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Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)


Sex Demon
Mar 13, 2013
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  • This idea for this RP is combining Modern to futuristic War and monster girls, with a setting of my own devising as the backdrop. The availability of some of the species of monsters or monster girls is up to me, though chances are I’ll allow it unless it’s someone ‘too strong’.
  • Is this set in the real world? No, this setting takes place in a world I created. If you're thinking Ace Combat's Strangereal world, then you have the right idea.
  • The tone of this game is rather more serious, deaths are permanent, and can come up from enemy troops being smarter or from characters doing something stupid.
  • This has a much more clear focus on battles and character interaction than smuts, though there will still be plenty of chances for smut if the scenes make sense.
  • No type of monster will start with inherent magic, only monsters that I deem weak enough will get permission to have magic to back them up. Thinking mainly about harpies here, but will include more as the need arises.
  • It's yet undecided where the game should be played. Tentatively, this RP will b run in the Special Hell Chat, but a PbP is not out of the question. Please cast your vote if you feel like playing in one place over the other. The RP will be freeform, with the occasional dice roll to spice things up once in a while.

What sort of factions will we see in this RP? It’s mostly contemporary armies, with futuristic twist for the most part. I’ll add premade scenarios as the days go by, so make sure to check them, you might find a conflict you want to see first hand.

“7th phase” War, The Giants Fall. (Started January 14th, 2063.)
Location: Carussean Continent.

-United Republic of the Usonian States (Expy of USA)
Arsenal focus: Experimental and traditional regular vehicles and weapons, infantry enhancements, experimental super soldier research (human only).

-Federation of Ruskea. (Expy of Russia.)
Arsenal Focus: Space, experimental walker technology (acquired from Fusou), traditional vehicles and infantry equipment.

-Independent Nation of Fusou. (Expy of Japan.)
Arsenal focus: Reliable, traditional vehicles and infantry equipment.

Technology level:
Highest for the setting: Expect to see, futuristic sets of vehicles, both conventional looking and fictional like walkers of various shapes, weaponry and tools have great deal of utility and extremely long effective ranges. There's also various tools to disable or interfere with tools and weaponry heavily reliant on communication between nodes.
**"7th Phase War" related Combat theatres:
-Contiental rift: The long, constant frontline between Usonia and Ruskea, featuring large plains, mountainous paths and 2 of the mayor cities to see constant fighting through the war.

-Dragon's maw/The big clusterfuck/The southern front: Considered a different theatre mainly because of the many non-continental land masses. The invasion of Fusou by both Usonian and Ruskean forces marks the official involvement of Fusou in a war since WWIII.

Notable battles (premade scenarios):
-Coninental Rift- Battle of the Arklite pass. (January 14th, 2063.)
Factions: URUS, FR.
Secure Sarcos City and the surronding area, located 2 km of the Arklite pass between North and South Mares-Sarcos Mountain Ranges.

URUS: 21st Infantry Division, 2nd Armored Division, 9th Airborne, 1st Special weapons Division. (Strenght: 20,000 men, 200 armored vehicles, 30 aircraft.)
FR: 16th Mechanized Corp, 9th Air Batallion. (Strenght: 30,000 men, 400 armored vehicles and walkers, 72 aircraft and experimental HA Suits.)

Additional information.
URUS has revealed they have restarted an old experimental program, battle androids, colloquially named 'unborn'.

Chances of victory:
URUS: 46%
FR: 54%
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Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

How are you going to run this? Chat, PbP, something else? Do you have some kind of system in mind, or is this just going to be more or less freeform?

Tentative interest shown, provided there are fuzzy hats.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

I haven't decided yet, so I'm leaving it to a vote. And it will be freeform for the most part.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Now that took long enough, there's a first scenario up there if no one is interested in a custom game.

For now, also have a character sheet, it's simple all things considered.

