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GD 114 - Sho and Aya


Nov 10, 2008
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Having left the communal area and headed back down to the first floor, Sho whistled as she headed for her room. Withdrawing her keycard from the inner pocket of her coat, she swiped it through and slipped into the room she shared with Aya.

Shedding the trench, she hung that on a hook that had been put up on the back of the door. Heading over to the window, she pushed it open, that helping the room seem a little bigger. Funny how such a small thing made a world of difference to her. Still, even with having to share half of her space didn't bother her all that much.

Yawning, she streched out on her bed, staring up at the perpetual staircase poster she'd tacked above her bed. If she weren't reading, her eyes would follow it around and around, counting each pass quietly in her head until she finally nodded off. As such, it was usually Aya or the timer that she'd put on it that shut out the light. Given Sho's habit, there were a good number of books on the floor by the head of her bed. They were stacked up, currently, but the neatness was lucky if it lasted the week.

Aside from these little things, the dark-haired girl's half of the room remained unchanged from how it was originally set up. An older, but functional, laptop sat on the desk, along with textbooks that hadn't migrated to the bed area. Her uniforms and some casual clothes hung up neatly in a small wardrobe, the drawers therein held the rest as well as unmentionables.

For the time being, though, all she really wanted was a nap, hugging one of the pillows as she drifted off, oblivious to Aya's return and departure.

When she finally did wake, she rubbed her eyes, glancing at the clock. Still time to get ready but if she didn't get going now, she'd be late. Thankfully, she wouldn't have to share the bathroom with Aya while they both dolled themselves up.

Rolling out of bed, she rubbed her eyes once more for good measure and shuffled off to the shower to help wake up further.
Re: GD 114 - Sho and Aya

Sho blinked her eyes open and rolled over, looking across the room to Aya's sleeping form. That her roomie had managed to slip in and get to bed without waking her was a good indication of just how soundly she'd slept. Rolling onto her back, she closed her eyes and replayed last night over a couple times in her head, smiling as she did so. Squinting at the clock, she frowned. Wasn't there supposed to be something today, too?

Finally getting out of bed, she stayed as quiet as she could, having a feeling that Aya was going to want the sleep. Padding into the bathroom, she set about getting ready for the day and scrounging up some breakfast before the whatever it was she couldn't remember was going to happen.
Re: GD 114 - Sho and Aya

Sho woke in the morning to the breeze from the still open window and a few sounds filtering up from the levels below. It seemed like she hadn't slept at all but at the same time, she felt rested. What a paradox. Glancing over at the clock, she was actually up before she needed to be but she was so awake, she didn't feel like trying to go back to sleep.

Everything seemed so normal. She rolled up, running a hand through her hair. Just another day. But it wasn't.

Art was nearly dead. So were a couple of the other girls. There was Charles that she was fairly certain she overheard that he wasn't gone yet, or at least that was the theory. And, ohyeah, Siphon was a vampire. Glancing over at Aya, she wondered how she was going to take the news. She seemed to know already but thinking it and confirming it were two entirely different things.

She really didn't want to think about it. Not first thing in the morning. Shower. Food. Then she'd figure out how to tell Aya, if the girl didn't ambush her when she came back in to get changed for her classes that day.
Re: GD 114 - Sho and Aya

"Someone was out late." Sho was currently sitting with her back propped against her headboard, fingers laced over her stomach, while she watched a blush start to spread over her blonde roommate's cheeks.

"Ian and I had a lot to talk about."

"Mmm. Talking. Mmm-hmm." Sho just let her smirk grow a bit wider.

"Shoni! I'm being serious!"

"Then why are you blushing if all you were doing was," she quoted the air with her fingers, "talking."

"Because you're insinuating that we were doing...other things!"

"Well, if you weren't, then there's nothing for you to get embarrassed about, now is there?" She finally kicked off the bed and snagged her blazer from the hook on the back of the door. Slinging it over her shoulder, she headed out, figuring it was better to let Aya sputter out before she got really angry and set something on fire.

Whistling innocently, she made her way to the common room for breakfast.