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Grain of Sand (Garran)


Tentacle God
May 21, 2010
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((Ok, I'll do the bare bones from what I can understand. You obviously know WAY more about this world than I do. But I'll at least try to get him into a surrounding environment. Oh, and NO LOLI CREATURES! I can't emphasize that enough. Seriously creeps me the hell out. Or at least no being raped by them.))

Chapter 1: Grain of Sand

Coughing up salt water from his lungs, he finally regained consciousness. Turning over on his side he continued to breath in deeply, gasping for air that his lungs had so desperately been fighting for. His body was exhausted, tired from being thrown within the waters and his earlier desperate attempts to stay alive and above the waves. The last thing he could remember was himself sinking slowly into the water as it crashed over his body, believing himself to finally end his life in a watery grave. But somehow, this didn't happen.

Finally gasping and growing steady in breath, he looked up to see his surroundings. But there was nothing.. nothing but sand. As far as he could tell, he could be at the other side of the world without knowing it. Looking back as the ocean waters crashed upon the sand, he had to wonder how it could be possible for a desert to be so close to the water. Of course, this was sea water. Fresh water was required for most living creatures, and the only plants he could see under the waves were gross tangles of seaweed.

Slowly stand, he brushes off his wet clothes which were now covered in annoying amounts of grainy earth. His sneakers were wet and full of water and sand, socks bunched up and clingy to his feet. The only thing he had with him that he could at least be thankful for was a water flask strapped to a belt strap on his jeans, ironically. He had always taken it out on his swimming runs in case he got thirsty. Perhaps this would keep him alive just a bit longer. His white t-shirt was slightly ripped at the sleeve of his shirt. Luckily swimming in his jean shorts was something he didn't mind, so he at least had a decent pair of pants when they would dry out.

He would usually whine or make a smart ass comment about such a situation, but the only person here was him and him alone.

"It's like the beach.. without the hot chicks in bikinis."
He sighed softly. He could of cared less about there being no woman around, the biggest issue was the fact there was sand in all his clothing, he hated that feeling with a passion. Looking out at the desert, he spots something far off that seems to be a small triangle.
"Somebody is actually camping out here?" He joked to himself softly, trying to keep himself from losing hope. Of course, by the distance he could tell it wouldn't be a tent, but it had to be a building of some sort. But it did remind him of a pitch tent. Slowly gathering his strength and taking a whisk from his flask, he set forth towards the building....

Finally within distance, it became clear that it was a pyramid of some sort. "Either people have strange ideas of houses here or I have the luck to be abandoned in a place that has been abandoned of people. Pyramids are like.. thousands of years old..." It had begun to grow dark and was starting to get rather cold. One thing he did remember about the desert was that in the day it was extremely hot. But at night, it would become the vice verca, deathly cold. Finally approaching the pyramid, it seemed to be a much smaller design than most things he'd read in a history book. Still, it was rather big, but it should suffice to shelter him from the freezing cold of the night. Taking another swig of water, he entered the pyramid....

It was dark, cold. But at least not as cold as outside. Finally in a place he could at least rest, he slumped down in misery. "Why not a fucking jungle? Or something with some damn food! Instead I'm.. in this shithole!" He banged the side of the wall, frustrated with his current condition. At least it was too dark for anybody to actually see him starting to cry. He didn't want this to happen to him, not yet. He hadn't lived long enough...
"All because I just wanted to swim a little bit longer! I should of like made a stupid schedule or something..."All he could do was mutter more, looking about with what little light was around. He's heard that places like this were to bury royalty or something, like some sort of controlling god of a person. King, queen, whatever it was back then. He couldn't help but notice a couple drawings and symbols, one that looked like a dog was particularly interesting. He scanned the drawing, squinting his eyes as he tried to look at it further. No, it wasn't a dog, it was a wolf, standing like a person. He remembered something like this in his history classes, the Egyptian god of death or something. "Thanks for the omen. So now I'm dead, is that what your saying?"He knew he sounded a bit crazy talking to himself, but he would of said the exact same thing in his mind and saying it aloud felt much better. "Well screw you, I'm not going to die in some pyramid wh-" He lost his footing in the dark, reaching his hand up he propped himself up against the wall, his hand pressing against the wolf like symbolic figure. Before he could sigh with relief, the stone the figure was written upon sunk into the wall. "Uh oh.. this can't mean anything go-" Sure enough, the entrance to the pyramid the way he had come in, and they only way out that he knew of, a giant slab of stone slide from up through the sand and sealed him inside, leaving the entire place pitch black dark.

