her, to please and be pleased by her, and to be one with this enigmatic woman. The man had likely never encountered one of Isolda's origin--that is, a being with the blood of the Void--and as such, he was subject to her somewhat hypnotic pheromones, which sent his system into a state akin to sexual overdrive, if he wasn't there already. Little did he know that the hooded stranger who approached him outside the Silver Quarters would wind up sending him into a trance where all he could do was single-mindedly attend to Isolda's more sensual needs and wants, or at least what he perceived them to be.

Occasionally glancing up to check on her reactions, he continued to kiss and suckle at her tit as he undid the bindings via the end of the cloth strip given to him, unwrapping her like the delicious treat she was while tasting her milky flesh, simply unable to resist getting a sample of what was underneath. Isolda's encouragements may as well have been commands to the nearly spellbound locksmith, who sucked and teased what he could get out of her nipple, rhythmically lashing at it with his tongue and gently squeezing the rock-hard nub between his moistened lips, even biting down on it ever so lightly, and going on to do this at times provided she showed no adverse reactions to the gesture. And when her white nectar began to ooze into his mouth, he gladly sipped it all up, drinking it down as if it were the most precious thing to him. Ciran wouldn't leave the other breast completely unattended, however, as he switched at some point, massaging the one he had just sucked off and clamping his mouth over the nipple that had yet to be milked properly. For this one he even decided to get a little more zealous in his extraction of its milky goodness, puckering his lips and tugging backwards to consume spurt after rhythmic spurt of her nourishing essence.

Ciran's clothed manhood twitched and hardened even further at Isolda's attentions, and the vibration of a soft groan could be felt through her bust as he resumed sucking on those perfect, massive jugs of hers, alternating between each of the steadily leaking recipients of his special treatment, and also kneading the larger, fleshier parts of them, squeezing them firmly, but not too roughly, perhaps in the hopes of drawing out a bit more of the natural milk that he appeared to be getting addicted to. He was certainly no less pleased to find out that she was at least about as aroused as he was, judging from the wetness that had soaked through the lady's panties, and spurred on by this revelation, began to stroke her with increased vigor, making sure that the thin fabric was thoroughly drenched before slipping his hand underneath it and rubbing at her slick, exposed petals, dipping the pad of his index finger between those slick folds, slowly at first, but then a bit faster, as if to match the pace by which she was jerking him off. Almost as if competing to see who could arouse who better, he took great care with her womanhood, using his moistened digits to jill away at her clit, though he would hardly forget to neglect those lovely tits of hers, as his oral faculties, as well as his other hand, made sure that they were well attended to.

However, he found that the little contest wouldn't last long, as Isolda pushed him onto the bed, tipping things even more in her favor when she went right down on him, putting that skilled tongue of hers on display and teasing him with it. She would find a bead of his precum already formed and ready to lick up, and the look on his face was clearly one submerged in pure ecstasy as their eyes met. Ciran's journey of pleasure was far from over, however, as the woman went on, swiftly taking his sensitive rod into the blissful recesses of her mouth, which prompted a long, drawn-out groan from the lucky man. "Ohhhhh, I...Isolda..." he moaned through ragged breaths, finding himself fighting the urge to clutch at her head for a few seconds, although he eventually failed and wound up doing it anyway, stroking through her hair lovingly as she proceeded to please him orally.

He continued to gasp and twitch in delight as Isolda took him in even deeper, allowing the man to prod at her throat with the head of his manhood, which was then squeezed teasingly by her natural gag reflex, bringing about an astonished sigh from the locksmith. "Huuu... hnnnff!" Perhaps it was lucky for him that she stopped not long after that, as a steady rhythm of that kind of deepthroating would have easily sent Ciran over the edge. Exposing his member to the cool air--or at least in comparison to the warm interior of the swordswoman's mouth--helped calm him down a bit in terms of overall excitement level, readying the man for the next round in this pleasurable event.

Ciran wasn't about to complain when the beautiful warrior mounted him, and he took the opportunity to burn into memory the lovely visage and form of the woman about to be one with him. As he was more taken with Isolda now more than ever before, the thoughts of Alona or anyone else he had shared intimate moments with were suddenly nothing compared to this stunning vixen. He found himself simply aching to be inside of her, to go all the way with the mysterious and pale beauty, and the state of his manhood mirrored this by standing at attention, glistening with Isolda's saliva as it wordlessly told her that it was ready for entry. "Oh, I'd be nothing but glad to help you there," he stated, smiling at her softly.

As the bell-shaped tip of his member slowly sunk into Isolda, parting her lovely folds, Ciran let out a deep, heavy sigh of absolute bliss, tilting his head back with eyes half closed. "Ohhhhhhhh.... hahhh... S-So tight..." Inch after inch of his length eased its way into the quarter-demon's narrow, slick depths, and he bit his lower lip, hazily making an attempt to stay cool and keep his eyes on her, since the nearly unbearable pleasure made him somewhat light-headed. Once she placed her hands on his chest and established a rhythm, however, Ciran snapped out of it and managed to focus a bit more, his hands sliding down her sides and settling upon her hips to help along the force of his thrusts into her, not so much making an attempt to dominate the pace she was setting, but rather to match it in near-perfect sync.

Showing that she wasn't the only one having a good time of this, the man steadily released his own cries of pleasure, his voice mixing with Isolda's to form a chorus of moans, gasps and grunts. "Uhhhnnff.. hahh... hnnn!" His cock pulsed and twitched while deep inside of her, filling her lower canal completely and even kissing its tip against her cervix when his up-thrusts coincided with her descents upon him. A bit of Ciran's precum touched down upon her womb's entrance as the man hilted himself into her repeatedly at an even pace. Though if she were to gauge her partner's expression, Isolda would find that he was focused on her, trying his best to time each stroke with hers, panting all the while.

When her massive breasts began to swing in front of his face, however, Ciran did not pass up the opportunity to give them the attention that they deserved, smoothly moving his hands to them and fondling those soft orbs eagerly. He squeezed and pulled at them, with a degree of care nonetheless, and went right back to sucking on each of them as he did before, giving one nipple several seconds of attention before working on the other, then moving back to the first, alternating in a way that would ensure she was satisfied on both sides.


The steady, consistent motions generated by the combined efforts of the couple appeared to bring Isolda to orgasm, and Ciran made a face similar to a grimace as he held on throughout her vaginal spasms, resisting the urge to just spill his entire load deep inside of her womb. Fortunately, he ultimately managed to hold off for now, despite her inherent tightness and undeniable allure, instead focusing on the milking of her impressive tits with his hands and mouth. Still, she could feel his pace slowing as the locksmith tried his best to calm himself, if only for the want to savor the experience just a bit longer, knowing that he would likely not stay with this wanderer for as long as he might have liked to. As his urge to cum lessened with the rhythm reaching something of a down time, he managed to relax and swallow more of her milk, resorting to a steady gyration and grind of his hips against hers, in the hopes of hitting her other sensitive spots within.

While the two continued to indulge in each other's company, a knock could be heard at the door. A brief pause afterwards, and it slowly creaked open, with a familiar face peeking through carefully. It was that of the serving girl, and once she recognized Isolda, as well as Ciran, she stepped through rather briskly before shutting the door behind her. Seeing the pair joined together at the hips, she couldn't do much to hide the blush that had spread across her cheeks, with a hand placed over her chest.

"Oh, um... hey there. Pretty sure this is the right place, from the looks of it. Hope I didn't miss out on too much of the fun," said the redheaded beauty with a sheepish grin.
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Bucking up and down rapidly, Isolda's moans steadily intensified as she rode vigorously upon Ciran's staff, her flower squeezing around his iron-hard length that seemed to fill her so completely. She could feel the tip of it lightly kissing the gateway into her womb whenever she took it to the hilt, the minor pain only exciting the void-born beauty all the more as she drove them steadily towards their crescendo. Her already tight folds only squeezed down harder on his manhood as he placed his hands upon her hips and began to buck back up into her in turn, both of their pleasured magnified by the action as it caused him to strike at her sensitive points more powerfully and thus inspiring the additional tightness in her sex.

Their matched rhythm continued to speed up gradually as she felt her body tensing in the lead up toward a powerful orgasm, but the woman's motions faltered just slightly as Ciran once more went to work on her breasts. In her aroused state, Isolda's milk was much easier to extract, and practically gushed out into the man's mouth as he bounced up into her tightening sex. Shutting her eyes, Isolda practically screamed in pleasure as the combined sensations became too much, driving her wild with ecstasy and causing her to buck her hips up and down with even greater force. Every time his mouth came away from one of her nipples one of her moans would contain a note of disappointment, only for the next to hold a ring of brilliant bliss almost matching that which Ciran himself must be experiencing with her riding him like this.

With how pent up she'd been, there was only so much that Isolda could take, and though he hadn't looked it Ciran proved to be quite a capable lover. Before too much more time had passed, Isolda felt the pressure that had built within her suddenly break, and a primal howl of ecstasy escaped her lips as she climaxed. Her entire body instantly tensed and began to spasm erratically, the first effect of which was to pull Ciran into her down to the hilt, so that the tip of his cock once more nudged against her cervix, and the second effect of which was to cause her folds to squeeze and tighten around his rod. Her entire body tensing and spasming as she road out her orgasm, Isolda seemed to not only be inviting but actively encouraging Ciran to let loose his seed into her as she came, and when she came down from her high Isolda's respect for the man beneath her increased a notch for having the willpower to resist her clenching folds.

