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Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea frowns slightly. "I think if her ass is on the line, there's little we could do about it, but I know what you mean... I guess its to minimise the work or something, but..." Castea shrugged. "I wouldn't be too hostile to her, though. She seems both powerful, arbitrary and cruel. I don't want anything to happen to you because you made a dangerous enemy..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Eva's mood turned abnormally foul even by her standards as she was compared to the Lady, the topic being particularly sensitive to her.

"...My, the pieces this round certainly are ignorant aren't they?"

The air around Ashley becoming abnormally heavy and stagnating, as the child's tone of voice began to be sound particularly dangerous, it seemed that the purple haired-girl would have her first taste of 'magic' should she not choose her next words carefully.

"If you're so eager in obtaining a luxury for those girls, why not share yours with? Be a good Samaritan and offer charity should you desire. Of course, should you find yourself too simple-minded to remove your clothes, I can do so for you kindly...merciful as I am."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Something inside Castea snapped, then and there at that comment. "Ignorant?!" she shouted, standing up suddenly causing Rua to slide off her lap. "We end up here with no idea how we got here or anything that happens here and you expect us to understand everything without ever giving us a proper explanation?! I've had enough of your arrogant attitude, show a little decency to those who weren't 'gifted' by your ability to know everything! And start treating us with the respect we deserve!"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Arrogant, show-offy, cruel, and without the concept of responsible use of power. Typical. Claire just smiles at the psychic restraining her, a wide closed-mouthed grin; "Big surprise. I guess if any child got your kind of power she wouldn't have the wisdom to use it right. I'm guessing you always show off to new arrivals, since you throw your power around like a juvenile twit. Still, that doesn't make it any less disappointing to see so much power wasted on a what amounts to a schoolyard bully. Tell me, if you're so powerful and all knowing, why are we still playing this little game? Why haven't you squashed the Witch and had done with it? And why haven't you killed this ignorant worm with a mind of pathetic drivel and had done with it?" She says, her voice even and emotionless. This girl, with all her apparent power, was hardly intimidating, since she acted like nothing more than a bully. Throwing lots of power around was hardly impressive, whether it was something she understood or not.

(Edit: I love how we're all trashing Keylos second most powerful NPC.)
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)


Pollusia's voice rings out loud and clear across the room, and clearly aimed at Ashley.

"Look. I don't know who you are.. or why you want to help us.. but don't bother. Castea... she's not worth it. Crazy girl, you wanna listen to this as well. This woman.. Eva. She's just a plaything for some higher power.. Reina, I think her name is. One of her guards told us everything on the way here. If you want to get anything done.. wait until the briefing. You ask favours of the master, not the hound. There's no use reasoning with a tool like Eva."

Pollusia finishes with a smile aimed at Eva, who she just so casually talked over, then sits down again.
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

With a start, Ashley's body tensed up, her movements suddenly feeling slow and ponderous. Shaking, she hunched over, gritting her teeth as she tried to resist... whatever was happening to her. "Little... bitch..." she muttered, even in this state not intimidated by the pipsqueak at all. Fists balled, she didn't move, her focus entirely on remaining standing. As she was about to utter another insult, Pollusia's voice rang out, stopping her.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Eva seemed to twitch with uncontrollable rage, the combined insults,the earlier comparison with the Lady, all the remaining thoughts of the people in the room... she was at her snapping point.

"Respect?...You demand respect, you, an insignificant..."

An overwhelming and crushing force seeming to press across the room as the child began reaching for her blindfold with one of her chained arms.

"It seems all of you need a lesson in regards to your inferiority...yes, all of you..."

A horrible sense of dread began to fill all that were present in the room as Eva's blindfold began to be removed, as if some horrible demonic force was about to be let loose...

"I'll teach you all what true fear is...yes...I'll show you a hell unl-"

Fortunately for everyone else in the haven however, it was then that a shout cut through the air, one which caused the overwhelming force to dissipate and Eva to freeze.

"Eva! Knock that off this instant!"

Turning their attention to the direction of the voice, the new pieces would see a woman garbed completely in white. Pale skin, and white hair to compliment her dress, she would almost be the perfect image of a saint if not for how flustered she appeared to be, and the fact that she seemed a tad short on breath from running.


Not taking any of Eva's excuses, the 'saint' scolded the psychic mercilessly.

"But what Eva? We've already had this discussion before. Stop acting like a spoiled brat already and get a grip already!"

Replacing her blindfold reluctantly, the child-like woman appeared to be horribly displeased...

"Good, now apologize to everyone for your behavior."




