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Hafnium Test Thread

Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant.

Despite her most thorough efforts, Lenalee would find no lingering traces of any magic worked on Mari at all. If there had been any, it was long gone. Her magical examination would similarly reveal no result to be alarmed about. Mari's womb was empty, at least of children.

Unfortunately her head proved to be similarly empty, in the metaphorical sense. The only thing that would yield under Lenalee's initial efforts to make the rogue was the firm flesh of her bouncy ass underneath the mage's fingers. The mage's ensuing shaking and kneading would cause Mari's rear to jiggle hypnotically and eventually elicit a groan, more pleasured than groggy, from the other woman but accomplish little more. Her first few strikes against the rogue's ass would accomplish more of the same, only with Mari's groans joined by the satisfying smack of flesh against flesh. By the midway point, however, Lenalee would realize that somewhere in the rogue's stupor she was becoming aroused by the spanking, the most obvious evidence in the way her manhood filled with blood and slowly became erect at the abuse her ass was enduring. By the time she'd moved onto her next option, Lenalee had only really succeeded in leaving Mari's cock at full mast and her own hand print on the rogue's backside.

It require another use of her magic to finally wake the woman, dropping an orb of cold water that left the rogue, the mattress, and all of the sheet that remained on the bed and underneath Mari. As an added bonus, it would finally draw a response from Mari beyond her wordless groans, although that response was a string of profanity lasting for over half a minute as she flailed and fell off of the bed in her startled confusion and then looked around in the room in a panic before her eyes settled on the mage and she regained her bearings enough to calm down.

"Purple-skinned bitch succubus," she spat irritably after Lenalee's question, casting the mage with a look that gave her a likeness to an angry, drenched cat as she got back to her feet and plopped onto the bed causing a wet splash in the process. "She was in here just a few seconds after you left, like she had been waiting for the chance. She was all over me, had me tied up as soon as your spell wore off. Next thing I know I was on my knees...." The rogue blushed and looked away, marking perhaps the first time Lenalee had ever actually seen the woman embarrassed. Her expression as she turned back toward the mage was more frustrated than anything though. "I think I am okay, she only wounded my pride. She left when the sun rose, said she would be back for round two tonight. If she is dumb enough to show her face to me again then I will show her who the meat is," she irritably promised more to the room at large than Lenalee in particular.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"On your knees eh?" Lenalee asked with a knowing smirk, "well, don't spare the details! It sounds like you had an interesting night~ And part of you," the mage ran a hand over the top of Mari's rod, fingers glancing lightly against the olivine woman's firm flesh briefly before she gripped the organ, "looks ready to go another round~" The mage gave Mari's cock a few strokes before letting it go, giggling softly.

"You want a bath? I've got to meet a succubus later, but I could clean you up with a bit of magic if you want. Warm water this time, promise! I can even use my hands if you want something more intimate~" she continued playfully, cocking her hips to the right and planting a fist on them. "Either way, we'll eventually have to get Sir Edmund up and moving. You two are going to be doing some socializing today, testing the waters to see how loyal Casilda's people are. I'm sure you two will figure out how to go about it with some subtlety~"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant.

"Mm, I will pass for now. But we should share a bath later," Mari replied to Lenalee's offer with a much more characteristic grin on her lips. "For now I am quite ready to have my clothes back on and be moving around," she remarked as she stood up and stretched. Afterward she would pad over to her clothes and slide them back on before retrieving her longsword and putting it back at its place on her belt. "Although," she would add as she was getting dressed, "if I must attempt to be cordial not only with demons but with Edmund too then I think I am more ready to go back to sleep. I think you will owe me for this, too," she added sardonically.

Assuming Lenalee didn't have some other great mischief to enact on the rogue during it all and was ready to go retrieve Edmund, she would be in luck. She would end up nearly face to face with the knight, who was already dressed and armed, as he finished closing the door to his guest room across the hall just as Lenalee opened her own. "Surprised you can walk," he would remark with amusement in his tone as he looked at the mage, though afterward he trailed off to allow the mage her own greeting toward him.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Psh, who needs clothes!" Lenalee playfully said with a roll of her eyes, and then simply watched Mari get dressed with a soft smirk. "I'm sure we can come up with a way for me to pay you back for it~" the sorceress purred once Mari was dressed, and with Mari apparently ready she opted to go and get the last member of their little party.

She found Edmund easily enough, even easier than she'd expected, and his opening quip caused Lenalee to let out a bark of laughter. "I wouldn't be without magic," she replied with a smirk, "but ahhh, the wonders of sorcery! Come on in, we've got plotting to do!"

Once more her distraction and the very brief amount of time spent in it saved her from the horrid visions prompted by her memories of her time spent with the Inquisition, and she gestured for him to join her in Mari's room and closed the door. The lightning witch didn't bother doing another bug sweep, but she did seal them in a force barrier to block out sound again before she said; "Well then.... Since you two have been playing so nicely lately, I figure you can play nice with some of the tower's residents too!"

She gave Mari a mischievous look, but didn't elaborate before continuing; "Try to find out their disposition without seeming obvious about it. If we can expect the lesser demons to bolt, hide, or join in when the fireworks start, I'd like to know about it. Make it seem like we're actually interested in taking Casilda up on her offer of joining up with her crazy scheme, and work whoever you're talking to. If anyone seems skeptical, maybe we can use that somehow. Try not to think too hard about what we're planning in case of telepaths, and if you try to ask about the tower we're going to try to break into make sure you don't seem like anything other than curious.

"I've got a deal to keep, and if possible I'll see if I can get Casilda to show me her inner sanctum. We'll convene here again tonight. Questions?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant.

Lenalee would find no complaints as she pulled Edmund and Mari in to brief them on the next leg of her plan, and no issues as she cast a force barrier around them in order to block out anybody who might be listening at the guest bedroom door. The two would attentively listen to her plan without interruptions as she went through it. Once it was all said and done, however, Edmund would briefly raise his hand after Lenalee inquired as to whether the two had any questions. "Yeah, I've got one. You're aware of how hard it is to take this briefing seriously while you're wearing a cross between stereotypical maid outfit and demon cum rag, right? I mean, you kinda look like a brothel painting but even messier."

"As much as I hate to admit it... he does kind of have a point," Mari hesitantly agreed.
"Glad to hear that your eyes work," Edmund retorted with a shrug, which earned him a glare from Mari. "Anyway, yeah, sure. Other than that everything is crystal clear. Make nice with the evil, crazy demons and see how they feel about the eviler, crazier demon. See if any just happen to have the master key to the secret evil demon laboratory hidden up their asses. Would've preferred the plan of getting some breakfast, marching up there, and shooting the bitch right in the face, but I can pretend not to hate some demons for a few hours if you think it'll help with that. Just try not to trade your soul for the first dick you happen to stumble face-first into while you're doing your own thing."
That earned him another glare from Mari, but after a few seconds of apparently trying to hate him to death she gave up and turned toward Lenalee with a more neutral expression. "Intelligence and counterintelligence work, easy enough." After her contribution, Edmund looked like he was ready to make another quip of his own, but he never voiced whatever barb he had in mind.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"You're a cum rag!" Her puerile response to Edmund's insult was delivered with a roll of her eyes, a false pout, and an equally false tone of reproach. "You've got the gist of things, and I'm sure I can manage to keep my soul from the first dick that I stumble face-first into!" she continued, putting the same emphasis on the word first as Edmund and leaving her tone just as derisive. "But only the first~"

It was still several hours before she needed to meet Perenna, but with her orders given Lenalee figured she could take a few minutes to catch her breath. "There's no rush though, I'm gonna take a nap and clean myself up before I go to breakfast. Don't wanna walk around looking like an extra messy brothel painting, now do I?" she continued, and then tested the cleaning mechanism of the clothes by speaking the proper command word. If it worked as intended, she would cast a spell of her own to clean herself, working a layer of conjured water over the filth on her body, and would repeat the same for the clothes if the existing mechanism didn't do a good enough job. From there, she would plop backwards onto Mari's bed with a sigh, raising her hands to rest them behind her head, regardless of whether or not Mari and Edmund had gone off to do their own work.

She would let herself nap for two hours before going down to breakfast, where she would see what she could get to eat while glancing around for the succubus whom she was set to perform a bit of afternoon mischief with. Unless something came up, she would only make conversation with someone she hadn't met if she was approached, and would otherwise make sure to get her own folded clothes before actually going to meet the succubus, where she would presumably be returning the clothes she'd borrowed. Obviously after taking them off.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant-er, still no baby bump yet though.

"Eh, early bird catches the worm," Edmund suggested at the sorceress's implication that there was no rush. "Gets out of the demon whorehouse faster, too," he added with a shrug before beginning to make his way out of the room after Lenalee had dropped her force barrier. "Make sure to get behind your ears," he would quip as he closed the door behind him.

Mari would speak up after he left. "I will be going too. I must admit that I do not trust the demons and would prefer to be done with all this sooner rather than later. Be safe," she would remark and then make her own way to the door. After opening it, however, she would turn back and, with an exaggerated wink, add; "After all, you had better have enough energy left to stumble into my cock tonight with all you owe me." With that she would grin and then make her way out, closing the door behind her.

That left Lenalee alone. The command word for the dress performed as advertised, cleaning all traces of stains and even repairing the minor wear and tear that the clothing had sustained the night before. Unfortunately, it did nothing for the mage's own situation and left her coated in the same amount of dried cum as she'd woken up with, and as such she was left to manually clean herself. Using her spells would expedite the process at least, and before long she was clean enough to collapse backward onto the guest bed and nap peacefully.


Unfortunately, her brief nap would leave past breakfast and short of lunch. Collecting her own folded clothes and heading to the mess hall she would find that the tower felt surprisingly empty. The dorms were silent aside from a few strange howls from the room that the hellhounds were situated in and she didn't pass anybody on the stairs or in the hallway. The mage would spot a dozen of the goblins and half a dozen demons were wrestling and sparring in the fields below, but that would end up being the most concentrated area of activity. The mess hall only held five goblins, including the cunning goblin she'd met the other day, and two demons, one of which was Perenna who shot her a grin as she walked in and the other was the woman with fiery hair that Lenalee had seen before.

None would approach her as she scrounged together what she could for breakfast, however. Looking over what was left over from breakfast hours, the mage was able to choose from her pick of fried eggs, bacon, sausage, buttered bread rolls, and sliced fruit, each of which one of the present grey-skinned female stalkers would shovel onto her plate until she ordered them to stop in an apparent desire to get rid of the leftovers. Assuming she didn't choose to eat at any table in particular, she would be left to her own devices as she enjoyed her breakfast, which would be just a little on the lukewarm side and would likely benefit from using a simple fire cantrip to warm it up.

