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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Having witnessed Shenron's rather primitive approach towards oranges and getting confirmation from Kei about the watch turns, Tomoe laid down on her spot to rest. Soon, she was soundly asleep, left under the other Easterner's watchful eye.

Somewhere along the line of watching sakura flowers, there was a poke at Tomoe's side that made the beautiful petals dissappear from her sight. Coming back to the real world, the miko realized that it had been Kei, the other easterner poking at her as it was her turn at the watch. "Alright..." she replied in a low voice, not wanting to bother Shenron's sleep with the discussion. After a few minutes spent on her back, she got up to give the red-haired warrior her well-deserved rest. Sitting on a rock, the priestess started her turn. Kei had fallen asleep pretty fast, practically as soon as she had layed her head down. Still, the sleeping style was strangely unnoticeable, something that Tomoe admired in a way. It was most likely an efficient way to fool possible thieves or such. Over at Shenron's side, there seemed to be interesting fantasies going on. The alien sported a sleep erection, which the shrine maiden turned her eyes off from as soon as possible. Still, it was a somewhat hilarious sight.

Then, there was a movement nearby, the potential threat going into hiding as soon as her attention turned it's way. Despite the possible harmlessness of the sneaker, Tomoe was not going to take risks with their safety. Since Kei had just briefly managed to enter sleep, the miko decided to wake only her. Shenron still had a watch ahead of him, better let the lizardman sleep. Knocking on the fellow warrior's side, the priestess kept her eye on the darkness until the redhead was awake. Once the other easterner had been made aware of the situation with brief whispers, Tomoe would take careful steps towards the potential threat to see what it was about.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine
Perception: 8 and 1
Stealth: 3 and 18

The red-haired Easterner was awake mere moments after Tomoe had touched her. Carmine eyes shot to the miko and then, recognizing her, followed her gaze to darkness encroaching the edge of the camp. The maiden explained the situation in soft whispers and received a slow nod, the traveler keeping her eyes on their surroundings. Kei slowly slid her first sword out of its scabbard and took up a position behind Tomoe. The two quietly crept their way out, to see what they could find.

While whatever was sneaking around outside had probably already seen them, the two made an effort at catching it by surprise. Kei was a bit more successful at stalking than Tomoe, though neither made much noise in general. It was about thirty feet out from the safety of the outcrop before the shrine maiden spotted movement again. The other Easterner did not seem to notice and so Tomoe had to point it out to her. The miko had to squint as she scanned the night. Then, she zeroed in on it.

A rabbit hopped through the grass, making a familiar rustling noise as it went. Kei raised an eyebrow at the revelation but did not say anything disparaging. Instead, she offered a genuine question. "Was that it, Tomoe?" The animal's ears perked at Kei's low whisperings, but it did not appear to notice the two women watching it. Regardless of whether the miko chose to try to catch the rabbit for rations or not, the apparent culprit seemed to have been found.

Or it did until the source of light behind them died. They turned to find that the campfire was out, leaving the two in total darkness. Tomoe felt a human hand touch her shoulder. It would only take a glance to confirm that it was Kei, the woman's red hair noticeable even in the darkness. "How do you want to handle this?" She whispered.

Another rustle came from behind the two, in the direction that the rabbit had been in.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

It looked as if Tomoe's waryness had been for naught. The potential threat had indeed turned out to be a harmless forest animal, specifically a cutesy rabbit that she could make out after scanning the perimeter. Somewhat less alert now, she let her guard down, thankful of Kei's unwillingness to joke about the subject. "I think it was... as dumb as this all seems. Looks like my jumpyness had been for nothing." she spoke in reply to the fellow easterner, noticing the rabbit's reaction towards them. It had apparently noticed, but was still not completely sure what to make of the barely audible noise.

But before they could easen up too much, the darkness swallowed both of them as the campfire dissappeared from sight. This was like a kick in the shapely rear to Tomoe, who was put back on guard within the blink of an eye. There had indeed been a threat, but it had been faster than expected. Or, there were multiple attackers. The hand on her shoulder almost made the shrine maiden jump, but she could confirm that it was Kei by the visible red hair and soon the voice as well. "You go back towards the fire... I'll see what this one is about. Also, I should be visible soon, so stay away from me so we don't accidentally hit each other." the miko replied, notioning towards the rustle coming from the rabbit's direction. Surely the warrior would be able to handle the threats on the other side.

