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Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Eira paced forward fearlessly, wearing a suggestive smile that told Isolda of the sounds 'she' had heard. "Fantasizing about me? Nuuh, I wouldn't think anything like THAT... but, that's mainly 'cause you don't know how good I am yet," replied the Void Rabbit, casually tossing aside the towel hiding their form.

As Isolda took a closer look at the bunnygirl's body, she would find that it was indeed more of a bunnyboy. He had a rather slender, feminine form, perhaps beautiful by some standards, but his chest was flat, and more importantly, the identifying organ he possessed down below was undoubtedly that of a male. Perhaps more comparable to the Honrainese clients in length, Eira was nowhere near the size of Raltas or the others that the wanderer enjoyed earlier that night. Yet his lack of a particularly bulky member didn't seem to hinder his apparent confidence at all. Slipping into the pool beside Isolda, he eyed her closely, unable to help but notice the telltale flush upon her body--amongst the other obvious signs that she had been masturbating. He scooted closer with a grin.

"Hehe... it's okay, I do it in the bath sometimes too. I just didn't think you'd make yourself so comfortable here that quickly! Especially when it wasn't so long ago that you told us that you'd maybe kill us all," he teased with a wink. At this proximity, the wanderer could sense the natural aura of allure that the bunnyboy possessed... the same as before. While it was difficult to simply neutralize given her aroused state, she could do so by focusing her darker killing intent so as to counteract the odd pheromones. "Caught you looking. Not your type, huh? I bet you like them big, strong, hard--like Culdan, maybe! But, I don't really blame you."

Either way, she would find the intensity of such an air lowered a notch as Eira relaxed a little. It seemed as though he was at least trying to be considerate by intentionally hindering it of his own free will. "Too embarrassed now? Ehehe. It's okay, we're all Voidic here. I know the feeling real well..." he trailed off, taking a moment to wash his long, white ears, which blended in with his head of hair.
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Isolda's telltale frown didn't seem to ward off Eira, not completely, and as she'd been warned the bunnygirl turned out to be a bunnyboy instead, and to no great surprise on the wanderer's part not one built - or endowed - along the lines she might have preferred. She held her tongue on that though, at least for the moment, as Eira slipped into the spacious bath to join her with no apparent shame. Eagerness might have been more appropriate, and despite her disinterest in her present bathing partner the void rabbit's pheromones washing over her had their full effect.

The tips of her breasts, already firm, hardened further as the circles around them wrinkled. Her eyes widened, her already rapid breathing and heartbeat quickened, and her back arched until her heavy orbs were more exposed than not. She almost began to shift closer to the source of the scent that had hit her hormones so effectively, but her mind caught up with her body just in time to avoid doing anything she might regret. With an effort of will she shifted her aura from one of overpowering lust to its polar opposite, and suddenly her frame was bristling with implied violence. She was still horny, and if she spent too much time around Eira there was always the risk that her will would fail her and she would go for a willing partner to help alleviate her lust, but for the moment she would at least keep from throwing herself at the void rabbit.

"You're right.... On both counts," Isolda admitted calmly, "you're... Not exactly the sort I'd go for if given the choice. I haven't seen any of the other boys sans their armor yet, but I do suspect that Culdan would be more my preference~" She sighed softly, "anyway... Maybe I'm just overconfident, hrm? Maybe I'm not worried at all about any of you, and I'm just humoring you before I start a massacre?" Her tone was entirely deadpan, but she didn't follow up on the threatening joke, instead watching as Eira cleaned her... His... Ears in the bath. They were almost kind of cute... Sort of like Oribel's but much longer.

"You know, I've eaten a lot of rabbit over the years," she mused a moment later, "and I'm certainly not embarrassed about anything." The wanderer's expression broke out into another grin, her aura edging back down towards neutrality as the void rabbit suppressed his pheromones. "You should consider yourself lucky, you know... You're the first one of the boys to see me naked... Except Rill I guess, though it's not like he'll ever get to see it because I want him to. The girls have already had that pleasure, and then some, but you got it before Culdan or Nottis!" she continued, her tone becoming playful and light again as she relaxed. For a few moments she simply sat on the edge of the bath, but if the void rabbit didn't opt to introduce a topic of conversation - or perhaps try and make a move on her - the wanderer would introduce one of her own; "Can I ask you something? Why ~do~ you choose to dress up like a girl? Is it a mindgame thing so that people underestimate you or something? Because I think the cute bunny ears kind of accomplish that already."
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"Naaah, you wouldn't do something like THAT. 'Cause if you did, you'd start with me... and I'm not dead quite yet," cooed Eira, taking the time to groom his ears in a decidedly graceful manner. After finishing, he gave her a calm look as she quipped about her experiences with other, smaller rabbits. Though the wanderer's words might have done well to unnerve anyone else, the Void Rabbit was anything but repulsed. His curiosity from the very beginning remained, it seemed. Though meek in appearance, Eira certainly possessed a sort of courage in the face of Isolda's violent aura, despite not being immune to it. "Ooh... so what you're saying is, you don't mind that I was the first to see then, hmm? Though I bet Rill might've taken a peek or two beforehand, hehe--he's sneaky like that."

Isolda's question caused Eira to let out a short sigh and shrug. "I guess I should be used to answering that by now... oh well. I look at it this way. Have you always been what you were 'supposed' to be? Guys are expected to be this, and that, you know, like Culdan and Nottis, right? Have a strong chin! A big body! Bulging muscles! Well, I've got none of those--so why try to be something I'm not? Better to emphasize what I do have, like a nice butt and all that. Besides... I just like girl clothes, they're cuter to me. They suit me better to begin with, don't you think? Not that you can tell right now," explained the bunnyboy. "Though I'd be a little more convincing with boobs like yours," he then added, eyeing her massive breasts. He took a moment to push his own up between his palms, attempting to create a sort of cleavage, but finding nothing of it, he huffed and let go. "Looks like you've been playing with them, yah? I don't blame you... I'd probably spend a lot of time doing the same."
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Eira's response to her playful threat actually earned a laugh from the pale wanderer, a deep belly one that made her whole frame rock and slight ripples emanate from her seated form. "Point! You are indeed alive, and by this point you're almost too cute to kill. Just look at those ears~ Maybe I'd keep you as a pet instead," she remarked, at once continuing to make light of her earlier actions and seeing if she could push any buttons. It was exactly the sort of statement that might have set a former slave off, after all, and Eira's reaction might prove interesting indeed.

The void rabbit's response to her more personal question was, unsurprisingly, a bit less playful than their earlier exchanges, but Isolda actually listened fairly intently. Eira's question earned a quirked eyebrow and a confused look, not because she wasn't sure where the other Hepta was going but because she simply couldn't compute it. Isolda had always been "what she was supposed to be" in her mind, and the idea of being something else simply didn't seem reasonable to her. It clicked better as the void rabbit continued, however, and Isolda eventually offered a nod of understanding.

"I guess I get it," she said after a moment, "I suppose I've never had the same mismatched expectations placed on me, and having men like those two around as comparators might be a bit rough with a build like yours. I wasn't criticizing you, I honestly was just curious as to why... As far as I'm concerned, you can dress how you bloody like. It's just preferable to know your honest reason than to make assumptions, from where I'm sitting."

Her grin returned when Eira pointed to her breasts, and her arms tucked inwards to press her heavy orbs together. "I'll bet you would~" she quipped playfully - and perhaps a little suggestively - after the void rabbit's suggestion regarding what she'd do with a pair of breasts like hers. "They are quite fun to play with, yes... Not that the rest of me isn't~" she continued with a tilt of her head, one hand shifting to glance finger after finger over the tip. A small shudder passed through the wanderer's body, a small gasp burst from her lips, but still she grinned playfully rather than adopt a more suggestive or defensive expression.

"You might've noticed this by now," she said as she gave the tip she'd teased a soft tug with her forefinger and thumb, producing another slight gasp and a squirt of her milk, "I've been doing that for a long time now, but after Oribel had her fill I thought I'd have a bit of relief for a while... They're getting a bit swollen now though! Oh well... They are quite fun to have, ahhh, emptied~ I suppose that's a sentiment that you can probably relate to!" She eyed the void rabbit with a conspiratorial grin, "they're pretty good for helping with that too, come to think of it!"

She slipped her other arm around her bosom while sliding two fingers between her cleavage from below, letting Eira see her fingers being squeezed by her own pillowy flesh. "One of my first fairer lovers taught me that particular trick, and as you can imagine I've got more than enough to make the experience... Very... Very... Enjoyable." Isolda's voice had dropped to a purr by that point, and her aura had done another reversal, matching the void rabbit's pheromones while simultaneously doing little more to inhibit their effect on the wanderer herself as she got into her suggestive act. "Most of the men I've tried it on haven't lasted more than a few minutes," she continued proudly as her fingers began to slowly slide back and forth between her cleavage, "not unless I go slow... It's more fun when they've got a bit more to work with of course, just enough for me to tease," her tongue flicked out to glance over her fingertips as she intensified the up and down motion of her digits, "more when I get to set the pace... But I don't mind being on the bottom for it either, or if there isn't enough for my lips to join in on the fun~"

She continued her lewd act for a moment more despite leaning back, grinning broadly at Eira while observing the effects of her actions, proud as ever if she managed to inspire lust and genuinely surprised if she didn't. "I think my shortest probably lasted less than half a minute," she mused after she finally withdrew her fingers and resumed her relaxed pose, "though that's not exactly average. I'd say most men can't make it past four or five if I really get going. The longest its taken me has only been about ten minutes, and that was with a lot of teasing. The poor knucklehead was nearly comatose by the time I was done with 'im too!" She gave a brief bark of laughter before going quiet again, once more letting her impromptu bathing partner take an opportunity to carry the conversation.
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

The Void Rabbit's smirk didn't fade in the slightest at the mention of the word 'pet'. Perhaps that's what he was to everyone here? Either way, Isolda's quip was not one that would offend him. "Too cute, huh? I'll take that as a compliment. So you're fine with it then, hmmm? Good! I'd hate for us to have a problem when we're soaking together naked like this, hehe."

Isolda's bold action of toying with her own nipple easily caught Eira's attention. "Wow, you don't even mind playing with yourself in front of me, huh? Two can play at that," commented the youth, sliding a hand to his member submerged beneath the water and giving it a few slow, rhythmic tugs as he listened to her continue on about her assets. "You've gotten Oribel too, already? I guess you really are Voidic. And I thought I was bad... maybe you really are a demon or something!" Though his replies were as cordial and casual as ever, he couldn't help but allow his attention to constantly return to the impressive breasts that Isolda made it a point to toy with so shamelessly. If she was trying to arouse him, it seemed to be working; a flush formed over the bunnyboy's cheeks as he listened intently to her stories of lust and passion. While Eira, a possessor of a fairly potent aura in his own right, might be the capable of resisting Isolda's more suggestive conversations, he hardly seemed interested in doing so this time. Furthermore, in his apparent arousal, he had undone the restriction on his own allure.

"Ooh. So are you implying that I wouldn't last? You sound so confident," the Void Rabbit then answered after letting her finish, the air about the bath now thick with primal attraction. Though the petite figure was far from Isolda's type, it began to look like more and more of an option thanks to the intertwined swirl of their respective airs. "It's almost as if you're trying to get me to do something to you, here. That, or you're just trying to make me jealous of those big things... but don't worry. I'm not. I like what I've got," he continued as the exposure to his aura made it more and more difficult for Isolda to contain her growing lust. It was then that she realized that Eira's capabilities in that regard were actually more potent than her own, and she would need to leave in a hurry to keep from acting on her unnaturally boosted libido. She could picture herself losing control, mounting him, and simply having her way with him, driving her hips upon his apparently stiff cock until it twitched inside of her to release load after load of his Voidic seed...

But somehow, that hadn't happened yet. There he was, still sitting there, grinning as if he knew some sort of secret. Upon closer self-inspection, Isolda would find that she was soaking wet, perhaps hornier than she was even with Alona in the room... and Eira seemed to know exactly how worked up she had gotten. It was almost unbearable, until the Void Rabbit lowered it just a notch, enough for the dizziness to stop. "You should be careful about that aura, you know. I'm sure you don't mind some of the fun times it's gotten you into, but you might end up doing something you don't want to. I don't think you're ready for what would happen if you opened this box," added Eira nonchalantly.
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"Should I be ashamed?" Isolda quipped lightly, though she grinned widely as Eira began to pleasure himself in turn. "Because I'm not... And I don't think you're ashamed either~ Not of me seeing you playing with your cock, or of me knowing you're thinking about how much nicer it'd be if I were the one doing it!" She continued her act, teasingly sliding her fingers between the tight crevice between her full bosom, "and what if I am trying to get you to do something? Wouldn't you rather know what it's like to slide your big, hard cock between my tits? Wouldn't it be a lot more fun if I made you cover me in your cum than to squirt it into the bath water?"

