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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
So will we have lewd as an official status effect in the future and what does it do '.' ?

Barely able to keep herself in control against the weird plant species and it's attention, Tomoe was not exactly appreciative of the two onlookers and their little giggly reactions to what was going on, mostly just wishing they'd give her the faintest bit of privacy by looking away. She was not going to break away from the plant's clutches anyway, so it would have been a decent gesture from the two to perform. Yet, the place she was in at the moment was not one for the same kind of tight modesty as she herself had always been, and they just went along their usual ways. The bizarre sample of flora went on it's way as much as the fairies did, the miko finding the advancing vine binding of her legs to be a bit unnecessary but nonetheless very much enjoyable to her devious side, which was getting the satisfaction it desired from the increased restraint that she was getting subjected to. The sudden notice of possibly getting her clothes torn made the priestess look back as much as she possibly could with a degree of concern, for just the tiniest of moments before the ever-building pleasure of the act snapped her into a climax that seemed so unusual, coming from purely her chest area and the single-minded ministrations of her would-be captor. The miko would keep this one mostly under control, but the fairies would certainly take note of her sudden hard breaths and the slight strain that she was putting on the plant with the squirm of her captive body.

The plant was not satisfied at this point, not just yet. It was to be expected of course, the whole act not being really one that was somehow dictated by Tomoe's body and her satisfaction. No, the subjugator was the one that made the rules, and the thing was not satisfied yet with the bounty of milk it had harvested. It went on with it's efforts, keeping the shrine maiden safely in the grip of constant arousal with the same simple yet effective ways. The extended pleasure had been wearing the priestess out for a while already, and a particularly strong jolt of joy finally broke her ability to keep herself up. Losing her arms, Tomoe plopped downwards face-first, turning her head so she would not just land squarely into the dirt, only taking it to the other side of her face. Before she could make anything of her situation, the miko was already restrained harder than before, the vines on her arms pulling them completely out of the way to the side where their usability was completely removed from the equation. The lack of strength had left her in an even more tenuous position, and the plant was exploiting it to the fullest now that it had her in a closer grip. Her breasts completely enveloped, and that appeared to be good encouragement as the milking got intense, maybe even a little too intense for the priestess' liking. But as she was not the one in control, there was nothing for her to do about it. Biting her lip, the miko let it all happen, giving up on any resistance as she was drained of her liquids for a good while. Getting reduced to a quietly moaning and writhing mess, Tomoe drew as much pleasure from the situation as she could, the deviant within not wanting to waste any of it. While she was eventually running on the last little drips, the plant was not apparently so ready to accept her contribution until it had treated her to a few minutes of completely useless but nonetheless pleasing dry squeezing.

Eventually it did appear to get the idea though, and there was closure. The satisfied plant was a sluggish one, and letting Tomoe free from her bondage took a moment from it as there was a lot of vine to be unwound from her body. The fairies were quick to help her to her bearings afterwards, which the priestess was thankful for, along with the concerns they seemed to have towards her well-being. She would assure them that she was not feeling anything terribly bad, despite the intensity of it all. Just hoping that she'd get to dress up soon, the miko looked herself over, the obvious physical consequences pretty evident from the feedback her body was giving her. She was more interested in seeing the state of her clothing, as there did not appear to be any physical change or damage to her breasts or other body parts. "I'm not sure I can handle something that... intense for while but... I won't deny the possibility outright. If I feel like I can handle again... I might come again later." she would go on to tell the gardener, not ruling another visit out completely yet not having too much faith in herself returning for another go. And of course the escort fey had her bit to say, which was more or less the usual playful banter mixed with a little bit of concern. "I... don't think we need to do it. Not after that. But if it looks like fun, maybe you could feed the individual here next time?" Tomoe would suggest to her caretaker, hopefully getting back to her feet soon.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The faerie guardian who had talked her into providing the debauched feast for the plant merely nodded when Tomoe answered her request regarding with a tentative maybe. The nymph sent to see to her needs by the goatman that had impregnated her, however, merely laughed when Tomoe suggested that she take a turn feeding the mutant plant. "Ahahahah, no no! I am not NEARLY ample enough for that! Besides, she already mentioned that we don't want to risk doing that ourselves! What if it mutates further?"

The miko would find herself uninjured, and her pants had suffered only a few minor tears. The caretaker of gardens would return her chestwraps and jacket, allowing her to make herself fully decent once more, and the two faeries would help Tomoe to her feet once it was clear that the exhausting session hadn't fully drained the miko's stamina. "Seems like feeding time to me. You must be hungry after that! Why don't we go see if the hunters have brought in something a bit heartier than a fruit salad, hm?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Somehow finding the answer to be what she was expecting, Tomoe dropped the subject from further discussion. Even if the plant became something hostile, surely the multitude of warriors gathered in the vicinity would be more than capable of dealing with the threat in a swift manner. But as the saying went, better safe than sorry. Maybe if her guide experienced the plant herself, it would not be such a giggling matter. Or maybe it still would be, given the nature of the fey.

The small tears in her clothes were reason enough for Tomoe to give a little frown, which would persist as she was dressing herself back up to her usual form. But once she was done, her mood got back to normal again. There was a suggestion as to what they could be doing next coming from the miko's escort lady, and it was certainly a reasonable one to be made after this event. "No objections from me" she would express her approval as she made the final adjustment to her clothing and readied herself to make the move into the next destination, the place that was the designated feasting area.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"To the huntsman's camp then!" Tomoe's faerie guide declared in a faux dramatic voice, raising a hand with finger pointed towards the sky. "Ahhh, well... Thank you very much for your assistance," the gardener added meekly, giving the miko a slight bow before the trio became a pair once more, the nymph leading Tomoe away while the sidhe tender returned to her duties.