He could just picture himself, a whole black scene with nothing around him. The timing was ironic, like a bad tv show or play. Might as well finish his line.... "I'm going to die... aren't I?"
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

As soon as the door would shut, the dark would soon be cast away by various torches erupting in flames on either side of the corridor. The floor shifted underneath him, sliding upwards into a long staircase leading up, leading to a doorway at the end of the steps upwards. It seemed simple enough, until a wall made of rock slowly began to descend over the door at the top, just as the door behind him did, threatening to trap him inside the stairway if he did not make it through.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The moment sliding stone could be heard, he turned around seeing the stairway and the door closing. Obviously he didn't have time to think, he was stuck, and if he stayed here he'd be forever stuck.

"Shit!" His words breathed out, he crouched momentarily to gain balance and then began to sprint up the stairs as fast as he could. Halfway there, the door look halfway closed, he had to go faster! Breathing in deeper he put all his energy into his legs, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth like he would when swimming. The wall had almost closed, he dove for the door sliding through until he felt his foot being squeezed. He squinted in pain as he saw his foot was caught between the floor and the wall. Letting out a scream of pain, he pulled at his leg hard, his foot slipping out of his shoe at the last second as it was crushed into the stone floor. He had barely got through, he was just damn lucky.

"So Indiana Jones almost loses his hat, and I lose my shoe." Sighing deeply, he was at least grateful he had a foot to put a shoe on, if he ever found another one. Still, he was rather bitter with his situation."Better be some damn treasure at the end of whatever the hell this is."

At least now he knew it was booby trapped. He figured a pyramid might be, but he thought that only happened so much as in the movies. "Hehe.. booby trap." His immature sense of humor was trying to at least keep his spirits up. His throat was dry after all that breathing and last bit of painful screaming, he took another swig from his flask. Looking up at the room he was in, he didn't feel any better about the situation.

Torches aligned the stone hallway, seemingly forever going in one direction. That seemed normal enough, but what bothered him was both sides of the entire walls seemed to be lined with coffins of some sort. He couldn't help but think of all the dead people that could possibly be bordering the walls. Men, woman, perhaps even children.

He slowly walked down the chamber, wary of any booby traps that could possibly be there, taking it slow and steady and immediately stopping in his tracks the moment a startling sound occurred.

It had come from behind him, and as he listened carefully it sounded like a slab of stone being slid across something, then a loud thud as whatever it was had impacted upon the floor. At first, he thought it was another door slamming behind him, until he heard a slight moaning. After the moaning, soon more slabs of hard stone could be heard hitting the floor followed by more of that deathly moaning.

"No way... that... that's.... it can't be...." As he continued to stare into the darkness, humanoid figures could be seen approaching, a couple looked like they were missing limbs, others seemingly bound in cloth. He could of sworn some of them were just bones. His eyes grew wide with fear as he drew a conclusion. "N-no way! That's imfuckingpossible!" Turning away from the figures, he sprinted further into the pyramids.....
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

They were appearing in front of him as well. Though Garran would be able to dodge their slow movements, similar to that of a zombie, one of the bandaged women managed to grab a loose part of his shirt, before using her great strength to drag her to him. Other mummies quickly began to reach out in attempt to do the same, hoping to seal his fate in whatever they had planned for him.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

He struggled to get away, letting his shirt slide off of him to leave the monster holding only his shirt. As he tried to struggle through the mangled bodies, he did notice rather something odd. They were all... woman? Was this perhaps a burial ground for Egyptian princesses or something? Oddly enough as well, the stink of dead corpses didn't smell as bad as he thought they would. But he had also heard that herbs were used to mummify corpses, so maybe that had something to do with it? As he pushed by another mummy, he felt bare skin on his hand. It felt soft, a bit dry but still soft and warm. He looked over to see he had his hand placed upon one of the mummy womens bare shoulder, not wrapped all the way. Shocked, he pushed her back to continue forwards.

There were so many, but again he noticed the zombies, skeletons, the mummies, they all looked like woman! Struggling through he swiped his hand at one of the skeletons head, knocking it clean on and rolling behind him. If it wasn't for his current problem, he probably would of found that comedic. If this was like anything he saw in the movies, he figured the head would be the best to attack.

Grabbing one of the nearby lit torches, he swings it against a zombies head, smashing into the wall with a sickening crack. He felt somewhat sorry, seeing that these looked like to be cute woman before they were dead.