The competition between their auras made the air thick with lust, and Isolda soon realized that she was outmatched. Eira's pierced hers, made her body flush with need, made her already burning desire for sex flare all the brighter, and as dangerous as she knew it was Isolda loved it. She loved the arousal that seemed impossible to extinguish, loved being horny, and most of all loved what was usually to come next. She knew that it would get worse the longer she stayed, knew that it would only be a matter of time before her need grew too great, and she simply went over and mounted Eira and rode the void rabbit until his cock couldn't withstand it anymore and her womb was full of every drop of cum that his balls had to offer. But... She didn't get up, didn't make to leave, and instead stared back at Eira with a grin.

The slight regression of that powerful aura led Isolda to reduce her own, however, and though one of her now free hands drifted down between her legs to find herself soaking wet and ready to act on her urges, the wanderer adopted a pensive look for a moment as the dizziness that the void rabbit's aura began to recede. For a few moments she stared at the void rabbit, getting her heavy breathing under control as best she could, and then she said; "When I want to get fucked... It's not because of my bloodline or any of the things its granted me. It's because I want to get fucked."

She withdrew her fingers, which had been slowly pumping into herself, and then slowly made to stand up on legs once more wobbly with arousal. Her full figure was soon exposed for Eira's viewing pleasure, from her full breasts down to the slight patch of ivory fur over her sex, and as she stretched she twisted to show off a profile view of her rounded ass as well. Eira could see everything above her thighs, every flush upon her pale flesh telling of her arousal, and after a moment he got to see it a lot closer up as she strode across the bath to stand directly in front of him, towering over him in all her beautifully aroused splendor. "Speaking in euphemisms now are we? Expressions? I'm afraid I'm a bit cruder than that!"

She put her hands on her hips and smirked down at the void rabbit softly, "so, what would happen if I "opened the box" as you say? After my fun with Alona's friends I already took a potion to make sure I don't get pregnant, and I'll probably have my monthly bleed within the next few days anyway. I've already gone through two members of your company with my sword, and taken two of them to bed, one after enjoying the company of over two dozen men between us. How long do you think it's going to be before I give Culdan a turn? I half expected Nottis to be the one to walk in here, do you think he'd have passed up on the chance at me, or that I'd have said no even after all my teasing when I was in this sort of state?"

She grinned and tilted her head, "so... What would be the issue if I mounted you, right now, and we made this bath a beautiful mess? Would you try to stop me if I sat you on the edge of this bath and proved how good I am with my tits and my mouth? I understand not wanting to feel as though you've pressured me into it or somesuch, but really you haven't. You just have good timing. If you don't want to, that's really all you need to say! I'm not a rapist.... Well, not technically."
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"It sounds like a lotta fun, really..." Eira responded, looking to keep his cool despite the fact that even Isolda could gather an idea of the lust boiling beneath the Void Rabbit's exterior. His strokes of self-pleasure accelerated slightly in rhythm as he watched the wanderer play along whilst divulging her needs in a rather blunt manner. The busty beauty had already begun to finger herself in a pace to match, and Eira couldn't help but jerk himself in unison, the two already sharing heavy thoughts and fantasies of what it would be like to be in each other's company for real.

When Isolda sped up her jilling, the bunnyboy would push the pace even further, as if daring her to try and make him cum without doing so herself. It seemed as though he had stamina, if nothing else... which in hindsight would no doubt be to Isolda's benefit. After all, if she had outlasted at least two dozen men and was still this horny, then she had little to gain from engaging in a one-on-one with someone who wouldn't last two minutes. Still, a hand was far different from Isolda's warm, snug interior, and she knew it. But the thick air that had built up between the pair only made one wish to experience the skills of their prospective mate first-hand, and as soon as possible...

As they exchanged lewd stares, it grew more and more difficult to resist the magnetic pull drawing the two Voidic entities towards each other. Perhaps it was simply their nature--though Isolda seemed to stress that it was indeed a matter of free will. Eira could only grin, as if humoring her. The bunnyboy wasn't shy about taking an eyeful of her curvy features as she exposed herself to him, and slowed his stroking when she approached. Isolda didn't even need to look down to figure that her company was fully erect... nor did Eira need to catch a good look at the woman's flushed features to know that she was ready. Still, the effeminate youth stood up to expose his lower half to her, confirming what was already known; that he was fully erect, and even then was a bit less than half of Raltas' size. Despite that, he placed his hands on his hips to match her confident pose, looking up at her.

"Ooh? So by that whole potion thing, you mean to say that you don't mind if I cum inside you as much as I want? Careful what you wish for, hehe... well, Culdan's still an orc at the end of the day, and Nottis wants you bad. I'd be pretty proud if I could get you before those two could. If they walked in right now, it'd just be a big ol' party, wouldn't it? And well..."

His ears perked up a little when Isolda spoke of him not pressuring her into it, and he couldn't help but exhibit a curious look at the softer stance that the normally hard-willed woman took. Eira took that as an opportunity to elevate his aura to something nearly unbearable for a few seconds, only to lower it.

By the time he had done so, however, Isolda's legs would be on the brink of failing her. "Mm, it wouldn't be an issue I think! But what I'd rather do is have you bend over the side of this pool and let me give you what you need. Your legs look a little wobbly, after all... don't judge me by my size, 'kay? I'm good for riding, too, if you think you'll even be up for it after the fact."

With his friendly challenge put forth, he waited for her to assume the position in preparation to receive his vigorous love... or for Isolda to defy it by stealing his chance to prove himself and making it her own show first.
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"Mmmmm...." The wanderer's sultry purr fled her lips as Eira stood, her gaze flowing down to take in the void rabbit's cock in detail. His lack of size was surely a disappointment, but at that point she didn't even mind. "Well, I wouldn't mind a little.... Snack before bed," she said playfully, "but I usually don't mind a good filling either~"

Isolda didn't miss Eira's incredulity at her statement, but before the pale warrior could reply the void rabbit turned her aura up to what she could only assume was its full potential. It hit her like a fist to the stomach, making her double over and let out a groan akin to what she had issued when she had brought herself to orgasm. A small burst of her honey began to flow down her suddenly jelly-like legs, and her entire sex from her petals all the way to her womb ached with need.

Eira's friendly challenge drew a wordless grunt from the wanderer, and she shifted a step aside, toward the edge of the pool.... And then stopped. Her own aura suddenly reversed, dramatically, and unlike before when she had repulsed Eira's aura it came with it a more powerful push. Her eyes changed from their normal blue-gray to black, the air immediately around her darkened slightly, and her muscles pulsed as she employed a different aspect of her voidic power to get herself back under a degree of control. She slowly straightened, her legs still shivering slightly but appearing much stronger than they had been, and after about a minute her legs stopped shuddering... At least assuming that Eira didn't one up himself once more. "That's a neat trick," she said coolly, her voice a good bit deeper than it had been previously, "you're much better at it than I am too! And you've got a lot more control~"

Despite her potentially fearsome demeanor, she was still smiling, and the inherent violence in her aura wasn't copied in the slightest by her body language. Some of the intimidation that using her voidic powers at their more intense level was probably also lost on Eira if Nottis could do something similar, but that wasn't what she was going for anyway, and if he remarked as such it would be another warning for her of the man's potential prowess. "I'll bet it works really well on all the regular girls you try it on... And probably on the guys too, if that's your preference! But... Like I said, you haven't made me do anything." Her voice began to return to normal as she scaled down her power, slowly reducing it until it was gone entirely, and with a blink her eyes were gray once more. "I was kinda horny when you got in here, and even if you're not exactly my usual type, you're someone new... And conveniently willing."

She strolled through the water to the side of the bath, hips swaying despite the impediment of the liquid, and then slowly bent over with her legs together. "Now... Assuming you still are after that little display," she purred as she dropped one knee and let her legs drift apart, "how about you.... Give me what I need~" She settled down, her legs parted and her soaking sex exposed between the soft, round cheeks of her shapely backside.
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"Ooh, scary~" said Eira in response to Isolda's flare-up of a more fearsome Voidic air. For as small in frame as he was, the towering wanderer's display wouldn't cause the bunnyboy to back down at all... especially not with his apparently high libido overpowering everything else. Of course, Isolda already knew as much, but scaring him wasn't her intent to begin with. With the activation of her aura, she could feel the power coursing through her legs to give them momentary stability. While she was capable of walking right out of the bath, the white-haired vixen would use the newfound energy to more confidently place herself in the desired position rather than simply sink into it, all while confessing her physical needs to the youth. Eira watched her, mouth partially agape. But when the wanderer finally bent over for him, he made his way to where she was, placing a hand on her backside and testing its firmness before allowing it to settle on one side of her hip.

"Hehe... you asked for it," purred the bunnyboy, practically climbing over the lower portion of Isolda's back to claim her for himself. Guiding his little cock into her soft folds, he gasped, hilting her easily. And then, it began.

What proceeded was not a heartfelt, slow, intimate session between two lovers, or even a rough, passionate tryst between nighttime strangers. It was a wild, energetic breeding session, and Isolda would soon realize that she had offered herself not as a woman to a man, but as a doe to Eira's buck. The bunnyboy proceeded to hump her with no shortage of vigor, hanging off of her as if he were an accessory rather than a proper partner. His arms wrapped around her torso, allowing him to cling on tightly as he proceeded to mate her. The sheer speed and energy by which he began to pump in and out of her hungry pussy was surprising, yet impressive, and his pants would soon be heard not far from the half-elf's sharp ears. "Hahh... hahh, hnnn, hnnn, hnnnfff!" No smart comments about her physique or her performance would be made, not now, not yet. As far as Eira was concerned, it was time to focus on one thing, and that was to give in to his nature, his need to reproduce.

It worked just as well for Isolda. While her partner didn't necessarily have much in the way of size, he apparently had energy and stamina in spades, and the sheer speed and consistency of his strokes helped her on her way to her next orgasm in a matter of seconds. The bulbous tip of his rod worked like a jackhammer, striking the textured, sensitive surface of her G-spot over and over again, nearly causing the swordswoman's legs to buckle yet again. But even if she did stagger or falter, Eira wouldn't stop in the slightest, his body's natural instincts urging him to do nothing but continue in its quest to inseminate the sexually receptive half-elf. As he fucked her without pause or hesitation, Isolda would feel her head getting light once again due to the Void Rabbit's naturally arousing airs filling the room thicker than ever. It was unconscious on his part at that point, and it made the busty wanderer more than happy to be the recipient of such a wild mating ritual.

"Uuuu.... uuuuhh, hnnnn~! Hahh, aa-ah, I-aahh, uuh, uuuhnnn," cooed Eira as he sped up even faster, the wet slaps of his hips against hers and squelching of the voidelf's natural juices doubling in rhythm. It was no doubt faster than Isolda had ever been fucked before, even by bigger and stronger men. The bunnyboy was dripping sweat from his chin onto Isolda's back at that point, his tongue sticking out as he panted loudly. The force of his thrusts would cause the woman's massive breasts to swing back and forth, even given the size difference between them. It was as if she had her very own machine made to fuck her, although the intoxicating pheromones certainly didn't hurt the lustful mood.

If anything, they only brought Isolda closer to her second orgasm under Eira's care... but from the timing and the escalating groans heard from behind her, he would soon join her. The thick air of pheromones that the two had brewed up put the wanderer's sensitivity into a particularly high place. As she inched ever closer to her next inevitable climax, she felt a slight pain just left of her womb. Yet it wasn't nearly enough to stop her nor her partner. Eira's incessant thrusts helped her forget about it just as quickly, reimmersing Isolda in an ocean of pleasure. Thanks to the gradual buildup of his influence, the urge for Isolda to receive the Void Rabbit's seed internally was higher than ever... though from the looks of things, her wish would soon be granted. The pace that the virile young male had brought himself to was a hard one to maintain. "Uuu... uuuuuh," moaned Eira aloud, his own voice muffled by the rapid slaps of his hips against hers.

There would be no warnings issued beforehand for Isolda, as her partner's intent was easily transparent. She felt his rapidly pistoning cock throb once, powerfully, before a burst of heat erupted deep inside her. Another strong pulse, and after it another hot spurt of the Void Rabbit's seed followed. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth parts of Eira's massive load came in the same way. But all the while he never stopped thrusting away, causing remnants of his creamy gift to drip out and pitter-patter onto the edge of the bath, with a few globs making it into the water itself. Still, Isolda's partner was far too horny to care, grinding his hips into hers even after he had finished delivering the rest of his potent gift. "Ooooooohhhh...~" cooed the youth, pausing for a few seconds to catch his breath.

