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Hafnium Test Thread

Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee returned Lovisa's wave, and to the mouthed promise that she wouldn't take more than a few more minutes before the knight's business was finished she offered a grin that was at least as lascivious as it was eager. Nodding even as she silently intoned the spell that would allow her to eavesdrop on the knight's conversation, she turned to her intended distraction and found quite a few interested eyes on the new meat. Most of the other demons might have mostly ignored them, but the goblins watched them with a definite interest, and not just her for once either, Edmund and Mari getting their share of interest as well. She didn't often get to see female goblins, having seen most of hers via her own summons, but the majority of them had only mild interest and continued at their tasks with only occasional glances shot in their direction, as did most of the males who weren't at the table she'd opted to join.

The friendly smile that had spread across Lenalee's face upon her approach was undiminished by what she found, both by the antics of the arm wrestlers who all quickly moved to impress her and by the somewhat more threatening cunning present in one of the goblin's eyes. That was one to watch for, and the lightning witch marked it even though she appeared as unconcerned as ever, letting her suitors choose whether her attitude was born of naivete or confidence. "How friendly of you," the human quipped back in reply to the smarter goblin's quick and easy greeting, letting the annoyance of the other goblins at their slicker comrade go without any obvious reaction on her part.

"Oh, I'm sure that I could get my rest eventually! Maybe after a nice, hot bath~" she playfully replied, leaving her tone mostly innocent but thinking it unlikely that any of the interested demons would miss the implication.... Particularly after she threw in a lewd lick of her lips afterwards. Their banter was quickly interrupted by the end of the arm wrestling competition, one goblin slamming his opponent's arm so roughly onto the table that the wood dented inwards, and a quiet crack issued that suggested that the loser's hand might well have broken from the impact. "Ahhhhhh, very impressive! You must be very strong," the witch complimented the victorious goblin brightly even as two more challengers stepped up in an obvious enough effort to impress her.

Really, this was one of the reasons she liked goblins so much. For most of them, batting her eyelashes and even slightly suggesting that they might be able to get her out of her dress was enough to get them to do almost anything. For most of her summoned ones, that was a very real likelihood given their price of service, but in the rare instance where she met live goblins as she did now it was a relaxing notion that most of them had the same weakness. Of course, occasionally you got the slick ones like the one doing the talking here, but those were fun in their own way too. At the very least, they provided a more fun sort of game, even if they were a good bit more dangerous than their more dim witted brethren.

"I am, yeah" she replied casually to the goblin's innocently worded question. Neither Casilda nor Lovisa had suggested that revealing the title that the demon's cult had given to her were likely to react violently to it, and so she considered an innocent enough revelation that might reveal just how dangerous this goblin really was.

In the meantime, she listened in on Lovisa's conversation with the other guards. Well, they were keeping away from the single-wagon caravan and its occupants, which was good. They were also increasing the frequency of their patrols due to the skirmish with the inquisitor and the traitor mercenaries, which was also good. They'd leave her people alone, and would have less manpower in the citadel itself to boot, leaving Lenalee with greater opportunity to act safely so long as she kept on the good side of Lovisa and Casilda. She kept her spell up through their conversation, waiting to see what else could be heard, but if it seemed as if the demon knight planned on departing from the lesser guards she would end it once Lovisa was within a few feet should she move to approach them.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 71/80, Status = Eavesdropping.

While the goblins' interests had been shared among the three to begin with, Lenalee's flirting compared to her companions' obvious dislikes of their attentions quickly earned the curvy mage the lion's share of the diminutive demons' wandering eyes. And while initially their interest in the sorceress had quite plainly been because they thought she was easy, her mention of being the proclaimed mage of eden added a touch of reverence, albeit only a touch, to their lust-addled stares. They obviously still wanted to fuck her, though now they seemed to be thinking of the opportunity as not only a fun way to pass the time and as more of a trophy that they might hold over all of the other inhabitants of the tower.

Except for the cunning one, anyway. He seemed completely unfazed by the revelation. "If you're the mage of eden they've been going on about then I don't think you're going to be too impressed by the bathing accommodations. Too lofty a title to enjoy what room they've left in this tower for that," he remarked, even as Rog slammed another goblin's hand into the table only to be immediately met with yet another challenger. "So the great savior's down to meet with us goblins for a bit of relaxation? That's a surprise alright. I would've bet that a human would've gone for the highborn," his suggestion was laced with a barely perceptible hint of suspicion. The sorceress noticed that his eyes flitted to Edmund and Mari's faces as well, apparently gauging their own reaction to the remark, though fortunately for the Badarian they weren't well clued into what she was up to in that particular instance and as such were unable to give away anything beyond their continuing distaste for being in a room full of demons.

In the meantime, she struck a bit of gold by way of the conversation she was eavesdropping on via her magic, as it turned to Lovisa organizing the patrol groups with more concrete numbers. They would, after a bit of debate between Lovisa and the soldiers, be divided into groups consisting of four goblins, one hellhound, and four of the full-blooded demons, and there were to be a grand total of six of the groups. The demon knight explicitly told the soldiers present that there were to be at least three patrol groups out at any given time over the next few days, and that they were to stagger shifts such that only one patrol group was replaced by a fresh one at a time as to avoid the possibility of accidentally leaving themselves without anybody watching their surroundings.

A bit more valuable, perhaps, for Lenalee was a protest by one of the soldiers that Lovisa's plan would dedicate all of their available manpower sans the ogre and Casilda's personal guard to patrol shifts, but Lovisa silenced his objection by noting that the knights of Casilda's guard and Casilda herself could hold off well enough to give off-duty patrols time to prepare in the event of a surprise attack and received no further objections. For all the information she gleaned from the knight's conversation though, it seemed likely that Lovisa would soon wrap up her meeting, leaving Lenalee with a little bit of remaining time to enact any plans she might have had with the goblins.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Little room eh? I'd never heard much about demon bathing habits... Are they private, or public? Maybe some of you boys can show me where the bathing chambers are later, hrm? It's gotta be better than showering myself in summoned water," Lenalee replied, maintaining her lightly flirtatious tone and body language.

After briefly pausing to let the goblins have a chance to respond, in the meantime watching Rog defeat another goblin at arm wrestling quite impressively, the lightning witch would give the victorious goblin an impressed look before glancing back at the speaker and continuing, "oh, well, actually I'm fairly used to goblins! I've had a few liaisons with the, ahhh, highborn as well... But I tend to get along with you guys pretty well when I call you up for help." Smoothing some of her wispy black hair away from her eyes, Lenalee grinned knowingly at the smart goblin, who would undoubtedly know the price for calling upon his kin even if the other goblins didn't.

"Besides that, the whole "mage of eden" thing makes me sound a lot more grandiose and impressive than I really am. I just figure it's not going to hurt me to be social," she continued brightly, and that much was most definitely true. Demons were untrustworthy and manipulative as a rule, and getting to know how she could afford to treat each was a valuable piece of information, especially where the lesser demons that most would people in her position would think of as no threat at all were considered.

Speaking of information, she couldn't help but let her smile broaden as the conversation that she was listening in on produced an unexpected windfall. Numbers. Given what the demon knight said, there were at least twenty four goblins, twenty four of the more mundane highborn soldiers, and six hellhounds among those being put on patrol. Half of that strength would be out of the tower at any given time once Lovisa's schedule was put into effect, but the more dangerous threats, the ogre, the knights, and Casilda herself, would remain behind at all times. If it came to violence, she would have to try and do it after the shift change, to minimize the number of chump troopers she'd have to worry about. Dealing with the bigger threats, especially Casilda herself, was still an issue, but she could work that out later.

In the meantime, it looked as if Lovisa's report was coming to an end, and that meant that Lenalee's conversation with the goblins would be ending soon too. She'd only done it to idly fish for information, and she had learned a little if not as much as she'd have liked thanks to the more wily goblin. Still, maybe there was something else she could get out of him before she went off to pump the demon knight for fun instead, and after responding however was appropriate at the time to the cunning goblin she would innocently go on and say, "there do seem to be a lot of you lot running around though... Surely all of you aren't lounging around in here all the time? Is there someplace else that you like to hang around? You know... For when I want to get that bath~" She glanced at Rog as she said this, watching his next match intently and hoping that he might offer an answer instead, though she didn't have much hope for that. Hopefully that would wrap up in time for Lovisa to come over and signal that her responsibilities were taken care of for the day. Even though she'd just given birth a day ago, magical healing had left her body more or less fully restored, and the presence of so many demons, particularly those she'd seen going at it, had been more than enough to get her libido working properly again.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 71/80, Status = Fine.

"Private, in a sense of the word," the wily goblin offered cryptically in response to her comment about the bathing chambers. "But I'm all for making them less private," he added far less cryptically.

The Badarian mage's ensuing comment about her previous liaisons drew plenty of attention. It seemed that there wasn't a goblin at the table who was unfamiliar with being summoned, nor the price they could fetch as payment for their services. Rog's distraction, in particular, nearly cost him his winning streak, but just before his hand collided with the table he managed to come back and even it out. The cunning goblin simply gave Lenalee a knowing look in return.

"I agree, the mage of eden thing sounds ridiculous," the goblin replied easily. It was completely impossible to miss that over half of the goblins present looked at him as if he had committed some great sacrilege, with Rog nearly losing his arm wrestling match a second time. The ones who didn't look at the cunning goblin like he might burst into flames at any moment, however, gave subtle hints that they agreed with his assessment both in the form of small nods and having no outward reaction at all. "Don't get me wrong, I'm sure your powers are impressive, and it doesn't hurt that you're easy on the eyes. But what is eden, anyway?" The diminutive creature seemed almost like he was truly asking her for an answer to his question. "I haven't seen it yet."

For a few brief moments, it seemed like some of the goblins at the table might jump him and try to bludgeon him to death, and if Lenalee scanned then she would note that a few among them, mostly the ones who were not completely bewitched by the fact that the curvy sorceress was talking to them at all, were prepared to defend him. The flirtatious atmosphere was replaced with the threat of violence for those brief seconds, at least until he piped up with: "And yeah, I'm sure socializing won't hurt you at all. Unless you want it to," he grinned lewdly at the suggestion. The act of imagining what he was insinuating the mage might be into quickly brought the goblins back into their lewd states of mind and rid the atmosphere of bloodlust and zealotry.

It was shortly after Lenalee finished her latest question-slash-proposition that Rog defeated his third opponent, which worked out in her favor given her preference. With no more among the goblins willing to risk their hand to interrupt his primitive efforts to woo the sorceress, Rog was finally free to pipe in. "You should let Rog show you the baths! I stay in the dorms when there is no duty!"
"The dorms being the ones on the third floor, second door on the left. It's where all the goblins stay when they're not eating or working," the cunning one added to Rog's apparent displeasure. He seemed completely unworried about the strong goblin's obvious advances toward the mage.
"We also wrestle and spar outside!" Rog added, apparently simply to have the last word.