Once Kei had backed off somewhat, the priestess unsheathed her blade, beginning to focus on her inner powers simultaneously. She could likely be a shiny target to whatever was stalking them, but surely it would be better if there was some light to guide them. Once the power was active, she would take a few careful steps forward, trailing any possible targets that were revealed.

(Unsheath sword and Battle Aura 10)
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 60/70, Status = Battle Aura [10]
Perception: 17 and 9.

The shrine maiden could barely see Kei's nod for the oppressive darkness. The sound of soft footsteps returning to the campfire was a better indicator that Tomoe's orders were being followed. As soon as her own powers flared into existence, the shrine maiden heard more rustling. When she turned to investigate, the priestess quickly realized that she had simply spooked the rabbit, which was now fleeing in the opposite direction of the camp.

The warrior priestess's aura did wonders for illuminating the immediate area around her, though it didn't help at all when it came to spotting anything else. She could feel at least one set of eyes on her back, though that was likely Kei. She took several steps towards the dangerous darkness without anything revealing itself, with some assurance that the other warrior was keeping an eye on her. Beyond the sudden extinguishing of the fire, there was no physical evidence that something was stalking them. This made it no easier for Tomoe to shake the feeling that there was something more than a rabbit and her two companions in her surroundings.

Still, if there was something beyond the small animal watching them, it didn't seem to be in a hurry to show itself. Tomoe might be able to search for it and hunt it down, assuming it existed, she could wait, or she could try another tactic.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The surroundings looked much more clear now that the aura was helping Tomoe see around her. Still, the most it had acchieved was scaring away the rabbbit, which was running away from the sudden illumination as fast as it's little feet allowed.

With the rabbit's departure, the miko's feelings of anxiety hardly lifted. The air was still as oppressive as before, there still was a lurker somewhere in the vicinity. She could just not see them though, which was always a bad thing. And it had the patience to sneak, another trait that was undesirable in the priestess' current situation. Seeing no other way around it, Tomoe moved forward with her aura still active, advancing in a rapid state while searching around for the possible culprit.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 50/70, Status = Battle Aura [10]
Perception: 18 (Dammit!)

Casting: Success
Elder Alraune gains Aspect of the Beast. +???

Tomoe advanced, step by step, further into the surrounding vegetation. She moved quickly, attempting to flush out whatever was sneaking around with her aura of light. The miko heard more rustling, it came more frantically as something tried to move away from her. The shrine maiden changed course, heading toward the noise. With her aura, she was easily able to keep up with the creature she was pursuing. Unfortunately, her chase took her quite a ways away from the camp. The shrine maiden was quickly out of sight of Kei.

Within a few moments she had stumbled across her stalker. A green woman. Six vine-like tentacles waved in the air behind her. Her skin was plantlike in nature. It was an alraune. The plant-woman had a trim, athletic body with the exception of her chest, which was almost large enough to give Tomoe a run for her money. Long, purple hair that looked much like wisteria hung freely past her neck, framing widened golden eyes that stared at the miko in surprise. Around the woman's head were bloomed flowers in several different colors, the flowers were patterned around her head in the shape of a small crown. From what the warrior priestess could see, the flowers were blooming from the alraune herself.

A few tense moments passed in which the green woman did nothing. Then, without warning, Tomoe saw her begin to cast something. The target of the magic being the alraune herself. It seemed like it was time for the shrine maiden to decide what she wanted to do.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Despite the potential risk, Tomoe rushed through the night-time vegetation. She was fast out of sight from Kei, but this didn't bother her for some reason as the priestess searched. Soon, the culprit was in sight.

It was not something the miko had expected. Her first mental images were something like wolves or human sneaks, possibly even Shenron's kin with their camouflage abilities. But no, it turned out that the creeper was a plant woman, an alraune. She had heard of these beings and their much-spoken beauty, and this particular specimen was not an exception to the rule with her exotic, splendid form and looks. Though the miko never really thought of herself in such ways, the two of them were pretty equal in the attractiveness department.

