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Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"You're welcome sweetie. Anything for my new sister," Cinthya replied, smiling brightly as she took a seat near Sarah.

Before the master could reply, another female voice answered Sarah from across the dining room. "I'd imagine the first thing would be to eat that delicious cake, but that's just me," Ember said teasingly as she appeared in the room, apparently having returned safely from the incident with the wraith.

"Ah Ember! You've returned safely." The Master said happily, getting up to clasp hands with her for a brief moment before turning back to Sarah. "Now that we have nearly all of our house in attendance, introductions are in order. "I am Nicholai Krauss, head of the Philadelphia Tremere chantry. You've already met Ember and Cinthya, and this is Geoffrey."

Nicholai gestured to a mysterious bald man standing next to Ember. He had dozens runic tattoos all over his face and an open leather trench coat and leather pants. He certainly looked different than the other members of the House, but he seemed polite enough, bowing deeply to Sarah with a smile. "It is good to finally meet you Sarah," Geoffrey said once he'd risen to his feet again.

"I believe it would be appropriate for Ember to perform your initiation, Sarah, given her sacrifice for you and your meeting so many years ago. This is the kind of connection that tends to strengthen the magical potential of our initiates." Master Nicholai smiled at Ember then looked back to Sarah. "Besides, I can tell she wants you. Take your time however, as we would not want to hurt Cinthya's feelings by ignoring her exquisite cake, now would we?"

Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"Oh, hehe, yeah, guess so." Sarah quickly got a piece of the cake and started eating it as Ember entered the room, pausing for the official introduction from Mr. Krauss. She idly wondered if they all had formal titles they needed to call each other by, or really just went on first name basis. She was thinking more towards the latter at this point. Her mind was just racing so fast with all these new things! In fact, she missed the bald man at first, amazingly, because she was getting so distracted!

"Ah... a pleasure to meet you all then!" The safe thing to say, and Sarah managed to avoid tripping up at his appearance. His polite manner actually took away any worry she would have. Typically she didn't judge anyway, though Geoffrey did seem quite out of place... Sarah raised her eyebrows at the "magical potential" remark as well, but this group seemed to be very overly dramatic. She supposed at one time she might have been as well, but the last few years of life had knocked it out of her a bit.

"Okay. And yeah, it is good cake." Sarah took another bite, though the sheer excitement made it hard to eat. It was probably easy to see, so she hoped that they wouldn't mind her only finishing half a piece. She was also trying to think back and remember when she had seen Ember before, though the excitement also got in the way of that. "I won't be too long, though. If I knew I'd be getting cake, I'd have saved room! Maybe later Cinthya can show me how to bake that good though, I'm sure that's even better flattery." Sarah winked at Cinthya and tried to loosen up a bit, but really, she hadn't been this giddy in quite some time.
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

The strange but friendly group of cultists about her all seemed to smile quite a bit more after Sarah took her first bite of the chocolate cake. As she closed her lips over the fork, the chocolatey goodness melted atop her tongue, lavishing her taste buds with euphoria. It was like something out of the dessert section of a five star French restaurant, so good that Sarah couldn't help but let a soft moan escape from her lips as soon as she tasted it.

After she took another bite, Sarah's heart fluttered with glee, her body coming alive with warm, pleasant sensations. Sarah's taste buds were pampered by the exquisitely soft chocolate, coated in raspberry sauce, but the excitement quickly shot through her veins, rushing through her limbs and core. It tasted so good, felt so good everywhere, all over her body, that Sarah had a hard time resisting eating more or even thinking of anything else.

By the time Sarah took her third bite, she was done for. Sarah's body fell deeper and deeper into a chasm of lust even if her mind resisted. Her thighs instinctively pressed together, feeling nearly overwhelmed with pleasure, her core begging to explode. The rest of the cultists had filed out of the room, but Ember remained, sitting closely beside Sarah.

The fiery redhead smiled knowingly, brushing her hand up and down Sarah's arm. Ember was deeply attractive in her satiny black dress, vibrant red hair falling over her shoulders in soft waves. It wasn't long before she pulled Sarah onto her lap, holding her about the waist firmly and letting Sarah lean back against her - making her do so if she didn't do it on her own. Ember's other hand leaned Sarah's head back against her shoulder, streaks of fiery red brushing against her cheek as the vampire giggled. The lights in the dining room went out, coating the pair in darkness until a small flame erupted in front of them. The little ball of fire floating atop Ember's palm, indeed, it was emanating from her very skin! Ember slowly grazed Sarah's body with the back of her hand, warming her with the soft glow of the fire, then hovering the flame just above Sarah's quivering lap.