Once more the miko was led through the unnaturally twisting paths of the faerie woods, following trails she'd never have found without the nymph's guidance but that were somehow so easy to travel that they felt no more strenuous than the familiar paved paths of the shrine in which she'd received her training. They passed more strange plants, and creatures flitted between the trees that Tomoe had never seen before.

Eventually, they would break through a stand of trees, and a wave of cool air would wash over the miko. They had come upon a camp among some standing stones, with three tents scattered among the rocks forming a triangle around a fire roaring in the center, then surrounded by six of the more human-like goatmen, the satyrs. Over that fire was a spit, currently unadorned by any meat. Past the tents and to the left was a wooden table, supported on rickety stick legs, and at that table worked another satyr, this one chopping at the carcass of something resembling a dear. The satyrs looked toward them, save for the butcher who continued his work, as Tomoe and her guardian made their appearance, but said nothing as the pair approached.

"Hello lads! Good hunting?" The nymph asked brightly, and the the four outermost members glanced at the third, an older one by the look of the silver streaking through the tangle of black hair atop his head. "Aye," this satyr replied slowly, "a fine hunt... We came across a silver horned buck. Tis bound for the lord's table, to the last scrap." He stated that as if it were a matter of fact, but the nymph scowled at him and replied in a skeptical tone; "Puh-lease! I KNOW you lot take some choice cuts before you hand anything over for the feast... Even with a prize so precious, I'll bet you're going to have some yourselves first."

The nymph's accusation soured the expression of the group, but the older satyr merely grunted; "Fah, why would it matter if we did? We hunted the beast, we merit a portion whether or not we would be offered it."

"Well then.... Why not share a bit, hm? We won't tell anyone~ Besides, Tomoe here is our guest! And she is with a litter of our lord's grandchildren, she needs her nutrition!" The nymph replied brightly, but one of the other satyrs snorted and replied; "Why should we give a fuck? There's plenty of food about, let her eat that. Sides, we din't get to put that litter in her," he paused to look her up and down, his gaze eventually settling on Tomoe's chest, undiminished in size despite her recent milking, "Not that that wouldn't be worth it, eheh..." Lascivious gazes fell upon her from all sides, though some drifted from her to the nymph as the eldest spoke up again; "Indeed... We have worked for this kill, twas a swift beast that put up a mighty challenge, why should we give our meal to a stranger at no cost, mmm? It isn't as if she's going to starve. You wish to share as well... Between the two of you, I doubt that earning a hearty meal in exchange for our enjoyment would take long."

The nymph breathed a deep sigh and rolled her eyes, but then looked to Tomoe with a wan smile. "Well... Can't really say that that's surprising... So, what say you about this, hm? Would you be willing to taste a different sort of meat? If they DID catch a silver buck, that's a once in a lifetime treat, even for us, but we can always go find some simpler fare."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Finalizing her readiness by taking her sword back, Tomoe would go along to reach the next area they were to go to, which was not quite as dramatic as the gestures at the start were suggesting, at least not in the beginning. The levels of intensity did not rise too much along the way, but the trip was nonetheless one that she found to her liking as there were more samples of nature's more curious and elusive designs to be seen as they traversed the paths between the activity areas of the land.

The camp was soon there for them to see, the huntsmen of the fey being there as expected and mostly looking like they were having a bit of a relaxing time after the hunt, while one was a little bit to the side with the prey animal in the process of being turned into the fare that the people here would be having. The group of hunters was soon giving them the attention that a pair of women might be getting, though the butcher maintained his focus on the work at hand, but even then it was a fairly cold and silent kind of attention that honestly made the miko feel a bit unwelcome. Before she could put any word in for herself, the nymph went on ahead to break the ice, having some slight banter with the possible leader or at least the eldest among the huntsmen. The discussion went to the spoils of the hunt quickly enough and the escort fey was almost immediately making a case for the two of them to have a part of what sounded to be a fairly impressive and rare catch, a mysterious deer of some variety by the sounds of it. The discussion went to a bad direction rather quickly, and there was obvious male gaze coming at Tomoe yet again, just the looks she was getting almost feeling like she was getting molested. The situation soon turned to another decision that she would be needing to make as the nymph turned to her with the question if they should be trying to acquire some of this mythical meat for themselves to enjoy. Again it seemed to involve lewd acts to have any chance at it, and the mood among the satyrs was rather obviously not particularly pleasant towards her by the looks of it. Degrading herself again would probably not serve to make it any better, but she was curious enough to make a point to herself about eating something that she would likely not be having the opportunity to try in a later part of life. Against her better judgement, the priestess agreed to what was being asked of her, whatever it would be. She had her guesses as to what it would probably be.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

Tomoe's meek acceptance of the goatmen's demands took even them by surprise, but they quickly recovered to leer eagerly at her. Her nymph guide looked shocked for a moment at Tomoe's announcement that she was willing to put her body on the line just for a meal, but as she had already done as much for no apparent reward she would simply smirk and nod. "Well, don't worry so much, I'll at least be helping you with this one!" She said brightly, and then turned towards the nearest of the goatmen and began to drift down to her knees. Already Tomoe would see erections stirring, rising from the hairy lower bodies of the faerie goatmen. The nymph's crawl towards the nearest of them proved sufficient to cause his member to rise near to full hardness, showing the miko that the faeries were possessed of members of a normal shape but fairly impressive size. She kissed the tip of it slowly, but the subject of her attention simply grabbed her by the hair and dragged her down to the hilt, causing her to gag and then moan as he simply used her hair as a handle by which to make her bob up and down at his pace.