Then, the plant girl started to chant a spell. It was not apparently hostile, but Tomoe had also heard about the things that alraune might do to the women of other species they encountered. It was not something she was willing to experience... Having her aura still on, the shrine maiden moved up to attack, sword held ready as she approached and prepared to cut into the plant woman's flesh.

(Attaaaaaaack and all that. With Slay, it is (+86)[1d12+124])
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 60/74, PP = 48, EP = 40/70, Status = Battle Aura [10]
Tomoe charges forward...only to find a pitfall trap.

Pitfall Attack: Hit.
Tomoe takes 10 damage.

The Alraune flees, making it 184 feet away from Tomoe!

"There's no need to be violent~" The flowery woman started. By then, however, it was too late. Tomoe was already rushing at her with Kuchinawa out and ready for blood, or whatever it was that alraunes had in them. Her pace and energy took her across the distance in a flash. Within less than a second the blur of a miko was almost in striking distance. Then, the ground disappeared from under her.

Tomoe hit the bottom of the pit that had opened up beneath her with a loud crash, the shapely miko ending up on her shapely rear. The plant-woman peered into the pit at the shrine maiden, a wide grin from ear to ear, exposing two rows of pearly white...presumably teeth. Locks of her wisteria-like hair hung down on both sides of her face, aided by gravity, framing the alraune as she gazed down at the miko with a combination of lust and playfulness. "Hehe~" she cooed. "You have a nice cushion-y butt there, I'll have to remember that for future encounters~ It's a shame you're so violent, I only wanted to have a little fun. I wasn't going to keep you, or anything~"

"Maybe later, I suppose~" the alraune concluded as she stood up and turned away, offering the shrine maiden a view of her swaying rear for the brief few seconds that she could be seen from the pit. The sound of walking quickly turned to running, however, as the green woman presumably began to flee. Judging by the rapid footfalls, her escape was magically aided.

Tomoe had only managed to right herself after the alraune had gotten a head-start on her. The miko would need to climb out of the pit, then decide whether to pursue the alraune or return to camp.
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Her path towards the creature was straight and true, devoid of obstacles. With her spirit-powered speed, the miko reached the target in a heartbeat. Or so she thought, until the ground gave away and plunged her into unknown depths, out of reach.

With a small yelp, Tomoe landed to the bottom of the pit-trap, which was not as deep as she might have expected. It was a minor thing really, only her rear taking any real damage. The plant woman looked down to the bottom, but had apparently lost her mood towards any real harassment. After some taunting, she turned away and retreated, doing it rather speedily if the sounds were any indication. "Violent? I'm just extremely wary of things like this. Should pick better times if they want to ask about things...." the priestess thought as she got to her feet, not really wanting anything to do with such creatures. But the situation had been defused without anyone getting hurt, with the minor exceptions of her butt and pride. "Oh well... this ended better than expected..." her train of thought carried onwards.

With the easterner's athletic ability, getting out from a small pit like this should not be too difficult. Once she was out, Tomoe would make her way back to the camp, keeping her aura on to light the way. When the site was reached, she would prod Kei back to sleep. The fellow warrior should get her sleep now that there was no further risk apparent in the surroundings.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 64/74, PP = 48, EP = 40/70, Status = Pride 9/10, otherwise fine.

(I screwed up on your HP last post. Fixed).

The climb was easy enough without anything to contest her. It took less than a minute to scale the earthen wall. A small jump, a well-timed grab at the ledge, and a bit of exertion to bring her lower body up and over it, back to ground level, and Tomoe was ready to return. The miko had become a bit dirtier, a bit more tired, and the smallest fragment of her pride had been chipped away, but beyond that she was no worse for the interruption to her watch.

The walk back was noticeably longer than her earlier sprint but it was uneventful. She was aided in finding the campsite by a small light. The campfire was ablaze again. Kei sat near it, cross-legged. The red-haired woman's sword was out and ready, though. She was certainly still alert. The other Easterner offered only a short glance to Tomoe as she returned to the camp. With the warrior priestess's confirmation that nothing had come of the chase and that it was time for her to return to sleep, Kei did just that. The traveler's sword was returned to its sheath and her to her bedroll, drifting into unconsciousness within short order.