"It's no use trying to hold it in Sarah, heh. The only thing holding you back from paradise is yourself and your inhibitions. Don't you see? They weaken you, prevent you from reaching your true potential." Ember purred softly in Sarah's ear, her fingers stroking Sarah's waist softly, teasing her even with the flame so close to her skin. "You know it's gonna happen eventually whether you like it or not. Why not just let go and let the tide carry you away?" Ember's voice was soft but dominant, guiding Sarah to the edge of pleasure's abyss, whispering in her ear. "Wash yourself of your weakness Sarah. Let it come rushing out of you like a tidal wave. Command it so! Release the weakness! Bask in your reward... I'll be here to catch you."

After the ritual was complete, Ember leaned close to Sarah's ear, her flaming hand still hovering slowly above Sarah's glowing body. "Good girl. Are you ready to become my childe and sister now? To pledge eternal loyalty and steadfast devotion to myself and my brothers and sisters within the Tremere clan? If yes, limitless knowledge and power awaits you."
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

Sarah hardly noticed everyone filing out, the cake was very... distracting... She didn't know what was coming over her, but it was powerful! Maybe it was just the excitement, but she was now about ready the explode, either way!

Sarah did notice when Ember started to lean in, eyes widening a bit. She felt all tingly at the little attentions. She was indeed gasping as Ember started to talk. For a split second she was a bit worried about this feeling, but then embraced it. She could process it all later, for now she just let herself be memorized by Ember.

"Y... yes! I'm ready!" Sarah belatedly realized it, but Ember was as much a part of the excitement as anything. Sarah didn't get turned on often, but at this rate, she was ready to do anything Ember said! Yeah, it was all a bit mumbo-jumboish, but that was fine. Such things had to be maintained, even if she'd never heard of such an elaborate initiation before. Probably cause the really good ones were well kept secrets, heh! Sarah realized that late too, and giggled a bit with giddyness at being let in on such a thing. She looked deep into Embers eyes, waiting for whatever came next!
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"I'm so glad to hear that," Ember grinned right back at Sarah, her face lit up with happiness, both literally - from the softly blazing fire, and metaphorically from how happy she was that she would have her first childe. The redhead turned, still smiling and raised her fiery hand toward the wall. With a flick of her fingers, the ball sprang away and into a torch, illuminating the darkened room with a soft golden hue.

After launching the orb, the redhead wrapped Sarah up in a tight embrace, nuzzling and squeezing her new childe closely. Despite the comforting embrace, a shiver rushed through Sarah's spine. Beneath the satin black dress, Ember's skin was cold and white as snow like a pure winter morning, starkly contrasting with the warmness of her smile and her embrace. Keeping Sarah nuzzled closed to her neck, Ember slid an arm beneath the crook of Sarah's knee. The vampire scooped Sarah up with a smile and soft laugh, carrying her away like a bride to the honeymoon. Ember carried Sarah down a spiraling matrix of staircases and stone passageways, careful to avoid hitting the blonde's head on anything along the way.

Eventually they arrived in a bedroom, presumably Ember's. The walls were made of stone like an old castle with no windows but a flickering torch on the wall for light. Ember carried Sarah to the king size bed in the middle of the room. It was covered with sheets and quilts of deep red satin and cotton with large mahogany posts at the four corners.

Ember gently placed Sarah onto the quilts on her back, the vampire slowly crawling atop her, deep azure eyes watching Sarah playfully the whole time. The vampire sat regally atop Sarah's lap like it was her own little throne, long folds of Ember's satin black dress brushing softly around Sarah's hips and legs as the redhead straddled her. It was then that Ember finally bared her pointed, alabaster fangs, growling lowly, softly like a little feminine predator, a pretty little bat of the night. She leaned back, stroking her fingers through her long hair, the soft folds of fiery red falling over her pale shoulders, looking all around in the soft golden light before grinning right at Sarah.