It was hardly enough time for Isolda to do the same, however, as the bunnyboy's hardness hadn't diminished at all in the lull, and he was already starting to move again for the second round. It seemed as though he sought to turn her over onto her back, but whether or not the much taller one of the two would actually allow as much was another matter...
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"Asked!?" the pale wanderer replied with mock incredulity while Eira was climbing into position. She immediately reached between her legs, reaching for his shaft and aiming it at her dripping folds. "Maybe I'm not being direct enough.... Slam your fucking dick into me!" she said commandingly, slamming her hips back and impaling herself if the void rabbit didn't beat her to the punch. His hand on her ass would easily feel both the ample fat that gave her posterior its appealing softness and the strong muscles beneath that gave it its shape and structure, and as he held her waist and leaned over her he would feel the heat rising off of the voidic half-elf's body.

Once he was inside of her, one way or another, Isolda was taken completely by surprise by the void rabbit's technique. It certainly wasn't what she was used to, nor even what she'd wanted at the time, but as he started rutting her like a beast in heat her moans quickly lost their surprised tone. His short, shallow strokes courtesy of his relatively unimpressive sized shaft, at least compared to her preferred length and thickness, were perfectly aimed to hit her most sensitive point, the very one that she'd been stimulating herself before he had walked in. Those rapid well aimed thrusts had her letting out gasping moans in that joined with his desperate panting, and in only a few short seconds her legs were shaking and her inner walls were starting to clench.

The lower edge of his bulbous tip ground into her sweet spot over and over and over, moving nearly as fast as her own fingers could but significantly more satisfying despite his inadequate size. He might not be able to give her the most satisfying orgasms of her life, but as the first climax exploded through her before a full minute worth of penetration had passed she realized that she was in for a wild ride. Her whole body shuddered in rhythmic pulses beneath Eira as he kept up his rapid pounding, squirts of her girl-cum spurting out of her from around his shaft as it squeezed around him. "Hahhh... Haahhh... Haaahhh... Haaaahhh!! Ooooh fuckfuckfuckfuck ooooooohhhh! Nnnn... Nnnnn... Making me... Hah... Cum.... Nnn!"

His consistent thrusts kept her going, ensuring that her orgasm was a distinctly satisfying one, but eventually the more intense pleasure of her peak faded in favor of the more bearable pulses provided by Eir'a rapid pounding, even his small frame able to send ripples through the soft meat of her backside and make her heavy breasts sway back and forth beneath her. "Hoo... Hooo... Oooohhh... Nnnn... Ooohh... Ahhh... C'mon.... Nnnn... D-don't stoooop!" she groaned, letting him rut her even as her fingers gripped the floor beneath her and the muscles in her thighs kept tense in order to keep her from toppling forward. What self control she'd regained from the brief flare of the more violent version of her aura was gone by that point, leaving her fully in the grip of both her own burning lust and, more prominently, Eira's as he did his best to pound the sense out of her with his rapid, vigorous thrusts. He seemed more like some sort of twisted machine than a person at that point, one designed solely to pleasure her, and the size difference between the two of them only reinforced that image even if it certainly wasn't true.

The constant battering of Eira's shaft into her quivering sex left Isolda dizzy, left her all but unaware of every sensation other than touch. Her eyes were wide, unfocused, and she could barely even register the panting of her partner even with his face so close to her highly sensitive ears. Even om that pleasure fugue, however, the slight twinge in her belly was impossible to miss entirely, stopping one of her brief shudders short, but even though her mind wasn't exactly working things quickly it still puzzled out what was going on. She had learned a few things about her body's inner workings, both from her master's wife and from other women while traveling, and that simple mechanism of her body's fertility cycle had been known to her for some time. The slight pinch as her body entered its most receptive state had always been a warning for her, one that caused her to take greater care, but with her womb already full of the sperm leftover from her fun with Alona and Eira no doubt about to add more it was far too late to worry about that. The potion she'd taken should have prevented this, but she had heard of faulty ones before, even been worried about it herself from time to time.

The wanderer didn't have attention to worry at that point though, her hips still shuddering with the light impacts of Eira pounding into her, the pulses of pleasure rushing through her as he pushed himself against her g-spot with each thrust leaving her light headed and making her legs wobble. The knot of pressure in her belly twisted in on itself again and again, ready to burst at any moment it seemed but never quite dropping into a second orgasm. There was no restraint now, no worrying about consequences. They were beyond fucking now, this was a breeding session, and even though Eira wasn't nearly as deep as Isolda would have liked she was doing nothing to stop him from spilling his no doubt potent seed inside of her. She actively wanted it now, and wasn't even thinking about the fact that continuing this any further would no doubt mean she would be leaving the room with a child growing inside of her.

Eira didn't offer any warning either, and it proved that the sudden sense of rushing heat was just what she needed to go tumbling over the edge, her body shuddering in orgasm as her cervix sought to draw the void rabbit's seed into her womb. His cum wasn't going deep quickly, however, leaving only a bit of it able to enter ever thirsty womb. His continued to thrust caused their mixed fluids to produce a frothy mix that coated both of them as it was squeezed out of her tightly gripping sex, and as she felt him slowing down and she began to bask in her afterglow she found herself unsatisfied. She didn't even register his apparent desire to flip her onto her back, nor that he'd lost none of his hardness and seemed to have no real refractory period for her to worry about. Straightening, she reached a hand back and lightly pushed him away, "sit down! Edge of the tub!"

Should he obey her command, Isolda would drop low between Eira's legs, her lips parting and descending over Eira's shaft, her tongue flicking at the underside of his shaft while she took the whole thing down to the base. She began to bob immediately, cheeks sinking inwards slightly every time she rose as she jerked her head back and forth. She'd meant to let him finish in her mouth when their encounter had first begun, but not the only place she wanted cum was in her pussy, the big load that was freshly oozing out of her sex insufficient to satisfy her. It wasn't artful or teasing in any capacity, her efforts meant to drive him back to a state of arousal that would see him fit to penetrate her again, but as it became clear that Eira had already been ready she slipped off with a gasp and started jerking him off with the hand that had been holding his rod steady so she could suck on it.

"Still fuckin hard huh?" she cooed breathlessly, before climbing out of the tub and turning around. Her feet planted, she squatted over Eira backwards, holding him with one hand while planting the other on the floor. If he had liked the look of her soft round ass before, he would certainly get a good view now, and if he put his hands on it to keep her steady all the better. She made no effort to restart their mating at a slow pace either, letting out a throaty moan as she impaled herself onto his modest shaft and then simply starting to slam herself onto him as quickly as her muscles would allow. The muscles of her hips and ass tensed and flexed, driving her up and down nearly as quickly as Eira had been able to hammer himself into her when she was bent over, letting him feel her inner walls contract around him with each rise in turn.

She was going harder than Eira had, making sure she slammed herself down with enough force to make her soft rear jiggle, but even as she worked herself up to her maximum pace Isolda found that she simply couldn't replicate the void rabbit's pace when it came to sex. A hint of frustration began to creep into her moans as she rode him, adding a slight growl to the rhythmic CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP of her body meeting that of the lithe man beneath her. If he decided to take matters into his own hands before they finished, all the better, and Isolda would hover over him and let Eira thrust up into her as fast as he possibly could. Either way, she wouldn't be climbing off of him until he spurted up into her again, no matter how much her hips started to ache or how many times she orgasmed as a result.

When she had been given another filling, however, she would slide off of him with a grunt and lie down on her back, panting heavily. "Mmmm, so much cum~" she cooed, scooping some out of herself and sampling their mixed tastes once again. If Eira looked ready for round three, however, the pale wanderer was ready and willing to give him one. Her legs rose and her waist twisted, leaving her legs sticking up by her head as she bent, displaying impressive flexibility and leaving her drooling cunny fully exposed, ready for the void rabbit to claim once more. The angle would be perfect for him too, allowing his cock to grind into her g-spot even more easily than it had before, and when he spurted into her it would be going deep down inside of her now fertile womb, joining the legions of sperm already there that were all vying for the chance to claim one of her eggs. It would also put his face hovering right over her breasts, framed between her legs, and if he took that position she would lean down to nibble one of the tips his elongated lapine ears.
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Isolda's loud calls for Eira not to stop were far from necessary at that point, yet they did their job in telling the bunnyboy that he certainly wasn't doing a poor job at pleasuring the lustful half-elf, despite his relative lack of size. If there was any part of her that enjoyed speed, it would be tickled thoroughly as her partner's strokes complemented his length. They were quick, brisk, forceful thrusts that rivaled the pace at which the much taller one pleased herself manually, and the impact of his sizable balls striking her labia at the end of each push forward helped accentuate the wild nature of their coupling. Although Eira was undoubtedly feminine and slight of build, his role as a sperm donor was unmistakable here, especially once he proceeded to fill Isolda up thoroughly from behind. While his rod failed to kiss her womb in the way that Raltas' or the farmboy's did, the sheer amount of baby batter he had released into her hungry pussy was easy to see.

The Voidic beauty's sharp ears picked up a constant dripping noise as her stud squeezed all that he could into her. A brief look below would show her that a puddle, made from the mixture of their love juices, had formed as a result of her series of orgasms combined with his barrage of internal deliveries. The pleasure she felt deep in her core was intoxicating, almost debilitating in a way. It urged her to lay back, to take as many loads as Eira was prepared to give... but Isolda was not quite so weak. Instead, she would bark out a command. It caused the floppy-eared boy's eyes to widen, but as surprised as he was, he wasn't in a position to complain or refuse, and so he did, flopping onto his backside at the tub's edge. Like a whore starved for cock, the half-elf dove onto his still-erect member, sucking and slurping upon it with no lack of zeal. His slightly sweet scent filled her nostrils and danced upon her tongue, encouraging her to bob harder for more of the addicting air.

"A-Ah... aaaoooouhhh," whimpered the smallest member of the Hepta as an apparently thirsty Isolda ravenously sucked on him, sliding the taut ring of her lips up and down his rock-hard shaft. He swooned and rolled his head in a half-circle, his eyes closing halfway as he seemed to enter a different place mentally, not unlike someone who had just taken a hit of ballweed. As Eira struggled to deal with the surges of pleasure traveling through his flushed frame, he shuddered, as if to let Isolda know that her post-orgasmic care was most certainly appreciated. Little beads of his thick, potent liquid would occasionally form at the very tip of his domed shaft for the busty woman to lick away, rewarding her for her efforts. But more notably, despite the brief pause in action, he hadn't gone soft at all. Not in the slightest. His rod stood on end, a little springy if pulled back towards Isolda, but easily stiff enough to penetrate her again if she were to force it to.

"Hahh... hahh, ahuuh," gasped Eira. "W-Why wouldn't I be?" asked the bunnyboy with genuine puzzlement in his tone. An average human in his place would have had to switch off, at least for several minutes... but he raised no complaint as Isolda lowered herself onto him, giving him a generous view of her immense, round ass. But while the view was no doubt enticing, it wouldn't be quite as stimulating as the feel of the pale-skinned beauty's warm inner walls wrapping Eira's cock up tightly. Or the sensation of her heavy, plump rear dropping down onto his hips. Isolda wasted no time in getting to work, and to that Eira could only whimper and groan in pleasure. The lewd clapping noise made from the rapid impacts of her ass pounding down on him echoed through the bathing chamber. Eira squirmed, his tongue creeping to hang out once again as the wanderer riding him proved that her Voidic instincts were not to be outdone so easily. His hands instinctively shot forward, grabbing onto the soft round cheeks jiggling in front of him, and he began to counter Isolda's descents with upthrusts of his own, forcing him in even deeper.

One thing she would learn about the position, was that she was a bit stronger than Eira, perhaps even moreso if she were to really focus. But while she had the brawn, she couldn't yet replicate his pace. Nor his apparent energy. His eyes lit up as he began to establish a pace of her own to overtake hers.

"Nnnhahh... g-geez, you're heavy, hehe," teased the bunnyboy as he shifted his angle, deftly locating Isolda's g-spot so as to hammer it over and over again as he first did from behind. She would feel it immediately when he did, and the strength in her legs plummeted as ripples of primal pleasure compromised the pace she had worked so hard to establish. It wasn't impossible for the wanderer to power through it, however, but when she did, it would be too late--another orgasm would send tremors up and down her frame. "Ooh! Ooh! Ahuhnn, you're squeezing down on me so t-tightly!" whined Eira as his mate shuddered atop him. He took the opportunity to begin pounding Isolda even faster from below to the best of his ability, giving her the feeling of being pumped by a tireless machine rather than being fucked by a living being. Even at the end of such a climax, the woman felt another knot building up deep within. Her partner's earnest efforts had triggered a fourth orgasm from her in such a short time, and Isolda could feel him grow 'bigger' inside of her--more likely a result of her inner walls clenching around him, even more tightly. Her body was undoubtedly trying to milk him of his seed, to get a second huge dose of semen out of the bunnyboy.

