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Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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I hate when I find an artist who's style I like, but they refuse to draw any content that's not a niche kink.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
I hate:

-Trigger's obsession with space
-When people quote asshats like Bill Nye or Al Gore when talking about "climate change"
-Identity politics
-People who needlessly drag identity politics into discussions
-Mainstream media's inability to look beyond Trump
-When people bitch about "muh government"
-Chris Chibnall.
-Youtuber fanbases. Looking at you, TFS.
-Youtubers who upload maybe once a month (if that) but feel entitled to patreon bucks
-western developers. And most of them aren't even in NA/Europe. Like, fuck. What even?
-Western h-game developers. Holy shit, fuck off. You're over-saturating a niche market with your cookie-cutter, same-y garbage.
-People supporting western h-game developers. Get some fucking standards. Akabur isn't some under-appreciated innovator! He's literally ripping flash and slapping shit together in the most inexpensive, laziest way possible. STOP BEING IMPRESSED WITH MEDIOCRITY
-Whoever updated animefreak.tv. I use firefox, and that shit won't play on my browser. Yes, I installed flash. No, it didn't help.
-Teferi Chain Veil. I mean, the fact it exists shows a concerning lack of attention to gameplay interactions by WotC R&D. Who let this through? Oh, and don't get me on the most recent iteration of Splinter Twin.

I also hate how angry this sounds. But, most of all...

I fucking hate Spodah. Goddamn, that guy. Who does he think he is, being chill as shit, scuttling around and being immune to fire? Are we supposed to be impressed? Friggin scrub.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 17, 2013
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As a licensed gun owner in Canada, I hate getting blamed whenever criminals shoot each other in Toronto.


Jul 5, 2010
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I hate the fact that I remembered Space Station 13 last night and felt like playing, only to figure out that my ping is just awful.


New member
Jan 2, 2019
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What I hate?

Just about nearly every Human who's breathing right now.

Seriously. Humans need to fuck off or be brought to the brink of extinction. Maybe then, we'll finally realize the flaws of our actions. Yes, I am Human too. Doesn't mean I have to enjoy it or be proud of it. In this age, being Human is nowhere near a good thing.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Maybe just maybe it's not the rest of the world that's the problem.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
What I hate?

Just about nearly every Human who's breathing right now.

Seriously. Humans need to fuck off or be brought to the brink of extinction. Maybe then, we'll finally realize the flaws of our actions. Yes, I am Human too. Doesn't mean I have to enjoy it or be proud of it. In this age, being Human is nowhere near a good thing.
Edgy as fuck. Watch out dark web, this motherfucker is gunning for your spot!

Maybe just maybe it's not the rest of the world that's the problem.
Also, a picture that seems relevant to this bit of truth.


New member
Jan 2, 2019
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Edgy as fuck. Watch out dark web, this motherfucker is gunning for your spot!

Also, a picture that seems relevant to this bit of truth.
View attachment 20415
So someone can explain about why they're racist towards black people, yet someone can't post about how they hate almost every Human without having to deal with that generic response of "you're probably one of them too!"? I thought this was a hate thread. Edge is expected to be in one. Unless this isn't one. Then, oops.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
So someone can explain about why they're racist towards black people, yet someone can't post about how they hate almost every Human without having to deal with that generic response of "you're probably one of them too!"? I thought this was a hate thread. Edge is expected to be in one. Unless this isn't one. Then, oops.
Who justified their racism in this thread? And sure, you can be as edgy as you want to be. That you're getting defensive and trying to make this political just proves my point, though. You want vindication for your feelings, but refuse to take criticism or being called out on your shit. Here, let me meet your bitching and arrogance with a copypasta restructured for this forum.

Hey Scrubs,

My name is Ninja_named_bob, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are gullible, sycophantic, premature ejaculators who spend every second of their day looking at porn. You are everything degenerate in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making hate threads because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to loli hentai on pornhub.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I shitpost on 4chan and various forums, and killed multiple rp forums via triggering others and ban-evading. What accolades do you have, other than “jack off to @Stuffie's ears”? I also get shitposting privileges, and have a banging hot waifu (She just meme'd me; Shit was SO cash). You are all worthless sycophants who should just do number puzzles. Thanks for listening.
Now, that is how you do it, son.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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But does it really qualify as racism if the person in question obviously quantifies values other than ethnicity when making a judgement of another?

Though I'd like to steer back to the audacity of some rather entitled people.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
Was it the OP? Was it Slicer? Was it you? I'm more confused than a prostitute attending Church.

But does it really qualify as racism if the person in question obviously quantifies values other than ethnicity when making a judgement of another?
It's almost like context matters or something! What if we could quantify the value of a statement about another with the initial intent and multiply the intended meaning by the tone it is presented in, thereby enabling a conclusion to be predetermined based upon summary objective ascertainment that results in the production of a scenario specific to the statement itself? Therefore! When we establish the purposeful intent of a person's tone when presenting statements hitherto others of a particular ethnicity, we must readily engage the dialogue as it is presented in tone and content, rather sublimely to avert probable misinterpretation to which is necessary to assume the most correct answer, and thereby establish a rebuttal which opposes it properly.

tl;dr, context is key.

Though I'd like to steer back to the audacity of some rather entitled people.
We're all entitled as fuck. This is the age of entitlement. You're entitled. I'm entitled. Everyone is entitled. Begging the audacity is equal to arrogantly presuming that you can draw foregone presumptions of character. We all do it, and no, being self-aware and admitting it while proceeding down the line of reasoning isn't indicative of enlightenment. It's begging the excuse of hypocrisy while casting aspersions. Hello, semantics!

Hilariously, it's also the age of victim-hood. If you're part of a class/race/ideology that is currently/has been oppressed (even if that oppression is more perceived from your perspective than by anyone else), you're totes brave and shit! Feel like the rest of the species is worthless and some can be purged to ensure a better future? You're so brave! You think you're an attack helicopter despite what your parents say? You're so brave.

Except you're not. You're as vapid and worthless as the rest of us, and probably more-so because you attach some significance to yourself that apparently only you and a select few others can witness, and everyone else lacks the mental capacity to acknowledge it. Something something defer to the pic I posted a few posts back.
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New member
Jan 2, 2019
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Who justified their racism in this thread? And sure, you can be as edgy as you want to be. That you're getting defensive and trying to make this political just proves my point, though. You want vindication for your feelings, but refuse to take criticism or being called out on your shit. Here, let me meet your bitching and arrogance with a copypasta restructured for this forum.

Now, that is how you do it, son.
Okay look, I'm not about to sit here and get lectured by someone who feels my edge is too sharp. So far almost every person I've met here seems to be a self righteous asshole. Who want to overanalyze another person's argument so they can feel better about themselves.

I didn't expect people to still get so hurt by one person saying they hate Humans.

And then hitting said person with the "you think people are bad and not worth anything? Congrats, you might be one of them" statement. To me, that's kinda retarded and backwards, cause you don't even know why that person feels that way. You're just guessing. I know you and your lackeys are going to respond with some more self righteous bullshit. So I'll just make it easier for everyone, and leave.