Species: (Again, most monster species are liable to be approved, unless I deem them too useless or too powerful.)
Age: (Optional. But for most sensitivities, the youngest age can and will be assumed by default to be 18.)
Physical Description: (Either words or pictures, all are well received.)
Powers/Abilities Descriptions: (What your character best excels at, be it running or digging and lifting a chunk of asphalt from the ground. I will ask the abilities or powers be toned down when deemed necessary.)
Job: (This is more like a suggestions box given how malleable the whole RP can be to suit the player's wishes. If they wish to be a civilian, soldier, or anything in between, write it here. I'll incorporate the idea into the plot as best as I can.)
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Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Hise Voschek
Species: Human

Age: 20

Physical Description: A pair of piercing green eyes, deep green colour of the vast Caribbean. Her face was speckled with a few freckles. She has a slight build, slightly below average height.

Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Her left eye was not her own, hardly distinguishable from her original, the eye provides an active link to her weapon.It displays her true aim, correcting for wind and bullet drop. Her arms are also equipped with synthetic muscle fibers that help guide her aim smoothly and accurately.

Personality: Duty driven, and fiercely loyal to her friends and squaddies. She typically takes on the role of caregiver in her unit, and a compassionate, if not motherly nature makes her sensitive, but firm.

Job: Fitting well with her personality, Hise is her squad's marksman. Trained in basics of aid, she can also fill the role of medic in a pinch, but not as effectively as a proper trained field doctor.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Erica Petrov

Species: Human

Age: 24

Physical Description:

Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Teaching, CQC, Shooting (preferably with a gun that allows for seemless CQC), Cooking, Sewing.

Personality: Erica is very friendly and kind, usually willing to befriend most. However, when she is given an order, she abandons that disposition. She'll stop at nothing to carry out her orders. However, she does have limits. If the mission just can't be completed without drastic consequences - like the death of everyone on her team, she won't.

Job: Erica was originally a junior high school teacher, where she was loved by all of her students. This was before she was called upon by the Ruskean military. She served her time, earning a place in a special forces team. However, catching wind of her school being destroyed due to the neglect of the Ruskean military, she left the war. She found her place in Fusou. She decided to live her life there in relative peace. However, when the Usonian and Ruskean military came knocking on Fusou's doorstep with war in its tow, she had no choice but to enlist.
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Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Vera Romanov
Species: Ogre
Age: 23
Physical Description:
Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Defense and room clearing. Wields a thick combat shield and a .223 S/LMG. Extremely durable and strong.
Personality: Bubbly and optimistic. Doesn't let anything get her down.
Job: Soldier, ex Riot Police but developed her own shields using cut down vehicle armour for girls of significant stature and strength to wield in active combat.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Sarah Volkoya
Species: Kitsune
Age: 52, looks 21.
Physical Description:
Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Sarah, being a Kitsune, tends to have rather effective powers of persuasion and charisma, along with a few illusionary magics that her kind are known for, and the stereotypical immunity to aging her kind also has.
Personality: Upbeat and happy, processes emotions much faster than a human being does.
Job: War Correspondent. Sarah serves as a correspondent for TASS, Russia's biggest news agency, bringing the harsh realities of war directly to the masses of Russia and its affiliated states and allied countries, by recording the footage and reports directly in the field. Being a part of a combat team, she has basic firearms training and typically wears a full suit of combat gear, with a noticeable white patch on her right chest that carries the logo of her news outlet, which to the untrained eye reads TACC, to signify that she's not an actual soldier, as are the rules of her job, as stupid as it is to have any unique identifiers so brazenly on the uniform.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Talking about votes, since the test session was well received, the RP will now officially start. You may vote for what nation/faction out of the ones participating Continetal War you want.

Federation of Ruskea.
United Republic of Usonian States.
Independent Nation of Fusou.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name; Orren 'Skeliv

Species; Drake, Humanoid.

