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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

When Garrett had walked over to Laena she quickly hugged his legs, putting her face against his thighs and started to breathe a little more deeply, slowly getting her nerves under control. It would take her until after Lily had first washed herself, and then gone on to start bathing. At that point she would pull back from her mate and slowly stand, letting out one great sigh before muttering "we have to take a bath? I would guess there's some sort of... ritual room up ahead then. Something wants us to be ritually clean. It's like at temple on holy days." She was thinking a little bit more clearly now that she had taken a bit of time just to purge some of the negative emotions, so that was good at least. She turned then to see the beautiful fae standing nude in the little basin, washing herself. Normally the sight would have been... well, quite pleasing to the harpy, but the circumstances were such that the thought of Lily's attractiveness barely flitted through her mind. Instead she began to carefully untie the ribbons that held her shirt tight against her and then slipping it over her head, laying it gently on the bench nearest to her, slowly wiggling her panties down her feathered legs until she could bring them up to her grasp with one leg, to lay them with her shirt. The basin wasn't big enough for the two of them, so she would wait her turn to walk slowly to the water-filled bowl... and then sit down in it, folding her legs beneath her and then starting to flutter her wings down, splashing water up onto her slender body and into her long brown hair. She would continue in this somewhat chaotic manner until she felt herself sufficiently clean, and would step out of the basin again.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant, Fine

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 18/62, Status = Fine

Garrett would blush as Lily stripped without immediate explanation, and as Laena was occupied recovering while holding his legs he would be unable to fully turn himself away as he initially moved to do. Lily would notice that the water washed away her sorcerer, not only her luck spell but the light spell she'd cast to let them see, but the room was filled with a pale blue light emanating from the chandelier that kept them from being blind in darkness. The man would manage to hide his erection, if only barely, from the distraught harpy before it was Laena's turn to bathe in the fountain, and that left only Garrett. He awkwardly stripped out of his clothing, and by that point after watching both of his female companions bath there was no hiding his erection, even if the dire situation they were in made it fairly inappropriate.

The statues allowed them to advance, however, returning to their neutral positions while Lily could conjure another light if she so chose. Another short passageway later and the three would emerge into a larger room than the last with a dais on which an altar sat. An orb of darkness hovered over the altar, unmoving and perfectly smooth and spherical while impenetrable by Lily's light spell should she have recast it. There seemed to be no other exits from the room, at least as far as they could see, but an alcove lined with spiraling stone columns obscured much of the rear wall.

Right at bottom of blood groove tunnel. Right at first turn, a V split, and down a winding corridor into a chamber with a crystal chandelier and four statues. Then after bathing in the purification fountain moved into a ritual chamber.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Slightly annoyed when the water washes away her spells, Lily doesn't bother creating a new light right away, instead merely watching the others bathe, allowing herself a small smile as she unavoidably notices Garrett's erection. The three of them could have some real fun... but this was neither the right place nor the right time. Sitting down on the floor, the sidhe chooses to rest for a few minutes while waiting for Garrett to finish washing and getting dressed before standing up again. Conjuring another orb of light, she confidently strides past the guardians and through the passageway, not wanting to stay here longer than necessary.

Immediately upon arriving into the altar room, Lily's eyes fall on the spherical blackness hovering upon the altar and she timidly approaches it, casting Examine spell upon it with muttered words and swift gestures.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena would watch quietly as her mate took to the bath after she was finished, blushing a little bit as she saw that he was erect. While she didn't think it was terribly appropriate for what was going on, it at least made her think that he wasn't too afraid, which was comforting. Also that he had found the sight of her body attractive... It didn't occur to her that it might have been caused by Lily's nudity, which was probably good for all of them. In any case the harpy would try to shake herself dry to whatever extent she could manage before putting her clothing on again, having a mild bit of trouble tying the ribbons off on her shirt, but not too much so. After that she would sit down on her legs again, making a point not to stare at Garrett as he cleaned himself off. Once he was done and dressed again the three of them continued on past the statues, which let them pass without trouble this time.