It was only after the sorceress finished her meal that she would find herself approached by the purple-haired Perenna. "Hey there~ Did you enjoy the costume last night?" The demon started conversationally enough, but it was obvious in the gleam of her eyes that she was after the mage for repayment over any small talk.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Edmund and Mari's responses to her plan would only earn a series of eye rolls and a constant smirk, and once they were gone she cleaned up and took her much needed nap. Her body was still incredibly sore when she woke up again, perhaps more so than it had been previously, and the lightning witch sighed before using a few more minor healing spells to ease her fresh aches before heading off to find out she's missed breakfast, glancing over the group sparring to see if Mari and Edmund had joined them but not spotting either of the duo.

Well, not entirely. There were still leftovers, and after picking at them for a few minutes Lenalee filled a plate with various breakfast foods, though after she blanched at the sight of them she decided to skip out on helping the demons finish off the eggs. She took an extra helping of fruit though, and then moved off to sit on her own while casting a minor warming spell to make her meal more palatable. She ate slowly, and grabbed a glass that she drained and refilled to restore her lost fluids.

Perenna eventually opted to join her, and the lightning witch smiled at her warmly while gnawing on her last piece of bacon. "I did," she said brightly, but if the demoness was looking for Lenalee to start off the flirtations she would be disappointed. The woman's eagerness invited a spirit of mischief, and she casually poked at her empty plate while glancing across the room. "So... How was your night? Eventful, I hope?" she asked conversationally, in no apparent haste to get to the payment she knew she owed the demoness on her own, though if Perenna were to start insisting she wouldn't find the lightning witch unwilling by any means.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant-er, still no baby bump yet though.

"We held a little mage's chess tournament, it was fun! " It wasn't exactly even legal in Badaria at large, but as a rogue mage Lenalee might've hung out in just the right circles to know about it or might have learned it by one of its other names such as Academy chess, which is how it was most commonly known. It was essentially chess with a twist, and it supposedly originated from the Academy as a means of teaching students about budgeting and controlling their energy and similar concepts. It had several rule variants including timed, which while not initially popular gained a lot of interest as inventors made more complex timer mechanisms widely available to the public, invasion, which allowed a player to claim a win if their King crossed the middle of the board, and themed armies, which allowed both characters to pick from a set of themed armies with their own additional advantages and disadvantages including demons, faeries, humans, orcs, elves, and several more.

The most important thing about it was the bidding system. When one piece moved to take another, the defending player could declare a duel. Only kings were immune to dueling. When a duel happened it was time for both players to bid, and if the defender won then both pieces were taken and if the attacker won then their piece remained. To balance out the defender's advantage, the attacker did not have to bid while the defender always had to bid at least a set amount, and in some cases the defender's energy was given to the attacker when the attacker chose a bid-less sacrifice, so an attacker could sacrifice less useful pieces on the attack in order to slowly drain their opponent of energy.

Usually bidding was handled by placing energy into an enchanted board and the side who put the most energy into it being declared the winner, though in some circumstances players replaced energy with a set amount of pebbles or even a player's wealth instead, usually due to lack of access to an enchanted board, one side having vastly more power than another and wishing to make it a fair contest, a desire to change the ante, or simply because of a player's inability to control their energy. A few variations of the bidding rule had become popular, usually requiring some set initial bid and then requiring each player to compete either in a contest of basic casting skill, a physical competition like sparring, or, as had grown popular among faeries, demons, and the like, some lewd contest, and in these cases sometimes the pot was immediately given to the victor along with the duel win.

"I came out even, so I'm pretty happy about that! I'd have liked to have won, but Sandra did really well and I definitely can't complain about how I lost~" she wistfully mused. "Have you ever played? I'd be happy to teach you! Or just have a friendly game sometime. But anyway, it's really handy isn't it? Durable, right? Easy to mend? Easy to clean? It's my little pride and joy~" Perenna wore a beaming grin as she bragged on her dress, perhaps proving in the process that the only thing really able to distract her from an opportunity to jump the mage's bones was an opportunity to talk and brag about her creation while trying to lead others into praising it.

At first I was like: I'll just throw in a little bit of fluff dump regarding a game I was going to suggest anyway.
And then I was like: Shit, I'm trying to just touch upon the major points and I'm already up to a second paragraph of this maybe I should just super-truncate it and throw the longer bits in a spoiler so it doesn't make this post all weird.
And finally I was like:


Also since you're having problems with teh smutwalls and all I figured it'd probably be wise not to have Perenna rush directly into fucking Lenalee silly over a pie tin or whatever so get small talk'd and stuff.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Oooooh, fun!" Lenalee replied, grinning. She had heard of the game, and had even played a few rounds in certain underground circles. She had never won though, and her biggest memory regarding it had been a very public match that she'd lost handily to an elven mage while up in Crolia. It had included the lewd subset of rules, and she had ended up conceding after one of her opponent's slaves - a brutish orc who had been nearly as well endowed as Lovisa - had fucked her into a limp pile of flesh over a duel that she had thought she was sure to win. It had been the first and only time that she had been paraded about on a leash, and her "owner" for the night had luckily not put her threat of letting anyone who fancied a turn on her "pet" pay for their chance as she'd threatened. Thankfully the contract had only been for a night, and the woman had been more humorous about it than anything else, at least once Lenalee had finished servicing her and each of her slaves under the table.

"I have, though last time it didn't go so well for me... If you only worry about winning anyway. I'd love to have a game sometime though, even if I'm sure how it'll end up going~" she replied, and then giggled and nodded as Perenna praised the outfit she'd lent the mage. "It is! I'd love to have one of my own, but we can discuss that some other time... I'm already looking at a lineup of payments over the next day or so, and another round with the one I wanted to borrow the outfit for in the first place tonight. That's for me to worry about though!" She picked up her fork and casually slipped the business end between her lips only to draw it back out slowly, obviously sucking on the implement provocatively for the demon's viewing pleasure.

"Care to swap stories?" she asked casually before giving the fork a languid lick, "I'll tell you how my night went if you tell me yours... Or we can swap mage's chess history instead~ That one might be more interesting for you, actually." She glanced at the clock, if there was one, checking to see if it was near time for lunch and for their little meeting to reach its purpose.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant-er, still no baby bump yet though.

Lenalee's display with her fork earned her a little grin from the purple-haired demoness, one that said that she knew what the mage was doing but that knowing didn't stop her from enjoying the show. "That's hardly fair," she complained with an air of mock protest. "I'd be telling you about my night and some of my mage's chess accomplishments both at once~ I suppose I could. We'll just have to find some way to make up for the imbalance, she airily mused.

"My first match was against Althea. She's a sweet, shy girl, and it shows in the way she plays. I think most of the partners she manages to seduce are the protective sort. You know the type, right? Self-proclaimed heroes who are so quick to charge to the defense of anything meek and feminine, even if the person they're defending just so happens to eat souls. And the type who certainly don't complain when the delicate little flower they're protecting opens up and 'rewards' them," she giggled. "She just can't handle pressure though~ A little bit of aggressive play and she was making mistakes left and right, and then I forced her into a vital duel for checkmate and, well.... Despite her appearance, she likes it very big and very rough~ All I had to do was give her a nice, thick treat and it was over before I was even throbbing. She was graceful in defeat though, you know~?" The succubus seemed content to let Lenalee's imagination finish the rest.

As she recounted the tale, Perenna's gaze slowly shifted into unsubtle leering at the mage, and as she went on the demon only became more brazen. The purple-haired woman's eyes spent more time on the sorceress's exposed flesh with every sentence. "The second was against Rowa. She's just about the opposite of Althea in every way. Headstrong, domineering. She's not the type to wait for the people she's interested in to come to her. But it just so happens that it makes her just the type to run headlong into a simple trap~ And it so happens that I knew she had a weakness for a more... gentle touch. She's got a lot of stamina normally, but she just doesn't seem to know what to do with herself in a scenario where twelve inches isn't slamming into her~ It still wasn't easy," she added, though she seemed more pleased than upset by the fact. By then the woman's tongue had begun to occasionally swirl against her upper lip, mainly when her eyes settled on the human's neck and cleavage.

"I had to whittle her down with duels that ended in draws, and I lost a lot of pieces on the defense. But it paid off just as she was trying to cross the mid line with her King~ I may have cheated, just a little. But there were no referees and there was nothing in the rules against me continuing after winning the duel because, after all, I had no intentions of letting her finish a second time.... At least not until the game was over. And there was certainly nothing against a sudden forfeit by one player~" The demoness's grin grew wide enough that Lenalee could almost count her teeth but her expression would soon return to leering when she continued, although only after giving the mage enough time to put together and imagine the scenario she'd just conveyed.

"Sandra, well.... I'll admit, I've got a little bit of a crush on her. Nothing deeper than that, mind you. She just happens to have the perfect figure for modeling clothes, even before she uses any tricks, and a taste for dressing up~ I'm sure you can understand the appeal for me. I was doing pretty well until she started dueling me. The crimson corset she was wearing and the black garterbelt and the feeling of her mouth around me..." Perenna shivered hard enough that she was forced to briefly wrap her arms around herself to stop. "She caught on pretty quickly. Soon she had me dueling for every single piece I attempted to capture, and I was losing so badly that every attempt ended in a sacrifice of the piece I sent. She toyed with me for a long time. It wasn't until it was just my king left that she abruptly demanded that I surrender already, and that I surrender properly. I did, of course~" Her eyes were misty with the apparently fond memory.

She would abruptly shake off the fog to melodramatically announce: "I would've stayed a loyal subject to my conqueror but my reserves had taken a serious beating in that last game. I was able to... convince Sandra to take Rowa for the night instead, and I convinced Althea to donate her energy to me. And after they were out we did them a, ah, favor and left them in the hellhounds' room so that they could recharge when they came to. I think they're actually still in there~" She paused again, letting that thought sink in for Lenalee with all the others and apparently finally calming down enough to make more prolonged eye contact with the mage, before concluding. "That encompasses my night and the last three games I've played. In return I want you to tell me about one of your matches. And to make up for the imbalance here I want to hear about the most debauched thing you've ever done. I'm quite fond of tales from humans who are straightforward about what they enjoy~"
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

The sorceress giggled softly in response to Perenna's mock protest, adopting a mock pout of her own and saying; “Oh, fine then~ I'll just have to suffer through whatever I have to do to make things fair!

