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In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
Reputation score
Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 56, Status = Fine

The moon shone brightly this night, casting a silvery light over the vast frozen plain. Light snow fell, signally that it woud not be long before all traces of passing creatures vanished. Already, the wind was beginning to pick up, as the snow fall slowly got heavier. From past experiences, it was a sure sign of an impending snow storm. By Al's estimate, it was only a few hours into the night, given him still several hours yet before the dawn of the sun. Thanks to the light of the glowing moon, the tracks that he was following stood out against the windswept snow.

For a few days now, he had been stalking a group of men that had ventured far to the north. He had only managed to have glimped them the night before before he had, had to hide from the sun. From what he had seen, there was five of them, all men. Covered in furs, with what look like unfitting armour beneath. There weapons had long since given into the struggle with rust. Thankfully, like many living creatures, they slept at night, and would likely be taken easily during the waning hours of the night. Given an hour or two, he would likely reach their camp before midnight.

What puzzled Al-Laand how ever, was the two single three inch wide lines about seven feet apart that the men had been following since he caught wind of them. Though he thought it may be a wagon, it did not look to have any beast pulling it through the dense snow. Now that he was standing near some of the track, it was up to him whether he wished to try and catch the men for a meal before dawn, or seek shelter from the likely storm that was sure to happen soon.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig)

Al-laand felt the soft chill of the falling flakes of snow chill his skin as he stepped along the path, but being pretty much unnoticed or cared about due to the natural state of his body. In fact he still forgone clothing, even now that he was taking his steps across land instead of hunting for his prey by sea. The snowflakes seeming to even blend in with his skin. Perhaps this snow was a boon, he could blend in easier with such a colour.

He grumbled a little as his toe caught a root however, pulling away the odd limb and continuing to follow after the tracks. Keeping his heightened senses bringing to attention, listening to the sounds of the forest, taking in the scents of it, and noticing things a normal man never would. He certainly wasn't the perfect predator, but he prided himself on being a good one. He missed his tail, he could move so much easier and nimbler with it..well, in the water at least. Now he had to deal with these limbs he would never truly get used to. But at least they allowed him to walk.

His finned ears, gills to breathe underwater, fangs, and tail were all hidden thanks to that ability. Making him appear like a pale robbed man. Certainly would be a helpful appearance should he be noticed by something.

But back to the tracks. He pondered over the odd track, thinking of the possibility of it and flicking his warped tongue over his teeth for a second as he sniffs for a scent from the track as he knelled further down. Perhaps something else was hunting them? But if they had a cart then that means they likely had other equipment he could make use off...

Slowly he started to stalk once more after the tracks. Hoping to find them soon before the storm started to set in. His coral dagger pulled from the belt he wore on his hips and chewing his lips. Before he started to hurry his steps more after them. Keeping his eyes on the tracks as he ran and hoping they would get 'fresher' before he would allow himself to slow down and stalk.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 56, Status = Fine

As Al-Laand traveled, the snow began to fall down heavier about him. As he ran after the tracks, he could smell the faint scent of a woman, nearly buried under the more recent scents of the men. Likely the men had been track her and her wagon. The tracks began to veer a little to the north east, entering a think forest. Due to his trained eye, he could see the signs of a large predator having been near the edge of the woods, a few days back.

As he stalked into the darkness of the forest, he could make out the sounds of his prey. Though something seemed off in the way they were yelling and shouting. Suddenly an explosion caused the ground to shake beneath him sending him to a knee. A loud roar echoing through the trees. A few moments later the roar was followed by a second explosion before the forest fell silent. Leaving Al once more in the dark, and considering whether he wished to proceed further or not.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

He was a little surprised by the scent of a female, and slowly let a grin grow onto his face as he stalked a little faster. Perhaps he could have some of his preferred prey after all. But first he would need to feast on the men, or at least and follow deal with them should they catch up with the women first. Heh, it seemed that he was a predator that hunted hunters, for they seemed to be after the woman as well.

The sudden track of a large creature had him a slight bit worried, but a good part of him thought he could manage to break or control its mind if he did come across it. Having such a large beast under his control would help him hunt on the land as well. And so, even with the knowledge of such a large being existing he continued to go further.

