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Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn blinks then smiles amusedly at Cili showing her true colors a bit. She wasn't too surprised at how... eager the ant queen was or how backed up she was.

"Yes, I'll stay, but I;m serious about helping take care of Lyn. And I need a bed, I'm not built for sleeping on stone.," says Syn wryly, before stepping up close to Cili with a grin, taking one of her hands and placing it on her pregnant tummy with a blush, trying to keep her head from falling off.

"I imagine you'll make room somehow, so I guess I'll take your burden. And you don't have to pretend to be all regal around me y'know. I'm not going to think less of you for being new or less regal than you think you gotta be. I'd prefer you acted more like yourself. Besides, I'm pretty new to this too so it's okay if you are as well. Heh, guess I'm sorta flattered in a weird way that bug girl find me super sexy. Though honestly I suspect it's as much a lack of options heh."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"I-I am acting like myself!" Cili exclaimed around a blush, before stuttering again and throwing any chance of carrying on that fake personality out the window. "I-It's not lack of options! Y-You were actually nice to us, it's really rare for anyone not of the same species to be n-nice like that. A-And I'll get you a bed don't worry!"

With that Cili couldn't hold back anymore, and lightly pushed Syn to the ground. The ant girl standing over her with a very bulgy abdomen and a quickly growing ovipositor. Every moment the ovispositor grew more, and soon it was becoming obvious that Cili was just as 'hung' as Kathy was. Though instead of going for Syn's pussy, the ant girl's egg tube was poking up against the magical woman's rear. "U-Umm, we'll need the e-extra room for all these eggs...On a good note, y-you won't be hungry for the rest of the week."

Without waiting anymore, Cili pushed forward, the tip of her ovipositor pushing into Syn. The ant queen didn't pause their though, and instead pushed more and more, forcing it all inside her in one long go.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn giggled a bit, before blushing a bit as Cili complimented her, chuckling as the horny ant queen pushed her down. She blinked a bit in surprise when it wasn't her slit being filled though. "Wha? H-hey wait a se-"

She abruptly yelps as her rear is filled, gasping in shock at the bizarre sensation, groaning as the massive appendage began winding it's way even further into her, her gasping and grunting a bit, though not trying to push Cili away. She was blushing deep red in embarrassment though as the lusty ant girl worked to throughly bugger her. She promptly grasped onto Cili, holding her tight for support as she tried to weather the strange new sensations.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Cili seemed to be taken by a trance as Syn grabbed onto her. The ant girl wrapping Syn with her multiple limbs and started to pull out of her until just the tip of the ovipositor was still inside Syn. When she thrusted again the magical girl would swear Cili had gotten even deeper into her somehow, and after that she'd probably have trouble keeping her thoughts straight.

The ant queen was relentless, thrusting hard and fast into her as the youma moaned and panted in her own pleasure, the first of the eggs already starting to worm their way down her tube. The queen didn't stop thrusting even as the first egg would start to force it's way into Syn, the thrusts helping to push it along faster until it popped deep into Syn's guts. Getting pushed further with each movement even after it had escaped from the ovipositor.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn groaned and gasped, indeed having trouble concentrating as Cili seemed to just keep getting bigger as she rammed down her rump, shuddering with confused pleasure. Already she could feel the eggs winding down into her, gasping and shuddering, giving a grunt as the first dropped into her body.

She groaned and shifted herself a bit, grinding her groin against Cili's leg, trying to get attention for her hot needy slit, needing more pleasure from the small queen currently working to transfer her offspring to a new caretaker.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Cili seemed to pick up on what Syn wanted, and one of her hands trailed down to start to playing with the dullahan's needy clit. The other caressing her partner's breasts even as she continued to pump her bloated ovipositior into Syn.

It seemed that Cili really wasn't lying when she said she was backed up. Every thrust deposited another egg into the other girl, and Syn could feet her body bulging further and further with every moment. Though surprisingly it didn't feel bad at all, the ant queen letting out a strange fluid that seemed to numb her even as it filled her with pleasure.

Syn would start to lose track of the time as Cili continued to thrust into her, not helped by the lack of natural light coming into the tunnel. Though as time went on Syn would eventually feel Cili slow, the flow of eggs starting to die off to one every two, then every four thrusts. Until eventually she stopped, the queen's abdomen having shrunk into a small thing that almost looked like it was more a part of a costume then the large thing it had been before.

"Ohh...thank the gods for helping me with that Syn, I...hope your holding up okay."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn whimpered and moaned in a daze as she orgasmed under Cili's endless assault and working her over.

