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Hentai Creature Lore: Elves


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Disclaimer: The 'Lore' used to create these kinds of threads are from my ideas alone, parts of which may be taken from many different sources such as ancient folklore, games, literature, rumor and anything in between, the idea is not to inform the reader so much as entertain them, please try to keep this in mind as you read as you may disagree with the content, it is altered specifically in order to make it more erotic and therefore, may contain passages which directly conflict with other beliefs concerning creatures of the same name. Once again, the content of this article is to entertain, not to inform, if you wish to disagree, please do so in a fair and reasonable manner, preferably in a place such as inside of the thread where discussion may be had regarding such philosophical differences.

Other 'Hentai Creature Lore' entries include....

- 'Tentacle'
-'Corrupted Flora'

Hentai Creature Lore: Elf


Elves are a forest dwelling humanoid who are aligned with the great forest, their bodies are similar to that of humans, with a few differences, Elves are able to speak to the plants and trees within their forest and act to protect them from invaders or to help feed them, they are similar to fairies in this regard, there are many different types of elves who are able to change their skin tone and abilities based on how they absorb energy from other creatures.

Elves are as potential Conduits for all life forms and see it as their duty to maintain the balance of every life form should it become endangered, there have been reports of Elves sustaining the population of even predatory creatures such as Tentacles, even though these creatures are unnatural in our world, they see it as their duty to maintain their healthy population for reasons unknown.

Elves mature very quickly (taking only two years to become mature from birth) and age incredibly slowly afterwards, the average Elven Lifespan is over 500 years.

The Elvish population is 100% female.

Appearance: Elves appear to be incredibly similar to that of humans, with the most noticeable difference being their ears and their skin color. Elven ears are long and pointed, making them their most identifiable feature from humans, an Elf's skin color is determined by the energy they tend to favor, 'High Elves' have creamy white skin, 'Wood Elves' have darker (almost brown) skin and 'Dark Elves' have skin tones which can range between grey to indigo to purple.

Intelligence: Elves are fairly intelligent creatures who are able to think for themselves, they are dedicated to their forest and it becomes a part of their community as they communicate with it and try to prevent invaders from harming the defenseless trees and plants.

Elves have been known to set traps and work with fairies in order to protect their surroundings, some Elves are able to cast nature magics and it has been rumored that dark elves are able to cast other types.


Physical Attributes: With frail bodies, elves are weaker than humans by a significant margin, even a weak human female should be able to overpower a mature elf with little effort, they are exceptionally quick and agile however and can run and move faster than most humans can, and therefore try to outmaneuver an enemy and subdue them with traps, poisons or other debilitating mechanisms.

Anatomy: The Elven Anatomy is very similar to that of a human, although their anuses and vaginas are much smaller and tighter than that of a human, unlike a human however, Elven breasts do not lactate, and exist purely to attract male victims.

Diet: Elves are vegetarians except when it comes to consuming semen, which contains magical properties which enhance their bodies, elves do not necessarily hunt humans, but they can start to develop a taste for their semen and once they do, they start to become more predatory, Why an elf decides to consume semen in the first place is unknown, but may be linked to their reproductive rituals.

Appetite and Methods: Without human contact, Elves are strictly vegetarians, choosing to feed on the fruits or excess leafs or other parts which their plant and tree friends provide for them, in exchange for this, the Elf will usually carry the seeds of the plant and bury them in a location where they are allowed to grow, allowing for forests to expand or grow more dense.

however, if humans are in the area, Elves will naturally try to chase them away or attack them. Human semen is potentially part of the elven diet as it is technically a seed as well and it effects them differently, it is not known why an elf will willingly consume semen for the first time, but it is suspected that they find the aroma of a human male to be irresistible, and it may be linked to their natural reproductive deficiencies.

Once an elf starts to consume semen their bodies start to crave it more and they be begin to willingly prey upon humans around their territory, sometimes even temporarily leaving their territory in order to find them, as an elf feeds on human energy, their skin tone changes to a darker shade and they become infatuated with preying on humans; these elves are known as 'dark elves' and they typically will abandon their duties to nature in order to begin their new lives.

The influx of human populations is generally a corrupting factor for all elves.

Reproduction: Human semen is the only known kind which is able to impregnate elves; because of this, elves will begin 'Reproductive Pilgrimages' often once they reach a certain age (generally around age 100) when they will leave their deep forests in search of a human male who can impregnate them.

Upon finding the man, the elf will subdue him in any way that she can, either by weakening him or by ensnaring him in a trap, forcing herself upon him afterwards.

Without this kind of pilgrimage, the elven population would die out eventually (even though the elven lifespan is incredibly long). Unfortunately for the elf, when she comes in contact with human semen for the first time, she will become forever addicted to it, and shortly after the birth of her child, she will begin a subconscious quest to attain more.

