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Hentai Creature Lore: Fairy


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Disclaimer: The 'Lore' used to create these kinds of threads are from my ideas alone, parts of which may be taken from many different sources such as ancient folklore, games, literature, rumor and anything in between, the idea is not to inform the reader so much as entertain them, please try to keep this in mind as you read as you may disagree with the content, it is altered specifically in order to make it more erotic and therefore, may contain passages which directly conflict with other beliefs concerning creatures of the same name. Once again, the content of this article is to entertain, not to inform, if you wish to disagree, please do so in a fair and reasonable manner, preferably in a place such as inside of the thread where discussion may be had regarding such philosophical differences.

Other 'Hentai Creature Lore' entries include....

- 'Tentacle'
-'Corrupted Flora'

Hentai Creature Lore: Fairies


Appearance: Fairies appear as tiny winged females, who are no more than 6 inches tall, each fairy has a set of semi-translucent wings which allow the fairy to fly at quick speeds or avoid capture from larger more powerful creatures, Fairies are natural creatures with relatively low intelligence, and thus, don't generally wear clothing other than light fabrics or baubles they can find or make from flower petals or other pretty forest things.

The Fairy form is relatively universal, each fairy appears similar and is easily recognizable due to their fleshy appearance and wings.

Intelligence: Fairies are not especially intelligent creatures, but they are able to use minor nature based magics if they can gain enough energy in a short period of time. Communication between humanoids is lacking, but Fairies have been known to communicate and even assist forms of plants or elves within their forests, protecting them against invaders, or to help gather food from male or female sources.

Fairies are fun-loving tricksters, who enjoy toying with their victims, or luring them into traps so they can laugh at them.


Physical Attributes:
Physically, Fairies are some of if not the weakest known humanoid creatures, using their speed and elusiveness to avoid capture, they are able to evade potential captors, but in the event that they are caught, there is almost no way for them to escape. Fairies don't use any kind of real weapon when fighting, prefering instead to use flowers or petals of plants in order to feed them from a defeated opponent, after they have fed of course.

Magical Attributes: As Mentioned Previously, If a fairy is able to gain significant energy through feeding in a short period of time, they can use minor magical abilities, these abilities are rarely offensive, instead, fairies rely on using water or nature based magic to heal themselves or mend damaged plants, Fairies are also able to speed up the bodily functions of their victims and cause them to create semen quicker or restore another female's ability to produce energy, sometimes, Fairies work in tandem with others and keep a defeated victim continuously producing energy until they have all fed. Fairies working in groups are much more dangerous than a single fairy is because of this.

Anatomy:The Fairy Anatomy is very simplistic, they have a much smaller vagina and uterus than any other type of female, but it can expand up to 25 times it's original size to place themselves upon a male penis. The Fairy does not possess much of a digestive system, and it is possible for a small tentacle to go 'all the way' through a Fairy from their mouth to their anus without causing lethal damage, as long as there is room for her to breath, A fairies milk is sweet like nectar, but doesn't produce any amount of energy like a larger female creature's milk might, though it can be cultivated and turned into a cream or butter which is highly valued and considered a delicacy.

Diet: Fairies can feed on berries and plant nectar for sustenance, but they prefer to feed on semen whenever possible. Like many 'Monster Girls' Fairies bodies have become attuned to absorb the life essence from male semen, as a creature of the forest, Fairies along with Plants and Elves prey upon male victims who trespass into their territory, Fairies have also been known to scavenge semen from Tentacle Creatures after they have raped a victim, and sometimes are able to isolate a weaker tentacle creature with a larger group of fairies, although their magic doesn't work on Tentacle Creatures because they are unnatural. Even the largest group of fairies could never hope to take down a fully grown tentacle creature however, and usually avoid them.


Appetite and Methods: A Fairy only needs a small amount of semen to become satisfied, but because Fairies generally hunt in packs, there is more than of them to use it all up, sometimes Fairies will carry with them small flowers or petals and use them to sip up some of the excess semen, a tribute to the plants around them.

When a male enters fairy territory, the fairies will begin to quickly form into a large group through communication which only they and the forest can understand, eventually, the fairy group may be as large as one hundred of them.

The group of fairies will attack their victim at once, flying into them and trying to knock the person off balance so they can pin them against the ground with their bodies.

Once a male has been pinned to the ground, the majority of the fairies hold him down while others work to get his pants off.

The Fairies take turns holding the victim down while others rub their bodies against the male's penis, using their tongues, breasts and tiny vaginas to stimulate the victim.

When the Victim is ready to ejaculate, one of the Fairies will sit at the end of the person's cock and intercept the load for the group, preventing it from flying too far.

The cum-covered fairy then sits on the end of the man's penis and licks it clean while the other fairies come one by one and lick their share of the semen off of her.

Once enough fairies have fed, they continue to hold the man down while others gather around their victim's testicles where they preform a restoration ritual which will allow the man to quickly create another batch of fresh semen.

This process is continued for hours and is considered quite an event, many more fairies hear of the catch and make their way to the site where the man is being held.

The party may continue for hours where the man ejaculated several hundred times before the fairies eventually leave, full and satisfied.

The man may lay there, exhausted and vulnerable for hours afterwards or he may be taken in custody by an Elf who has been attracted by all of the Fairy activity.


Reproduction: Fairies Reproduce by becoming fertilized by flowers throughout the Forest, The fairies are drawn in by the fragrance of the flower and will come to the flower during the spring and summer months.

The Fairy will voluntarily press the Stamen or Pistil of the bud within a flower and take the Flower's reproductive pollen into her system, The Fairy will transform the genetic material into an embryo inside of her with will be born into a newborn fairy after about a week, the Baby Fairy will become fully grown and matured within a few days and be able to repeat the process herself.

Because of this simple reproductive process, Fairies are able to reproduce throughout the spring and summer months and thousands of new fairies are born.

These new fairies may become part of the original fairy community, or may wander deeper into the forest themselves so they can take care of that part of the forest.


Conclusions and Advice:
If you spot a fairy who is following you after you enter a forest, it is a good idea to begin moving through the forest as quickly as possible, as the fairies will begin gathering in numbers quickly as work spreads that you are in their territory.

Once you notice that Ten of More Fairies have gathered, it may be a good idea to take your cock out of your pants and begin masturbating as quickly as possible, once you bring yourself to ejaculation, try to create a neat puddle of the substance in order to distract the following fairies so they will lose interest in you, try to clean the excess off of your body as it will attract more fairies otherwise.

If you are being overpowered by an insurmountable force of fairies, try your best to capture one of them and spread her legs apart, then force her onto your cock, using her body to prevent the other fairies from stimulating you, The Fairies should begin to concentrate on saving their friend from being raped by you, which will give you an opportunity to escape from their grasp, try your best to hold the Fairy's legs down so that she cant escape, releasing her only when you are out of harm's way and have escaped the rest of the fairies, A fairy is exceptionally flexible and should not be hurt by doing this.
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