"But if they are going to eat me then that's NOT going to happen!" Putting an emphasis on his word as leaps and grabs onto the head of a mummy slamming her head into the floor as he falls upon his knees. He continued to sprint, trying to keep constantly on the move. They were slow, so he should be fine if he kept moving, right? But would he make it out?
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Wading through the mummies with oddly healthy looking preserved skin, one of their bandages catches his boot as he performs the flashy maneuver of slamming one of their faces into the ground. Though it seemed he could escape, the bandage caught his leg just enough to cause him to lose a step. Tripping over, thankfully catching himself by his hands before his own face had a makeover, he was soon grabbed from behind by one of the mummies, her arms wrapping around him, holding him in place.

When it seemed that she was about to bite him, strangely enough, she felt her kissing him on the neck. Oddly warm lips caressing his neck, instantly sending goosebumps along his skin that would reach his cock, causing it to just start to fill with blood, in the process of an erection.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Thinking to himself as he ran down the corridor, Ha! I'm going to make it, this is eas- ah crap!
He felt a bandage wrap around his leg, looking down to confirm his suspicion as he stumbled and fell upon his hands. Before he could get back up he felt one of the things grab him tightly from behind.
No! Shit! It can't end like this! No no no no no! He squirmed desperately to throw off the monster, he could feel it's breath coming closer to his neck. Closing his eyes and wincing he prepared for his flesh to be torn from his body.

He blinked, feeling something else. It.. it was nice. Was she.. was she kissing him?? He couldn't help but shiver lightly, it felt like an actual woman kissing his neck, tender and sweetly. Blushing deep red, he could already feel himself becoming hard.
Garran was a shy guy at heart, and the fact what seemed to be a women trying to put the moves on him was rather flustering.

This isn't happening, that's not.. it's still going to try to kill me! After all, who had ever heard of a romantic mummy? Struggling harder he did manage get himself to kneel on one foot, but this mummy had amazing strength and seemed to keep his arms bound. He pushed his kneeling foot hard against the floor, thrusting his back against the wall trying to bash the mummy into it.
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Running back, and slamming the thing against the wall, he knocked the molesting mummy off of his back... But by the he'd gotten her grip off, the other mummies were already gathering, not even wanting to wait to try and get a chance at him, despite the one that had already claimed him. Trying to wade through them using any means of violence turned futile, before they dragged him to the ground.

All 'round his fallen body, their hands grabbed him. Many took to lurching their heads forward as if to bite him, before doing what the other did, and smothered him with affectionate kisses meant to entice. Sucking on his nipples, nibbling his ear, running their surprisingly smooth, yet dry tongues along his body, it wasn't long before he was erect. And once he was, the mummies seemed very interested in getting his pants off. Which, in all truthfulness, wasn't hard given his situation.

His pants removed, they all dove in, licking, kissing, and sucking, everyone of them trying to fight each other for his dick, up to three attractive looking women in bandages trying to suck him off at the same time.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Smashing against the wall, he let out a triumphant "Ha!"As the mummy fell off his back. He had only taken one step forward before three more of those things were upon him. One of them had fallen short of him, but grabbed his ankles making him fall hard on his stomach. Twisting his feet from her hands, he turned onto his back trying to crawl away before another tackled on top of him. The mummy he had previously hit against the wall had gotten back up and was soon upon him as well, the mummy who had grabbed his ankles was now crawling up to him, pulling on his pant legs as she drew closer and closer to him. Trying to push one of the mummies face away from his body, he couldn't help but start to cry, frightened tears rolling down his face as he grit his teeth in anger. I'm really going to die like this? Seriously? I.. I don't want to die.. not now... no please... I can't not now! NO!

However, his fear soon vanished and was replaced with another feeling. The other woman bound in bandages has caught up as well, but were now kissing and sucking on his bare skin. He couldn't help but shiver in a bit of delight, he had never had a woman touch him. He yelped a bit, feeling one of them bite and suck on his nipple. "Ah what the hell?!" They weren't eating him.. they were doing... something else! Looking downwards he saw the mummy who had grabbed his ankles now forcefully pulled his pants down, boxers along with them. His member stood erect up in the air, hard from all the attention he was getting on his body."Hey wait what put those back on! What are yo- aahhhHHAAAA!" He flinched and twitched as he soon felt the other woman coating his cock with their tongues, letting out a surprised by pleased yell of shock.