A look back would show Isolda that her partner's face was flushed, showing that he wasn't to last much longer in that regard, but he was grinning nonetheless. "Ah! Ahnng! Hahh... heh... ooh! Y-You're sure about this huh? There's a reason Alona doesn't try me!" cried Eira, and Isolda could feel herself elevating a few inches off of him as the youth's glutes tightened. Another tiny bit of pain would be felt, this time on the right side of her womb, and it had become apparent that the breeding session was forcing her body to do certain things. But the worrisome tinge wasn't enough to overpower the massive waves of sheer bliss that would have Isolda cooing with joy. As her fourth climax of the session died down, her pleasure levels would shoot up again as Eira made a noise. His little cock, wrapped tightly nonetheless in the wanderer's pussy, would throb before letting out yet another massive load of his hot, potent spunk. "Ooh! Ooohhh! Ooooooohhhhhhhhh....! Aaahh... hahh... hnnn~!" Then another, and another after that let Isolda know that her creampie was not a small one. The sensation of the warm explosions deep within her was almost enough to give Isolda a fifth... but it didn't quite. Instead, she was left teetering on the edge as Eira's strokes began to slow. Then, finally, he stopped, heaving, which gave the wanderer enough time to slide off of her mate and take a momentary breather.

As she lay there, she would feel a copious flow of cum oozing out from between her petals, forming yet another puddle not far from the edge of the tub. Any other girl would have been exhausted at such a point. Yet as if to make light of her situation, Isolda sampled yet another bit of Eira's load from herself, showing that she was as game as ever.

But while her actions might have left ordinary men, such as the johns of the brothel, gawking in astonishment, Eira was no less ready than she was. His cock stood up proudly, as if taunting Isolda, telling her that her best efforts still weren't enough to see it subdued for the night. The haze that had overtaken the room was energizing them both in its own way, spurring the wanderer on to challenge him for yet another round. Just as she would meet an opponent in battle by assuming her stance, Isolda placed herself in a position for sex. This time, one that would allow the Void Rabbit to penetrate her as deeply as possible. With eagerness in his eyes, Eira took her up on her invitation, placing his hands on the backs of her knees before easing forward into her, inch after inch. He soon found himself buried to the hilt in the swordswoman as the very tip of his cock gave her cervix a proper kiss. His eyes rolled back slightly in the blissful moment. This was good for Eira, she could tell.

While lingering inside of her and savoring the half-elf's bodily warmth engulfing his cock might have felt blissful indeed, it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as making the motions that were typical of two mating mammals. And so Eira got right to it, driving his hips over and over into those of Isolda's. His energetic pace caused the area around the swordswoman's pussy to redden from the repeated impacts--or perhaps it was already that way from the poundings she received earlier that day. Isolda would likely feel it much later... but right now, there was only pleasure. Especially deep inside her, where she could feel Eira's cock hitting her deepest points and causing even more intense surges of pleasure to ripple through her frame as if it were Raltas claiming her. But even after multiple orgasms having been experienced by both parties in the heated session, the bunnyboy's pace didn't falter in the least. Like a machine, he continued to give her consistent, hard, and now doubly deep, fucking.

It would be satisfying enough for Isolda to receive just that, but Eira saw the large breasts in front of his feminine face, bouncing in rhythm thanks to his efforts, and couldn't help himself. Perhaps in part due to the lustful air enveloping Isolda, she would find her mammaries starting to leak once again... but her mate was on the cleanup job in an instant. Hungrily wrapping his lips about one of her large areolas, Eira began to suckle upon the half-elf's teat, tantalizing her nipple with quick swishes from the tip of his soft, wet tongue, which did wonders in coaxing more of the fluid from her ever-active ducts. He wouldn't leave the other unattended for long, however, switching off once the leaking reached a visible excess and tickling Isolda's nerves with his childlike sucking. That familiar feeling of being drained came along once again, as Eira wasn't shy about taking his share of milk. If anything, he was apparently a bit greedy about it, only stopping to utter "hehe... at least I know you'll be able to feed our young, huh?"

It was said in a playful enough manner, just as the Void Rabbit had joked with many things. Yet as his pace quickened, Isolda was reminded that this could end up being more than just a mere session of play. Though faint, she felt a third, then a fourth tinge emerge from either side of her womb... but it was far too late to stop now. She was getting close, again, especially with the position they had taken helping bolster the feeling of Eira's shaft plumbing her depths. The wanderer wasn't one to go alone, however, and she looked to tease her partner by taking one of his floppy ears into her mouth and giving it a few playful nibbles and then some. The appendages proved sensitive, and Eira moaned in a more feminine manner, but he responded by thrusting even harder and faster, as if trying to get Isolda to moan rather than nibble.

The bunnyboy moaned and gasped often afterwards, showing that it was a mutually blissful encounter, but eventually he did manage to make a quip or two despite himself. "Ahuhhnn... ooh, s-so how many guys did you fuck today, huh? How many came inside you? I can still smell it... think I can beat them all out if I cum inside you enough? Hahh... h-here!" Posturing up so as to plant his feet firmly on the tiled floor, he began to thrust downwards into her, briskly and yet deeply. Eira was quick to resume the same alarming pace as before, telling Isolda that he would indeed finish in such a position. And this time, there was nowhere else for his potent seed to go except deep into her womb...

The lewd smacks of his hips driving downwards into hers once again provided the beat to their lustful session. Panting, Eira began to cry out with each thrust, moving faster and faster... he was going to do it. The bunnyboy was going to pour it all in, and Isolda, largely helpless in the position, could do little other than indulge in the pleasure that was to wash over her. "Hahh, hahh, hahhhn, hnnn, hnnn, HNNNN! HNNN! HNNNNNNH! Oooooooooooohhhh~!! Ooooohh....." And finally, he did. At the end of one of his many thrusts, Isolda felt a spurt of hot, thick seed hit her cervix, prompting her to reach a massive orgasm of her own. And when she did, she knew that each following load that Eira shot into her would undoubtedly settle deep in her womb, where his sperm, most likely as active and energetic as he was, would seek to fertilize as many of her shed eggs as possible. Isolda had become the unwitting mate of this Void Rabbit, who was having the time of his life filling her up again and again. A fifth small pain--then a sixth one--would be lost in all the bliss of her vaginal spasms as her tight canal sought to milk the bunnyboy down to his last drop. Yet he seemed to always have more to give!

Even after leaving her dripping once again with his excess, even from such a position, Eira grinned and laid Isolda back down, onto her side. Grabbing one of her legs with both arms, he hugged it, inching forward so as to penetrate the wanderer once again. It was difficult to tell exactly how much time had passed from when they first started. The Void Rabbit was far from tired it seemed, while fatigue began to settle into Isolda's larger frame...
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Isolda couldn't help but laugh heartily at Eira's innocent answer to her comment about his continued hardness. Any other man would have needed a break, even the more durable partners she'd had like Raltas or Ulfring requiring a few moments to rest before continuing at the very least. That he didn't need a break only spurred her to turn around and settle herself onto his lap that much sooner, and when she did and the inevitable shift in who was setting the pace of their coupling happened she couldn't help but groan a little louder as he angled to strike her sensitive spot anew and started hammering up into her soft folds. White hot pulses of pleasure cut through her like a knife every time he pushed his cock against her g-spot, and every thrust threatened to rob the strength from her limbs. For a few moments Isolda powered through it, riding Eira with passionate enthusiasm, but ultimately her stamina didn't hold out as long as his did.

The constant attention to her most sensitive spot left her shuddering with pleasure, and through the constant stream of moans and grunts that she'd been emitting the pale wanderer ultimately declared; "Oooh.... You're gonna... Nnnn... Ooohh!! Make me cum!" The comment, some might even say insult, about her weight went unanswered as his constant slamming against her g-spot nearly made her howl on her way to her next climax, which he pushed her to with his rapid hammering in all too short a time. Her cervix dilated and pumped downwards, pulling more of the seed he had left inside of her from his first load into her depths, but he had delivered it so shallowly and so much had been pushed out that now his bid to claim the egg he had forced her to release had mostly had its chance.

He was well on the way to adding a second dose by the time her inner walls stopped trying to milk him dry, but before he did his rapid hammering into her drew her into another orgasm in rapid succession, the second coming even before his throbbing rod surrendered its liquid gift. This time she announced her orgasm only with a deeper groan, her honey squirting out around Eira's shaft while her soft folds squeezed him all over again, and whether it was his aura or some other aspect of his voidic essence or unnatural physiology she vaguely felt another pulse to the side of her womb, the telltale twinge of one of her ovaries releasing an egg that the veritable ocean of sperm dwelling in her womb would be all too happy to fertilize. Concern and confusion rose in the back of her mind, but as the haze of pleasure settled anew in the aftermath of her orgasm and she felt him throbbing inside of her those concerns fell by the wayside as she prepared for yet another cream filling.

His mentioning of Alona at least confirmed for her that he was causing the suspect effects on her body, but for the moment she couldn't think to worry too much about it. A few questions did flitter through her mind, however. How many children could he make her have? How many had he already had by previous partners for that matter? Would they all be his, or would the leftovers of her fun with Alona sire a few of their own? Would those claimed by Eira's sperm in this mad, animalistic dash to breed her be void rabbits, overwriting her own unusual makeup, or would they make some sort of hybrid together if she did indeed keep them to term?

As his hefty balls slapped up against her outer lips and she felt his throbbing reach its greatest heights once again, all of those questions left her mind as she closed her eyes and clenched inwardly. She let out a soft coo as his first spurt of hot, potent cream erupted inside of her, and the pleased sound became a low groan as the first spurt was quickly followed by another, and several more after it. "Nnnnn, oooh yes~ Ooof, fill me up... Empty your balls in my pussy~" she cooed through the continued lewd claps of his hips slamming up into her soft rear, making her ass jiggle with every wild, shallow buck while the voidrabbit did his best to plant his seed as thoroughly as he possibly could.

His second load didn't quite bring her to a third orgasm since she had mounted him, however, and when she slid off of him change positions she was practically panting with need while his huge load oozed out of her pussy. "Wow... Mmmm... So much cum~" she sighed, sliding a finger over her sex and gathering up some of the mess that was flowing out of her on her middle fingers and then lifting them in front of her face, briefly spreading the now messy digits to examine the strands of thick goo stretched between them before closing them again and giving them a slow, sensual lick. Her eyes closed as she cooed softly in pleasure, and she twisted her wrist and licked them again before simply sticking her sticky fingers into her mouth and sucking them clean. "Tasty!" she grunted softly, and then grinned as she assumed her next position and Eira hastily climbed on top of her.

"Ooooohhh!!!" The deeper penetration drew an enthusiastic moan from Isolda as Eira's tip finally managed to prod her cervix, and her inner walls gave him a particularly powerful squeeze around his shaft as he savored the moment, that light tap giving her a very minor orgasm that caused her to pulsate softly around Eira's rod. She savored it right along with him, but when he began to thrust again she gave a delighted groan and leaned her head back, letting out a deeper set of moans over the first few moments of their latest round as the bunny boy quickly built up to his frantic but regular pace. It was amazing that he could manage to go round after round in one go without any apparent fatigue, without even any significant breaks, and at such an intense pace too... He was like a machine, one well designed to reduce her to a mewling little doe while he planted his seed inside her, and while she might normally have taken offense to that notion at the moment she was fully in the sway of their mating dance. The position required no motion on her part whatsoever, she merely needed to lie back, letting him hold her knees and pound into her deep and fast, hitting all of her favorite spots despite the unimpressive size of his member. Her outer lips had turned from their usual pink to a slightly darker reddish color by that point, the surest sign that she had received quite the pounding, but even though she was sure to ache the next day Isolda made no effort at that point to disengage and end their rough coupling.

Eira certainly had quite a number of signs by which to gauge the effects of his vigorous thrusting by that point as well. Her hands scrambling about, close trimmed nails digging at the floor as he slammed into her again and again... Her voice of course, raised in a constant chorus of moans, coos, and grunts to accompany the wet slaps of their bodies coming together... The regular tensing of her toes and bobbing of her feet whenever he found a particularly good angle to pound at her sweet spots... Her expression twisting this way and that as pleasure all but overwhelmed her... And, last but certainly not least, the constant sway of her heavy bosom in time with his thrusts. Her stores of milk had been somewhat replenished by that point, leaving her tips leaking slightly, and the whole package was unsurprisingly far too great a temptation for her voidic partner.

