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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

"You can fly yes? That will have to do then."

He turns and makes certain everyone else in in the chopper then says to Burrito matter of factly, "sir, I'll give you folks the time you need to get out of here. Their already mobilizing in a formation that suggests flak cannons. Either way, someone has to take those things out so the chopper can get out of here. I'll see you later."

There was no doubt in his voice that he fully believed whatever he had planned would buy him enough time to get away even ground ridden.
Re: Hive Number One

"Sargent. Good luck." Burrito says, sitting in the chopper and sighing as he looks over at his right arm, still missing the skin and sleeve "Tsuki. When we get back to command. You're with me." he says, examining the aspects of his right arm and making sure nothing had been injured
Re: Hive Number One

After the goodbyes are final, the Chopper slowly lifts off, then begins to streak away from Pale and Siphon.

Nearby, the bots had indeed set up a turret of some kind, and it now swiveled over, taking aim for the chopper. Luckily, Siphon had forseen that idea, and targeted it quickly, but even as it blew up he staggered slightly, seemingly running out of energy to do this with.
Re: Hive Number One

Whirling chopper blades.. on the dry air of summer's day.. equals static. Pale could sense it building, trapped in the chopper, and reached out. This construct was more of a lattice.. a route to trap, to funnel, to channel the energy. Normally, she'd channel into herself, or more often, her enemies...

The air seems charged.. hair stands on end.. then a bolt of lightning drops from the chopper, and strikes Siphon, dead on.

I hope he knows what he's doing..
Re: Hive Number One

The bolt struck him pretty much on top of his head, sending a massive jolt of energy through him.

By nature, lighting is mostly electrical energy, but it also is capable of burning anything it strikes. Even he was not immune to the burning of flesh and clothing, though he was able to regenerate the former with ease.

Something strange happened in front of Pale's very eyes. His body almost began to glow, and he suddenly straightened up more than he had been, seemingly, somehow drawing the massive electrical energy from the bolt into himself and USING it to strengthen himself.

"One more dance then. Pale, go. I'll cover your escape for as long as I can and then try to join you. Thank you for the booster."

He turned back to the bots, who were beginning to regroup and snarled. "If I'm heading to the mists I'm taking ALL of you with me!"

With that, more of the yellow dots appeared in the sky, far more than had been present before. With his body charged by the blast, it seemed he had the ability to control this many without problem, and the bots soon found themselves literally swarmed by the swarm of drones.
Re: Hive Number One

"If you think that I intend to leave you here, and sail off into the sunset.. then that bolt did more than charge you. It must've fried your brain cells, as well!"

She had enough left. If there was a stand to be made..

"You know.."

She starts, conversationally, casting as she does.

"Most spells were set down in form, long ago.. before I was born, before my grandmother was born.. but every now and then, if you're clever, you can put together your own shapes. I call this.. the Penguin!"

She spreads her fingers wide, and alternating black/white rays streak from them, each seeking a target, and transforming them to ashes, that float upon the wind.
Re: Hive Number One

There is a warm smile from him as he adds, "I appreciate that, but you know as well as I do they just seem to keep coming. What disturbs me is we've taken out the hive, yet more are still showing. I wonder why?"

Even as he spoke, more arrived, though not as many as before it seemed. "Unfortunately, we both can not hold out forever, and a ground escape may become impossible soon."
Re: Hive Number One

"It's obvious, isn't it? It's a trap. Simple as that. Besides.."

In mid-sentence, she drops a terminator with a small ball of fire..

"Besides, we can just leave any time, right? Ever flown before?"
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon glances to the skies, the Chopper too far away now to be harmed by the bots. "We could go now yes, and what do you mean? In the chopper yes."
Re: Hive Number One

Sizing the man up with a grin, Pale casts once again, this time a stretched out nebula of a structure.. though the fine detail was important. She reaches out, and taps Siphon between his shoulder blades, leaving a tiny black speck.

This grows, spreads.. until the wings that bracket him mirror her own.