The beautiful vampire smirked down at Sarah, seeing her reaction, bending down to pin her down by the shoulders. Cold cheek brushing against the soft mound of Sarah's breasts, Ember teased it with the tips of her fangs, tightly held it with her fangs, grazing the tips against Sarah's skin but not hard enough to pierce. She did the same with Sarah's other breast, her deep blue eyes teasing the little waitress. Soft kisses trailed up from Sarah's chest to her neck. She felt Ember groan in anticipation, as the vampire's face brushed against her soft skin, lips caressing it, teasing it with the tips of her fangs, a lacy thigh sliding firmly between Sarah's legs.

"Mmm.. Goddess... I have waited... sooo... for this moment Sarah. It will only hurt for a moment, I promise. Then you will be mine forever, to love and to cherish and to do other things, hehe." Ember purred into Sarah's ear, arms enveloping her in a soft hug just as she speared Sarah's neck with her fangs. Ember was right. It hurt like hell... for a moment. The next moment, Sarah's core raged with lusty fire. The pleasure was mind boggling, especially for one so rarely horny. Her body had a lot to make up for! Heart raced. Lips parted. Desire was out of control.

Ember drank Sarah's blood slowly, cherishing it like it was ambrosia from the gods and goddesses. Her lips kneaded Sarah's flesh, tasting the blood drenching her tongue before audibly gulping it down each time. An occasional gasp or moan escaped her lips, obviously enjoying herself and her prize. Her arms continued to hold Sarah protectively, stroking and massaging her back, her soft bust resting against Sarah's chest, hips slowly swaying side to side.

Sarah felt herself growing weaker, helpless to resist as Ember continued to suck more of her life out of her. It was like the fiery redhead was eating her soul if she believed in such things, but she was powerless. What's more, despite the vague awareness that being eaten is bad, her body was screaming out for more! She was falling deeper and deeper within the rabbit hole with no handhold or ladder in sight. There was no one to catch her except Ember and those fangs of her's, and what lovely fangs they were.

In the end, the world was spinning around her, and the only thing Sarah could focus on clearly was Ember's radiant face, glowing under the firelight. Her lips were stained red with blood, slowly trickling down to her chin. Each time she licked the thick vermilion liquid, gulping down another drop, her eyes rolled back just a bit until there was no more to lick.

Sarah's life was hanging by a thread when Ember bit into her own wrist. In her own raging desire, Ember bit herself harder than she'd meant to, squeaking in surprise and pain. Wincing, she offered her blood stained wrist to Sarah's lips, the cold delicacy dripping onto the blonde's tongue. Sarah's body bucked, squirming uncontrollably from the taste of the blood. She felt a strange kind of life rushing into her the more she tasted. Her heart no longer pumped, but she felt like she was floating on cloud nine, vaguely aware of Ember's sharp, fluttery gasps as she drank of her sweet blood. The vampire's eyes were glazed over, crazed with pleasure, and the last thing Sarah heard was a loud wail of pleasure before she passed out.
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

More thoughts caught up with Sarah even as Ember rushed her along. She had never really felt this way about another woman before, and it would have made her blush, if there wasn't a thousand other things for her to pay attention to. Those specific thoughts were pushed to the forefront, though, when they arrived at the bedroom behind the tangled mess of corridors. Was something like *this* really Ember's intention!?

Sarah barely had time to take in all the decor here by the time Ember crawled up on her. Her eyes were suddenly transfixed to those fangs... she had not quite noticed how prominent those were before! Her eyes went very wide, though she felt little danger. If someone like Ember wanted to look that threatening, she was not one to stop her! She gasped as she realized they were more for show, sensations of all sorts welling up across her body as Ember slowly moved around. Full realization didn't even set in when Ember finally bit her, though Sarah did manage a surprised squeak.

"Eep! Ahhh....." Sarah's eye's fluttered in the embrace, at first from the rush, but then the overwhelming urge to sleep as she was drained. She tried to stutter something out now, but found that she couldn't. By the time Ember offered Sarah some of her own blood, the blonde could only make little cooing noises, or at least that's how she imagined. In reality they probably sounded rather weak and like she was sickly or something, from having to be so close to the brink. It was like instinct once she started licking, though, and soon Sarah's hunger was the most strong urge inside...
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

Sarah... Sarah... Wake up... The voice floated sweetly through the crevices of her mind during her slumber, pulling her closer to consciousness. It was like she was floating in a dark shadowy world. The voice guided her through that realm, but still she felt at home in this dreamworld. Even though the voice sounded so sweet, so nurturing, Sarah sensed that once she woke up, she would face all manner of trials and demons. Here, it was safe. SARAH!!!