The demon's retelling of the previous night's events took the whole of Lenalee's attention and kept it, but the lightning witch wouldn't miss where her eyes wandered. She would occasionally flick her tongue against the fork she held while Perenna recounted her match against the meek Althea, and gave it a prolonged lick with a small moan when the demoness gave her final lurid suggestion about how her defeated opponent had paid tribute following her defeat. She quite vibrantly imagined how here opponent might have done it, and with no clear image of how Althea might look Lenalee simply supplanted herself in her place. She ended up beating Perenna to the suggest lip licking, and watching the demon's eyes she whispered the command word to change her garb and caused it to subtly become a little bit more revealing in the cleavage area, giving her more to look at.

She put her dining instrument aside as Perenna launched into her next tale, listening intently and swaying slightly in place as she recounted how she had used guile to defeat the other demoness. It was an interesting tale, and certainly better than she could have managed, and the lightning witch imagined how the other demoness might have made her opponent submit. “How long did you make her beg?” she asked in a soft purr, “before she finally forfeited the match I mean.

With that Perenna went on to her last match, the one she had apparently not won, and Lenalee grinned as she began and gave a hungry murmur as the demoness made herself shiver. The lightning witch let out a soft moan, and before Perenna continued she muttered; “You're making me regret not being under the table right now.” The sorceress kept chewing her lower lip and flicking her tongue across her upper one as Perenna recounted the tale of her eventual surrender, and when she was finished the lightning witch sighed and smirked at the final tale of how their conquests had been left in the hellhound pens to “recharge” after they'd donated their energy. She giggled at the thought of them still being in there, knowing what they were being subjected to even though she'd never summoned a hellhound herself.

Oooooh, my most debauched moment.... You know, that's kind of tough, actually!” she replied softly, “I'll give you two for the sake of fairness, one recent and one... Well, you've gotten me thinking about putting things in my mouth, so I think one of my first misadventures with your kind will do! As for my wizard's chess matches, I'll tell you about the one that came to mind when you brought it up, it's the most interesting anyway.” The lightning witch settled with her hands folded on the table in front of her, and crossed her legs beneath it.

I was in a tavern up North, up in the mountains outside of the Empire's border. It was dreadfully cold out and seemingly always so, that's why I don't go back to see if my, ahhh, opponent is still around. Anyway, one of the locals challenged me to a match with some, a little redheaded elven thing with what had to be seven feet of orc on a chain accompanying her. I'm not even sure how she knew I was a mage, I wasn't making it obvious, but after I found out she was a succubus – of the mortal variety, not one of your kin hanging around incognito – so maybe she just sensed how good a meal I'd make. Anyway, she suggested a few rules I'd never heard about before, probably not unlike the ones you played with actually, and even though it'd all be happening in public I agreed, figuring it would be an easy win for me after all my experience with demons. Oh how foolish I was~

So, seeing how confident I was, she added a further bet, that the winner got the loser as a pet for the night. If I'd have been smarter I might have realized how out of my league she was, but I was cocky and young... Well, younger than I am now. Anyway, I agreed, and we played! I took a few pieces, mostly unimportant ones, without losing any energy to a duel. Only when I was really trying to make my moves did my opponent start using the, ahhh, extra rules, and our clothes started coming off. The crowd had a bit of a show, and they're probably not as used to seeing two women going at it as the average demon audience. She was a real tease at first too, and I was so clumsy back then... Eventually she got me so riled up that I was making all sorts of mistakes, and when a careless move let her take my queen with a knight she called in her... Assistant.

I'd never even seen an orc before, and this one was probably twice my weight in pure muscle. He didn't disappoint downstairs either, but after he'd had my in the air for nearly 20 minutes and still hadn't cum yet I realized how over my head I was. You should have heard the crowd too, much as Crolians dislike orcs I guess they dislike us Badarians just as much. “Break the southern bitch! Make her scream for it!” It was really quite vulgar, but luckily my opponent didn't let anyone else get involved. Anyway, another 10 minutes of being on my hands and knees and I was done. I couldn't even think coherently by that point, to show how little stamina I had back then. Luckily he finished on me instead of in me and my opponent was a gracious winner and only had me attend to her needs under the table. I was eye candy on a leash for half the night before she got bored and took me upstairs for an object lesson, but it was lots of fun! Sometimes I almost regret leaving... Almost.

She paused after her recounting and then sighed, letting herself reminisce, before continuing; “Anyway... Well, of my two most debauched experiences, the more recent one was.... Interesting, if not exactly my choice. Some of the people corrupted by your master's scheming caught me, and well... You probably know how the warped ones get if it comes in too fast. I woke up bent over a table, naked, and some weird magic on me that made me more sensitive the longer they went at me. I knew no one was pulling out too, and that there was nothing I could do about any of it, and every time they made me cum it just got easier for them to bring on the next one. I'd never been so helpless, having nearly a dozen men taking turns on me, so it was a new kind of fun even if I didn't necessarily want it... Though I don't think I'll be looking for a repeat of the experience any time soon!

As for my most debauched fun by choice... Well, I've mostly gotten by summoning lesser demons and relying on my own talents, succubi and goblins and the like. One time I got ambushed by a bunch of bandits and my only way out was to call up some help, so before I knew it I was indebted to a small tribe of goblins, and by that point I already knew the deal. Normally I just use my hands or my mouth, but one of this lot was cleverer than most and talked naïve little me into giving up a bit more. I agreed, as long as they didn't cum inside me, but not before I got to get all of them ready in my usual manner... Well, I learned a lot that night~ Had a lot of firsts too!

She grinned broadly, letting Perenna imagine how the encounter might have gone for a few seconds before the lightning witch blithely continued; “First time getting fucked by a goblin, though thankfully I wasn't a virgin. It was my first time for my ass though, and my first time for getting something stuffed in every hole at once.... And the first time I'd cum more than four times in a single session. It was the first time I learned that I didn't have a gag reflex, and the first time that I had to try and swallow more than one shot at once. And the first time anyone ever came in me, because after a while I was too drunk on pleasure to care. By the time they were finished with me I couldn't even stand, and all of them had gotten off at least twice, including at least once each where I'd told them not to, not that I was complaining anymore!

By that point the lightning witch had worked herself up to the point that her hips were squirming lightly back and forth, and her thoughts were largely centered around adding to her lewd experiences. “You know, I've gone and made myself hungry again,” Lenalee said following a brief pause, “hungry for something... Warm and gooey. Shall we go and see what's to be had in the kitchens? Or perhaps I'll need to go and see if someone else can help me first... Maybe a goblin? They always seem so happy to give me a helping hand when I ask nicely~
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant-er, still no baby bump yet though.

"Well, there's nothing stopping you," the demonic woman would quip in response to Lenalee's lewd quip about the table, "or me, for that matter." Although it sounded like an invitation, the succubus was presently on her feet so whatever Lenalee's feelings about it she wouldn't really be able to accept it as an invite.

Following the conclusion of her own tale and the demand for Lenalee's stories, Perenna, who had been more a spectre haunting the table than an active participant of breakfast anyway, chose to tease the human woman in a much more direct manner. She stalked until she was at the mage's back and showed a succubus's complete lack of concern over personal space as the human spoke by wrapping her arms around the sorceress's waist. The demoness would eagerly caress the mage's less sensitive parts as the woman retold her experiences in debauchery. And her touch would make it much easier to remember some of the stimulation she'd experienced from those nights passed.

But despite her obvious interest in the mage's body, the succubus was certainly listening to the experiences that body had enjoyed. When Lenalee remarked on the elven succubus, Perenna would rub her shoulders and remark; "You're making me want to take a vacation in Crolia." Her fingers brushed Lenalee's thighs as the mage spoke of how the orc had suspended her in front of a roaring crowd, though she made no remark. The comment about the collar and leash would earn the touch of Perenna's hand gliding across the side of Lenalee's neck as she murmured; "I can see the appeal."

Her molestation would briefly pause as Lenalee talked about the warped humans from the local village. "They are indeed... interesting," she would mumble about the corrupted villagers, though afterward she chose to focus on return to her groping of the mage in relative silence. The goblins earned no pause at all, though Perenna apparently had nothing to add to the tale itself beyond appreciation in the form of her ever more exploratory groping of the mage.

"Such an interesting human," Perenna would coo into Lenalee's ear following the conclusion of her stories and the suggestion that they get something to eat. "You'd think others of your kind were immortal in the way my kin are for how they act about life. Don't enjoy this, don't try that, all because some person in a pretty hat says they ought not to. But you've had experiences that make me jealous and are still ready and willing to try more. Yes, listening to your story has made me quite hungry as well. Let's continue this discussion in the kitchen." The succubus would stand up in order to take a languid stretch and then begin to stride toward the kitchen door. She left Lenalee to follow at her own pace, the demon's hips swaying hypnotically as she led the way.

Assuming Lenalee followed, she would quickly find herself in the kitchen. It was a cramped space. The size of the room was nothing to scoff at but it was occupied by a myriad of ovens, which seemed magic in nature based on the lack of exhaust stack and the cool environment of the small room, and food preparation counters. Working at the ovens and counters were four stalkers, two of the gray-skinned creatures were females which would give any succubus a run for their money in appearance if it weren't for the fearsome claws at the end of their fingers, while the other two were males. As Perenna passed through, she gingerly placed a vial that was no bigger than the tip of Lenalee's pinky on the counter in front of one of the males, following which the four stalkers would pay the two intruders no more heed. "Careful with that. It's pure."

Pressing through the kitchen toward another door at the end of the room opposite of where they'd come in, Perenna would lead the sorceress into a square room that turned out to be a spice pantry. It consisted of four walls, two of which were almost entirely removed to allow for two doors, one across from the other. One of the walls had shelves containing glass bottles and sackcloth bags all filled with some herb or another from floor to ceiling. The other wall had another small food preparation table, currently occupied by a bucket.

The succubus wouldn't give Lenalee much time to enjoy the sights, or the lack thereof, before she moved to reclaim what Lenalee owed her. Perenna pressed the sorceress into a long kiss that served as yet another reminder of just how skilled succubi were with their tongues. As their lips were locked, the succubus quickly swept the bucket off the table and out of the way and repositioned the human woman so that she was pressed against the small piece of furniture. For a few minutes, the succubus was content to let her hands roam the sorceress's back while her tongue utterly dominated the mage's in its swirling dance.

