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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"This is mingling!" Carly said brightly, already heading over to the table. Stephani wordlessly followed, and Tesnya did the same after looking around the bar for a few moments, likely for Nina. Arriving at the table and taking seats, they were greeted warmly by those already there, who were mostly men clad in militia uniforms. A round of drinks was ordered, leaving Chloe to choose between wine, ale, or water as a man flagged down a slightly haggard looking waitress. Tesnya chose wine, while Stephani and Carly went for ale.

The man who'd been going to return mugs came back a few moments later along with the waitress, helping her carry all of their drinks, and after they'd all been passed out he sat down next to Chloe and said; "So, what brings you ladies here? We sent invites up to the Academy on whoever we could get in there, and I'm curious as to who got to yah!"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe took the wine she had ordered and looked to the man in question. "A friend of ours told us though She doesn't seem to be around at the moment." That fact did worry Chloe slightly but she tried not to let it ruin the mood and good cheer. Likely she had found entertainment for the night already. "So whats the celebration about?" Chloe looked about the room listening to the solider speak hoping to catch a glimpse of Nina among the crowed. Oddly enough it felt very reminiscent of the first festival she had spent in Buttersvilll. Her mind wandered to her debut in the dance tent causing her face to flush slightly. Still that seemed an entirely different time then best to focus on the here and now. Smiling Chloe sipped her wine and took in the atmosphere.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Ahhh... Well, we're all glad that word got around! For a while there we thought it might be just be us!" the man said while Chloe tried and failed to find her ex-lover in the crowded tavern room. There seemed to be mostly soldiers, who were predominantly male, but she spotted a number of other people that looked like they were from the Academy, men and women alike. Another of the men at their table quipped; "Heh, that woulda been no fun at all! Now we've got plenty o' eye candy!" The man that had invited them over rolled his eyes and said; "Yer a pig Lanys!" There didn't seem to be any malice in his voice however, and the other man brought his frothing mug up in a toast and said; "Cheers to that!"

As Lanys took a long pull from his drink, a few others having clinked their mugs against his and joined him in his toast, the initial speaker said; "We're not celebrating anything really. It's honestly more of a pre-wake, given that we're likely to be going to our deaths in retaking Gods-Reach tomorrow! We're mostly just lookin for a good time before we face Lady Avedel tomorrow, and for most of us that means gettin drunk and trying to catch a pretty bird for the night!" He winked suggestively at Chloe and took a drink, his wide grin promising that he was mostly being humorous.

As she took a sip from her wine, someone suddenly came up behind Chloe and leaned over, a soft warm breath passing over her neck just before someone nibbled on her earlobe and two hands snaked around her. One coiled under her heavy bosom, lifting her breasts up just slightly, and the other hand slipped down the hem of her dress, snaked beneath her bra to grip gently at her breast. "Hello sweetie~" Nina's familiar voice whispered huskily into her ear as the hand down her dress began to squeeze and shift just the way she liked it, gently stimulating the sensitive tip of her breast. Giving another soft nip of her ear, Nina added; "How bout we go upstairs, pick a room, and find out what our dresses look like on the floor?"

The druid's words were slightly slurred, and Chloe could detect hints of sweet wine on her breath at this range, but after a moment she pulled back slightly and rested her chin on top of Chloe's head. "Hey everybody!" she said brightly, and while Stephanie and Tesnya were too busy blushing to respond, Carly waved and grinned back at Nina, saying; "Hey Nina! Where yah been? We were looking for you!" The men were mostly watching Nina grope Chloe with lascivious grins and offered little more than a wave of greeting, but the main speaker of the group so far frowned slightly and said; "Oi, keep your manners lass, you're in public!" Nina turned to the man and chuckled, though she did slowly remove her hand after giving Chloe's nipple a brief squeeze between her fingers, after which she straightened and said; "Relax! We're exes, and currently unattached to anyone else~ I was just giving her a little tease. Got room for another? I'm Nina!"