Once her guide was silenced, the other goatmen subtly surrounded Tomoe, two in front gently grasping her by the hands and guiding her along. "Don't fret, don't fret, eheh... We're just going in here! Don't want to be doing this for all to see, do you?" Declared the greyfurred member, who was then behind Tomoe. The miko was allowed to set her sword aside where she liked, the group pulling away to allow her to set the long blade aside carefully, but their respect for her dignity seemed to end about there, for then they surrounded the standing priestess. The eldest came up behind her while the other three closed in around her, two in front and one on her right, all of them sporting minor erections as they cornered her.

Tomoe's top was opened and slid down over her shoulders, but no sooner had it hit the floor than her hands were dragged to a pair of cocks, those of the one on the right and the one in front and on the left of her. All three began tugging at her chest wraps, while the eldest who was standing behind her used one hand to aid them and the other slipped below the waistband of her pants. In mere moments she was once more totally topless, and the two in front of her eyed her massive bosom for only a moment before they began pawing at it. The one on her right could only look on jealously - though perhaps less so if she had elected to start moving her hands upon his rod without his prompting - while his two fellows leaned down and captured the peaks of her breasts in their mouths. Still incredibly sensitive after the prolonged milking that she had endured earlier, pleasure spiked up the miko's spine as the two began to suckle gently, their tongues rolling over and flicking at the vulnerable nubs and surrounding areola. Their attentions were different from those of the plant, more directly attempting to provide her pleasure than extract any of her nourishing fluids, and where the plant had been smooth to the touch she could feel their facial hair on the soft skin of her breasts as they sucked on her tits.

The eldest, in the meantime, was holding her by the hip as he gently rocked back and forth, nudging her from behind with his growing hardness. His fingers slipped between her legs and began to rub slowly against her petals, through the thin fabric of her undergarments... For now. It seemed that, if she didn't try to take some control of the situation quickly, Tomoe would be fully subject to the manhandling of the faerie men who had talked her into this depraved situation.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Only having a moment to see what was getting done to her guide lady, Tomoe found herself in a bit of a pickle as she was rather unceremoniously surrounded by a number of the huntsmen, including the elder who was only slightly directing things. The squad simply took her by the hands at first to see that she was brought to the correct place, but not before she was given the chance to set Kuchinawa aside so it would not be in harm's way while things played out. Finding a rock or making do with the side of a tent, the priestess would set the blade aside so it was not just laying there on the ground. With that little detail dealt with, the main attraction was set to start.

The foursome closed ranks around Tomoe as they set to start with the earning of food, the head maybe unsurprisingly remaining behind her while the three others did the actual surrounding. Finding herself quickly getting un-robed as the top was pulled off her shoulders and let down. Not really having time to react, the miko was wordlessly directed to giving attention to two waiting cocks with her idle hands. The suggestion was certainly understood by her, but she could not really get herself to it right away as all the other things happening distracted her, namely the equally swift removal of her sarashi and the release of her chest from the barely working bandage supports. Getting herself together and somewhat focused on what was going on as the groping began, the eastern maiden put her hands to work, not really having done things like this before. But everything had a first time, and this looked to be the first time for her to jack off some dicks of all the things one could be doing this day. It felt awkward to be doing it like this, but she gave it her best, gripping firmly but not in a manner that would be painful to the two recipients as she stroked while trying to keep herself focused with all the teasing on her tits going on. These guys were different in their approach when compared to her previous "partner", which had it's perks of course as they were giving her side of the enjoyment at least some consideration. The grey leader was not idle either, having her backside to play around with and was firmly set on having the best part to himself as he too pleasured her with some of his touch, still dampened ever so slightly by the presence of the underwear, the only clothing that Tomoe was still fortunate enough to be wearing aside from her socks and sandals.

The situation was obviously at a crossroads that could go two ways depending on her and if the the squad would actually allow it, with Tomoe having a modicum of control over the action, or the one path where she did not. Giving it a quick thinkover, she opted to remain the more passive participant, the slowly revived dark side of her mind eager to see and more importantly feel what the fearsome foursome would do to her in this scenario. But she would not remain completely idle, going in to whatever they ordered her with determination if given half a chance. They were giving her some respect in the way they were actually giving her enjoyment, so she would not be one to disappoint and aimed to please as best as the situation would allow.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

With Tomoe's apparent willingness to submit fully to their desires left clear as she allowed herself to be stripped and touched, and even obediently began to jerk the faerie cocks that her hands had been guided to, the hapless priestess would be fully subject to the desires of the goatmen. For a few moments the group would continue more or less as is; two sucking fervently on her tits, two of them being jerked off, and the eldest fingering her. The combination of tongues lapping at the peaks of her breasts and fingers stirring against her inner walls would easily serve to heighten the miko's arousal to the point where perhaps this depravity wasn't so reprehensible. She might have no more milk to offer at the moment, but the duo so enthusiastically working their mouths on her chest evidently enjoyed the act of sucking on her massive tits in its own right, and her recent milking had left the peaks of her breasts so sensitive that the light suction and lapping of their tongues was left intensely pleasurable even compared to the fingers working in her pussy.