She would have only a short amount of time to get in a response to the two before Lovisa concluded her business and dismissed the guards. The mage would be able to dismiss her spell unnoticed moments before the sound of armored feet moving across the marble floor behind her signaled Lovisa's arrival. If Lenalee turned to look she would find the curly-haired demon right behind her and her comrades. "I didn't have to look very far at all to find you!" The demonic knight would brightly greet the mage. "And you're already making friends, too," she remarked with a small hint of humor in her tone, but when she continued she did so honestly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Oh? Well, I like bathing with friends sometimes.... Sounds like fun~" Lenalee quipped at the cunning goblin's suggestive comment, dropping her naive act for an instant in the face of his fairly blatant words. It was good to know that the goblins knew the terms of their contracts, at least, and it certainly earned her plenty of attention from the diminutive demons. The near-conflict that came up when her impromptu title was insulted, however, was definitely more interesting. For a moment she covertly looked around and wondered if Lovisa might have to step in, but she also noted that the goblin doing the talking wasn't the only one who made it plain that they didn't put all their eggs into Casilda's eden basket.

"Mmmm, I'm iffy on that.... And as for Eden.... Well, I suppose you'll see soon enough, won't you?" the lightning witch replied cryptically once the tension was diffused from the situation via the smart goblin's comment about pain, smirking. She nodded generously to Rog, then more seriously to the smarter goblin, and then again to Rog as he spoke up in order to get the last word.

Lovisa's approach signaled an end to her conversation with the goblins, but she had at least gotten some information that might prove useful. Patrol numbers and patterns, the hangouts for the goblins, the baths, and the rift in the loyalty of Casilda's followers.... Yes, she could probably put some of that to use, if she had to come up with a way to make a good distraction when the time came. In the meantime, Lenalee would pointedly not notice the knight getting up to leave even though she heard it before it happened, and seemed at least mildly surprised when the demon's footsteps trailed up behind her. She turned, and then her lips broadened into a welcoming smile as the knight approached.

"Hi! That you didn't!" the lightning witch replied brightly, "and that I am!" Glancing back at the goblins, she waved and rose to her feet, "I'm sure I'll see you boys sometime later. For now, however.... Business~" Turning fully towards Lovisa, she idly realized that she hadn't caught the smart one's name, but opted to avoid turning around to ask. "Nothing, just some friendly conversation.... There's something else that I want to take care of before we can, ahhhh, retire for the night, but it's in the guest wing and I'm sure it won't take long. After that, I'll make sure the grumps are settled and can mosey over to your room. Sound like a good plan, or are you getting... Impatient?" From the way her grin twisted, it would be obvious enough that the sorceress wouldn't mind if the demon knight happened to say yes to that last question.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine.

The demonic knight replied to Lenalee's query about just how impatient she was by that point by assuming a pensive stance with her hand on her chin and giving a little "mm" that matched it. "Depends! If I pretend to be patient for a bit longer am I going to get a particularly special treat?" Her comment was delivered with her usual cheerful facade which did very little to indicate whether the comment was made in jest or with any degree of seriousness, though her eyes watched the mage with a growing sort of hunger that few non-succubi could ever emulate.

Edmund's voice would end up shaking Lovisa from her nearly predatory stare though. "Great, we're the grumps now," he grumbled, and based on her annoyed expression Mari seemed inclined to agree with his displeasure both about that nickname and that the mage would soon expose herself to whatever the demon knight might have in store for her. They trusted the mage enough to follow her plans without further complaint though. If Lenalee was ready she would be able to return to the third floor without any distractions, her group in tow. Furthermore, should her plans have involved Mari and Edmund returning to their respective guest bedrooms and Lovisa waiting in her own, she would be able to easily convince them all, or as many as she desired, to do so as well, at which point she would be free to do as she pleased. Especially since, if her plans just happened to involve meeting with the succubi and sorceresses she had overheard earlier, she would find that door helpfully unlocked and would be able to walk into their dorm without issue to find the group warily looking at her.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Oh…. Probably~” Lenalee replied with a smirk, “I can certainly promise something interesting to decorate your chambers if you’re willing to indulge me with a little bit more time, at least.

Assuming that her suggestive comment wouldn’t cause the knight to abandon her patience, Lenalee would go back up to the tower’s living quarters with the rest, huffing and puffing for a little bit after the climb back up the stairs, before ending up back at the hallway containing the quarters she'd been lent. The lightning witch would quite carefully avoid looking down the magically lit corridor as she paused beside it, even the sight of it threatening to send her right into another set of visions from her time with the Inquisition. “Mmmm, I’d just like one last moment with my two compatriots here, and then a little errand, before I’ll be coming to join you,” Lenalee would say, directing her statement mostly towards Lovisa but including Edmund and Mari as well.

The demoness had freely given them their privacy plenty of times before, and it seemed unlikely that she would reverse on that policy now. If she did as the sorceress expected and asked, Lenalee would wait until Lovisa was back in her quarters before looking towards the roguish duo with a slightly wan smirk that quickly faded into a grimace. “Well, this is one of the tougher bits of my plan so far, for you two at least. Whether you want to risk sleeping in separate rooms or not is up to you, but I’d appreciate it if you would keep from killing each other or getting into trouble while I’m, ahhhh, how did you put it when we first met Mari? Taming the bull? There are a bunch of succubi I need to visit for a minute a few doors from our rooms, but then I’ll be back to the room in which we held council last time to change and drop off a few things. I won’t exactly be needing this,” she gestured towards her staff with her free hand, “for instance.

Having said that, Lenalee would glance around for would be listeners and then cast a spell into any open spaces to check for anyone who might be hiding as she had been, invisibly, when she had taken a tour of the floor. Once she was as sure as she could be given that they were still out in the open that they weren't being spied upon, Lenalee would lean in to speak the next part in a whisper. “This is the riskiest part of my plan, but the gamble might have a pretty big payoff. There is the obvious risk that Lovisa is going to try and enthrall me, but if she does I should be able to dispel it since I’m expecting it. We’ll see. I expect at the very least to be exhausted by the end of it, but the more I can get into her good graces the less likely it is that she’ll be in our way. Now, if I come back and start acting oddly, be careful about saying anything around me and remind me to check myself. That should jog me enough to try and break out if she does try to take control of my mind.

Leaning back away, she would smirk again and add, “of course, you two will have each other to help pass the time, but I can ask some of the succubi to pay you a visit if you’re interested. I’m sure they’d be happy to keep you entertained for a while!” Of course, given Mari’s history with demons and Edmund’s open distaste for them, she didn’t expect much to come of that suggestion besides more angry looks and maybe a quip or two. That was all she had to say on the matter before she moved to join Lovisa, and unless she had to field any questions or respond to any comments it would be time for them to temporarily go their separate ways.

Her first destination after that was down the corridor, to the room with the succubi, but in order to do that Lenalee knew that she would have to face another exhausting trip down memory lane. She would trail behind Edmund and Mari, trying to keep her mind from going where her memories were dragging her by centering her gaze on their backsides and trying to force herself to maintain an internal debate over which she liked better. Eventually, however, Lenalee would lose that distraction as they went either into their own separate rooms or into the one they’d used earlier. With nothing left to concentrate on, Lenalee scrambled internally while trying to hurry her steps, forcing her mind onto anything she possibly could in order to keep the image of another very similar corridor from forcing itself over her eyes.

She barely made it, but barely was good enough for her to avoid breaking down as she had in front of her companions, and it was certainly good enough for her. At the door to the harem's dormitory, Lenalee didn’t bother to knock and simply opened the door, her discomfort fading rapidly at the sight of natural light pouring in through the very window she'd used to spy on the various succubi earlier. She would smile conspiratorially back at the assembled women, relishing in the familiarity she felt despite how minor it was in the face of their wary expressions. “Hello there!” she began brightly as she took a step into the room and gently shut the door out to that accursed hallway, “you may have heard of me already, my name is Lenalee, but Casilda and the knights probably calls me by my title…. The Mage of Eden, I believe. Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m here,” Lenalee paused for a moment, carefully observing her revelation of her given title and letting a bit of suspense build around the purpose of her visit. She would wait only a second or two, however, before her lips twisted into an even wider smile and she continued, “would any of you happen to have a maid’s outfit that might fit me? One that I could borrow for a night? The classic Badarian style, with the black dress, the short frilly skirt, some sort of leggings, and the headdress. I need it for…. Reasons. I’ve heard about a bet going around about me, and I’d be willing to, say… Negotiate my terms for determining the winner with anyone who wanted to help me~
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine.

Lovisa would, not unusually for the demonic knight, allow Lenalee her privacy when requested, although with an added spring in her step as she disappeared down the hall and into her room. With that, the sorceress was given an opportunity to cast her spells and try to detect listeners. While her efforts detected nothing, given the nature of the open balcony and the long hallway beside the remaining trio it was difficult to say with any certainty if the absence of evidence was truly the evidence of absence.

For their parts, Mari and Edmund didn't seem terribly impressed with Lenalee's stated plan and, if the looks of consternation were any hint, may very well have not really recognized that what the mage was doing was really a plan so much as a way for her to get laid. They decided against voicing their concerns though, and simply nodded when prompted that they should try to jog the mage's memory if she was enthralled so she could dispel herself. "I will do my best if it comes to it, but it is a shame Ren could not be here. She is specialized in healing and removing such effects," Mari would note.

The lightning mage's added quip gained her a scowl from the olivine rogue and a scoff from Edmund. "No need to bother the demon bitches," the man replied with a roll of his eyes. "Why send out when I've got a perfectly good saber that I could rub my cock against with less danger?" With that, and given the lack of further instructions from the sorceress, Edmund turned to go to his guest bedroom and Mari did the same a few moments later.

Unfortunately for Lenalee, the two guest bedrooms were almost immediately inside the hallway, so she didn't have much time in which she could focus on her primary distractions. She just barely had enough time to establish that Mari, unsurprisingly, had the more voluptuous backside of the two, and that despite the rogue's apparently rough and tumble lifestyle her manner of casual walking had remained just feminine enough to cause her rear to sway almost hypnotically with every step. Edmund certainly wasn't completely out of the running though, with his backside proving taut and tight even though his manner of walking didn't inadvertently accentuate it. Moments after coming to those very scientifically-inspired conclusions, the two would leave her with a grumbled "good luck" from Edmund before he disappeared into the second bedroom they had been shown and a nod from Mari before she went into the original.

Luckily, the dorm Lenalee was looking for wasn't much further beyond that. And whether the mage would consider it as lucky or concerning given that she was surrounded by demons, as she burst into the dorm shared by the demonic women she would quickly discover that there was a very pleasant aroma in the air that aided her in relaxing and not succumbing to the terror of her memories. Whatever the source of the scent, it was powerful enough to make her muscles feel lax and it would take a concentrated effort to keep her eyelids from drooping closed, though the longer she was in it the more manageable the effect became and the more it became obvious that it was a purely physical effect and that there was no mental component to it.

The Badarian woman was perfectly able to fulfill the original purpose of her visit despite the room's aroma, and for the most part after the first part of her exclamation she received a mixture of blank stares and carefully neutral expressions. The number of blank stares would grow, however, as she followed into her odd request, with the exception of one of the succubi whose lips widened into a grin as she looked at the mage with a devilish gleam in her eyes. At the end of Lenalee's explanation and offer it was that grinning succubus who jumped up and cried out; "Yesss! I told you all that costume play was the best!" Her outburst was apparently directed at the other demons in the room, who sighed and shook their head.

The one who had responded so positively to Lenalee's request was clad in nothing more than lingerie, despite her proclaimed love of costume play, which did little to hide her pale skin or the impressive mixture of hourglass curves or generous assets on her sculpted body. Her face was gorgeous, which was hardly a surprise for a demon, with violet eyes. Those eyes matched the color of the hair framing her face, which itself was long and wavy and reached the middle of her back. She was the very model of a succubus, complete with prominent horns, leathery black bat wings too small for flight, and a thin tail with a heart-shaped tip that at that particular moment was curled around her waist. "I'm Perenna," she introduced herself as she approached the mage.