The man eyed her for a moment, but then gestured with his mug towards the last empty seat at the table and said; "Sure, sure. I'm Chandler, by the way! Heh, I guess we didn't get to introduce ourselves yet either, so might as well get that over with. That's Crendle," he gestured to a wiry man sitting next to Stephanie, who waved back with a grin, "That one's Kenneth," a stern looking man with a bushy mustache and dark eyes nodded, "There's Sandra," the only woman that had been at the table before Chloe and her group had joined it, a fairly bulky blonde with a scar on her left cheek, smiled and waved, "...And that pervert is Lanys!" The man from before raised his mug in greeting before taking another swig from it.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe gasped a little at the sudden intrusion but relaxed at the familiar touches and voice. Nina had long ago found all of her sensitive spots in fact the druid could probable write a book on how to send Chloe into sexual frenzy just from foreplay. These thought however only deepened her blush turning her pale cheeks a deep red.

Thankfully Chandler interrupted Nina before she could convince Chloe to actually head up to a room to find out exactly what her dress looked like on the floor. With the greetings exchange Chloe tried to start up the conversation again "So your heading for Gods-Reach then." Chloe was silent a moment the fortress city of the elves had long been occupied by orc forces any assault would surly cost countless lives. "Well then boys drink up and keep in mind if ya get hurt and can make it back here I can fix just about anything." Chloe tried to sound reassuring but given the dire situation ahead maybe she should change topics. Perhapse one of the girls could salvage the situation.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Cheers lass!" Chandler said brightly after Chloe offhandedly mentioned that she was a healer, and tellingly every single soldier joined in on that toast with a look of genuine thanks. After taking their pull of ale, the grizzled veteran looking Kenneth spoke up; "You're a healer then, eh? You wouldn't happen to know what happened to our friend Roger, wouldja? He went up to the Academy with a busted leg a week ago, hasn't come back since. Roger Mortis is his full name, he was a recruit from some village called Embershard." The other soldiers seemed interested in what she had to say, but Chloe hadn't ever heard the name before as far as she could remember.

When she admitted as much, the others frowned while Kenneth looked disappointed and took another swig of his ale, after which Chandler said; "Well, if you're a healer, what are the rest of you? The same? We haven't caught your names yet either!" Tesnya shook her head and answered first; "No... I'm a resident and a wielder in training.... Or at least I was, until the invasion hit. Now I'm a teaching assistant to help pay for my prolonged stay here. My name is Tesnya!" It was Nina who answered next; "I'm Nina, and I'm kind of a healer too, but also a conjurer. I'm still working on my certifications though, unlike Chloe here who's all graduated and stuff!"

Carly was next to introduce herself, "Carly, junior conjurer and practicing folklorist! At your very humble service~" Finally, Stephanie beamed at the table, already slightly red from her ale, and said; "I'm Stephanie! I'm an evoker with specialization in ritual magic." A lot of that had likely gone over the heads of the simple soldiers, but Lanys nonetheless lifted his glass and said; "Well cheers to you lot then! Good luck in your educations!" The other soldiers and all of Chloe's comrades joined in on the cheers, leaving her to stay out or do the same. The party was getting rather crowded, and the dance floor was practically packed with people gyrating to the fast-paced music provided by a team of bards on the small stage set up in the corner. Some of their drinks were starting to empty as well, particularly those of the soldiers and Stephani, though Chloe's wasn't quite empty yet, the wine having proven fairly good but also quite strong.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"I wouldn't worry about your friend to much. There is more than one infirmary at the school so I might not have seen him." Chloe sipped her wine it was potent and she could already feel the flush in her skin. She found her self placing her hand on Chandler's arm and smiling at his jokes. He seemed nice enough and if Chloe was gonna spend the night getting railed she wanted it to be with someone who was nice and not gonna kiss and tell.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