Elves are only fertile for a small window of their lives (about 5 years) and so during this time, they will actively seek a male in order to become pregnant, however, if they are unable to find a male or unable to bring one down during that amount of time, they will retreat back to their normal elven lives having new been able to conceive, whereas the strongest, quickest and smartest elves are able to catch their prey, they will slowly be corrupted and eventually turned into dark elves.

Because of this, the stronger elves usually become dark elves and the weaker ones generally remain as regular elves deep in their woods until a human male wanders into their territory.

Elven weapons and traps: Elves have been known to equip themselves with a wide variety of nature based weapons and armaments, their clothing consists of patched leafs and moss, their weapons are usually either clubs, bows, whips (made of thick roots or vines) and darts.

Elven bows and darts are coated with a type of poison which exists within their forests, they generally favor poisons which weaken or debilitate their victims rather than killing them, as elves believe that all life; even human life is sacred.

Encounters with elves will only rarely be life threatening, as they will take care to bring an invader or their prey down as gently as possible.

Elven traps consist of triggers, pitfalls and contact toxins which are once again designed to debilitate rather than kill.


Prey of Tentacles: Elves are a limited source of 'Feminine Energy' a mysterious energy most prominently seen in the female human population, it is estimated that a Female Elf is capable of producing up to 40% of the Feminine energy that a human can.

Tentacle Creatures who do not have a healthy abundance of human slaves which they have captured my instead begin to prey on the local elven population in order to sustain itself, although the Tentacle Population would only be able to sustain, not grow using elven energy as sustenance

A Tentacle Creature is able to detect the differences between a human and an Elf quite easily, and when a local tentacle population is healthy and satisfied by their own collection of slaves, Elves and Tentacles can live together in harmony as the plants and the Elves do.


Prey of Demons: Unlike Tentacles, and Corrupted Flora, Elves try to avoid Demons whenever possible as they are incredibly sadistic and are interested more in destruction and violence than anything else, however, Demons enjoy capturing and raping elves for sexual satisfaction. Sometimes demon hunting parties will invade the woods and capture as many elves are they can so they can bring them back to their camps and have an orgy, Elves who survive the ordeal are sold as slaves to demonic masters and forced to live out their lives pleasuring them, Elves who die during an orgy (due to their internal organs being destroyed or damaged) are quickly thrown onto the fire and eaten by the group during the festivities.

Like Human slaves caught by demons, some larger demons enjoy placing chains on their victims and wearing them around their stomach, being fucked perpetually by their massive demon cocks below, these slaves are considered almost as jewelry or trophies for such demons, who abuse them like they were objects existing purely for their twisted sexual gratification.

Conclusions and Advice:

Elves will rarely make their presence known to you, if they are hunting you for either reproductive purposes or for food, they will almost always begin by studying you and setting traps for you, because of this, they will almost always have the advantage.

If you meet an elf face to face, take a defensive position and back away slowly, keeping the elf in your sights the entire time, try to find shelter and contact the local authorities to alert them of the presence of elves.

In the event that an elf attacks you, try to overpower her as she comes close, keep an eye on her hands as she will undoubtedly try to use some kind of weapon against you.

Most of the time the only way an elf will be able to bring you down is if they are able to poison you and weaken you, if you have been poisoned try your best to still escape, though the elf will likely move in and finish you off once they notice your lethargy.

an Elf may bind your arms and legs as they start to rape you, these binds are generally made of thick roots tied into tight knots and are not easily broken even by a human at full strength.

The elf will access your cock by pulling your pants can and begin to stimulate you with her hands at first and then eventually her mouth and vagina.

The elf will continue to ride you until you ejaculate inside of her, the resulting exhaustion combined with the poisons will likely cause you to pass out shortly afterwards.

An elf will usually free you of your binds and carry you to a safe place where you will be safe from other predators before she leaves.

Dark Elf Subjugation: Normally, an elf would consider enslaving a human to be a violation of the natural order as elves generally believe that no life-form should be domesticated or be made a slave of anothers, however, Dark elves are more concerned with satisfying their growing hunger and thus, may choose to capture and enslave human male victims so that they may feed from them for an extended period of time.

After being defeated by the elf, rather than simply feeding from them, the elf will drag their unconscious bodies to an area or the forest or optimally a cave where they will keep their prisoner there and care for them.

Human prisoners are fed and kept as pets to dark elves, feeding from them whenever the human is ready to provide a meal.

The elf may eventually consider the male to be weakened enough both physically and mentally that she allows him to follow her as she wanders through the forest doing her elven duties; the male, having been enslaved for so long, may willingly accept his new life as a slave by this time.
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