But when she pulled away, Perenna would prove about as patient as a starving wolf. "I noticed how you squirmed," she whispered harshly. "I could feel in your trembling how you relived those memories in your head. I can even smell it on you. I wasn't sure I'd be able to control myself out there. At first I thought I'd start by personally testing your lack of gag reflex, but after those stories... I think you should turn around, bend over, hike up your dress, and we should take care of both of our hungers first. You'll just have to clean me up after," the succubus remarked with a smirk. It would be up to Lenalee if she wanted to put herself in Perenna's hands, as the succubus obviously intended to be on top for their encounter, or handle Perenna in her own way.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee simply tittered softly in response to the demoness' lewd offer, not making any indication one way or another as to what she might have done if the offer was more genuine. She didn't do much other than continue on with her story as Perenna repositioned herself, letting the natural reactions of her body as she gave her lewd recounting of events past serve as such. That wasn't to say that Perenna's subtle caresses were ineffective at stirring her arousal further, of course, merely that Lenalee did little to indicate so in an overt physical manner.

Being a succubus, however, Perenna would probably pick up on the less obvious manners in which she portrayed her appreciation for the other woman's touch. From an outside perspective of someone less familiar with demons than she, one might consider the touch purely affectionate. It almost entirely avoided the areas one might normally associate with amorous intent, not only avoiding her erogenous areas entirely but only barely brushing against those regions that might normally excite someone. Only during certain parts of her retelling would Perenna turn her caress upon more sensitive areas, and in those moments Lenalee's reactions were telling enough for one who cared to look. The brush against her thighs as she recounted being slam fucked by the orc manservant of her victorious opponent, easily one of her most enduring experiences, had caused her legs to drift just a tiny bit apart, and the brush against her neck as she mentioned being collared made the lightning witch give the very tiniest of shivers.

Once story time was over, she would maintain a slight smile and total silence through Perenna's admiration on her avoidance of the reservation stereotypical of her kin. She watched the demon's languid stretch and then rose herself, following with a slight sway in her hips that sent the frilly edge of her dress bouncing and exposing a light of thigh with some regularity to any of the demons who bothered to look their way. Lenalee would merrily watch Perenna's hypnotically swaying hips all the while of course, charmed like a snake to a piper, and gave the kitchen surroundings a cursory examination before her eyes settled on the stalker cooks.

Her expression flattened slightly as she looked the strange humanoids over, wondering once more what their origins might be. Of all the demons, the chameleon demons seemed the most mysterious to her, largely because she oft found them uncomfortable to be around and thus opted not to summon them whenever possible. She didn't say anything to them, though following the obvious bribe the sorceress couldn't help but wonder what the pure pink substance contained in that tiny vial might be and what the demons intended to do with it. Still, she didn't dwell on it for long, instead following Perenna deeper into the kitchen and ultimately into the spice cupboard.

Fortunately, she only had to look for something interesting in the tiny room for a moment before Perenna was upon her, and Lenalee embraced the succubus with a gasped moan and open arms. Her back pressed to the wall, the mage's lips were parted before Perenna had fully moved in for a kiss that proved to be just as passionate and pleasurable as she might have imagined. A few seconds of their lips joined established the hierarchy between them, Perenna's tongue metaphorically running circles around her own, but that didn't stop her from returning with the very best of her ability. Her tongue swirled, it darted and weaved, it flicked and rolled and lashed against Perenna's in a wild dance, but the succubus conquered her every single time.

And she loved every second of it. Only a few heartbeats in brought out Lenalee's first honest moan even though none of Perenna's attention so far had focused on her more sensitive places. Her right leg rose, pressing against the demon's side as her arms pulled Perenna in tighter, but even as she obviously wanted the demoness to simply take her right then and there it wasn't quite time for that yet. Spun aside and planted against the freshly cleared table, Lenalee gasped again as Perenna broke the kiss and shuddered at the first husky whisper delivered into her ear. The lightning witch let her hands roam as the succubus spoke, and the final command drew another soft moan and shudder from her as her eyes slammed shut.

She almost obeyed immediately, pulling away enough that she could turn around as if simply obeying. A hand on her back pushing her down would get Perenna exactly what she wanted, exposing the black lacy panties she had included as part of her outfit hat had a noticeable damp spot at her crotch. If she did opt to be as physically forceful as she was with her voice, Perenna would get exactly what she wanted, but if the succubus gave her a moment of patience as she hesitated Lenalee would turn her head back and look at the demoness over her shoulder with a telling smirk. If she was still in reach Lenalee slowly pushed her hips back into her latest demonic paramour, rubbing her ass into the crook of the other woman's crotch in slow rolling motions as she brought her hands behind her back.

"Mmmm, is that how you want me to repay you? Hrm? I thought you'd come up with something more exciting than just bending me over against a table," she gave a particularly forceful roll of her hips, grinding back into Perenna's crotch heavily as she whispered the command word to make the outfit she'd borrowed change form. "Luckily... It just so happens... That I like being bent over tables~" she added in a soft coo, her new garb forming as she bent forward in the commanded position.

Lenalee was now clad from her collar to her calves in strips of silky red cloth that wound around her body, seemingly a single piece of cloth that wound over itself and covered her somewhat unevenly, exposing flashes of ivory skin here and there beneath the crimson fabric in seemingly random places with the sole exception of a bar of her breasts that a bit of hand work could widen enough to expose her full bosom entirely and was only an inch or so above where her plainly erect nipples poked into the taught fabric. The coiling strands formed a tight skirt that clung to her wide hips, bulging at the soft mound of her ass, narrower lines coiling down her legs but trailing off into a tie just below her knee, while her slippers from before were replaced by stiffer shoes with long heels. Her arms were tied similarly, strands splitting off and making loose circles around her upper arms that hid barely any skin at all... Up until they reached just past her elbows.

There the wraps around her arms became much tighter, stretching from one arm to the other and back again and again and again, leaving the sorceress' arms effectively bound to one another from elbow to wrist behind her back. It left her back unable to bend, meaning that she bent purely at the waist, but that only ensured that her plump lower cheeks were emphasized as she bent over, the fabric stretching over her soft flesh. Her new outfit, despite its seemingly disconnected nature, would prove a slightly harder barrier to circumvent than a pair of moist panties. The skirt was the thickest portion, layer after layer of fabric that all shifted in tandem and proved unwilling to move in sync and expose the damp flower they protected, though Perenna was probably fairly adept at getting prospective prey out of their clothing and surely had some sort of trick she might use to simply alter the outfit she had created. However she opted to get the cloth out of her way, Lenalee would playfully bounce her hips back and forth teasingly until the demoness had finally penetrated her defenses. Perenna would surely eventually find the mage's outer lips inflamed with lust and damp with the evidence of her arousal once the silk was out of the way, and with her arms tied and her last barrier removed the sorceress would seemingly be fully slave to the demon's lustful whims.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant-er, still no baby bump yet though, Enthralled (+8).
Resistance (Inquisitor's Amulet): 11 vs 18. Fail.
Resistance (Lenalee): 9 vs 19. Fail.

Had to look these up in my IRC chatlogs from months ago. >.>

Perenna's hands would immediately move to trace along the sorceress's new clothing as the human settled into position. Although, her exploration might have just been her using the excuse offered by the complex pattern to grope the mage's voluptuous ass, as her fingers remained on Lenalee's rear no matter which band of the layered skirt they followed. After several seconds, the demoness paused and she gave a pensive hum as she considered how to best remove her quarry from the magical clothing.

Her quiet contemplation would apparently come to an end after a few more seconds spent squeezing the meat of Lenalee's ass. Without any verbal warning, the sorceress felt the cold tips of talon-like claws press against her skin, hooked through the layers of her skirt. The demoness spent a few moments angling her elongated nails such that the tips and sharp edges were pointed away from the mage's skin and then gave a mighty yank, shredding the skirt to uselessness and leaving the mage's damp sex on display for her without drawing a drop of blood from Lenalee. At the sight of the mage's dripping womanhood, Perenna would issue a pleased coo and smack her palm against the side of the mage's ass.

"This is exactly why the dress can mend itself," the demon announced with a hint of craftsman's pride in her voice as she took two firm handholds on the mage's hips. It would immediately become evident that Perenna's claws were still present as the steel-like tips pressed into Lenalee's flesh with just enough force to make her aware of them but not enough to cause her any harm. Shortly after, another steel-like tip would press against the entrance of the mage's sex as the succubus lined herself up to take the mage's slit. "And I thought I was clear earlier," Perenna added, and even if the lightning witch couldn't see the wide smile on her face it would be readily audible in her tone. "This isn't my repayment. This is just me giving you a good fucking because you clearly want it and I want to be the one to do it."

The fleshy dome of Perenna's cock would begin to press into Lenalee at a slow and steady pace. The succubus's shifted rod proved to be massive. It was thicker around than the orc of the human's memories and longer too. The demoness pushed determinedly, advancing the turgid shaft between the mage's slick inner walls until it pressed insistently against the woman's cervix and giving a few more nudges even then. A low moan issued from Perenna's lips as her hips finally made contact with the sorceress's rounded backside. "Ooh, shit. I can't believe you really took all that~ Are you sure you're just a human?"

Any attempt to answer would likely be cut off as Perenna quickly drew back and gave a powerful buck back into the woman's depths. The succubus would choose to set her starting pace that way, settling into a rhythm of drawing back slowly only to punctuate it with a thrust powerful enough to make the table creak beneath the pair. Despite the demon's roughness, their coupling would inspire nothing but pleasure in Lenalee as each push and pull of Perenna's rod served to make her nerves tingle in delight. The succubus certainly knew that as well, judging by the little nips and pecks she took from the mage's spirit as their tryst continued, and her pace seemed to quicken in tune with the entwining of their souls.

But if Lenalee was expecting some special technique from the succubus or a change of pace or position, she might find herself disappointed. Once Perenna had built into a rhythm which was as quick as Lenalee's human frame could handle, the succubus would do nothing more than maintain it. She wouldn't add any swirls of her hips or play with her fingers, instead choosing to stay the course of rutting away at the mage's upraised backside with a single-mindedness normally reserved for cats and dogs in heat.

But it would prove anything but bad. Perenna was a succubus, after all, and by virtue of her intimate connection with Lenalee's spirit she was able to ensure that the mage would cum eventually. And Perenna had stamina. The demoness had stamina such that she showed no sign of slowing when the mage approached her first orgasm, nearly ten minutes into their rut. The demonic woman powered right through it as the mage finally found her peak and the human's body began to spasm in an attempt to milk her of seed. And the mage would have just enough time to realize that something was wrong.