When it was finally over, and she got some brain power going the right way finally, she whimpered a bit, staring at her impossibly round tummy. "Hng... Surprisingly well for looking at an impossibly distended body... I shouldn't be able to breath let alone talk, but I just feel a bit uncomfortable heh... Glad you feel better though, unf. Hopefully this was an unusual event and... oog... We won't have to repeat this often... I'd like to walk again in my life time."

She groans a bit and smirks a little as she struggles to roll over but cannot. "Unf... Well... Now that I'm more bug girl egg than human, can I get my bed now? OR something comfier than dirt at least, these things aren't light. Gods, please tell me I lay em before they hatch. If I have to birth from both ends, I'm not sure how well I'm gonna handle squirming larvae coming from me, ehe... Though suppose don't have much choice either way in the matter."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Cili nods, "Don't worry, the bed should be ready shortly, and my warrior will help you move. Also this shouldn't be too often, it took me a few months to get this backed up."

The soldier came in, poking at Syn a few times, before lightly closing its jaw around her egg filled body and picking her up. Cili followed as she was moved, "The eggs will come out in a week at most, and they should hatch maybe half an hour after that. Though I do wonder how the drider eggs and my eggs will interact in there..."

Soon Cili was on a futon, the bed laid out across the floor and despite its low tech nature, seemed to be incredibly comfortable. Where the materials for it had come from was up in the air but either way, it was better then the ground, and she didn't have to worry about breaking it.
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Syn nods at the talking, as she's carried about by the soldier, groaning with a chuckle. "Heh, hi. Uh... well they are in different places but... I dunno?"

Syn blinked as she was settled on a comfy futon, blinking a bit. A week huh. Geez. Hell of a time bloated up. Well, guess she better get used to it down here then.

"Mind fetching me some books? Won't get wi-fi down here but I seem able to see somehow so it'll give me something to do.. While immobile."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

Transcripts from mini session. Birth of nearly 50 eggs and a very tired Syn.
Syn would be down in Cili's nest for a week, and during that time the place had expanded rather drastically. She wasn't sure just how far it went but if it was similar progress to her room now then it must have gone a good distance under her house and everyone elses in the neighbourhood. How the place wasn't flooded from water lines was probably better left unanswered. Either way Syn's room was now probably nicer then the one in her own house, even if the floor and walls were dirt, though Cili said something about making the place out of stone to help prevent people digging in. She had a large bed that Kathy had done a good job on making excessively comfortable, a very long running cable that lead to a wi-fi router in the corner and an equally long one that lead to a TV. There were also cobwebs everywhere much to Cili's displeasure, as Kathy had taken to moving into the spacious area as well. The spider girl was there at the moment, idly flipping through a book on styles. The silence in the room though was broken when the Kathy spoke up. "You might want to get ready Syn, judging by your belly your probably going to give birth soon." It wasn't like Syn really needed to be told that, if she thought she was immobile before, it was much worse now, the eggs having grown inside her and making her even more weighed down then before.

Zilrax: Syn groaned, smirking wryly. She was surprised at the ant girls skill, she could imagine she;d be amazing once given mroe advanced books on construction. "Hng, yeah I can tell... Fuck I;m enormous, I swear I take up msot the room, unf... A whole week stuck like this... How the hell did they give me the week off so easy... Gah.... Cmere and rub my tummy, I can;t... unf... reach... This isn;t gonna be a regular thing damn it, I can;t be trapped on my back like this forever, it'll get boring!"

"Don't worry, I think both of us were just really really backed up. Though without someone to offload in regularly then you might end up filled like this once or twice every few months." Kathy said as she came over and rubbed Syn's bloated stomach. Just in time for Cili to come into the room. While the two bug girls were getting along better, they were rather combative over her attention still. As a result when the ant queen saw the spider girl rubbing Syn's bloated belly, she practically teleported over and started to rub the full magical girl too. "Are you doing okay Syn?" The ant girl would ask, concern on her face over the bearer of her her many many children. Unfortunately for Syn though, she would likely not be able to answer 'yes' as just as the Cili finished speaking, the first contraction would set in.

Zilrax: Syn gasps, groaning as sh suddenly felt contractions. "Murg... agh... It- it's time!"

Cili started panicking, while Kathy remained calm. "Ohh god what do we do." The ant girl said as Syn would feel the contractions starting to come one after the other. Kathy on the other hand quickly spun up some silk in the shape of a towel to cover the bed. "You won't bleed but there is going to be alot of sticky juices coming...If you want, Cili or I can umm...feed you some of the fluid used to help keep our eggs moving. It will help replace any pain with pleasure, but it might be a bit awkward."