The newly minted vampire's eyes shot open in an instant with a startled growl, the soft growl of a young beast disturbed in its long slumber. There was another one next to her. After a moment, she realized it was Ember. The redhead was stroking her arm. She felt cold. They both felt so cold, like deathly flesh coated in frost. More than just that, every sense amplified tenfold. The flickering torch across the room was like a little star, burning brightly atop a poll. The flames crackled like fireworks, the roar of the fire sounding like a water fall of flames more than a simple torch. Even worse, the flames were frightening. It was like little cackling faeries danced around within, pointing and laughing, the vampire never knowing when they might pounce. Would they?

Ember's touch helped a little. Apart from the cold, she was soft like silk. Her flowery scent filled Sarah's nose, and her fingers lightly massaged Sarah's body. The most prominent, most devastating feeling of all though was her hunger. It struck deep within her belly, filling her whole body with need, each muscle aching for nourishment, for something sweet and delicious, something like blood.

Looking around, Sarah saw Ember place a glazed clay goblet in front of her on a little table like people would use to have breakfast in bed. The goblet was filled nearly to the brim with thick red liquid. It was blood, she knew, but she could sense it wasn't just any blood. This was powerful, supernatural blood. The smell was intoxicating, tantalizingly sweet and sitting just inches away.

"Drink it Sarah. You'll feel better..." Ember whispered into her ear, still stroking her side gently to encourage her.
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"Uhhhhh..... huh....." Sarah jolted back to consciousness suddenly. She didn't feel so well... She moaned again, but with disorientation now, leaning over against Ember as her new state started to press it's full weight on her senses. She pressed in tighter as the flamelight practically assaulted her eyes.

"Ooh.... what... I feel a bit... light headed....?" When Sarah saw the goblet, though, she instinctively knew what to do. She reached for it, almost spilling some both out of haste and because she was a bit clumsy in this state, and quickly brought it to her lips to gush down. "Mmmmmmmm....." It did feel better... wonderful even, and all the liquid was gone in a flash. She still leaned on Ember for support, but at least now her wits seemed to be coming back a bit. "Whoa... what happened... Did I... faint?"
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

Ember's eyes widened, her body going rigid when she saw the blood sloshing dangerously close to the edge of the goblet. The redhead looked like she'd never seen anything more horrifying and only relaxed when Sarah finally managed to drink it all down.

"I know you're feeling queasy love, but you must be careful! Thousand year old blood of the masters is not exactly easily replaced..."

Despite the near disaster, Ember calmed down, pulling Sarah closer to her, her finger lightly brushing up and down the blonde's arm, cradling her snugly in her loving embrace.

"Yes, what a fantastic observation. You did faint, but it was just for a little while, and I was right here with you the whole time! The best part is that now we can be vampires together forever. Although here in the Tremere clan, we prefer to think of ourselves as scholars and sorceresses. We aren't monsters... we're higher beings."

The redhead vampire kissed Sarah on the head softly, squeezing her tightly and playing footsies with her. "I know it's a lot to take in sweetie, so just relax. I want to do everything I can to help you feel comfortable with your transition. Don't worry about the rest of the house. They can wait. You can just stay right here with me until you're ready, and feel free to ask me any questions. Why, I've even warmed myself for you, hehe. You're probably noticing the enhanced senses, smell, sight, hearing, et cetera. It's one of your new skills. I did a little blood spell to activate it for you, so you could feel how it works. It's called auspex. It can be very handy, but be careful with it. Sometimes you might hear something that you wished you hadn't, and certain noises and smells can be... jarring..."
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"Blo....?" Sarah was licking the rim, but stopped frozen when Ember said that, only her eyes moving to give the redhead a very concerned look. Slowly her tongue swirled again. Blood it may be, but it tasted good! She was both terrified but also loving the taste at the same time... She would be breathing pretty heavy as she was overtaken by nervousness, but Sarah found she no longer needed to breathe...