Tomoe returned to her watch, which continued uneventfully. The wildlife and insects were the only background noise in the camp. No ominous rustles or disturbing shadows bothered her. Several hours passed as such and nothing else happened. Peace continued right up until it was time for Shenron's watch. The hunter still appeared to be dreaming about something particularly lewd, but it was time for him to wake up and take on his share of the work. Tomoe would also need to decide whether she felt safe enough to go back to sleep or not, once she woke the lizardman up. To stay awake would hamper her abilities for the rest of the day but to go to sleep would require that she trusted Shenron to be able to deal with the alraune, should she return with bad intentions.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

As expected, the pit was easy to get out of. A slight dirtying was the only thing that would ever show about her visiting the pit, but Tomoe ignored such nonsense and retreated back to camp from the scene. Once she was near enough, the aura could go as there was fire again. So she dismissed it, afterwards cancelling tha alert status and letting Kei back to her sleep.

The following few hours passed with looking after the fire and listening to the surrounding fauna and their nocturnal activities. It was all fine, and nothing hostile seemed to be trying to come for them during the entire time. Eventually, the miko began to feel tired as Shenron's shift began to approach. Not getting any sleep would be bad, so she went over to poke at the still stiffy-sporting lizardman. Too bad he had to be broken away from his sleep. "Your turn on the watch..." Tomoe whispered to the hunter as he stirred. Like Kei before, she too allowed for a complete wake-up before retreating to her resting spot. Once Shenron got up, she would take her spot and lay down, holding Kuchinawa in her embrace as she closed her eyes. Better be ready if something came up, and not risk having the sword when it was needed.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine

It took several minutes for Shenron to become fully conscious, the rapelizard apparently in a deep enough sleep to miss the burst of activity during Tomoe's watch. The hunter stood up slowly, unknowingly pointing his lizardhood at the shrine maiden. A potentially surprising amount of modesty kicked in once the lizardman had realized his state, with him turning and attempting to hide his awkward erection from the miko. Shenron hurriedly wished her a good rest before finding a slightly more hidden place to keep watch from. With the final watch in place, Tomoe easily drifted into a restful sleep.


Perhaps too restful a sleep. By the time she woke up the sun was already high in the air. There was something else in the air, however. A delicious smell wafted into the miko's nostrils. A quick glance around revealed that both Kei and Shenron were sitting around the burning campfire, but neither had chosen to wake her up. Three hares were cooking over the flame, all skewered on a spit which the haori-wearing woman was idly turning. "Oh, finally up, Tomoe? My, my, just in time for breakfast. The rabbit scare must have taken a lot out of you." Kei teased the miko. "I woke up early so I borrowed your bow to hunt us up some food while Shenron watched the fort." The use of his name garnered a wary look from the lizardman. "Feel free to dig in." By that point the rabbits were well-cooked and the shrine maiden could easily pick from one of the three. Or one of the two, as the traveler quickly claimed her own. The hunter waited for the miko's pick before choosing.

"I admit, I stole a peek at your sword, too," she started in-between mouthfuls. "Both are of impressive quality. If you don't mind me asking, who created them?"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The sudden well-meaning act on Shenron's behalf raised a small smirk on Tomoe's face. She hadn't really imagined the lizardman would be capable of such things, but maybe their two-year long time spent together had caused him too to learn some degree of modesty. With the amusing thought in her mind, the miko got to sleeping, making it to dreamland in short order.


When she finally did wake up from the long sleeping period, the day was already well on it's way. There was something that took the priestess' attention instantly, a breakfast that was almost to bed. Getting up to a sitting position, she started the day with apologies right off the bat. "I'm sorry. It's just... when I use my power many times a day, it starts to get tiring fast..." Tomoe explained, not taking any offense about the whole hunting and taking the bow without permission thing. It had produced good results after all, which she was going to enjoy soon enough. Not having any particular way of choosing, the shrine maiden picked a random roasted bunny from the fire, letting Shenron have his way with the other one. From a random bystander's point of view, their situation might have looked like your average camping trip, with a lizardman along for the ride as well.