"And I've got everything you could need in costumes! I've got sexy warrior, sexy Sivicine, sexy mage, sexy chef, sexy lawyer, sexy angel, Demon Queen, although that one's pretty easy, and of course I've got sexy maid in Badarian, Amazonian, Anudorian, and Crolian fashion! Plus a bunch more." The demoness quickly changed track back to the bet. "My costumes are very precious to me though, and as much as I'd like to win that bet and rub it in a few faces, I'm not sure that alone is enough of an incentive to loan one of my favorites out...." Perenna seemed to genuinely drift into thought for a few moments before just as abruptly continuing. "Ah! I know! You can keep it for a few days but in return... I not only get some quality time with you for a few hours, but I want you to help me pull off a fun little prank in the mess hall tomorrow. You'd have to meet me there about half-an-hour before lunch starts. What do you think? Acceptable payment for use of my Badarian maid outfit?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Though her distraction in the form of her companion's butts was short lived, it gave Lenalee what she needed to get through the rest of the hallway without collapsing. As she hastened steps towards the dormitory containing the succubi, the mental comparison went on, leaving both Mari and Edmund quickly sans their clothes in the back of her mind, Mari's from experience and Edmund's out of pure imagination. It wasn't hard to imagine how the muscles in the athletic man's bottom would move in concert as he was thrusting into someone, and though her imagination started by placing herself in the position of the one being pumped into, the lightning witch quickly conjured an even more distracting image. Mari replaced her, bent over a bed like the ones in their rooms, the pleasant plumpness of her rear providing ample cushion for the wild pumping of her partner. She quickly filled in the rogue's orgasmic expression and a long white stain on the sheets, issued from the regular spurts of the olivine woman's cock, and the soft jiggles of her backside as it took Edmund's thrusts.

While it might be hard to make such a scenario ever actually happen given the antagonism between Mari and Edmund, Lenalee couldn't help but enjoy the mental imagery of the two going at it like wild animals, and likewise couldn't help wondering whether doing so might help them work out their issues in a more constructive manner than constantly sniping at one another. That the idea of getting to watch such a scene take place in reality was making her almost as excited as the prospect of her upcoming session with Lovisa didn't dissuade her from concentrating on it, and thanks to that it was hard to get it out of her mind when she needed to address the blank stares of the demons waiting inside, particularly when she took the first whiff of the perfume in the air.

Thankfully, she wasn't in a stupor for long, and there was one quick response to Lenalee's request, though after a moment the mage's wry smirk hid the fact that she was thinking that maybe that response was a little bit too enthusiastic. Still, it was too late to back out now, and she watched the responses from the other demons with a bright smile before the one who answered her request, a busty, beautiful succubus with violet hair and eyes, with a similar expression. The speaker's request came as a bit of a surprise to Lenalee, something that she wouldn't hide from her features, but then inwardly she would become suspicious while outwardly she merely quirked an eyebrow.

"Well, Perenna.... I think I an agree to that," Lenalee replied, "assuming that you're willing to tell me what I'll have to do beforehand. I'm not quite trusting enough to agree to something when I don't know what it is, I am afraid, but if you can give me an idea of what you're planning and it isn't something that will get me into too much trouble..... Sure. I'll not only help you with your little prank, but show you a good time in exchange for borrowing one of your outfits. The "good time" part might be better saved for another night, however, since I've already got plans for tonight. hence the outfit, but if you want to insist on that I can make it work. Is that acceptable?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine.

"Oh no, I guessed as much!" The succubus responded brightly to Lenalee's comment about having plans for the night. "No, no, you showing me that good time and the prank are going to happen at the same time and in the same place tomorrow—if you accept, of course. I'm going to bribe the kitchen staff and we're going to meet there at the appropriate time to fulfill the first part of our deal. As for the rest of it.... Well, that will be fulfilled by you showing up to the kitchen in the outfit I'm loaning you. You see, I'm very proud of my costume. I designed it, I collected the material for it, I sewed it, and I even enchanted it by hand. And given your interest in it, and the design it's based on, I can't imagine a better place to show it off in! Imagine what everyone will think when they see a sexy, curvy little human like you working the counter in it," she suggested with a wide grin.

Perenna followed up by abruptly leaning in and continuing in a small whisper. "But there's a little more to it. You see, I still owe my dorm mates over there for a prank that had me scraping ogre cum out of my hair and off of most of my body. So I'm not only going to bribe the kitchen staff to give us a little privacy, I'm going to bribe them to use some very special, fresh ingredients which the two of us will provide when we fulfill the first part of the bargain to make a very, very special pie. And we're going to make sure that everyone gets their fair share of it!" She pulled away from the sorceress with a smile. "Fair enough terms?" The succubus asked, abandoning her whisper.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee's grin broadened as Perenna went over her plan, first aloud and then in whispers. The idea sounded like fun, and a bit of mischief would probably help her relax and improve her cooperative cover for Casilda and her minions. "Sure," Lenalee responded once the purple haired succubus leaned away, "fair enough for me! Now, where's that outfit? And you said something about enchantments?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine.

"Yay~" Perenna responded enthusiastically. "Come with me, I need to show you how it works. It's a bit unique," she added proudly. The demoness followed up by guiding the Badarian woman over to one of the many beds, which earned the former a few dark looks and jealous mumbling from some of the other demons in the room who apparently hadn't overheard their conversation and believed that Perenna was going to win the bet right there.

The purple-haired succubus, for her part, ignored the other women and crouched in order to pull a locked case and a folding screen out from under the bed and tucked both under her arms before leading the mage into a far corner of the room. At that corner she set up the folding screen as to offer Lenalee and herself the most privacy from the rest of the room, revealing a beautiful depiction of a marble city under a red sky on the screen itself in the process. Once they were shielded from the eyes of the rest of the room as best they could be, Perenna continued by placing her hand on the lock of the case and Lenalee recognized that she was funneling a small amount of her energy into it which eventually caused it to pop open and allowed the case itself to be opened.

What waited inside that case probably wasn't what Lenalee had been expecting though, it was no frilly maid outfit but rather a poncho that on one side was purely white and the other side had stripes that appeared to quite literally consist of every single color in the visible spectrum. There was obviously more to it than met the eye though, as it became quickly obvious to the mage that the strange-looking piece of clothing was perhaps the most heavily enchanted thing she had ever personally seen, even in her years consorting with demons and with the inquisition. She would need to cast spells of detection to even begin to puzzle out what half of the magics on it even did. "I know it probably looks odd, but bear with me for a second. Just get undressed and I'll show you what this can do."

If Lenalee consented, Perenna would first, and unsurprisingly for a demon, take the opportunity given to visually appreciate the mage's naked body, and then help her into the strange poncho. Once the mage was in it, the demoness would instruct; "Now, focus on the costume you wanted in your head. I've already set it up to be able to do Badarian maid on command, but it helps to have a picture in your head for it to work off of." The demon allowed the mage a few moments to come up with that picture in her head and then said a word in helltongue which caused the clothing to begin to shift and move across Lenalee's body.

Cloth receded in some places and extended in others, the colors shifted from the rainbow into the ones that Lenalee had envisioned in her head, and it even shifted enough to provide a headdress and a frilly set of underwear, or just the headdress if the mage hadn't imagined herself in any underwear. After a minute of the clothing shifting around it finally stopped and Perenna grinned at Lenalee and pulled a hand mirror from the case so that the mage could see herself in the outfit. Looking in the mirror, Lenalee found herself not only in the maid outfit exactly as she had envisioned it but also as if it had been measured and tailor-made for her.

"It's my pride and joy," Perenna noted as Lenalee looked herself over. "It took me years to obtain the amount and type of fabric necessary in a single piece that large and in those colors, not to mention the research and planning and amount of enchanting necessary to get it to smoothly switch shapes like that based on command and its wearer's thoughts. Its main function is obviously that it can be whatever the wearer imagines or teaches it to become, but it can even mend itself and clean itself of any stains if you speak the proper command words so if you're into a bit of rough play you won't need to feel bad if it gets stained or ripped!" The succubus followed up by giving Lenalee the command words for shifting the clothing, mending it, and repairing it, which were all in helltongue though thankfully not terribly difficult to pronounce.

"Have a good time with it tonight! And bring it back to me in the kitchens tomorrow for lunch and I promise to show you some of its other features~" Perenna offered with a wink. After that, the demoness would remove the folding screen and leave the mage to do as she desired.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee would follow the succubus without any apparent hesitation, and then wait patiently as she set up the screen that would protect her from view from the rest of the room. She watched curiously as Perenna opened the apparently magical lock, trying to puzzle out how it was done in a more precise manner but not managing it before the purple haired demoness withdrew an extremely strange poncho-like garment.

"What's that?" the lightning witch asked curiously, but then smirked at the demon's command to get undressed. "Okay~" she said, and then reached back and undid the ties in the back of her dress, causing it to slacken. She slipped it down her frame, leaving the sorceress in nothing but her black lace undergarments, which quickly joined the dress on the floor starting with her bra. Being human, her heavy breasts slumped rather than remain upright like those of a demon, and she had a bit of extra flesh at her sides that would have marked her as at least mildly doughy to some, though that wasn't to say that her curves failed to make up for it in the slightest in the general case.

She was no dazzlingly beautiful seductress, even if she was conventionally pretty in a sense, and Perenna would probably be able to figure that out pretty quickly while she gave her brief appraisal of the now nude human. Lenalee, for her part, offered absolutely no shame, either at her appearance or at her nudity, and stood waiting quite patiently until the succubus helped her into the decidedly unusual garment. Following instructions, Lenalee would carefully construct an image of herself in the desired outfit, and lo and behold after a word in helltongue, in mere moments the enchanted garment had shifted to her exact specifications!

"Ooooh, this is nice!" she cooed happily, but then she realized that she'd forgotten the underwear. "What was that command word?" she asked, and when Perenna instructed her she sounded it out and managed to grow a pair of frilly black underpants to go with the outfit. Looking herself over and even preening a little bit, Lenalee was all grins as Perenna explained the nature of the enchanted garment she was lending to the sorceress, and once she was finished would test her grasp of the commands by adding a pair of fishnet stockings to the clothes, ripping a single thread, and then repairing it.

"Just a little test... This is incredible! I'll have to steal the idea and make my own sometime~" she explained, and then swept the succubus up into a hug and kissed her fully on the mouth. "Thanks! Next time I kiss you, you get to pick where it lands~" the sorceress cooed, winking, and then stepped away from the demoness once more. "I don't plan on any rough play happening.... Well, not with clothes on at any rate!" she said reassuringly, "I'll try to return it all in once piece and in good shape. That shouldn't be hard, considering that it fixes itself... But thank you again, all the same! I'll have it back to you tomorrow!"

Gathering up her clothes while Perenna stowed away the folding screen, Lenalee would wave to the assorted succubi and then head back to the room where she'd sent Mari, her overall good mood and the distraction created by the numerous fantasies made possible thanks to the enchanted outfit allowing her to ignore the threat of her traumatic memories surfacing on her on the brief journey. Knocking on the door, Lenalee dramatically leaned against the doorjam while waiting for Mari, holding her clothes and staff hanging under one arm while she posed to emphasize her cleavage, and said; "Room service!" When the olivine rogue answered the door, she would look her in the eye and, in a voice as if she were discussing the weather, say; "Hello! I'm here to polish your cock with my tongue... Thoroughly~"

Of course, if Mari simply told her to enter or took more than a few moments to respond, Lenalee would simply open the door and stride inside as if she owned the place. She had to stow her stuff somewhere, after all, and where better than with Mari?
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine.