The group of soldiers seemed content to drop the matter of their missing comrade, and the jovial spirit of the massive gathering quickly reasserted itself. Another round was ordered when everyone had emptied, and Chandler again rose to help the increasingly ragged waitress carry everything back and forth. The man proved to have a fairly crass sense of humor for one who acted so polite, and he and Lanys were bouncing off of one another for a good ten minutes at one point, causing the more proper members of their group, Tesnya and Stephanie, to blush brightly while the rest laughed uproariously. He wasn't unperceptive, however, and noted the manner in which she began to hang onto him as the night went on. He didn't seem to mind it either, and after a while he stood up and offered Chloe his hand, and said; "May I have this dance, madame?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe took the offered hand as they made their way to the dance floor letting Chandler lead for the moment. Sadly Chloe had never really been graceful and being slightly tipsy didn't help but she made a go of it trying her best not to step on his feet. This of course had her looking down for the first dance. "S-sorry not that great a dancer."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"It's no trouble lass!" Chandler whispered back brightly while leading Chloe through a slow dance. A lot of people around them were getting a bit gropey of their dance partners, but Chandler kept his hands to himself.... Mostly. He seemed to enjoy being close to her throughout the slower dance, and after it was over and a faster, cheerier tune started up he said; "Care for another, or would you like to go sit down?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked up at the man her face a little flushed. "Sure" she smiled and tried to dance at the faster beat with Chandler. No matter what she tried to do she felt silly and awkward but she was trying to have a good time. Midway threw the song Chloe tripped up on her feet and landed against Chandlar's chest her heavy bust pressed against his chest. She smiled at the man and tried steady herself again. "Maybe we should have a seat."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

Chandler was seemingly used to less graceful dance partners, as he kept the pace of his motions even with what Chloe could maintain. "Sure!" he said when she suggested that they take a seat again a few moments later, having moved to steady her after holding her for only a brief moment following her awkward fall, and gently led her back over to the table. Stephanie, who by then seemed to be on her third mug of ale, was slurring her way through an explanation about her most recent studies, apparently a ritual that would allow her to call on a literal earthquake, under the rapt attention of the soldiers.

"How come they never pull out that kinda stuff when we're about to go into a battle? It would be a helluva lot easier to storm that fortress if it was in pieces!" Kenneth complained audibly, to which Chandler cheerfully rolled his eyes as he sat down, at which point he said; "Cuz then they'd be throwing us into less danger! Don't you know how it works Ken? Gotta maintain the precious artifacts and learnings and whatnot, to hell with how many of us die to take 'em back from the greenskins." Kenneth's face soured, but then Crendle spoke up; "There's also the matter of all of the slaves they've got in there. Turning the fortress into rubble would kill more of them than orcs. Plus, we're not storming the place, we're infiltrating it. Taking it out from within."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Not only that they take a long time to prepare and for some you need to be rather close. Besides you risk angering powerful creatures when you do stuff like that." Chloe took a long sip from her wine before speaking again. "I knew a mage summon a massive wind storm that knocked one of the flying pods the aliens used to get here down to the ground. It was a mess monsters everywhere."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

Chloe's initial statement only seemed to annoy (in Kenneth's case) and confuse (for the rest of the non-mages) the majority of her audience, who likely knew nothing about ritual magic. What she followed it up with drew some impressed looks from everyone, however, and Chandler said; "Really? You know that one? I'd heard about her! Were you with her when she went to the crashed alien monster? The one the bigwigs at the Academy took out with the meteor?" The others seemed quite interested, except for Stephanie and Carly who both looked slightly worried, having heard the story before and knowing that it could make Chloe slightly emotional, given the horrors she'd witnessed over those two days.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

The memories of the incident in the ship came flooding to the front of her mind darkening her face as she relived the horrors of that moment even for the briefest of time. "Y-yes... but I don't want to talk about it." Chloe shook her head clearing her thoughts and trying to move the conversation along. "You guys having fun?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

The group seemed disappointed to varying degrees, but before any of them could insist, Tesnya interjected; "It was.... A very rough time. I was there too. So was Nina." She gestured towards the nature mage, who'd lost most of her smile and adopted a slightly haunted look.

When Chloe tried to move the conversation along, Carly happily took the bait and replied; "I'm having a great time! Thanks for inviting me along!" Stephanie nodded drunkenly, "Yeah! I... Think I'd like to get up and move for a bit though!" Rising to her feet, the earth mage reached out a hand to steady herself on Crendle's shoulder, at which point she glanced at him and smiled. "Care to dance?" she asked, and the soldier looked up in surprise for a moment before shrugging and rising to his feet. "Sure, I was just thinking of stretching my legs a bit myself!"