She let out a higher pitched moan as his lips sealed over one of her pink tips, the added stimulation drawing a particularly intense shudder and squeeze from the wanderer, and despite how thoroughly Oribel had drained her only a few hours prior Isolda's breasts soon began giving up copious amounts of their nourishing liquid to Eira's sucking lips and swishing tongue. The brief break from sucking on her bosom that he took to deliver yet another quip about breeding her, delivered just before he sped up and prompted another pair of soft twinges on either side of her uterus, wouldn't receive any response except more moans of pleasure as she was swept up in the sensations of their mating. Seeing his soft, floppy ears right in front of her, however, prompted a bit of reaction from the wanderer, as she leaned up and nipped the tip of one playfully with her teeth. His intense reaction made her emit a delighted giggle that turned into a moan as he picked up his pace, but his increased pace didn't stop her from continuing to nip, nibble, and suck on his sensitive ears. Indeed, the more he picked up his rapid hammering the more attention she gave them, delighting as much is his intense moans as she was in the pleasure prompted by the incredible fucking that he was giving her.

Another few moments later, however, he drew his ears out of her reach, and she let out a deeper moan as he planted his feet and started slamming down deep into her from above. It didn't take long for him to resume the earlier pace, and as he sped rapidly towards spilling his seed deep inside of her Isolda made no effort to stop him. The knot of pleasure that had been building for several moments now, ever since the position change had released the last one far more softly than she would have liked, finally prepared to unwind, and with how much she'd built up Isolda knew it would be a good one. There would be no pulling out here, no effort to prevent him from pumping every drop of his potent baby batter deep into her thirsty womb, only the steady slaps of their hips coming together at a furious rate with every passing moment, the maons emanating from both of their throats, and the intense sensation pulsing through the both of them.

Isolda let out a rising chorus of moans to accompany Eira's last few, and when he finally unleashed the first spurt in yet another deluge of the void rabbit's potent seed she threw her head back and let out a long, deep moan. Her eyes snapped tightly shut as raw pleasure exploded through her core, every burst of liquid fire into her sex prompting the next pleasurable spasm of her body to grow all the more intense. Her cervix dilated after the first shot splashed against it, pumping up against Eira's tip and sucking wave after wave of his potent seed deep into her increasingly receptive womb, two more twinges signaling the release of more eggs for the deluge of sperm being released inside of her to fight over. Her inner walls quivered and spasmed, sucking the desired substance from his throbbing tool in copious amounts, but always Eira seemed to have more to give, his hefty balls swelling with more.

Even after he had finished cumming, Eira moved to change positions once more, putting her on her side and lining up, holding one of her legs. The panting wanderer put a hand to his chest to stop him, taking another few seconds to recover before letting out another deep sigh and sitting up. "Ahh... Ahhh... Mmmm... Wow, you really don't get tired easy, do you?" she cooed, "I could go like this for hours too... If I hadn't already had all sorts of fun earlier anyway! Still.... I've got an idea that might calm you down a little~"

Sliding off of the edge of the bath, she settled onto her knees in the bath, putting her face level with his manhood. There was no point in hesitating now, and she had no interest in teasing Eira any further, so once in position she simply grabbed his cock aimed it upwards slightly and descended upon it, her lips parting just as they touched the tip and opening only just enough to permit it into her mouth. Her tongue cradled the underside of his shaft as she descended, what little he had to work with vanishing past her lips, which quickly formed a tight seal as they reached the base. Her cheeks sunk in as she drew back to the tip, her tongue drawing a quick swirl around it and leaving it glistening with saliva rather than the mixture of their sexual fluids. She let out a pleased moan that was muffled slightly by the head of his shaft, savoring the succulent taste of their combination, and then tilted her head back to look up at his eyes as she let off the pressure she'd built up and slid back forward, her tongue lashing softly against the sensitive underside.

Her lips tightened once more, cheeks sinking in as she prepared to slide back, never breaking eye contact unless Eira did as her lips slid back along his shaft, and then repeated the earlier flicks of her tongue before going down on him once again. That pattern repeated itself numerous times over the next several minutes, Isolda sucking Eira's cock for all it was worth, changing only the tilt of her head so that her tongue could flick across different portions of his shaft. Eventually, however, she stopped with only his tip in her mouth, letting her tongue circle the void rabbit's domed tip again and again while she gave a soft, thoughtful hum. Her hands came up, one settling on his ass to keep him in place, and the other rising to form a tight ring around the base of his shaft using her forefinger and thumb. Her next descent was a little quicker, and when she slid back next her fingers followed her lips, adding a steady jerk to her insistent sucking. Another few moments passed much like the first, except now she stroked him in addition to the licking and sucking she had already been doing, but then she pulled off of his tip with a soft popping noise and stuck out her tongue, cradling it against the underside of his manhood while she started jerking it rapidly while pointing it towards her open mouth.

If there was a clearer way to indicate where his next load was going to Eira, she couldn't think of it, and over the next few moments she switched back and forth between giving him rapid jerks and sucking on him. By that point she had a pretty good idea of how Eira acted just before his orgasm, and so when the signs of his climax came she brought him right up to the cusp of release before popping off of his pulsating tool one last time. "Give it to me... Come on... Cum in my mouth!" she gasped, before her tongue once more began to flick at him, one hand jerking him over the finish line and the other gripping his backside tightly to keep him in position. The first shot into her mouth drew a groan of arousal from the pale wanderer, his raw taste filling her taste buds as she shut her eyes and savored each rope, letting it slide down her throat should it begin to overfill her oral cavity and then sending the remainder over her face should she be unable to swallow fast enough. She jerked him until he was fully emptied, and not drop of it would be wasted, the initial filling swirled around in her open mouth and then swallowed before every last drop was scooped from her skin and given the same treatment.

"Delicious.... Now sit down~" she cooed, pushing him to the edge of the bath and then letting him settle before she was on top of him once more. Once more forming a tight ring with her fingers to hold his still erect shaft, Isolda gave a pleased coo as she seemed to examine Eira's manhood, letting him feel her breath across his saliva slick tool just before he felt her tongue reach out and flick against his shaft. She lapped at his cock, giving slow, steady licks that took her tongue from the fingers at the base of his rod to its rounded tip, before leaning down to bring her lips to his sack. "You got anything left in these? Lets find out!" she said, before her open mouth descended on his scrotum and she quickly sucked one of the void rabbit's heavy orbs into her mouth, drawing on it succulently while giving his shaft a slower series of jerks with only her fingers. The more intense his reaction, the more insistently she sucked on his swollen testicle, even rubbing at it with her tongue at the same time, and after a few moments she released it only to give the other orb identical treatment, sucking on it and groaning softly as her jerking took up a steadier pace. She built up that motion over the next few moments, sucking on first one ball and then the other while one hand worked up and down his cock while the other held it in place with a firm grip on its base, until her fingers were working in a steady blur and his balls were covered in her saliva.

Unless he seemed ready to cum again after only a few minutes of her enthusiastic stroking and sucking, Isolda would pop off of his heavy sack one last time and crawled forward. Even if he did give her another facial, however, it would only mean he had to wait for another thorough cleaning, one performed as much as possible with her tongue, before what came next. She leaned forward and placed her bosom on Eira's lap, cradling his cock between her immense breasts and grinning up at him. "You'd better have at least one big load left in you... Because I want to feel your cum all over my tits!" she purred before placing both hands on the sides of her breasts, pushing them together until they formed a tight but pillowy soft embrace around his shaft. Her flesh conformed around him, flawlessly smooth and almost velvety skin surrounding him, enveloping Eira's cock so much that even his tip wouldn't quite stick through her cleavage.

A few seconds of stillness would be her only mercy before her hands lifted her breasts, using them to stroke Eira's whole rod fully and repetitiously. Should he decide to start humping upwards she would let him go at his own pace, but if he kept still beneath her Isolda would only build up her pace over the course of the next few minutes. She would occasionally change things up, sometimes sliding her breasts up and down separately instead of at once, sometimes moving her chest using her back so that some lateral motion was added, but regardless she would be relentless in her act until Eira gave her exactly what she'd demanded at the start. She didn't stop when he seemed to be getting close, nor when he started spurting his seed, letting some splash in her cleavage and some fire up into the air only to rain down onto her bosom, making sure once more that she milked him until he was totally dry and emitting a pleased groan all the while.

Then the same sort of lewd cleaning that she had enacted at least once already occurred once more, first cleaning Eira strip by strip by strip with sensual licks and then leaning away and looking down at her own cum coated chest. She drew her fingers across her thoroughly stained bosom, gathering up a sizable helping of the thick goo clinging to her pale orbs, then brought those digits up to examine the strands of semen stretched between them for a moment before lapping them clean one by one. Once the last digit had been sucked clean, her tongue moved to her own breasts, cleaning as much of those full orbs as she could reach with her deft lingual muscle, even lifting them to get a better angle, and then doing the rest with her fingers much like she had at the beginning. Every helping was held in her mouth, rolled around by her tongue, and then ultimately swallowed; Isolda savoring the oddly sweet taste and the all too familiar texture that she had long ago come to enjoy.

By that point, however, she had been sitting in his aura at very close range for far too long to be contented. Her womanhood, despite the long period of abuse it had suffered so far, was throbbing with need, arousal leaving her very nearly beyond reason. Isolda hastily climbed on top of Eira, settling over him so that he had the large orbs that had been working over his shaft oh so recently were hanging over his head, and her pussy poised over his manhood. "You wanna knock me up right? Then you'd better give it to me hard! I want more!" She reached down to make sure his cock was aimed properly before sinking down onto it with a satisfied groan, the smaller size less disappointing than it might normally be.

As she began to buck, however, her motions were slow and deliberate rather than the rapid rut that her body so desperately craved. It was impossible for her to match Eira's pace, and now she knew that, so instead she planned to move only long enough to get him going again before she tensed her hips to receive his rapid pounding without shifting under her own power. Now he could slam up into her at his best rate and she would make no move that might interrupt his pace unless he literally made her collapse, leaving him free to make her jiggle as hard as he could with those wonderfully rapid thrusts, her breasts swinging freely in his face unless he chose to partake in another dose of her milk. If the void rabbit did as he'd done before, she would ride him and let him set the pace, moaning like a whore in heat all the while, right up until he gave her yet another cream filling that at the very least would drive her into another orgasm that had her inner walls milking his warm cream into her. By that point fatigue was most definitely starting to set in, but Eira's aura had driven the wanderer into a sexual frenzy, and the feel of him exploding inside of her was too much for her to let it go without at least one more.

Leaning down on top of him, Isolda nipped Eira on the ear, flicking her tongue against the captive tip for a moment before she softly purred; "Mmmmm, more... I want more... I wanna ride it out of you... Just relax... Let me make you cum~" Her demand whispered into the void rabbit's ear, Isolda would plant a hand on his chest and lean back, rising up so that she was seated in his lap, her ivory hair still damp from the bath and clinging to her shoulders and bust as she began to slowly rise up and down. She would have preferred it had her partner been bigger, but by that point any source of penetration was enough to get her off, and Eira had proven himself quite able to give her orgasm after orgasm as he ground into her g-spot.

Contrary to his rapid bucking, however, Isolda would set her hips into a much slower motion, letting him feel every inch of his manhood being stroked by her soft folds while her breasts bounced freely. The pale half elf's slow ride would extend for over a minute before she changed tactics, and after settling down with a soft moan her inner walls squeezed around Eira's manhood tightly. Her hips shifted forward, causing her folds to give the void rabbit's cock a firm stroke as she ground herself on his lap, her inner muscles pulling up and forward. She relaxed as she shifted back, but then tensed again as she slid forward, moaning once again as the motion stimulated both her g-spot and her clitoris, while Eira would receive an even tighter squeeze. From then on she would grind, occasionally pausing to give a few quick pumps that caused her plump rear to smack into her partner's thighs before going back to grinding.

Slowly but surely Isolda leaned further back, away from Eira, but that grinding only got faster and harder. The steady gyrations of her hips worked almost ceaselessly save for the brief breaks when she bounced up and down, and her soft groans as she worked him against her most sensitive zones were as genuine as any she had made while he was wildly pounding into her. Her eyes never left the void rabbit's face as she rode him, enjoying the evidence of his pleasure as much as anything else as she worked to milk yet another load from her partner's seemingly endless supply of semen. Her mind was fully clouded with thoughts of sex by that point, her body needing more cum poured into it, and she was increasingly uncaring about the source or consequences should she continue letting the void rabbit have his way. The pale wanderer let out a lewd purr as she felt Eira throbbing inside of her, the rough grinding of her folds growing more insistent as she sought to once more pull his seed into her insatiably thirsty depths.
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Eira could only grin at Isolda's observation of his stamina. "Hehe... I knew you'd get tired first," he teased, challenging her desire to continue by having a prod at her pride. She placed a firm hand to stop him, but even then his hips wiggled forward as the very tip of his manhood dipped in between her swollen labia. He thrusted his hips forward, panting, grunting softly as fuller and deeper penetration was held back only by the wanderer's outstretched arm. If only she let him, he would be balls-deep in her once again, humping away as if it were his only purpose. Indeed, the Void Rabbit was truly a machine! But Isolda's proposal, along with her quickness to action, proved enough to pacify her effeminate mate for the time being.