Opening her eyes to look down at the man she was making love to once her climax settled, Isolda cracked a cocky grin belied by her heavily flushed cheeks and still shuddering body. Letting him continue to suckle on her breasts for a moment as he continued gyrating his hips, Isolda found herself shaking with the urge to go for another orgasm under his talented ministrations. The way that his thrusts pressed against her g-spot only made the idea more enticing, and for a moment Isolda shut her eyes and let pleasurable coos and sighs, her own hips just barely moving to keep time with Ciran and entice him further. But then, her cocky grin widened, "Your turn!" she said brightly as she suddenly grabbed hold of Ciran's wrists and pulled them up over his head. Placing not only her formidable strength but her weight against his arms, Isolda nudged Ciran's head from her bosom before pressing her lips up against his and kissing him deeply, her tongue exploring his mouth for the first time.

And then, her hips began to move again. Slowly at first, but rapidly building up until Ciran was once more swamped in perfect sexual bliss, her folds tightening around his cock as she drew upwards, almost as if she was attempting milk him as he'd done to her breasts not too long ago. Up and down, up and down, wet slaps sounding amidst their pleasurable moans as Isolda bucked herself down onto Ciran's cock, driving him steadily towards his own release and making no indication that she intended to pull off of him when it happened. But then, just as she felt him reaching toward that precipice, Isolda's legs tightened around his sides, holding his entire body down beneath her, and she lifted up so that only the barest edge of the tip remained inside of her, and simply stopped.

She held there for several moments, letting the lingering pleasure of his orgasm, now so near but impossible to reach, overwhelm the man beneath her. Then, just as he felt it falling away completely, her hips dropped down and she hilted onto him before drawing upwards, prolonging his blissful agony. Another pause to let him build up, and then three more quick bucks of her hips that very nearly sent him over the edge before he stopped again. After another pause, Isolda began to slowly but steadily ride Ciran, not going fast enough for him to cum but keeping him on the very edge as she continued to hold him down with her body and assault his tongue with hers. Slow, steady motions, and occasional periods of quick powerful bucks if she thought that she was losing him to get him back to the edge, for what no doubt felt like an eternity to Ciran as Isolda rode him. At one point, she briefly broke the kiss in order to seductively whisper into his ear, "I could make you cum whenever I wanted... Oh the ecstasy you'd feel as you filled me to the brim... Have you been saving up for me? I hope you have... I want to feel you pulsating as you pump your cum into me..."

Isolda kissed Ciran again before he could reply with anything more than a few words, and continued to torture him in this manner for a short while longer. Such was the state that the redhead barmaid found them in, the knock at the door causing Isolda's eyes to shoot open in shock. She'd forgotten about the barmaid in all of the excitement. She gently pulled her mouth away from Ciran and smirked down at him for a moment, her eyes gleaming with promise. While she hated to leave him hanging like this, and a certain part of her (located between her legs) wanted nothing more than to finally buck upon the man until she felt his hot liquid gift pouring into her womb, she couldn't spend him just yet. She'd just have to make it up to him later.

Glancing over her shoulder as the door opened, Isolda smiled broadly and unashamedly at the redhead as she sheepishly stepped inside and shut the door. She pulled her hips up so that only the tip of Ciran's member was inside of her again, giving him an opportunity, however brief it might be, to cool down as she addressed the newcomer, also giving her a flawless view of her own flushed and barely covered bottom as well as Ciran's rock hard, throbbing, love-honey coated shaft. "Not at all my dear!" Isolda purred suggestively, "But you do seem a little bit... Overdressed. Why don't you step over here and assume more... Appropriate attire! I'm sure we'd both love to see what you have underneath that dress~!"

She indicated for the woman to strip where both Ciran and herself could see her without having to crane their necks about like Isolda was currently doing, though she didn't yet release the man's wrists or the hold that she had on his sides with her legs. "Ciran here was just regaling me with tales of his prowess as a locksmith! He has proven quite capable at his chosen trade since we came up here..." Isolda said mirthfully, though she most certainly wasn't mocking the man. That she was already well on her way to her second orgasm while he hadn't yet had his first (albeit Isolda herself had something to do with that) was proof enough of his more than adequate endurance. If the redheaded barmaid did as asked, Isolda would continue to ride Ciran's cock as they watched her strip her clothes off, the wanderer taking in the redhead's figure hungrily and moving at a quicker pace if she put on a good show of it for them.

Of course, that she had been holding Ciran on the edge for so long had momentarily slipped her mind as she watched, and if the girl put on a good enough show there was a good chance that she might exhaust Ciran's endurance without thinking about it. Of course, if she caught it in time, Isolda would once more prevent the man from cumming if she could, but if she didn't..... Well, after that, he most definitely had earned it, and if Ciran offered no warning besides a moan before the first spurts of his potent sperm erupted into her, Isolda would instinctively impale herself fully upon him and let him empty himself into her depths. Of course, if he warned her beforehand and she couldn't prevent it, Isolda would reluctantly pull off of him and quickly move down to finish him with her mouth.

Of course, she would ideally get him to hold off a little longer, at which point Isolda would finally pull off of Ciran's cock fully with a light sigh before she once more addressed their third party; "My name is Isolda, my sweet, and I think I've tortured Ciran here for quite long enough. Would you like to assist me in helping him find... Relief? I'd be happy to devote my full attentions to you while he recovers~" If the girl consented, Isolda would finally release Ciran from her grasp as she climbed off of him, offering him a brief knowing look before turning back to the redheaded beauty who might have by then offered her own name. She briefly but passionately embraced the girl, her hands exploring her partner's body as her lips and tongue did the same to the girl's mouth, and she meant every bit of it even if it was something of a show for poor Ciran. All the same, she wanted the other woman to get as aroused as they were before Isolda made her next move.

"Oh dear~ Perhaps I lied just a little! I think I will have to torture him just a little bit more..." she whispered quietly to the tavern serving girl before gently pulling her over so that both of them stood on the edge of the bed between Ciran's legs. Pulling the girl into another impassioned kiss, Isolda covertly kept one eye partially open so that she could guide them both down properly, her hands busy exploring the girls bust and her finely shaped rump at the time and thus unable to perform that task. When their chins were just above Ciran's manhood, Isolda parted the kiss but pulled the girl's tongue along with her, french kissing her as they descended as one upon Ciran's shaft while their eyes were closed. Adding the head of Ciran's cock to the mix covered in Isolda's sweet juices and his precum, and quite possibly his leftover seed if he'd released into her already, caused another spike of arousal in Isolda, though she could only guess if the same was true for her other partner.

For another short while she was content to teasingly lick her juices from Ciran's shaft, at one point pausing to lick his sack before taking one of his balls into her mouth and sucking on it gently. She never took it into her mouth, letting her tongue do all of the work and occasionally sending it to dual with the redhead's if she was game for such things. All the while Isolda's hands worked over the girl's body, paying special attention to her buttocks for a while before one of them found her folds and began to toy with them, sliding her fingers over her petals to test their moistness and eventually working to ease her clit from its protective hood.

Of course, after so long, particularly if he hadn't cum yet, Isolda finally resolved to release the locksmith from his blissful prison. Rising up once more, Isolda's hand came away from the redhead's sex only to cup her chin delicately and pull her up as well, eventually rejoining the kiss that had started before they had begun their attentions to Ciran. "I think it's finally time~" Isolda whispered brightly before glancing up at him.

Once more she descended upon him, and whether it was his first time or his second, Isolda decided that it would be best to let the poor man cum. Particularly if it was his first time that night. Her mouth took in the head of his cock once more, but this time it was only briefly. She had something much more pleasurable than her mouth in store for Ciran. Her "special technique" that she only pulled out for the luckiest of her male partners.

Isolda's soft orbs enveloped Ciran's manhood in their pillowy embrace as she gazed up at him while wearing only a mischievous smile, almost as if she were about to tease him some more. It soon became evident, however, that she was not, as her hands moved to the sides of her breasts, her fingers just barely reaching her nipples. She squeezed her soft orbs around his manhood firmly and began to quickly work them up and down, making no pauses to tease or deny him this time. If the redhead was on hand she would gladly engage the woman in another kiss, but she concentrated the brunt of her efforts now on rewarding Ciran for all of his hard word, working tirelessly in order to get him to cum and happily accepting any aid that the tavern girl might offer in that direction as well.

(Somewhat long, I know.)
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

As Isolda pinned his arms up over his head, Ciran's eyes widened slightly, the man not having expected such a gesture. He was still left a bit torpid from the trial of having to hold back his urge to let it all go and release his warm load into Isolda as she clamped down tightly upon his member, climaxing as she rode him, and the sensation of her rather narrow passage squeezing him in such a way, almost daring him to achieve sweet release left the man a bit drained, perhaps moreso mentally than physically. Provided, he was at least relatively fit, but was ultimately no match for the woman on top of him--it didn't take much testing at all for him to realize that she was incredibly, almost unnaturally, strong. As unnerving as such a thing normally may have been to the sweat-covered locksmith, he showed only minimal, if any resistance once the beautiful subhuman pressed her lips to his, and instead joined her in the kiss enthusiastically, letting Isolda taste a bit of her own milk as the kiss deepened, his tongue hurriedly intertwining with hers, bringing about a most delightful sensation, especially when combined with the feeling of her forcefully engulfing his cock over and over again. Occasionally fluttering his eyes open and closed, at times involuntarily due to some of her more forceful strokes against him, he swept his able tongue against hers as they locked lips, sucking on it, and letting her do the same to his until every trace of her milk's flavor was cleaned off from it. Taking in that most wonderful, enticing scent of hers, he savored what he could of this most sublime moment, of relaxing and immersing oneself in a sea of pleasure along with another, quite content to focus on it, or at least for as long as his own body would allow.