The two wandered off, and Nina promptly wiped away her own melancholy, headed over to Lanys, grabbed the man out of his chair, and said; "Come on! You too!" The bewildered soldier was led off towards the dance floor while gripped by the druid, and Chloe could just barely make out his parting statement; "But I don't know how to dance!" Chuckling, the three remaining soldiers each took a swig of their mugs and pronounced them empty, at which point Chandler turned to Chloe and said; "We seem to need some new drinks. Would you care for another?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe smiled at the man. He was getting handsomer by the minute but she was fairly sure that was the drinks doing. "Sure." Chloe watched Chandler go and turned to Tesnya. "Are you having fun Tesnya?" There was a little slur to her words but Chloe for the most part kept them fairly clear. "You should let loose a little have some fun." Chloe smiled at her friend hoping the spirit warrior would relax a little and have some fun.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine

"Hrm? Oh yes!" Tesnya replied reassuringly, waving off Chloe's concerns after Chandler had gone off for more drinks. "Even though I've been here for so long, I guess I'm not fully used to how you.... Uhm... Unwind, out here in Crolia. I'm definitely enjoying myself though! This is much better than just sitting in the library for another night."

Chandler was back in a few minutes with another wine glass for Chloe, as well as drinks for everybody else. "Heeeere yah go ladies and gents! Have at 'em!" he said brightly as he divied out the beverages, and then sunk back into his seat and followed his own advice.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe took her cup and drank some more a healthy blush coloring her cheeks. "Hey you want to see something guys..?" Chloe didn't really wait for an answer before trying to cast a spell. Being a little tipsy Chloe tried to focus on her art. Images in her head of Dancing woman with exotic features such as hair made of starlight and eyes that sparked and using her magic tried to bring them into reality in an attempt to living up the party.

Chloe is attempting to use Greater Illusions (light lvl 4) to create several exotic looking dancers.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Greater Illusions

Chloe's display of magic drew the eyes of everyone in the tavern, and though a few initially looked frightened at the sudden appearance of exotic dancers with such inhuman features, even they quickly realized that they were illusions. Living so close to the Academy, the townspeople were fairly used to being around magic on a regular basis, and the soldiers had long gotten used to such displays as well by that point. Cheers of approval soon started pouring in, and not just from the people that were directly around Chloe. The music from the stand took on a quicker pace, and soon enough Chloe wasn't the only mage conjuring exotic dancers onto the tables. The tavern was suddenly filled with lights of all colors from the wide variety of images, and the risque nature of the illusions seemingly inspired more than a few people to start becoming a bit more intimate. No clothes were shed.... Yet, but her spellwork had certainly livened up the party, and after a moment she spotted Stephanie and Nina out in the crowd, their faces flushed and their mouths intertwined with those of the soldier they'd taken out to dance.

Carly spotted this too, and with a grin she got up and shambled over to Kenneth, and whispering into the man's ear. He seemed surprised, but then got up and went off with her. Sandra, the only woman among the soldiers with them, got up and walked around the table to Tesnya and offered the eastern girl her hand, "Would you care to dance, miss?" Tesnya was not imperceptive, and glanced nervously at the dance floor, and then at Chloe, and then waited a moment before nervously grasping the soldier's hand and replying; "Uhm, yes." And then, Chloe and Chandler were left alone at the table as the two wandered off to the dance floor together. The man finished his drink, and glanced up at the illusions dancing on the table if Chloe still maintained them before looking to her with a broad grin, "Care for another dance?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe maintained her illusions and smiled at Chandler. "Sure!" it was a little slurred but Chloe got to her feet and pulled Chandler with her onto the dance floor. Given the nature of the music and the fact that Chloe had always been a lightweight when drinking the usually reserved mage found her self dancing rather wildly with the soldier thankfully it hadn't devolved into nothing to risque yet.