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Hylda, the adventurer -

"The bunny eared one there is mistress Olivia, our leader," Lucia explained to Hylda, as she and Brandi sauntered in with the others and smiled. "Mistress... it's good to see you well. And you too Alicia. Are you both doing okay?" Lucia greeted Olivia, who smiled.

"Of course we're doing fine dear Lucia. I see that you've made some friends too in your travels. I'm glad. I am Olivia, one of the overlords of this dungeon. With me, you can rest easy. I don't go out of my way like some to harm those that enter here," Olivia responded to Lucia's greeting, reaching out to pet Lucia and Brandi on their heads as she looked over to Rahma, Hylda, and the neko and other angel. "Come, you can rest in here with us for the time being, we'll make sure nothing happens to you all while you rest and recover," she told Rahma, Hylda, Solaria the angel, and the unnamed neko.
With the group arriving at their destination, Hylda was now in the presence of one of the overlords of this dungeon. "Wait, she said overlords? There are others?" Hylda spoke toward Lucia, who was the one most interested in having a conversation with her previously. Lucia seemed fine, as well as the rest of this group, though Hylda's first thought was that she simply did not want any part of being so close to someone so powerful. Perhaps all that was needed was for her to ask for safe passage so that Hylda was able to resume her exploration of the dungeon?

Maybe it was just a case of 'much ado about nothing', but Hylda had no reason at face value to refuse the offer of an overlord. Though the idea of being so close to someone that was so powerful was making Hylda uneasy to the point that she was already trying to look for avenues of escape.
Rahma stop being on guard and before say something put the neko in a comfortable place at a corner before introduce himself. " Thanks for the offer, im glad to meet some of Lady Lucia and Brandi allies, but i cant allow than any of you gets in danger if i can defend everybody" As for Solaris she wave kindly and so she bow politely "If this is a safe place, then we should go back with that poor elf, is not so far away of this room"

"Yes, I'm only one of several overlords in here, serving the queen. So long as you don't try and force your ways deeper in, then we have no reason to try and stop you ourselves. If you'd like, we can offer you refreshments and the like in my personal realm that's attached to this one. And don't worry good sir knight, I am quite capable of taking care of myself. Though, I do feel I should reward you for caring so much for my two girls here. So... from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the care you've given them," Olivia said, walking over to Rahma and kissing him on both cheeks. "And please dear, you should rest first. If you go back now as tired and exhausted as you clearly are, there's nothing you'll do but make matters worse for both yourself, and her. Besides, if she was taken by someone or something, then she'll be teleported after they're through unfortunately, so even if we went back now, it'd be too late by the time we arrived. And there's a good chance she'd be elsewhere in the dungeon," Olivia then told Solaria the angel, gently petting her on the head.
With the immediate objective of the group complete, Hylda felt as if she could relax a bit herself. Not wanting to try to cause an issue, Hylda simply kept to herself when the subject of the elf that was fighting the rat came up. She knew the rat was very likely going to win that fight, and chose not to get involved. It was certainly not Hylda's problem, and she had no desire to make it her problem either.

"So, we rest up and then this is where we go our separate ways?" Hylda blurted out, half to see what the reaction of those around her would be. Hylda also had no reason to distrust the word of an overlord, so she would accept the offer to rest up and then continue exploring areas of the dungeon that were not expressly part of Olivia's domain. It was already made clear that Hylda should not enter that area.
"Well if that's what you want. We can take care of you if you'd like to stay with us, miss Hylda. But we won't try and stop you from leaving... unless you're trying to go deeper within, in which case we're obligated to do so, lest the queen be displeased with us," Olivia replied to Hylda.

Even after Olivia's words, the angel and knight were interested in go back and save the elf or at least the kniwhgt wanted that. Maybe teh angel wanted to do something like being used by the giant rat. It was hard to find it out as this angel was quite a depraved
"You have my word, that I will not willingly attempt to intrude upon your domain." Hylda made sure to add that caveat. She could be teleported if what the overlord had said before was true. Following up, Hylda continued with some idle conversation. "I would not mind resting here at all, but I would also like to attempt to continue to explore this area. Of course, I will do everything I can to not intrude upon your domain." Hylda attempting to find where the boundaries were so that she could try mapping things out as best she could.

"You mentioned teleportation before, I think it was in reference to the rat and elf that were fighting? How does that work?" Hylda's curiosity starting to get the better of her as she had an opportunity to learn more about this place. This was not a chance that Hylda presumed would come again, and she wanted to take full advantage of it if she could.
"Well, I don't mind if you wanna rest in my personal domain. But it's best to come with an invite, lest we have to react accordingly, hmhm," Olivia chuckled softly to Hylda as she took a seat to rest a bit. "And yes... teleportation is... strange, sometimes it can take you directly where you want to go, and sometimes it's random. It depends on the power level of the one performing the spell to teleport. However, if you have a fixed portal, it's a lot simpler. To be honest, I'm no expert on it myself, but that much I do know," she added with a chuckle.

"Then with you here, i may at least try to help her, maybe there is still time and she is not so far" Mention Rahma the knight as he gets up and ready to go back to try to save the elf. For what it looks he is just interested in protect anyone in need and beat monsters.

The angel also was ready to leave "If you wish i could help too. In these ruins there are many poor souls in need for our goddess lessons and guide, if i stay here then i will fail in my holy task of help them find true love" Thanks them it will be maybe easier for Hylda to leave without too much conflicts. She only need to decide if go with them or take any of the others paths (west, north and east doors)
Hylda focused on her own goals. The ideals of others and their motives behind them, so long as they did not get in the way, were of no real concern to her. Hylda felt it was noble of Rahma to want to go back and help the elf that was in the room where Hylda first encountered her. Though if Olivia's assessment was accurate, it was not likely that either the rat or the elf would still be there by the time he were to get back over there. Maybe it was not a bad idea to journey with Rahma, but Hylda made the decision to try to make her own way.

With her rest coming to a close, Hylda would try to make her way back toward the room that she fell into a trap (Room 57). There was a locked chest in that room, and it made for a good place for Hylda to resume her exploration from.
Both Hylda and Rahma were able to go back, as for Olivia she was focused on the anel called Solaris and with the fallen angel both were trying to prolong a friendly talk what could lead to something else soon. But it was not important for Hylda as this help her to get out there without too much trouble. As expected both hude elves may stay close Rahma and will join their little walk back to the previous room. Hylda will hear them act as innocent damsels trying to seduce the knight with indecent hidden goals, but the knight was clearly almost fully focused on save that elf in danger and to stop any trap to hurt Hylda and the lewd elves, just place some small attention on them to follow their conversation.

After a dangerous passage dodging wall slimes and sudden spell curses, the group were at the chest where Hylda meet them. "All ready? Remember the pit close the next door, stay behind me after get at the next room, that rat looks quite strong" Mention Rahma not just to the elf duo but also to Hylda. She could see still that locked chest.

Once Rahma and the others leave the room, some strange woman face with wings will fly and get close Hylda
