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Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn's patrol would seem pretty quiet to start, before she'd feel something pulling at her. Trying to drive her to something, and if she followed it she'd very quickly come across a Youma, this one looked like a drider, and was currently seemingly creating a web in an alleyway, though judging by the webs appearance, it was magical and thus no normal human would be able to see it.

Evidently the youma was aiming to capture whatever poor person walked down this way first.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn frowned as she moved, feeling the pull. Max had mentioned this. One of those demons was nearby. She decided to follow it and check it out.

Moving along, she found some twisted creature. spider below, woman above. The fuck did she walk over to. She looked the web over, then the work, frowning. Looks like this one was a trouble maker.

She reappeared behind the drider, poking her leg. "Hey. Stop that. If you're going to be trying to capture innocent people then I'm going to stop you. So either pack it up or prepare to fight."

She stayed on guard, in case she went the obvious violent route.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

The drider seemed very surprised by the sudden appearance of Syn beside her. The half woman half spider backing up a bit and raising her hand semi threatening. "Hey, I don't need some magical girl coming in and trashing my operation before I even start! And how did you get past my webs?"

The drider wasn't actually attacking, but it seemed like she was ready to do so at any moment.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn frowns, raising an eyebrow. "I'm that frigging scary, that's how. And I'll trash what I damn please if it's going to hurt innocent people. Go hunt the other rape bugs, you're a spider, it's what spiders do. Eat bugs. So do that or I'll squish you."

She glares hard, "Or you can try and mess with me, and I'll dismantle your webs, then you, and run off with your gemmy thing. Seriously, is trying to rape innocent people in an alley that important to you? Why not find something more useful with your life, like make clothes and sell them and use the money to pay people to let you fuck em."
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Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I'm fairly sure you know exactly why I can't do that girl." The drider said, glaring back with all six of her eyes just as harshly. "Anything I make would be invisible for most people, and the ones that could see it would not agree anyways. Ontop of that not like I could just go out and sell stuff to people looking like this." The drider used her free hand to wave over her spider half.

"As for other bugs, well if any of them wander into my net I'll suck there magic dry, but they make terrible breeders most of the time. Thus why we hunt humans."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I've seen the internet, I'm pretty damn certain you could find willing people instead of acting like this. I mean what, you just ghost rape normal people then if you're so invisible? I don't buy it. So find a nice archnophiliac and show off to them and be their lover, and spend time hunting magic rape bugs who aren't so selective.," sighs Syn irritably, "Hell, I'll buy you a phone with a connection that you can use to find someone into being tied up by a big spider or something."

She crosses her arms, frowning. "Or maybe nail your own species. They may be terrible breeders but you can still breed. Catch a bunch of em then. Everyone wins then, and you might get a few grateful folks willing to cuddle up instead. But you can't get any of that to work if you don't try."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"We can't breed with our own species actually. We used to but around the fall of the Roman Empire most youma were no longer able to, and the few that could still all lost that before the 1300s." The drider seemed less hostile for the moment, more like she was trying to give a lecture. "And no, I'd set it up so that only people with magic potential would come down this way, people without magic potential are even worse breeders then other youma. Also, what is this 'internet' you are talking about."

Even though the drider seemed much less hostile now, it still held its hand in the same position as before. Why was a bit of a question but it looked ready to fight still if Syn suddenly attacked.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"...Interesting. Didn't know that bit. And you actually lived this long without learning anything about human society? Geez, no wonder... The internet is a giant repository of information that can be accessed through specific means. Can be used for learning, talking, and various other things. I'm sure we can find people on there who find half spider women arousing. Then we just set it up so you can meet, then blam. Though if it requires magical potential that's a bit harder.," sighs Syn a bit.

She leans against a wall, swishing her leash a bit in hand. "Though to be honest, don't get me wrong. I feel pretty bad for you. Must suck being not viable with your own species and such. But hunting down and raping people doesn't make you any friends. I can't speak for other folks who got roped into this gig, but if you can find a mate consentually and you know, do it the normal getting to know people sorta way, you're alright in my book, even if you are some sort of supposed enemy. I'll even cover for you in that case. I'm no monster who jsut crushes folks who've done nothing wrong cus you've got extra legs. So why don't we try and figure something out instead of this path that seems to get you guys killed a lot?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I'm not that old, even if we can live forever, the oldest Youma alive is only from the 1400s and he's a superior bastard." The drider said, dropping any tension from her stance entirely as she folded her arms under her rather significant bust.

"But fine, I guess not all you magical girls are self absorbed bitches. Most wouldn't even let me get a word in before they started shooting laserbeams everywhere. I'll give this a shot."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Fair enough. Name's Branimera, but most just call me Syn.," nods Syn with a smile, "And hey now, let's be fair. I am very much a bitch, just not to people who are willing to try to do better. Cmon, let's introduce you to the internet before we get you something of your own. It is a place of both wonders and horrors, mostly anonymous. Mind parting the webs while we leave? Rather not get stuck on the way out."

She walks along, assuming the drider parted the way for her. "I'm kinda new to this magical girl thing actually. Got attacked by a butterfly earlier today. Now my head falls off. I wouldn't mind learning more about all this stuff, and having an opposing opinion is always good. I mean, clearly something weirds going on that you guys fell completly out of public knowledge..."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I'm...well you probably couldn't pronounce it so lets go with Kathy, I always liked that name." The drider said, then she made a fist with the hand she had been holding up before, and all the webs seemed to very literally shatter around them.

