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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

"Indeed," he replied with a chuckle.

He nodded at her gesture. "Indeed it went that way. Shouldn't take us long to get there though. And off we go!"

He simply commanded the wings to propel him forward at the highest speed they could muster, not bothering with any fancy moves. It wouldn't have mattered because the bots they left behind were more than occupied with the drones left to counter them, and soon after they left, the last of the bots simply shut down, their respawns seemingly running out of power.

Soon they had reached the outskirts of the city, and he spoke again. "I'm heading down to the gates there to pass through the checkpoint, I'll get you in and then I need to locate Copper and be certain she got back alright. You will need to find Burrito, assuming you want to join our ranks that is and kick these bots asses once and for all."