The eldest would, ultimately, pause in his finger work to drag down her underwear, leaving the miko essentially naked as her final garments pooled around her ankles. She was able to step out of them as the satyr hunter behind her rubbed his hardened member against her backside, but when she'd finished he slipped his shaft between her thighs and nudged her with his knees until her legs had closed. "Nnnn, you are just a treat," the satyr grunted as he thrust himself into the crevice formed between her muscular legs, but that distraction would only satiate him for a minute or so before their positions were switched around.

Tomoe would be made to bend forward, the two in front of her releasing her breasts while her hands were momentarily removed by movement from the cocks they'd been jerking. Once bent over, the satyrs would close in in front of her, leaving her standing with no less than three cocks aimed at her face. "Nnnn... C'mon, suck on it! Earn your keep!" grunted one of them, the one standing to her right who was even then pressing the head of his rod against her cheek. He wasn't the only one; the satyr on her left did the same, prodding at her cheek with his cock, while the one directly in front of her pressed in even closer to thrust himself against her lips. The faerie behind her, in the meantime, spent a moment bouncing his manhood against the meat of her rear before making to line it up with her moist entrance. He would slip into her slowly, her inner walls easily accommodating the satyr's member as he penetrated her all the way to the hilt in a single thrust, giving a satisfied sigh as her soft folds wrapped around him. The group had done plenty to warm her up already, and the bent over miko would feel pure pleasure satiating the need that they had created as the elder huntsman began to thrust slowly into her from behind while she was left to put forth however much effort she preferred in trying to please the three in front of her.
Last edited:

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Having made up her mind with the whole act, Tomoe was set to go along with the fey men's initial acts for a decent bit further. She found herself enjoying it tremendously, even after the ravaging her chest had just gone through a moment ago. Maybe it was that joy of being someone else's subject again helping her make the best out of her admittedly self-inflicted situation. The lead guy made some moves of his own soon enough, relieving the miko of her final piece of clothing with minimal effort it took to remove them. What he would do next was most certainly not something she might have been expecting to be subjected to, but it was not all that different from using other areas if the female form to stimulate oneself. Having made her decision to go with the flow, the priestess applied some pressure with her thighs to make it better for him. "Well... You are not the first to... state something like that." she would admit having been given compliments about her looks before this, still wondering if she really was THAT special in the appearance department. Surely there were a lot of other, more attractive females out there in the world.

Not too much farther into the act, there was a change of position as the satyrs were looking to go forward with their ways. Made to give up her task for that brief little bit, Tomoe was bent over to adjust the situation more to the liking of the men, who now had her at a better height for what they were planning. And that plan was made apparent as soon as she had settled down in her new pose, the direct command to get working and the fairly unsubtle way that the dick tips poked at her face making it clear as day to anyone what was going to be happening next. Feeling herself getting the shaft from behind as the elder fellow made his move, the miko gasped with pleasure as the tool sheathed itself into her, instantly picking her up on the wave towards the heights of joy. The leader was in a position that was not really for the priestess to dictate, so she would let him keep the slow pound going and instead keep her focus on the fearsome threesome at the head side. Given how she was set up, there were not that many options for her, and she had been given the command already, so service it was. "I shall do... as you command... Now if you would... one of you should start." she would tell the three, opening her already salivating mouth and letting them decide which one would be the first to use her waiting service hole. Once they had given her what she asked for, Tomoe would start giving them the oral pleasures they wanted, but not completely keeping to one guy as she would periodically make a switch to another tool in the lineup, slurping each cock for a brief period before going to the next to hopefully keep them all satisfied as best as she could, simultaneously jerking off the members that were not being subjected to the tender care of her drooling, eager mouth. They would probably end up making some changes to her plan once they got tired of her giving turns equally, but she would stick to her service plan for now, making each suck period a modestly-paced but deep-reaching experience as she went all the way down on each repeat, keeping the hand motions in a similar feel. The leader was doing his thing at the back, so that would have to go on his pace until there was some kind of change.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

(Then there's this post, which I lost no less than four versions of due to assorted forms of total ineptitude and then didn't work on for months and months because I am a derp.)

The goatman behind her showed no signs of speeding up, nor stopping, allowing Tomoe to adapt to the distraction and start up on her demanded service to the other three. Of the younger trio waiting in front of her, the one directly in front of her stepped up first. The satyr thrust his member against her lips, and when they parted he pushed in deeply with a brief grunt that was followed by a groan as her tongue began lathering him with attention. The first hesitated with his member resting in her mouth for a second only to then thrust in further, filling Tomoe's throat as deeply as he could with so sudden a penetration. The miko’s open eagerness to please in the act that would earn her a meal left her prepared for it, however, and as her throat embraced his rod the first satyr to enjoy her mouth let out a pleased groan.

Despite being outnumbered, the first portion of the satyrs' enjoyment of Tomoe's body was fairly sedate and overall at least relatively enjoyable. The one behind her pumped into her at a steady pace, and wasn't so large that she was being overwhelmed with sensation. The three in front took it in turns to enjoy her mouth without stressing her throat or jaw, and those waiting at the sides and being kept hard by her hands took extra enjoyment from pawing at her hanging breasts. The miko's massive jugs swung back and forth as the two faeries spitroasting her thrust back and forth, but that didn't stop the other two from groping, squeezing, fondling, and tweaking her highly sensitive nipples, finding how she enjoyed being handled the most and repeating that most often.