With the ever-increasing speed of her large, round ass slapping against his hips, Ciran thought for a moment that perhaps this would be it after all, that he would soon cum for sure, as he beheld the sight of her rapidly bouncing breasts and voluptuous, beautiful frame driving itself up and down onto his rock-hard shaft. Bucking his own hips up in time with hers, his body had begun to move on its own, seeking orgasm far more intensely than the man himself, who would have wanted nothing more than to indulge in this just a little longer, for he knew that when it was over, that life of mediocrity would return just the next morning. The artisan found himself lost in the kiss, his instincts taking over the rest of his faculties and causing him to keep burying himself as far and hard as he could into her sopping wet cunny, with the sole aim of holding himself in deep and flooding her womb with his sperm, perhaps something of a biological attempt to attain the extraordinary through inseminating a unique specimen like Isolda. The thrusts wouldn't stop, only going faster and faster as he felt the tension start to build within, and suddenly, the woman fervently riding him just... stopped, leaving him to continue driving his hips upward on his own. The natural curvature of his manhood and its tendency to point up caused it to miss the targeted orifice between Isolda's velvety folds, and the underside of his shaft wound up sliding along her exterior, hugged by her pussy lips as it went on, and even stimulating her clit for a short while. A few more thrusts made in vain were made, thanks to his body's tendencies, before Ciran realized what she was doing, and he slowed to a stop, flushed and gasping for air. "Hahh... hahh... I-I was really going to... nnngh!"

A mix of both relief and disappointment swept over the man, the latter formed from his body's mild yet constant nagging of him to achieve sweet release, with the former resulting from the knowledge that he would get to enjoy this gorgeous yet mysterious woman's company for just a little while longer. However, this state wouldn't last long, not after Isolda began to move once again, right after Ciran felt that he finally had a handle on his excitement level. Each full descent she made onto his cock, pushing him down to the hilt, prompted a loud gasp to escape from between his lips, his reactions strong enough to have broken the kiss occasionally as the sexy quarter-demon had her way with him. If Isolda was looking for a strong physical response to the teasing, she certainly found it, displayed most prominently in the locksmith's features. His mouth hung wide open, free for her to take advantage of if she wished, and he'd make half-cultivated attempts to return it, despite the nearly overwhelming sensation of denial and pleasure she brought onto him in this little game. Ciran found himself nearly overcome with a powerful blend of torture and sensual indulgence, not terribly unlike what some of the swordswoman's Voidic relatives inflicted upon their human victims. Worse for him, this felt much longer than it actually was; as when one is utterly exhausted and at their limit, seconds felt like minutes, and minutes like hours to the writhing man. When she whispered into his ear, almost taunting him with the suggestion of what she could make him do, he replied, "A-Aagh, I-I... I've been saving up for two weeks! But... you mean... you'd let me?"

Provided, he had a general idea from the way she moved her hips earlier, though Ciran couldn't help but attempt to verbally confirm it. After all, with the woman implying that she would let him, and even enjoy the feeling of such a thing happening, this nearly drove the artisan into a lustful frenzy. He found himself wanting nothing more than to grab her waist, flip her over and drive himself into her with all his might and haste, then cum inside of her until he had not a single drop left to give. However, he was ultimately unable to, especially with the powerful beauty's hold upon both his wrists. With no choice but to remain subject to her whims, the man simply groaned rhythmically, wincing and making futile attempts to bump his hips upward as she toyed with him.

When the knock was heard upon the door, Ciran was still lost in this state, not having realized exactly what was going on until the newcomer had shut the door after slipping inside the room. The barmaid herself, pretty by any standards, exhibited a more easygoing expression after taking note of Isolda's welcoming demeanor, dropping the nervous tone rather quickly as she began to undress. "Sorry for the late arrival! But I'll make up for it somehow, I promise," she said with a wink. "I'm Samia."

With the brief introductions out of the way, the girl walked over to where the white-haired beauty directed her to, and began to strip, first sliding off one strap of her dress, then the other, baring her shoulders while keeping a sultry gaze at the two the entire time. The tavern girl had clearly found herself aroused by the show Isolda provided to her, as could be seen from her erect nipples when she slid the top part of her dress down, revealing to them her lovely, C-cup breasts that popped out and bounced lightly once freed of their fabric restraints. Soon enough, she followed suit with her panties, gradually working them down her smooth, shapely legs and then stepping out of them one foot at a time, followed by tossing the damp underwear in their direction afterwards. As the rest of her clothes fell to the floor around her ankles, both Isolda and Ciran could see that the redhead boasted a somewhat lithe form, slightly tanned but quite statuesque in its own way.

"Isolda, nice to meet you," she replied cheerfully. "I've never come across anyone like you in the Wandering Lady before, but... wow. If you two were doing it since you went upstairs, then at least you found a guy with stamina, huh? A locksmith... I see he's figured out how your lock works. Hopefully he can figure out mine, too~" The lass giggled, watching Ciran struggle to hold off as the part-Voidic woman rode him. She began to play with herself as they went on, moving a hand over her own bosom while the other wandered down between her legs, hoping to find some enjoyment after a long day's work. The locksmith himself had somehow managed to hold off, perhaps spurred on by the thought of also being able to have a chance at the new arrival, but not before practically begging the one mounting him.

"I-Isolda... please, I'd... like to hold off... a little longer...nngh..." Luckily for him, the man had asked not long before the well-endowed vixen decided to climb off of him anyway and turn her attentions to the enchanting redhead waiting on the side. When she did, he heaved a deep sigh of relief, placing an arm over his eyes while recovering. His cock, now glistening with Isolda's own juices, still stood upright, some additional precum dribbling from its tip.

While Ciran used the opportunity to catch his breath, Samia eagerly joined Isolda in the passionate embrace, certainly not shy at this point to return the favor, the barmaid's erect nipples grinding against those of the bustier girl as she squished their bosoms together, and her hands going straight to Isolda's tush, testing its firmness while she allowed their tongues to mingle with one another. Taking it a step further, she slid one leg in between the traveler's thighs, in a bold attempt to test her wetness, and was not disappointed. If Isolda's goal was to arouse the red-haired beauty, that was quickly accomplished when she let her know just how wet she was, the feelings of sympathy or something like it having done just enough to bring Samia to the next stage of arousal. She playfully went along with the swordswoman's guidance, moving right in to tease Ciran's cock as if it were something that came naturally to her.

The lightly tanned beauty made sure not to take his member in completely, instead focusing most of her attentions on sharing a tender, passionate kiss with Isolda, and occasionally teasing about the rim of the man's head whenever the white-haired one descended upon his balls, alternating her treatment to make sure that both top and bottom sections of the locksmith's staff were covered. Ciran released a loud groan at this, his throbbing manhood starting to twitch in reaction to the wonderful sensations showered upon it by both women. "Ohhhh... by Erion, I think I could die happy right about now..."

Samia giggled at this, replying, "None of that, now! You've already come this far." Though diligent, the other girl's ministrations would pause momentarily, as Samia released a gasp and a cry of pleasure when Isolda's smooth digits found her womanhood, particularly upon that now prominent clit of hers. "Oooooh... gods, right there! Hnn, you think I'm just gonna let you... Ah! Mmm, how about you, huh? Uhhnn...!" Urgently, she sought to return the favor, zealously massaging at Isolda's sizeable globes, then gliding a hand downwards to provide some mutual pleasure by jilling her off as well, the pad of her thumb settling on the other girl's clit while her middle finger slowly ventured between those slick folds, curving inward and circling about in order to search around for that vaguely familiar spot.

Even when Isolda turned her attentions to getting Ciran off, Samia joined in happily, pressing her own bust against the other girl's and steadily shifting herself up and down to assist in the task of taking the lucky fellow to cloud nine.


She returned a few sloppy kisses in the meanwhile, but having figured that the swordswoman was now mainly determined to make the man cum, she simply grinned and continued on. Ciran himself could no longer take it anymore, initially turning his head from side to side while simply writhing in pleasure, feeling his inner workings accelerating. The feeling of his manhood squeezed tightly from four corners between those fleshy mounds, a specially made pussy just for him alone in this moment, provided a special kind of heaven for the everyday artisan. Samia winked at Isolda, soon tilting her head down towards the cockhead in front of her with a giddy expression, looking very excited in her anticipation of its final eruption. When Ciran lifted his head to take in the most arousing sight of the two girls cooperating for his sake, it was just too much at that point, and judging from the way he was elevating his hips, faster, and faster still, his entire body trembling, it was clear that the smith had finally reached his limit, however impressive it proved to be. "Isolda, Samia... I-I can't... Aaagghh.... HNNNNGH! HRRRRNNNGH! Hahhhhh! Hnnnnnn! Hahhh... aaaahhhghh..."

Thick, gooey ropes of the man's spunk suddenly shot straight up, soon finding their way down and splattering onto both girls' chests and collarbones, with some stray shots hitting parts of their faces as well. As he came, Ciran couldn't help but shudder violently, causing his load to squirt from side to side, first granting Samia a nice dose of the viscous liquid, then blasting Isolda upon her pretty visage with his potent seed. He released spurt after spurt of his saved-up goodness for quite some time, thanks to the peppy redhead taking the initiative to grab Isolda by the shoulders, pressing the girls together nice and tight, and bouncing up and down as if to milk his cock for the entirety of its contents. Samia even leaned forward to steal another deep, open-mouthed kiss with the other woman while the last few streams of Ciran's gift shot up against their chins and lips, proceeding with the sexy gesture even after the man had finally finished. The mildly salty taste of his seed wasn't something she particularly loved, but sharing it with the stunning white-haired woman in front of her made it far more tolerable than it may have been otherwise.

"Huhhhnn... uuuh," grunted the brown-haired fellow, the rest of his body practically going limp after having spent itself in such a fashion. Samia was far from sexually sated, however, and soon threw herself upon Isolda after the fact, making use of the free space near the head of the bed to further enjoy this beautiful wanderer's company. She started by engaging her in a series of small, tender, yet hasty kisses, following up by planting a trail of those down the white-haired vixen's neck, collarbone, and working her way down her midline until she reached the space between her navel and womanhood, nipping at it ever so lightly, then teasingly pressed her puckered lips against the general area of her clit. The spunky redhead's tongue would then slide out to take nice, even strokes upon the other girl's flower, running up and down the full length of those swollen, sensitive petals.

