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Hafnium Test Thread

Re: Hafnium Test Thread

She listened intently to Magdalens words, ad kept her eyes on the succubus nose. She knew better than to look a demon in the eyes, and staring at her tits would give the wrong impression, after all. "One last question, and then I'll be satisfied. Or at least, as satisfied as you can make me, Magdalen. Two, rather. Firstly, does she have any major supporters that I need to be worried about? Any Lords or Ladies of hell I have to worry about offending if I disintegrate her? Secondly, might you know where she is based?"

Once those two questions were answered, Lenalee sighed, set aside her staff, and said; "You have done as I required. Now...." Her armor came off and dropped to the ground. "Come and claim your prize." Her dress followed it, leaving Lenalee nude before the demoness. She did blush then, and allowed herself to look into the demons eyes, knowing that any attempt at resistance would only come back to haunt if she ever tried to get a deal of the succubus again. The irony of being here, at the side of the three corrupted girls fire pit, about to get her mind fucked out AGAIN, did not escape her, however, and she allowed herself a slight smile at the thought of it.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine... sort of.

Lenalee Pleasure: 25, 17 EP drained
Lenalee Pleasure: 24, 16 EP drained
Lenalee Pleasure: 27, Orgasm, 32 EP drained

"Doubtful. Few, if any, care for your kind as anything more than slaves, certainly none that I know of. Why would they support someone who wishes your kind to become equals?" The succubus' smirk widened a little as they grew nearer to the end of the sorceress' questions. "I don't know where she went after leaving Hell." The second question was all but dismissed. "Perhaps her little goblin will have some information on where she is. Consider it a tip for the meal I'm about to take." The tip wasn't exactly something that the sorceress couldn't have thought of herself, probably why Magdalen had offered it.

The succubus took her time in moving to the naked Lenalee. They both knew what was coming. "Mm, I'm going to enjoy this." Her hips swayed as before. Magdalen met Lenalee's eyes with her crimson orbs and issued a command, "On your back." The sorceress felt mentally compelled to do so but it was never an option anyway, she had to fulfill her end of the bargain or she could never safely summon the succubus again. The pale sorceress ended up laying on her back and the demoness went down on hands and knees, crawling to take a position between the woman's legs.

Unlike her last partner by the campfire, Magdalen did not tease or hesitate. Her tongue went straight to work on Lenalee's folds. Every feeling of pleasure brought with it a draining effect on the sorceress. The succubus was skilled with her tongue and she went straight for Lenalee's sensitive nub, almost hungrily, trying to drain as much from the woman as she could. The pale woman didn't last long under the ministrations of the demoness. Less than a minute after Magdalen's feeding had started, Lenalee found herself helplessly cumming. Her body tensed and her energy poured out of her. A powerful orgasm was taking her right into unconsciousness. The last thing Lenalee could see and hear as black clouds overtook her vision was Magdalen standing up and over her. The succubus seemed positively glowing, her face splattered with some of Lenalee's juices. "Aw, it's over already?" The succubus spoke with mock disappointment. "I wanted to use a dick on you. Oh well, maybe next time."


A bump awakened Lenalee from her impromptu nap. Upon opening her eyes she realized that she was in the wagon and it was moving. The sorceress' clothing had been put back on her and she had been laid on a comfortable bundle of some material. Her staff was nearby. A dark, orange-hued light came in through an opening in the wagon suggesting that it was nearing nightfall. The captive girls were no longer in the wagon either.

(81 corruption gained)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee was putty in the succubus hands, the knowledge that resistance to the demons commands at this stage would only hurt in the end not really taking the edge off of the shame. So, the sorceress will bowed to the compulsion, and laid down on her back, her legs spread slightly. She closed her eyes as the demoness went between her legs, and shuddered slightly as she felt her tongue dive into her folds, the pleasure accompanied by the sensation of Magdalen tapping into her soul. The demoness was almost clinical in her work, her deft skill drawing gasps of pleasure from the sorceress despite the fact that she tried with all of her will to deny any audible display of enjoyment. However, clinical did not mean unpleasant, at least not in this case, and Lenalees energies poured out of her as the sensations coming from her jewel as it was attacked by Magdalens tongue shot up her spine. She bit her lip and clutched at the ground on which she lay, but all of her efforts to delay the inevitable were for naught, as Lenalee barely lasted for more than a minute. Her body shuddered, and her eyes opened wide to stare into the sky as her mouth parted in a primal scream as her climax stole over her, allowing Magdalen to feast upon her soul in full. Her last sight before darkness took her was that of the succubus, aglow with her stolen energy and with her face covered in Lenalees juices, delivering one final taunt.

She awoke as her head smacked roughly against a hard wooden floor, and Lenalee issued a quick groan, more like a grunt really, before she forced her eyes open and sat up. She glanced over herself as she went over the encounter with the succubus, her memory faulty for a moment as she shrugged off the fog of her brief unconsciousness. She'd bumped her head as the wagon went over a bump in whatever road they were on, and that was helping bring back her memory slightly. She was clothed once more, and her staff was lying not far from where she lay, so she'd at least been discovered by the girls rather than some wild beast, or worse, another servant of the demoness.