"Wait... WHAT! Backup a minute. What did we just do?" Sarah's eyes were still focused on Ember, and quite wide with disbelief, her voice a tiny little squeak. This time the words actually had registered, but it was indeed a lot to take in. It made sense, but such a transformation was... well... unbelievable. Her head was a bit better now, but was spinning from the enhanced senses... "auspex" if that really was what was happening. Ember was a bit of a calming influence, but the full weight of the night's events was only now starting to settle in for Sarah. She always did have a bad habit of not picking up on what was going on until it was too late...
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"Mmm.. tastes good doesn't it?" Ember said with a smile, watching Sarah lick up the rest of the blood. "I wish I could have a taste myself, but the rules say it's just for you."

Ember slumped her shoulders a little with Sarah's scared and confused reaction. She might have sighed if she could. Still, the redhead maintained her loving smile, hopeful that Sarah would be happy. "Don't you remember Sarah? We entwined our bodies and souls. Your body was my chalice, and I gave you eternal life by letting you drink from my own blood. We became kindred spirits right here in this very bed. Oh it was so wonderful, even better than my own sire." It looked like Ember was replaying the experience in her mind as she explained from the dreamy look in her eyes. "Of course, there are still a few things that can kill you, but we'll train you to be strong and wise. We'll overcome those obstacles together."

Pointing to the chalice, Ember explained what Sarah just did by finishing the initiation. "That yummy cocktail you just drank was a mix of the blood from our elders all over the world, including our own beloved Master Krauss. We even managed to acquire some of the last vestiges of our long lost ancient founders from a thousand years ago. Now that you've drank the vitae of our elders, you're officially a sister of the Tremere clan Sarah. But more importantly, we can be together... just don't tell the Master I said that... hehe."
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Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"Err yeah... I guess so...." Sarah brought a hand to her head. It was throbbing more from information overload than anything else now. "I... uhh... are you sure we're vampires?" That, along with a slight whimper were all she could muster. There was still a large doubt in her mind, but sadly the clues were lining up.

"Err, I don't think I understood what was going on before hand...." This life changing experience oddly made her feel a bit apologetic. Yeah, if all this was true, these people had done quite the number on her... but really, she had gone along with it mostly willingly. It would be pretty bad if she started expressing her misgivings now. Very odd thoughts, she knew, but this was just always how she'd been, more worried about others than herself even at the worst of times. Not to say Sarah was totally unconcerned, but embarrassment was definitely a rather large share of her emotions right now. "But.... what about my job.... what about all that? I can't just abandon all that, can I? I mean, I didn't even leave two weeks notice or anything!"

I thought I'd posted, guess I hadn't x.x
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"You haven't gotten used to the changes yet you poor thing. Maybe Auspex was a bad idea. Let me help." Ember waved her hand, muttering a few words Sarah didn't understand. Just like that, the enhanced senses toned down dramatically. Sarah could still hear, see, and smell better than any human, but the senses weren't so overwhelmingly powerful anymore. Losing the higher senses also made it even easier to adapt to the new ones because it made them feel more mundane and natural.

Ember smiled, squeezing Sarah closer to her in their soft embrace. "You don't have to worry about that job anymore. They'll find another waitress, and you signed on with our family to become more powerful, remember? That boring old life isn't for a special girl like you. Here, I'll let you try something out on your own so you can see. Something very vampiric."

With that, the redhead slid out of bed, smoothing out her long black dress as she bent down to pick up a dusty old leather bound book from her personal bookshelf. The book was heavy, so big that it made an audible thunk when Ember plopped it down on the bed next to Sarah. It had strange engravings, symbols, and an ancient language on the cover. "You haven't yet chosen a path, so you'll have to read the spell from the book," Ember explained as she flipped through the thick yellow pages. "Ah here it is... the blood sight, the first spell of the path of blood. It's the most common art practiced in our clan, though it doesn't mean it has to be your path. I follow the path of flames, Cinthya the path of transfiguration, and Geoffrey the path of decay, for example."

Noticing Sarah's confusion, Ember gave Sarah a reassuring smile, the redhead's pretty face always lit up with adoration when she looked upon her childe. "Don't worry about that for now sweetie. We're just practicing. You can come to a decision on your own path in time. For now, you'll have to rely on books and incantations to cast small spells and charms. This particular spell will allow you to detect things about my powers, my generation, and my history just by taking a small taste of my blood. Just place your hand on the book like so," Sarah's sire demonstrated by taking Sarah's hand and placing it palm down on the page. Her own hand pressed down on top of Sarah's hand, stroking it gently. "Then speak the words listed here. It's an ancient German language that was used by our great founders from the Vienna Chantry. Once you do that, you'll feel the blood sight infused in your body for a short time. All you have to do is take a quick bite, and you'll see."