But as the voices of the men rose into the air, and the panic and fear tainted their tone he began to wonder if it was such a good idea. He could starve for a few days or appease himself with a small creature...But he wished to view what actually happened. And so, despite his better judgement he lowered himself and started to sneak along the tracks. Using his keen eyes to try and catch the sight of what caused all this as he inched along and hide behind trees. The explosions were certainly not a good sign..but was the beast the cause or the woman? It certainly wasn't the men with their rusted weapons.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 56, Status = Fine

As Al-Laand drew near to the scene, his nose began to smell the smokey scent of burning wood. The metallic scent of blood laying just below the scent. As he entered the small clearing, he could see the remains of what appeared to be the sight a battle. Sharp icecles where scatter about as if they had been thrown. A couple small craters sat next to a broken and burning wagon. The contents now turned to ash, and useless. The bodies of the men were strawn apart, a few looking to have been torn apart by something with claws. The source of the wreakage lay several feet from the edge of the woods. The massive bear blown apart by some sort of explosion and missing a good portion of it's torso and left forearm.

From the state of the scene and the tracks, he realized that the men at caught up to the wagon and during the fight with who ever had own it, the bear had stumbled upon, clearly quite upset. After examining one of the craters and the bear, he found out that the explosions were done by a device rather then a power and likely came from the wagon. He could see no sign how ever of the woman, or who ever owned the wagon. He did notice a thin trail of blood leading off into the woods to the north how ever.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

As the white one looked around the remains of the battlefield he found his hunger growing, the metallic scent of the sweet delicious blood making him hunger deeply and his stomach grumble. Unable to help himself he stalked out and went to one of the ended bodies, leaning over its throat like the beast he truly was. And drank, fangs piercing flesh and drinking just enough to appease himself and warm his body. Now, feeling warmer he licked his lips clean. And didn't bother to hide his fangs this time. Seeing no reason to if the only one remaining was wounded.

Knowing that there isn't likely anything of use on the bodies beside being bodies themselves he left them. While he could of tried to make a servant from their bodies he didn't feel in the mood for it. And the prey may end up passing before he could taste her in more than one way.

And so, disregarding the bodies for now, but possibly to return and use them later, he started to stalk after the trail of blood. Keeping his body down and his steps quiet as he continued to sneak along.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 56, Status = Fine

The body he drank from provided a modest meal. Just beginning to cool in the freezing air. He knew that by the time he would return to these bodies, they would be frozen and as hard as stone. As he looked about the carnage, he could feel the wind picking up, and the snow beginning to fall even heavier now, it would not be long before the storm reached him and his prey.

As he followed the trail of blood, he could smell that it belonged to the female and that there was another scent mixed in with her, another woman, perhaps. It took several minutes for him to reach the women, and from his spot they had both been wounded. They both lay amidst the snow, a raven hair human, and a pale hair elf. Approaching them to take a look, he would see that the human had already passed on. The elf woman looked in just as bad shape, and would likely perish without help. She was currently unconcious from the cold and her wound.

Given that a storm was readily approaching, Al would only get a few minutes to decide what he wished to do with the surviving woman.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

As the wind grew harder and the snow increased in its flow he grumbled and marched onwards, starting to finally feel the chill of the snow as the wind added to the freezing temperature and moved against him. It wasn't as noticeable as it could of been thanks to him having a slight meal before. But it was annoying all the same.

Watching the red stain as he followed it, colouring the snow that crunched under his heel in a pink and red. It truly wasn't at all hard to track these trails, any man could. Even those that haven't had the necessary training in to know how to find the tracks. And so it was all too easy for him to find the women, the second scent being a slight surprise but a welcome one.

And so he reached the bodies of the two women..growling thickly in annoyance as he saw one had already perished. And the other was not far behind. There was a good chance he wouldn't be able to save her and enjoy himself..but, he might be able to bring her back...

Putting his plan into action he went over to her wounded body, putting a hand upon her and using a power he knew to 'seal' her soul within her body. Making it so she couldn't pass on even with the passing of her flesh. As long as the skill took effect. After that he would try to apply some first aid to her. And with the strength that would be a surprise that his body had he would pick her up, letting her warm against his flesh. While a single hand dragged her dead friend along. If she lived, then his plan to try and bring her back wouldn't need to be implemented. But if she didn't..well, he could test it out. And enjoy a good meal with a living prey if it worked.

