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Imperfect (Heigho)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Heigho's memory was a daze. He had trouble recollecting the events after the attack on the boat, following one of the monsters attaching themselves to him... And raping him. He remembered that at some point, there were explosions, but anything after that was blank. As if in search for answers, his eyes opened. His head throbbed in pain, and his vision blurred. He felt something was wrong, and found that his hammer was no longer at his side. He quickly remembered he'd lost it on the boat...

Then, he felt his eyes slowly begin to close, whispering something related to his precious hammer, before he suddenly caught a vague figure suddenly standing over him. His vision was blurred... But did this person have two eyes... Or one? Whoever it was, was looking down at him strangely, before he could no longer stay conscious, and passed out...

Later, he woke up once more, only with the headache very much gone. He could open his eyes, and look around. When he did, he found he was on a beach, the water from the waves brushing against his feet, with some kind of patch of woods behind him. It was not wild, by any means, the closest two trees together, would require one to take a few steps to reach from one to another. But, the biggest surprise... Was what was laying at his side...

A magnificent hammer, perfectly balanced for a blacksmith's hand, was right next to him. He found it was even more expertly crafted than his own hammer, this one built for many uses, both combat, and work at the smith, as well as anything else that might need a good old smash of a hammer... It must have been crafted by only a truly masterful blacksmith...

However, something about it was wrong, imperfect. When Heigho looked, he noticed what this imperfection was. A small, oval piece was missing from the base of the hammer, and it didn't look like it was meant to be that way... Almost as if someone removed it...
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Heigho picked up the hammer after inspecting it, noticing the imperfection. He hefted it up and stood, giving it a good horizontal swing, testing it to see if the imperfection would cause problems later on. Upon finding there was nothing wrong at the moment, he looked towards the forest and decided to venture into it, his hammer grasped in his right hand
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Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

After a time of walking in the woods, it wasn't long before Heigho was lost, even more lost than he was before, having arrived on an island with no idea where to go. He'd eventually lost track of which way actually led back to the beach, and soon ended simply wondering, likely in hopes of being fortunate enough not to meet an ill fate.

A long time passed, before Heigho eventually stumbled upon what appeared to be a human house. Such a thing, no one would expect to see. It was a lone house, of simple design, with a vegetable patch in front, the kinds of vegetables that were growing, however, didn't look of this world... They did resemble plants, like the carrot, pumpkin, and tomatoes, but all of them were different in color, and slightly so in shape.

As he approached, Heigho spotted the back of a lone woman, with odd, cat-like ears over her head. She had long, blond hair, almost reaching her ass, the hair on her strange cat ears on top of her head were blond as well. She was wearing an odd kimono, with an even more odd large, single, fluffy fox-like tail coming out of the back.

Suddenly, without even looking at him, the woman said aloud, "I'll be with you in a minute, I must tend to my plants." she said, with a watering can in her hands, tipping it over, letting the water soak the soil.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Heigho looks on in awe at the woman, noticing the cat ears and the tail "Is this a dream? Or am I really going insane?" he thinks to himself, pinching the back of his right hand and wincing, knowing that this was not a dream. The vegetables were giving him an air of a garden of Eden, and that he had stumbled onto an island that was not of this world.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

The woman spent some time, tending to her plants, first watering them, then taking out a pair of small trimmers, and cutting various overgrown portions of the plants, making them look neat, and proper, before standing straight, and turning to Heigho, smiling softly at him. "Hello, I'm sorry, but my plants are very important to me." she explained, "What brings you here, human? Do you seek the company of a beautiful woman?" she asks, her narrow eyes regarding him with a slightly seductive presence.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

"I've lready had the 'pleasure' of being in female company." Heigho states, putting a sarcastic tone on the word pleasure "I was shipwrecked here, after my ship was attacked by these........strange women.....Who had the lower bodies of an octopus." he says, shuddering as he remembers the octopus woman raping him and attacking the ship. His left hand comes to cover his eyes as he tries to shun the images from the events on the ship
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

The strange woman only giggled, "That's what most creatures here do. You'll find many others are no different." she told him, "But, I am kind. I don't have the need to attack men in such ways..." her arm, covered in her kimono, lifts up, as she covers her mouth, narrowing her eyes with sexual suggestion at Heigho. She smiled, lowering her arm enough so Heigho could see her beautiful face, "My name is Annebeth, would you be a kind gentleman, and tell me yours?"
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Heigho was shocked at her comment about the other creatures, but didn't seem to show it on his face as he stared into her eyes, looking at her beautiful face with a small smile creeping over his face "My name is Heigho." he says calmly, trying to stifle his arousal at her beauty
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Annebeth smiled, "Heigho... What an odd name." she giggled, "I mean nothing by that, I tease." Her smile widened, and she cocked her head a little at him with interest, her eyes shifting to look at the hammer in his possession, before looking back up to his face, "Would you like to come inside my humble abode, Heigho? You say you were shipwrecked, and I'd very much like to see to it that you recover from your tragic experience..." she said, still behind those beautiful eyes, almost appearing to see right through him...
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