"ShadowWings. First mage trick in the book. Never really had use of it until now.. but.. might take some getting used to."
Re: Hive Number One

He blinks then shakes his head. "Ok, so your expecting me to learn how to use these things and fly out from here in less than five minutes? Please tell me this type of thing works mostly on mental thought."
Re: Hive Number One

A smile.

"Well, of course! I'm not going to try and graft a magical construct to your muscles... that be.. mad.. crazily complicated.."

Though, you know, I could probably... Ah! Concentrate!

"Just.. think about flapping, and flap! Simple as that. You actually have it easier than me..."
Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki squeaks as she's picked up. A long few moments of confusion and she's on the chopper heading out. "Uh... okay, sir," she replied to Burrito, still unsure of what was happening.

Another couple moments and Tsuki had regained her senses. She also realized she was still bleeding. "...Ow." Once again, she changed her power distribution. Now that they were away from the battle field, the terminators that had been covering them fell apart harmlessly, as the other bots had. With that energy freed up, she was finally truly able to recover. Still, she was tired. Her eyes closed as she took a power nap.
Re: Hive Number One

There was a small sigh of relief before he finally replied, "very well, then let us go while the drones are still actively seeking bot targets. After you?"
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike simply sat in the chopper, eyes closed and head back, breathing gently. Mentally, she was clearing her web of thoughts, filing away everything she had seen and done for later scrutiny, and cataloging everything she knew on her new companions. She was a creature of mind, and everything needed to be absolutely organized or she couldn't work at full effeciency. Once she was done that, she finally succumbs to the tiredness she felt and passed quietly into sleep, there being no outward change in appearance from before.
Re: Hive Number One

Perched in a nearby tree, a black raven with blue tips on its wings cocks its head to the side and watches as a bird of another sort, a metallic one, rises from the ground and begins to work its way back to the safety of the city. First had been the golden drones, a good sign, especially after the report she'd gotten mentally. As a streak of lightning comes out of the empty sky, she flits between a few of the branches. Oh, let that be one of us. Then the barrage of the lasers from orbit as well. Another good sign. As the breeze from the chopper stirred the branches around her, she clutched tightly onto them and waited until the thing was well away before taking flight herself. Granted, it would reach the city much faster than she would, but it also gave her time to do a bit of scouting and reconisance along the way.
Re: Hive Number One

Grave sat in the chopper, looking around. This was his first flight and he wasn't sure if he liked it. Still, it was much better than running. Grave yawned. The adrenaline has left his blood, he was beginning to fully experience his exhaustion. Soon, the warrior would fall asleep, and he wouldn't wake up before the chopper reached the city.
Re: Hive Number One

A roll of the eyes, practically a smirk, and Pale leaps upward with apparent ease, the backdraft of her wings dropping several bots to the ground.

"Ever the gentleman, huh? Make sure you gain altitude fast, but.. don't fly too close to the Sun, little Icarus! Your wings won't like the heat.."

She kept rising.. and rising.. and rising, till finally, she broke through the thin, solitary cloud, that marred the blue sky. There, Pale took a moment to relax, drift on the breeze.. and see if Siphon would manage to follow her.
Re: Hive Number One

I'll keep that in mind.

There was a beat while he added more drones just to be certain, then concentrated. Fly.

Almost as if on command the usage of the wings came to him. He was surprised at how effortless it really was once he opened his mind to it, but he chided himself for that. Given what Pale had said, and his mental abilities, it shouldn't have surprised him at all.

After only a moment, he would emerge from the cloud near her, and grinned. "This is a bit easier than a chopper, too bad it's temporary. Anyway, let us go before the bots... miss our being there."
Re: Hive Number One

"Or before my spell runs out, and your body suddenly remembers it's not not actually a bird!"

The tease softens, and she adds.

"Good job, though. I think the chopper went.. that way?"

After a casual wave of the arm, one wing folds, and she drops away sharply to the left with apparent ease. She -had- been doing this all her life, after all.