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Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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As the title suggests (or perhaps it doesn't lol) a friend and myself is currently designing our own Harvest Moon-type game. He'll be doing all the programming and I'll be doing all the art and coming up with most of the ideas, but what I want to know is what kind of marriable women would you want in it? At the moment we're thinking about having ten women that you can marry, I've got a couple of idea's myself but I want to know what you all would want in there if it is ever released for other people to play it.

So far I've got;

A shy, artistic girl (that's artistic in the sense that she likes to draw, not a misspelling of autistic :p)
An older, large chested woman who was once a singer but only had one song that was famous
and a slightly large woman who is a chef (for those who like a little extra meat on their ladies)

The only two I've developed into what could be considered as fully fleshed out characters are the artistic girl (I'll be using a modified version of my OC 'Isabella Greenway') and the older, ex-singer woman.

Any suggestions as to what you'd like to see?
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

Blank Page?

Also, needs moar teachers.
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

Being able to plant tentacle bushes? Maybe allow the player to be female and meet male potentials (Or I guess meet the same female potentials for a lesbian marriage if you swing that way).
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

I think I'd worry more about the nuts and bolts part - the farming and ranching - before getting to the frills like marriage.

That said, it depends on how dirty you want to get. You haven't really said whether your project will stay at the Harvest Moon level, or if it'll allow the player to get intimate with his wife - and how much of said intimacy is shown.
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

How about being able to go out with more than one and then the artistic girl goes Yandere as a consequences whilst the others might be a little more mild.

In short I think most harvest moon games lacked consequence aside from being a lazy farmer and having no crops. (Pointing at self) They might have love potential rivals but that was never really at an extreme case.
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

Gimme an ordinary Witch.
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

We need an Elf. A clingy, helpless little Elf that takes any kindness as the greatest blessing ever.

Also, generic suggestion.

WE REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PINEAPPLES. Goddamn, did I ever grow those fucking things in hordes. ):
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

You need to be able to hit on a pristess!
Oh and try to make trees plantable, and lets see if we can be 'creative' in the milking part. And maybe some 'Good events'.
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

We've actually got pretty much everything covered in the way of crops and the like, all I really need is idea's for marriable women.

And while some stuff I have planned would put it at a higher rating than your average HM game, I don't plan on putting any 'viewable' sex in the game.

As for the idea of male/female choice; we already decided that we'd allow the player to choose which they want to be, as well as the prospect of gay/lesbian couplings. Though you'll have to work harder at that as you need to become best friends with the marriable person of the same sex before you'll be able to go down the love route.

In answer to the 'going out with multiple girls', I never actually considered the idea of having the other girls react to finding out you were courting more than one girl. That could lead to some interesting events, though if that is put in it'll have to be once everything else is done.

I have worked quite a bit on crops and the like, so if there's anything you'd like to know that will be in there just ask away.

Now, onto girls;

I like the idea of a witch-type girl, I was even thinking while I was in work that I could include a ghost-girl who only shows up at night. I've even worked a bit on her story, and on hallo'ween she'd be able to conjure up a physical form. And I'm not sure whether to include an elf as this wont be set in a 'typical' fantasy setting.
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

Hmmm... okay, keeping it clean...

- Athletic, animal-loving type who you have to literally chase down at points
- Business type who comes out to relax, and is therefore only present part of the year
- Quiet, plant-loving type who you need to lure to you, because if you talk too much to her, she gets shy

Another question... is the marriage pretty much the end of the story, as in typical HM games?
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

-goth chick, who is only out at night. Wheres all black and wears a hood
-college chick, only appears during summer and winter breaks during summer wears bikinni top and short shorts during winter wears ski outfit.
-arranged marriage chick, if you ignore or suck at courting you are forced to marry this chick. average all around
Re: Harvest Moon-esque game girl suggestions

Nah, marriage isn't the end of the game. Hell it isn't even one of the main goals of the game. The story behind the player starting up a farm is that he's left the city because he's racked up a huge debt. He hears from some people that their farmer has recently passed on and that because he had no children the farm is going to be abandoned. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to start afresh and clear up his debts he decides to take up the farm. The player will have 2-3 years to pay off the debt (which is going to be huge), and unlike HM the game is going to have 365 days. It may seem like a hell of a long time to play just one year, but there'll be a lot more for you to do other than just grow crops and talk to villagers.

And I really like the idea's that are coming, especially the arranged marriage chick. Though the nature-loving, shy girl would be Isabella lol