Zilrax: "Oh... awkward but... I'll take that... over pain...," she groans with a whimper, "Do it, agh..."

"I-I-I'll do it!" Cili offered, "You seem to know how to handle midwifing better then I do Kathy." With a sigh Kathy nodded and Cili shifted around the bed and raised her abdomen in the air. The ovipositor coming out again, "Suck on this. I-I-It'll help." Syn would notice that there was some of the goo from before dripping out of the appendage, every time a drop landed on her it made a twinge of pleasure run through her.

Zilrax: Syn shivered, blushing embaressedly as she tries to suck on and not bite it, panting and writhing as it starts feeling good, moaning around her appendage as she catches Cili's arm and holding tight against her.

Cili would 'eep' at the grab, and the flow of goo would start, luckily without eggs this time. It was enough to take Syn's mind off the multiple eggs starting to push their way out of her body somewhat. Each convulsion bringing with it pain, but an overpowering wave of pleasure too that took the edge off rather well. The magical girl's entrance would stretch, as the first egg started to crest out of her womb, and then drop onto the silk mat that Kathy made. It was quickly followed by another one coming from her ass, and they were both only the first of many.

Zilrax: Syn shudders, writhing and gasping, glad for the distraction as she works Cili while whimpering, emptying the massive eggs inside her out in intense pleasure, trembling as she's swiftly pushed to climax.

The eggs flowed fast, and Syn could pretty much count each one as it left by the massive wave that tore through her. Other then the slightly more then a half dozen much larger drider eggs that were working their way out of her womb, there was dozens of them flowing out through her intestines. Kathy would grab the eggs as they came and moved them to another mat she made to keep them from damaging eachother. Soon her belly would start to noticeably deflate, though the eggs just kept coming, one after the other.

Zilrax: Syn whimpers and groans loudly as she deflated, panting and crying out in climax, not really keeping track jsut knowing it felt like hundreds as she gasped and groaned, the shrinking tummy letting her writhe more and more. "Hng, oh gooooods!"

Eventually, the last egg would finally pass. Dropping into the mat below her and leaving Syn feeling extremely empty. Cili would pull her ovipositor out of the magical girls mouth, and the pleasure would slowly ebb out of her. Kathy would lean forward and pat run her hand through Syn's hair. "Thats the last one Syn, I...guess Cili must have been very backed up. There is like, 40 eggs here...A few of them look a bit strange, too big for ant eggs but too small for my own."

Zilrax: Syn groans, panting, glancing down curiously as she shudders, looking at the egs, gasping. "Y-yeah... I'll... I'll take your word, mmf..." She chuckles tiredly, "Gods, why... Why do you need them in me... anyways? Seems... counterproductive for eggs heh.... How long til they hatch?"

"Because t-they need to absorb some of your magic." Cili said as she looked at the eggs with a bit of wonder in her eyes. "They should hatch in another day or two." Kathy nodded at that, "Yes they will likely hatch by tomorrow night at the latest. I hope you've boosted the size of this place Cili, I don't think Syn't house will be able to handle all these kids."

Zilrax: Syn nods, groaning and trying to get to her feet shakily to look them over. "Unf... Heh... Well Cili's worked hard to... Make me cozy heh..." he reaches over and takes her laptop, "Mmm... Remind me to shown you engineering sites and schematics. With online courses... You could learn lots via correspondence, without anyone seeing you Cili. You too Kathy." She smiles, "As for the kids... Well I'll try and help out..."

Cili nodded. "Th-thanks, and that sounds good. I don't know how deep I can go before it'll be hard to keep the place from falling down." Kathy continued running a hand through Syn's hair. "And the kids should get up to maturity soon. Youma grow quick after all. Though not sure if mine will stay here or leave when they grow up."

Zilrax: "Well, guess we'll find out. And yeah, let's get you girls trained in your interests hehe.," grins Syn, "I probably need to make an appearance in life again. How's Lyn doing, Kathy?"
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"She's doing quite well." Kathy said. "Taking her on walks was...a bit of an experience. I think some of the neighbors were confused." The drider shrugged. "Though for now you should sleep a bit, that was alot of eggs and you got to be tired."
Re: Healing the Worlds Wounds (Zilrax)

"...Heh. Yeah, can imagine. Alright, I'll get some rest. Lemme know if anything changes, alright?"

Syn smirks and hugs a couple of each of the three eggs to her and settles in to sleep off the hard orgasmic work of surrogating an army of bug girls.