To make the arrogant and "unbending" Eva apologize...it was obvious who the white-clad woman was. Lady Reina of Sanctuary, the Maitress de Salut...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire just grins and shakes her head at the belittled Eva, not frightened by the little girls attempt to once again cow them with her power. She stood up once the girl no longer held her down and cracked her back, arching forward and not really noticing her nudity. She then looked to the woman who had just entered, regaining a comfortable pose and sitting back down, thinking to herself; 'Too much white, but at least she gets things done and doesn't act like a six year old in the process. Maybe I can work something out with this one.'

"Hello." is all Claire says.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness someone with some sense and the ability to tell this one off is here..." she murmurs before speaking up. "Can we please get something more to wear now?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

As soon as Eva's power of her is released, Ashley falls to her hands and knees, breathing in and out audibly. After a few deep breaths she pushed herself back into a kneeling position. She stared at Eva with an angry glare for a few seconds, then stood up, straightening her oversized clothes. "Just so you know I did offer them my clothes," Ashley said matter of factly to Eva, before turning to Reina and asking, "So I guess you're the person we've been waiting for?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Letting out a sigh as she finished catching her breath, and the others began to speak, Reina proceeded to quickly address the unsolved problems at hand.

"...Eva, would you please be so kind as to get these girls some clothes..."

"...After all the pieces arrive..."

"Eva, would you please ever be so kind as to get these girls some clothes?"

Opting not to argue, the small girl wordlessly walked off in the direction of the storeroom that had been mentioned earlier and disappeared inside after she unlocked the door.


Meanwhile, Rua the succubus appeared to have been shaken up quite badly by the energy she felt from Eva's outburst, now apparently cringing in fright as best she could with the chains upon her. Something about that power had spooked her, enough to cause a demon to tremble as so...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire didn't notice the cringing succubus, and just crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for the extra-white woman to say what she had to say or Eva to come back with some clothes.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea knelt down to wrap her arms around Rua. "There, there, it'll be okay..." she assured the girl in a soft voice."The mean girl is gone, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here to protect you..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia enjoys her "I told you so" grin for the longest time before standing to face Reina, drawing the blazer in a little closer to her bare sides.

"Miss Reina.. I presume? I'm Pollusia.. and this is my sister Castea. Then again, you probably knew that already... but introductions are still more polite. We are.. most grateful for your support in these troubling times."

She finishes the over-formal introduction with a stiff bow made ludicrous by the combination of white blazer, pink legwarmers, and nothing else.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Reina seemed to stiffen a bit at being addressed so formally, not fully comfortable with such greetings even after having been in the game so long.

"Thank you...but really...there's no need to do that..."

Although the people around the haven mainly treated her with the utmost respect, she herself seemed to be rather uncomfortable with receiving such, having barely become accustomed with being referred to as "Miss Reina" the whole time.


Rua merely nodded as she shrunk into the blond's embrace for comfort, still a bit shaken despite trying to calm herself down. It was only a coincidence...there was no way that power would be here...right?...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire takes note of the womans sudden loss of confidence when speaking to the apparently newly arrived Pollusia, and her discomfort with being treated like she was in charge, even though she quite apparently was. She still sits calmly with her arms crossed, waiting patiently while examining the white haired and white garbed woman.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia inclines her head with a faint shadow of a smile, then turns away to join her sister. Apparently, that introduction seemed to her sufficient, and she'd take no more time.

Sitting, she smiles.

"Told you she was a pet on a leash."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Come on, let's see about getting a room and getting you fed, okay?" Castea said softly to Rua, before looking up. "Uhm... Miss Reina...? Rua here needs to be fed, and I'm... er... not really comfortable doing ti in front of everyone..." she said awkwardly.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

The glass entrance to the building slowly opens and a figure slips inside. Trying not to draw any attention, the person, either a youth or an underdeveloped, small woman, slips around the edges of the room, eyes darting about with a hint of fear. Possibly, one could mistake her for someone trying to sneak into someplace where they aren't allowed, but her small size and cute face make the girl seem to mostly be a human sized cuddly toy.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)


It is then, that for the first time upon coming back to the haven, that Reina takes notice of Rua. Although the white-haired woman was more well-liked around the inn, she was far outclassed by her child-like counterpart in terms of psychic abilities and preemption, being able to only catch occasional glimpses of the future should she concentrate with all of her might. Thus the reason for her failure to recognize the red-haired demon's presence beforehand.

"Um...I think most of the rooms are being prepared for the new arrivals at this point...although if you want, I can try giving Rua something to tide her over for the moment...until she can get properly fed of course."

It should be noted that, unlike Eva, Reina treated Rua like another human being, calling her by her name without referring to her by or adding any degrading terms.