As she sunk to her knees in the tub, taking his erect shaft in between her lips once again, Eira clutched the back of Isolda's head with both hands--not that she was going anywhere--and savored the service, cooing and moaning in a feminine voice. Her skills at sucking dick saved her poor pussy a bit of extra wear here, as a tinge of soreness began to settle in between Isolda's legs. As she bobbed up and down on the bunnyboy's pulsing rod, she'd get another taste of his creamy precum. Tasty as it was, it was undoubtedly filled with his hard-working sperm, which would have otherwise gone on to dominate the battlefield of her womb if she hadn't chosen to replace it with her mouth. Either way, it felt just as good for Eira, whose eyes rolled back halfway in a blissful stupor as he felt the half-elf's oral faculties working as hard as they could to take him to yet another orgasm. But it would still be another few minutes before she would really be able to take him there...

Or so he thought. Soon enough she worked to tease every part of his sensitive shaft, allowing her tongue to dance upon its bell-like head while her fingers secured his base and gave an honest attempt at milking it for all he was worth. A series of feminine gasps and coos rose out from the bunnyboy's throat, and when Isolda put forth the hum to stimulate his entire groin region, his voice went up an octave. "I... oooh! Aauuhhuuhnn! W-w-waii... ah! Hnnh!" he cried out, hands scrambling to instinctively pull him away from the source of such overwhelming pleasure.

But Isolda wasn't having any of it--one of her hands had already snaked around to grab his backside, keeping the Void Rabbit right where she wanted him. Worse, the other began to milk away at the base of his shaft, giving him little choice but to endure. Writhing in place, Eira thrashed his head from side to side, trying his hardest not to cum again so early. The wanderer knew that if given the choice, this devious individual would always opt to deposit his potent flood of swimmers directly into her womb. But thanks to her aggressive stance on pleasuring him orally, he would inevitably have to let it out in a different area... where Isolda could taste it. The combination of her undulating tongue teasing his head and tip, with the tight ring of her fingers firmly tugging away near the base of his shaft, proved just enough, given some time, to coaxing the desired substance from the bunnyboy's throbbing cock.

From there, the pale beauty issued a lewd command, and stuck her tongue out, providing the perfect canvas upon which her partner could paint. And so he did. "Ahuuu... hnnnh, I-I'm... y-yuh! Haaahh! Hnnnhh! Huuuuuooohh~!" moaned Eira, his chin tilted upwards as his testicles drew back just slightly, his abdomen tensing more noticeably as splatters of his white decorative goo laid themselves upon Isolda's outstretched tongue, giving her a flavor that she certainly would not find repulsive. His twitching member pulsed strongly before each spurt, all too alive thanks to the Voidic beauty's inspiring touch.

Eira was still panting, shivering in awe as his partner found her second wind and pushed him to the edge of the bathtub once again. He seemed a little dizzy from the looks of things, but even then, could afford no time to rest once the demonic descendant began to suckle on his testicles, as if imploring them to produce more of the desired genes. The bunnyboy rolled his head from side to side, groaning, his balls shifting about slightly in their sack as Isolda showered them with attention from her tongue and lips. He managed to hold off cumming so quickly, especially after such an intense orgasm brought about by the woman's oral work, and simply sighed in appreciation for the act, keeping a light hold upon the wanderer's head of long, silvery hair as she continued.

The expert treatment she had provided to his scrotum was enough to inspire his length to remain at its full hardness, which made it easier for Isolda to embrace the cock between her sizable tits and begin stroking him, as was her noted specialty that could render nearly any man comatose with pleasure. For Eira, however, who had been in something of a daze the past few minutes, it only influenced him to come alive once again, and with an expression devoid of logic yet full of animalistic lust, he grabbed a rather tight hold upon her shoulders and began to thrust fervently into the makeshift orifice that her smushed breasts made.

"Oooh... hahh! Hahh! Hnnn! Hnnfff! Y-yuh!" cried the Void Rabbit, his gaze nearly vacant with drive and instinctual need. While other men might have laid back and allowed the magic to simply happen, the act had driven Eira to reveal more of his true nature as a male, causing him to feverishly hump away at the crevice formed from her tits. Isolda could feel the tip of his cock sliding against her sternum, slick with cum and sweat. Soon, his pace doubled, and then the swordswoman felt the first few hot blots of Eira's semen erupt, first between her breasts, stickying the area almost instantly, and then the rest finding some air through the top opening of her cleavage.

Then, she would make another lewd display of the cleaning of his cum, showing to the aggressive Void Rabbit how treasured his cum might be. "You really are Voidic," he observed aloud, an all-too pleased grin still stretched across his face. "I know it's tasty and all, but just look at you! Hehe... nnnnhhh... a-ah! That's nice..."

"Oooooohhhh..." cooed Eira, once again feeling a short dizzy spell from the intensity of it all. His balls ached, and yet the will to continue was ever present, and so he didn't even ask for a break before Isolda sought to mount him once more. "Heh... heheh," he giggled in between sharp breaths. "I do... I told you, I'm gonna get you pregnant! You really don't care, huh? You want my babies that badly? I thought you didn't like me at first, but now, what would Nottis think seeing that you've become my bunnymama~?"

The mere presentation of her womanhood, and with it the potential to deposit more helpings of Eira's potent seed deep within, was all that the bunnyboy needed to get moving once again. The first few moments of their next coupling would be as slow as Isolda wanted, but her smaller partner wasn't to be denied those breeding instincts for too long. As expected, his upward thrusts began to pick up in rhythm once again, as he sought to deliver several more loads directly into her thirsty womb. Of course, her swaying jugs would prove far too irresistible for the lupine youth, and he took to suckling upon them, taking in additional nourishment that might fuel his energy and libido. Such was the exchange, that he might drain Isolda and fertilize her in return. His pace would increase naturally, causing her entire body to practically jiggle from the repeated impacts. "Oooh... hauhhnn... aah! Ah! Uuuu... I-I'm cumming...! NNNNNN!!!"

Then, the long-awaited creampie came. It was hard to keep track of exactly how many times it had been by that point, but it would feel just as intense even for the fatigued wanderer, and naturally exhiliarating for her mate. Eira's expression had become the very picture of pleasure, a deep blush spread across his cheeks with his gaze drifting. His tongue even stuck out slightly as he shuddered, shifting about in an attempt to cope with the sheer bliss of it all. "Ahuuuhhhnn..." he groaned, only to have his eyes widen slightly when the half-elf began to nibble upon the tip of his sensitive ear and take the lead once again.

For that moment, Eira would do as instructed, simply laying back and letting Isolda work her hips upon him, the rounded tip of his tool giving the woman repeated pulses of pleasure where it counted. He didn't stay too idle, however, taking great curiosity and pleasure in toying with her soft breasts as they bounced freely for him to see. As expected, the bunnyboy was not shy about making eye contact, his gaze locking firmly onto that of his partners as he showed her a knowing grin. She would work, and work, pushing her limits to drain him of his genetic gift, but this time, he wouldn't be so quick to cum. Was he literally running out of semen?

The youth smiled and grunted, jutting his hips up suddenly, and finally the void elf would feel the desired burst of heat erupt near her womb, which would no doubt suck up the potent liquid. It wasn't nearly as much as before, though... but he didn't look worried about it in the least. "If you want the rest of it, I gotta be on top! It's just how I like it," explained the Void Rabbit with surprising zeal, allowing the fatigued swordswoman to slip off him before maneuvering her to her side, next to the tub. Where she had pushed him away before, now he took advantage of her tiredness to have his way, slipping his petite cock into her sloppy pussy and pushing himself in as deep as would satisfy him.

"I was really looking forward to taking you like this, before you stopped me! But since you want to be filled so bad, I can do whatever I want here, riiight? Hehh... hnnn~!" exclaimed the bunnyboy, having found his second, or third, or fourth wind, whatever it might have been, to begin rutting Isolda without pause. At that point, she wouldn't have to do much of anything. When he was on top, he apparently had limitless energy. Eira had become a breeding machine, and there seemed to be no end in sight. Isolda felt another tiny tinge of pain just left of her womb, and then another to the right, and at that point she knew she had ovulated twice more as the bunnyboy continued to breed her. Even then, she felt the pull of sleep come even stronger, and Eira seemed to be taking advantage of the weakness in her muscles from the immense degree of exertion put forth that night. He had the advantage in stamina, perhaps due to his size. Luckily, even he had a breaking point, and he found his final orgasm, biting his lower lip as he hilted her, then gyrated his hips as load after load of his bunny batter filled every last empty space within Isolda's womb.

"Hahhhh..." he sighed, before collapsing onto the wanderer, her large breasts conveniently serving as cushions for him. The blackness would soon claim them both...

Isolda would wake up in that same room, her eyes hurting--she apparently had gotten some sleep, but not nearly enough--and in a most curious situation. Eira was on top of her, firmly placed in between her thighs... and gently pumping away at her, his cock buried deeply in her pussy, the inner walls of which were still slick with his cum. He was hungrily sucking away upon one of her nipples, so as to get a bit of milk along with his 'breakfast'. If there were any competing sperm left in Isolda's womb, Eira certainly seemed determined to drive them out by virtue of sheer numbers...
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

The vibrant bucking Eira exhibited once he drew out of his pleasured haze drew a giggle from Isolda, who simply allowed him to do all the work as he pumped his shaft into the channel between her breasts. The void rabbit didn't take too long to erupt for her either, and she groaned with pleasure as he painted her pale skin with his pearly cream. "Told you you wouldn't last long~" she cooed before moving on to her lewd cleanup.

Later, Eira's response to Isolda's taunt prompted her to groan, her hips giving a few bucks in order to encourage him to get up to rhythm faster. "Oooh... Nnnn... You're gonna do it?" she grunted before his rapid pumping drove the ability to speak from her for a few moments, wordless groaning filling the bath chamber as Eira sought to breed her, and certainly caused enough pleasure to keep her in place long enough to get the job done. "Ooof... Oooofff... Mmmm.... Nnnn... yeah... Do it then!" she continued as he settled into hitting her sweet spot and she managed to regain some measure of control. "I don't care... Nnnfff... Just don't stop!"

By the time she was trying to ride another load out of him, with her body now craving more and her thoughts increasingly hazy, Isolda would groan in compliance with the void rabbit's most recent surrender of his seed and accompanying buck of his hips, another orgasm of her own prompting her folds to suck the cream from his balls with even greater vigor. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her toes curled as her hips ground back and forth, jerking Eira's cock into her to keep those ropes of cum splashing into her while her body seemed to drink it all. His lesser length meant that a good amount of his copious releases always ended up leaking out of her, but the demanding suction of her inner walls and his powerful streams kept some of it deep inside. Her cervix dilated and dipped, scooping the void rabbit's potent release up and drawing it towards her waiting eggs, which by that point were no doubt surrounded by legions of his sperm and the copious leftovers of her fun at the brothel. It wasn't a matter of if she would be pregnant by the end of this now, it was a matter of who the fathers would be... Or, perhaps more accurately, how many of her eggs would be claimed by one of her earlier partners before Eira's sheer numbers overwhelmed all competitors to take prize after prize.

It wasn't enough. With her mind left in a lustful fog, Isolda's hips began to buck onto Eira's lap even before her orgasm had fully faded, and continued for over a minute. Her hips moved purely by reflex at that point, however, and thanks to her increasingly fatigued state her motions were somewhat clumsy. At one point she rose too high, popping off of Eira's rod and allowing some of his seed to ooze out of her and onto him, though the sudden loss of penetration caused her to let out a low groan and close her eyes. She leaned forward again, her breasts hanging beneath her and over Eira's face as she propped herself up with her hands taking place beside him head, and rolled her hips until she found the tip of his cock and promptly impaled herself on him again, pumping and rolling her hips to try and return to stimulation even though her outer lips were actually starting to physically ache.

She would begin to slow after a few moments, however, her fugue fading, and ultimately there would come a point where Isolda would pull off of him with a soft grunt. She would hover for a moment, hips waving, but then slid over onto her side, her legs closed and shaking somewhat heavily. "More? Oof... You're not done?" she grunted in amazement, but despite her vocal hesitance she seemed to offer no physical resistance to the void rabbit as he pushed back into her depths. Letting out another groan as he penetrated her but also flinching slightly as pain accompanied the pleasure, Isolda would let him knock away at her for the next few moments, her already hazy vision only growing moreso.