None of them would enjoy their positions to completion unless Tomoe deliberately tried to get them off, however. After a while they pulled away and manhandled her onto a nearby table, but as she settled the oldest one whispered something, and the table momentarily came to life. Wicker bindings coiled around her wrists and ankles, binding the miko in place as the next satyr lined up to enjoy her sex; they were going to take their time with their "payment" it seemed, as the four satyrs spent a long while with Tomoe trapped in that pose. The four of them took her in turns, pumping into her pussy at similar pleasant but steady rates while the others molested her chest, drawing out a few minor droplets of milk now that her body was starting to recover from her thorough milking. Orgasm after orgasm wracked her body, periods of raw satisfying pleasure marking the peaks of their session for her, but still none of them came either on or in her, instead rotating out as they neared their release in order to prolong their usage of her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
(Stop being a derp ya derp.)

The group of so-called partners might have had some sort of pecking order going as one particular member of the younger satyrs would be the first in line, holding back a little at first but soon going at a steady pace as Tomoe's tongue gave him the encouragement he needed to get thrusting into her mouth proper. The whole group of younger ones looked like they were readily accepting the miko and her demure service of their members, willing to have their turns as she would help them maintain performance status with her grasping hands. The rhythm of the ongoing act helped the priestess keep her on actions in pace despite the building pleasure from the molestation of her chest and the slight shakes of her legs as she got the spitroast action, even in it's more restrained form. The goat fellows were not going at her full blast, but even this more restrained way of loving would slowly creep up the pleasure levels on the ever sensitive frame of the miko. And while she was fully committed to servicing the crew around her, there did not seem to be a climax among them despite it all, the tender mercies of her timid yet determined approach keeping them from getting off even as the time stretched onward in the act.

After having slurped down a good distance of meat, Tomoe found herself advancing to the next stage of the payment. As the final serviced member left her lips, she would be guided to her feet to relocate, the nearby table being the spot they ended up at. Getting laid down on the table, the miko saw the plan that her partners had formed starting to happen as the elder of group cast some sort of enchantment upon the very table she was resting her body on. It was a curious magical cantrip to be sure, probably very simple in the broader realm of magical might, but it's minor status and simplicity did not make it any less useful for the current situation. The wood of the table warped as the magic went into it, forming crude but nonetheless effective shackles that bound the exposed priestess down against it, spread out and completely exposed in her restrained state. This... was something she could get behind, not that she'd openly admit it to the group around her, even though they might not be completely oblivious to this as she would look a bit distracted and dreamy in her bondage if one paid attention to the bodily signs. A member of the foursome would step up, starting the next part as he thrust himself into the miko's waiting pussy.

With her situation being what it was, Tomoe could find a good deal of joy to be had from it. The satyrs were still being more than pleasant and considerate about it all, but they were more aggressive than before now, taking her in turns while keeping themselves entertained by molesting her quivering breasts in all sorts of ways during the wait time between actual sex periods. It seemed as if they would keep this going as far as they could, none of them had even showed real signs of approaching their limits after four... no, six... bursts of release that Tomoe herself had experienced at the mercy of their thick cocks. Even if she had wanted to, trying to urge them would have been inconsiderate on her part, so the priestess would not try to do any of that. No, she would stick to the plan they had laid out for her, keen to enjoy her bound and abused state as long as they wanted to have her laid out to use. It was...exhilarating to be like this.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The goatmen would ramp up their efforts as it became apparent from her reactions that Tomoe had come to enjoy being bound up, even as lightly as it was. One of them got a little overzealous, ravaging the busty miko vigorously while his hands grabbed her ample jugs. He played with her chest as ferociously as he pumped into her, and he proved the first to run out of patience with their edging. After a few moments, one of Tomoe's orgasms left him groaning, the pace of his thrusts picking up as her inner walls clenched around his member. Ultimately he let out a satisfied groan and bottomed out into her, and Tomoe felt him unleash the first few spurts of his potent cream into her depths, though ultimately her womb would be made to drink only the first portion of his release; he pulled out after a few seconds and started jerking himself, aiming the rest of his release at her stomach. A half dozen more pearly ropes landed against her belly before he sighed in satisfaction, the others satyrs momentarily laughing before jokingly berating him for cumming inside of her so soon.

"Heheheheh, you always were a quick shot!"

"Yeah, now we gotta deal with your sloppy seconds if we want another go at her!"

"Nnnff.... Hnng... Nnngg.... Hnnfff... Worth... It!"

"Ahahahahahaha! Yeah, I'll bet! Her pussy's top quality!"

"Yeah, too bad we can't keep her~ She'd make a great breeder!"

"Eheheh, well we already knew that, din't we? One of his already got a litter in her!"

"Yeah... They always get the fighter types though, don't they?"

"Yup. Like father like sons, heheh."

"Well, fuck it... I wanna fuck those big tits anyway!"

"Yeah, me too!"

Once the one who had cum pulled away, the eldest satyr worked his magic again, and Tomoe's bindings changed. The table lowered under her, and it altered to change her posture, forcing her to straighten and then arch her back. A portion of the table slide up her back, offering a bit of support to make the pose a bit less uncomfortable, and they quickly repositioned around her. One moved beside her, his cock pointing at her face. "You know what to do; suck on it!" he demanded, prodding his member against her lips, and when she parted them to take him in the satyr let out a low groan of pleasure. She could taste herself on him, but unlike when she'd been spitroasted he allowed Tomoe to take it at her own pace, sucking him off as she liked rather than simply having her throat used.