Lenalee sighed, knowing that there was no going back at this point. She was invested in the conflict now, even if it kept her from finding the girl that she was looking for, and getting back to her reward. She stretched her arms, legs and back before rising, and as she grabbed her staff, she worked a cramp out of her neck. Sleeping on hard surfaces wasn't always pleasant to ones body, after all. She stepped to the front of the moving wagon carefully, and peaked her head out. As soon as she spotted one of the girls, Lenalee simply asked; "Where are we going?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

"Oh, you're awake!" A familiar voice came from out of sight. "Stop the cart and get some rest, Jan." The horned woman, who up until that point had been pulling the cart from the front, did as directed. Jan wandered away to sit by a nearby tree. The sorceress could hear a few more steps before the rabbit girl peeked her head around the front of the wagon. "We were worried when we found you. Er, um, I won't ask what happened..." Even though the redhead had been less than perceptive up to that point, the light blush on her face suggested that she understood the basics.

The wagon was on a dirt road. The road was straight but was surrounded by trees so tall and numerous that it was impossible to tell exactly where it went to. The group appeared to consist of Ren, Jan, and the sorceress, herself, at that point, Mari was missing. For the most part, however, there were no further signs of wear and tear on either of the girls' weapons or clothing, they probably hadn't gotten into any further fights along the way.

"Mari said that you'd want to go see the goblin but I didn't think you'd have the energy so I had Jan follow the road. There's a small clearing near here that I thought we could use as a new campsite, hopefully without the threat of the wolves. I thought we would be able to seek out the goblin after you had recovered." The meek look on Ren's face was all that was necessary to know that Mari didn't agree. "Mari wasn't happy, she said she didn't want to just sit around and do nothing." Ren's cheeks reddened deeper. "I told her that going after the goblin would be too dangerous and... and she agreed and kissed me. It was... unexpected," The dreaminess Ren's voice took on as she remembered the kiss suggested that unexpected wasn't her first choice of wording. "She said she was going to try to find information on a blonde."
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee climbed out of the wagon as it stopped and faced Ren squarely as the young redhead explained what had happened as she'd been unconscious. Her face very quickly became a neutral mask, hiding her emotions, as Ren told her that Mari had left, and once the young girl finished, she said; "So. Let me just clarify something. Mari went off, on her own, after she agreed with you that going after the goblin would be too dangerous. And you just, let her go?" There was neither anger nor disappointment immediately evident in Lenalees voice, and, in point of fact, there wasn't any emotion at all in her voice. The only hint at what went on within her head was a slight twitch of her lips downwards, a scowl appearing on her face a moment before she continued; "We need to get to wherever the goblin is. Fast. If Mari gets there first, she's probably going to get herself killed. Or worse. How long ago did she leave? And in what direction?"

She spoke fast, and her knuckles were wight as they clenched around the wood of her staff while staring Ren down, but a few seconds later, Lenalee sighed, and shook her head. Berating the rabbit-eared girl wasn't going to get her anywhere, and she didn't want to frighten her, lest she become unstable. She began speaking again, her voice calmer than it had been before, and she said; "I'm sorry, Ren. I know you didn't know Mari would do what she did. She probably surprised you with that kiss, and then took off into the woods, right? It'll be alright. We just need to chase after her, and quickly. The sooner, the better." Mari had, it seemed, gone up ahead to try and get information out of the goblin about the girl that SHE was looking for. But, she had gone alone, to a stronghold with an unknown number of enemies. That didn't seem to end well, ever, at least as far as Lenalee knew. As soon as the other two were ready, she planned on heading to the goblin, and trying to make sure that the rogue didn't get into any trouble. Or, if she was already in it, get her out of it, as the case might be.

(Hopefully not totally jumping the gun here.)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

(I don't know how I managed to completely avoid mentioning all of this last post. D: Look on my derp, ye Mighty, and despair!)

"Have you ever tried to stop Mari from doing something?" Ren asked meekly. Though, in fairness, the sorceress had managed to stop Mari from attempting to decapitate her, so Lenalee had been the most successful in that regard. "But, she didn't go in the direction of the goblin. Mari was headed towards a nearby town in the hopes that the blond girl had stopped there. They're not very friendly to outsiders but she should be safe there." The rabbit girl looked a little nervous at what Lenalee's reaction might be.

"Mari did have a point about the goblin. He might be harder to find if we don't show up tonight. He's expecting us to bring him a cartload of women for his mistress. I don't think he'll arrange another meeting with us if we don't," Ren added. "He seems really strong though. I don't know if we'll be able to beat him without planning. Mari said she'd try to be back by nightfall." The rabbit girl didn't even need to add that the decision was up to Lenalee. The sorceress was all but the leader of the group of corrupted girls now.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee paused for several moments, her mouth half open as she processed Rens words, but then said; "Oh.... Well..." She sighed, but then said; "Well, so long as Mari hasn't gone to get herself killed, we can go a little easier then." She thought for a moment, and then said; "What's this town called and how far away is it? We shouldn't go for the goblin unless we're at full strength, but I don't know how long we have. When the goblin picks up those you deliver to him, is he alone, or does he have anything with him?"