Perenna would patiently repeat the command words as many times as Lenalee required to get them sorted out. The succubus seemed appreciative of the return she got out of her patience and the first installment of Lenalee's payment, or at the very least she didn't stop her hands from wandering during the mage's hug and kiss. By the time the sorceress pulled away her rear had received several gropes and two teasing fingers had run a few circuits across her petals through her newly formed underwear. "If you manage to gather the materials I'll gladly make one for you," Perenna offered brightly after Lenalee's suggestion that she'd be looking into making a similar outfit of her own. "My commission fee can be a little... exhausting, though," the demoness added with a wink.

"Make sure to get plenty of rest after your tryst~ I can promise that it's going to be a very long and very hard lunch for you," she suggested with another wink before turning her attention to packing her folding screen back up. With that, the sorceress was free to leave, albeit through a gauntlet of predatory looks and jealous frowns cast at her by other succubi. If she strayed too close to any of the more scantily clad demons then she would also be the recipient of a few roaming hands as well. Otherwise though, she would be able to exit the room and walk down the hallway without issue or any lengthy molestation.

Lenalee waited a few seconds after knocking for Mari to open the door. The olivine rogue had apparently already been in the process of making herself comfortable, and she had stripped away her boiled leather armor and wore only a cloth shirt and pants of the same material in the place of her usual garb. The rogue was apparently not quite comfortable enough to discard her longsword, however, which still hung at her hip despite her lack of armor. While Mari had answered the door with a frown, once she had realized that it was the sorceress on the other and just what the woman was wearing that quickly turned into a grin and she scanned the Badarian's new outfit with obvious approval in her eyes.

She didn't miss a beat in responding to the mage's quip, either. "If you did that then I would just get it dirty again right after and you would have to do it all over." If one were to judge by the impressive tent forming in Mari's pants they might come to believe that she quite liked the idea of keeping Lenalee busy in cycle of cleaning and dirtying her cock. Perhaps that was why the rogue waved the sorceress into her guest room so readily and quickly shut the door behind the Badarian woman.

Despite whatever Mari might be fantasizing about, however, she apparently did not intend on pressuring Lenalee into helping her act it out just then, instead pacing over to the bed to sit on the edge of it. "Though I am loathe to admit it, I think Edmund has already voiced most of my concerns about your plans for the night, so rather than try to warn you or ask you against it I instead simply wish you good luck tonight. There is much relying on you not becoming a pet of Casilda's pet," she offered plainly as the mage took care of whatever she wished to see done in the guest bedroom. The rogue apparently had no farewell in mind beyond that unless prompted by the lightning witch, and so if Lenalee had nothing to say she would be free to leave and meet with Lovisa once she had concluded her business.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Mmmmm, perhaps we could work out a plan for... Installments.... Then hrm? I'd be happy to pay off what I owe a little bit at a time.... Over a few days~" she purred, and true to her flirtatious nature towards demons, Lenalee returned the groping as good as she got. Perenna's body was thoroughly explored while they embraced, starting with her backside and eventually working her way around to return the caress against her petals that the succubus offered through her undergarments. She had two hands, however, and as their embrace lengthened she slyly raised a hand to give the demon's bust a quick grope too. She might even have gone a bit further too, as the temptation to tug her dress down and get a close up view of Perenna's bosom was sorely tempting, but the reminder of the plans that she had originally borrowed the costume that she wore for was enough to get Lenalee to stop... For now.

"Mmmm.... Long and hard is my favorite kind of lunch~" she replied to the demon's flirtations, concluding their exchange with another quick grope of Perenna's behind before they finally drew apart and Lenalee went on her own way. She was getting fairly riled up, however, and wasn't too modest to stop herself from taking the long way through the room, giving the jealous succubi plentiful opportunity to take their own brief handfuls of her generous assets while she headed out the door.

Back at Mari's room, Lenalee was rewarded for her patience with a return quip from Mari once the rogue opened the door, now sans her armor but still keeping her weapon close to hand. "You don't know what I can do with my tongue~" she quipped back, grinning as she stepped into the room. She couldn't help but spot the tent forming in the rogue's pants as she walked in either, and with a wry grin her free hand descended upon the developing bulge, her index finger trailing a line along where the underside of Mari's trapped rod seemed to be before she closed her grip over the mutated woman's tip and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Of course, that's not so that I mind getting it dirty~" she added as her thumb rolled over the spot beneath the head that she would so often target with her tongue. As far as she knew, Mari's member worked exactly like a man's, and if it did that spot would undoubtedly prove no less vulnerable to her well guided application of pleasurable touch. "Over.... And over.... And over," she purred as she rubbed with ever increasing speed and force, but then stopped and released the olivine woman's trapped rod. "Sadly, now may not be the time for that kind of fun..... But soon," she continued in a return to an even voice, and then strolled over to a corner and deposited staff on the floor, leaning it against the wall.

"I know, but it's all in the name of resolving this situation in the smoothest way possible, and having to fight Casilda and Lovisa at the same time doesn't strike me as smooth. Besides, if there'll be any pet play tonight it will be brief and just for fun~" the sorceress said reassuringly, and then approached the nearest table or chair that would give the recently seated Mari an unimpeded view of her plump rear when she bent over it, ostensibly to deposit her clothing on it. That she looked back over her shoulder at Mari, barely able to see the woman over the frilly skirt that was part of her outfit but grinning broadly nonetheless as she shook her bottom back and forth.

"What do you think of the outfit? It's a little much, but it was a request~ Think I should keep the panties? Or.... Would it be better without them?" the lightning witch cooed playfully, slowly shaking her lace-covered rear for Mari's enjoyment. Truth be told, she rather liked the undergarments, but teasing Mari was fun. Hell, fucking Mari was fun too, and if the rogue opted to rise and cop a feel, perhaps to peel the garments down for a better examination of her options, Lenalee wouldn't move save to shake her ass invitingly. She wasn't precisely planning on it, but the build up she'd given herself to the impending night in Lovisa's bedchamber and the groping from Perenna and the other succubi had produced a noticeable wet patch in the enchanted garment's lace panties, and if Mari opted to repay her teasing in kind or with interest she wouldn't say no. Even if it only involved "cleaning."

Whether or not Mari took advantage of her aroused state, Lenalee would eventually straighten (or perhaps rise if she'd been put on hands and knees) and head for the door, bidding Mari good night. On her way out, however, she would again be confronted by the hallway, and this time she would be caught completely off guard. Stepping out with a wide smirk and shutting the door, Lenalee turned only to freeze in place, her joyous expression slowly slacking into a frown that told of dawning horror. The image of another stone hallway, slightly darker but lit by the same glowing magic stones, in which a much younger version of herself had once walked.

A man walked behind her, more than twice the height of the prepubescent Lenalee, clad in the dour grey garb of the Inquisition's guards. Though he had no power himself, the man was one of the soldiers who had willingly joined the men who watched over the prisoners rather than one of the ones who had had their minds erased. The latter category, mainly criminals and mercenaries who earned the ire of the state, were told to be cruel but did so with the dispassion brought on by their mindless natures. Men like the one following her hated the prisoners with furor born of generations of instilled hatred against those who were different, and were by far the more inventive and sadistic of their common tormentors. The man pushing her was a regular, and one who had beaten her merely for speaking in the past, one of twelve who took it in turns to watch over her and the other "applicants" that were still children. She hated him, as she hated everything in the prison that had become her life, but he was not the cruelest even of the guards. The soldiers who had joined willingly were never good men, and some didn't even pretend as such. The higher ups didn't care what they did to their charges, because they didn't care about the children to begin with. People like Lenalee were seen as the most wretched abominations in the eyes of the Lich King's most fanatical supporters, regardless of their age, and the ones who looked after them were allowed to do as they liked, including what the worst of their jailors did when he was the only one looking after them, when every child huddled in whatever corner of their cell was most comfortable and prayed that it wasn't their door that they heard him approach, that he didn't stop and quietly slide the key into the iron lock...

Even he was nothing compared to the inquisitors themselves, however. Their subjects, in particular the children, weren't just wretched and expendable monster to them. No, they were valuable sources of knowledge about the powers that mortals could develop, and it was just such a meeting that Lenalee was being marched to then. She clutched at the iron collar digging into her neck, too small for her because it hadn't been changed since she had been brought in, now over a year past, and yearned for home. Anywhere, even home with her siblings who beat her and her mother who didn't care, who had thrown her to the inquisition the moment that her "imaginary friends" had been revealed as the voices of demons whispering into her mind, was better than this place. Those voices were silent now, sent away by the offending band of cold iron and the inscriptions carved into its surface, and those too she missed. Along with clean air, and the feel of the sunlight on her skin, and countless other things that her tormentors had denied her.

The subjects of the Inquisition were all bound to become inquisitors themselves, eventually, but that would follow a lengthy brain washing process in which their memories of their torments would be whitewashed and their original histories replaced with inventions meant to create greater loyalty to the Empire and to the men who had rewritten them in its service. That ritual didn't begin until they were at least sixteen, however, and until then they were playthings for the inquisitors, men and women who had once been in her exact position, as they sought out the secrets of how such powers could exist at all, or how to control them, to prevent them from rising in individuals other than those chosen by the state.

She walked, kicked harshly if she slowed or faltered, towards an open doorway through which a child's screams of agony were emanating down the hall. Every step caused the dread rising in the ragged child to rise further, but there was nowhere for her to run to, nowhere that she could escape to that might offer her an opportunity to escape what was waiting for her in that room. Mere moments later she entered the dungeon, and though she tried to keep her eyes downcast to avoid seeing what horrors the inquisitorial scientists had planned for her this time Lenalee couldn't help but look towards the source of the screams.

What she saw turned her stomach to the point that she doubled over and lost the gruel she'd had for breakfast. Three inquisitors were in the room, gathered around an angled chair that contained a boy who looked to be about her own age, give or take a year. At first she thought he might have simply been malformed, or that his head was shaved and that she'd seen it from the wrong angle, but the bulbous layer of pink at the top of his head and the portion of skull lying on a piece of cloth at the side of the table made her realize what she was actually looking at. Even though what little knowledge of human anatomy wasn't exactly common knowledge, Badarian schooling like what she'd had introduced the basics, including the most essential organs and their presumed functions. As such, when she saw the young boy's brain, partially pulled out of his skull by carefully animated wiring but not removed entirely, its vital functions retained despite the stretching of the nerves, Lenalee at least had an idea of what she was looking at.

And she had an idea of what they were going to do to her as one of the wires flashed, sending electrical current directly into the boy's brain at precisely controlled points, and.... "No." Lenalee ripped herself out of the vision before it could progress any farther, the ghost of it playing out behind her eyes still. She forced her own orbs wide, away from the memory and into the glimmer of light at the end of the hall, moon or sun or star or something else. She forced herself to acknowledge where she was, and the danger that she was in, and then closed her eyes. The memory tried to force itself on her again, but she beat it back with every ounce of will that she had until it was back in the corner where it belonged. Only then would she open her eyes again and realize that they were puffy from tears, and with a scowl she wiped them.