Another moved in front of her and grabbed her breasts, lifting them slightly and then shoving his rod into her cleavage. The satyr immediately gave a pleased sigh as he pushed her breasts together, forming a soft, tight channel through which he began to thrust at a pace similar to how he'd enjoyed her sex not too long ago. "Ohhhh fuuuuck that's good.... Hnn.... Nnng!" the satyr groaned in feverish bliss as he started thrusting into her cleavage, lubricated by Tomoe's love honey that was still coating his cock. This time he wasn't stopping either, and while Tomoe would have to go a while with little stimulation other than the feeling of her bust being handled it wouldn't be long. The satyr evidently quite enjoying fucking her tits, because after only a few minutes he tossed his head back and let out a long groan of satisfaction before the first spurts of his release erupted against her chest. Ropes of pearly goo splattered into her cleavage, fired up only to fall and land on her tits, and splattered over her cheeks until he'd given her a nice glazing.

He pulled away only to be quickly replaced, the next thrusting his member into her cleavage and resuming where the last had left off. The third satyr - the one who had already cum inside of her - got on the ground, and another bit of magic had the table she'd been seated on become arm binders instead, keeping her limbs trapped behind her back and leaving her squatting on the ground while he pulled her on top of him. Apparently he didn't care that she was still oozing his cum from her sex, as he thrust himself into her and started bouncing upwards rapidly, thrusting into the miko's folds and watching as her shapely rump jiggled with the impacts that his motions produced.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
The group did appear to catch on to Tomoe's points of enjoyment, and even as they were taking their time she would notice that this did seem to drive at least one particular individual among their numbers to up the tempo. A slight slip of form from them certainly, but their intensity was giving the miko what she wanted in spades as the eager fellow held nothing back, having his way with her restrained body as he desired. "Oh dear... Here we go again~" she would think a little hazily as yet another climax made it's way through her lovely form, the clamping of her lower mouth finally breaking her partner's control as well, the guy letting loose inside her some before he pulled out and scattered some on her body too.

With the other satyrs in the group giving their colleague a more or less good-natured ribbing for his early release, Tomoe had a brief moment of respite as she listened in to their various comments. The part about the breeders made her once again reconsider her views on these people, unless it was something done with mutual agreement and she was maybe reading into it a little hard. Whatever it was, there were more pressing concerns at hand once the binding table started to adjust and get a new position going. It was not the most pleasing arch to be in, but the priestess would have to deal with it as her partners were quick to make their move on her once the warping table had settled down. "Y... yes... certainly..." the submissive miko would agree to the demand directed at her, letting her parting lips be penetrated at her partner's leisure, though she would dictate the flow from there, once again reverting to her previous slow and tenderly thorough pace of oral ministrations. Along the way another member of the hunting party would come in, his attention clearly on the priestess' massive chest as he grabbed on and started to give those puppies a thorough round of use, sliding between the mounds with his tool. "Yes... use my shameful tits..." she would have told that particular satyr had her mouth not been busy with his buddy's member at the moment. The act would go on for a while, the miko giving some rapid bursts of care to the dick in her mouth now and then to keep it interesting for the owner of that particular penis. While the moment was a little less intense for her, she could have some joy from her chest being molested like it was. So, not a waste in the slightest.

The paizuri-ing satyr would find his climax shortly, the position being a prime setup to splatter cum on Tomoe's chest and face. And the hotness would come out to coat her, distracting her a bit from her oral mission. A quick exchange would happen once the satyr was done, one of bros coming in to fill the well-lubed chest crevice with his member. But that would not be the end of it as another shift on the table changed the positions somewhat, the priestess now back on her feet as she was downed enough to squat onto a waiting love spike. With her arms held firmly by the table, the bound Tomoe would let the satyr under her to thrust initially, but would help him along by bouncing her hips up and down as well so he would not do all the work, all the while maintaining her lip service to the seeker of oral pleasures.

Despite having cummed various times, Tomoe found herself to be enjoying the pacing and various steps these men were subjecting her to. She could only imagine what they still had in mind for her.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"Ohhhh yeah, move those hips!" the satyr below her grunted as Tomoe began to gyrate atop him, slowing his own motions and instead allowing the miko to do most of the work and set the pace. He would draw a hand back and give a few soft smacks to her bouncing rear, pausing occasionally to grab at her flushed skin and knead any sting away. While he might have slowed down, he would keep thrusting up to meet her at whatever pace she set, and he seemed to catch on when what they were doing to her particularly excited the miko while they were collectively using her body. "Oooh, she tightened up... I think she likes getting her tits fucked!" the man fucking her remarked, and the satyr who was enjoying the crevice between her massive breasts could only groan in agreement.

When it came for the second satyr thrusting between her jugs to spill his seed, it came just as the man in her mouth was cumming as well, and the latter quickly pulled out so that his tip was hovering just past her lips as he spurted his warm cream into her open mouth. He tilted her head back, and the satyr giving her breasts a fresh coating of spunk pulled out from between her boobs to join him in pouring his seed directly into Tomoe's waiting mouth. The miko was kept in position so that the two of them could properly feed her their cum, leaving a massive pool of the salty, sticky cream in her mouth and stray shots glistening on her chin and cheeks.

"Nnnnn... Can't put a foal in her, might as well settle for giving her some nice decorating instead!" one of them said, and the others chuckled. "Go on... Swallow it," he added expectantly, and if she did he would grin and put his rod against her lips once again. "Nnnn... good, now get ready for another treat!"