After Ren had answered her, Lenalee continued; "Do you think Mari will be back before he leaves? If not, we'll have to go on without her. I don't know about any of you, but I really don't want to try to go hunting for a goblin in the woods, and he's our best chance at his mistress. Tell me everything you can about his set up, and then we'll try to figure out a plan."
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

"Amere," the rabbit girl answered. "It's several hours to the north." The redhead bit her lip nervously at the mention of the goblin but did not hesitate long in answering. "He usually leads a small group of other goblins to help handle the captives. He's very secretive. We're never permitted to follow him so I can't tell you much about what he did beyond the meetings." A mixture of nervousness and shame overtook Ren and she looked downward at the ground. The meek girl didn't even look up to finish speaking. "The amount of captives we've been able to bring him has decreased. He was very disappointed with our last group. I think, after what you said earlier, that if he were going to betray us this probably would be the night. It's hard to say what he'll bring besides the goblins. We'd be meeting him on a segment of road similar to this," the girl added.

"Even as good at Mari is at navigating through the woods there's a good chance that she won't make it back in time." The rabbit girl finally brought her eyes back up to look at Lenalee. "Even if she were really lucky and found the information immediately she probably wouldn't be able to catch up with us until we were supposed to be meeting with the goblin." It wasn't had to tell that Ren seemed less than excited for the chance to fight Dreadbeak. The girl seemed to consider something for a moment. "We might be able to make it there before him and set up a trap, if we hurry," Ren added.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee considered Rens words for a moment, before delivering one of her characteristic sighs, and saying; "We're gonna have to hope that Mari catches up in time. I don't want to risk him getting away, and if it's just goblins, I'm pretty sure that I can deal with them. If we can get there before he does, we need to go for that. I'll walk right up until we're almost there. Then, I'll climb into the wagon, and if we get there first, we can make a better plan while we're there. If he's waiting for us, tell him that you've got a good catch. Keep him talking for as long as you can. If he asks about Mari being absent, tell him that she's off getting supplies in town. Don't do anything violent unless it's absolutely necessary to protect yourselves, or until you get my signal. You'll know it when you see it. When the hurting of things starts, you two need to stay close to me, and watch each others backs. And mine. If things go South, or it looks like we're about to get surrounded, you two bug out, and try to find Mari. I can handle myself, and I can unleash the really nasty stuff if you're not in the way." She hoped.

She wasn't going to outright ask Ren and her friends to try and rescue her, but Lenalee certainly hoped that they would at least try, if the circumstances came to that. Which she hoped they didn't, but she also knew that things didn't always go according to plan.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Chance Roll: 1d2 => 1

Ren nodded and repeated the main points of Lenalee's plan to confirm that she had them correct. When the rabbit was confident in her understanding of the plan she called Jan over and explained it to the horned woman, Lenalee noted that her retelling used much simpler words. The horned woman simply nodded to the two of them. "We'll have to hurry," was the only other thing that the rabbit said before tasking Jan back to the front of the cart. Without anybody in it the wagon moved particularly easily and did not require the rabbit girl to push, though she still moved to help her friend in doing so.

The two led the sorceress much further down the road. Darkness was setting quickly and it was becoming very difficult to see between the lack of light and the trees. The corrupted girls didn't seem to have any such issue with finding their way, however. The trio came upon a point where another path, poorly maintained even in comparison to the dirt road they had been on, cut out of the woods and intersected with the one they were on. The beginning of the new road would have been difficult to see even in the daytime. As they began onto it the sorceress found that the path twisted and turned, elevated and dropped sharply, and was uneven and nearly painful to walk on. The two even began to have difficulty with the wagon on the path, though Jan pulled through. Finally, after they had reached a point where the cart would be slightly easier to pull, Ren nodded to the sorceress. "It's not much further ahead, you'll want to get in now."

If she did so, Lenalee would find that herself truly in the dark. The sorceress' only knowledge that the wagon was still moving was the noise of the wheels and the bumps in the path. After so many more minutes of traveling, those stopped. A few seconds of dead silence ensued before she heard footsteps. The steps moved away from the wagon, then closer. Further away again accompanied by the rustle of fallen leaves. Finally, Lenalee could hear the steps moving directly towards the back of the wagon. The sound stopped and a familiar pair of ears followed by a face popped into view. "He's not here yet, I checked the woods. Judging by how dark it is we probably don't have long to prepare for him."

A glance around the area would show that the path was a small and shabby thing that intersected directly in between several trees with very little room to move on. Trees were even more numerous than they had been before but with little underbrush. Where-as the other road had the occasional evidence of a tree cut back to keep the area between the forest and the dirt road open, this path had no similar activity. The only supply that seemed to be in abundance at the meeting place were piles of dry old leaves littering the ground and path.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee glanced around, but in the near darkness, she couldn't see a damned thing. Calling up a light would only give away her presence and her abilities, which were most certainly a bad idea. The dirt road they were on had never seen any significant upkeep, and was lined on both sides by thick brush. Too much cover, and it would keep her from using her heavier firepower in case they got surrounded. She'd made the mistake of throwing around lightning in an old forest without any sort of restraint once, and she'd very nearly killed herself and burnt down a village, so a repeat performance wasn't exactly on her to-do list.

Definitely too much cover, and too many ways that the goblins could come at them. She wasn't liking this at all. Still, it was too late to back out now, and Lenalee sighed softly. Then, very quietly, she said to Ren; "The terrain doesn't favor us. Lots of ways for them to come at us, and lots of places to hide. I can't throw around magic with so much to burn lying around either, and escaping along the road is a losing proposition. Still, we're stuck here now. Lets stick with the original plan, I'll wait in the wagon. Maybe I can conjure up some extra help."

