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RPG RPG Maker Localization [GapTax] 斬穿姫エクスエル / Zansenki Exuer (RJ280179)

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Why didn't I get an email about all of these replies to this thread? ><

To answer the question regarding RPG Maker: while I was tempted to buy it at one point, to make my own games, I don't feel it would make too much of a difference to how I translate. There's a search function in Translator++ that works fine, and I can read through the plugin files and directly modify the data in those easily enough. There's only been one time I wasn't able to find the lines/text I was looking for (Bewitched! - the currency name in the UI/menu).

As for the translation: I haven't gotten as much done as I would have liked, but I am on the sub-character scenes now.
Why didn't I get an email about all of these replies to this thread? ><

To answer the question regarding RPG Maker: while I was tempted to buy it at one point, to make my own games, I don't feel it would make too much of a difference to how I translate. There's a search function in Translator++ that works fine, and I can read through the plugin files and directly modify the data in those easily enough. There's only been one time I wasn't able to find the lines/text I was looking for (Bewitched! - the currency name in the UI/menu).
Check notification settings. clean your inbox if need be. check spam folder, etc.

sometime a quick look with the engine can help with punny/cultural description of items/skills/etc. could also be helpful if adding more text boxes (clicks) would make things cleaner.
As for the translation: I haven't gotten as much done as I would have liked, but I am on the sub-character scenes now.
I'm glad to hear that. Let us know of further progress you have made.

Fingers crossed that we will get to enjoy the finished translation before the release of Gaptax's upcoming game, Battle Armor Sorgante. ;)
I'm glad to hear that. Let us know of further progress you have made.

Fingers crossed that we will get to enjoy the finished translation before the release of Gaptax's upcoming game, Battle Armor Sorgante. ;)
They already have a new game lined up? GapTax is love.
They already have a new game lined up? GapTax is love.
Yeah, they're currently working on a new game. Seems to be along the lines of Raiouga (FMC, no futa, NTR?). Off the top of my head, they've shown the FMC, a female mechanic, some monsters, and some mechs.
Yeah, they're currently working on a new game. Seems to be along the lines of Raiouga (FMC, no futa, NTR?). Off the top of my head, they've shown the FMC, a female mechanic, some monsters, and some mechs.
Think I saw mentioned last time it is supposed to be set in the same world as Raiohgar but not an exact sequel or anything. Maybe if they decide to link the games further down the road we get to see Asuka cameo.
Still on the sub-characters at the moment. The main character's personality almost does a total 180, so getting through them is taking a little longer.
I also ran into a few scenes which don't seem to be in the reply/recollection room as I've been going through the files. I've been translating them, just in case, so that's taken up some time, too.
take your time ill wait as long as i can you do great work i love futa so it will be worth the wait

just so you know I have the Japanese version all that's lifted is the English version, but like I said take as much time as you need, even if its real life. I don't want it to end and ill never get the full English translation :(
I wish this dev combined both ntr and futa in a game in some sort of route but he seems to like keep them seperate which is kinda odd
Hope he's doing okay. It even seems like the translation is almost done too
To be on the optimistic side, I think it is safe to assume that he is very occupied with his day work now, considering that it is almost the end of the year, meaning that he is likely being pursued with deadlines. Pretty understandable if he doesn't have time to reply back to us if this is indeed the case.

But yeah, I hope he gets back to us soon.
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