"Um. Thank you, Miss Annebeth" Heigho says, his cheeks beginning to blush. Being a blacksmith, he wasn't used to being treated with politeness, let alone by a woman.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Annebeth giggled in a manner most would find cute, "You can thank me later..." she said, with some kind of hidden intention behind her words, before gesturing at her house with her arm, "Please, come inside, I've prepared an herbal tea not long ago, that should help you recover." she told him, before turning her back on him, and walking towards the house, as if fairly confident that he'd follow her. When she did turn around, Heigho would get a very nice view of her ass, despite how comfortable looking the kimono was. She appeared to know this, and walked in a way that caused her ass to swerve back and forth in a teasing manner...
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Heigho's blush grew from his cheeks to almost his entire face, upon seeing the way she was walking towards the house, following with an almost spring in his step "Thank you, miss. It's not often I find someone who's willing to treat me this kindly."
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

She chuckled at his words, reaching for the door to open it, "Then you've never met Annebeth, my dear." she stated, referencing to herself. She pushed the door open, and stepped inside, holding the door open for Heigho. From what he saw outside, the inside of her house was without a doubt, one of the most noble looking, and cleanest houses he'd ever seen. Curtains that Heigho'd never dream of owning hung over every window, parted open to let light inside. The floor with a bright brown wood, and looked flawless in design. The walls looked to be made of some kind of marble, and there was a very enticing scent coming from inside... Smelling similar to a beautiful flower, making Heigho feel a very inviting, warm feeling...

"Please, come inside to the kitchen, I'll pour you a cup of herbal tea." she offered him.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Heigho sniffed at the pleasant aroma, seeming to go into a daze as he walked into the house, admiring the noble air of the house. "This place is yours? I would never dream of owning a house like this." he speaks, his right hand loosening his grip on his hammer and setting it down on the floor next to the door with a light thump, then followed her to the kitchen, walking as softly as possible.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Annebeth smiled warmly, welcoming Heigho into her home with a respectful bow. Giggling at his comment, she swiftly close her decorated door behind him with a graceful movement. "I'm glad it pleases you. It was not built within a day, however. For every generation of my family, the daughters inherit this house, and always work to ensure that our future husbands will live comfortably, and happily."

Her thin, seductive gaze narrowed at Heigho, as her smile widened, and her shoulder smoothed along his chest enticingly. "I'm honored to have you here, young master." she coos to him intently, before turning, and making her way to the kitchen, almost seeming to glide along the floor as she made her graceful steps. And before she'd disappear from the hall, turning into the kitchen, she stopped, and gave Heigho a single glance, her eyes staring straight into his, directing powerful intent, before she giggled, and vanished behind the corner, her tail waving, as if beckoning him to follow.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Heigho could feel a stirring sensation down below his belt, his blood flow slowly redirecting as he felt himself enchanted by this strange woman, as if a spell had been placed on him. He saw her last glance before she disappeared into the kitchen, and followed her in an almost trance-like state. "The honor is all mine, miss. I'm just a blacksmith." he says in response to her earlier statement of him being a young master, very much delayed by his dazed state.
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Leading the tranced Heigho along, the fox tailed mistress held a cat-like grin, brimming with confidence and a bit of mischief as she stepped over to a pot of steaming water, seemingly left there for tea she was going to have on her own. Taking it off of the light fire underneath it, and setting it aside, Annebeth gathered a pair of cups, setting them in front of two different seats before taking the teapot, and pouring a fair amount of tea into the cups. "Do you like your tea sugared?" Annebeth asks Heigho with a glance and smile, grabbing the chair in front of one of the cups, and pulling it out for him.

"Don't look so nervous," Annebeth giggled when she looked at him directly. "Just relax, and let me take care of you. Let my home be your sanctuary from all that worries you."
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Heigho stared into her eyes and became lost in them. "It is not a matter of me being nervous, miss. I've just never had the courtesy of meeting someone as beautiful as you." he says, then sits down in the chair she had pulled out for him as gently as his burly frame would allow. As he stared down at the tea, he looked up at Annabeth with a look of confusion. "I've never had tea before, Miss. So I wouldn't know."
Re: Imperfect (Heigho)

Annebeth's tail and ears perked up when he said that, "Then, I shall prepare your tea the same as mine~" she said with a cat-like grin before stepping over to the counter, and pouring the steaming teapot's contents into two separate cups, adding the bags of tealeaves, before topping them off with what looked like sugar, except for the fact that it was pink in color. Stirring both cups with the sugar, she returned to Heigho, placing his cup in front of him, before sitting across from him on the small table.

Blowing on her teacup, she smiled at Heigho, before lifting her own cup to her lips, and taking a quiet sip. "I hope you won't mind, but I enjoy the sweet taste that peru fruit grains bring!" she announced happily, seeming much more vibrant now that she had taken a sip, staring at Heigho with flushed cheeks. "Since you are lost, Mr. Heigho, why not stay the night? I hope you won't mind my motherly nature, but I'm at my happiest when I have guests~"