The quartet of hunters would carry on with their casual enjoyment of the bound warrior's body for another hour or so. The one below was the only one to keep on fucking her, repeatedly pouring his cum deep into her sopping cunny, but his efforts would provide plenty of enjoyment for Tomoe while the other three lined up to enjoy her chest and mouth. Now they simply fucked her tits, coating her bosom and face in an ever increasing glaze of hot, sticky cum while also feeding her a sizeable quantity of the stuff.

Eventually, however, their lewd depravity would come to an end, and they would release her from the bonds keeping her arms trapped behind her back. By that point she was a mess, and fairly tired at the very least, but she had apparently earned her meal. "Eheh, feel free to stop by whenever~ Especially if you'd like a second helping! We'll make sure you get a good place at the table tonight," said the eldest of the hunting group, leaving Tomoe to stumble out to find that her nymph caretaker was similarly glazed and sporting a dazed, dreamy look with her lips still eagerly servicing a satyr's cock when the nude miko entered the clearing again.

(Time to stop overthinking and just makepost again! Gain 2 XP)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
The perhaps not too subtle signals and acts Tomoe had been doing along the act seemed to not be going amiss on the satyr crew, their plan of action sticking to what they had started as they had noticed it being a good deal for both parties involved. Doing her part for the act the best she could, the miko would give any of them the same ride she had given the current one she was serving up, but this seemed to be the only position that would not change along the way, somewhat surprisingly. But it was not that bad, removing the hassle that would come from having to switch up the man underneath. Without that stuff to break up the flow, the disgraced priestess could focus on her more pressing task at hand, pleasing the dicks that were more directly at her face. The guys themselves would have the control over the paizuri front of the session, but Tomoe was still more or less the one to dictate how her oral attention would be given. Of course she would give genereously as they were expecting, trying to do a little gauging of preferences and adjust her suck to the pace and intensity that got the best reaction from each respective member of the trio when she did. Having something of a struggle with the amount of cum they were producing, the men could see her chugging their stuff as they unleashed it, the volume being considerable but not overwhelming as they did spray it on her too and not just in.

Going with the whims of the menfolk, Tomoe would ride, suck and endure their attentions the entire time they wished to have with her, the dazed miko estimating it to be little over an hour in total spent having wild, degrading sex with this group of hunters as the act started to finally quiet down. With the last loads finding themselves on her, the miko was released from her bondage, a thorough mess covering her upper body and face after repeated climaxes onto her. Not that she had been much better, having lost count of how many times she had lost it along the way. For all their roughness, the men had known how to treat her. Finding her escort nymph eventually, she was hardly surprised to see that they too were in a similar state to herself. With her current state, priority number one would be to get herself cleaned up, walking around like she was just would not work for too long. "So... can we find a spot to wash off... I can't wear my clothes if I'm like this..." she would ask them after collecting her stuff, keeping naked for the moment as getting dressed was not an option just yet.

(And now I guess I need to stahp being a procrastinating derpaloid.)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The nymph caretaker didn't react to Tomoe's request. It was unclear if she'd even heard it, given that she continued dutifully bobbing onto the cock of that satyr standing in front of her without slowing or stopping. The pale blue skinned nymph was moaning and murmuring with delight and pumping two of her fingers into her sex, under which a small pool of what was presumably the satyr's cum mixed with her honey had formed. The faerie man that she was sucking off, momentarily interrupting his pleasured grunting, opened one eye and glanced at Tomoe with a smirk. "She's a lil busy... Guhhh... Fffff... Hnn.... Got a few more nuts to empty 'sides mine," he explained, nodding towards a pair of satyrs who were sitting on a nearby bench, casually stroking their erections while apparently waiting their turn. Both glanced her way, one of them giving a friendly smile and a wave while the other started staring at the miko's cum-glazed bosom and stroking himself a little faster.

Her guide seemed too caught up in the haze of her lust to recognize her responsibilities right now, and Tomoe would either have to wait out the rest of her lustful stupor - and for her to please the rest of the satyr hunters that hadn't already been taking turns on the miko herself - or try to rouse her from it. She could, of course, simply try to find somewhere to clean up on her own, or perhaps convince one of the satyrs to help her instead, though she might reasonably expect them to demand some carnal reward for guiding her if she asked one of the hunters. Wandering a faerie glade alone, however, was a famously dangerous proposition; every culture on Donevrion had countless legends about what had become of folk who had committed that particular folly. Naturally, however, the priestess could try to help move things along more quickly; the two satyrs sitting on the bench and waiting their turn were hard and ready, and at least one of them had his eyes on her jugs and was blatantly pleasuring himself to the sight of them. It wasn't like she could get any MORE dirty, after all... But she could get more exhausted if this dragged on for too much longer.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
"Looks like it, yes... Well don't mind me then but... Please don't keep me waiting too long." Tomoe would tell her supposed caretaker person before letting them keep doing their thing. She would have been keen on moving on to get herself clean but did also not want to be a pain to her hosts, so it would not serve her interests to be too pushy towards them. Having settled on not trying to get the nymph away from her job, the miko could see the two others still waiting for their turns with the nymph, one rather obviously having an eye for Tomoe herself even as she was a cumdrenched mess at the moment. Maybe she could just... push things forward a bit with that particular guy and remove one of them from the nymphs to-do list. Having already done this much and being the mess she was, it seemed rather small to maybe have him get his lust dealt with.