Struggling less, he couldn't help but enjoy the attention he was getting, looking upwards he saw into the face of one of the mummies. She was... she was beautiful! He had never taken time to look at these things in his fear and determination to get away, he had prevented himself from seeing how naturally beautiful these woman were, they looked human, no rotting skin no flesh or bones hanging off, nothing like he had thought at first. Her hair was a bit messy, but flowed long and concealed half of her face. Curious, he reached his hand up to brush away her hair to reveal emerald green eyes. He had some marks on her skin, but they were only minor blemishes. She still was a very gorgeous girl. Smiling softly, reached his other hand up to her face, bringing her in for a deep kiss. He bit her lower lip gently before turning his head slightly and entwining his tongue with hers, kissing passionately as he felt the hands all along his body touching every bare spot of his skin. Letting himself relax, he allowed whatever was about to happen....
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

After making him rock hard, along with nice and compliant, the mummies drew back their heads, before one of them straddled his crotch. Her exposed pussy swallowed his entire length without hesitance, tensing, and squeezing around him. Bobbing her hips up and down, her sex organ worked like a suction, swallowing his cock deep when she lowers herself, and pulling on him as she slides up. Each hump, her pussy continuously tried to milk the cum out of him.

The other mummies, their moans fitting for the undead, both held him down, and doted on him, each one of them starving for sexual attention.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

He let out a pleased gasp of surprise and joy, feeling her warmth tighten around his cock and sliding up and down his shaft. Just watching her tits bounce made him want even more. Grasping his hands out he grabbed a tit of two different girls, squeezing and palming them around in his hands and he continued to ride him. Their gentle lips on his skin made him shiver, and as he tried to gasp aloud as he felt the woman starting to grind faster on him, another girl had decided to steal his breath and shove her tongue down his throat.

This was all so sudden, he'd never been successful with woman at all. His first time being a mass orgy was so unexpected and arousing. He could already feel himself leaking precum into the woman grinding on top of him.

He had always imagined his first time to be with a woman after they got married though, he had always been taught and raised that way. It honestly was one of the things he wanted to do before he died. Finding that one person to live with and cherish. But, he was stuck on this island. He didn't know what these creatures were going to do to him after they were done, but he was at least glad he wouldn't die a virgin. Obligingly thrusting upwards, his mind screamed with pleasure and thanks to whatever god there was in this world.

This was too intense, he didn't want to cum so soon. But there was so much going on. He was gripping tits, making out, grinding into pussy and being kissed along his bare skin, all at once. He practically was about to explode. The woman was soaking his member in her juices, gripping him solid yet sliding up and down effortlessly. This was pure bliss...
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The mummies each needed moisture, and so they each replaced each other, kissing him, sticking their tongues into his mouth, and trying to absorb his sweat as well, all while the one mummy on his cock bounced up and down, trying to milk the 'other' wet liquid from his manhood. They would continue like this, until Garran would finally give it up, and ejaculate.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

He struggled with these feelings, he knew what was going to happen. Panting as he started to lose control, sweat pouring down his brow he finally let out a loud and pleasurable moan, his cock pumping fluids of cum into the woman on top of him. Apparently this was what they were waiting for, as when the woman absorbed his fluids inside her, she got off his shaft and let the rest spew into the air, the other mummies taking turns masturbating his shaft and letting the cum flow onto their faces and tits. He watched as one of the mummies seemed to spread it all over her face and finally licking her fingers as a fine film of cum covered her face.

He started to dribble lightly, but still remained hard and erect. Just the thought of having so many woman being around him was so exciting that he couldn't keep it down.
Is this... even real? Could this seriously even be possible? Why the heck, this has to be a pretty damn detailed dream. This can't be real.
Again he screamed loudly, his moans and screams muffled underneath the kiss of passionate woman, he spasmed and came all over the place, as one of the woman were now squeezing his cock between her tits, fluids shooting up like a geyser that the girls were obligingly licking up anything they could find where it had landed, whether it be on the floor or anywhere else. He had no choice to accept each kiss that was being forced upon him, their tongues shoving down his throat and licking all the saliva inside his mouth.
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

After the massive orgy with him as the foundation, Garran was surrounded by satisfied mummies. A couple laid at his side, caressing his chest with their hands almost lovingly, while the others idled about, some sitting down naturally, most looking to him to see what he would do.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Garran could only sit there and pant tiredly, wiping the sweat off his brow. He found himself blushing, finding the woman were now caressing him in a way that reminded him of how a loving couple would sleep in bed. Looking about he finally spotted his pants but that seemed to be the only thing intact as his shirt seemed like it had been torn apart in the orgasm frenzy. Least his boxers were intact too. Slipping on his underwear and pants and relaxing back down on the floor, he looked about confused of his directions. He had no idea where he was. After all that love making, he couldn't tell which direction he had come from, or had been fleeing.