He wasn't a necromancer, so he couldn't bring spirits back to life...but perhaps he could create something. But he would wait to see what happened. First he needed to find shelter from this storm.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 41, Status = Fine
Elf woman: Status = Badly wounded, Sealed 60

Al spends 15 Ep on Seal
Seal on the elf= Automatic hit
Elf is gains Sealed 60

Perception 9 + 21 vs 30 = Success
Al loses the bonus from his nose and ears while looking for shelter.

Al is able to seal the elf's soul, only a soft whimper her only response from his touch. He can feel the seal settle upon with out resistance, and grabbing hold of her firmly. Tending to her wound, he would find it was a nasty cut to her stomach, just to the left her bely button. Taking some ripped cloth from the dead woman, he is able to bind the wound and stop most of the bleeding. The snow began to whip against him as he picked the woman up and started off. Her warm body limp against his chest.

Al marches through the snow, dragging a body, and carrying another makes for slow progress. After several minutes of searching, he can feel the cold finally beginning to numb his toes and his fingers. His nose following suit a minute later. By sheer luck he spies a small opening between to tree. Heading over he finds it to be a small cave, with a small room both he and the elf could likely share comfortable. Provided neither of them needed to stand. Al would need to bend over slightly to enter. Though they had shelter from the wind and now, the growing cold as still a concern.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al smirks slightly to himself as he feels the strong seal flow through the body of the badly wounded elf, pouring into her very being and encasing her soul in a seal to bind her. This would also be helpful for him should she survive, and not just if she died.

Tearing the fabric from her dead comrade without much of a care he bound the the area that had her wound. Slightly happy that it was such a clean cut, would mean that it would heal more easier and had less a chance of being infected. At least from what he figured. The soft whimper she made as he treated her made him chuckle. Leaning over slowly he dragged his warped tongue across her cheek. Whispering with a hiss into her ear. "My dear...live or die, you shall be interesting. Die and become a servant, live and become a meal..let us see what fate your body has for you my dear pretty elf." A final, throaty laugh into her ear before he rose up to his feet. Pulling her into his arms and carrying on the journey as the snow began to fall harder.

The winds were soon howling and cutting away his senses, the cold that had hardly bothered him had finally started to effect his body. Chilling his feet to their very bones and making his steps seem even more stiff than they were before. His nose started to clog from the sheer freezing wind and the snow as it pounded into him. He was starting to think if this prize was really worth it..but he would see.

Just as he was starting to wonder if he really screwed himself over by going with this objective, he spotted something. A cut between two trees. Wondering if his luck was finally beginning to look up he dragged the dead carcass and carried the elf with him towards it. A small cave that would just allow them to shield away from the winds and snow..but the cold would still meet them. Grumbling a little he ducked in and set the elf and the body down. Making sure they were tucked into the small cave tightly before he popped out into the snow once more. Seeing as they had just passed some trees he started to snap the branches from them. Twigs and more twigs piling into his arms before he turned and marched his way back into the cave. And began to try and set a fire. Taking more of the other ladies cloth and trying to create a spark with the stones that likely laid in the little cave.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 41, Status = Fine
Elf woman: Status = Badly wounded, Sealed 60

It took some effort on his part, but fortunetly for him a piece he had picked up turned out to be flint. After spending about half an hour, he had a small fire burning away. The inside of their small shelter warming up. Outside the storm continued to worsen and after a hour, he could barely see past the entrance despite his night eyes or the light of the fire. As he watched over the elf, she stirred slightly but stayed asleep. A soft whimper escaping from her as she settle back it. He could tell it would likely be a few hours before she awoke, but it looked as though she was no longer in danger.

In the light of the fire, Al would be able to see that the elf was still quite young, barely on the cusp of being a woman. She had a full bosom with slim and hourglass figure. Her face was soft, and incredably beautiful, likely from some sort of magical ancestry. Her hair was a light gold and hung down to her shapely bottom. She was hardly attired for the cold weather, likely having left her winter gear with the wagon during the fight.

Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al couldn't quite believe his luck as he gazed over at the piece of flint he had found within the cave, and soon found it all the more easier to set the wood and cloth he had taken ablaze. A soft pleasant sigh escaped his lips as the warmth of it heated up against his skin, making him smile ever so slightly before he glanced over at the elf as she whimpered one more. Unable to help himself from liking his lips with a fierce animal hunger burning in his eyes as he gazed over at her. Such a pure..beautiful specimen. "Yesssssss...I am going to enjoy you." Feeling a little generous after being able to take a closer gaze over the female he used his power to slowly let his form shift back slightly. Letting the long and thick tail he had curl out and around the fire. Warming himself quite pleasantly.

But the generous part came a few seconds later, as his strong limbs reached out and gripped the woman and lifted her up against him. Pulling her into his arms and laying her against the scales. Letting the feel of the heated up hard surface warm up her skin. And then...he began to sing. Gently so that the voice didn't echo out of the cave and attract something he would rather avoid. And to give the whimpering and pained woman a few pleasant dreams.

Sirens Song!
"On summmers days, where the sun does blaze, the light shall guide your way. Let the heat of the pleasant days wash over you, the feel of your skin as it brushes against a lover. The warm of passion and heating becoming one with you." And soon after his voice slipped into the language of the Mer. A beautiful voice that brought out the myths of sirens. Now that he thought on it...that would be a good alibi on his identity, a siren. Yes that will work quite well indeed. He found a sinister grin form on his lips and eased it back down into the fake smile he wore so often.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 41, Status = Fine
Elf woman: Status = Badly wounded but alive, Sealed 60

As he settled her in his lap, she made a soft noise. Feeling his arms about her, and the warm scales against her she gave a soft sigh. Her small warm body relaxing against him. As she heard his soft singing, her face relaxed as she slept, snuggling into him for warmth against the chill. As he sang, he knew his words word lending her comfort in her sleep. She remained sleeping for a few hours, when she awake, the storm was still raging outside. He could even see snow beginning to bury the entrance to their little cave.

As she woke up, she rubbed an eye with her hand. Her emerald coloured eyes opening up and looking at him. She momentarily had a surprised look on her face, before starting to panic. Flailing she fell out of his embrace and stared at him in worry. "Wha... Where am I....." Looking about her eyes widened as she spied her friend. "Amy?" Her soft eyes begin to water as she looked fearfully at him and curled up in a corner of the cave.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

He stopped staring at the sleeping elf eventually while he sang and started to stare out into the white wonderland that was pouring down upon them. The sight of the snow beginning to rise up and block the entrance of the cave not bothering him as much as it should have..but then again he had a elf for entertainment. And it did seem like she was going to make it by how well she slept and snuggled into his warmth. Soon the singing turned into a pleasant hum. The unearthly tone of his voice slipping away and turning back into its natural voice. Not really wanting to have the elf charmed and lusting for him while she was in the state where she would die just from moving too much.

It was while he was gazing out towards the snow and a big chunk of it came off in a little 'THUMP' that the body in his arms started to shift and awoke. Turning his eyes down to her he watched as she started to rub her eyes and remove the sand from her eyes. He watched as a panic fear began to well up in her eyes and her body tightened up in fear when she saw him. Ahhh...tasty looking prey. But despite his thoughts his face was warm and in a gentle smile. His body was even relaxed, and while he was nude still his tail made him seem 'reasonable' from the waist down at least.

As he watched her flail and fall off of him he couldn't help but giggle softly, looking up at him as she laid over his tail. Not seeming to have realized what she was in the arms of just yet. Her question asked but unanswered as she spied her friend and went and curled up in the corner in fear in a corner. While mentally he was smirking he couldn't really show such an expression. "Now, now. Calm yourself Miss. I found you and your friend freezing and bleeding to death while looking for shelter and going to examine the direction a large 'BANG' had sounded from. Picture me surprised when I found two barely clothed females dying on the ground, one already passed and the other quickly following." He nodded his head to the dead body and then her at this. And with a slight push of his body up he curled his tail under himself in a soft little curl. Letting the merlike tip to be shown to make her realize he wasn't one of those ugly lamia.