"Hmm, my weapons? The bow is my own creation, I learned bowmaking and fletching during the time I spent at the wilderness house. Somewhere along the line, it was apparent that I needed a hunting tool. I could probably catch most animals with my power active, but cutting them so savagely is not something I think a proper hunter should do." the robed easterner answered among the wolfings of rabbit meat, devouring some in a brief pause before carrying on. "Kuchinawa is the shrine's ancestral relic, a blade with plenty of history. It has supposedly been there in the shrine since the beginning, a weapon carried by the founder of the complex who used it to behead a demon snake and a human-frog sorcerer during the defense of a town they attempted to invade. The records state that the founder's spirit still flourishes in the blade, but there has been no real confirmation for any such things."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine

"Interesting. Your shrine thought enough of your skill and goals to bequeath you with such a historical weapon. Do you think the legend is true?" After a pause to take another bite of her food and to allow the warrior priestess to respond, Kei continued. "My school's master had a legend. They said that he won eighty-eight duels. He only ever lost one," the traveler took a short glance at the sword that she had, as of yet, not unsheathed. A few seconds passed in silence before Tomoe felt those half-closed carmine eyes settling on her again. "You've got some impressive craftsmanship, miss miko. Maybe if saving the world doesn't work out, you could become a bowyer. Or perhaps you could open up another shrine or a place to teach young men and women in the arts, martial or non. Why haven't you, I wonder? Surely it wouldn't be as much work as all of this. A skilled and attractive woman like you would surely be welcome to settle down anywhere, in any capacity."

Shenron appeared more than a little unsettled by the topic that the haori-wearing woman had steered the conversation towards. Even though his hare was disappearing at a rapid rate, it was too easy to pick up the wary glances he offered Kei. That said, the crimson-haired woman didn't seem like she had many more questions and it wouldn't be long until all three had finished eating. Tomoe could say her closing piece and urge the group to pack up and move on, if she didn't have any further questions to ask. The sun was already high in the sky and they had a long way to go to reach Acheron.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"I am not entirely sure why the High Priestess gave the sword to me. I really didn't have any real goals when I left, it was only to be a journey of exploration and discovery to me. Then this whole invasion happened and things began to detoriate fast, and now here I am." the miko started up on her own part. Taking the sheathed blade into her grip, Tomoe drew it out somewhat, to see her reflection on the mirror-finish blade. "There has been no real evidence to suggest on the legend's validity, but at times I feel like something is looking at me when I fight or train. That makes it a believable story in my mind." she carried onwards, taking in the replying legend of Kei's swordmanship school. It was a relatively plain but still impressive thing to hear, even with the fact that usually you only lose one duel with proper weapons, the one you lose also ending it all.

Then came the suggestions about settling down and taking it easy with some sort of teacher or trade career. While a novel idea, it was something that the shrine maiden had no intention of doing, at least yet. "I can't do that, no matter how appealing it might sound. There are things that the world provided me, I'm going to give my everything to pay it back at least some portion of this debt. And... how could one settle down in a world that is in this condition? There might be no-one left to teach anything if the situation develops into further chaos. What I've heard from many a traveller, all the regions have been reduced more or less into squalor. If every day is a struggle, there won't be time for teachings or craft..." she offered up the final, not all that positive reply. Despite always trying to see things in the best ways possible, the state of the world was something she could not turn good just like that.

There was nothing further that Tomoe had to ask about. Instead, she focused on finishing up the food and gauging up on Shenron's reactions that had been rather wary. After a few moments, it was time for them to gather their belongings and leave, the night-time encounter still on the miko's mind for some reason. Doing her best to leave the campsite as untouched as possible, she pondered briefly about the plant-woman's words and intentions. There was something in there that she was not liking, but it would likely be for nothing when they left.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine

"Conviction, huh." Kei spoke, mainly to herself, at the conclusion of the miko's reasoning. She looked thoughtfully at Tomoe for a few moments. Out of the corner of her eye, the warrior priestess noticed that the hunter seemed particularly tense at the traveler's inspection of her.

Beyond that, the meal was finished in relative silence. The effort to pack up their gear and leave the campsite as natural as possible went much the same. By the time they were done all that was left to inform anybody of their presence was the carefully doused fire pit, but it would be useful for any other travelers who might stumble through. Then they were off again, at a slightly heightened pace in order to make up for lost time.