Looking at the page, Sarah could see the incantation was three short words. Pluot rot ouga.
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"Yeah... but like... people will look for me, or something!" Sarah didn't like to cause trouble, but she knew when people just vanished there was typically an uproar. At least Sarah hoped there would be one if she went missing. If not, that would actually be kinda sad. It was true that she wouldn't exactly miss her old life, but Sarah didn't like loose ends! For the moment she tried to push that frantic feeling to the back of her mind, though, taking the book and trying to focus to call down.

Sarah was still nervous as she tried to mimic how Ember said to perform the ritual. She was still a bit skeptical, but so far things had gone as the redhead said they would. She raised her eyebrows and looked back and forth between the book and Ember. Sarah would have taken a deep breath, if she needed to breathe, and said the words. "Pluot rot ouga!" She waited for something to happen, idly wondering how long it would take to break old habits like sighing or gasping, if this was the new way her body would work...
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

Seeing Sarah so concerned, Ember looked sympathetic, uttering a soft "Awww.." The redhead linked arms with Sarah and pulled her childe close against her side. "We're you're family now sweetie. We take care of each other, and we'll be together forever. If you'd like, I could have a story arranged for the people that might go looking for you if it worries you."

Ember was watching Sarah eagerly as the young vampire performed the spell, her expression belying just how cute she thought Sarah was when she chanted the incantation. Just as Sarah said the words, she felt a spark of power rush through her. It was a small tingle inside her body like some power was activating within her blood. It started at first right at the tips of her fingers and in her palm where she touched the magical pages of the ancient tome. The small tingles in Sarah's hand quickly rushed up her arm, flooding all over her body until she felt a warm rush all over her cold, vampire form. It was like she was aglow with magic even though she still looked the same. The magic was a part of her, and she was a part of it. They shared the same body, but Sarah could sense the magic was much older than her.

"Do you feel it?" Ember asked, her green eyes lit up with excitement. "Very good!" Sarah's sire exclaimed upon seeing her reaction. She gave her a pat on the back and then brought her own wrist to her mouth, biting a small wound where a small trickle of crimson began to flow. As soon as Sarah saw the blood, the blonde felt another urge develop inside her. This time it wasn't so much a tingle as a desire, like what she might feel when she saw a chocolate cake. The fact that it came from Ember, who she shared a natural bond with, made it all the more attractive to her. It was hard to imagine there could be such precious blood!

"The blood sight will be active for a short time, perhaps an hour or so. You'll be able to see things about me when you drink, learn things about my history, my lineage, and my power. Here... taste." Ember's face was lit up with happy excitement as she offered Sarah her bleeding wrist.
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"Yeah... I guess so...." It wasn't like Sarah wasn't excited by the prospect of this new family, she just didn't want to pick up a milk carton and see a picture of herself on the back. For now she would have to be satisfied with Ember's promise. She seemed trustworthy, so Sarah would put it out of her mind. Besides, the new sight was quite the lovely distraction.

"Mmmmm.... oh.... okay....." Sarah's eyes were fixed as she leaned in, lips carefully pressing around the small wound, sucking softly. Her tongue swirled around, tasting the precious fluid. She almost fell forward, but put a hand on Ember to steady herself as her eyes fluttered slowly. She could definitely get used to this!
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

As soon as Sarah bit into Ember's wrist, a soft moan flutter from her sire's lips. Ember's blood tasted nearly as good as the cocktail she had just a little earlier. While not nearly as powerful, it tasted sweeter, like comparing sweet and dry wines. The rush of hunger flooded through Sarah's body just the same too... despite thinking she was already full! This time, instead of just ravenously feeding, Sarah could sense things about Ember. Sarah could tell just how much blood was left in Ember's body, about 90% or so. Ember had just replenished herself by feeding on Sarah after all, but as Sarah kept sucking, she could not only hear her sire continuing to moan, sitting next to her, but she also sensed that Ember's blood power was slowly dropping the more Sarah sucked her blood. Blood that was distilled five generations from the most potent source.

