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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Here lies the rear-guard military base of the Sol system. It has enough food and supplies, as well as space, for up to three Scythe Carrier's. Half of this, of course, is taken up by the Dawn's Light. The planet itself is populated by over 1 million civilians, all inside large dome-like structures dotting the surface of the satellite-turned-colony.

A transports exits the dawns light, moving swiftly through the base and stopping at a gate just long enough for the driver to flash an ID at the window, the gate opening and the transport driving through "So how about we got grab a bite of something with flavor?" Michael says from the passenger seat, turning his head to look back at the rest of his squad "We're heading to City-23. It's got some of the best food you'll ever taste." he says, smiling as he looks out at the tunnel walls "They haven't finish terraforming Ganymede yet, so all travel is done through tunnels and air-tight passages between cities. USLD HQ intends to use this as a colony to 'repopulate the human race' should the need arise." he says, crossing his arms in front of him
Re: Ganymede

Linda sat there, staring out a viewport as she counted the lights in the tunnels, her mouth silently moving to form the syllables, though no sound came out. Every once in a while she would reach up and try to rub the temple that was no longer there, her hand instead finding the jack for her weapons. At Michael's words she spoke up, though her eyes never moved from the viewport.

"Does it have a zoo, by any chance?" She asks quietly, almost unheard over the sounds of the ship itself.
Re: Ganymede

Adria simply nodded, going over the information she had gotten from Virgil regarding the ring transport system. Something though was bothering her, but she didn't know what or why. There was nothing to be bothered by she figured, so why was she? It wasn't regarding the rings, so what was it?
Re: Ganymede

"No, it doesn't." Michael responds to Linda, turning to look at Adria "So. Any ideas on what we're gonna do after we get some R&R?" he asks, his right eye looking directly at her, albeit practically shut
Re: Ganymede

Linda just sighed wistfully. "How about a park?" She asks again. "Anything green that isn't in a hydroponic vat, for that matter?"
Re: Ganymede

"City-23 is an all-civilian city. While we're there, our weapon discs will be unavailable. The entire city is surrounded in a dampening field to prevent armed conflict inside, seeing as most of the USLD soldiers visit on shore leave." Michael says, sighing as he moves his eyes over to Linda and forces a smile "Any weapons inside the city will be confiscated by the authorities immediately. So you had best leave any weapons that you don't carry in your weapon disc."
Re: Ganymede

Linda actually turns her head from the window, giving Michael a snide look. "If you're insinuating that I would go after civilians, you can kiss my ass. Sir."
Re: Ganymede

"I'll take that under advisement, Linda." Michael says, looking forward and smiling "Here we are! Glorious City-23." he says, pointing down the tunnel as the opening comes into view, a massive city laying beyond.

The dome itself is over ten miles in diameter, tall buildings filling every inch of ground not taken up by roads. There is a park in the very center of the city, covering approximately half the area of New York's old Central Park. Strangely, the whole city seems to operate like old New York: Bustling streets, pedestrians as far as the eye can see, street vendors. A normal city, some would think.

The transport suddenly slams to a halt, Michael damn near slamming into the front windshield "Oi, watch where you're driving." he says, the driver chuckling as the transport continues along the streets, stopping next to a tall, black-colored skyscraper as the driver looks over at Michael "I have to go find a place to park this thing. Have fun." he says, pressing a button and opening the doors to the transport "Everyone out." Michael says, planting his left foot on the ground outside of the transport, then placing his crutch on the ground and stepping his injured right leg on the ground "I need to go get this leg fixed. Go inside the building and talk to the receptionist. This entire building is basically a giant, free hotel for USLD fleet members. Just show the receptionist your military ID, and she'll get you a room. It should be in good condition, provided the Shockers haven't used the room before." Michael says, sighing as he starts walking down the street "She'll also give you a nice little locater device for finding your way around the city." he says, waving his left hand over his head "Have fun!"
Re: Ganymede

Melissa stepped off the transport and breathed in. "Somehow the recycled air here smells better than on the ship," she said with a grin. "Maybe it's the lack of blood?" She looks at Michael and shakes her head, calling out, "I hope he knows what he's doing."
Re: Ganymede

Linda steps off, looking around the city, her eyes stopping on Michael's back with a piercing glare. Obviously, she wasn't in a good mood. "Come on, let's get this over with..."
Re: Ganymede

Melissa looks over at Linda after hearing the irritation in her voice. "Yeah, a hotel room with a warm bath and a soft bed ought to be nice after all that in the ship." She steps forward into the hotel, looking for the receptionist.
Re: Ganymede

Linda's expression didn't change as she walked into the building with a scowl on her face, not waiting for the rest to even exit the vehicle.
Re: Ganymede

Adria spoke only a few words. "Not really sure yet. I know I intend to have a look at some of the information I pulled out of the ship schematics before I left."

She stops when they come to a halt, wordlessly moving out, having heard everything. She moves behind Linda, speaking lowly to her so only she can hear her.

"Want to help look over a matter stream transporter system in a bit? I could use a fresh set of eyes."
Re: Ganymede

While the exact manner of the offence was unknown.. it was close to certain that 366 was breaking the "No-weapons" rule inside the city. That didn't particularly seem to bother the Operative - smug with the satisfaction that comes from knowing that your employers value you more than highly than most planets.

Still encased in her jet-black combat suit, she makes an intimidating presence in the lobby. She passes Melissa with just the hint of contact to move the woman aside, a touch to one arm barely more than a light breeze. Instead of addressing the receptionist, 366 reaches across the desk, and picks up the handheld scanner used to check military IDs, and swipes it across her forearm, before quickly entering a ten digit personal code onto the keypad. Someone watching closely might see a confirmation message flash across the device's screen, including the numbers "366", "Phantasm" and "Operative."

Wordlessly, a black-clad hand offers the device to Melissa, casually ignoring the gaping receptionist.
Re: Ganymede

Linda takes it instead, running her own identification check, handing over her storage unit with her weapons and grabbing the GPS device, striding back towards the entrance as she glances at it. The device hits a trash can just before she walks out, and she activates her camo suit as soon as she is through the door, disappearing from sight.
Re: Ganymede

Adria raised an eyebrow, then ran her own id check, leaving everything but the data storage unit. Going weaponless wouldn't sit well with most people but for her.... well, being a living weapon capable of killing with no other weapon other than her mind, it didn't bother her one bit. She was a tiny bit peeved with Linda for ignoring her like that, but she'd write it off later like she always did. They were professionals, and pros didn't let their personal feelings get in the way of missions, especially one like this.

Heading out, she made her way to a place she could work in silence, leaving it open though if anyone wanted to join her, unlikely as it was.
Re: Ganymede

A helmeted head follows Linda, until she vanishes from optical sensors.. and for a little after that. Eventually, though, the dark-clad 366 gives a sort of shrug, muffled by armour, and turns away, heading for the elevators. A brief moment later, the closing doors hide her from view.

"Should anything happen, I. Will be in my room."