According to what Tomoe knew of the area, she needed to follow the path she had returned to for several more miles, all the way to a crossroad, to make it to Acheron. It was a simple, linear path and, perhaps more importantly, it was peaceful, much more so than the bandit-infested one they had been on. Hours passed by and they made good progress, with bellies full of food and hearts set on their destination. The thought of the alraune's words weighed on the priestess's mind, but at the rate they were traveling she was surely gone from the plant-woman's grasp.

Or so she thought. After much time spent journeying, they came across a grassy canyon crossing. The gorge was wide and deep, easily forty feet across and twice as much of a fall. A raging river ran at the bottom of it, between two steep and jagged walls of stone. There was only one way across, a rickety rope bridge. At the other end of the bridge stood a familiar plant-woman.

"Oh, my sweet Amaryllis-chan! How I have longed for you since we last met~" The alraune dramatically proclaimed from across the bridge, bringing one hand to her head as if she was going to swoon. After that segment of her little act, the green-skinned woman leaned on one of the stakes supporting the bridge, her arms below her chest, emphasizing her assets to the three. "Why, I did not know we would ever see one another again! I must admit, I have fondly remembered your beautiful face, your quivering lips... Your rounded butt! There have been some improprieties in my thoughts, I must also admit. I beg you, find it in your heart to forgive an impassioned passionflower~!" The alraune teasingly called out from her side of the canyon, one of the tentacles on her back curling around her face to nuzzle at her cheek as she did so.

"But those mental improprieties can end today! For you see, I am one of the legendary bridge alraune! And I will allow you to cross this bridge of mine for the mere price of an afternoon of passion, that I can remember your departure fondly!" Her story seemed more than a little suspect, given that Tomoe had never heard of a bridge alraune before in her life. Kei even offered a raised eyebrow toward the alraune, although there were many, many reasons for that. Plus, Tomoe didn't exactly need to use the bridge to cross the gorge, she had her powers. But the flower-crowned plant saw fit to add more to her offer. "Why, I will even warn you of all the dangers ahead and below!"

Shenron and Kei merely looked at Tomoe in complete confusion. It was up to the miko to figure out how to deal with the perverted plant. At least the alraune wasn't being threatening.
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

With the campsite gathered up and the remains fixed up as best as possible, the curious trio departed from the spot that had served them well and headed onwards along the road. There was still a good deal of road to cover, most likely for several days still.

Hours and miles passed. While yesterday had been filled with encounters of lowlives, this stretch of the road was peaceful and enjoyable. The late breakfast had been good for them as well, giving plentiful energy to keep up with the demands of the journey. All in all, the current situation was looking pretty good.

Then, they came across a gorge on the road. The spot would be pretty darn uncrossable to anyone without flight capabilities or magic if the bridge wasn't there. Unfortunately for them, there was an obstacle facing them on said bridge, the same alraune that Tomoe had encountered last night. The thing had likely followed them, or predicted where they might be heading on their way. Still, the green woman's attention was pretty much fixed on Tomoe herself, the two others not really getting any of it. Despite the non-hostile way it approached them, the miko was not willing to deal with the plant and it's perversions. And wasn't it trolls that were usually supposed to guard bridges?

"I met this particular creature last night, it was not only bunnies that we saw. She seems to be interested about me in the lusty way, which is something I'm not going to take in the slightest. Still, there is no reason, for me at least, to brandish a blade against her. Her behaviour has been non-hostile so far, actually more of that was on me last night." the priestess explained to her confused companions in a low enough voice that the flowery-crowned lady would not hear it. "But, her being there will have no effect on our journey or my personal untouchability. Please hold still." she carried on briefly, reaching for both of her companion's hands. Once she had them, the shrine maiden began to focus on her instant transportation power. This particular skill had been relatively low in usage, since Tomoe enjoyed walking. With both of her partners in tow, she focused the spiritual step to take them across the gorge and as far as she could see down the path. Better maintain as much distance as possible from the pervert.

Once there, she would urge them to move forward while keeping attention on the likely surprised plant woman.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine

Her two party members did as she requested, keeping hold of Tomoe as she channeled her energy. It took several seconds to build up the amount necessary to transport herself and the others across the gap. The shrine maiden was not interrupted, however. Instead, she received a knowing look from the golden-eyed alraune, who merely leaned on her post.