Age; 29

Physical Description; Standing roughly eight-feet, seven-inches tall and weighing about 327 lbs/23 st, 5 lbs without armour and equipment, perhaps weighing some 397 lbs/28 st, 8 lbs wearing full gear. The Drake possesses an upright, thickly-built form with a hourglass shape, densely muscled and thick-scales cover the sage-green and grey male. The Drake has thick tail that tapers out, reaching near his feet in length. Hands have longer, four fingers, his legs are digitigrade, or 'dog like' in three-segments, longer raised heels on the feet ending in three clawed 'hooves' and a small, inner vestigial claw above.

His somewhat wide neck tapers in and connects to the back of his head, with bright blue eyes above the well-defined, slightly pointed muzzle jutting out. He has no hair to speak of, but a slender 'mane' of hair-like extensions or 'spines' that rise and lower based on aggression or mood, with no visible ears to speak of, merely bony protrusions around the back of his face protecting his ear-holes.

With his uniform and armour, Oren wears slightly mismatched fatigues that probably had to be specially made for his height and size, dull greys and greens mixing, with finger-gloves often worn. Over that there are separate leather harnesses and straps around his chest and over each of his shoulders, hips, shins and feet. He wears a form of liquid-body armour, liquid-containing pouches which harden on impact, as well as ceramic discs inside the combat vest over his torso, and padding over shoulders, fore-arms, legs and less over his tail. Finally, he does wear specialised boots fitted to his less usual feet, and a more slender 'shield' over the left shoulder and arm in multiple sections, composed of lighter vehicle-grade armour. Over his spine he tends to wear a protected backpack, containing necessities and additional ammo clips here and there including a belt over the right side of his chest. He does wear a helmet, somewhat open due to his muzzle, providing ample protection with additional plating.

Powers/Abilities Descriptions; Possessing a great deal of endurance and physical power, as well as increased healing, Oren can also unleash a chemical spray from the inner-sides of his muzzle that combust within the moment of contact with air - fire breath, a few times within a day. He is very suited to hard labour and altering the environment to his advantage. The Drake has experience in basic engineering, fortifying and sabotaging static positions, with some small use in the medical field. His main experience is heavier weapons, holding and denying space while remaining somewhat mobile. Despite his species, Oren does not engage in beserker-like behavior, but he is rather good at CQC in the right circumstances.

His main armament is a scaled up infantry weapon, a 37mm Autocannon with under-gassed recoil, HE and AP rounds in use. Side-weapon is a 15mm Semi-automatic pistol, and he also happily carries a somewhat hefty, mechanical survival tool that can be folded in half - axe/spade head one end, hook/lump the other end, useful for both physical work in changing the landscape, and his enemies that get too close.

Personality; Generally a quiet, humble soul, Oren may be able to project a sense of massiveness and fortitude in the field, but when at rest or otherwise lacking in threats, he shrinks away a little, giving the impression of being socially reserved. He looks out for and over those by his side, and while he feels pleasure in helping or comforting, individuals who are deeply disrespectful, lacking in spine or otherwise intentionally disrupt whatever harmony is present, may receive spine-chilling attention. He respects physical and moral strength, and despises opportunistic habits and liars.

Job; Mobile Defence and support, anti-vehicle capabilities, basic medical, engineering/fortification and CQC.

History; Having been dragged into a militia in his younger years, then passed onto a smaller mercenary outfit until one particular mission ended in abysmal, embarrassing failure on a little-loved island near the INF, Oren was taken into care and had since lived life as a quiet fixer of sorts. Until now the Drake has had little formal training, learning on the job most of the time, but has built up experience most of his life, even if it at the expense of things typically normal.
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Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