She went back inside, and then laid down, clutching her staff as she considered her options. A lightning elemental in here would be visible from outside, so that would have to be her last summon, if any. That meant that, if she wanted help, she'd have to go to demons. Again. She sighed, shaking her head warily. A succubus would be of little help in this situation, and she doubted that a stalker sorcerer would be any more helpful. There were more dangerous creatures she could call, and the idea of sicking a trio of angry, armored hellhounds on the goblins was extremely tempting until she thought about the cost of it. That would take a day at least, as she'd owe it to each of them individually, and she most definitely did not like that idea. She discarded the idea of summoning a demon lord out of hand. That would probably put her in a far worse situation than simply giving herself to the damned goblins. That left trying to fight numbers with numbers, as the price of a lesser demon was a bit more reasonable. Not pleasant, perhaps, but reasonable. Still, did she want to risk anything without more knowledge? No, most certainly not. While surrounding the wagon with hidden stalkers and goblins was appealing, it wouldn't behoove her to jump the gun. Maybe all of the goblins would be in one nice long line, along the path. And maybe she would sprout wings and fly off to heaven after a gruff handed her a ton and a half of gold.

Lenalee snickered to herself quietly at the thought, as she waited. Some sort of signal would be necessarily, but she figured that the goblins would announce their presence in some way once they felt confident that this wasn't an ambush. She hoped.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Perception: Ren Success
Chance Roll: => 2

The noises from outside as Lenalee contemplated were nearly as limited as her options. Ren seemed to move around occasionally out of nervous energy. To the rabbit girl's credit she kept it to a minimum. Outside of that, the occasional sound of bugs and wildlife provided an orchestra to the sound of leaves crunching underfoot, albeit a poor one. The sounds began to die down, however, as the wait drug on. In fact, whatever was causing the noises of the night to halt seemed as though it had started far away from the wagon and was getting closer. It continued to grow closer until even Ren had stopped moving entirely.

The silence seemed to grow deafening. In the dark of the wagon it seemed as though the lack of noise continued for hours. When the silence seemed so pregnant that it might burst, however, Ren said something. "I'm going to give the prisoners another check before he gets here, Jan. If we disappoint him again the priestess won't cure us." Her voice seemed unnecessarily loud. Footsteps made their way around the wagon and she peaked in again. The girl spoke hurriedly, in a whisper. "Dreadbeak and his goblins are watching us from the woods. There are four goblins and Dreadbeak. Something is up, he's got a lot of armor on and an axe, he usually brought a mace. He's got some sort of big dog skull on his head too. I don't think he's going to attack yet though. Gotta get back to Jan, can't seem too suspicious." Without waiting for Lenalee's response, Ren moved back out and to the front of the wagon. "I really wish you'd wash them when you're done." The rabbit girl spoke a bit more naturally.

Almost as soon as she had said that the sorceress could hear a heavily accented voice call out from the woods. "Ah, girls! Dreadbeak sees you're here early!" Lenalee found that she could see outside through a small hole in the cloth. It was as Ren said, a goblin wearing a dog skull, one that looked worrying close to the size of a hellhound's head, over his own made his way down the road in front of four others. The goblin, obviously Dreadbeak, did not look like most goblins. Unlike his diminutive kin, the dervish could have passed for a particularly short human. Well, he could have if he didn't have dark green skin. The goblin was wiry like most of his kin. He was wearing a metal breastplate that looked as though it had been made specifically for him, not something that was the case for all goblins trapped outside of Hell. Under his breastplate were white robes that fit him well. The robes were one piece though they were heavily stained with grease and other nasty looking substances. Unfortunately the goblins had not chosen to stand in a line, instead spreading out in a fanning formation. The gruff hadn't shown up and Lenalee had yet to sprout wings, either. Overall, the three were a series of disappointments.

"Where's ta tird of you?" The goblin asked, his accent was even more noticeable when he attempted to say 'the' and 'third.' Ren made a convincing attempt at lying and even tried to use the lie to get some information out of the goblin. "She's in town getting supplies. We lost some of our rations to a corrupted wolf." The goblin made the least convincing look of disappointment that the sorceress had ever seen. "Ta mistress is sorry for tat. Che took some of the mutated wolves of your world in to save them but tey got loose." As bad as the goblin was at faking expressions, he was even worse at lying. "So, do you have your tribute to ta mistress?" He asked the question in an obvious attempt to get right down to the point. "We found a really good one. She's a mage." A lewd grin formed on the goblin's mouth, it didn't take a mind reader to know what he intended on doing with the sorceress. "Tat's good, ta mistress likes tose wit good minds. Tey are more easy for her to impart her knowledge on."

"What about us, will she help us now?" Ren asked, she did not sound very convinced in the idea. The goblin did not seem to notice her lack of belief, however. "Yes, Dreadbeak has orders to make you better tonight. Ta priestess never forgets tose who aid her." The lewd grin widened on the goblin's face. It looked as though he intended to 'save' Ren and the sorceress at the same time. "But first, Dreadbeak has to confirm tat you got ta good tribute. He trusts you, of course, but after last time ta mistress wanted him to make sure you brought enough. Ta cost of helping people isn't cheap, after all." He nodded to one of the goblins flanking him, who began to move towards the cart.