She continued like this for a while, making sure to get Isolda nice and built up even further before slipping a digit inside to seek the voluptuous woman's G-spot, finding its bumpy surface with less difficulty this time, as apparently the redhead had bothered to remember the exact feel of it on this particular model. Firmly pressing the pad of her wet finger upon it, she began to wiggle against it vigorously, back and forth, licking around the edges of Isolda's exterior as she went on, then pushing back the hood of the other girl's clit with the tip of her tongue before treating it to a nice good rubbing with her other hand. Samia didn't let up for a moment once she had established this setup, now determined to take the Void-born beauty to the peak of bliss in her own way, and actually refused to budge until she came. After Isolda had fully ridden out the entire duration of her orgasm, the firey-haired barmaid crawled back up on top of her to grant her a wet, sloppy kiss tasting of her own juices. "Mmm, how do you like that?"

By this time, Ciran had recovered, finding himself amazingly erect again thanks to the grand show that the two beauties had put on for him, and slowly sat up, looking at them both with hopeful eyes. "Oh, back up again already, huh? Well... I guess you should put that to use," cooed Samia suggestively, shifting both her and Isolda so that their legs dangled off the side of the bed, and bending over for the locksmith, who hurriedly took a position behind her. With Isolda on her back and Samia laying prone on top of her, the locksmith was free to take his pick.


He started with the teasing of both, to which the redhead had no objections. She spread her legs, pressing the front of her body tightly against Isolda's and kissing her once more as Ciran slid his meaty shaft in between the girls' flowers, missing their respective openings narrowly but instead finding the gap that the beauties made with their bodies, each side of his cock stimulating both of their clits as it traveled back and forth. Samia pushed her lower half closer to Isolda's in an attempt to make the improvised hole even more narrow for the lucky bloke's benefit, but he wound up drawing himself back not long afterwards and easing himself forward into the redhead, instead, to which she replied with a loud moan. "Oooooooohhhh.... oh, yes... Give it to me!"


Not even needing her command at that point, Ciran began to ram his hips firmly into hers, his skilled movements causing the crimson-haired beauty to cry out in pleasure, clinging to Isolda tightly to brace herself from the nigh-unbearable sensations that came over her. Apparently, she looked to be about as pent-up as the quarter-demon herself, moaning loudly and at one point, fighting the temptation to bite into Isolda's shoulder to prevent herself from screaming out loudly. "Mmmrrrrrppppfff! Uuuuuu... ooooohh, hnnnnnn!"

A rapid, wet slapping sound was made from the repeated impact of their lovemaking, and with the way the girls were positioned, the quarter-demoness would be able to feel Ciran's balls slapping against the exterior of her own pussy, further teasing her in that manner along with figuring that the girl atop her was probably getting the hammering of a lifetime. Isolda wouldn't be left waiting for too long, however, as the locksmith pulled out of Samia's sopping wet cunt to switch the target of his thrusts to the white-haired woman's dripping orifice, filling her pussy with his length once again while heaving a deep sigh. Now free to go at his own pace, the way he wanted to when the busty swordswoman was denying him orgasm, Ciran sought a bit of reciprocation by accelerating to full force over the course of a minute, and before long his movements were brought to a fever pitch, the brown-haired artisan panting and dripping sweat from his chin as he took it to her, pushing himself down to the hilt with each thrust, with the familiar feeling building up once again. "I-Isolda... you said you wanted to feel it inside... g-guh... I'm cumming a..again... ah... hahh... hrrrnnngh....!"

She had a matter of seconds to make a protest against this, if she had any.
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

"Oh don't fret over it sweet Samia~ I'm sure we've both got plenty of steam left between us to see that you have plenty of fun!" Isolda replied with a smirk at Samia's apologies, and then began her riding of Ciran's manhood in earnest. The hungry look on her face never left the redhead's revealed form, taking in every delicious inch of it as she worked her dripping sex over the locksmith's manhood with ever more increasing passion. Watching her undress had been a treat in itself, and Isolda had gleefully used Ciran's cock to amplify her enjoyment of it without much regard for how much she was testing the limits of his endurance, which he thankfully warned her of well before she reached past them.

Later, Isolda giggled softly along with Samia at Ciran's proclamation as they were both working their mouth's over his shaft together, and as Samia answered him she took the opportunity to lick his rod all the way from the base to the tip, which she took into her mouth and sucked on momentarily while letting out a pleased murmur. She paused and looked straight into the man's eyes, her mouth lowering slightly to take in the first inch or so at a devilishly slow pace while her tongue flicked back and forth over the sensitive area just below the head. She held that post for a few heartbeats, her tongue slowly increasing the pace of its flicks against the sensitive underside of the locksmith's manhood while her mouth edged downwards, but before she'd got another inch down she stopped and pulled back, his member coming from of her warm orifice with an audible pop. Isolda smiled impishly for a moment before giving Ciran's member another kiss, but at that point she was distracted from her ministrations upon the man by the lovely redhead across from her.

The voidborn woman moaned softly at the lithe redhead's attentions upon her breasts, the vibration passing into Ciran's cock through the kiss that she shared over it with Samia, and those lewd noises only increased when one deft hand moved from her full breasts to her dripping sex. "Hnn! You're quite talented, aren't you! Hah... I wouldn't dream of trying to get away with anything~" she replied to the other woman's words when she had started her own attentions upon the redhead's body. There was no loss of intensity in Isolda's assault upon her body despite the pleasure she was being granted; if anything, the fingers she'd sent to pleasure Samia moved even faster and more dextrously than before as the woman returned her pleasurable gesture, particularly when Samia's fingers slipped into her pussy and sought out her most sensitive spot. The first touch against her g-spot caused Isolda to squirm and scream with pleasure, though afterwards she managed to exhibit more control despite the work of Samia's fingers.

Only when it was time for them to finish Ciran did Isolda pull her hands away from Samia's wonderful form, and even then only reluctantly. She smirked right back at the woman as she joined in, pressing her own modest but still wonderfully soft bosom against Isolda's as they worked together to please the pleasure-drunk locksmith. She shared in the wet kisses that Samia offered for as long as she offered them, but when it came time to do so Isolda parted with her and turned her head downwards, her mouth opening and her tongue lolling out, not quite long enough to reach the head of Ciran's manhood where it rested between their cleavage but close to it. The sensation of Ciran's manhood throbbing between their breasts and of her nipples rubbing so energetically against Samia's while they both worked to pleasure him to climax was almost too much for Isolda. She let out a low moan at his declaration, and at the same time a fantasy almost identical to one that he'd had earlier played through her head, of the man spasming and squirming beneath her flipping her onto her back and sliding his length into her sex, and pounding into her depths before he emptied himself of every drop....

This fantasy didn't keep Isolda from enjoying the climax that she had helped to inspire, however, as her moans continued, coming in time with every eruption of Ciran's jumping cock. At the same time that Samia grabbed her shoulders, Isolda grabbed her hips, and she worked in sync with the redhead to bounce her soft chest up and down over his rod while squeezing it tightly between them, creating a soft passageway that Ciran could use to reach his contentment. Despite the thick, salty taste, Isolda lapped up every drop of Ciran's essence that she could get, intermittently swallowing some of it whenever enough accrued in her mouth, and took much more upon her face before Samia joined her in a kiss to receive the last few spurts of his wonderfully thick seed over their chins and their joined lips. All the while, Isolda reveled in the sensation of being coated with his cum, the plainly incredible release he sent forth having given the both of them quite a covering. She danced her cum coated tongue with Samia's for as long as the redhead held the kiss, and afterwards she turned toward Ciran and once more gazed into his eyes, her mouth half open to give him a view of her tongue playing with his messy gift before she swallowed it all down with an audible gulp. She might like to be pleased, but Isolda liked to please almost as much~

Of course, when Samia pounced on her and drew her up to the head of the bed, Isolda was utterly compliant with that woman's actions. She returned the light kisses with tiny moans, practically begging for something more intimate as her hands roamed over Samia's perfectly formed chest, though the wanderer couldn't help but feel momentarily disappointed as Samia pulled away and trailed kisses down her body, particularly when she passed by Isolda's breasts. Of course, that disappointment didn't last long in the face of her fairly clear destination. The first kiss against the area of Isolda's clit caused the warrior to bite her lip in anticipation, her eyes wide as her hands moved to the peaks of her own breasts, which she began to play with somewhat roughly while Samia moved to start her attentions in full.

From the moment that Samia's tongue first flicked against her petals Isolda was in heaven, her body shuddering as she moaned loudly under the other woman's attentions. Eventually one of her hands would move from her breasts to the top of Samia's head, entwining itself affectionately within her beautiful crimson hair while softly holding her in place and adding additional urges to continue. Though the attention lavished upon her engorged petals was wonderful in its own right, Isolda didn't have time to complain about the end of it as Samia slid a finger into her sex, easily finding the rough sensitive patch within and rubbing against it in a manner that caused Isolda's lewd moan to rise in both intensity and volume. "Oh fff...... Hah! Ohyes.... Like that...." she blustered passionately, her hips beginning to roll without her giving them any direction to do so in order to increase the pressure against that most pleasurable spot within her sex.