This wasn't the state that she wanted to meet Lovisa in.... But it wasn't like she really had any options. Wiping and rubbing at her eyes in a futile effort to make them go still, she frowned and then calmly summoned a bit of wind magic as she straightened out her hair a bit with her fingers. Good enough. Strolling determinedly down the hall, Lenalee stopped in front of Lovisa's door, adjusted her dress, forced a smirk onto her face, and then straightened into a proper pose for a member of the profession that she was pretending to be, back straight and legs together, before knocking on the door. Her arms hung straight in front of her, one hand clasped in the other, and she waited for the demon knight to answer patiently while rehearsing her opening line in her head. She was going to get her brains fucked out and enjoy every second of it, dammit, and there wasn't a thing that her repressed memories were going to do about it!

"Good evening, mistress~" she cooed brightly once she was face to face with Lovisa, and then offered a curtsy belied by the smirk on her face. "May I come in?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine.

The rogue proved completely receptive to Lenalee's touch. So receptive, in fact, that her hips began to push toward the mage's hand and the sensations it was providing. With Mari's erection pressed forcefully against its cloth barrier and the Badarian woman's hand, it wasn't difficult to tell that it had changed a fair amount since the sorceress's last encounter with the olivine rogue. Not only had Mari's cock grown several inches and thickened considerably, but it had also gained a noticeable series of soft nodules and bumps along it. As Lenalee worked, the improved appendage gave up a few dollops of precum substantial enough to leave a small wet stain through the rogue's pants.

The sorceress's handiwork proved pleasurable enough that Mari could only groan in frustration and give her an unreadable stare as the mage broke off from molesting the other woman's rigid cock through its cloth prison. Afterward she would go and sit down and make her comment, prompting Lenalee's reply and her movement to place her belongings down. The rogue didn't even bother to hide her appreciation of Lenalee's rounded ass or her choice of underwear, and didn't take her eyes off of the target of her interest even as the mage maneuvered to see her over the frilly skirt.

Mari would give a low, thoughtful hum when the lightning witch, or perhaps lightning maid, asked her opinion, before suddenly, and in a commanding tone, speaking up; "Come stand in front of me." Assuming Lenalee gave in to her order, the rogue would give her an appraising look. "It is good, very good, but there are a few little details..." she started in an amused tone of voice which betrayed how false her efforts at criticism really were.

The rogue sprung to her feet and just as suddenly came to a crouch in front of the mage, putting her hands to work adjusting Lenalee's fishnet stockings. "These should be up like this. There is an art to this. You want to show the perfect amount of bare skin. Just enough to make them imagine what lies beyond." Mari nimbly sprung to her feet once she was done fiddling with the sorceress's stockings, and then began to grope Lenalee's breasts through her uniform, squeezing and caressing them in a manner that was simply far too pleasurable to honestly be for the purposes of adjusting anything. "These.... These are perfect," she concluded, and then released the Badarian's chest before side stepping around her to her back. "Now, just bend over and put your hands on the bed so I can check one more thing...."

If the mage acquiesced, she would soon feel Mari's hands on her rear, squeezing her soft flesh through her panties with as much enthusiasm as she had managed against Lenalee's breasts. "Fantastic. Just enough of a glimpse of underwear. Now don't move, not even your head," Mari hastily added, the amusement falling from her voice and replaced with that same commanding tone she had managed earlier. If Lenalee obeyed that latest command, the rogue's hands would fall away from her ass for a few moments and she would hear something clatter to the floor and a bit of rustling. Moving to see what it was would do her no good, as her frilly skirt managed to hide the source of the noise, and end up earning a light slap against her ass from the rogue. Whether she tried for that glimpse or not, she wouldn't be left to wonder for long as the next sensation she felt was her panties being hooked out of the way by Mari's finger and exposing her sex to the air of the room.

And before Lenalee could react in any manner but verbal, Mari's cock pushed into her up to the hilt and the rogue would seize her waist. "Mm, sublime," the olivine woman complimented her in a groan as she recovered from the pleasure shock of burying herself in Lenalee's pussy in a single push. The rogue was no inexperienced virgin, however, and it wasn't very long before she began to rock her hips back and forth in anticipation of the coming act. "I won't keep you for too long. You do have a date, after all," she remarked with a light coo of excitement before beginning in earnest. And if Lenalee was to judge by the other woman's actions, she would find that Mari was very much telling the truth.

The rogue quickly worked herself into a steady pace sawing in and out of the mage's folds. Mari might have already proved that she wasn't a bad fuck during her first sexual encounter with Lenalee, but armed with her new tools she had improved by leaps and bounds. Before, her cock had been average for a human, but as she hammered into Lenalee with it in their second tryst the mage quickly found that it had grown enough to give any of those who couldn't shapeshift among the demons and faeries a run for their money. And while Mari had been perfectly capable of finding the mage's sweet spots without any assistance previously, the bumps and nodules seemed to manage to find most every sensitive patch of nerves on the sorceress's inner walls without the rogue needing to exert any additional effort at all.

Short of Lenalee literally shocking Mari off of her, the rogue would continue like that for many more minutes. It was hardly an artful performance, and it certainly lacked the build up that Mari had employed the time before, but the quickie would provide enough pleasure that the Badarian woman would soon find herself building up to a satisfying orgasm, and Mari would gleefully push her right over that peak. The rogue would even hold on through it, continuing to piston in and out of the mage's spasming pussy and forcing volts of pleasure strong enough to cause Lenalee's legs to quake through the sorceress. It wasn't until she finally fell from her prolonged climax that Mari gave any evidence of her own impending orgasm.

"Maybe" she began between pleasured groans without slowing a beat, "I should cum inside. Mm. What, ah, a fun present to leave for the demon paramour!" The rogue's cock began to throb dangerously inside the mage's folds then, as if excited further by the thought, and for a moment it seemed like an impossibility that Mari would even be able to manage to get her manhood free of the mage before she finished. It was only at the very last second that Mari pulled out and barked; "Turn around, get on your knees, and put your tongue out. Now." Assuming Lenalee did as much, the rogue would allow the head of her dick to rest against the mage's tongue and stroke herself to completion, leaving no less than eight long ropes of her seed along the Badarian's tongue and in her mouth. If the mage was too slow, however, Mari would end up leaving those ropes on her underwear instead.

Either way, after Mari had finished, she stumbled away and collapsed face up on the bed, her cock still uncovered and standing erect and now covered in a sheen of Lenalee's juices and saliva. In the aftermath, the mage would also soon discover that it was Mari's longsword that had been dropped on the ground earlier. "As much fun as it would be, I still do not particularly wish to be a father," Mari offered in a lighthearted tone that was likely the result of her afterglow. "And I do not have any potions on hand to prevent it. At least I will know that I got to have some fun with you before she did tonight, and I will certainly sleep soundly."

After any further exchange that the mage might like to have with Mari, the rogue would eventually bid her farewell (and offer a small, joking quip about not being disappointed when she discovered that Lovisa was not as exciting as her). The hallway would certainly prove a stark contrast from the atmosphere of Mari's guest bedroom, and to her misfortune Lenalee would be forced to face that walk and the horrors of her past completely alone. Not a goblin nor a succubus nor a random demon was in sight and certainly not her companions, and that emptiness would not change. It was just Lenalee and a gauntlet of terrible reminders of worse memories, and she would have to force herself to the very end of it to reach Lovisa's room and escape them.

It was not a battle without noticeable scars, but it was difficult to tell whether Lovisa recognized the mage's recent pain or not when the demon knight opened her door. The demonic woman's demeanor was as cheerful as it had ever been and she wore a friendly grin that reached her eyes as she greeted the sorceress. "Oh my, of course! I've been waiting quite eagerly for your service~" Lovisa opened the door wider then, allowing Lenalee into her spartan room and in the process revealing that the demonic woman had stripped down into what appeared to be a deep blue, small, silk robe and a pair of silk pants that matched in color. The knight's armor was carefully placed in a corner and her halberd was hanging on a pair of hooks on the wall.

"You see, I'm just having a terrible time getting these clothes off and I think I could use some help~" she started with mock seriousness but a giggle soon broke her efforts at it. Lovisa would close the door then and then begin to approach Lenalee with a predatory sway in her gait. The demonic woman would stop not more than a step away from the sorceress and then continue. "And then I've got a few things in mind that could use a maid's expert touch at cleaning~" Lovisa would wait and watch the Badarian woman expectantly after delivering her none too subtle suggestion.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee had been promised a surprise, and as she fondled Mari's cock through her pants, she most definitely liked what she ended up with. The rogue's mutant appendage had been impressive enough before, but her payment on the mage's behalf had earned her a noticeable increase in both length and girth that the increasingly aroused witch could only imagine would feel wonderful if put to use on her. She didn't intend to experience it just then, however, and she relented her attentions upon the freshly enhanced appendage with only a modicum of hesitation and went on to her other teasing, though Mari's moan of frustration would earn her an additional suggestive grin.

Though she had to hide her disappointment a few moments later when Mari didn't take the opportunity to come over and give her plump rear a grope, the sorceress easily found that feeling tempered by excitement when the other woman ordered her over. She obeyed without hesitation, strolling over and standing with her hands meekly folded in front of her and an expectant grin upon her face, and then waited as Mari started giving an increasingly sensual appraisal of her outfit. Lenalee was almost disappointed again when Mari started with her fishnet stockings, thinking that she was just going to get teased some more, though again she smoothly hid the emotion.

Disappointment was not in order for much longer, however, as once the lightning maid nodded to her suggestion regarding her leg wear the rogue turned her attention to the mage's ample bosom. At the first touch Lenalee naturally arched her back, pushing her breasts into Mari's hands as the rogue groped her soft globes and adding a decidedly suggestive gasp for added encouragement, though that would be the only sound she permitted herself in the interest of maintaining her little act. Unfortunately, even though her touch was hardly a mere appraisal of her appearances, Mari's attention to her chest was far too brief for her liking, and she gave a soft coo of disappointment when the rogue pulled her hands away. 'Damn right they're perfect!' she thought but didn't say, letting Mari take a moment to walk around the stationary mage without making any further apparent reactions. The command to bend over was, of course, obeyed immediately, with Lenalee again bending forward only now placing her hands upon the bed rather than onto the edge of a chair and then waiting eagerly for what was to come next.

Despite the pretense of professionalism she was trying to maintain as part of her act, however, there was no hiding the damp spot that Mari would find on her undergarments once the rogue started fondling her ass, and that wetness would only increase as her soft rear cheeks were subject to sensual groping disguised as careful examination. Lenalee kept herself still and quiet under Mari's careful examination of her plump buttocks despite the constant urge to shift her position to favor the touch, obeying Mari's command to not move even before she issued it and chewing on her lip to keep from letting out any telltale gasps. That Mari did demand that she keep still caught the mage by surprise, and despite her order the sounds that came from behind her caused Lenalee to turn her head curiously to try and see what Mari was doing. That not only didn't get her anything, as the frilly skirt she wore blocked her sight completely, but earned her a sharp smack against her ass that caused her to let out a quick yelp before turning her head forward and waiting out whatever Mari was going to do next.