Ren and Jan were currently in front of the cart. A lone goblin was making his way towards the cart, headed for the back of it. Dreadbeak and his other goblins were a short distance away from Ren and Jan, spread out in a fairly small fanning formation on the narrow road. Lenalee was left with a decision.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee nodded wordlessly to Ren as she peaked into the wagon, and then immediately set into her ritual as the strange being began to speak. He was unlike any other goblin that Lenalee had ever seen, and the skull of a hellhound that he wore warned Lenalee that his added size was more than just for show. The goblin was a genuine threat, and she knew then that she was either going to need some added forces, or to cut loose completely with her magic, and the latter was really only an option of last resort, as it would probably result in half of the forest burning down.

Lenalee gathered some of her energies, and then sent them out, a call to some of this demons own kin for aid in the coming battle. "Ah, girls! Dreadbeak sees you're here early!" Lenalee concentrated, closing her eyes and willing the words within her mind to reach the ears of the goblins that she planned to summon; Come to me. Serve me. Be my arms and armor against my foes, your kindred. "Tat's good, ta mistress likes tose wit good minds. Tey are more easy for her to impart her knowledge on." A slight grin spread across Lenalees face, but she remained concentrated on her inner chant; Serve me, and once this task is complete, my body shall be yours. I will give you pleasure as you have never felt before. But beware, Dreadbeak must survive. If he dies by any one of your hands, your reward is forfeit. His underlings, however, are to die. "Yes, Dreadbeak has orders to make you better tonight. Ta priestess never forgets tose who aid her." Her grin faded. They were running out of time. Serve me. Appear around me as a shield, waiting within the woods. You will know when to strike. And strike hard, and destroy his minions before you set upon Dreadbeak. Each harm that I take will be less time you may take pleasure from my flesh. Know this is as well: The one who knocks Dreadbeak the Blessed to me, alive but helpless, shall be the first to have me, and he and he alone shall be the one to have the chance to release his seed within me. That should be good enough incentive to keep her summoned demons under her control, and she certainly had no intention of allowing any of the little creatures to deliver the finishing blow.

"But first, Dreadbeak has to confirm tat you got ta good tribute. He trusts you, of course, but after last time ta mistress wanted him to make sure you brought enough. Ta cost of helping people isn't cheap, after all." As the goblin issued his final statement, and one of his lackeys began advancing toward the rear of the wagon, a lopsided grin came upon Lenalees face. All according to plan. She needed to remain collected, however, and quickly turned her smile into an expression that was half mad, the part of the deranged sorceress, and half lewd, the part of the willing courtesan. They seemed to buy it every time.

Before the approaching goblin could open the back of the wagon, Lenalee suddenly stepped out of the front, holding her staff in one hand while the other rested on her left knee. She leaned forward as her left foot rested on the raised lip of the damaged wagon, her cleavage showing as she leaned much of her weight upon her staff. Before the demons could react, she shouted, her voice tinged with a mad ecstatic glee; "Hello boys! Tis a fine evening, is it not!?" Without another word, she pointed her staff directly at Dreadbeak, uttered a word of power, and sent a streak of lightning directly toward the little goblin. If it hit, the lightning should keep him locked in place as electricity surged through his body.

(Summon 6 goblins while they talk, putting them in the woods around the front of the wagon. Then walk outside, and then cast Shock targeting Dreadbeak.)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 58/62, Status = Fine

(Apparently things are getting very real very quickly on this small path.)

Lenalee's Action: Shock on Dreadbeak
Casting: Success
Resistance Check: Dreadbeak wins.
Damage: 11 * 3 = 33 - 19 = 14

Jan's Action: Attack on Bad Goblin #4 (Near the Cart)
Attack: Hit
Damage: 30 - 12 = 18

Dreadbeak's Action: Attack Lenalee
Attack: Hit
Damage: 31 - 4 = 27, Armor at 20/30 TP

Ren's Action: Heal Lenalee
Casting: Success
Healing: 14 * 3 = 42

"Friendly" Goblin Actions: GET 'EM BOYS.
FG1 v G1 Attack: Hit, 19 - 12 = 7 damage.
FG2 v G1 Attack: Hit, 20 - 12 = 8 damage.
FG3 v G2 Attack: Hit, 19 - 12 = 7 damage.
FG4 v G2 Attack: Hit, 17 - 12 = 5 damage.
FG5 v G3 Attack: Hit, 16 - 12 = 4 damage.
FG6 v G3 Attack: Hit, 12 - 12 = 0 damage.

Enemy Goblin Actions: RETURN ATTACK.
G1 v FG1 Attack: Hit, 18 - 12 = 6 damage.
G2 v FG3 Attack: Hit, 18 - 12 = 6 damage.
G3 v FG5 Attack: Hit, 22 - 12 = 10 damage.
G4 v Jan Attack: Hit, 17 - 10 = 7 damage.

Dreadbeak's expression became one of surprise as Lenalee stepped out from the front of the wagon. Surprise became lewd admiration at the amount of cleavage showing. Admiration became pain as electricity coursed through his veins at the sorceress' attacks. The mage's initial appraisal of him as something unlike other goblins did not appear to be off the mark, he was not stunned by the attack. Indeed, he seemed only momentarily taken aback by it. Fury burned in Dreadbeak's eyes as he considered the sorceress. A stream of profanity issued from his mouth which included several colorful metaphors about Jan, Ren, and Lenalee herself. The dervish's cursing finally ended in the assertion: "When I'm done wit your asses you'll have to clear your troats to get my balls out!"