It wasn't long before they came across the next room, which just as Laena had thought was definitely a ritual room... There was a large dais in the middle, and an altar sat atop it. Just above that, hovering perfectly still and quiet, was an orb of darkness, smooth and perfect. The light didn't seem either to penetrate or play off it, just dying as it hit the thing. Looking at it made the harpy feel mildly ill again. Very clearly to her this was something that shouldn't exist, something very black and awful, and the thought of what might have gone on in this room is much too terrible for her to consider. Lily seemed to take her interest in the orb, casting some sort of spell at it, so Laena began to slowly hop around beside the wall, going to investigate back wall that could barely be seen from the entrance. It seemed they had reached a dead end, though there could have been an exit hidden somewhere along that back wall.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant, Fine

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, Light

Casting: Success.
Perception: Success

Probing the orb of darkness, Lily would find it to be some sort of containment spell. She couldn't tell what it was trying to contain, however, as her magic couldn't penetrate the veil of darkness. Tendrils appeared from the shadow, like a person trying to push through a veil of cloth, reaching towards Lily but unable to reach her. Looking over the rear wall, Laena would find it bare but oddly cracked in places, and felt air moving through some of the cracks.

Right at bottom of blood groove tunnel. Right at first turn, a V split, and down a winding corridor into a chamber with a crystal chandelier and four statues. Then after bathing in the purification fountain moved through a hallway and into a ritual chamber.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

"Well, I don't think we want anything to do with that, if we can avoid it." Lily comments, carefully keeping her distance as she circles the altar to go see what Laena is looking at.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena's brief investigation found something very strange considering where they were, or at least strange to her... The wall was cracked in a number of places, which wasn't all that out of place on its own, but there was a draft coming out of them too. The air down here had been so stagnant, so awful and stale, that this breeze felt like a little slice of paradise to the harpy. "No, that orb looks horrible, like something not to be touched. But over here, come here. There's almost a breeze through this wall. We might be able to get through the wall somehow, I don't know how thick it is" she said, starting to gently touch that wall, testing it, feeling the cracks.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant, Fine

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, Light

Resistance: ???

The cracks in the wall were thin, only a few inches wide, but a bit of magic might allow them to open them... So long as they were careful. Both Laena and Lily would seem to hear whispers, unintelligible words spoken too softly to hear beyond knowing they were there, and both noticed Garrett glancing back at the shadow orb regularly.

Right at bottom of blood groove tunnel. Right at first turn, a V split, and down a winding corridor into a chamber with a crystal chandelier and four statues. Then after bathing in the purification fountain moved through a hallway and into a ritual chamber.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Casting Shape Earth to make the crack wider, repeatedly if necessary.

Lily glances back at the hovering piece of darkness as she begins hearing the whispers. "I don't think we should linger here. Let's just hope that this doesn't make the ceiling collapse or something." Lily says as she lays her hands to the sides of the widest track imagining her senses extending into the wall as she intones the words of a spell and starts making the crack wide enough for them to pass through.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena could hear something all the sudden, though she couldn't really tell what it was. Was it whispering? It seemed sort of like whispering, except from far off, barely perceptible. This was... not a good place to be. "We ought to get out of here" she said quietly, turning to look at that terrible orb of blackness, and she noticed that so did Garrett. In fact he seemed to be looking at it pretty intently and often. The harpy would shift over to him, nuzzling her cheek against his side and trying to distract him while Lily cast her spell... though that last thing the fae had said made her shiver with fear. The ceiling collapsing? That was exactly the worst nightmare in this place, in any place really... it was bad enough being inside at all, much less this far underground! Hopefully beyond this wall the path would lead upward, to somewhere where there was sunlight and open air.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant, Spellbound

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 56/62, Status = Spellbound, Light

Resistance: ???

With a word and an effort of will Lily called the stone to part before her, the crack widening and cleaner air flowing in. As she reached for the magic in the air, however, she felt the foulness of it, felt the way it pulled against her efforts to work the energy in the air around them to shape the rock before her. Even for one such as her, a high faerie and natural steward of the whole of the world, it took more power than it should have to make the crack in the wall widen, and though there was no flash of daylight to save them from this wretched place there was a greater gust of air to refresh the dusty chamber.

Laena, in the meanwhile, would find Garrett shaking his head as she approached him, seemingly breaking from some sort of stupor. "Yes... Out of here... Quickly," he said, wrapping an arm around her side. As Lily's magic began to widen their would be escape route, however, the harpy felt something... Strange. A peace began to settle over her, easily confused with the comfort offered by her lover's arm around her body, at least at first. By the time it had swept away her worries and cares her mind's sudden horror at finding such passivity forced upon it was such a quiet thing that it had no power.

Lily, as she worked her magic to create their escape route and realized that another casting would be needed, the same peace began to settle on her through the serenity needed to cast her spells. Just as with Laena, the faerie didn't notice it, not until it was too late.

As one, the two began to get... Urges. The urge to turn, to approach the black orb, to remove their clothes... And to touch it. Every moment that passed removed objections to that mad drive, removed priorities that would have overrode it and thoughts that objected to it, and all too soon that desire would become overwhelming...

