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Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"What are you going to do with her?" Castea asked, biting her lower lip slightly as she watched the chain snake across the girl.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia shakes her head, and makes to sheath her sword.. before realising she has no scabbard. No belt for that matter.. and no clothes. With only a light blush on her cheeks, she adds..

"Going to somewhere safer.. sounds like a plan. As long as it involves clothing."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

The girl's tone seemed indifferent as she replied to Castea's inquiry, having no hate or compassion for the demon.

"Well then, who knows? Maybe I'll have her tortured a bit for fun, or used for target practice. That or if you want, you could keep her as a pet of sorts... Something as useless as this isn't really anything major on my list."

Speaking as if the succubus were merely an object while a steel collar and "leash" appeared around its neck, the child responded to Pollusia's comment next.

"Clothes aren't that big of a deal here, you could probably go around as you are now with your pink footwarmers and no one would really care. Either way though, let's move to somewhere else first."

Turning around, the small girl then threw open the door without touching it, revealing a room that was very different from the one the twins remembered...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"As a... pet...? That's..." Castea began, then bit her lip and thought about the alternatives for the girl. "I'll... I'll take her..." she said after a moment's hesitation, crossing the room and taking the leash. It'd save her from torture if nothing else...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Clothes may not be that important for -you-.. but I'd prefer some sort of attire, thank you very much. For me and my sister both.. And are you seriously taking that thing with us?"

The last addressed, obviously, to Castea, Pollusia's expression showing exactly what she thought of the succubus on the other end of the leash. With a shake of the head, the blonde strides ahead into the changed room.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

In the changed room, the room was now filled with light streaming in from glass doors leading outside, where two armed women appeared to stand guard. Such a sight, especially if one had seen what the room was like earlier, would be surprising to most. Eva however, acted as if no noticeable change had been made to the room. Instead, the small girl seemed more concerned about disarming the two guards who had become alarmed at the sight of a succubus being led by a chain, dropping their guns to the floor with the same ability she had shown before.

"Calm thyselves down imbeciles, to become worked up over something as pathetic as that is disgraceful."

"Slapping" each of the guards once telekinetically, the robed girl did not hesitate to order them about immediately afterwards.

"Now get thee moving, and bring the vehicle around instead of staring like daft ducks. Lest I give you something to really become worked up about..."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia starts at the sight of armed guards, wondering if she'd need to fight these as well.. and aware of how useless her rapier would prove against automatic weapons. She relaxes, however, as Eva disarms and slaps them casually.

"The vehicle...? You have some mode of transportation.. wait, did you know we were here? Did you.. come to -save- us?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea followed her sister quietly, with the girl on the leash, glancing around and taking stock of everything that occurred, but content to hang back until she knew more about what was going on, and whether or not she could trust these newcomers.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"All of the new pieces should be getting "saved" sooner or later. Feel grateful that you are one of the first to receive such a gift."

Tapping her foot impatiently as her other companions drove over what appeared to be, or rather, used to be a quality brand minivan that had been reoutfitted to a combat vehicle. Complete with armor plating and mandatory machine gun. Despite there being no scheduled time however, Eva did not hesitate to berate the two for being "late", before moving into the passenger seat of the car, leaving one of the guards to sit in the back with the twins and their pet...

(And off to shower, be back soon.)
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

With a glance at the machine gun mounted on top, Pollusia motions her sister into the van, then follows after - admonishing the slow succubus with a whip-like blow from the flat of her rapier across her rear.

"Looks like you've been doing this for a while.. long enough to get this van upgraded in suitable fashion, at least. What is there around here that warrants that kind of firepower?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea is, perhaps, a little intimidated by the heavy firepower around her, as she moves to take a seat in the back of the van, legs crossed with her arms crossed over her chest as well.

She does, however, give her sister a look when Pollusia whips the girl she has chained with her sword. "So tell me... what's your name?" she asks the demonic girl.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)


Her powers sealed, and her energy sapped from having nearly been stabbed to death, the red-haired demoness's reply was horribly unenthusiastic. Her head hung low, and her eyes downcast, Rua appeared to extremely depressed due to the uncertainty of her future and her fate. Even a certain comment from Eva failed to perk her up, despite it having to do with her continued survival.

"Mainly monsters, mixed with occasional trash like the one you have back there. Speaking of which, do take note that you'll be responsible for feeding it....not everyone is willing to subject themselves to carnal activities with something as useless as that...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea chocked slightly on that. "Feeding...? Carnal...? What?" she stammered, looking incredulously at the girl.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia cuts in sharply across her sister's questions about carnal feeding, having already worked out what Eva meant.

"She means have sex with it. And you're not doing that, it's been decided already. So unless Rua here has another way to feed, she's going hungry."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea whirls to face her sister. "I know what she means, Poll," she says irritably. "I'm just struggling to believe that's... that's how she feeds..."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia holds up her hands in a defensive position, the rapier left forgotten on the seat beside her.. on the side away from the demoness, mind.

"Whoah, Whoah.. Isn't it kinda obvious? She is a.. succubi.. or succubus, or whatever you call them. I guess we should count ourselves lucky she's not restricted to men. Or unlucky, maybe. Wasn't she doing some weird thing with her hands earlier as well, though?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea blushes slightly, "Well, yes, I suppose... but... " she mumbles. "So... the only way she can be fed is... that?" she asks.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"You decide. Would you rather have your sister horribly jealous over you performing sensual activities with your pet? Or would you rather your pet drain your energy while you're asleep and attempt escape? Not that trash like that could get very far against me of course..."

It should be noted, that the entire time Eva spoke, she refused to acknowledge Rua as anything more than a "pet"...
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea coughs slightly. "J-jealous... what? Pollusia's not jealous, she's just.. protective..." Castea stammered, going red once more.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia chokes slightly on her words as Eva casually lets her secret slip.

"J-j-jealous? Why would I be jealous? I'm just looking out for my sister! That.. th-thing could.. drain her soul, or something! Having sex with it would be a -bad- idea! Not to mention the odds of it killing her afterwards, as well!"