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Go Back to Hell (Silver)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
~~~Prologue: Footsteps of a Mischievous Demon~~~​

Within a frozen wonderland, were several constructed houses owned by a settlement of humans, just off of the coast on the northern areas of the uncharted world they'd landed on. The humans who lived there have made many attempts to leave, but the areas beyond the blinding blizzards of snow are protected by strange spirits who were responsible for any who left to scout what lay beyond, to disappear without a trace...

This settlement, constructed within a certain demon's favorite habitat, was a perfect place to hold a shabby place to call her 'Head Quarters,' while she concocted her plans...

However, her mother was powerful, and had many minions she wouldn't feel shame over using to defeat her sole daughter. Silver would have to raise an army of her own. Unfortunately, she only had obtained one vassal yet, and a rather disobedient one at that. Their meeting was coincidental with the time she left her own world. Commenting on Silver's power as weak, she joined Silver, supposedly out of pity, 'until she actually stood a chance against a kitten,' according to her. Although she never showed Silver her own power, seeming uninterested in fighting.

Inside a room with an open window, allowing the few specs of snow in the air to fly in idly, the cold air allowed Silver to sleep, deeply so, as her vassal's arrival didn't even wake her...

"You're worthless," said the teenage voice of , who stood at the side of Silver's bed, fists at her hips, "You plan on getting enough power to beat your mother, while all you do is sleep." Etna draws her seemingly weak, petite leg back, "WAKE UP!" she screams, before delivering a powerful kick to Silver's mattress, flipping it, and her over, as Silver lands on the floor, with the mattress landing on top of her.
Re: Go Back to Hell (Silver)

Silver's face smacks against the floor and she awakens. The mattress suddenly flips back up into the air and lands back where it had been. Silver's red eyes glare at the girl. " E-Etna?! What the hell? " she complained as she stood up, rubbing her throbbing nose. "Ones minion really should wake their master up in a more gentle manner. " she complained with crossed arms. Silver ended up relaxing though and her look softened as well. " Well, I'm up now. " she said. " Just where do I go from here..? " She began to ponder. She had to raise some sort of an army, but just how did one go about doing something like that? More so, how could she even form one that could compete with her enemy's elite one?

Things were hardly looking what one would call, "good" for her. She had only one vassal, if you could even call Etna that, and she was facing not only her mother, but the many demons and others she commanded over. Her determination was strong though, and she would not give up, no matter the odds. Meeting the fiery girl who had just awoken her had been a greater blessing then she may of realized though. She had someone on her side that seemingly wanted her to succeed.
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Re: Go Back to Hell (Silver)

"Are you asking me? Shouldn't you have a plan or something?" Etna inquires in a tone that seemed intent on degrading Silver's intelligence. Eyes half closed, Etna gave Silver a small grin, "You're the one who picked this place to start off, because it was so cold. That's the only reason you picked this wasteland, isn't it." she sighed humorously, "All hail the demon lord of vacations." she giggled.
Re: Go Back to Hell (Silver)

Silver crosses her arms and glares at the girl. "Of course I have a plan! There are plenty of people in this wasteland that I can recruit. Ill just go to one of the nearby human settlements and find some people there. Before you know it ill of recruited an entire army. It'll be easy." Silver would then gather up her things and after dressing in her armor and cloak get ready to leave her shabby little headquarters and head out to one of the human settlements. She was sure she could find some young men, or possibly even woman, she could "convince" to join her ranks.

Ready to leave she turned to Etna and spoke, " I'm leaving now. Will you come with me or watch over the place while I'm gone? ". With or without Etna, she would go off and begin her recruiting, full of determination.
Re: Go Back to Hell (Silver)

Etna grinned, folding her arms over her chest, "Don't bother, I've already rounded up a few lowlifes." she tells Silver, before reaching one hand into the air, and screaming at the top of her voice, "GET IN HERE NOW!" she boomed, nearly causing the glass of the window to break, not to mention the damage to Silver's ears. And the very next moment, instead of 'people,' what walked into the room in a frightened rush were actually penguins... Undead penguins, to be exact, summoned and crafted in hell by Etna herself, to match her twisted taste. They carried little pouches in front of them, from which a pair of handles stuck out, marking the pair of weapons they used to be large knives...

Etna stepped forward towards one of them. And as she did, the little, fat penguin shivered in fear of it's master's approach. She reached down, and picked it up, holding it in her arms as if it were a stuffed animal, and showed it to Silver. "I made them myself from a few of the villager's souls! Cool, huh?" she giggled.

The 'zombies' in particular looked just like real, live penguins, except for an odd, round stitching around it's white colored belly, hinting that Etna may have... 'Added' something inside of them.

"And of course, I used the bodies of dead penguins." she added, "They're about as useless as any real human, buuut~ they also explode when you throw them!" she announced happily, as if telling something 'good,' as the little penguin began to shiver in fear over whether or not it's master might use it as a 'demonstration.'
Re: Go Back to Hell (Silver)

After uncovering her ears Silver would eye the creatures Etna had called in with curiosity. The demon was interested not only in them, but how they were made. From the sound of it the girl had only needed a few human souls to make all the penguin corpses into these zombie things. "Exploding penguin huh?" Silver said. The lady begins to look into the eyes of the small, fat and stubby creature her vassal was holding onto. "Hmm... They should make fine servants. Though..." The woman has a sudden thought, wondering a bit more about the demonic girls ability's. " You could do the same with any other animal, couldn't you Etna?" She asks. 'I'm still going to round up a few humans though. Humans can do a few things these birds can't...'

Silver suddenly begins poking the short, stubby creature with her pointer finger, still looking it in the eyes. " Tell me bird, can you talk? Say something." The woman wanted to learn a bit more about these things Etna had created. It was clear through their shivering that they felt plenty of fear, and by obeying their creators earlier command had some level of intelligence.
Re: Go Back to Hell (Silver)

The penguin suddenly throws a tantrum over Silver poking it, speaking in a very, very odd tone of voice, light hearted, and high toned, "Woah! Don't do that dude!" it requested in a panic, "I don't wanna explode!"

Meanwhile, Etna seemed indifferent about the penguin's plea, instead choosing to answer Silver's question, "Of course, you can make 'anything' that was alive, into something that's undead." she told her, before setting the penguin down, as it waddled to the rest of it's cohorts. "But, that's not the only thing I've been doing." she informs Silver, "Do you know the spirits everyone keeps talking about? The ones that prevent us from leaving? I had a talk with some of the losers here, and they'd be more than happy to see you as the town leader if you get rid of them." She chuckled evilly, "So, all we have to do is kill a few ghosts, and you'll have a small army!"