The continued licking of her petals, though somewhat awkward with one of her hands in the way, was merely icing on the cake as the tension in Isolda's body rose, pressure gathering inside of her under Samia's dedicated and skillful ministrations. "Oh fff... Oh fff... Oh gods... Oh Samia...." she murmured over and over again, and when the redhead licked the hood of her sensitive clitty and exposed it for her other hand to rub it proved too much for the white haired wanderer. Isolda went into a frenzy, her moans reduced to one long whine of sexual tension as her grip on Samia's head tightened and she pressed her sex harder against the woman's mouth and hands. "Oh ffff... Yes..... Yes.....Yes... Oh... Samia... Oh fff.... Yes..." she grunted breathlessly as the tension mounting in her belly became almost unbearable, until finally....

"Oh ffff... Oh fff... Yes... Of fuck... Oh fuckk,...... Yesyesyesyesyes Ahhhh!!!!!!" Isolda's voice rose with every word until she finally screamed wordlessly for all in the tavern to hear, the scream accompanying a climax every bit as powerful as the one she'd received while riding Ciran earlier if not even more so! Isolda's juices squirted out of her sex in a powerful explosion, and her body rocked powerfully under climactic spasms as she came all over Samia's face and tongue, making almost as big a mess on the redhead's pretty face as Ciran had mere moments ago. Isolda's orgasm seemed to last forever, at least to her, and outwardly it did last for almost a full half minute before she dropped back down onto the bed with a thump, occasional shudders still going through her as she heaved in breath after strangled breath, more starved for air in those moments than she had been even after the battle that had almost claimed her life in the snows of the land in which she'd been born, all those years ago.

When Samia moved up and planted a kiss on her lips, the white haired woman grabbed her by the back of her head once again and pulled her in tighter, her tongue exploring every inch of Samia's mouth with desperate passion. When that nearly savage kiss was ended a few moments later, a still breathless Isolda replied, "That was wonderful! But don't you even think that you're getting away without giving me a chance to return the favor~!"

Before such an opportunity could be reached, however, Isolda turned to see Ciran standing miraculously fully erect once again, and she grinned coyly and offered no resistance as Samia repositioned the both of them. Then, lying beneath the redhead while Ciran took up a position behind her, leaving him to choose who's folds to play with first. Though she couldn't help but be mildly disappointed in his choice, Isolda certainly wasn't surprised and didn't let it bother her when the locksmith decided to sample Samia's delights rather than hers. After the redhead had issued her command to the workman, one that he seemed all too happy to obey, Isolda pulled the woman into a brief but passionate kiss while her hands moved to just below Samia's hips. Squeezing her pleasantly soft buttocks, as Ciran pounding into her and caused the one that she wasn't maintaining a grip on to bounce and jiggle wildly for the artisan's viewing pleasure. Her mouth, meanwhile found the tip of one of Samia's breasts and kissed it softly, letting her tongue slip out of her mouth and give it a few light licks before her lips closed over it and she began to suck and nibble on it, careful not to risk causing her any pain through Ciran's wild thrusts.

All in all, watching Ciran pound into Samia from behind proved to be an incredibly arousing sight, particularly when she could not only see and hear their lewd dance, but actually feel the aftershocks of it from such a wonderful angle. Though Truthfully, Isolda had expected Ciran to finish himself again with the redhead, and as such the feel of his engorged cockhead pressing against her folds, still slick with Samia's juices, came as something of a surprise to her. A pleasant surprise though, as Isolda moaned lewdly and echoed the barmaid's earlier sentiments regarding being penetrated, "Yessss! Give it to me!"

There was little she could do after that but replicate what Samia had done before her, and clutch at the woman beside her as Ciran's quick and powerful thrusting caused her to moan in pleasure, the stimulation after watching him and Samia together enough to cause the pressure of impending orgasm to rise within her incredibly quickly. Long lewd moans accompanied every thrust as her hands roamed all over Samia's body, clutching at her at odd intervals and giving her a taste of the delightful sight that Isolda had been witness to when it had been her receiving the pounding. Ciran's announcement was met with a somewhat louder and deeper moan than any before, some primal instinct within her taking hold and causing her to pull her ankles over his hips, pulling him into her more deeply as she felt him throbbing on the verge of release, giving him as clear a consent to attempting to inseminate her as could be given while she was in such a lustful state.

Isolda waited with bated breath, her body tensing and shaking reflexively as she awaited the intoxicating feeling of the man's semen being poured into her fertile depths. She didn't have to wait long, and as the first stream of Ciran's release found its way into her Isolda's own orgasm began, the iron hard, throbbing length buried inside of her immediately being squeezed tightly by her spasming inner walls. Her eyes once more rolling up into the back of her head, Isolda held Samia tightly against herself as she came around Ciran's cock, her head pressed against the other woman's shoulder. Every drop of essence that he might have remaining, her slick folds attempted to milk directly out of him to feed the burning need in her belly, a fire that could only be quenched by the burning hot cum that spewed into her. Only when Ciran had emptied himself into her would the wanderer finally relax.

Once more, Isolda laid on her back on the bed, practically comatose for a few brief moments while she recovered from her world-shattering orgasm, her third that night. 'I was way too pent up... Can't let that happen again.... Gods he filled me so much.... He really was pent up....' were only a few of the thoughts filtering through Isolda's mind as she recovered from her and Ciran's joined orgasm, something she hadn't enjoyed in a very long time as well. "You still had so much~ Even after we made you cum like that earlier~ You poor thing~" she whimpered feebly as she gazed over at Ciran, or where she assumed that Ciran was if he'd collapsed after cumming once again, and she awaited some sort of response to ensure that he was still conscious (and alive.)

Only when she was sure of Ciran's state, which hopefully would not necessitate moving Samia but which Isolda would do if she had to, would the white haired wanderer turn her attentions fully and exclusively upon the redhead. It was time for Samia to receive her just desserts! "Now, my sweet~" Isolda cooed softly, "I think that it's your turn to reach full satisfaction!"

With that, Isolda pounced, softly but firmly handling Samia so that she laid on her back with Isolda on her knees over her. She gave the redheaded barmaid one long kiss on her mouth, her tongue assaulting Samia's aggressively and giving her a taste of what she was in for in a few mere moments. Breaking the kiss and giving Samia a smoulderingly sensual look, Isolda trailed kisses down her front, pausing briefly to suckle on each breast in turn before going down to the girl's navel. Another pause, in which Isolda nibbled on the soft flesh just above Samia's hip, and then curving her trail downwards towards the girl's mound. Isolda pulled just far enough away that her lips weren't touching any part of Samia, but remained close enough that the woman could feel their skin hovering just barely apart, and could feel her hot breath over her sensitive jewel as she slowly positioned herself.

When she dove forward, the only warning Samia had was a sharp intake of Isolda's breath, and then the warrior woman's tongue was past Samia's folds and inside of her, reaching deep enough to flick against the woman's g-spot before she withdrew back to her outer lips, which Isolda licked and kissed for several long moments before she got her real target, which she had passed over in order to get here. "Here it comes~" Isolda whispered breathlessly just before she began to pleasure Samia in earnest. Her lips sealed over the redhead's engorged clitoris, and begun to suck and draw upon it powerfully enough to make it incredible but not enough to cause any pain. She added her tongue to the mix mere seconds later, flicking back and forth, up and down, dancing over its surface vigorously. Placing her hands upon Samia's hips, Isolda held the other woman in place with her indomitable strength as she sucked and licked at the redhead's sensitive jewel, never letting up no matter how she squealed or squirmed under her attentions. It was almost like the opposite of what she'd done to Ciran earlier, as she sought to force the woman to reach climax not once, but twice in as short a time as possible.

Only then did Isolda give Samia a brief reprieve... But only a brief one as she gazed up at the orgasm-stunned redhead with a lustful spark still present in her dark eyes. She took the opportunity present to climb forward onto the bed, laying soft kisses on Samia's front up until she reached the woman's breasts, where she stopped to treat one of her nipples to the same treatment that Isolda had been subjecting to her clitoris until a moment ago. She only permitted Samia a second or two to bask in the aftershocks before her true purpose became apparent, as she slipped two fingers into her dripping sex and started pumping them into her rhythmically. She kept up a slow pace only long enough to find Samia's g-spot, and after that she began pumping into her rapidly while also squirming her fingers, doubling the pressure applied with every thrust. Before too long a third finger was added, and Isolda worked her arm tirelessly, going faster and faster progressively until she felt Samia tense beneath her one last time, and cum on her hand as she had one her tongue.

(Please..... Oh god... No more.... Walls.... x.x )
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Ohhh, a-ah, I-I will! Hfff... h-oohhh..." As he felt Isolda's ankles locking around his waist, Ciran's face contorted into the perfect picture of bliss, as he was filled with the joy of simply knowing that he could let it all go within a matter of seconds. Isolda may not have seen this, however, with Samia's pretty visage likely blocking her view, but she could certainly tell from the sounds the smith was making that her simple affirmation brought a special kind of happiness to the man unique amongst any other in his lifetime. Not only that, she could feel it in Ciran's movements as well, his bodily warmth practically radiating from every square inch of his sweaty, rapidly moving frame, though that would still pale in comparison to the intense burst of heat that the swordswoman would soon feel erupting right at the entrance to her womb, as her own incredibly tight pussy proved too much for the artisan to handle--not that he wasn't going to cum anyway, at this rate.

"Hahh...! Huhhnnn! Uuuhhh! HNNNNGH!" Ciran grunted as each hot spurt of his thick spunk sloshed against Isolda's inner walls, warming her pelvic region from the inside. He kept thrusting the entire time, regardless, letting it all pool up deep within while his continuous, fervent strokes, with it gradually being taken in by her thirsty cervix. "Uuugh, Isolda, y-you feel so good inside! I can't stop cumming! I don't want to stop! Take it all in!"