She didn't have to wait long. A few moments later Lenalee let out a surprised gasp as her undergarments were tugged down, left to hang around her thighs while her glistening sex was exposed to the air. Lenalee's surprise at Mari's boldness left her intended verbal reaction somewhat delayed, though she'd had something about teasing prepared before the words were knocked out of her throat and kind as Mari's newly enhanced cock buried itself into her folds all the way to the base in one quick thrust. “Ooooohhhh fuck!” she moaned, her fists immediately clenching the sheets and her legs tensing as pleasure rocked through her almost violently. Her folds clenched around the intruder, at first trying to squeeze it out but then trying to suck it in deeper and hold it in as the initial discomfort made way for the pleasure of being so wonderfully filled.

Her imagination had proven insufficient to the task of guessing how wonderful Mari's newly enhanced rod would feel inside of her. Lenalee could feel every nodule present on the longer, thicker tool against her sensitive folds even before Mari started moving, and when the rogue did begin sawing in and out of her it was more than enough to leave the lightning witch fully paralyzed by pleasure. Only the muscles controlling her limbs were paralyzed, however, as her inner walls at first tensed and then began to quiver with delight around the cock stretching them out, urging them deeper even though Mari had hilted her on the first push. The initial penetration was followed by a promise, and then followed in turn by rapid thrusts from the rogue that sent tremors of pleasure through Lenalee. Sheer surprise at having her urges fulfilled had taken the sorceress completely by surprise, and when the rogue started simply plowing into her the lightning witch could do nothing but shudder and moan like a whore in heat.

Every moment that Mari pumped into her sex at that rapid pace brought a new bit to add to her reactions. At first her legs simply shuddered every time Marii's tip tapped against her cervix, but after a few moments her fingers would begin to curl into the bed's sheets, tightly squeezing in a vain attempt to alleviate the pressure that was building inside of her. Soon enough her toes would begin to curl as well, prompting a slight shift in her stance that only ensured that Mari's cock was hitting her inner gate and sliding against the sensitive patch near her entrance all the more intensely. The lightning mage's moans had begun with the first thrust, but every second they grew louder and were increasingly interspaced by gasped curses as she sought any means she could grasp on to for an outlet to the pleasure building inside of her. The rogue had certainly been a good fuck before, but only a few minutes worth of her enthusiastic thrusting with her newly enlarged member had the sorceress on the brink of her peak, her hips starting to rock back into every motion so that her already jiggling rear would collide with Mari hard enough to send ripples all throughout her soft flesh.

"Ooooh fuck!" Lenalee cursed again as her eyes started to widen, the trembling of her legs redoubling as she felt her climax drawing near. Only a few more thrusts and.... There it was, Mari's steady pace easily putting Lenalee through an orgasm that left her eyes white as they rolled up into the back of her head, a veritable geyser of her lover honey spraying out around the rogue's cock as her folds clung to it like a vice, trying for all they were worth to suck Mari's cum right out of her while her cervix descended slightly to meet the tool plunging into her folds. Thankfully, at least in the interest of avoiding getting the mage pregnant, Mari kept herself from cumming while Lenalee enjoyed her peak, her legs shuddering so hard that she felt like they might buckle under her at any second while a single long, drawn out moan of pleasure rippled up from her throat. When she descended from that peak, it was a slow enough process that her moans and the juices issuing from her folds could peter out rather than simply die out, leaving her to enjoy a long come-down that promised a pleasantly long afterglow as well.

Only when the sorceress came down from her high completely, at that point practically numb to anything but the glorious after glow of her recent peak and the continued spikes of pleasure coming from the rogue's unceasing thrusts, would Mari display any signs that she was close to coming. It would actually take Lenalee a few seconds to recognize the signs, the slight throbs of her partner's cock, the way that she hardened up in the mage's folds until it felt like iron was sliding in and out of her delicates rather than flesh, but when she did the witch's recently fallen head rose up to let her encouraging moans flow once more. Her hips began to buck back, and where she'd expected a long fade - selfish and irrational yes but purely a reaction of how strong her orgasm had been - Lenalee felt another equally strong peak rising on the horizon. Something had happened to her, when the mutants had raped her back in Amere. They had impregnated her, of course, but they had also done something else, their corruption undoubtedly rubbing off on her as she'd always been careful to avoid during her encounters with demons, and while it hadn't resulted in any physical mutations the subconscious bliss of being filled with seed that the gems of Eden had created still lingered in the back of her mind. Despite the inherent risk in that particular act - another one that Lenalee had always carefully avoided in her liasons both demonic and mundane - the lightning witch wanted nothing more than to feel Mari cum inside of her.

It had been without risk before, when her womb was already full, but now she was empty, and while even Ren's healing magic wouldn't make her fecund again immediately, it would restore her body to its natural cycle far more quickly she would have naturally after giving birth. It wasn't likely, to be sure, but if Mari were potent enough and if her seed survived for long enough inside of Lenalee's womb, there was the slightest chance that it might be able to take root. Of course, Heloras was centuries away from understanding the biology of reproduction with any accuracy and none of that even flitted through the mage's mind in that moment, as her thoughts were focused on one thing; the imminent sensation of being filled by that glorious liquid warmth, of feeling Mari's thick tool pulsating as it delivered rope after rope into her deepest depths until she could hold no more. The rogue's teasing suggestion only tossed gasoline onto the fire of her lust, producing pulses from Lenalee's already quivering folds as her body prepared to hit its next peak, and in response the moaning sorceress would silence her lewd cries long enough to form words; "Yes!" she cried, "do it! Nnnnn~ Please.... Aahhhnnnn~ Please cum.... Oooff.... Cum inside me! Ooohhhfuck.... Cum.... Give it to me... Give me your cum!"

Every fiber of her was braced for that first burst of heat into her core, seemingly the only thing that would quench the need burning inside of her, but when Mari issued her command to turn around and pulled out Lenalee knew was was coming. She let out a low whine even as she spun, dropping to her knees and looking up with heavy eyes as her tongue left her mouth, stretching out until the tip could flick itself against the sensitive spot just beneath Mari's helmet. Normally she would have taken control at that point, bating away the rogues hands and bringing about her peak with her own mouth and hands instead, but at that point her nerves were still to frayed by her near-climax for Lenalee to process that much, so she simply contented herself with letting Mari stroke out her own peak onto her waiting tongue. The first rope of pungent seed onto her waiting tongue drew an eager moan from the lightning witch, her eyes half closing as she enjoyed one of her favorite sexual pastimes; having cum shot into her mouth. It had been a fairly uncomfortable experience at first, even without a gag reflex to bother her the taste hadn't ever been naturally appealing and the stickyness and goey texture weren't exactly what came to mind when one thought of mouth watering. A few years after her first blowjob, however, and Lenalee had most definitely acquired the taste of semen, and not just the taste but the texture. It often varied from partner to partner, but after enough experience she'd come to tolerate it, and a while (and a succubus who could make it taste like any flavor of candy she wanted) Lenalee had come to actively enjoy having her partner's seminal fluid in her mouth, if for no other reason than that she'd brought them to the heights of pleasure by her own skill.

However, even with her normal enjoyment of having her mouth flooded with seed, of which Mari provided a lot as rope after rope landed on her tongue or shot all the way into her open mouth, Lenalee couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment that the rogue's cum was being released there instead of inside her pussy. The witch's right hand strayed between her own legs, the other resting on Mari's thigh, and just as the third rope of cum landed on her tongue and partially dribbled onto her upper lip, Lenalee slipped her middle and ring finger into her sex and started working them furiously in and out. The pads of both digits quickly found her most sensitive inner patch, allowing them to glide over it with every motion as she took the rest of Mari's load in her mouth. Her imagination whirled, feeding her ghosts of what feeling the cum currently being pumped into her mouth might feel like were it issued elsewhere, but as aroused as the lightning witch had become by the thought and by her own self ministrations she just couldn't find her peak, leaving her frustration building as quickly as her arousal as Mari's final few spurts landed on her tongue.

Her tongue retracted for an instant, scooping the load left on it back into her waiting mouth to join the pool of seed already formed there, but a second later it was back against the underside of Mari's tip as the mage leaned forward, her parted lips sliding over the domed head of Mari's rod, and then an inch or so of her shaft. Lenalee's cheeks dimpled inwards as she sucked, her tongue rolling in circles around Mari's tip while she drained the woman of the leftover drops of her release. When Mari pulled away to flop back onto the bed, the mage would reach up to push the little bit of cum that had landed on her lips back into them, and while Mari basked in her afterglow the mage would simply sit on her legs, holding her mouth open for a moment to display the white puddle present inside to the one who had created it. Her tongue rolled lewdly in the puddle of thick, white goop for a few seconds before her mouth closed, the load of baby batter swallowed to the last drop and the evidence of that quickly displayed to Mari.

Not saying a word, Lenalee crawled the short distance between her and Mari so that her mouth was again within reach of the rogue's still proudly erect rod, and then simply began to clean it. Her hands on the rogue's hips, Lenalee licked her juices off of Mari's cock strip by strip, pausing after each lick to plant a handful of kisses on its helmet. Eventually the portions easily reached by Lenalee's tongue would be cleared of her juices, and when that happened she would trail one long lick up her shaft, starting at her base and working up the underside until she reached the tip, and then finally closed her lips over the helmet again. Her eyes, half closed and directed up at Mari's face all the while, displayed the smile on the witch's face as her lips started to descend, inch after inch of Mari's cock vanishing into her mouth, her lips forming a tight seal over the rogue's shaft and her tongue rolling over her sensitive flesh. Lenalee would take every inch of the rogue's rod in one go, taking advantage of her lack of a gag reflex and leaving Mari's shaft tightly squeezed by her throat, which would begin to quiver as she gave a long, low moan for the sole purpose of giving the rogue more pleasure. After a few seconds of holding her lips around Mari's base, Lenalee would slide back until she could take a breath through her nose before descending just as slowly to resume her earlier position, at which point she would begin to suck in earnest, drawing on the olivine woman's mutant rod powerfully for a few seconds while her tongue was still before relaxing, at which point she would groan softly to let her throat vibrate while her tongue want to work at the base of her cock.

For a few short minutes Lenalee would repeat that pattern, giving Mari the best of her oral attentions short of using magic to add to the pleasure, before finally sliding back until only the head was in her mouth. Her tongue would offer a couple rolls over the tip, one last parting gesture before the witch's mouth came away from the rogue's cock, now coated only in a layer of her saliva. Not saying a word, Lenalee would climb back to her feet and turn around, bending over and seemingly about to drop her pussy back onto the rogue's saliva-slick rod, her stiff skirt raised and her plump rear even rubbing over the erect shaft slightly, but after a moment the witch's undergarments would creep back up to cover her sex completely, denying Mari a second round unless the rogue actively took it before her panties completed that journey. Stepping away and glancing over her shoulder, Lenalee would shoot a brief grin at Mari as she slowly turned, a spell to bind Mari's arms to the bed on her lips if the rogue tried to rush her after her panties were back up, and unless her spell had failed and she'd been tackled or Mari had grabbed her waist and dragged her down onto her cock before her panties were up, the mage would wordlessly stroll right out of the room.


Of course, Mari's antics wouldn't protect Lenalee from her memories, and she would enter Lovisa's room with her good mood obliterated and a false front of the same raised in its place. The act held in the face of the demon knight's warm greeting, however, and it was exactly what the ever chaotic witch required in order to revitalize her arousal so that she could enjoy the fun that was about to ensue. Very real interest danced in her eyes as she quickly swept her gaze over the other woman's figure upon being let in, noting the blue robe and silk undergarments and then examining the demon's physique. She hadn't seen the knight out of her armor yet, the protective armor left piled up in a corner while her favored weapon was hanging on the wall.