Any humor that might have been gotten out of the goblin's seemingly impotent fury was lost when the goblin charged at Lenalee with inhuman speed. His axe came down from over his head with unerring accuracy, slashing through the pale woman's armor and into her flesh with enough power to fell a tree. The wagon nearly tipped over from the force of the strike. Dreadbeak the Blessed backed off with a mocking grin as the sorceress' blood ran freely down her body, he was obviously arrogant enough to believe that she'd surrender after such a strike. Ren, however, was on task, moving in and touching the sorceress with her staff, the sorceress could feel the rabbit girl's energy pouring through it. Lenalee's skin began to knit together as naturally as though she had never been touched and, when the process was complete, the only thing that had remained was the damage to her armor. Dreadbeak snarled, his eyes filled with rage at the reversal of his work.

In the meantime, Lenalee's goblins had fallen on the unsuspecting escort that Dreadbeak had left behind during his charge. Outnumbered two-to-one, the three seemed to be taking the worst of the melee. Yet, the goblins fought as though inspired by their berserker leader. Of course, Lenalee's goblins fought with an inspiration born of the opportunity to spill their seed in the sorceress. The melee was so hectic that it was hard to tell which side would prevail, especially since it was a mass of goblins flailing at each other with murderous intent. Jan took an opportunity to smash the goblin near the cart across the face with her bludgeon and he attempted to return the favor with his axe, although much less successfully.

The state of the battlefield was hectic. Goblins were hitting each other with clubs and axes about twenty feet ahead of the cart. Jan and another goblin were engaged in melee beside the cart. Ren and Lenalee found themselves face to face with Dreadbeak and his wicked axe.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

(I should have 4 less EP. 4 for the summoning and then 4 for the spell.)

At the goblins taunt, Lenalee gleefully responded with one of her own; "You like my ass so much you oughta get on your knees and...." She was cut off by the goblins sudden charge, and the hiss of pain that issues out of the wounded sorceress. Blood ran down her chest, and she glared at the goblin as she felt the pain of her injury. Her expression turned into a maddened grin immediately, however, as Rens staff lightly touched her, the girls magic causing her wound to heal itself. Mostly. The rend in her leather armor and the stains on her dress were going to take a while to clean and repair, and that was a pain in and of itself.

Cackling madly, Lenalees maddened expression spread, and she shouted; "You wanna fuck with me you worthless filthy goblin! I wouldn't even feel your worthless limp dick!" She spat the insult at the demon with as much venom and hatred as she could manage as she prepared her next move. Her entire act was all meant to do one thing: Keep the goblins attention focused on her, and not on Ren. She might be able to take a hit or two, but she knew that the redhead wasn't quite as resilient as she from experience, and most definitely didn't want to see the poor girls limits tested. That, and she owed the being an insult in return for the one he'd interrupted earlier.

Her next action was to call up more help. This time, she didn't call for a demon to aid her, but instead reached for the lightning that she so enjoyed. The spell was familiar to her, at the very least, and after she'd released her hold on her previous spell due to the wound she'd taken, and that it hadn't had nearly the effect she'd wanted, she'd prefer something that she knew to something that she didn't have to keep concentrating on. She kept her staff in front of her, hoping against hope that she wouldn't have to try and block one of the damned goblins amazing strikes, and called up an elemental. A bolt of lightning struck between herself and the goblin, and formed into a wolf made out of pure lightning, the things growls more akin to the sound of thunder than of any natural creature.

(Summon a lightning elemental, lightning level 4, and have it attack Dreadbeak.)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 41, PP = 56, EP = 48/62, Status = Fine

(Whoops! I was too busy going 'oh god' over all the goblin rolls and forgot to account for the EP of summoning them. Fixed!)

Lenalee's Action: Summon Lightning Elemental
Casting: 19 + 12 - 8 (Damage taken) + 18 (Roll) = 41. Success.
(Bonus Roll) Taunt (Resistance Check): Dreadbeak ignores her.

Lightning Elemental's Action: Give Dreadbeak the business.
Attack: Success
Damage: 34 - 19 = 15

Jan's Action: Give Goblin #4 the business.
Attack: Success
Damage: 21 - 12 = 9

Dreadbeak: Attack Ren
Attack: Success
Damage: 35 - 1 = 34.

"Friendly" Goblin Actions: THE MOBBING CONTINUES.
FG1 v G1. Hit. 13 - 12 = 1 damage.
FG2 v G1. Hit. 15 - 12 = 3 damage.
FG3 v G2. Hit. 18 - 12 = 6 damage.
FG4 v G2. Hit. 21 - 12 = 9 damage.
FG5 v G3. Hit. 19 - 12 = 7 damage.
FG6 v G3. Hit. 19 - 12 = 7 damage.

Goblin Actions: Hit them until they are dead!
G1 v FG1. Hit. 23 - 12 = 11 damage.
G2 v FG3. Hit. 19 - 12 = 7 damage.
G3 v FG5. Hit. 18 - 12 = 6 damage.
G4 v Jan. Hit. 18 - 10 = 8 damage.

Lenalee's lightning elemental sparked into life on the narrow path, the energy used to create it lashing out and striking several surrounding trees. One of the trees was hit with such force that it actually toppled over, away from the road that was now serving as a battlefield. As soon as the lightning elemental had formed it launched itself at Dreadbeak, biting onto the goblin's leg with it's jaws made of pure energy and shaking it's head while latched on as a real wolf might. The power flowing through the elemental's mouth caused the goblin to convulse even as he tried to shake it off. When it finally came free the enraged goblin stomped his now-smoking foot on the dirt path several times, too furious to do anything else.

