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Sad to hear that.
I do hope other crowdfunded developers will also read what you shared, and learn from it - in terms of dev/planning experience, straightforwardness and transparency.
I was especially surprised seeing how far ahead and how solidly the storyboard was written.

Well, my best wishes on your next project!
I know I read it and took it to heart. The artist helping with the project I'm working on has departed (on good terms) to pursue other things, but it's left me with no artistic talent in the meantime. Altogether, that's five projects I know of who have announced losing an artist in the past week. Rough.

I was pretty into this one in particular, too. I was fan of the character designs especially, and didn't have a problem with any of the content. Was much more my speed than Future Fragments (mostly because I'm notoriously bad at platformers). Hope you fare well in your other and future projects, HentaiWriter.
Yeah while it was a very interesting idea, the main turn-away was, like you said in your doc, the VN/Text portion. The Yuri stuff could've been interesting, but you can only go so far with machine porn until people lose interest completely, which is why it was good that Future Fragments kept it to one level only.
Sad to hear that.
I do hope other crowdfunded developers will also read what you shared, and learn from it - in terms of dev/planning experience, straightforwardness and transparency.
I was especially surprised seeing how far ahead and how solidly the storyboard was written.

Well, my best wishes on your next project!

Thanks a lot for the well wishes; I'm glad you enjoyed reading everything, it really is the silver lining here that people enjoyed the project so much after reading all about it.

I know I read it and took it to heart. The artist helping with the project I'm working on has departed (on good terms) to pursue other things, but it's left me with no artistic talent in the meantime. Altogether, that's five projects I know of who have announced losing an artist in the past week. Rough.

I was pretty into this one in particular, too. I was fan of the character designs especially, and didn't have a problem with any of the content. Was much more my speed than Future Fragments (mostly because I'm notoriously bad at platformers). Hope you fare well in your other and future projects, HentaiWriter.

Thanks a lot; sorry to hear that about your artist too, although the artist that's leaving our project works on a great many games/has worked on many games, so it might be the same artist. I wish them well though, zero bad blood there, they're incredibly skilled and I know they're going to go onto great things. Hopefully in the future they'll be interested in trying out working on games again (and if they did, they said they'd be down to work with us again, but as noted in the future I'll have teams of artists so if they do decide to do their own thing again, it won't be a gigantic amount of art lost).

We'll have more visual novel games in the future too, mixed in with the gameplay hentai games, too :p

Yeah while it was a very interesting idea, the main turn-away was, like you said in your doc, the VN/Text portion. The Yuri stuff could've been interesting, but you can only go so far with machine porn until people lose interest completely, which is why it was good that Future Fragments kept it to one level only.

Yeah, it just was crippled fundamentally, but it definitely strengthened our future games as a result.
I do think a game with machine sex stuff though would do well even if it was solely that, as would it be if it were just yuri; I think the gameplay was the most to blame here.
Will there be some form of art-asset dump of whatever was already done?
Will there be some form of art-asset dump of whatever was already done?

The only thing art wise that wasn't shown entirely was the second boss battle and some of the partial backgrounds; everything else was shown, so I'm not sure we'd dump the assets (especially since I think the artist would be against it, as people might use the art without permission and we do intend to revive the series much later on in another format).

If anything I might do a music dump if the musician is okay with it since we had a LOT of music done for the series, well over 50 tracks, etc.