The wanderer's own orgasm, going off in time with his own, only helped to further facilitate her deep insemination as her vaginal spasms continued to squeeze out more than Ciran ever thought he had left in reserve. Not only that, the dramatic pulsing and throbbing of his member could be felt pushing back against her inner walls while she milked him for all he had--which was quite a lot, considering how backed up the man was. "Oooooooohhhh..." Slowly grinding his hips against hers, the locksmith happily obliged the white-haired woman's apparent wishes to draw out every last drop of seed from him in return, as he would naturally have no objections to mixing his genes in with that of the rare beauty's, if it ever came to that.

With her legs wrapped around him, Isolda could feel the man's body tensing, his glutes clenching, muscles all over straining to flood her interior with as much as of its milky gift as possible, although she was truthfully filled quite thoroughly at this point. Finally spending his remaining stores, Ciran let out a deep sigh, and lingered inside of her for just a few seconds more before pulling out slowly, prompting a flow of the viscous, white liquid to dribble down from her sopping cunny only to collect in a small pool on the bedsheets.


Collapsing on the bed next to her, he could only respond to her statement of pity with a weak smile, as his frame had likely been pushed to its limits thanks to her and Samia's combined efforts.

The red-haired vixen was not one to complain to Isolda's proposal, and she gladly let the taller girl guide her into the desired position, soon returning the passionate kiss with equal if not greater zeal, hungrily mirroring the other girl's motions and then some. Feeling the Voidic beauty's busty, voluptuous frame writhing and bucking beneath hers when Ciran was having the time of his life had turned Samia on now more than ever, and she was inwardly thankful for Isolda's resolve to indulge her further at this point--it didn't even matter whether she came or not, the barmaid simply wanted the sensual event to keep going, with or without the exhausted locksmith. And so it did, much to her delight, as she watched the enigmatic woman descend upon her frame after breaking the kiss, planting those skilled kisses down her chest. Rolling her head slowly, Samia cooed with pleasure when Isolda sucked at each of her nipples, even for just as briefly as she did, as those nubs were already hardened, but remained ever so sensitive nonetheless. "Aa-aah... gawd, you're really good at this!"

By the time the wanderer reached Samia's glistening mound, she was already quivering with anticipation, her womanhood already wet and primed thanks to having accommodated Ciran's cock just earlier. Even the softest breath against her flower caused the redhead's hips to gradually elevate, her back arching ever so slightly, and she would hold this position for just a few seconds before lowering back down again. When Isolda began to lick away at her pussy, Samia had to fight not to suddenly smack the swordswoman's head from both sides with her inner thighs, as her body had plans of its own in terms of reacting to the other girl's skilled ministrations. Her G-spot was sensitive indeed, as proven by the dramatic wincing and gasping exhibited by the lovely waitress, but it was the special attentions paid to her pink little pearl that got her really going, and she would desperately grab onto the other girl's hand, her head, the sheets... anything, just to brace herself against the inexorable tide of pleasure that came washing over her entire frame. And she was helpless to prevent any of that extraordinary feeling, since Isolda had her practically pinned in place with little choice but to just take it. Rapidly blurting out all sorts of nonsensical expressions of pure bliss, Samia pushed that pretty pussy of hers ever tighter against Isolda's mouth, her level of pleasure escalating at alarming rates until she finally released a loud scream, in an attempt to sublimate some of the overwhelming sensation that came jolting through her body. "Ohgodd, I... d-don't stop... oooh, ooooohhhh, fff...hnnn, ohfuckI'm cummingI'mcummingI'mcummingI'mcummingI'MCUMMINGGGGG!! AAAAHHHHHH~!!!"

And at that very moment, with her skin flushed, eyes fluttered half-closed and her lips parted ever slightly, the tan-skinned beauty came, and did so in a most memorable fashion. It was then that Isolda would find out first-hand that the redhead was a squirter, and Samia proceeded to grant her something akin to a female facial as her secretions sprayed out onto the pale woman's face, leaving that gorgeous visage practically shining with her literal wetness. Her honey gushed out lewdly to reward Isolda for her efforts, as if the busty vixen had tapped into a line of precious liquid, only to have it come bursting out as one might expect it to. Far too caught up in her own happy place, Samia wouldn't be apologetic about it until after the fact, when she saw what she did to the one servicing her, that is, after coming down off the high of her most recent orgasm. Still a tad dizzy from it all, she managed a sheepish grin while running a hand through Isolda's hair lovingly. "Aheheh... s-sorry about that..."

Samia was under the impression that it was all over--and she was quite satisfied, indeed. It wasn't until the quarter-demon crawled up onto her and proceeded to treat her ample bosom to a most familiar kind of heavenly treatment that the firey-haired vixen would open her mouth once more. "W-Wait, you're still... ah! Ooooh... a-again?!" As she felt the digits slipping into her pussy, the initial reaction was one of surprise, though her shocked gasps soon turned to those familiar moans of pleasure, and she immediately clutched tightly at Isolda's shoulders, digging her nails into the milky flesh as she found herself speeding towards yet another climax. "Ohhh, g-gosh you're so... Ah! Aahnn! Ahh!... I-I can't... I can't hohh... aahhh... aah-NNN! MMMM~!" With her bumpy sweet spot being stimulated in such a fashion, Samia found herself cumming not once, but twice more, thoroughly soaking Isolda's hand with her secretions. By the time she had finished with the dual orgasms, the barmaid was a complete mess--her nether regions dripping with her own juices, hair disheveled, chest heaving, and the strength to speak having partially left her. The only audible sound coming from between Samia's lips were shallow pants, though she did weakly find Isolda in a thankful embrace of sorts.

The sweet girl curled and snuggled up close to the wanderer, content to relax in the afterglow. When she finally had the ability to speak, perhaps just a minute or so later, she mumbled, "Mm... I think I'm just gonna crash here for just a little... bit..."

And with that, she was asleep. At this point, Isolda could cuddle with either one and get some rest as well until morning, or do any number of other things while Ciran and Samia slumbered peacefully.
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

When Samia suddenly and violently exploded all over Isolda's face during her climax, making her almost as much of a mess as Ciran had not too long ago, the quarter-demoness merely giggled for a moment before lapping up the girl's sweet juices. She found it more amusing than anything else, and Isolda merely giggled again and nuzzled her head lightly into the redhead's hand. "Oh it's quite alright dear, I like it when my partners are a little messy~" Of course, the wanderer ensured that Samia made even more of a mess by way of her handiwork, and as the redhead clutched at her and almost immediately passed out, she couldn't help but giggle one last time. "Goodnight Samia~" she said quietly, but Isolda didn't go to sleep herself.

She had never been one to cuddle much afterwards, and this position was naturally uncomfortable for her. As such, once she was sure that Samia was sound asleep, Isolda gently wriggled her way out of the barmaid's embrace and then stepped off of the bed. Delicately making her way to the nearest chair or onto the floor if one wasn't available, Isolda slumped into it with a tired but not contented sigh. With both of her partners now out cold, Isolda knew she'd have to finish herself off or risk starting off the morning already pent up, though she could hardly blame either of them for that. Both of them had certainly been wonderful, but as yet Isolda had never met anyone that could compete with her in terms of sexual endurance, not even the two with whom she'd shared her first sexual encounters.

Isolda slipped two fingers into her sex without preamble, which was still gooey from the mix of her own juices and Ciran's copious load of cum. Letting out a soft sigh that became a gasp of pleasure as she quickly found her own g-spot, Isolda began to pump her fingers into her sex while rubbing her palm against her clitoris, the motion practiced and skillful. She'd had to do it quite a bit recently, after all, but she found it to be far more enjoyable when she was basking in the afterglow of the real thing. After a few quick thrusts of her fingers she brought her other hand up to the tip of one of her breasts, which she tweaked and twisted roughly in order to add further pleasure to the onslaught that she was inflicting on herself. What followed was a long string of a half dozen or so climaxes all brought on by Isolda herself, none of them as strong as the ones that Ciran or Samia had inspired but still enjoyable in and of themselves. A quiet schlicking sound and her soft gasps and occasional moans became the only sounds in the room as the white haired wanderer spread her legs and finger-fucked herself until she was finally content with the amount of pleasure she'd gone through.

By the time she was finished, Isolda' crotch was a total mess, her own juices mixed with the leftover's of Ciran's semen, now almost as clear as her own cum, having sprayed all over the place whenever her sex had tightened around her fingers. Her chest was also covered in a good amount of her milk thanks to what she'd done to her breast, though she had only toyed with one of them. After a few moments to recover, Isolda withdrew her fingers from her pussy at last and glanced at them. A string of Ciran's semen was stretched between them, and for the first time she was slightly regretful that she had allowed the locksmith to cum inside of her, something that she was normally careful to avoid. 'I could be pregnant with his child right now....' she thought silently to herself, and though Ciran himself wasn't too bad a man as far she could tell, the idea of becoming pregnant repulsed the wanderer.

Resolving to see that she didn't end up with a big belly, Isolda climbed into bed, repositioning her two new lovers if she had to so that she could be near to both of them at once, and then pulled the covers over all three of them and gradually drifted off to sleep herself....


When morning came, Isolda was the first to wake. She was always up with the dawn if not beforehand, and even if she couldn't see the sun itself her internal clock awakened her automatically. Feeling herself sandwiched between Ciran and Samia very nearly made her go right back to sleep, and for a few brief moments Isolda wore a contented smile on her face and simply rested. The feel of Ciran's manhood resting against one of her thighs, however, caused Isolda to smirk knowingly. Despite the long lovemaking session and her masturabation afterwards, Isolda still felt some subtle tingles of lust, and after a moment her smile became mischievous.