The rise of pressure in her belly was as impossible to ignore as ever, drowning out the soft twinges accompanying her forced ovulation as Eira pounded into her, but by the time the void rabbit was once more throbbing inside of her Isolda was close to passing out. It had been a long time since she was this exhausted, and never before from sex, but it had been a long and energy consuming day, and Eira seemed utterly tireless in his pursuit of more sex. When he finally spurted into her once more, however, it seemed that he too had reached his limit, as bliss awashed in pain and exhaustion were her final experiences before she finally blacked out.


When she woke up, however, Isolda found that Eira hadn't quite finished, and was both sucking on one of her breasts - drinking up steady squirts of milk that seemed to be leaking more than usual - while humping her again. The lips attached to the tip of her breast felt nice, even relieving in a way, but her pussy felt anything but pleasant at that point even with the plentiful lubrication. "Uck... Stop! Out! Now!" she grunted, and if he did anything other than comply he would get a firm shove, the wanderer calling on her voidic abilities if necessary and not stopping until he had pulled out.

Then she sat up, grunting and shaking her head. More or less everything ached in one sense or another, and while it was hardly the first time she'd lacked a full night's sleep she was really feeling it now. How long had she been out for? "Really? When I was asleep?" she said dryly, managing to keep her anger from bubbling as she realized that she had more or less done the same thing often enough. "Uck... I need to wash up. Gonna have to visit the apothecary tomorrow... Or maybe today depending... Uck!" she grunted, complaining more to herself than to Eira before she slid into the bath, aiming at that point to get herself cleaned as efficiently as possible before getting dressed again. If it was still early maybe she could grab a room and get some sleep, but if it was already dawn she might have to go without proper rest for today. Her legs were already wobbly and her head ached, while her stomach was doing the turns every now and then. Inside of her, Eira's intense efforts were certainly paying off, though he wasn't the only winner in a sense as the voidic half elf's unusual genes were combined with those of a variety of different partners from the leftovers of her fun in the brothel, the sperm surrounding her eggs ultimately piercing each of them one by one and the freshly conceived children attaching to her uterine wall.

As she settled back into the water, she briefly eyed Eira, assuming he hadn't already departed. "Well... You've had your fun. I imagine it's not the first time... How many women have you done that to? I imagine you must have a veritable army of little bunnies running around; with how much influence the Hepta has you can probably get as many women as you want. You certainly don't lack for quantity... Or stamina. Not that I couldn't outdo you if I was fresh!"
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Despite Isolda's initial protests, Eira continued to move as if possessed. He was close, it seemed, judging by the speed of his thrusts, but the wanderer wouldn't allow him the luxury of cumming inside her yet again. "Hnnh! Hnnh! Hnnnh, ooohhhnnh... c-cumminggghhhff--- a-ah! Wah!" cried the bunnyboy, taken off guard by her quick shove. The sheer force of her push sent him flying back a few feet... but the sudden absence of his cock from her sopping cunny caused a notable flow of thick, milky seed to begin pouring out, forming a small puddle beneath Isolda's hips in turn.

"Nnnnhh..." groaned Eira as a few spurts escaped from his still-throbbing cock, his body still apparently on autopilot despite his partner's denial. The effeminate Void Rabbit rubbed his head, grimacing. "Awwh... I was just having a little fun! I mean, it's not my fault you got tired so easily and stuff," he commented, as if he himself wasn't covered in sweat and suffering from other signs of fatigue. "But I guess you're only sorta human after all!"

"Ooohhh..." Eira sighed aloud as he rubbed the rest of his load out shamelessly in front of the white-haired woman, taking in the sight of her nude form as she bathed in a strictly business-like manner. "Hehe, well, it's been a while for me, if I gotta be honest. And yah, I'm pretty good at that whole breeding thing... but for some reason, not everyone can handle delivering my litters, um, safely, that is. It's kinda weird," explained the bunnyboy rather nonchalantly with an added shrug. "Alona can just cancel them out. The catgirl stays away from me, pretty much."

"And for good reason," came a familiar voice from the entrance of the bathing room. It was Alona, dressed in nothing but a towel, and she couldn't help but raise a brow at the scene... of Isolda getting herself clean, several small pools of sex juices scattered around the main tub, and Eira handling himself.

She gave the wanderer a knowing look that said "come with me". While the obvious crime scene of such debauchery could easily be a source of continued amusement for Alona, she opted to beckon Isolda out of the room... but not before chiding the Void Rabbit. "I'm just going to guess that you made this mess--so you can clean it up, yes~?"

"But wouldn't it be more fun to add to it?" cooed Eira, his aura flaring.

Alona was no stranger to such a game, however, and seemed to be countering it with more effectiveness than Isolda had. "Oh, you. I'm sure, but from the looks of things, I'd say you had your fun and then some."


With that, the tan-skinned beauty led Isolda out and into one of the rooms, where she appeared to be staying. She disrobed and took a seat at the edge of one of the beds, inviting the other woman to sit next to her. Shaking her head softly, she couldn't help but grin a little.

"My... you truly are of the Void. All those men, and now that little dick? You really threw caution to the wind this time, though. He's an exceptionally potent one, but only female Void Rabbits' bodies are designed to handle the sizes of litters he sires. While I'm sure you're a sturdy sort, bearing a few of his bastards really isn't a risk worth taking... not if many of his previous partners were any indicator. I don't think any of us would want to lose you so soon to such a fate. But that does remind me. Do you know of your lineage?"

Regardless of how Isolda answered, Alona would lean in closer and place a hand over where the wanderer's womb was. "I can only hope that it isn't too late for you to learn of what you may already be capable of," said the woman, fetching a small wooden pail and placing it on the floor at the edge of the bed. She then directed the pale-skinned beauty to push her hips forward, towards it. Some remnants of Isolda's many creampies began to flow out once again, and Alona wasn't shy about helping her expel the potent liquid.

"My, you are really something. But let's try this. For right now, I'll need you to focus... slow down, breathe. One, two," guided the courtesan in an eerily calm, quiet voice. "Can you feel the essences of all those men, swirling around deep inside? They've already started to take root. Around a dozen, no less. You've welcomed them into your fertile soil without hesitation, in your most productive season. Yet, if you concentrate on the feel of them deep inside you... exactly where in your field those seeds are buried, you can just as easily remove them by plowing under the soil in which they grow. It's not an easy thing to explain, as I've rarely met another like myself..."

It would take Isolda quite a bit of serious reflection and some trust in Alona to understand, but if she did take the other woman's words to heart, and focused as strongly as she could, she would indeed feel something inside her, just as described...

Also, from the gangbang and the lengthy Eira encounter, Isolda gets 12 EXP to be spent on sex-related skills / powers.
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Having to push Eira out by force only incensed Isolda further, but at that point she hardly needed the extra power granted by her voidic gifts in order to force him away. He was exhausted as she was, it seemed, and ended up stumbling away into the other side of it, his cock giving a few weak spurts despite his aborted orgasm. She ignored his continued masturbation but inadvertently gave him a view that would almost assuredly aid it as she leaned forward, propping herself up on her hands and spreading her legs wide to look down between her breasts at her abused sex. Her chest heaved and leaked some streams of milk, her unnaturally pale skin glistened with sweat and leftover cum, and as she looked down between her legs at the oozing mess that was her pussy her jaw fell open at the sheer volume of semen that was oozing out of her and forming a stream running down the side of the tub.

Her eyes drifted back up to Eira as he brought himself to completion despite that she'd forced him away, and though for many other partners she might have hurried forth to at least catch a bit of his seed on her face and chest she offered him no such lewd courtesy. He hadn't even been remotely apologetic about his violation, an offense that she would normally have offered a brutal beating for under normal circumstances, and as she watched him finish pumping the last few dregs out of himself she felt her exhausted form tensing to do that very thing.

Luckily for Eira, Alona interrupted them, and though her aura was still shifting towards violence it slowed considerably at the courtesan's arrival slowed the rise of her fury significantly. Her growing glare turned to a neutral look as she diverted her gaze towards Alona, and though Eira made an effort to convince her to join in rather than give Isolda a convenient exit she proved quick to shut down his efforts. Isolda wasn't any worse off this time, her lust taking a sharp plummet and her anger allowing her to shrug off Eira's aura burst far more easily, and with one final glare at the void rabbit she climbed out of the tub, gathered up her possessions, threw them over her shoulder, and followed the towel-clad courtesan out of the bathing room. Normally she might have been worried about wandering the corridors where Nottis or Culdan or Ryl might have been lurking about, but she didn't have anything that would be on quickly and didn't want to take the time to armor up. It would be too tempting to make a much bigger - and much redder - mess of the bathroom if she did.

Still, joining Alona in her makeshift bedroom helped her receding calm return, and she even cracked a smirk as the woman did away with her towel. Isolda didn't take the opportunity to give her darker skinned counterpart's body a full look over, however, and instead set her gear aside and sat down next to her.

"So you people keep telling me," Isolda remarked dryly under her breath in response to Alona's initial comment once she'd taken a seat, though she let her legs drift apart and her body hang over the edge of the bed, more of Eira's cum oozing from her sex. She must have left a trail on her way here, if she still had so much.

"Caution was never my strong suit," she said, but then frowned in response to her question about the specifics of her lineage. "I don't know for certain," she began to answer, "my father left us when I was... Five? Six? I don't really remember exactly, and he never really revealed what sort of bloodline he was working with. I haven't really had the opportunity to study enough to take any sort of a useful guess either, so your guess may very well be better than mine."

The void elf took on a surprised look at Alona's attempt to instruct her, but she hadn't gotten to this point in her life, through so many conflicts of every sort imaginable, but ignoring an opportunity to learn something. Looking down where Alona's hand was, Isolda closed her eyes and let out her breath in a deep sigh. "You can tell how many!?" she asked, but then went quiet again. For several moments she felt nothing, sensed nothing, but she pushed back her frustration and persevered. One minute turned to two, to five, and so on, but after a time and some more prompting and explanation from the courtesan she thought she felt something more than just the physical warmth.

It was like working a muscle she had never used before for the first time, or opening her eyes for the first time. With some work, however, she could feel more than just the simply material, at least on the normal scale one might experience. Looking inside herself, into her core, she found the portion of her uterus where the fertilized eggs that Eira had forced her to release were already attached to her uterine wall. She could even tell the difference between those fertilized by other men and those that Eira's deluge had claimed, the void rabbit's children eager for life and growing even quicker than their siblings. Her children by the various fathers were budding inside of her already, and for a moment the unfamiliar intimacy almost made her hesitate. Was it really right to terminate all of these just because they were an inconvenience to her? She would have to upend all of her "soil" if she wanted to be rid of any, at least at her stage of inexperience, and doing so would terminate each and every one of them.

"This is... Weird," she muttered under her breath, fidgeting. Should she? Maternal affection, despite her general lack of such reactions, warred with pragmatism, but only briefly. Ultimately, that pragmatism won out; she didn't wish to die in childbirth, and the number of children growing inside of her and the mentions she'd heard so far suggested that that was a distinct possibility. Putting aside her biological urges, she tried to lift the "soil" in which the void rabbit's seeds had been planted, and unfortunately immediately went into cramps. The sudden swell of intense pain took her by surprise, but she was no stranger to it and had suffered far worse before, and it did little to disrupt her concentration. Within a few minutes she succeeded, and though it would mean entering her monthly bleed - which she did almost immediately, a tinge of pink joining the white leaking out of her - Isolda let out a sigh as she found herself no longer pregnant.

"You... Wouldn't happen to have a pad and a pair of undergarments lying around that I could borrow? Or, well, take. I can improvise something from my gear if need be, and I've got the coin to go get some replacements tomorrow, but that won't exactly help me right now," she said, ignoring both the growing pangs of pain in her stomach at what she'd forced her body to do and the continued soreness of her inner walls and outer lips now that the ordeal was over. She wouldn't be having any more sex for a few days at the very least, but she'd gone quite a while without it before coming to Havenport, and that particular urge had been sated quite effectively over the last few days. She fidgeted awkwardly, unsure of whether or not thanks were truly appropriate for the lesson Alona had imparted and not terribly comfortable being shown something about her body that she hadn't known she could do this late in her life.

Bought Succubus Powers with that 12 xp, getting Dazzling Beauty, Incredible Stamina, and Selective Fertility. Also spent previously gained 6 xp on +6 Body. Did some other minor sheet cleanup, but will deal with Trades later.
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Despite the potential awkwardness and embarrassment of the situation, Alona didn't seem bothered at all by the notion, keeping a calm smile upon her face as if she were instructing something far more mundane. Then again, for an experienced part-Voidic individual such as herself, perhaps it was just that.