He blinked suddenly as a thought occurred to him.
These obviously aren't the undead like I thought they would be. They almost seemed human even. In fact, they pretty much are except being covered in bandages. Is it possible?There was only one way to find out. He looked to one of the girls rubbing his bare skin, blushing a bit now that he saw her as a beautiful woman instead of a monster.
"Um... could.. could you tell me where I should go to get out? I don't know where to go." He couldn't help but apologize for his previous actions however, if he was going to talk he might.
"And um... I'm sorry if I hurt any of you. I thought you were trying to kill me. If you can understand me.. I'm sorry."Twiddling his fingers, he hoped they would at least point out a direction.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"The way is shut." the mummy replied. "You are a prisoner of this pyramid. The only choices you have are to either stay here with us, and allow us to draw upon your essence, or continue to travel to the top, where our great Pharaoh awaits her next slave."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Greatly startled, he jumped up off the floor and back a bit, not by the fact the mummy could talk, but a lot of other things as well.

The first of course, was that the mummy talked. The whole time they had.. well he wasn't going to deny it longer, when they had sex the mummies didn't talk at all. Why would they suddenly respond to him now? Also the fact he was beating a bunch of them up and they still kept coming at him, they didn't even look the slightest bit irritated.
Second thing was the statement after words. Stuck? How? There's always a way out. Pyramids weren't designed to trap people. Yes, they had booby traps to keep robbers from stealing from the graves, but they always had a way out and in. How else would they put bodies inside a graveyard if it was sealed half the time?
Third thing was what she said after that. Now that was just silly.
"Hey no offense to your pharaoh or anything, but this isn't the bible times, and even if it was I'm not Jewish so she's out of luck on both of those. But.. thanks anyways. And about the essence, um.. considering how much you guys needed I'd probably not be able to keep up with you. Sorry, your real nice girls though." And with that, he waved with a smile and continued to move on.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

His protection from the pyramid's traps obviously not a concern of theirs, the mummies calmly let Garran leave up the stairs. And in the next room, Garran would hear a distinct purring noise, like a cat. And in the large chamber, all the way across the room, was a sole, tan looking girl with brown hair, and feline features, such as cat ears, and a cat' tail and paws where her hands should be.

She clapped her paws together, before slowly pulling them apart, a ball of dim light forming between her paws, growing to the size of Garran's own head before flying like a upwards diving bird to the top of the room. The next thing Garran would know, the cat possessed the Cheshire's grin, directed at Garran himself, "Answer me this, answer me that." she sang in a hysterical tone, "A riddle does belong to this cat!"

She was constantly bouncing on her heels, as well as her hips to a musical beat unheard by Garran's ears. "The light above, is filled with my love. If your mind is covered in rust, you'll be the target of my lust! Answer riddles three, and I shall set you free! Answer wrong, and your stay will be long~" she giggled mischievously.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

As he walked up the stairs, he heard an odd sound.Is that a cat? No that couldn't be, a cat would die off in a closed pyramid.

Upon entering the room and finally seeing the source, he couldn't help but do a double take at what he saw. He couldn't help but think of Catwoman from the Batman comics, except this one wasn't so dark. This one looked an awful lot like.. sphinx? Thinking back on it, that would be appropriate considering this was a pyramid, and the sphinx were often associated with Egypt. Upon getting even closer, he jumped back in surprise as it seemed to do some sort of magic, a bright ball springing up into the air.

Still, even at this moment he couldn't help but think this was impossible.No way. It's a cat girl. I've officially walked into a furry anime convention.He couldn't help but feel like he was in Alice in Wonderland, and was also talking to the Riddler at the same time. A beautiful cat that was a beautiful girl top it all off. He never understood why he liked the half cat thing with woman, maybe it was because they looked so playful. But that wasn't the point! He knocked on his head twice to bring himself back to his senses and recall what she had told him.

Finally getting his head straight, he began to speak. "Ok, let me get this straight. Your asking me questions, like riddles? Right? So what are these questions. If I remember correctly, the last sphinx I read about gave what seemed to be more of a joke rather than a real riddle. But I'll bite. What are the questions?"
He was really horrible with trick questions. He wasn't sure what this woman had in mind for him, but it couldn't be good. Still, the girl was very attractive. He hated cats, but the idea of a half woman half cat was much different. It looked sweet on girls, maybe because it made them look playful and innocent.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The girl let out a cute meow, grinning at Garran. "The first question I ask thee, is the easiest of the three! What walks on four legs and looks like me?"