The most people voted already, the faction selected was the Independent Nation of Fusou. People who want to check other nations can still do so, but joining the main party requires you to join this faction.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Emi Fuchida "Effi"
Species: Cat-Taur
Age: 28
Physical Description:
In military attire, Effi usually wears urban camouflage armor with drapings of kevlar over her lower half, along with four saddlebags with all her various equipment. She favors the new Type-89 Customizable Carbine Battle Rifle in combat.
Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Highly trained engineer and demolitions expert. Above average strength and high carrying capacity. Superior speed and sharp claws.
Personality: Effi is a bit of a duality. She's cuddly, giving and kind and is always happy to make friends. While not aggressively sexual she doesn't really tie down, favoring open relationships with many partners. However, Effi takes a somewhat utilitarian view to warfare and only orders really prevents her from breaking out into a series of war crimes for the sake of efficiency. She delights in setting traps and defenses, seeing it like a puzzle to cause as much devastation and demoralization to the enemy as she can with what she can manage. She deeply loves fish, though often will get very heated if it's insinuated it's because she's a feline.
Job: Combat Engineer
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Irena Zielinski

Species: Nymph

Age: 130 (but looks 19)

Physical Description: A blonde, fit woman who speaks with no discernable accent. When relaxing, Irena tends to dress somewhat provocatively. In war, her equipment will match the situation. For more conventional fighting, Irena uses the (sidearm), the (carbine), and the (sniper rifle). Her specialty is stealth, however, and for such missions she might employ the and/or a pair of blackened stiletto knives. She has in her possession an , stripped from an SS officer.
Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Irena possesses great strength and speed, partly owing to her supernatural heritage. She has fought in many wars, having been drafted to fight in World War III in the . As one of the original members of (Polish Special Forces), Irena is well-versed in military operations other than war, hostage rescue, counter-terrorism, personnel recovery (including training as a paramedic), combat search and rescue, special recon, direct action, military support and unconventional warfare. She is proficient in parachuting, sniping, and underwater combat. Due to her natural woodland abilities, Irena specializes in recon, support, and unconventional warfare; her natural charisma also allows her to blend into a civilian populace quite well when necessary. She can speak several languages fluently and without an accent, including German, Russian, English, and Japanese. She also knows some French and Mandarin.

Personality: Irena is a somewhat soft-spoken professional. She spent a considerable portion of her life serving as a senior enlisted in the Polish Armed Forces, so she can be loud if she needs to be, and generally acts as a mother to less experienced warriors. Still, she's seen her share of death, and despite her feelings is quite capable of carrying on in a fight as death rages all around her.

Job: Irena has retired from the military, but hires herself out as a mercenary, doing difficult reconnaissance work. She works mostly to stay occupied, but is also careful to only support causes that she can believe in--she's walked away from jobs that compromise her moral standards.
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Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Emilia Nassau

Species: Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Age: 26

Physical Description: Built like a steam boiler on a brick foundation, Emilia is a woman of considerable musculature, thanks in part to her extensive and rewarding service in the Fusou Police. Her lifestyle outside of her work also is a healthy contributor, from sport-shooting, to hiking, to the occasional gym-visit, the raven-haired woman enjoys fine health, and, as many would agree, good looks, if not in the most traditional sense.

She stands 180cm, perhaps a little less, with a flat and unassuming, if essentially friendly demeanor, aided considerably by her deep, sapphire eyes, and pale skin, that give her a slightly gaunt appearance, which is aided by the fact that though considerably muscular, it's mostly concentrated in her core.

Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Armed with police-training for hand-to-hand combat, and her sporting-shotgun, her abilities are limited to her strength, skill-at-arms, and intelligence.

Personality: Friendly, if somewhat colder then she intends, deeply patriotic.