Moving carefully so as not to awaken him prematurely, Isolda laid Ciran onto his back and gently slid out of Samia's embrace. Leaving the redhead covered, Isolda kissed Ciran's chest and started trailing downwards, pulling the covers aside as well until she reached his groin. The wanderer giggled once before giving it a kiss on its head, tasting the remains of her own juices as well as Samia's on his manhood. Taking it into her hand and gently stroking it, Isolda gently licked Ciran's cock all over, seeking to make it harden in her grasp. Only once it was erect did she seek to awaken the man that it was attached to, giving the sensitive head a few quick licks before blowing on it. Once he opened his eyes, Isolda giggled once again and said, "Good morning Ciran~"
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Finding a nearby wooden chair, Isolda was left to her own devices, able to finish herself off without any interruption as her two partners slumbered peacefully, one on each side of the bed. The only things she could hear were some audible breathing sounds coming from the pair, perhaps even some light snoring, but nothing even remotely capable of breaking her concentration and focus from the waves of pleasure rippling through her body once again. By the time she finished, the seat itself was covered in a mixture of her juices and Ciran's seed, which had pooled up at its edge.

As the white-haired wanderer had cleaned up and joined the crashed duo, she found a nice gap between them in which she could nestle herself in if she so chose, though Samia would, perhaps unconsciously, cling to her once she settled in. She was still asleep upon closer inspection, though the barmaid wore a worried look on her face as she wrapped her arms around Isolda. It wouldn't take much effort at all to pry her off if the warrior wasn't quite in the mood for snuggling, however.


Morning came, and a steady, drab shade of blue could be seen through the windows' thin curtains--it was likely cloudy from the looks of it, with the sun having just risen, although most of its rays were obscured by the floating white brumes. Isolda was naturally the first to rise, and she could see Samia curled up on her side while Ciran did similarly, both of them facing towards the pale woman as they snoozed. As the locksmith had managed to migrate closer to her during the night, she could feel his warm, mostly limp member upon her thigh, almost as if reminding her of its journey to her furthest reaches from just hours ago. Naturally, it grew difficult for the Voidic beauty to not do anything about this, and so she stealthily moved over, rolling him gently on to his back. The redhead nearby left out a soft coo but stayed fairly still otherwise, leaving Isolda free to do as she pleased. When she got to handling his manhood, granting it all sorts of wonderful attention from her tongue and hands, the skilled vixen would find that it hardened quickly and steadily in her grasp. Ciran stirred slightly and instinctively moved his wrist over his eyes, sighing deeply, but didn't seem to be fully awake just yet, which might have been for the better. Either way, his body itself was starting to boot up, and his cock eventually built itself up to the point of being rock-hard, even moreso than it was the night before. A single bead of precum had slowly emerged from its very tip, thanks to her eager ministrations, and with the continued stroking, it wasn't long before he finally woke, slowly prying his eyes open to the surprising, yet sexy sight of the busty wanderer orally pleasing him. "Uuuhhh... I... Isolda...?" Gasping, he appeared about as shocked as he sounded, his abs tensing as her eyes locked on his.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

It took Isolda a little bit longer than she'd originally intended to get Ciran into position, having allowed Samia to cuddle up against her if only to alleviate the trouble expression she'd seen on the sleeping woman after she'd climbed out of bed and thus woken up woven tightly in her embrace. The light coo that the redhead let out when she finally extricated herself wasn't enough to make Isolda come back, and she set about getting the sleeping locksmith into proper position so that she could enact her plan. And, as it turned out, the first phase turned out perfectly!

Isolda took the tip of Ciran's manhood into her warm mouth, giving a pleased murmur as the tongue-flick that she aimed over the tip collected the droplet of precum that had appeared on the tip of his rod while she maintained eye-contact with the freshly awakened man. Seeing him tense was delicious in and of itself, and her lips twisted into a smile even as she rubbed the head of his cock all over using her tongue. After she let out a slight giggle, Isolda lowered her mouth and took in the first few inches of his manhood, running her tongue along the sensitive underside with quick, rapid flicks. The white haired wandered bobbed up and down while the hand around his base stroked upwards for a short time, allowing Ciran to enjoy the stimulation while she herself reveled in the expressions and the subtle motions that her attentions were causing the locksmith to make.

She didn't go long enough to allow Ciran to cum, or even long enough to get him close, however, before she slowly drew her lips up along his length, her tongue slipping up and down sensually along the bottom of his manhood before she finally pulled her mouth off of the head with an audible pop. Giggling again, Isolda licked Ciran from balls to head in one slow pull before she began to slowly stroke him with one hand while she very quietly said; "Even after everything that we did last night, you're still so hard~ How many times am I going to have to make you cum before you're empty? You must really have been pent up!" She gave the head of his rod another kiss before allowing her tongue to come out and lap at the head and the underside, maintaining her upward gaze and keeping up her slow, soft, evenly spaced strokes.

"She really is adorable when she's sleeping... How much do you think we could get away with without waking her?" Isolda whispered during a brief pause in her ministrations as she jerked her head towards Samia, before she kissed her way down to his sack, which she licked lightly before taking one of his testicles into her mouth and sucking on it lightly for a moment, the pace of her strokes rising. "Could you fill up my mouth without moaning loud enough to wake her up?" the wanderer whispered before switching sides, licking and then sucking on Ciran's other swollen orb lightly as her hand motions became slower and the grip she held around his shaft strengthen. Isolda pulled away from his balls and licked her way up Ciran's shaft, dragging her tongue up along the whole of the underside of his rod before she took the whole thing into her mouth and gave it a few more enthusiastic bobs.

Pulling off of him once again with a soft gasp, Isolda gave the head of his cock another few hungry licks as she let out a series of soft mewls before going back to soft strokes and teasing with her mouth in more creative ways; "Or maybe you'd like to fuck me again? Hrm?" She took his head into her mouth again and began to suck on it, her tongue circling around it once, twice, three times before she popped off of his rod again and continued in a hoarse whisper; "I bet you'd like to bend me over... *kiss* Take me from behind, as hard as you wanted... *kiss, lick* You'd have to do something to keep me quiet, *lick, suck* Or you'd have me screaming..."

With that, Isolda dropped her head down until her lips were pressed against the base of Ciran's cock, his rod embedded deep into her throat, which once again squeezed and contracted around however much of him made it down there. Holding it by the base, Isolda remained like that for several seconds, her eyes closed as she let out soft choking noises and her tongue danced around whichever part of him it could get to. Even with her tolerance for pain, however, Isolda still needed to breath, and eventually she was forced to pull back and suck in a gasp of air. Of course, the very moment that she had drawn a breath she was back down, and this time she bobbed up and down, taking him from tip to base while leaving only enough room for her to squeeze his rod using her forefinger and thumb, the physical teasing momentarily ended in favor of providing as much pleasure as she possibly could as quickly as she could.

There was only one last pause in her oral assault upon her new lover, her mouth coming off of the tip of his rod with yet another audible pop. Rapid strokes using both of her hands kept Ciran on the pleasure high she'd been driving him gradually towards as she delivered her final statement before moving to finish the man; "You'd be able to do whatever you wanted... Cum wherever you wanted... All over my ass, or deep inside me again.... I'd love to feel another one of your eruptions inside me... It made me cum so hard..." With that, Isolda's mouth was back down on his member again, her eyes closing so that she could concentrate fully upon her ministrations.

Isolda was relentless. She was tireless. And, most of all, she was determined... And she would not be denied. Her eyes shut loosely, the white haired warrior bobbed her head up and down, her bottom wiggling back and forth in time with her head motions while her fingers tightened. Her free hand gently settled over his sack and began squeezing his tender orbs lightly, encouraging them to empty themselves under her pleasurable assault. There was no mercy to the likely ecstasy possessed locksmith, not even if his cries did indeed awaken Samia, as Isolda stroked, sucked, and bobbed on his rod until he could take no more! If he warned her verbally or after she'd swallowed the first wave of Ciran's eruption, Isolda pulled her head back up until only the tip remained in her mouth, allowing him to fill her oral cavity with his seed while her hand continued to stroke rapidly.

Opening her eyes so that she look at his face as he came, Isolda swallowed whenever the amount began to become more than she could keep in her mouth, not at all bothered by taste or texture as she greedily drank down the locksmith's essence. She hesitantly halted her stroking once Ciran had stopped giving her good spurts in order to pull her mouth off of his rod, opening it slightly to show the man his own milky gift. Her tongue flitted and danced around inside of her mouth, sloshing his thick seed around for him to see before she closed her lips and swallowed audibly, opening her mouth once again to show that all his sperm was gone before she took the head of his rod gently into her mouth and stroked out everything that he had left. Only after he had given up every drop for her to lick from the tip of his manhood or had started jumping painfully from her light licks, whichever came first, did Isolda finally release Ciran from the embrace of her mouth, smiling at him and observing the afterglow of her wake up call.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Ohhh, I-I...!" Ciran's drowsy face gradually took on the familiar signs of his arousal, though the man still had morning hair and all the other physical characteristics of someone who had just gotten up. Mentally, at least, Isolda had succeeded in jump-starting his senses with her bold actions, and the part of him that mattered was certainly 'awake', at the very least. The bit of lubricant that the locksmith's member leaked from its very tip tasted similar enough to his actual cum, bearing a hint of saltiness. It would still be worth it for the part-demonic beauty if she was still interested in teasing Ciran, however, as her gesture of licking it up and showing him caused the man to exhibit a most priceless expression. It was as if he was startled into that of a most lustful state, but one of his eyes were still half-closed and a bit of drool lingered from the corner of his mouth. "Hauuu... uuhn, w..." There lay a questioning look in his eyes, but he wasn't about to argue this most pleasant awakening.

"Ho-ohh... a-ah, Isolda, I didn't think you'd... NNNGH!" When the white-haired vixen gave him that first long lick from base to tip, he grunted just a little louder than what would probably keep Samia asleep. Luckily, she did, for now, only stirring slightly and exhaling softly, yet audibly. Ciran's green eyes darted over to her position for a moment, then back to Isolda's, and he showed her something of an apologetic grin before letting her continue, reducing his voice to a near-whisper. "I admit, I was backed up quite a bit, but you were able to draw out of me more than I--ah! ...Than I usually release, s-so... ahehe," he admitted between sharp gasps. Beads of sweat began to form at the edges of his brow, some dripping down his face, his body temperature raising from her skilled treatment alone.