Right at bottom of blood groove tunnel. Right at first turn, a V split, and down a winding corridor into a chamber with a crystal chandelier and four statues. Then after bathing in the purification fountain moved through a hallway and into a ritual chamber.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena nuzzled up to her mate quietly, watching as the crack in the wall slowly widened thanks to Lily's magic, breathing in the clean air that began to flow through that larger hole. It was a relief, a literal breath of fresh air that overwhelmed the stale and stagnant air that had been present in this ritual chamber for gods knew how long. It was comforting as well to have Garrett hold her like this, to feel the warmth of his body even through their clothes, to smell him... her fears began to recede, the whole place started to feel more tolerable. The ceiling was sturdy, wasn't it? All this had stood for a very long time, and certainly it wouldn't fall now. There was no reason to fear the confined spaces, the darkness, any of it.

Of course, there certainly were things to be afraid of, not least of which was that feeling of peace and ease. Laena didn't realize how abnormal it was, attributed it to anything but its true source. Slowly she pulled herself away from Garrett, turning to look at the orb of darkness. She didn't feel uneasy at all while looking at it anymore, and on the contrary she would start to hop slowly towards it unless someone stopped her, almost captivated by the sight of the thing. She had a growing urge to touch the thing, to caress it with her feathers... And oddly enough she felt that she should strip herself, for some reason not questioning that desire. If left unchecked she would hop to just within reach of the altar before starting to take off her clothing, untying the ribbons that held her shirt taut and slipping it carefully over her head, only to toss it aside carelessly, wiggling her way out of her panties, all the while staring at that ball of blackness...
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Lily smiles as the crack widens. Soon they would be out of here. But... why leave? Something that made her nervous... well, whatever it had been, it was clearly gone now. And really, it was a quite nice room. Turning around, Lily watches the undressing harpy before she, too, heads towards the black orb, pinching Laena's butt before concentrating on making her wings shrink and starting to pull off her shirt, soon to be followed by her pants and then panties, swaying her hips gently as if to draw attention to them while teasingly removing the pices of clothng one by one.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 56/62, Status = Spellbound, Light

Resistance: ???

With bothy women suddenly frozen and eventually disrobing, Garrett seemed confused and disoriented, stumbling away as Laena shifted aside and pulled off her clothes. Then he looked at the orb and began to drift toward it as well, his jaw hanging open and his arms moving slowly to start taking off his clothing. By the time Lily and Laena had reached it, he was naked and approaching as well, but just before she brushed against the inky black surface that seemed to be reaching out in return Laena's mind recoiled, allowing her to pause as she shook off the effect. Lily was not so lucky, however, the spellbound faerie's fingers sinking into the darkness.

It was cool to the touch, almost eerily so, but it began to spread in tendrils up her arm, quickly working its way over her bare torso and expanding. It left her skin tingling all the way along her arm, her body warming in response to the unnatural chill, and her when it splashed across her chest and covered her breasts pleasure began to course through her as well. It felt like her peeks had a pair of particularly skilled on them, dozens of tiny tongues working across every inch of sensitive flesh, and as it flowed downwards it only promised more.

Laena, in the meanwhile, had the difficult choice of whether to try and rescue Lily, who was half enclosed in liquid shadow already, or to stop Garrett from touching the shadow orb as well.

Right at bottom of blood groove tunnel. Right at first turn, a V split, and down a winding corridor into a chamber with a crystal chandelier and four statues. Then after bathing in the purification fountain moved through a hallway and into a ritual chamber.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena shuddered as her fae companion gave her ass a pinch, though it hardly distracted her from the beauty of the black orb in front of her. She slowly reached out, stretching her wing to touch it, just inches away... before her mind snapped back sharply to reality, and that blob of darkness inspired in her a tremendous fear that cut deep to her core. Her arm recoiled and she stumbled backwards a step or two, only to watch in horror as Lily reached into that orb and it began to spread out over her body, slowly engulfing her. "Gah, snap out of it!" the harpy shouted at the top of her lungs, ducking down and lunging at the pretty fae, trying to tackle her to the ground away from whatever this horrible thing that was engulfing her was. It was only then that she noticed her mate moving up to touch it as well, and she shouted again "no stay away from that thing!" She would try desperately to keep him from reaching it, and to get it off of Lily. If she saw no other way she would call upon her magic to try and push Garrett away with a gust of wind, though she had the vague sense that trying to use magic was what had caused this to happen in the first place.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