As her body succumbed to pleasure, her spirit would succumb to something far more perverse. Lenalee's attention was too split by orgasmic bliss to do anything to stop Perenna as the succubus's power allowed her to make subtle changes in the mage's mind. The mage was well versed enough that, had she not been distracted, she could've followed and probably even counteracted the changes as they were happening, but the quivering of her muscles as the nerves in her sex transmitted her ecstasy to her every limb and the large cock still hammering away at her left her as helpless as a neophyte. And by the time the white haze of pleasure had passed, it was too late.

Perenna had instilled herself in Lenalee's head as being worthy of as much love and respect as Lovisa, all while plugging away at the sorceress. Another ten minutes and she would guide the mage into a second orgasm, during which she became worthy of more admiration than Lovisa. A third and final climax came another ten minutes later, leaving Perenna as a figure almost worthy of worship in the mage's besieged mind. And then, after thirty minutes of their rutting, the demoness would finally give a few last ragged thrusts before bottoming out with a deep moan and filling the mage to the brim with her seed.

"I beat that orc, didn't I?" The succubus's words came nearly a minute after the last spurt of her cock, after the afterglow of their prolonged tryst had subsided. After one last smack against Lenalee's ass, the grinning demonic woman would pull out with a satisfied sigh. Her sigh would quickly become grumbled curses, however, as a small waterfall of their combined juices flowed free of the mage. There was a clattering behind Lenalee as Perenna quickly grabbed the discarded bucket from earlier and placed it under the mage to collect the results of their coupling. "Whew~ Stay still for a moment. I went a bit overboard and we don't have time to make more of the special ingredient if this is to be ready by lunch."

Once the mage's sex had drained, the demonic woman put a hand on Lenalee's dress and said the command word for it. The mage would quickly find herself back in an undamaged maid outfit, although with a shorter skirt and completely without panties. "Now! Be a good girl and take the bucket to our so-called chefs." The demon would give her a pat on the butt, assuming she moved to do so. Perenna herself would take a seat on the now-vacant table once the enthralled mage moved to follow her order. Before Lenalee could leave the spice pantry, however, Perenna would call out an addition to her order. "Oh, and I want you to tell them that you're part of their payment! I expect you to make each of them cum at least once. I don't care how you do it. If they hesitate, tell them Mistress Perenna says it's okay~" The succubus shifted in her seat, making the massive rod jutting out from her groin more prominent. "When you're done with that, you're to come back and clean this up~"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee kept still as Perenna began exploring her new outfit, resisting the urge to coo appreciatively as the demoness used it as a perfectly legitimate excuse to toy with the mage's plump backside. The lightning witch had long ago taken to enjoying such tactile appreciation for her plentiful assets, taking pleasure from being groped prior to the main act by a lover even if such offered little in the way of direct stimulation. She let her body language speak for her, teasing the demoness with her lack of audible reaction but subtle shifts and shivers in response to her touch.

She did offer a genuine gasp of surprise when she felt the other woman's fingers grow claws, but only offered a slight whine as Perenna avoided the puzzle she'd set forth with an artful slash of her claws. That left her womanhood exposed, dripping with anticipatory arousal, and mere moments later Lenalee deliberately failed to suppress a gasp as the demon brought the tip of her shaft up to rest against her petals. The lightning witch had left herself deliberately pinned and helpless, her arms useless and her position offering little in the way of avenues for struggle, but that had been the plan all along. She was the prey, poised beneath the hungry predator who was set to sate itself upon her. It was a role she had taken before, both to leverage advantage against an arrogant summon when necessary and to entice a demon to give her a particularly good time, like right now.

As Perenna thrust forward, there was no stopping the groan that erupted from Lenalee's throat, and she offered no effort to inhibit the pleasured sound. The slow press inward blew the demon's announcement from her mind in short order, and though the cock slowly parting her folds wasn't quite of the scale of one of Lovisa's it still stretched her limits and sent heavenly stimulation burning up her spine. The soreness left from her night with the demon night had mostly faded by that point, aided along by her earlier healing magics, and so as inch after inch of demonic cock spread her folds Lenalee's discomfort was minimal. She let Perenna know it too, groaning in bursts, every new inch of "ground" surrendered earning a new spike, and when she finally pressed into the mage's cervix Lenalee let out a particularly sharp gasp and shuddered slightly. The firm pressure placed against her abuse inner gateway was briefly uncomfortable, but Lovisa had definitely helped prepare her for such a large partner and that discomfort was quick to make way for pleasure.

"Ooohhhfff... Fuck... You're... Nnn... Huge!" she groaned, her eyes fluttering with each new press into her deepest depths as they made her folds clench, but couldn't help but let out a pride filled giggle as Perenna expressed amazement at her ability to take something so large. Her hips gave a little shift, grinding back into the succubus' crotch as her inner walls gave a light tug, but she didn't have long to wait before the demoness started up motions of her own and the teasing was brought to a messy end.

Lenalee let out a low, gasping moan as Perenna's second thrust came fast and hard, plunging from tip to hilt in a single quick thrust, and replicated the sound with increasingly more moan and less gasp as more like it followed in quick succession. Her noises were as much for encouragement as they were signs of her own pleasure, the noises complimentary to the physical sensations normally experienced, but unnecessary to one like Perenna who was able to tap directly into her spirit to determine how effective her motions were. The demoness could have fed strong and deep had she wished, but even the light nips she claimed of the mage's vulnerable spirit were enough to make the more mundane pleasures all the more intense. The more powerful thrusts induced especially potent bursts of stimulation, her whole body first rocking with the forceful impacts that cause her soft flesh to ripple and jiggle, the vibrations sending further pleasure running through her clitoris while her eyes fluttered upwards and her moans took a deeper timbre.

"Ooooh... Nnnnn... Like that... Just like that... Harder!" Lenalee demanded, pushing back on those thrusts that didn't have that extra impact, but whether or not Perenna adjusted her rhythm to accommodate her request the demon's session proved surprisingly mundane. There were no tricks, no shifts in rhythm or changes in position, no dramatic alterations in the angle of her thrusts... Just a steady, rhythmic series of thrusts that drove her closer and closer to orgasm at a perfectly even rate. It certainly wasn't the most exciting of sessions, nor the most passionate, but the sensations sated the need burning in her belly and the steady rise of her orgasm promised a final burst of pure sensation. The only real problem was the lack of reaction from Perenna, her cock refusing to show any signs that the fluttering and squeezing of her inner walls were at all pleasurable for her and her voice and body language offering no more on that front.

All such concerns were swept from her mind, at least temporarily, by the time Lenalee felt her body twisting in on itself on the approach to her first orgasm. "Oooohh... Oooooohhh... Oooooohhhhh.... Oooohhhh!!! Yesssss!" she cried, her eyes closing just as they rolled up into the back of her head, the sorceress making no effort to delay her orgasm and simply hoping that the added stimulation offered by her inner spasms might coax the demon's cum into her depths. It didn't, but as her frame rocked through the throes of a modest orgasm something else took place, something far less wholesome than taking a load of demonic baby batter into her increasingly thirsty womb. Tendrils of magic coiled into her mind and soul, the enthrallment something that she hadn't even expected in her dazed naivete and thus easily able to take root inside her, leaving her mind fuzzy and centered around the succubus pounding into her.

Her affection for Lovisa had largely been caused by pure sexual attraction, the demon knight's prowess in bed so great that it had left the sorceress suffering butterflies whenever she thought of it. There hadn't been any great affection, not yet, but in mere moments the winged woman was replaced by Perenna, even the vague hope that the knight's seed had taken root inside of her shifted into a desire that she bear her current partner's half demon child instead. It was a purely instinctive reflex, one partially inspired by the mutations inflicted by the mutants who had gangbanged her, but even though Lovisa had already almost certainly taken that honor for herself already Lenalee felt it soon redirected towards Perenna instead.

Her pulsating, extended moan drifted into a pleased murmur as her first orgasm ended, a few moments passing as her scattered mind regathered itself. "Ooooh... Mmmmm.... Mmmm... Yeah... Ooooohh... Why didn't you.... Oooohhhh.... Cum? Please... Nnnn... Cum in me~ Fill me up!" she crooned softly, looking over her shoulder as her bound fingers flexed, but Perenna proved unwilling to give her what she asked for so simply. A few minutes of steady pumping later and Lenalee was practically face first against the table, her breasts pancaked against the rough surface but this time protected by the cloth at least, and as the pressure caused them to squash downwards she felt wetness leaking from them in a very unfamiliar manner. By the end of her second orgasm her eyes were unfocused, and her whole frame shook like she was going to come apart for several moments after the pleasurable quakes had mostly ended. Her mind by that point had centered itself around the demoness, affection and adoration for Perenna flooding her every remaining thought, and by the time her next orgasm rolled around it was almost idolatry.

A little while later her fourth orgasm was fast oncoming, and the telltale throbbing of her lover's shaft warned of the flood she had been craving prompted Lenalee to howl. Her whole body quaked as her orgasm rolled through, blinding waves of sensation making her legs wobble even before the first burst of burning cum exploded into her depths, prompting her to cum all the harder as the burst of heat triggered her to cum all the harder.

When she relaxed, Lenalee let out a contented sigh and practically collapsed against the table, panting heavily but also smiling in utter contentment. "That was.... Ooooh," she groaned, her frame giving a few brief shudders as Perenna smacked her ass to give it one last jiggle and began to pull out. "Mmmmm.... Definitely~" she agreed, waving her hips in little circles as the succubus who had enthralled her slid away, letting a small wave of cum begin oozing out of her and onto the floor, falling with a short pitter patter before the demoness could hastily slide a bucket under the sorceress. She giggled and waved her hips some more, and then began squeezing her inner walls in an effort to push the mixed goo out of her a little faster. After a moment she shifted slowly, making sure to keep herself over the bucket while straightening and then squatting down over it, looking down between her breasts to watch the eruption that had just stained her insides white slowly drain out of her.