"I-I... I could..." he responded to her following suggestions, the artisan's manhood twitching once his partner got around to sucking on one of his testicles. Isolda could feel his warm length pulsing steadily against the soft skin of her palm, quite lively in its own way. Ciran had to fight the urge to groan out loudly in response to her services, turning his head from side to side and gripping at the sheets, one hand swiftly finding her shoulder and squeezing, his body instinctively looking for some sort of anchor to keep him grounded from the tidal wave of pleasure that threatened to take him to another place entirely, at least mentally. "Hnnngh...!" As she bobbed up and down on his stiff rod, the locksmith grunted once more, jerking his hips up automatically, which may have taken Isolda off-guard, but if not, she'd feel it triggering her gag reflex from how far in it went. It likely didn't matter, as she got to deep-throating him anyway, which elicited an even more dramatic response from the brown-haired man. "Oh, Isolda! I would! I'd love nothing more than to--" Gritting his teeth, he squinted his eyes. "...uuu, When you do that, I... uuugh, aah, hahhh... hrrrngh!" He didn't cum quite yet, but he did moan out loud, loudly enough to cause the slumbering redhead next to them to take a sharp breath in, then appear to wake up momentarily, stretching her arms out to the sides, one of her hands hitting Ciran's face as she did so. "Nnnnnnn.... haah?"

At this point, the startled man had quickly silenced himself and gulped down some air, glancing over in Samia's direction to check if she was indeed awake. "Mmmn... aaah," she tittered innocently, turning over onto her side. The girl was still asleep, but it was a close call for sure, causing the lucky recipient's heart to pound rapidly. Provided, the consequences of being caught in this case were likely not all that bad, but it didn't take too much from the excitement of it all, which was starting to get to him after they had resumed, the momentary interruption having little effect on his level of arousal. Another small batch of pre-cum left his throbbing cock, the tiny amount sliding down Isolda's throat in the process of her taking him in deeper. He still managed to keep himself from ejaculating too quickly, which was fairly impressive in light of her smooth, constantly tensing throat muscles clamping down on his meaty helmet.

It wasn't until she really got to re-establishing the up and down motions that he would start to show the signs of impending orgasm, his hips elevating steadily in time with her bobs and his breathing growing shallow. When she started to clutch and squeeze at his sack, it was then that Ciran's gaze broke off from her visage and to the ceiling, as he threw his head back, panting loudly, and came. "Hahh... hahhhnn... hnnn... HNNN... RRRGH~!" He glutes began to tense rhythmically, and the timed bursts of heat followed shortly after, hot globs of seed firing off into her mouth, with the majority landing on her tongue. Isolda's hand motions seemed to hasten the delivery of his warm payload, but just as she was getting ready to swallow it down, Ciran's hips jutted up fiercely, forcing his cock even deeper into her mouth and even pushing it towards her throat. He had also grabbed her head with both of his hands, holding her down on him tightly as if she was something most precious to him. Judging from the way his entire frame was shuddering and jerking about, he probably wasn't outright trying to be that rough with her, but his movements did nonetheless cause the rest of his spurts to fly towards the back of her tongue and making it difficult to do anything but swallow his milky gift. One, two, three, four more of his hot deliveries made their way down her gullet, before he finally released her and took a deep breath, his grip upon her head easing up. It was almost as if his body's production worked overtime to make extra batches just for her. Afterwards, Isolda was still left with a nice amount in her mouth and upon her tongue, enough to show off to him a little before gulping the remainder down.

When she started to clean him up in her sexy way, Ciran's drowsiness returned to him, though it was only most of his muscles that shut down, as he continued to stare at her with that longing look, a defined blush still covering his visage. "Y... You're amazing... w-where are you even from? It's almost as if you were the embodiment of Ceriona herself, u-uuugh..." The comparison to the Succubus Queen, a deity most known for her sexual skills, as anyone would expect, could have been taken as an insult or a compliment to Isolda. Either way, it did have an ironic touch of truth to it, for her heritage lay in the Void, domain of only the most lewd creatures, and the source of her unnatural libido.

With Samia still sleeping peacefully and Ciran now practically left in a half-comatose state, soon finding dreamland himself, Isolda was given some time to clean herself up if need be, her partners not getting up again in at least another half an hour or so. When they did, the redhead was the first to rise, stretching out and mewling softly, then rubbing her eyes before looking around and remembering what she had done. "Wow, so that... ehehe. That was fun. Slept really well 'cause of it, too~" She got up to dress herself once more, a bit of bounce in her step. "Guess I'd better get back to work soon," she announced, before heading for the door. If Isolda managed to stick around for it, she'd hug the taller girl and give her a brief kiss, saying, "Thanks for that, hon. Feel free to come visit The Wandering Lady anytime, 'kay?" The spunky girl would take her leave afterwards, leaving just the brown-haired artisan, who woke up once the door slammed shut.

"A-Ah... so that wasn't a dream, was it?" He looked to her with a most satisfied expression, but after seeing that she was dressed, and that they were indeed in the room of an inn, not his home, the man's face dropped somewhat, a touch of melancholy combing over his features. "I'm going to guess that you have to go now, don't you...? *sigh* I'd understand, if you did, though. But at least let me compensate you somehow, for your troubles. If you need any locks undone--I mean, within reason--or anything like that, I can at least do that much. Or if it's money you need, I--.. uh.. well, it's up to you." He didn't look ashamed to make that last offer--after all, this was a man who was found looking to purchase comforts from a brothel, only to stumble into something much better. It was all he could do to offer all he had, naturally.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Ciran's upward thrusts into her mouth didn't quite take her off guard, and she moaned softly around his length after she became accustomed to them. What did take her by surprise, however, were his actions when she came. She moaned loudly in a manner indicating that she wasn't entirely pleased when he grabbed her by the head and forced his manhood down her throat. Given no other choice, Isolda swallowed he majority of his sperm without tasting it, her throat muscles rhythmically pulsating around his length in their dual efforts to expel the intruding member and suck down all of the goo that he was spurting into her so that she wouldn't choke on it. As a result, when she pulled off of his member to show him the seed she'd collected in her mouth, her expression was a bit more cross than it might have been otherwise, but she still gave him a nice show. After swallowing it all down, she coughed lightly several times before letting out a soft sigh, her breath passing over his member as he recovered.

Her compliments were received with a smirk, and she gave the tip of his manhood one last kiss before sitting up and raising an eyebrow. "Who says that I'm not, hrm? I'd bet that you'd just love me to drag you to the void and use you for my pleasures for all eternity~" Isolda whispered mirthfully, and then giggled for a moment before replying more seriously; "I'm from Grem, or at least that's where I was born. I've wandered around a lot, don't really have a home in the traditional sense." After he fell asleep, she rose back up from the bed, gave the still sleeping Samia a light pat on her bottom, and then went back to the chair that she'd masturbated in last night and started doing so again, working off the tension she'd built up from sucking Ciran off, and the ensuing fantasies of the man taking her from behind. 'I think that I might have a problem....' she thought after finishing herself for the third time, and then sighed again and hurriedly cleaned herself off as best she could, her crotch and face still coated in a mix of dirty juices that it probably wouldn't be good to be seen in public covered in.

When Samia finally awoke, Isolda smiled at her and said; "Good morning~ I'm glad you had as much fun as I did!" She watched the woman dress with undisguised hunger, having discarded the idea of giving her a wake up similar to the one she'd provided for Ciran. Of course, that didn't stop her at all from going perhaps a little bit further than the slim redhead might have thought appropriate in their parting embrace. Isolda returned the hug, but when Samia moved in for a light kiss she boldly made it a fairly deep one, her tongue lightly playing with the redhead's as the arm she'd placed around the tavern girl's waist tightened, bending her slightly backwards. Her free hand sunk down to the other woman's rear, giving her soft bottom a firm squeeze before the wanderer finally released her from the kiss and the restraining embrace. Pressing her forehead against Samia's, Isolda said; "I'm sure I'll come by whenever the opportunity arises~ Goodbye Samia!"

With that the redhead was released in full, and presumably departed to get to her daily chores. Glancing around the messy room, Isolda couldn't help but feel slightly apologetic for whoever had to clean it up. She'd really made a mess of that chair.... And then Ciran woke up again as well after Samia slammed the door, breaking her from her thoughts. Turning upon the artisan to smile at him, Isolda replied; "Nope~ I'm far too good for anyone to be able to make me up!" She giggled slightly, but then frowned at the melancholy that came over the locksmith regarding the likelihood of her departure from his presence. "Not right away I don't, but I will leave eventually yes. I'd like to earn some money before departing from Havenport though... You can keep yours of course, you did give me a decent meal and a roof over my head for the night just as I asked, plus a really great fuck! Though, there is something..."

Isolda hesitated for a moment, knowing that this could be something of a touchy subject for some people, but then said; "You did cum inside me last night, and I know I asked for it, I certainly don't regret it, and not to say that you're inadequate or anything, but.... I'm not particularly looking to become a mother right now. A trip to the apothecary to make sure that I don't wouldn't go amiss, if you've got the coin to spare for it, but I can understand if you wouldn't exactly be comfortable with this sort of thing." She smirked somewhat more shyly than her usual confident grin, "And don't be too down on me leaving, I'm not going anywhere yet! Why don't you show me where you live and where you work? If I'm in the neighborhood, I wouldn't mind stopping by and making sure that you don't get all pent up again~ If you're interested of course! I'm not going to claim to be around consistently or even for very long, so do think about it a little bit before you answer."