"Ah! That's cold!" Lily lets out a gasp as she touches the sphere and shivers as the shadowstuff starts spreading up her arm while wondering what had stopped Laena from touching it as well. After all, this was fun. As the blackness reaches her collarbone, the sidhe almost recoils from the though of this cool thing spreading further, but then it first touches her breasts and she lets out a gasp as her more than fair-sized half-orbs are subjected to tingling pleasure. As the pleasure spreads, she can't help but let out a moan, her flower starting to grow moist... that is, until she is tackled to the ground and finds herself on her back under worried-looking Laena. What had gotten the harpy's panties in to a bunch this time? Oh, it must've been when she took them off! Giggling, Lily reaches with both of her hands, giving the harpybutt a good squeeze. Maybe Garrett would join in as well, this time.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 56/62, Status = Spellbound, Light

Resistance: ???

Tackling Lily to the ground proved to be something of a mistake. The strand of darkness did not break, but stretch, and then widen, and from Lily it began to spread onto her flesh while she lay entangled with the now prone faerie. Unable to stop her mate, she could only see over her shoulder as Garret touched the orb, and it began to spread down his arm as well. Pleasure and relaxation continued to settle in Lily, her tips teased by the shadowy substance that covered her bosom, and through that embrace she would begin to feel slivers of her essence being drawn from her. As a portion slid over her mound, the physical and spiritual pleasure of its touch only began to expand as her petals and clit began to receive similar unnatural treatment. As the shadow began to spread up Laena's arms, she felt the same dreadful relaxation, her worries rapidly being dismissed only to be replaced by eagerness, leaving her with at most one last desperate moment to try and get them all away from the shadow orb before it was too late.

Right at bottom of blood groove tunnel. Right at first turn, a V split, and down a winding corridor into a chamber with a crystal chandelier and four statues. Then after bathing in the purification fountain moved through a hallway and into a ritual chamber.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena's realized that her grand plan hadn't been thought out very well almost the moment she set it into motion, as the darkness that was slowly engulfing Lily simply bent to move with her as she fell to the ground, leaving the harpy on top of her and really quite vulnerable, the blackness continuing to ooze down the fae and towards her now... It was cold against her hands just as Lily had said, unnaturally so, but it didn't feel bad. Not bad at all... She could tell that her mate had touched that terrible orb, and she screeched out "nooooooooooooo!" at the top of her lungs, desperately squirming to get out of the angelic fae's grasp. Those gentle gropes to her feathery rump were nice though, and the globs of darkness advancing up her wings towards her shoulders were similarly nice, and accompanied by that same sort of relaxing feeling that she had experienced before snapping out of her stupor just moments ago. Maybe she should just give in, let Lily hold her while the strange blackness caressed her petite body... Part of her mind still rebelled at that idea, recoiled in horror, and a significant enough part to trigger her instincts against it. Fight or flight... and flight was impossible. In desperation she used all of her concentration to lash out magically against the orb, to direct the air of the chamber and from the crack beyond at it to try and unsettle the thing, though she had no idea if it would accomplish anything or what it would if so. She could even feel that magic was quite a bit harder than usual, her command of the air around her requiring a lot more effort, so it was very possible her plan would fail before it could even begin to be effected.

Gust: (1d8 + 6) * 2 damage (enemies must pass a res check or take Prone status) (4 EP) directed at the orb. Last ditch futile effort is a go!
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Vaguely aware that Laena probably wouldn't want her spellcasting interrupted, Lily stops moving her hands for a second, shivering with pleasure as the shadow slides on her wet flower and wishing it would go faster. Regardless of the orbs reaction to the harpy's spell, Lily pulls Laena further into her embrace, kissing the harpy as their bodies rub together.
Re: Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 56/62, Status = Fine, Light

Resistance: ???
Casting: Success.
Result: ???

Summoning the last of her will just as she was about to succumb to the dark orb's mystifying power, Laena's concentration just barely held, thanks in no small part to Lily backing off when she realized that the harpy was casting a spell. Her gust of wind lashed out against the strange shadowy orb, blowing Garrett away from it and causing him to stumble to the ground away from the dais. The shadows thrashed around it like water being buffeted by the gust, and for a moment a fragment of metal was exposed, shining blue tinged metal that looked like some sort of plating, but then the shadowy material touching the trio retracted as the wind ebbed. It returned to its spherical state, leaving the three of them naked and free of both its touch and its effects... Though they could all already feel its presence once more trying to worm its way into their minds.

Right at bottom of blood groove tunnel. Right at first turn, a V split, and down a winding corridor into a chamber with a crystal chandelier and four statues. Then after bathing in the purification fountain moved through a hallway and into a ritual chamber.