Fully powered for the jump, the Eastern warrior brought herself and the others as far into the distance as she could, which was about fifty feet past the alraune. The crowned plant-woman gave Tomoe a look over her shoulder and called out after her. "Alas, my Amaryllis-chan has left me alone again! She abandons me with only her memories and my tentacles - a combination of the two, preferably - to keep me warm at night~! And to watch my bridge in lonely solitude!" The woman called out in what amounted to obviously fake lament.

The alraune turned her head back toward the bridge and wiggled her rear at the trio, earning a roll of Kei's eyes and causing Shenron to look away modestly. "Do be safe, Amaryllis-chan! There is danger on the path ahead and I could not bear to think of you getting hurt!" Afterward, the plant-woman went silent and continued to watch the bridge, although her backside continued to sway in a hypnotizing fashion, allowing Tomoe and company to continue on the road if they desired.

Alternatively, the warrior priestess could try to pry more information about the dangers ahead out of the alraune, but that would mean dealing with the perverted plant.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The teleportation was a success, at such short distances it didn't really have a chance at failure. Still, it looked like the plant woman had expected this, and was now calling out further absurdities at the shrine maiden. Tomoe shaked her head at all the things, and it seemed that her partners shared the feelings, in different ways. "All the things one sees and hears in this world..." the miko thought aloud in a half-voice, following Shenron's example and turning away from the buttwiggles that were happening.

Still, the priestess paid heed to the warning that had been offered, despite not knowing the nature of the danger. For all she could tell, it might be the alraune herself that had set these dangers along the upcoming pathways. Deception was a thing that nestled even in the most seemingly harmless forms, though the attempts at her body were far from harmless in Tomoe's own mind. "Right... let's carry on. But maintain your vigilance at all times, who knows what these much talked about dangers might be." she saw fit to tell the team, taking her own advice as well.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine
Stealth: 3, 9, & 4.
Perception: 14, 8, & 13

Their journey past the alraune continued for a time, with all three of the trio much more alert after the repeated warnings. The silence between the group was no longer a sign of the peace of their journey, but of the shared tension. Even the sun seemed to share in that feeling of danger as it hid behind the clouds, leaving the area around the group a bit darker.

But they didn't need to be on alert to find the first signs of danger. Evidence would be provided to them in full as they walked down that lonely road. Large, wooden stakes had been erected around the dirt road. Easily ten foot tall with the tops carved into deadly points. They were dark red and caked with dried blood. Impaled on them, were people.

Men and women alike, pierced from bottom to top, were scattered in the area around the road. Humans of varying race and size. A few were grey-skinned, like the aliens. There were several elves, both of the high and night variety. A few green plant-women adorned the pikes. There were even signs of faeries and demons. Some still had clothes on, though most were in loincloths or less. Not all of them were in one piece, several were missing limbs. Several had been there for so long that they had begun to decay, insects of varying types feasting on their corpses. The constant buzzing sound was enough to make a person's skin crawl.

Kei was at least somewhat affected by the grisly scene, Tomoe could tell. The traveler's hand rested on her sheathed sword as if it were a safety blanket, her free hand covered her nose to ward away the putrid smell, and her eyes narrowed to search their surroundings for the culprits. Shenron was less bothered by the sights but every bit as wary.

To continue to investigate their surroundings would be to notice the other methods that had been employed by the mystery torturers. Person-sized cages hung further down the road from massive rods, though in far less numbers than the sharpened stakes. Most of the cages' occupants were men. They had been stripped naked and left hanging. They were mostly human, though a few goblins, satyrs, and even a lizard-man was spotted. Those who hadn't starved to death, or couldn't in the case of the supernatural beings, had been pecked to death by birds. Even then, crows perched on the iron bars of the cages and pecked at the occupants. One bird pulled out an eye of one of the deceased goblins even while Tomoe was watching and flew off with it before the other birds could take its prize.

It was as the miko surveyed the scene that she noticed that one of the satyrs was still breathing very raggedly. Like all of his kin, he bore the legs of a goat but the upper body of a man, with impressive horns atop his head. Yet, despite the normal exuberance of the satyrs, this one looked half-dead. The weakened goat-man couldn't muster the strength to swat away the birds that were pecking at him, trying to take the skin from his bones while he was still alive. Tomoe might be able to discern more about what had happened in the path from him, if she desired, free him, or at the very least put him out of his misery.