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Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Simple way to balance the weapon/utility would be to say the rocket/heavy weapon/etc takes up the utility slot as well, due to size. For the sniper platform, either double slot it, or perhaps make a utility that provides a bonus to aim over the flat SHIV stat. Stabilizing gimble?
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

One thing that I only just realized might be an issue: Will rocket launchers still have the silly 1 in 10 chance of missing catastrophically, regardless of level? I feel like that deserves a bit of tweeking, preferably so that it's based on stats, though keeping it similarly low is definitely a good idea considering how fucked you can be if a missile misfires into a squadmate's back and blows both of you up.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Hmm. Base of 90 and increase by 1 for every promotion, perhaps? Wuld end up with a one in wp-25 chance or so, fair bit better, allows for some minor progression, and doesnt make it unwwise to use back when you first get it with an aim in the 60s or 70s
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Well, that kind of also depends how the to-hit rolls are being calculated anyway. I doubt we're going to be able to do the same full set of variables like the games have, with physical vertical and horizontal deviation and such. A roll will typically hit or miss, and so how much detail we're actually able and willing to put into misses, is it's whole own question.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Thinking stray shots can be determined by how badly you failed the roll, and to a lesser extent, to the kind of weapon you're using.

Something like, if you fail by less than half of what the cover provides, you hit the cover. Fail by more than that, and the shot goes off. The more you miss by, the more likely something valuable or important (like one of your allies) gets hit. If there's something valuable or important in that direction to hit anyway.

Explosives would be more rigorously checked, for obvious reasons.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

'nother double post.

Couple of things. First, the name for the eventual game. Came up with two. XCOM - Hidden War and XCOM - Invasion Begins.

Secondly, NPCs. The non-PC base personnel will be pretty faceless, unless one somehow becomes important, but there's three that will be more important, like in the new game. The head scientist, the head engineer, and the central officer.

The three important NPCs can be taken from the new game (Dr. Vahlen, Dr. Shen, and CO Bradford aka Sweater Guy), but that's pretty uninteresting. Instead, I'd rather come up with new ones. So far have the head scientist concept sorta firmly down (cool but silently empathetic scientist guy), have a vague idea for the lead engineer (the Mechanic from Terraria is the main inspiration so far), and no idea for the central officer.

How I plan on having the base run (what research/foundry projects to undertake, what things to manufacture, what structures to build, and so on) is by a council of the players. Should be pretty easy to agree on things, but if there's a disagreement, it'll be handled by a vote, with me casting any tie-breaking votes. There'll also be the literally faceless Council which supplies the XCOM project with funding and the occasional special mission.

The player council can be done OOC, or you can make up characters to sit on the board or whatever. Whichever you'd prefer, I suppose.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP


CO, you say.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

So think I'm going to change the name of the starting perks to aptitudes instead. Less confusing with the level-up perks. Also gave them categories.

Heroic Aptitude (Instead of plot immunity, same thing)

(Cross Training)
Science Aptitude
Engineering Aptitude
Piloting Aptitude (Interceptor/Skyranger pilot as well as soldier, probably a bonus when using a jetpack)

Sniper Aptitude
-Gunslinger Aptitude (Bonus to handguns)
-Marksman Aptitude (Bonus with long range)
Heavy Aptitude
-Gunner Aptitude (Bonus with non-rocket heavy weapons)
-Rocketeer Aptitude (Bonus with rockets)
Assault Aptitude
-CQB Aptitude (Bonus in close range)
-Mobile Aptitude (Bonus when moving around)
Support Aptitude
-Medic Aptitude (Bonus when healing)
-Control Aptitude (Bonus when providing bonuses or penalties)

Psionic Aptitude
Mechanical Aptitude (MECs)
Biologic Aptitude (Augments)

Not sure what the last two ones should do yet... Also, feel free to come up with other ones too. Which reminds me that I forgot to look over that list earlier... I'll do that and edit this once I get home.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

MEC aptitude should give double xp for stunning aliens.

Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Blarg, please keep posts relevant to the topic. I'm looking for constructive ideas, not random non sequiturs.

MECs lose the ability to stun enemies, unless you mean by way of the Electro Pulse, in which case it simply disables robotic enemies. Either way, not suitable for a bonus.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

I came up with some ideas that work if you are sticking close to EW. Two ideas for Mec Aptitude:

1. The soldier gets their normal class bonus ability when switching to MEC-Trooper (the heavy/assault/sniper/support passives), AND gets to choose an extra passive ability. So a support soldier that becomes a MEC-Trooper gets the +defense to nearby allies bonus, and can also choose the sniper +aim when not moving bonus as an extra.

2. The MEC-Trooper is able to handle an extra piece of equipment on a MEC, and they can choose from whatever tech level is currently researched. So a MEC-Trooper in a level 1 MEC can have the punch AND the flamethrower, but none of the higher level stuff. At level 2, the MEC can have the normal equipment from level 1 and level 2, and can choose one extra from either level 1 or level 2, but not level 3. And at level 3, they get a level 1, a level 2, a level 3, and one more from any level.

For Biological Aptitude, an easy solution is to let the soldier get both abilities for each gene mod slot, instead of having to pick one. Or they can get improved abilities to make them better. I don't know, unless you are going to come up with Aptitude exclusive gene mods, there doesn't seem like much you can do with gene mods without being weird, like they somehow affect all nearby soldiers.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Biological aptitude could be something along the lines of easing the bodies acceptance of the mods, shortening the time they spend in the tank, and as such out of the fight. less powerful than an aptitude that grants extra mods, but should still be useful in clutch situations.
Re: Interest Check for CVS 2.0 or XCOM RP

Idea for CVS for later. Research/tech trees for each faction.

Regarding the biological aptitude, had an idea. When you take it you pick one augment to start with, representing the results of alien abductions or genetic tinkering or whatever. This augment isn't actually available for use at the start, but once you start getting Meld, it activates. You can activate the augment for a mission by spending some Meld. If you decide to undergo genetic augmentation fully, the augment no longer costs Meld to activate and doesn't count towards the limit for that location.

MEC aptitude... Still thinking on that one.