His change in mood was sudden, however, Dreadbeak looked at Lenalee with fierce eyes through his hellhound skull but did not immediately charge this time. His lips curled upwards into a wicked grin. "Dreadbeak knows ta first rule of combat." The goblin intoned pridefully. That wicked axe came into a ready position and his foot dug into the earth, as if he were getting ready to dash past the elemental wolf and strike directly at the sorceress herself. He started forward, another inhuman burst of speed. The wolf moved to protect it's summoner but at the last moment Dreadbeak changed course. It was as Lenalee predicted, the goblin was going for Ren.

The rabbit girl was totally unprepared for the attack. The goblin's axe soared through the air with no resistance, a sideways blow aimed at the middle of the girl's front. It bit into her flesh with a sickening thud, her robe offering no real protection against it. The rabbit girl's eyes widened in shock at the realization of what had happened, even as she doubled over in pain. As Dreadbeak ripped the axe out of her, Ren could only offer a gasp of pain. The redhead fell to both knees, her eyes suddenly seemed as though she were somewhere else. A hand reached out, as if to grasp something invisible. "Mari..." Ren started in a low whisper, not truly speaking to anybody on the path. "Artmirst... I did it all for you and Jan. I... I love..." And then she simply crumpled into a heap on the dirt.

"Healer dies first," Dreadbeak finished his earlier statement with that same wicked grin. The melee had continued on the path in front of the sorceress. Jan was not in sight of Ren and continued her fight against the lone goblin at the side of the cart. Dreadbeak stood ahead of Lenalee once more, his axe now covered in blood.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee stared at Ren as Dreadbeaks axe bit into the girls chest, helpless to stop him. The girl collapsed, her final words escaping her lips before she fell into a pool of her own blood. The sorceress face was cold, for a moment, but her hair began to stand on end as her eyes fell upon Rens crumpled form, before they turned toward the goblin that had probably killed her. She might be able to save the girl, if her wounds weren't too severe, but she knew that her healing magic wasn't the best. The rational part of her mind demanded that she focus, the magic swirling around her was dangerous enough even when it was under her perfect control, but the rage that was erupting within Lenalees breast silenced that part of her before it could be heard.

"Healer dies first." Thunder cracked through her being, and without even thinking it she felt her power gathering. "You." The lightning within her danced across her staff, her energies pouring out of her and into the magic she was bringing up. "Are." She channeled her energies, as she'd done so many times before, but now it was not as it had been before. The lightning turned black, darker than the sky above, and she pointed her staff directly at Dreadbeak, as she finished with a snarl; "Fucked!" Her power poured out of her, directly at the vile little goblin, her previous act replaced with genuine fury the likes of which she hadn't experienced in a very long time. Dreadbeak hadn't only killed Ren when he'd delivered his blow. He'd killed, ironically the only thing that had kept her from outright eradicating Dreadbeak and his minions. Restraint.

(Devils Lightning, X = 12, which is 3 points higher than Lenalees spirit ceiling.)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 38/41, PP = 56, EP = 33/62, Status = Slightly tired, Incredibly scary

(XP and loot coming after Dreadbeak is dealt with!)

Lenalee's Action: Bring an early apocalypse to everything on the path.
Damage: (7 + 1) * 12 = 96. Dusted.

Jan's Action: Attack Goblin #4
Attack: Hit
Damage: 36 - 12 = 24. Dead.

Dreadbeak looked at the sorceress in awe as she manifested her incredible power. His original fury was nothing to match the one that was brewing inside Lenalee at that moment. Yet, he smirked, he smirked arrogantly. "Dreadbeak is invincible! You can't stop him!" The berserker goblin called out against the raging storm of darkness that the mage was focusing into her staff. It was likely to be his last mistake.

The black lightning tore out across the path, vaporizing every goblin in the melee ahead, and laying Dreadbeak low onto the ground. Technically, the goblins hadn't fulfilled their end of the bargain. Still, Lenalee would likely have to pay an extra fee the next time she summoned the diminutive demons, but it was not a concern for then. The formerly impressive dervish seemed as though he would rip himself apart as he convulsed from the power born of Lenalee's rage. Even when it had subsided the dervish continued to have bouts of violent shaking as he laid on the dirt path. "No," Dreadbeak gasped. His hellhound skull had been destroyed in the blast. There, on the ground, with his now-visible beak-shaped nose and the light fading from his eyes he looked just as pitiful as any other of his dying kin. Perhaps unfortunately for him, the goblin seemed as though he would live while more pressing matters were attended to.

A cursory glance at Ren showed that she was still breathing raggedly. The rabbit girl's blood was flowing freely from her wound, however, and she could die at any moment. Jan came around the cart after finishing off the last remaining goblin and a look of shock overtook her at the sight of Ren. "R-Ren?" the horned woman asked incredulously before sprinting to the rabbit girl's side. The tall woman kneeled to cradle Ren in her arms. Jan seemed to forget that Lenalee was even there in her concern for her friend.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee glared down at Dreadbeak the Blessed, her magic still crackling through her staff and body, ready to be called upon should the fool try to rise again. Better now called Dreadbeak the Fallen, or Dreadbeak the Pathetic, than Dreadbreak the Blessed. The first part of his name seemed appropriate, at least, but as the goblin laid almost motionless, Lenalee guessed that the fight had left him. Best not to leave things to chance, and even though her fury still boiled within her, enough of it had been spent on the blast that had level her foe that she could think straight. Her hair began to fall as she re-channeled her power, calling up roots to bind the goblin to the ground. She didn't want him trying to run away, after all, and she would know it long before he could get away if the little demon attempted to get away. She wasted no time on, delivering the incantation in quick, sharp words before she immediately turned to survey the battlefield.