"Oh, mistress!" Lenalee exclaimed with mock shock, "such a serious problem! It's a good thing that I can help you with that~" The demoness approached the witch with a very familiar predatory swagger as she spoke, and for a moment Lenalee considered backing out of the incoming encounter. Lovisa would undoubtedly be feeding on her all too soon, and while she wasn't worried about the dangers of exposing herself in that manner to the knight, if Lovisa was the type of succubus who could glimpse into the minds of those they fed on it could prove... Problematic. In some ways the recent rising of her nightmarish memories from her captivity with the Inquisition was convenient, as it would make her thoughts on Casilda and her knowledge of the daemon who had granted the woman her power harder for Lovisa to glimpse in the midst of their lewd encounter, but that didn't mean she was completely protected.

Despite her misgivings, however, Lenalee found herself unwilling to leave the woman disappointed. Lovisa had probably saved her life with the fight against the inquisitor and the traitor mercenaries, and besides that she'd enabled the lightning witch to avoid a great deal of unnecessary violence against Casilda's forces. There'd been some trade off in that, of course, but she could at the very least give the demon knight a good fuck for her trouble. That was the usual deal, wasn't it?

"Mmmhhhmmm~ Of course mistress!" Lenalee purred softly, letting her hands unclasp and reach toward the knight, "I'll happily help you with... Cleaning up~ But first!" With purposeful movements Lenalee would slowly undo any ties or buttons or the like holding on the knight's robe and saw it folded and set down on the floor, the lightning maid bending over with deliberate slowness to offer a glimpse at her plump rear and the lacy black undergarments that covered it, though Lovisa could easily sneak a grope on the mage's bottom if she so wished. Once the demoness was unclothed from the waist up, Lenalee would straighten and slowly drop to her knees, two fingers deftly slipping under the hem of her silky undergarments and sliding them down the demon's hips and legs until they were pooled on the floor. From that point, it would be up to Lovisa how things proceeded, as the human witch would happily remain in the subservient role in this particular encounter. She did have a part to play, after all.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

After her collapse onto the bed, the olivine rogue watched the show Lenalee put on with her cum approvingly. When the Badarian began to crawl on hands and knees toward her still erect shaft, Mari cast her a knowing gaze accompanied by a cocky grin in return. "Mm, you want another taste? My cock could do with cleaning after all of that." Despite the air of control over the situation that she was exhibiting, however, the tan woman's confident expression slowly shifted into eager excitement as the lightning sorceress progressed on her trek.

Mari gave a happy groan as Lenalee went back to work by licking their mixed juices off of her engorged shaft. Her hips shifted by centimeters at a time, pressing her bumpy rod more firmly against the mage's tongue as the Badarian cleared her of all but saliva strip by strip. The tanned woman's wiggling didn't cease until the sorceress closed her lips over the head of her cock and dropped to the base in one smooth motion, an act which earned a low moan from the rogue. "Mm," she cooed in delight, "You have such a talent for this. Such a waste that you will be with the demon tonight. Perhaps I should keep you here after all," she suggested with a quirked eyebrow.

Whether or not Mari was being serious was impossible to tell, as she initially held onto an unflinching poker face even with her dick fully engulfed in the mage's mouth. Mari's body, on the other hand, was completely honest in its reactions as Lenalee began her ministrations in earnest. The muscles in the tanned rogue's stomach and legs tensed with each drop of the sorceress's lips down her length, and Mari gave small pushes with her hips which forced her cock just a little bit further down the mage's throat and had the precum leaking from her manhood directly into Lenalee's stomach. The tanned woman certainly seemed to appreciate the vibrations of her throat as well, choosing to begin lovingly stroking the side of the mage's head with her hand not long after Lenalee began to employ them. The rogue's body seemed to be a puppet on a string to the sorceress's attentions, but the olivine woman's stamina wasn't to be discounted even against the sorceress's obviously impressive performance. Even though Lenalee continued for several more minutes her efforts only barely managed to break the other woman's calm enough to see her biting her lip and groaning in response to her affections.

It was still more than enough to have Mari looking at her quizzically when she pulled away with those licks against the rogue's tip though. It was difficult to tell by Mari's expression alone whether it was restraint that kept her from going for the lightning witch as she went to her feet and pulled her panties up or if it was simply confusion or surprise, but Lenalee would manage to redress herself before the rogue moved to act. That would be as far as she got before she had to put her backup plan to use though. "Hey now, you are not rushing off after- eh? What?" As Mari had started to chide the Badarian, the rogue had attempted to jump to her feet with the obvious intent of making Lenalee finish what she started but was cut off as the mage's spell bound her wrists to the bed.

Mari would eventually end up taking the whole thing in stride, although only after struggling fruitlessly against the binds for a few moments in the apparent hope of breaking them so that she could tackle Lenalee and fuck her senseless. With a frustrated sigh she bemoaned her fate; "you are a cruel woman. You could have at least left one of my hands free for this," she nodded to indicate her own erection. "Fine, go on to your demon, but know that I will not let this go without a bit of revenge. When we regroup with Ren I am going to have her make me one of those infertility potions and then I am going to fill your pussy to the brim with my cum," she promised with a joking grin that didn't quite match the frustration in her eyes. While Mari might offer more depending on Lenalee's choice of parting words, if she chose any at all, the sorceress was fully free to leave and attend her date with Lovisa at her own whim afterward.


Lovisa couldn't suppress a lascivious giggle as the mage played along with her lighthearted games. "Yes, we wouldn't want to get ahead of ourselves~" she remarked as Lenalee set to work undressing her. The knight's robe was held in place by a simple sash that proved easy to untie and pull away, and when it was gone the lightning sorceress merely needed to slide the silky sleeves from the demoness's arms to leave her naked from the waist up as she wore no bra underneath.

The demon's nude form was something to behold, though for Lenalee, who had consorted with demons before, it came as a little less of a surprise. The knight's skin was flawlessly pale and unblemished, her heavy breasts were not very much smaller than the mage's own, though they were so pert and perky that it seemed as if the twin mounds of flesh existed outside of the laws of gravity, her stomach was lean, and her hips were pronounced enough to give her an hourglass figure, even if it wasn't as pronounced as Lenalee had seen in some demons. Lovisa was, much like so many of her kin, shaped and proportioned like a sculptor's work come to life.

The mage exposed rear did earn a light swat as she bent low to set the freshly folded robe on the floor. "Lacy, black underwear?" The demonic woman intoned scandalously. "That doesn't seem like regulation maid wear at all. Your mistress is going to have to punish you for that, you know!" The knight's words sounded more cheerful than domineering, though the way her hand lingered on Lenalee's ass and squeezed a few more times before trailing away so that the mage could complete her task might have been evidence for Lovisa's intentions in the matter.

Afterward, the knight would aid Lenalee in the pursuit of seeing her pants removed. The mage would discover as she pulled the garments and the panties beneath them low and then off of the other woman's legs entirely that she hadn't been the only one who had chosen lacy, black underwear that night. The woman's lower half was a match for the rest of her body, boasting creamy thighs and proportions that made the woman bearing them look as if she was a statue of some demigoddess of love that had escaped her pedestal. As Lenalee went about setting the rest of the demonic woman's clothes with the robe, Lovisa sat down on the edge of her bed and waited for the mage to return to her subservient position.

"Mm, whatever shall I do with you now? Such a lewdly dressed maid is surely due some punishment, but I do still need your services elsewhere...." The knight hummed with mock-thoughtfulness. "Yes, I think you'll just have to help me clean up first and then I'll carry out your reprimand. For thoroughness you had better start high and work your way down," she suggested before placing her thumb and forefinger under the mage's chin and pulling Lenalee's lips toward her own. It was a gentle motion, more guiding the sorceress along than forcing her, but if the lightning witch didn't resist then she'd soon find herself joined in a kiss with the demonic knight.

And if she went along with it the kiss would start simply enough, at first the demoness seemed content with the contact of their lips and initially did very little with her tongue, but, as the kiss progressed and Lovisa began to deepen it, Lenalee would swiftly find that the demoness was far from inexperienced in the matter as the demon knight's tongue began to dance with Lenalee's own with unnatural dexterity and skill that would've made even the lesser succubi that the mage had summoned in the past blush. It was a rhythm that the demonic woman would uphold for several minutes before finally disengaging from Lenalee's lips. "I think it's time for you to make your way down. You're going to want a head start before your punishment begins." The demonic woman delivered her lascivious promise in an uncharacteristically serious tone as she leaned back, propping her hands on the bed for support, and parted her legs for the mage, offering the Badarian woman an expectant look as she waited for Lenalee to act on her blatant hints.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

While she had intended to simply walk out originally, Lenalee couldn't help but turn back as Mari issued her lewd promise, pausing a few feet from the door and turning back to look back at the bound rogue. "Mmmmhhhmmmm... I hope that's a promise~" the witch purred softly, but then briefly strode back to Mari until she was standing at the foot of the bed, between the other woman's legs. "Though... You do have a point.... I am being," she continued thoughtfully, her right hand straying down to wrap around the upper half of the helpless rogue's cock so the her index finger could begin rubbing over the tip and the pad of her thumb could do the same to the spot just beneath it.

"Though.... Why wait?" the sorceress asked innocently while a devilish grin played across her features, "I could stay a while.... It's not like you could stop me~ I wonder how long you would last with me riding you before you popped and filled me up?" Lenalee's left hand descended to join the first on Mari's shaft, fingertips gliding along the underside until her first two and thumb closed tightly around the base. "One minute?" Her right hand thumb began to rub more intensely over the helpless rogue's frenulum. "Two?" Her left hand began to rise, offering an excruciatingly slow stroke that was followed by a steady rhythm of the same. "Maybe even five?" Lenalee leaned forward a bit more, exposing a bit of cleavage for Mari's viewing pleasure while her hands both shifted the tempo of their motions, her left hand starting to pump rapidly over the saliva-slick shaft while her right took up the motion as well, only her thumb retaining its place against the most sensitive portion of the rogue's rod.

"I bet you'd start to squirm when you got close," she gasped softly after watching Mari's reactions to her efforts for a few moments, "when you knew you were about to cum.... Would you warn me? Would you beg me not to take it all inside? I would anyway... When you started throbbing... I'd take you so deep~ Mmmm! I can just imagine how hard you'd get, right before you exploded inside me!" A light burst of magic suddenly passed from her right-hand thumb directly into the most sensitive stretch of nerves on Mari's rod, causing her whole tip to vibrate with even the minor version of the spell. "I bet it'd make me cum so hard too~" she panted as a second burst of magic issued into the rogue's cock, "I bet I'd milk you dry~"

From there the mischievous witch's plan was fairly straightforward, as despite her threats and her intense desire to make it so she had no intention of letting Mari let loose into her depths that particular night. She had proven quite able to contain herself previously, but Lenalee was relentless and her holding spell ensured that Mari wasn't going to be doing anything to stop her now, leaving the witch free to stroke away until the rogue simply couldn't take any more. Every once in a while, as her shaft started to dry, Lenalee would lean down further and slow her pumping just long enough to let a bit of saliva drool down onto the other woman's shaft for lubrication. When it finally became clear that Mari could take no more, Lenalee would for a moment consider slowing to a crawl and drawing things out, but time was running short so she simply kept on stroking until Mari was spurting all over her hands. Assuming that the rogue's spurting didn't fire high enough to get anywhere else, Lenalee jerked Mari's potent cream out of her until she had started to relax again before slowing to an eventual stop, at which point the lightning witch would pull her dirtied hands away.