Job: Police Officer inducted into emergency militia forces by Fusou authorities to stop the invasion.
Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Cprl. Amelia 'Bane' Malius
Species: Succubus
Physical Description: A thin, young-looking woman, with long black hair and pale skin. Her species shows via her pointed ears, short curved horns, and her wings and tail- specifically, her wings connected at her waistline and not her shoulders.
Powers/Abilities Descriptions: As a succubus, she naturally has a major drawback- in order to feed and sustain, she needs to have regular sexual contact. Luckily food can starve it off a little, as can masturbation, but it's not a helpful thing to have in the military. She has some limited gliding with her oddly-positioned wings, and can funnel some of her energy to outright take flight, useful for quick escapes and getting vantage points. She has a subtle aura about her that makes her more easier to be suggestive and lead things her way, helping to charm others when she wishes. If she drains herself too far, she'll be listless and weakened, but also pumping out masses of pheromones for arousal and attraction as well, for obvious reasons.
Job: Amelia is a specialist, primarily with single-target elimination weapons like RPGs or sniper weaponry. She has limited training in vehicle maintenance and control, but her primary skill is finding a place to set herself up and work on taking targets apart from afar with a mix of mortars, missiles, and hard projectiles.
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Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

I'll update the thread once in a while to add any more scenarios people might be interested in.
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Re: Guns, steel and monster girls. (Interest/Sign ups thread.)

Name: Joanna 'Hammerhead' Twardowska

Species: Lizardgirl

Age: 20

Physical Description: A slightly short, lean young woman with blue eyes and short blonde hair. Her arms and legs are covered in green scales and her fingers and toes are tipped with short, blunt claws. She also has a scaly, reptilian tail. Typically she wears clothes that are easy to move in and clean - in other words, a mechanic's jumpsuit. Tends to go around barefoot on account of her tough, scaly feet. She also carries a holster for her handgun.

Powers/Abilities Descriptions: Joanna is physically fit and has pretty good reflexes on top of having an extra limb to use for manipulating objects thanks to her tail. On top of that, she's a skilled mechanic, capable of fixing a wide variety of vehicles and weapons as well as installing modifications, running maintenance and performing other tasks like that. She also knows how to handle firearms and is a decent shot with her IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX .50 Action Express. She can speak both her native language and english fluently, though she has a noticeable, if subtle and fluctuating accent that changes depending on how irritated (or careful to control it) she is.

In regards to her combat potential, Joanna is primarily a mech pilot, driving a machine that she had repaired herself from a damaged wreck taken as compensation for a job that turned out to be more complicated than advertised. It's an armored, humanoid machine roughly the size of a tank. It's armaments include a 100 mm AT cannon replacing the right hand (magazine fed, 20 shells each with a single spare mounted on shoulder), a 37 mm chest-mounted autocannon and a remote controlled 15 mm machine gun on a ball mount, also located in chest area. The left hand has a pile bunker attached for melee combat purposes. Unfortunately, due to it's patchwork nature it is somewhat less mobile than factory-made models and lacks the shoulder-mounted ATGM launcher due to problems with system integration.

Personality: Joanna is a somewhat short-tempered and snarky person, occasionally appearing rather aloof and easily closing herself off from the world when doing work on machines. That being said, while she doesn't make friends easily, she tends to treat them warmly. She still tends to be blunt with them more often than not, though. Despite her tendency to complain, she can be suprisingly calm even under fire, a useful trait in soldier and mechanic both. She's also fairly talented at piloting a mecha, if somewhat lacking in experience.

Job: Joanna's career is an odd one. Lacking any useful skills besides tinkering and not having the means to pursue further education, she was picked up by a mercenary group in desperate need of a mechanic. The Silesian girl had proven herself talented enough to keep their machines in good shape despite sub-standard working conditions, resulting in going from a temporary job to full time employment with the group, especially after proving she doesn't mind a mercenary lifestyle.

Her big break, and promotion, happened when a supposedly simple job gone awry yielded a most unusual form of compensation from their employer (one of Ruskea's lesser allies): a wrecked but salvageable mech unit. Initially the group planned to scrap it and sell the parts, but Joanna persuaded them to let her fix the thing. It took her most of a year, a lot of stress and a brush with death or two to secure the necessary parts and repair the damage, but in the end she managed to not only provide the group with a working armored vehicle, but turned out to be good at figuring out how to drive the thing. Now, as both mechanic and mech pilot, she provides much of the group's heavy firepower.