"It's clear what you are, either way. Not that I'm any expert on Voidic types myself, other than what we have in this little club... but demons and their ilk seem to have the long end of the stick when it comes to many of these. Perhaps not unlike how humans have very strong advantages over other species here on Arkeia! It's quite fun to be at the apex of both worlds, don't you think~?" She leaned into Isolda, placing her hand upon the other woman's lower abdomen and helped her through the process.

"Weird? Fufu... you must find us all quite strange, then, but I would say that you aren't exactly the most normal one yourself. That -is- why you are in Havenport, no?" She gently gave Isolda the space she needed as the wanderer entered a different stage, and took a moment to dig through her own belongings after the items were requested of her. "Mm, of course. You can have both, of course, once I find them... ooh, there we are. I just hope you don't mind my... fancy style, fufu~ Although we seem to be much the same size in many regards, so it should be fine..." After a bit of digging through the leather bag she had brought, Alona came up holding a lacy, silky pair of purple panties that she displayed before casually tossing to the other woman.

She then stood up to hand her two small rolls of soft white material, likely plant fibers or wool. "Those should work. You put those in you, and remove them via the string when it's soaked through. Far less restrictive, too, in my opinion. You're not too opposed to the feel of walking around with something inside you though, I hope?" she teased, giving Isolda time to observe and then use the item.

Once the white-haired one had gotten decent enough, she continued. "Anyway, I'd keep my distance from Eira for a while. Once he finds out that you're willing to put out, s... he's absolutely insufferable. Best to make it easier on yourself. It it means having to be a little hostile towards him, then so be it. I hope this whole crusader scare wears off soon enough, then perhaps you could join me at the Quarters? We'd both have a fun time, I'm sure."

Just as she finished her sentence, Isolda heard a knocking noise at the door. It was faint, but still loud enough for her pointed ears to pick up.

"Someone there?" asked Alona as she stood up and opened the door to their room, peeking into the hallway. She carefully made her way down, and was met by Nottis, who seemed to have come from another part of the warehouse.

"I'll answer it," said the part-demon, taking understandable caution. "It could be one of my associates, or it could be the people we've been expecting. Guard yourselves. Culdan, Rill. Here, now."

Rill appeared to skulk in from the shadows of one corner, as if appearing out of the cracks. Culdan stood up from his seat and nodded.

He opened the door, revealing a young boy, no older than ten years of age, holding a wooden box.

"S-Sir," stammered the boy, who was visibly frightened by the collective passive auras of Nottis, Isolda, and possibly Alona. "I was just told to deliver this... I'm going to go now!" He dropped the crate in front of him, prompting Nottis to shoot a hand forward and grab him by the neck. Tears rolled down the child's face.

"Who gave this to you? Tell me what they looked like exactly, and where they met you. How long ago?"

While he questioned the child, Alona took the box and opened the lid. Inside appeared to be a head of orange hair. "Oh... no," whimpered the courtesan, covering her mouth.

Although the face wasn't yet visible from its position, the glimpse of two flattened, pointed ears upon its top told Isolda all she needed to know of whose it was.
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"Uh huh," Isolda retorted dryly to Alona's playful banter about being the product of the alpha races of both worlds. It was something to consider, perhaps, but Isolda had never one to attribute her prowess to her race despite the numerous benefits that it had bestowed upon her, and even now that she was discovering yet another one Isolda had other things on her increasingly weary mind.

"Not as strange as you might think, though the tricks are becoming tiresome," she admitted, "I suppose it is something I'll have to get used to though... Or not. We'll see." She silently watched Alona digging around, and when the courtesan returned she took the offered items and examined them.

"These are a little nicer than I'm used to... Nicer than I'd like for the red week too, but if you don't mind lending them... I'll clean them up before I give them back," she said after examining the undergarments Alona handed over. Then she turned to the other objects with some confusion, eyeing the odd items before Alona explained them. "Huh... Well, alright then... I suppose they'll do, at least long enough for me to grab a pad if they get too uncomfortable. It's only one at a time, right?" She would apply the tampon, carefully sliding it into herself to soak the blood oozing out of her. She winced slightly, but more from general discomfort caused by soreness than anything else.

Then she slid the panties on and, without anything better to do, started getting dressed. She applied her chest wraps first, carefully wrapping the cloth around her breasts. Then she got into her skirt, her legwraps and greaves, her boots, and finally started strapping on her breastplate and pauldrons. "Thanks for the warning," she said while dressing herself, "he does seem the type to make assumptions... Maybe it would be best if I spend a few days away. I'm less worried about crusaders than your boss seems to think I should be, it'll probably blow over soon enough. I don't know about going to the Silver Quarters though... We'll see."

It was as she was tightening the last few straps that the knock occurred, and Isolda followed Alona out into the hall towards the source of the sound. She walked past Nottis as he intercepted them, ignoring his orders and going over to the door, but didn't get within five or so feet and let her hand rest on the handle of her long blade. Then she waited, and within moments the leader of the odd bunch she had fallen in with pulled the door open to reveal... A young boy with a box. Not being as experienced in the sort of message being delivered, she quirked an eyebrow at his nervous disposition and Nottis insistence that he remain, though it didn't entirely surprise her. Men like Nottis rarely left things unknown, in her experience, and she turned from his insistent interrogation and looked to the box, now held by Alona.

Her reaction when the lid came off was considerably more muted than that of the courtesan who did the opening, but internally Isolda's mind was whirling as it picked up details. Orange hair. Triangular, feline ears. In a box. A box that a child could carry that was much too small for this to be an entire body. Some might have held out hope that this was someone else, or perhaps even some sort of sick joke, but Isolda was not so foolishly optimistic.

The pale wanderer's stomach turned, and her knuckles went white on the hilt of her sword. 'That's Oribel... She's dead.' Her eyes narrowed, her skin going paler than usual. 'She was just here... I just saw her... Back at the... Back at...' Her mind picked through the memories of the past day, of meeting the felvari, of speaking with her, of their time in the hotel... And then of her going off on her own. Alona's reassurance at the time rang through her ears like the dull peel of an old bell, before Isolda had gone to their fun in the brothel, entirely carefree and expecting no consequences for her actions, at least besides a little soreness.

Now someone she knew, and liked, had been delivered to her in decapitated head form. It wasn't the first time she'd lost a friend, or even a lover, in such a violent fashion. The bloody nature of her life, particularly the death of her mother, had left her jaded and distant by reflex, but that hardly meant that something like this, delivered so suddenly, wouldn't affect her. It sunk like a weight in her belly, and a dull headache began to throb at her temples, a jumbled mass of emotions running through her head making chaos of her thoughts as she tried to look back for a face, an incling, a suspicious glance at the felvari that might give her a face to apply some of those emotions to.

Her grief was quick to lose the spotlight, fleeting, and settled like a dull rock at the bottom of a lake and sat there, among others but presently the one on top of the pile and thus receiving the greatest amount of attention. Guilt preserved it a bit longer than she was used to, however. It was undeniable that it had been her flippancy that had driven Oribel to solitude, and if she hadn't been so casual with her affections, if she hadn't accepted Alona's invitation... A part of her tried to shift blame that way, tried to build up a wall between herself and her guilt, but Isolda wouldn't let herself be that shallow. This one was on her, at least partially, and she had to own up to that.

That didn't mean that guilt would cripple her, however, and that led her into the next major feeling. Anger. And what an anger it was... A deep, seething rage at the cost to her for another's faith. Oribel wasn't a monster. If anyone in the odd group of voidic folk had been without great sin on their shoulders, it had been her, at least as far as Isolda's limited experience with the lot could discern. She had just wanted to be left to her own devices, and now she was dead because of some psychopath's choice to associate a few brands of magic with concepts in a book. Her own actions might have been careless, but the one holding the sword was ultimately always the one responsible for what it was used for.

Someone was going to die for this. And if she had any say in the matter it wouldn't be a quick death in battle. Red though her vision might be, however, Isolda had gotten used to compartmentalization, and she filed her rage into a box and left it there to be opened when it was useful. Both of her favored sword styles required a degree of concentration and discipline, the careful approximation of Mulweissen and simplistic bursts of fire magic from Hardtslag both necessitating that she push pain and emotion to the back of her mind. It wasn't so different now, even if she would have to wait a while to wet her sword, and for now she had to find information.

She walked past Alona and over to Nottis as he interrogated their unfortunate messenger, and if the boy hadn't been released or wasn't in the process of delivering the information needed to get himself released she would gently urge the one armed warrior's arm down. She would stop the boy from darting away with a firm grip on his shoulder, however, and would instead lead him off to the side, slightly away from the rest and not deeper into the room. Her own aura was fairly muted by that point, exhaustion of both the physical and emotional variety making her presence less than what it might be if she had seen that fresh.

"Hey there," the voidic wanderer said softly, offering the young boy a smile as she lowered herself to a crouch in front of him, getting down to his level and looking him in the eyes. "Don't worry too much about him... He's grumpy in the morning," she said playfully, trying to ease the tension. She had known so many like him growing up in Elynsor, and though she herself had never been made to deliver "messages" of the sort they had just received, she had known a few who had been forced to do so. Some of them didn't come back once they'd made their delivery, and some of them vanished not too long after if they answered too many questions.

Riled up as she might be, Isolda hoped that the crusaders weren't of the sort to stoop to that level. This child was undoubtedly poor and simply doing what he could to survive, he didn't deserve to have what few opportunities he had in life taken for delivering a box, however horrible the contents might be. "Look, I know how it is. Don't kill the messenger, right? But we really need to know how it is you got that box. Everything. When, where, how, who. Faces, names, anything they might have said. Even insignia, clothes, anything you might remember about them," she said softly, keeping a gentle hold on the young boy's shoulder to keep him from bolting. She reached to her belt with her other hand, and it returned with a hand full of glittering coins that she held up under the boy's nose. "Help me out, and maybe you'll be able to eat a little better for the next few days, hrm?"

All the while Isolda kept her ears attentive. Someone obviously wanted to rile them up, and stupid mistakes now could be lethal if the people who had killed Oribel were going to be so direct as to assault the Black Hepta's stronghold right after they had stirred things up. A ray of cosmic magic to the back or an arrow to the neck might be in her very near future if she wasn't careful, and if she sensed anything of the sort she would dive aside and drag the kid with her immediately without waiting to confirm the threat.

(Will hand over 30 dosh for good answers, maybe less for not so good answers. We'll have to see.)
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Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh, keep them, dear," replied Alona nonchalantly. "I hadn't packed any of my darker ones in my haste, so that's the closest you'll get until we figure out this whole danger that Nottis is on about. But I can certainly afford plenty more--a perk of being the Silver Quarters' top seller. When you're paid to do what you love, why bother with anything else? And yes, one at a time. Don't leave it in for too long, too."


Nottis was quick to release his grip on the youth. The part-demon swordsman exhaled sharply and put on a thoughtful look as Isolda tried to open the lines of communication. By the time the white-haired woman looked to take over the interrogation, the boy was so frozen with fear that running wasn't even something within his apparent capabilities, as much as he might have liked to.

"Uh... I don't... want them to hurt me too. But they just gave me that box and told me not to open it. And to bring it to this warehouse..." he started, hesitantly, only to go silent for a moment to stare at the little bag of coins that was presented to him. He pursed his lips and went quiet again, as if contemplating the offer.

With any urging from Isolda, the kid would continue. "T-They were knights, from Elynsor!" he stammered. "S... Seven of them, ummm... dressed in all red with a little bit of gold. Ahm... they found me just west of the city square! They told me that you guys w-were..." His eyes wandered over to Culdan, then to Rill. "Demons from the Void..."

"They're not entirely wrong," interrupted Nottis, who then opened the box to show the child. "Did you know what you were carrying inside this box?"

"Aah! Was... was that a monster?"
Re: Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Isolda dangled the sack, tilting her head and smirking knowingly. "Well? I'm waiting... But I can't wait all day," she said, prompting the boy to continue. Well, that confirmed the identity of Oribel's killers at least. She wasn't exactly familiar with the colors that the boy described, but that wasn't exactly surprising. The pale wanderer had had good reason to avoid the church growing up, and had never becoming intimately familiar with all of its various orders and subdivisions.

She adopted a skeptical smirk as the boy continued, but then snapped a withering glare towards Nottis when he opted to interject. The idiot. She hastily turned and kept the boy from looking in the box by shoving the coins under his nose, "no... That was our friend's head, as my esteemed... Associate... Here is so egregiously attempting to show you. She never hurt anyone, and she certainly wasn't any bogeymen come to kidnap children from their beds in the dead of night!" She tried to keep as calm and lighthearted a tone and expression as possible, but for once... It cracked a little. Her voice wavered twice as she spoke, and her smile was empty.

"The person they killed wasn't any more deserving of it than... You. Is that all that you saw? All that they said to you? They didn't pay you, and you didn't stick around and... Eavesdrop any?"