Crossing his arms over his chest and letting his coral beads clink together he returned to smiling. "Seeing as I couldn't save your friend, but not wanting to leave her to be buried under the snow I pulled her along after tending to your wounds as best I could. Not really having the materials for it as I was..well, naked. My kind don't usually wear clothes..." He blinks quite purposely as if he just realized he hadn't introduced himself just yet. "Oh my, apologizes dear, I haven't told you my name. Its Al-Laand, and I am a siren. I tried to help you with my song so you could sleep peacefully and warm up." He gaze a slight bow of his head in her direction.
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Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 41, Status = Fine
Elf woman: Status = Badly wounded, Sealed 60

She looked at him a moment, before trying to stand. Her attempt ended up with her wincing and collasping back down. Looking down she gengerly touched the wound, and seeing that it was wrapped looked back to Al. Casting her eyes down into her lap as she visibly relaxed. "Thank you...." A light blush filled her cheeks as she looked back up at him. "I'm sorry....." Likely apologizing for thinking him a monster. Seeing his tail and hearing him introduce himself, she gave a small nod as she sniffled. Wiping her eyes and cheeks as she spoke. "I am Calaerel." Wincing a bit as she relaxed against the cave wall.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al had to resist his urge to lick his lips as he saw the pretty blush on her cheeks, mhmm. He wondered how flushed she would be when he was bouncing her up and down on his pulsing member. But that wasn't something he could think on just yet, he needed the wound to close a little..or her to simply lay back on his chest while he pounded her. Mhmm, choices, choices. Lets just go with the pleasant route for the moment... He reached out a hand and offered it to her. "No reason to be sorry Calaerel, you didn't have the snap reaction of trying to kill me just from seeing me and that's happens a lot more often than you'd realize." Because I was trying to eat them, hehehe. A slight bit of guilt and pity, oh how fun it was to manipulate prey like this. He understood why so many people did it. "Now come over here and warm up by the fire, you'll catch a cold leaning up against the freezing wall like that dear."
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 41, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Status = Badly wounded, Sealed 60

Calaerel blushed a little still. "Sorry I assumed..." Fidgeting a moment in guilt from his words. After a moment she shuffled closer to the fire to warm herself. Laying down slowly with a soft sigh of pain. Turning to look at him a moment. "Thank you for not leaving Amy." Clearly glad he had not left the other woman outside.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

A warm chuckle rolled from his lips at her words and a hand slowly reached out and brushed her blond locks behind one of her ears as they warmed by the fire. The delicious sign of guilt he could use to make her squirm and doubting any action he laid upon her would only add to it. Truly, this was turning out to be more entertaining than he had expected. "It is fine dear, if you would like I can turn my tail into legs if that would help you?" At this point she might be able to see might notice that his eyes were a pale white. While they were like that due to his enhanced senses, it didn't chance the fact that it made him look blind and unseeing. Even when looking at someone.

He flipped the end of his tail for a second while he losses his trail of thought. His hand purposely brushing through her hair while he thought while seeming as though he didn't realize he was doing it. "Why were you out in the cold anyway dear? In in such a state of dress as well.." He indicated to the clothes she had on. Honestly, by human standards she looked like she was in her nightware.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 41, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Status = Badly wounded, Sealed 60

Calaerel blushes even brighter as he offers to transform back. Shaking her head. "Uh... No.... That is okay....." Embarressed about being around him while he is fully nude. Her blush growing a little brighter as he tucked her hair behind an ear and stroked her head. "I lost my furs.... During the fight...." Looking a little sullen as she remembered the battle that wounded her. "I was hired to haul some good up here to someone." She looked much too weak to resist him, even if she did not want him to touch her. He could already see her beginning to get tired once more.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

The sullen elf would soon find a pair of arms coiling under her own and rising her upon the thick muscle of tail that felt so pleasantly warm thanks to the fire. But despite the warmth he so did miss the wet coldness of the sea and water. It was ever so pleasant on his skin, keeping his body soft and shiny. At least to his mind. With fingers running down her hair and softly rubbing along the pointed parts of her ears he spoke. "Well I can't half you getting cold as you slumber. So you will stay close to me you sleepy little elfling." He teased one of her ears with a little tickle of his pinky before he started to lay them down. Resting his back against the cool and warming stone while laying her on his tail and chest.

With fingers beginning to gently rub over her head he smiled down at the elf, pleasant on his face as he showed her affection to slowly win her over. "You are quite the pretty thing...would be rather surprised if you didn't have a lover." He mused outloud. Talking to her while he knew she was slowly falling asleep. It was so easy to catch people off guard when they were tired, drunk, or under a whole number of effects. And really, if his senses were right the sun would be rising soon. So it would be best if he slept as well.