The really interesting visions came soon after that. One sudden sharp gasp later, Ember slumped gently against Sarah's side, and Sarah felt herself drifting off into a dream like world too. At first, everything was dark. Sarah couldn't see anything at all except the blackness. Gradually, the darkness gave way to the soft orange hue of flames. Sarah found herself in a burning building, but she knew deep down this wasn't really happening but rather a vision from long ago. Whatever building Sarah was in was old, at least one hundred, maybe two hundred years old, and the fire wasn't treating it well.

Some of the rafters had already crashed to the ground when Sarah noticed a small, orange cat huddling under the night stand. “ARCHIMEDES!” came a sudden cry of desperation from a lithe brunette charging into the room in her nightgown. Sarah realized this was Ember before she became a vampire. Ember kept calling out for Archimedes even as more burning rafters fell from the ceiling. They crashed to the ground, scattering sparks and flames everywhere, but Ember hardly seemed to notice. She kept calling out and searching for her cat until she finally found him.

Ember bent down on her knees to scoop up the terrified cat, hugging and stroking his fur. “Oh Archimedes, I thought I'd lost you,” said the brunette as she picked up the cat in her arms. Ember turned and tried to run out of the room, but it was too late. The doorway caved in, and they were surrounded by flames. Ember tumbled backwards, falling to the ground. She huddled and sobbed, hugging Archimedes close to her, praying to God for a way out. She got something else entirely. There was a loud swoosh, and a pale man with slick black hair walked through the opening. He was wearing an immaculate black cloak, and when he grinned right at Sarah with his deep red eyes, she knew it was Master Krauss. He swept right past Sarah toward the huddling Ember, helping her up with a gentlemanly gesture only to sink his fangs into her neck in a far less gentlemanly manner. The vision began to fade as Sarah watched the Master take her own sire.

The next thing Sarah knew, she was gone from the burning old building and back in Ember's bedroom, holding Ember's arm with her hands and tasting her blood. Ember's hair was fiery red yet again, back in her shiny black dress. She was leaning against Sarah's side, fluttering a soft gasp as she turned to look up at Sarah with green eyes full of wonder.

“Did... did you see anything?”
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"What.... whoaaaa?!" Sarah shook her head a bit when she pulled back. It didn't feel like getting too drunk, or a bad cold, the other times she might get real dizzy, but her head spun nonetheless. "I did see... I think...." Sarah took a moment to steady herself against Ember again. "Was that one of your memories? Was that how you changed?!" As it all sunk in Sarah got a bit excited about what she saw. She didn't know if there were any codes about what was shared, but she felt something like that was probably a pretty intimate moment! The weird sensation was fading, and Sarah bet with practice she would learn to not be so disoriented.
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

"..Hehe.." Ember giggled, curling up her soft body against Sarah's side. The redhead looked at her bleeding wrist and smiled. "You have to lick it to close the wound... if you're done that is..."

If she could, Ember would have blushed brightly, but she still managed to look pretty embarrassed, but whether from her bleeding wrist or from Sarah's questions, was unclear.

"I... I don't control what you see when you use that spell." Ember looked thoughtful, her fiery red hair falling down her pale shoulders in soft curls as she sat up a little bit. Sarah's sire pressed her hand to her chest and beamed at her childe. "You saw me... as a human? That's... wow... Maybe we're kindred spirits!"

"Oh Sarah..." Ember cooed, pulling Sarah down on the bed and snuggling up against her side. She rested her head on Sarah's shoulder, wrapping an arm about Sarah's torso. The soft fabric of her dress draped over Sarah's lower body like a summer blanket. Sarah might have noticed too that Ember's body felt warm... which was a little weird considering she was undead.

"The others will be waiting for us to do your Thaumaturgy initiation... but I wanna stay here with you... What do you wanna do?"
Re: Holding out for a Hero: Sarah White

Yeah..." Sarah quickly did so, her body wanting to blush as well from residual reflexes, though her mind was too busy to notice, and it wasn't as if she was looking in a mirror for the missing reaction anyway. "Yeah, and Master Krauss was there too...." Sarah paused for a moment, then giggled. "I'm sure you'd rather tell me all about that yourself sometime..."

At least for the moment Sarah was more relaxed. There was still much to do, though. "Hmmmm... well, I'd like to rest too, but I don't like to keep people waiting either. I guess... if the urban legends have any truth at all, we have plenty of time. I guess we'll have time to relax later..."