"Better than leaving you to take care of it yourself, right?" she asked brightly as she brought her cum-covered hands up to her face. "Next time I'm going to make you cum inside whether you like it or not," she continued, licking up strands of cum from her fingers between words, "but this time you get off the hook! Unfortunately, now I REALLY need to go!" With that she once again spun on her heal, walking out with a swagger and leaving the door wide open, "I'll release the spell when I'm nice and far away.... Maybe~"

And with that, the sorceress was finally out of Mari's room. Finally.


As she undressed Lovisa piece by piece, the mage unsurprisingly liked what she found. She liked it a lot. The demoness was built more or less along the same lines as the witch herself, but where Lenalee showed her humanity and the early signs of aging in places the demoness was built flawlessly, like a sculptor's vision of a goddess. While she was hardly one to discriminate between partners, especially after being under the tongue of a succubus several times by that point, Lenalee generally preferred male partners. As much as she liked dick, however, the lightning witch could certainly appreciate Lovisa's figure, especially since she had a rarely used trick that would allow her to enjoy it more thoroughly.

The light swat against her backside earned Lovisa a light coo from the lightning mage, though she wasn't exactly surprised, and for the few moments that Lovisa's hand lingered on her backside she would casually seem to lean into the knight's touch. "I'm very sorry mistress~" she cooed submissively, "I surely must be punished! Would you.... Like me to take them off first?" Whether her panties ended up on the floor at that point or not, Lenalee would continue undressed Lovisa piece by piece, eventually revealing that the demon's undergarments weren't all that different from her own but making no comment on it at the time.

Once Lovisa was nude, the sorceress sat through her verbal reprimand silently while gazing up at the demoness with wide eyes, and when she was guided by the chin she would follow Lovisa's guidance by slowly crawling forward and then onto the bed until her mouth was claimed by that of her soon-to-be sexual partner. Once joined in a kiss, Lenalee would lightly part her own and flicked her tongue softly against Lovisa's lower lip, but once the demoness responded and started up the dance between their tongues Lenalee found herself delightfully outperformed by Lovisa's skilled tongue. She was no novice at kissing, of course, but as expected the demon knight was a cut above her, dancing circles around her lingual muscle with deftness and agility beyond any that she had ever experienced before. Lenalee quickly found herself letting out soft coos and moans into Lovisa's mouth, the kiss pleasurable all on its own, but while she might want to put her hands to work on the demoness at that point the lightning witch kept her pose relatively static, continuing to play the subordinate role in their little game.

When the kiss finally broke, Lenalee was panting heavily, the flush that her encounter with Mari had left on her face and chest reborn purely from Lovisa's deft tongue-work, and for a moment her act cracked as she grinned hungrily at the lustful demoness's command. "Yes mistress~" she purred headily, and a moment later her lips had descended again, falling onto the demon's mouth briefly before trailing down her front. Her chin, her neck, her collar, and then a gentle ascent of one of Lovisa's full yet perky breasts briefly stalled Lenalee's journey as she took a moment to pay some tribute to the soft orb's tip, flicking her tongue against the sensitive little nub until it was hard and then suckling on it, even squeezing it between her teeth while her tongue returned to its rapid flicks for a few moments.

That pause would be kept brief, however, as Lenalee soon began to descend once again, trailing kisses down the swell of her breast to the demoness' taught abdomen, over her abs, feeling the powerful muscle hidden beneath the soft skin, and finally down towards her thighs. She began to have to scoot back as she descended further, eventually carefully dropping off of the bed as her kisses trailed over the demon's mound. She initially passed by her partner's sex completely, her trail of kisses going along one of Lovisa's thighs about halfway to her knee before switching to the other and reversing direction. Her brief pass was a slight disobedience of her orders, but it was all part of their little play, another thing that Lovisa could enjoy "punishing" her for. As she reached near the point where the knight's leg met her body the witch gave a slight jump, going for Lovisa's exposed flower without further teasing. Her tongue flicked out to give a single swirl over the outermost petals before her lips met them, prompting her tongue to slowly start swirling while extending deeper and deeper into Lovisa's folds, lapping up her spilled honey and letting out a soft moan at the sweetened taste.

With her eyes focused up at the face of the recipient of her attention, Lenalee's efforts followed a fairly simplistic pattern from that point onwards, her arms snaking under Lovisa's thighs so that she could plant her hands on the outside of them and hold the demon's legs apart while her tongue continued to slowly circle its way into the knight's folds. The lightning witch opted to be gradual and methodical in searching out the spots that made Lovisa squirm the most, leaving no portion of the other woman's inner walls that she could reach with her tongue unexplored. The occasional moan would let Lovisa feel the mage's lips vibrating softly against her outer lips and her hooded jewel, and after a while she would begin to switch back and forth between her explorations and working to tease that sensitive nub out of hiding with quick flicks of her tongue, though once it was exposed those flicks would be aimed against it directly instead. It would be during this time that Lenalee would, assuming she hadn't been instructed to do so earlier or explicitly forbidden from doing so by Lovisa when she'd asked, slip her panties down to her knees and then gradually work them down her legs until she flicked them completely away with a flick of whichever of her feet they clung to last. Once free of her undergarments, however, Lenalee would be content to continue applying her tongue to Lovisa's natural sex until the demoness told her to do otherwise, gradually growing more adept at finding the other woman's sweet spots and thus able to give her more and more pleasure with every passing moment.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine.

Lenalee's efforts, beyond initially alarming the rogue as she threatened to simply take her creampie from the tanned woman with or without the safety that a contraceptive potion would offer, would see Mari left panting with her stomach and thighs covered in her own cum and without any sort of witty retort, potentially out of fear of what the mage might do next if she were to say anything else. She'd probably be fine in the morning though, or eventually, at least, but for the time being Lenalee had a date with a demon.


"No," the demoness replied easily to Lenalee's inquiry about her panties in what was unmistakeably a command. "You're not to take them off at all. The pleasure of peeling them away from you will be all mine~" The woman's confident tone was a far cry from her usual giggly demeanor, one that she likely tended to save for the knights and goblins who worked underneath her. Lovisa settled into her role as mistress as comfortably as if she had been born for it.

After their shared kiss, the knight donned a pleased smile at the busty mage-turned-temporary-maid's continued subservience, and it was one that she held onto as the human woman began to fulfill her ordered task. As the mage started laying those teasing kisses on her neck and collar, she tilted her head to offer Lenalee full access to her neck, and when the Badarian woman turned her attention downward and began to make her deliberately slow descent, Lovisa idly brushed a hand through Lenalee's hair in encouraging strokes. Despite the mage's best efforts though, those three gestures made up the most noticeable of Lovisa's responses to her ministrations. The knight was a far cry from Mari, who had been shuddering and trembling and pushing under the mage's simplest efforts.

It wasn't until she descended upon one of the knight's nipples that she would discover that her efforts were having at least some effect on the other woman, and she found the waiting tip of Lovisa's breast erect and ready for her lips and tongue without any additional effort on her part. Her move to suckle the stiff nub would earn her a slight grin from Lovisa, whether the mage's eyes were poised to see it or not, and eventually her continued suction would earn her a few spurts of milk from the other woman's breast. She would only manage to coax out a single mouthful regardless of her continuing efforts, implying the shapeshifting magic that had been behind her liquid reward, but it may have very well been for the best as the sweet milk was immediately enough to make the mage feel more flushed and it was very easily identifiable as addictive given the instant craving for more that it inspired.

Even if Lenalee attempted to sate that craving instead of sticking with her initial plan, Lovisa wouldn't produce any more milk for her, and with the passage of time if she did not leave the demon's breast the knight's encouraging brushes of her hair would eventually become insistently trying to nudge the mage toward her goal. Despite whatever insistence she might need to apply though, it seemed that the demonic knight was nothing if not patient. Even the mage's detour earned her nothing more from Lovisa than a simple, amused "tsk-tsk" and the demoness's return to her soft smile. It was as Lenalee had expected, it would take far more than simple teasing to turn her current partner into the quivering mess that she had left her partner from less than half an hour prior in. It was less the dismantling of a dam to release Lovisa's pleasure and more the steady removal of a mountain, perhaps one of the drawbacks of the demon's potential age and likely level of experience.

Still, though the demon knight was very calm and collected externally, there was enough evidence to reaffirm that she was enjoying Lenalee's efforts. The way her legs parted as the mage's lips approached, the way her sex gleamed with moisture before the busty maid-for-a-day even planted her first touch on it, and the way her hand went still on Lenalee's head might have been all the proof needed to cancel out any of the uncertainty caused by her overall stoic expression and the way that the only noises of pleasure the demonic knight had made to that point seemed to die in her throat. Her very first taste of the other woman's slit would earn her more of that sweet flavor she'd found in the knight's milk and her next few tastes would earn her more of it, enough to recognize that the aphrodisiac effect was incredibly mild at best. Unfortunately though, Lovisa's internalization of all but the involuntary aspects of her enjoyment made it very difficult for the sorceress to get a bead on what might make her squirm, and as such the mage was left blindly switching between her preferred methods and simply needing to do the best she could without much to go by from her mistress beyond the occasional purr of pleasure.

Lenalee would, after a bit of time, be able to puzzle out that Lovisa's most noticeable reactions came from the mage's efforts on her clit, and once she started focusing entirely on the other woman's sensitive little nub she was quickly rewarded. It proved to be the knight's weak spot. After the sorceress had coaxed it from its hood and lavished her first licks against it she finally managed to earn a low moan from the demoness and her hips began to push against the mage's tongue. Those flicks would eventually have the demon knight's hand clenched more firmly on the Badarian's hair. Soon enough, Lovisa had closed her eyes and surrendered herself entirely to the feeling of Lenalee's tongue against her, squirming against it and giving those low coos with increasing frequency, with the Badarian woman needing to do little more than increase the pace she had already set to see her partner spiraling into deeper depths of ecstasy.

The human would not, however, see that dam broken entirely with her tongue alone, at least not on that night. It was in the middle of her oral attentions that Lovisa would suddenly stop her. "Mmm, you've done well. Very well, actually," she cooed as she gently scooted herself away from the sorceress. "Such a talented tongue~ It's been so long since I've had such an able partner.... But don't think it's made me forget about your punishment! It's only made me more excited for it and so I think we'll start on that right now," she remarked with a cheerful grin as she disentangled herself entirely from the mage. Once the mage's arms were clear of her legs and both could move freely again, Lovisa would grin even more widely at Lenalee.

"So!" Her exclamation was sudden and perhaps a bit melodramatic. "The way I see it is that I only really have two options for punishing such a naughty maid! Option one is that I grow a nice, thick dick and I pound the naughtiness right out of you. Option two is that you grow it instead and I try to milk it out of you. I guess I could always spank you or something instead, but I have a feeling that in your case it would only encourage more naughtiness and I can do it with either of those options anyway~" she teased. "I like to believe myself a kind mistress," she continued with that wide grin that had never left her face, "so I'll let you choose your own punishment. Or perhaps you have a punishment of your own in mind that you'd like me to apply? Regardless, you won't be walking away until I'm fully satisfied~"