The goblins she'd summoned had been caught up in the blast, and she knew that an apology would be in order for that, next time she called upon them. That, however, could wait, as the diminutive demons wouldn't have the power to come back so soon after being destroyed anyway. When they'd died, they would have evaporated, but she was slightly disappointed that nothing remained of the ones that had served Dreadbeak. Goblins fangs would bring a pretty penny on the open market, and the ones around Dreadbeak had clearly come through a gate rather than any temporary summoning. She allowed her lightning elemental to fade away with a static-riddled howl, its service to her complete, before she turned to Ren, who was even now cradled in Jans arms.

The girl still lived, but she'd lost a lot of blood, and hadn't exactly been the most resilient of them to begin with. There was precious little time, and Lenalee jumped off of the wagon and knelt down next to the pair. She could work her magic even as Jan cradled the wounded girl, and yet more of her power pulsed through her, which by now had left her looking more or less exactly like she had before, though perhaps with her hair a little bit messier and her face a little more haggard. She worked the most powerful healing spell that she knew of, trying to ensure the rabbit-girls survival despite the rather bleak looking odds of success.

(Cast Entangling Vines to make sure McFried doesn't get his feet back under him, then a level 3 Healing Spell courtesy of Body on Ren, if it isn't too late.)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 38/41, PP = 56, EP = 27/62, Status = Growing tired

Vines sprouted from the ground, entangling and restraining the already weary and beaten Dreadbeak, but an extra bit of caution had rarely ever hurt Lenalee. "Dreadbeak is invincible," the goblin wheezed in disbelief. The dervish's pride seemed to be dying even slower than he was.

Ren was a different matter. Lenalee's energy surged into the rabbit girl, a marked reversal of their earlier situation, knitting the wounds in her flesh and organs alike. The rabbit girl's breathing began to normalize, she did not awaken, however. It was uncertain to the sorceress whether Ren would wake up or when, but at least she was alive for the time being. Jan seemed relieved to see the redhead in one piece but confused at why she wouldn't wake up. Explaining the situation to the horned woman would surely be a chore. One that Lenalee would be distracted from when Dreadbeak continued his pitiful whining in the dirt.

"Dreadbeak needs more power," the goblin croaked from his position in the dirt. It was a statement that might have seemed pathetic if his eyes had not begun to glow a deep purple as he said it. The sorceress could feel power coursing through the goblin, strange and unlike that of the demons she was more accustomed to dealing with. Suddenly, however, the power seemed to peak and a long, jagged crystal pierced through his shoulder and some of the vines entangling him. The crystal was purple and pulsated with strange energy. Dreadbeak shrieked in pain. "No! No, Priestess! Do not abandon Dreadbeak!" More crystals pierced through his flesh, one out of his knee and one out of his left wrist. The shards seemed to be coming the inside of the goblin's body.

"Dreadbeak was ta first! He was ta first!" The goblin shrieked in savage denial even as a new jagged thing punched out of his stomach. "He was your loyal servant!" Three more crystals jutted out of varying positions in the goblin's body. The goblin looked at Lenalee, his eyes still a deep purple, he obviously felt betrayed. "Ta priestess," the goblin grunted as more spiky protrusions burrowed out of him. The goblin's chest was glowing a brighter and brighter purple, it was obvious what was coming, even to him. The fallen goblin seemed to decide that his last act would be vengeance against his former master. "Che has an artifact tat che calls ta Gem of Eden. Dreadbeak was ta first to survive an infusion of it's powers. Now tis."

There wasn't a part of the goblin's body that was not covered in a deep purple crystal spike, the glow in his chest was becoming fiercer and fiercer by the moment. "Dreadbeak's orders are still at his campsite. You find tem, you don't, Dreadbeak doesn't care anymore. Dreadbeak just hopes tat wherever his spirit goes, he gets revenge on ta lot of you." With that, the goblin's chest exploded, leaving a huge mess on the path and everyone on it. Thankfully, the crystals seemed to disintegrate rather than showering the trio with spikes. More importantly at the time, however, the goblin left something else behind, a perfect purple sphere. It pulsated with unnatural power. When the sorceress looked at it the orb all but promised her all it's power and secrets. A second look at the road ahead would reveal that the goblins Dreadbeak had brought along left something similar, potentially explaining their odd manner of death, though much smaller and with no such aura.

And so, Lenalee found herself standing on a dirt path covered in blood and gore, including the better part of what remained of Dreadbeak the Blessed. A comatose rabbit girl cradled by a tall horned woman beside her in a similar state of messiness. Mari had not caught up to the group yet. Meanwhile, the sorceress had no leads on the blond girl who she had originally set out to rescue. There had been a succubi and a few bouts of sex involved, too.

It had been something of a difficult and strange day.

(Gain 8 XP and, if Lenalee is so inclined, 1 Edenheart (Consumable, though I suppose this is something akin to putting a sign that says "Do Not Push the Big Red Button" next to a Big Red Button. >.>) and 4 Essences of Eden)
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