"Wow... You really filled me up, huh?" she cooed, giggling. Then she would glance up, grinning, and if Perenna hadn't stepped away the still bound magus would lean forward slightly and give the tip of her cock a kiss, though if Perenna denied her that pleasure she would obey with a pout. The subsequent transformation of her outfit and command would earn a hesitant nod from the lightning witch, and she would take the bucket, curtsy, and say; "Oooh.... Yes mistress~"

She walked out into the kitchen proper, her steps slowing slightly when out of Perenna's sight. Was she really going to do this? It was... Not something she would normally. She had always kept her encounters with demons relatively reserved, trying to limit her own mutations as caused by her encounters with demons, but these last few days she had gotten in way over her head on that front, particularly with these last two partners. Was she really about to let herself be gangbanged by stalkers, in her estimation the least attractive variety of demon she'd encountered? Between their dirty gray skin, claws, the seemingly stretched skin on their faces and almost animalistic mannerisms she had generally found the stealthy demons repulsive, and could even stand goblins - to most demons a lesser breed even than the stalkers - to a greater degree.

Now she was going to be entertainment for a whole party of them, at the demand of a woman she had just met no less, even if she did hold Perenna in fairly high regard. Lenalee had never been one to take orders, but as she came around the corner and found herself approaching the cooks all of that was swept from her mind as her expression shifted instantly into a dim look. Her lips turned up in a smile, but her eyes were vapid, and she approached with a light spring in her step that made the gooey contents of the bucket slosh about slightly.

"Hello!" she said cheerfully, walking to stand just beyond the perimeter formed by the four. "Perenna... Mistress Perenna instructed me to bring you this!" she said, holding out the bucket, "it's the, ahhh, ingredient... And I am the payment~" She would set the bucket down wherever was most convenient or hand it off to one of the stalkers, and if any glanced inside it would probably be fairly clear what it is... And if any of them glanced at her legs, which still had plenty of the stuff running down her legs, they would probably be able to puzzle out the source. "I would be quite happy if you all came in my mouth!" she announced excitedly, and if she wasn't immediately jumped and put into some sort of position for their enjoyment would slowly lower herself into a squatting position and open her mouth, letting her tongue rest out wide like a target for them for a moment before retracting it.

"I am also most assuredly prepared to assist you all in... Any way that I can for your kind gifts~"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant-er, still no baby bump yet though, Enthralled (+8).

The mage could certainly be forgiven for her distaste of the stalkers, as two of the four matched her expectations to the letter: short demons with gray skin that looked almost like paper plastered to a misshapen skeleton, with long claws which could rend flesh with little effort. Their menacing visages bore constant grimaces which showed off fang-y teeth more at home in the mouth of a beast than a humanoid. Their odd attire in the form of baggy burlap clothes concealed partially by aprons stained with oil and flour dust did them no favors and instead only added to the unpleasantness of their features.

The other two stalkers, however, were almost at the opposite end of the spectrum. Their shape was much closer to that of a human woman, as they were females of the species. The two females still possessed the menacing teeth, claws, and eyes of their male counterparts, and their clothing was in no better condition, but they were overall more pleasant to look at if only because they more closely resembled a human. Their grey skin was supple and their bodies slender but defined with hints of muscle.

The maid-mage would receive several glances from the group as she entered the room, and after her initial greeting those glances would become stares. Her bold proclamation, however, wouldn't immediately receive any takers. While one of the male stalkers looked eager to accept, especially after the human squatted down and opened her mouth, as he stepped forward he would be halted by the voice of one of the females. The vocal female stalker spoke in a language that Lenalee didn't comprehend, but whatever she said prompted a quick retort from the most eager of the males. Soon the other two stalkers would weigh in and prompt a conversation to play out in front of the mage in a tongue which sounded like the result of snakes and baboons being put into a room with typewriters and ordered to draft a dictionary.

Although the human couldn't understand a word of it, the stalkers' body language, the quickening response times, and gradual raising of their voices was more at home in an argument than a conversation. And if it were an argument, the female probably lost at whatever she was trying to argue as she stomped up to Lenalee, snatched the bucket, and retreated back to her work. Once she was out of the way, the first male to speak would waste no time in taking advantage of the mage's generous offer.

Lenalee wouldn't get the chance to see what the female stalker was doing with the bucket of cum she'd dutifully lugged into the kitchen. Without fanfare, the first male immediately pulled down his pants and shoved his already erect dick against her lips. He didn't seem to have a thought for the human's comfort as he rested both hands on top of her head, although carefully enough that she didn't lose her scalp, and slowly pushed his cock into her mouth. Whether or not she put in any effort in helping him past her lips, as soon as he was in he began to rock his hips. His eagerness likely wouldn't prove to be much of a challenge for the orally gifted sorceress though. While his manhood was impressive in comparison to an average human's it, at just shy of seven inches it was lacking in comparison to the shapeshifters Lenalee had experienced over the last few days.

In the meantime, the second male stalker's pants would drop to his ankles as he too presented his cock to the sorceress. He would prove more patient than the first, resting his hands behind his hips as he pushed them forward and waited for Lenalee to provide his rod with stimulation of her own accord and for his own turn with the sorceress's mouth.

The remaining female, however, would prove to have the first male's patience as she dropped into a crouch behind the mage. She obviously had her own plans and in pursuing them would set her palms on the mage's back and guide Lenalee down onto her hands and knees. Assuming the human allowed herself to be moved, the two males would have no qualms with it and simply adjust with her as their female counterpart worked to expose her intended target in the form of Lenalee's round ass and dripping slit.

Once Lenalee was down on all fours, the female's ensuing attention would come in a form more that felt like curiosity than lust. The stalker's claws traced her flesh with just enough pressure to make Lenalee aware of the danger but without drawing a drop of blood from her. Once the female grew bored of that, she worked her palms against the sorceress's fleshy ass, carefully kneading at the smooth skin like dough. A few seconds of that and the mage would feel the stalker sniffing at her sex, followed by a lick from an almost serpentine tongue which parted her folds as it moved from the top of her slit to the bottom in her reversed position. The stalker, however, evidently did not enjoy the taste of the mixture of Lenalee and Perenna's juices and swiftly pulled away with an audible blech.

After the female stalker recoiled, her curiosity would briefly turn dangerous as the blunt side of one of her unseen claws pressed between the mage's lower lips with the apparent intent to penetrate, but the danger lasted only a heartbeat before the stalker decided better of the idea and pulled completely away. The mage would have no time to see what her leaving partner was up to, however, as by that point the male in front of her had begun to facefuck her waiting mouth, pistoning in and out with reckless abandon. Likewise, the other male was still in front of her. But neither seemed take their fellow stalker's leaving as an invitation to take the freed spot behind the sorceress.

The mystery would be solved only seconds later as the female stalker returned to her spot, now bearing something which she pressed between the mage's vulva and into her cum-filled depths. It was long and slender with a slight curve, though it didn't feel like it was designed with the intention of hitting any sweet spots. It was perhaps a fitting tool for the female, who didn't seem particularly interested in Lenalee's pleasure herself. The stalker playing with her lower body was content to gently swirl the intruding object in the human's sex. Eventually it was joined by the palm of the female's free hand, as it slid its way in-between the sorceress's legs and began to rub against her clit, though never at anything faster than a snail's pace.

There was no hint that it was intentional but the motions were slow and erratic enough to frustrate Lenalee's pleasure and deny her almost any chance of cumming. If the mage found any release at all from the stalker's lazy efforts on her, it would almost have to be sparked by an added mental push. Although, depending on how submissive the human was feeling, she might find that push as the stalker in her mouth continued to hammer his hips at her hard enough to make his balls slap noisily against her chin with each thrust. If not then, she might instead find the push as he prepared to deposit his seed into her belly. His cock went from steel-hard to darksteel-hard and began to throb powerfully, serving as a warning that his stamina would run out before his efforts had gone on for even five minutes.

And indeed, moments later he bottomed himself out in her mouth and pulled her head against his groin to keep her from moving. His cock reached the back of her throat as it unleashed its first wave of seed past her tonsils. The stalker proved incredibly pent up, as it felt like he was depositing half a cup's worth of cum into her with every twitch of his rod, and he continued until it was a shock that her belly hadn't rounded from it all. He wasn't finished even when he pulled free of her well-fucked mouth, and with his claws still keeping her from moving her head he painted across the bridge of her nose, across both cheeks, her chin, and her forehead with his cum.

Once he was done with her mouth, however, he proved to be done with the mage entirely. With a relieved sigh, he would let go of the her, pull up his trousers -- although he would make time to allow the sorceress clean up if she so desired -- and then go back to his work as if nothing had ever happened. The other male would quickly move to take his place in front of Lenalee, though he wouldn't be in such a hurry to shove his manhood down her throat, instead allowing the human woman to service him at her own pace.

Before the mage could act on that, however, the attention on her own nethers was withdrawn once again. Now freer to look around, she would be able to cast her gaze over her shoulder to see the female who'd been molesting her discard a wooden ladle with a wet handle to the ground. Likewise, she'd be able to see that same stalker stand up to discard her own pants and reveal a perfectly human slit, before she returned to her knees and set her clawed hands on the mage's waist to tug and attempt to guide the human woman into rolling onto her back. Of course, Perenna's command had only been to make each of the stalkers cum once, the demoness had never specified the manner in which it should be done. The only thing that could compel her to continue allowing the two stalkers to take the lead was the mage's own desires.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee was less than impressed, a little surprised, and a little bit more affronted by the reactions to her lewd offer. If she had pulled that on a bunch of goblins they would have been on her before she finished, and a group of human men probably wouldn't have lasted much longer. The women she could sort of understand – not everyone swung both ways after all – but the men... Well, at least one of them stepped forward. Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to take her up on her offer immediately, and Lenalee was left to wait, forcing herself not to pout while they began to argue. She could guess the context, though she couldn't understand the rhasping, sibilant tongue that the four were speaking.

Fortunately, it didn't last too long, and when the bucket was reclaimed from her and her first “customer” came forward, he would find Lenalee's mouth open and her tongue hanging out invitingly. “Oooh, please~” She cooed quickly just before he pressed his cock to her lips, moaning lustfully as she folded her tongue around it and welcomed it between her lips. Looking up at the demon with fluttering eyes, she rolled her tongue over his tip once and meant to do so again, but his thrust forward prompted her to change tactics. Moaning again, she tightened her lips into a ring around his shaft and sucked inwards, naturally tightening her throat and letting him feel her cheeks against the sides of his rod.

Repulsive as the lesser demons might be, Lenalee was still in a sexual daze from Lovisa and then Perenna, and would have accepted nearly anything presented to her under the enthrallment-aided orders of the latter. With his hands latched onto her head, the stalker was in complete control of his own pace and Lenalee didn't resist him in choosing such. Her tongue rolled over his tip, slid back and forth along the underside of his shaft, and then simply cradled it as he slid deeper and deeper, but other than that she let him go entirely at his own pace.

