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GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Grace wasn't at all ready for this, and wasn't able to follow the sudden revelation and change of direction. As the lake begins to twist into the new darkened landscape, Grace stumbles back one foot slipping in bellow the water they had been standing on, now more like ink beginning to freeze over. She rapidly glances around the new world as she tries to understand. "I... lying?" She murmurs in confusion, finally beginning to grasp Isabella's reaction. "Oh no... no! Of course not!" She replies trying to get up and fumbling forward on the strange terrain again, finding herself just in front of a growing bed of spikes. She looks back up to Isabella, "It's just that I thought... I didn't mean to... If I knew you were, I wouldn't have..." she desperately tries to explain, unable to think to put together a sentence, and resorting to, "I'm sorry!" as she reached out a hand and continued trying to find a way past the growing claws.


"Oh my..." Monday says to herself, lifting her head a little again to watch with new interest. "There has been a misunderstanding. She's so delicate, and the other is too lost to fix things." She replies, in the barest of an answer, still seeming to be talking more to herself than the demons. "They're stirring, and pulling apart. This will be over soon..." The visitor continues, her strangely deep purple eyes gazing out over the scene, as she sits up and hugs her own arms. Her expression slightly trance like.

'The poor things are so confused. Yet have also become aware of the dream. I can't suppress this. Perhaps I could have been more careful. But it's so delicious...'
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

As Grace tries to break apart the jagged vines creeping steadily over Isabella she would find that they were impossibly tough, refusing to budge even an inch. "...Would it really have mattered if you knew I was the real me..?" Isabella replies, almost inaudibly and without looking up at Grace as the vines quickly climb to her neck. "...Your...your reaction, it hurt me..." Finally looking up Grace would notice that Isabella's eyes have become red and puffy from crying, her face stained with tears.

As the clawed vines completely conceal Isabella the world around the two of them breaks down, quickly fading to black and isolating both girls in their own subconscious.


The two demons watch Grace and Isabella's exchange whilst listening to Monday until everything seems to quickly come to an end.

"If this leaves a lasting mark on our Mistress you can be sure we will be coming for you if you ever trespass here again," The female demon says darkly, before she and her brother turn and walk away, quickly fading back into Isabella's subconscious with the girl.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

In the stillness of the room, something shifted. A strange ripple appeared within the room, as space seemed to silently, and literally distort. After several seconds of this, a rather large and intimidating figure suddenly appeared where only moments before there had been absolutely nothing.

He was tall, extremely tall, easily six foot ten if not taller. He was powerfully built, like a pro football player. His shadow blocked out any light from reaching the faces of the sleeping girls, and he moved silently towards the forgotten sketchbook he had seen the more fragile looking girl use before.

He was interested in it's power. She had created an entity that was alive by drawing it, and this was a source of power he could use. He knew of two survivors of a long forgotten war, forgotten to all but himself. It had cost him the life he thought he would have when things hadn't gone as planned, and he was set on revenge, knowing he needed something ... unique and powerful to aid him. This book could be the key he needed.

Quietly he reached out, taking the book into his hands, hesitating for just a moment. He knew he should probably leave now with it, but something nagged at him to test it out now. He could create something capable of killing them both should they wake up, or at the very least of keeping them occupied while he made off with the book. After a moment of indecision, he opened the book carefully, and silently began to draw one of his long dead allies.

It took him only a mere few moments to complete the drawing, at which point he did everything the girl had done prior to her creation coming to life. He tried to will it to come off the page when nothing happened. Still, absolutely nothing was happening. Clenching his fists in anger, he realized the book was somehow tied to the girl, and would only respond to her. Without realizing it as he tucked it away safely in preparation to make a new move, he let loose a light growl of frustration, which might be enough to snap awake one of the now suddenly restless girls...
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

As Isabella slowly stirs awake her mind floods with the event between her and Grace, every last detail dancing before her minds eye. Embarrassed and more than a little ashamed by how she acted Isabella's gaze slowly moves towards the girl sleeping on her rug, though as she becomes more and more aware of her surroundings Isabella gets an uncomfortable feeling, knowing something was out of place.

Snapping her head to one side she instantly realises the issue; a behemoth of a man was now in her room, tucking her book into his pocket and looking extremely angry. "G-Grace....Help!" Unable to find her voice for a moment Isabella finally screams out, instinctively climbing all the way back up the bed, trying to get away from the intruder.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Whipping about as Isabella cried out, the man actually let loose a pissed off snarl before moving faster than anyone that damn big had any right to be able to.

As soon as he was close enough, he roughly yanked Isabella off her feet, and in one motion power-slammed her body over his shoulder, most likely knocking the wind out of her given the force.

With the young girl safely secured, she would feel a strange tingle pass through her body as the man activated some kind of device at his waist. He then roughly spoke.

"Give me trouble and I'll hit you so hard you won't be able to move for the rest of your life. We have business girl, and it isn't here."

For Grace, should she snap awake she would see some large person grab Isabella suddenly and then just as rapidly fade out of existence along with Isabella. However, she would JUST be able to make out several details.

He was tall, with orange tinted eyes and jet black hair cropped very close, like a military cut. Clearly from the eyes, he wasn't human at all, and he was built like a damn football tackle. But what would stand out the most to her mind was the strange colored tattoo pattern across his scar ridden face. If she thought for just a moment, she would recognize where she had seen it before, if not what it represented, though never on this person. The tattoo was identical to the one Siphon had on his own forehead, the one he usually tried to cover up since they weren't really allowed here. The marking was indicative of the Alveran species, a fact too that Isabella might now realize if she had the sense to.

And just like that, they were gone, or were they? A faint ripple, extremely faint broke for the window without warning. It was so faint, for a moment she might think she was imagining it.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

As the black world envelops inwards Grace struggles to maintain sight of Isabella, 'No. I didn't mean to hurt you... don't go.' She calls out to no one in her mind. Beginning to toss and turn in her sleep on the blanket, she snaps awake hearing Isabella's cry for help, at first glad to hear her again, until she turns to see her being roughly slung over the large strangers shoulder. She leaps up to help with surprising haste, when they both vanish. 'No! What!? Invisibility...' She thinks frantically still in the same panic from her dream, immediately grabbing Isabella's desk chair and aggressively swinging it across at where the figures legs would be, only for it to clatter across the room to no effect. Seeing the dim moonlight coming through the window ripple and shimmer, she snaps up her hand, visible sparks cracking across her finger tips as a chaotic and vibrant force barrier warps in across the window. And then nothing. She doesn't feel anything impact her barrier, nor is there any sign of the abductor. Dropping the barrier she races to the window and presses herself against it trying to get a view of out side. Beginning to hyperventilate she nervously mutters near incomprehensibly to herself as she rapidly glances around the room. "He took her! What was th.. where.. what do I do!? Why.. Isa..." she yammers clutching the sides of her head in panic, sorrow and anger, as what looks like pink arcs of electricity course over her hands and sting her face.

"Ellisia. She'll help, she'll know what to do..." She says in desperate hope, opening her eyes and running for the door.