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GD 206 - Emily Wingate


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Emily walked into her room, and like the rest of the rooms in the girls dorms it had simple furnishings; a single bed a little bit away from the door, a writing desk as well as a wardrobe and chest of drawers. Her bags had already been brought up while she was in class, and so Emily set about putting her stuff away with a little more energy than she intended.

"I'll sort that coward out tomorrow," Emily thought to herself as she worked.
Re: GD 206 - Emily Wingate

Emily had been awake for much of the night, mostly because she was an insomniac. For the past two and a half hours Emily had been sitting in the bathroom on a small stool with a large bowl full of lukewarm water, slowly dabbing herself down and wincing occasionally when she had applied too much water to the sponge.

"Dammit...wish I learnt how do clean myself better before coming here..." Emily mentally complained to herself, both her anger from yesterday and her own inadequacies flaring up. She accidentally gripped the sponge too hard, and as the excess water pooled out she let out a small cry of pain as the water flash evaporated off her hand and slightly scalded her.

Eventually she finished cleaning herself up, and after carefully pouring the bowl of water down the sink she stepped back into her room to change into her school uniform. Though instead of the standard school shoes Emily opted instead to wear her boots as well as her gloves. Picking up her backpack she then headed to the communal room.