Wiping her face a bit, Tomoe would set her belongings aside despite having gathered them just then before turning attention towards the eager man checking her out. She would make her way to him and give him a small bow along with her name. "I could not miss how you had eyes on me. So I thought... maybe we could work something out to lessen my caretaker's workload? If my current state is acceptable to you, I'd be willing to help you find satisfaction if you had something particular in mind." she would address the satyr who had been staring at her, intent on helping the nymph clear her task with this proposition to the satyr.
Last edited:


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The satyr getting sucked off chuckled, but the sound became a groan as the nymph that Tomoe was stuck waiting on buried her face into his groin and stayed there a moment. When she approached the other pair waiting their turn, her formal introduction took them off guard somewhat; they didn't seem to know what to think about the human woman bowing while naked and covered in semen. The one she'd addressed recovered quickly enough once he'd processed her offer, however, and grinned while still staring at her bouncing, cum coated chest. "Don't mind at all... I was imaginin' adding to yer mess! Hows about you get on yer knees, gimme a feel of what it's like between those tits," he replied, retracting his hand and waiting expectantly.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
The satyr's earlier looks had not just been passing glances, him having genuine interest to get some action going with Tomoe's messy self, which she could completely understand. Surely having her to play with was preferred over waiting for his turn with the nymph, who had her hands (and mouth) full with the current goat fellow. "Alright then, I'll give you that feeling..." the miko would agree as she stepped forward, simultaneously taking herself down to her knees and positioning herself right to get started on her new partner. "Excuse me..." she would come out as she grabbed the waiting cock in her hand, gently setting it in position between her tits and moving a bit further in to keep it there before she clamped them around it to trap the member in her tight cleavage.

"Here we go..." Tomoe would announce the start of her services. Keeping the eager dick trapped, she would begin with some gentle up and down action with both breasts in unison, all the cum already in her cleavage making the act smoother as it acted in the way lubricants did. After the more gentle start, she would pick up the pace on her service, going harder and taking the tip of the cock into her mouth as she did, doing a bit of double action to keep it as interesting as she could with her limited experience in these things. Occasionally, the miko would look up at the satyr to gauge responses and work in more of what she saw getting positive signs. And surely the satyr would enjoy her meek looks up at him, he seemed like the type who liked that sort of thing.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"Aaaaaahhhh!" the satyr groaned in satisfaction as Tomoe pressed her breasts around his cock, forming a tight crevice that she could easily slip up and down courtesy of the semen already thoroughly coating her ample breastflesh. She could feel it twitching excitedly already as she pressed her jugs around it, and the eager grin on the man's face widened as she announced that she was about to start her servicing. Her groaned merrily as she started pumping her breasts along his shaft, reaching out to caress the miko's hair as she started getting up to speed. He only grew more excited once she was alternating between sucking on his tip and shooting those innocent looks.

It was while she was staring back at him demurely that he achieved his first release, groaning in satisfaction as streams of cum erupted from the tip of his rod, coating her breasts and face in a dozen more fresh ropes of semen. "Aaaaaaahhhh... Hnnn... Fantastic! Hnn... Keep going... Nnnng... Those tits are amazing!" he demanded, demanding that Tomoe continue until he was satisfied. The satyr beside the one she was servicing was watching her, but he didn't have to go unattended for long, as the nymph eventually finished with her current man and crawled over to begin ravenously sucking him off. The man that Tomoe was taking care of was happy to get off for her every few minutes, donating five more loads for the mess already coating the miko's upper body. His next occurred when his tip was in her mouth, flooding her with the taste of his potent cream, the next two when she was looking at him, and the last two again in her mouth.

The nymph that was to guide her took no time to milk the satyr that she was pleasing of his seed in turn, drinking down load after load until he was satisfied. As Tomoe extracted her sixth liquid gift from the satyr that she was pleasing, however, the satyr cock between her breasts finally began to soften somewhat, and the nymph took an opportunity to push the miko aside and engage her in a hungry kiss. Her tongue explored the miko's mouth, seeking out any sample of the man's cum that she might not yet have swallowed while dancing energetically with the miko's own lingual muscle, and her hands were molesting Tomoe's breasts all the while.

After a few moments of that, the nymph broke the kiss and leaned down to start hungrily lapping up the cum covering her breasts, gathering up mouthfuls of the sticky white stuff. Once her mouth was full, she leaned down further and started suckling at the sensitive peak of one of the miko's breasts, her tongue flicking at it while she pinned Tomoe's wrists gently against the bench. Tomoe might have been drained completely dry of her milk by the plant, but the nymph seemed to take pleasure in slathering her nipples in attention anyway, and her sensitivity was in no way reduced by the lack of milk to drain. The cleaning process took some time, and the nymph made no efforts to rush it even though she proved quite thorough in cleaning off the priestess's jugs. The satyrs enjoyed the show as well; a couple would come by in the midst of it, sticking a cock in Tomoe's face expectantly and grabbing the back of her head in order to simply fuck her face to completion; she could obey or not, but if she didn't give them access to her mouth they would simply stroke themselves off onto her chest instead, giving her a fresh coating.

Finally, her bosom was clear of semen, and the nymph shifted back with a contented sigh. "You wanted to go get cleaned up? Ufufufu... Well, lets go take a bath anyway! If you show up to dinner naked, you might be in for a much rougher time from yours hosts than you got here!" she murmured dreamily, rising and beckoning for Tomoe to follow, finally leaving the glade populated by the satyr hunters. They didn't go far before coming upon a shallow, slow moving river that seemed to pop into existence for their convenience, and the nymph led her to a convenient eddy where Tomoe could clean herself at her leisure.