Distracting as her present mouthful was, the other stalkers - or at least the two who seemed interested in joining in - were quick on the heels of the most eager of the bunch, and Lenalee was ready and willing to entertain them as well. The other male was simply, and though she might have preferred to give him both hands the enthusiasm of her first “friend” was too much to allow it, so she settled her left on the hip of the one using her mouth for stability and let her right hand's fingers wrap slowly around the shaft of the second. Her strokes were slow, at first, her concentration unhindered by either other stalker, and she only built her pace extremely slowly.

Instead of going fast, she went with unpredictability as her key source of stimulation. Sometimes she jerked him, a tight grip and firm tugs spilling pre across her hand. Sometimes she was gently, gliding her fingers against his hard flesh. Sometimes she slowed and rubbed her palm against him from every angle she could reach, or let her thumb grind firmly against the region just beneath the head of his rod. Sometimes she shifted that motion directly to the domed tip. But she went from one motion to another at random points, never leaving it boring but not trying to get him off quickly either.

She moved easily under the female stalker's direction, having no qualms about letting her find a way to have her fun. Perenna had done away with her undergarments already, so when the gray demoness lifted her skirt it left her fully exposed, but at this point Lenalee was pretty well beyond shame. Her hips wiggled playfully at the initial ministrations offered, her flesh plyant and prompting little bursts of excitement to run up her spine. She went still as she felt the stalker lean in, leg muscles tensing in preparation, but the audible blech following that initial lick left her slightly affronted. Still, she let it pass, though the feel of the clawed fingers against her tender bits left her tense for a whole other reason. Luckily, the other woman wasn't so sadistic as to inflict that upon her, and she was distracted anyway as the male in front of her began facefucking her in earnest.

Fortunately, Lenalee didn't have to do much more than settle herself to receive him, her throat comfortably taking the abuse even as he rigorously fucked her mouth. She half expected the one she was stroking to take up her spot anyway, but he seemed content waiting his turn for her mouth and remained in place. The female's return prompted a slight moan around the shaft in her mouth as she felt something pressed into her, stirring her depths, but the motions were more tease than substance. The circling motions against her clit were a second layer of torture, and it only prompted the lightning witch to moan all the more emphatically around the meat filling her mouth.

The pent up demon in front of her didn't need much more prompting than she was giving to take his fun, however, and while she was only taking a modicum of psychological enjoyment from the prospect of his pleasure, it didn't take him very much longer to find his peak. She let out a delighted groan as she felt him stiffen in her throat and he grabbed her by the hair to pull her firmly forward, and when the first blast shot down her throat a few seconds later she swallowed reflexively. It turned out to be a good thing too, as his load was immense, each blast shooting thick and hard into her stomach. Even after nearly a half dozen such shots he wasn't finished, and when he pulled out she closed her eyes and extended her tongue as an offered target, though he chose not to take her up on that offer. Instead, she let out rhythmic grunts as she felt him send the rest of his load across her face, painting her thoroughly in his ivory liquid.

As soon as he was finished she reached out, grasping his member and jerking it steadily as she brought her lips to its tip. She gave it a kiss, her tongue flicking across the slit from which his seed had poured to gather up any dregs, and then bobbed almost all of the way to the hilt, kissing her fingers before retreating back to the tip, which she rolled over twice with her tongue. She repeated that twice, jerking him with her fingers with each bob, before she sucked inwards hard, dimpling her cheeks against it again as she drew back more slowly, letting the remainder of his release flow freely into her mouth. Then she released him with a pop, gave his rod one last kiss as she opened her mouth to smile up at him, and purred; “Thank you for your generous donation~

Normally, she might have made a show of cleaning herself off, but she had at least two more demons to please and neither were particularly patient. The other male at least proved willing to let her take him at her own pace, and she smiled up at him as she settled her left hand onto his hip and leaned toward him, breathing softly against his rock hard shaft. “Mmmm, I can always go for... Second helpings~” She purred, shifting to the side of it to admire its length for a moment before lapping at it with quick, deft licks.

She would have continued as such, being a little more playful before getting to the main event, but the female stalker wanted her own fun, and Lenalee was bound to oblige. She briefly looked back in surprise as she was urged to roll over, not quite sure what she was in store for, but the bottomless state of the female stalker at least gave her some inclination. “I can provide the... Equipment... To enjoy yourself easy... Unless you already had something in mind,” She purred softly, shifting onto her back before tilting her head backwards, looking up at the other stalker while basically upside down.

Well, we'll just have to... Make do like this!” She ran her tongue along the underside of his shaft a few times, flicking repeatedly at the tip, before shifting and straightening her throat. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable position she had ever assumed, but it was one that she had taken before, and she guided his tip into her mouth before letting him move as he willed. If he got the idea and decided to thrust deep, she would swallow and tighten her lips, allowing him to see where her throat stretched around his girth, though if he kept things slow she would eventually reach back to plant a hand on his hip and urge him to plunge forward anyway. What the female stalker would end up doing, however, was left entirely up to her.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 55, PP = 80, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant-er, still no baby bump yet though, Enthralled (+8).

I will be honest. This was a bit rushed and I didn't proofread it. Which I guess works out because my plan was always for the female stalker to basically be the CLUMSIEST VIRGIN and the male stalker to not really care as long as he gets his dick sucked. So it probably doesn't need to be a million-mile long smut scene anyway

Her first customer tousled Lenalee's hair almost lovingly as she sought to give his member aftercare following his vigorous facefucking of her. The way he looked at her was less affectionate, with what must've passed for a belittling smirk among his disfigured race on his lips and condescension in his eyes as he looked down his nose at her. The predatory aura emanating from the way he was behaving in his afterglow was just short of a verbal warning of what the demon would surely like to do to the human sorceress. The gleam in his eyes spoke of his desire to fling her over his shoulder, carry her off, chain her to his bed, and treat her as little more than a sex toy useful enough to carry his progeny.

But, for whatever reason, he suppressed his desires. Instead, he pulled himself free of her grasp and pulled up his pants. He returned to his duties as a chef without another remark or action toward the mage, leaving Lenalee to deal with her other two "customers."

The male stalker was happy enough to bask in Lenalee's attentions. The way his shaft jumped, throbbed, and spewed precum with even the slightest provocation betrayed just how pent up he was, but he was still a sharp contrast from the other male. Instead of attempting to satiate himself by fucking the sorceress's throat as fast as he could physically manage, he took the route of drawing the act out as long as he possibly could. He savored the physical pleasure that the human was willing to offer. He was content to back off for long enough for the mage to change positions and to allow her to utter her request to the female stalker at Lenalee's groin.

His methods proved a contrast to his feminine counterpart as well. After a brief look of confusion at Lenalee, she accepted the offer. "Yes. Give," she demanded in a harsh rasp. And she marveled at whatever thick cock the mage decided to conjure onto her groin, but only for a few seconds before she decided to put it to use on the human's already-messy sex.

She wasted no time in scrambling into place atop the mage. The now-hermaphroditic stalker pushed Lenalee into a mating press and shoved her own face into the human's impressive cleavage as she began to clumsily jab the tip of her new cock against the human's folds. After a half-dozen failed attempts, she would finally pierce the mage's womanhood and thrust herself into the hilt in a single motion. And then she began to rut into the other woman, spending very little time building up into a breakneck pace.

The female stalker proved utterly greedy and not terribly skilled. Her only saving graces were that she was certainly enthusiastic and that the cock on her loins had been tailor-made by Lenalee for Lenalee. The mage's groin and cervix both would take a pounding as the demon jackhammered into the human's depths in a pleasured frenzy that would've put a hellhound to shame. Her partner gave muffled grunts into the lightning witch's cleavage as she took increasing pleasure from the act. She didn't seem to spare a single second to worry about whether the enthralled sorceress was enjoying the act. It wasn't even a minute before the mage felt the telltale throbbing of her partner against her inner walls. Lenalee's only other warning that the female demon was close was a cry of pleasure into her chest as the stalker's tip kissed her cervix one last time before flooding her womb with so much cum that it felt like she'd just emptied a nightmare's balls. In the meantime, the male stalker had only just begun to thrust into Lenalee's mouth on his own.

But the female stalker was far from sated. Even as the excess of her release escaped from where she was joined with the mage and drained into a large puddle on the floor beneath the mage's ass, the stalker propped herself up on her hands and said something in her foreign tongue, the remark eliciting elicited laughter from both males and an angry word from the other female, and then began to rock herself in and out of Lenalee's depths again. In just fifteen seconds she was eagerly taking a second round and fucking the mage with all the vigor of the first. The male stalker apparently took his female counterpart's efforts as a cue to speed up, lest he not be finished before Lenalee had been left a complete mess by the female's efforts. But even as he took the initiative and began to thrust deeper into the sorceress's throat, he couldn't keep up with the female stalker. In comparison to how little sexual stamina she had, he might as well have been Lovisa.

It was impossible to tell how many times the female demon erupted into Lenalee's depths before it all came to an end. It was fortunate that she chose not to consume the mage's energy, or the human woman might've died. After many minutes of her efforts, the stalker woman's cum was everywhere. It filled the human's uterus, it ran down her ass, the back of her dress was drenched, and she might end up glued to the floor at the rate her partner was going, the only reason it wasn't on her legs was because they'd been pinned out of the way by the woman atop her. Lenalee would find a few orgasms of her own through it all, though not because the partner plowing into her sex was any sort of sexual dynamo but rather because she never seemed to run out of energy. Meanwhile, the male stalker proved implacable in exactly the opposite way: he wouldn't seem to cum even though from the very beginning of her service he'd been throbbing as if he was on the brink.

It must've been a half-hour before it all came to end in a climactic, messy fashion. The male's pace became erratic, and the female's rut had finally began to taper off. The cock in her mouth would erupt first, depositing most of a load which was far larger than the first stalker's but not as impressive as the female's directly down the human's throat. Like the first stalker, Lenalee's second male partner would choose to pull out and paint her face and a swath of her clothed body with the second half of his eruption. The female stalker, apparently cognizant that her fun was coming to an end, would pull out entirely before her final peak came. She shifted upright, grabbing Lenalee's legs and pulling them together so she could finish herself off by thrusting in-between the mage's thighs. Her last climax would paint the mage's clothing with every bit as much ivory batter as her first had deposited into the human's womb.

The two stalkers would enjoy their afterglow for about a minute before standing up, and would enjoy the sight of the state they'd left Lenalee in for another minute after that before redressing and preparing to return to their work, although they wouldn't be adverse to continuing to interact with the mage. The female stalker would even speak to the sorceress a second time in her tongue. "Midnight. Here. Again?" The offer came in a hopeful rasp.