Falling into step behind the Dullahan girl, Kathy continued talking. "Ya, the non-speaking youma are a pest to everyone, though there atleast easier to deal with then those Lizardmen bastards. Either way, we fell off the public perspective because our numbers are so much smaller than they were before you humans cursed us. Back in the days of the Romans and the Greeks we controlled entirely countries, and now we are forced to live in the shadows and trap people just so that we can live on another generation."

The drider got more animated as she talked, though it seemed to be animated with anger at her kinds situation.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Kathy huh? Alright, works for me, Kathy.," nods Syn, heading home with the drider, idly taking her head off and curiously holding it upside down.

"Woah, trippy. Really, humans cursed you guys? That sucks. Though wonder what brought it on. I mean, you guys do have a lot of legends about demons and such devouring folks and doing horrible things. Not saying they are inherently true. I mean, I don't know anything really. But that does seem pretty... Horrible."

She shakes her head with a grimace, moving over and patting Kathy's side comfortingly. "Well, I'm not one to hold people responsible for their ancestors. Seems to me whatever the origin of the curse, it seems like it might be doing more harm now than good if it puts smart girls like you on the same level as those monster ones. Hopefully we can find someone compatible with your lifestyle."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"It was because the humans grew jealous, when Rome was burning we were just starting to reach a golden age. As the barbarians were at there gates the last Roman magicians all banded together and cursed our kind with this." Kathy said, though if she was telling the truth or not was up to Syn to decide. Either way the drider calmed down a bit at Syn patting her armoured side.

"And ya, hopefully. Trying to capture breeders is such a dangerous work that most of our kind don't even live long enough to reproduce anymore."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"huh. I'll have to ask the other side about it. Truths usually somewhere in between.," says Syn with a nod. Once they go to her door, she looked at it, then at the drider then back.

"Hmm... A conundrum presents itself. How the hell do I fit your spider butt in my house? I guess there's one way but... can you magic yourself smaller to fit? Else going to get complicated."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Hey, don't call me fat." Kathy said half jokingly half annoyed at the comment. Though she then added. "But no, I can't shrink myself down. Any chance you have patio doors or something?"

Once they did get inside, the house would be quiet for a few moments. Though Lyn would pad in and look quizzically at Kathy before slowly backing back out of the room.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"You're not fat, you're big chiten'd. But yeah wasn;t calling you fat.," chuckles Syn, before nodding and leading Kathy inside, turning back to normal for the moment.

On seeing Lyn's reaction, she rolled her eyes a bit. "Don;t mind her, she's like that with most new people even when they aren't half spider. She'll warm up if you treat her right."

Syn shrugs, "Anyways, I'll bring my laptop over since halls will be a bit tight for you. Get comfy, just don;t put too many webs everywhere, I need to live here."

She heads in and brings it out, opening it up. "this is a computer. It;s a piece of technology with many uses. Writing, finding information, entertainment, communication, all sorts. Want demonstrations or should we jump into seeing if we can find a way for you to sense magic people through this?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Well, okay then." Kathy said as she watched Lyn back out of the room. Once Syn had returned with the laptop, the drider was rather perplexed by the tool. "We have nothing like this, magic crystal communication is probably the closest we have but its only for talking. So a demonstration might be nice. Though I'm fairly sure sensing magic through this thing is going to be a lost cause."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"Maybe, but it's worth a shot. Magic crystal huh? Sounds neat. We've cellphones for that.," says Syn, taking a seat beside Kathy as she booted it up.

She showed the drider the writing programs, the games on it, as well as the calculator and messaging systems before showing the internet.

"And this is the internet. If you know what you're looking for it can help. Still, might be a bit weird if we go around saying drider looking for magical... girl? Boy? I don't know your preferences. But we can look up other things too. Any questions you've ever wanted to find answers to you can probably find something on here, though take things with a grain of salt. Most just use it to look at sex acts or something though. Gotta be careful with those though as they tend to be full of traps that attack computers if you don't know what to look for.," says Syn, showing the Drider various sites, though nothing pornographic.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Kathy seemed rather impressed by everything she saw on the computer, though when it came down to her preferences she said. "Girl preferably, unless we can somehow find a hermaphrodite among your kind. It's too bad they are so rare, they are so useful for everyone."

"Though I have no idea how I would even begin sensing magic through a computer. I'd need at the very least a picture to maybe guess at it, video or a direct call would probably be better as it can show itself through just someones posture when they talk."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"A what now? Well, whatever, duly noted. Mmm, If we stick a shirt on you and keep the camera above spider level we can probably figure something out. But finding a girl on the net who's also into bondage or spiders or something might be tricky... So, what exactly is what happens? You two just fuck a lot or something? I figure you're either used to or mostly expected to just capture someone and keep them as a slave or something right? You need me to teach you how to have a meaningful relationship?"

Syn looks at Kathy, somewhat wryly. They had a plan at least, but she didn't want to just toss some girl into sex slavery. Even bondage was based on trust, she had heard at least. So best she make sure Kathy was prepared for being, well, a lover, not just a slaver. Not that she was some expert on relationships but she knew how to torpedo one pretty good.