Whatever Lenalee's response to that, however, she still technically had one last task in the kitchen. The other female stalker hadn't cum yet. Instead, she'd set Perenna's pie into the oven just a few minutes prior and was leaning on a counter, pointedly turned away from the noisy threesome which had been going on the entire time she had been preparing the dessert and apparently attempting to ignore Lenalee's very existence.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee smirked knowingly up at her first demonic customer, letting her expression be alluring and tempting but not encouraging. She had seen that sort of look often enough before, in mortal
and demon alike, but while she enjoyed playing at her current position occasionally she was far too free spirited to ever settle into it for anyone for long. The enthrallment on Perrena's part might keep her docile and compliant more than usual, but Lenalee was enjoying herself all on her own here. She certainly wasn't about to let a stalker carry her off to keep as a fuck toy, and so merrily moved on to her next set of partners after the first pulled up his trousers and made to return to his duties.

The female stalker seemed eager enough to let the lightning witch believe she was just in it for pleasure, but Lenalee changed how the channel on the cock that she conjured worked anyway. She would be unable to feed on Lenalee's soul, and if she so wished Lenalee would be able to siphon off a bit of her essence instead via contact with the conjured organ. The member that she produced was initially fairly simple given that she let the stalker's body produce what it would naturally, ultimately being basically human in shape and appearance and only a little bit bigger than average, with a smooth surface and pronounced ridge. As the magic was still working, however, Lenalee found herself desiring something more intense. Perhaps the pair of demons she'd been with most recently had spoiled her, but the lightning witch leaned in and stroked the demonic member she was conjuring, shaping it with will and motion alike. While her fingers gave it inches of length, she mentally sculpted the surface, giving the once-smooth surface a series of defined, hardened ridges like those naturally formed around the head but larger and with a slight scoop shape. The tip grew narrower in relation to the rest of the conjured shaft, though in actuality it was remaining at its current width while the rest of the stalker's cock fattened. It did, however, lengthen into a more conical shape, allowing it to prod her cervix more firmly and even pierce it to an extent, allowing the demon to shoot her seed directly into Lenalee's womb. The muscles along the inside were given a bit of extra strength too, ensuring that every shot would fire with a bit of extra oomph. As a finishing touch, she allowed it to exude a suite of pheromones that would enhance her body's reactions to it, initially intended to make her more sensitive but when she realized that it would enhance her fertility as well the surge of arousal that welled up in her core caused her to intensify the effect further rather than rescind it; she might already be carrying the result of her time with Lovisa or Perenna, but the idea that it would be the inhuman stalker she was seeded by instead was an odd turn on in her pleasure-drunk state.

Once her new appendage had been crafted and Lenalee gave it an eager kiss before lying back onto her back, the now magically endowed female stalker didn't waste time. Lenalee didn't fight her on the position they were to take, and as her legs were pressed to her shoulders she gave a moan of delight before it was muffled by the male sliding his rod back into her mouth. "Mmph! Mmmm.... Mmmm~ Mmmph!" The sorceress' moans were muffled, but with her skirt flipped up and her sex exposed by the choice of orientation it wasn't long before the fumbling initial penetration was just as pleasurable as she had initially imagined it would be. The ridges she had created on the long, curved rod dragged across every inch of her sensitive flesh, leaving no nerve unstimulated as the demon drove herself to the hilt into her sex.

Unfortunately, the stalker proved to be a selfish partner, and while her rapid pumps stirred her up and left her toes curling, it wasn't enough for Lenalee to hit her peak given the lesser demon's limited stamina. "Mmmph! Mmmm, mmm, mmmph, mmph... Mmm!" Her rapid pumping motions produced audible claps with every motion, her ample rear providing more than the cushion needed for the cock-imbued woman to pound her as hard and fast as she liked, and when finally she bottomed out and burst into her Lenalee still moaned deeply around the rod slowly but steadily pumping into her throat. Inexperienced or simply pent up, the stalker proved able to produce an almost absurd quantity of semen, magic or no, and it flooded her until pressure caused it to begin oozing out in globs from around the stalker's cock while she kept her head buried in Lenalee's cleavage.

She could guess as to the contents of the demon's remark, but was in no position to reply, especially as the session continued with renewed vigor… From both ends. The male stalker hadn’t even stopped, likely enjoying the vibrations created by her moans as he plunged in and out of her practiced throat, but the female didn’t take long to resume her earlier pace and leave her pussy clenching hard as the pressure in her core built towards critical levels of tension. Feeling the bursts of cum splashing against her cervix and the roof of her womb had very nearly made her cum, and resuming the rapid pounding was driving her closer to her orgasm with every wild thrust. Her plump rear continued providing ample cushion for the demon’s rapid pace, issuing wet, gooey smacking noises and jiggling furiously as the inexperienced stalker railed her more like a wild animal intent on breeding than a thinking creature.

By the time she was on the verge of her orgasm, however, Lenalee realized that that was exactly what she’d wanted to an extent; the succubi she sometimes summoned for information were better in bed than the goblins that she often used as fodder in terms of skill, but the simple, honest mating had more appeal to her, and the stalkers proved to act in a similar manner to the shorter greenskinned demons that she was so familiar with. When her peak did hit her a few moments later, Lenalee gave a choked, muffled moan around the male stalker’s cock even as her vision went white, her every sense blocked save the signals emanating from the nerves in her sex. Her folds tightened, only intensifying her own stimulation suffered from the ribbed cock she’d crafted onto her partner, but also ensuring that the stalker’s limited stamina was spent and another massive explosion of demonic cream began painting her insides white, causing the cum still contained within her to roil violently as it was joined by a second burst that began to squirt out around the demon’s shaft once her internal spaces were totally filled. Even with her entire reproductive system filled to capacity with the demon’s seed, however, the female stalker’s vigorous mating wasn’t to end there.

It went on like that for some time, with little apparent variance in technique from either of her partners. The male stalker fucked her throat at a steady pace, never cumming but always feeling like he might at any moment, while the female with the cock summoned upon her hammered away and left her moaning like a bitch in heat whenever her mouth wasn’t too full to offer such noises. Her own orgasms were far more irregular than those of her partner, but still she hit her peak numerous times through the course of the stalker’s animalistic rutting, especially when the grey demon erupted into her increasingly messy depths. The repeated floods of cum were soon pooling under her ass, staining her maids dress and causing a hefty amount of stickiness that she would undoubtedly have found unpleasant were it not for the source rapidly driving her into a pleasure drunk state.

Eventually, however, the prone spitroasting would come to a final messy conclusion, though Lenalee was far from left disappointed. The male was first to burst between the two, erupting down her throat and cutting off a moan she’d been about to unleash with a choked noise. The lighting witch’s throat quickly recovered and began swallowing the globs of demonic sperm in practiced gulps, and more than half of the demon’s load was drawn directly into her stomach. When he suddenly pulled out and splattered the next few ropes over her lips she kept her mouth open to catch as much as she could, and then reached down to grasp her breasts and raise them so as to receive as much of his remaining shots onto her cleavage as she could. The female stalker, when it was her turn to cum, slid out of her abused cunny and raised herself, and Lenalee simply tightened the grip of her shaking legs to produce a tighter crevice for the demoness to thrust through in order to receive one last release. That last burst from the surprisingly potent stalker’s conjured cock would be allowed to splatter over her body, long ropes of it landing on her stomach, chest and neck given the magically enhanced power of her ejaculatory muscles.

Once the eruption over her body had finally ended, Lenalee let out a groan of pure satisfaction and looked down at herself. She was absolutely drenched in semen, her maid’s dress stained white in demonic cum from both participants. After offering the male stalker’s rod a few parting laps of her tongue from below, Lenalee shifted her gaze down and spread her legs, reaching down to part her folds and let the massive amount of semen that had been left in her sex drain out a bit faster. It wasn’t like she could get any MORE messy at this point. "“You… Nnn… Really filled me up!”" She muttered breathlessly while the two were standing and admiring their handiwork, though when the female stalker started to redress she giggled and hastily peeled herself off of the floor.

The demon’s shorts were caught as she tried to raise them, and the sorceress gave her a mischievous smirk for a moment before she leaned forward and slid her lips over the tip. For a few moments she simply moaned heartily at the mix of flavors and rolled her tongue over the pointed head, but gradually her cheeks began to dimple inwards as she applied sucking pressure to the demon’s rod. After a few moments she simply drew in a deep breath, let it out, drew in another and then violently thrust herself forward, her lack of gag reflex allowing the human to swallow the whole length in one gulp despite its odd texture. Once buried to the hilt, she sucked heavily for a few moments, tensing and relaxing her throat several times to practically jerk the mutant cock with internal muscles, and then began to bob back and forth with the almost possessed vigor that the stalker had used earlier.

The magically-endowed lesser demon would have to endure well over three minutes of that before the sorceress would finally relent, giving the pointed cap another quick lap of her tongue before bobbing back down and giving one final slow backwards draw that ended with its release in the form of a soft pop. With the demon’s shaft properly cleaned and now showing only her saliva, Lenalee gasped for breath for a moment before quietly muttering; “"I can’t really promise anything… I may have other plans already… But there is one other thing that I have to do in here first, so maybe we can have a little bit more fun right now if you want~”"

She would slowly rise, on increasingly shakey legs, until she was standing next to the cock-endowed stalker, her fingers gliding over the unnatural appendage she had conjured onto the demonic woman. "“And if I feel this thing explode inside me one more time… I might get too addicted to stay away~"” With a tilt of her head she directed her gaze towards the other female stalker, who at that point very pointedly was looking away from their corner of the room. "“I still have to get her off at least once… But I think she might be difficult. If you happen to help me deal with her somehow, I would owe you."” She allowed that whispered statement to dangle in the air for a moment, giving her time to process it while Lenalee leisurely jerked her conjured member, before adding; “"Even if you don’t… While I’m dealing with her, I wouldn’t mind going another round… If you don’t have to get back to work that is~”"

With that she would part from her demon, only letting the woman’s rod fade if she refused outright to assist the sorceress in her final mission in the kitchen, before unleashing a stamina restorative onto herself and then strolling over to the last of the stalkers. “"Hello there,"” she said cheerfully, “"you heard what I said when I came in here, didn'’t you? You’re the last one left… If you’re busy, I can make this quick, but I REALLY have to keep my promise… So, what’s it going to be?”"
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