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Into the Maw OOC Thread

Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Mentioned a character concept to Caulder and he said it'd fit well on the ship, so putting a provisional interest post in here until i know if I'll be able to allocate enough attention to the game, and depending on if it'll be pbp or IRC or what.

Anyway, the character in question is an Ork mechanic. Need to give the ship a boost to its speed? Just paint da thing red. It'll go fasta.

I'll need to acquire some PDFs in order to make said character, however. I can probably find them on my own, but if anyone's already got them for easy access, that'd be, well, easier for me.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Alright. From the looks of things, it's going to have to be a PbP forum game.

As for the PDF's, I'll try to get a dropbox up soon with the exact books I'll be using, but until then, if people don't have any problems with it, here's a torrent for pretty much every Rogue Trader PDF.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Ill dl and look through stuff when I get home.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Huh, looks like random stuff in my sheet didn't save. Guess I'll have to fix those. Fortunatly it's nothing that makes me need to redo stuff.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

I think mine just has gear left. Gonna bug chameon to help me with that when i have time, hes my go-to for this system. XD
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

One issue that might arise from having an ork mechanic on the ship is that we have another PC who has an absolute hatred for all things ork (our Archmilitant, Siegmund).

We need to, as a group, make sure that our character backstories mesh with one another, otherwise the ship will tear itself apart.

Also... Imperial space craft is probably going to suffer from an ork mechanic. Their stuff works because their collective confidence in it working (and thus their collectively unique psychic potential) results in reality bending to allow it to work. One lone orc will probably only succeed in irrevocably destroying the ship and considering the history and investment that went into it, there is no way in the Nurgle's pustule-filled butt-crack that Frayda is letting a greenskin touch her joy ship's engines.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Also another issue with having an ork on board is them themselves. They leave and breath out spores that can turn and eventaully grow into another ork, squid, snotling and the like. And then they just cause more spores to spread and grow.

Unless their quarters and the hallways the ork ses are cleansed with fire constantly, an occurance of newly born and hostile orks seems very likely. XD
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Well, okay. Thought it might be worth suspending some of those aspects for the sake of funnies. But yah, crew unity is pretty important. Saves me having to decide if I have enough mental attention to devote to another game. Hope the game goes well.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Regularly hosing down your ship with fire sounds pretty fucking metal.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Okay, Caulder convinced me to give another go at a character. I've got two concepts right now, and could probably come up with more if neither of these fit with the crew.

First is a Tau ex-Fire Warrior turned mercenary. Yes, I'm aware the Tau's signature long-range strategies won't see much opportunity.

The other is an Imperial Guardsman who's on the run after fleeing a battlefield. (You try standing your ground after seeing your Commissar take a choppa to the head with a few hundred thousand orks thundering towards you!) Would be joining the crew to hide out from being executed for desertion.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

If you do the latter, don't bring up you're a guardsmen around my character. I won't just toss you out the airlock cus, but there will be much growling til she gets over it.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

The Tau's long range weapons/skills would certainly come in handy. XD Especially considering most of us have only pistols and swords.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

I will also have mindbullets, but the one i'm taking seems pretty short range, if i understand it correctly. also doesnt do much for damage. XD

This is sort of a prequel character to another i've tried, so I have the background already mostly figured. just have to find the time to edit it and move it over here. For the captain's benefit however, here's the synopsis.

Born and raised on a trade station. Life was generally suckish, fell into a Spook addiction to liven things up. The drug-fueled toying with psyker powers drew too much attention, and she was placed on a Black Ship, with all that entails. Wound up actually having latent psychic ability, was trained as an astropath and served on a relay station for three years. Plan is to have her onto the ship shortly afterwards, but I don't know enough about the lore to really explain how that would happen, so I'm open to suggestions.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Could always do the old 'I HATE THESE GUYS except this one guy in particular' re: conflicting hatreds. History and camaraderie and stuff.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

To continue my blurb there, apparently the most common relay-ship transfer is if the trader buys one. Which works for me if it does you, Blue.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

It seems youre gonna be full on pcs Cauld but ive got a question for if you ever get an opening or run a second game; is the tau fire warrior xp/rank scale the same as the rogue trader or is it like the standard Dark Heresy, where theyd be considered rank 5 for this? I ask because I was looking into battlesuit pilots but the book says that the prereq rank for fire warriors is 5. If its the same for them as it is human/regular rogue traders I can just start as a basic fire warrior and try to hopefully work my way up to a battlesuit if the oportunity presents itself.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

@Zilrax and Maiko: If he plays a character with a guardsman background, there could be some tension between you both, however, since the character would be working for the Rogue Trader, they would technically no longer be a part of the Imperial Guard, and thus your character could see beyond his history, perhaps. Especially if he left the guard because he was disillusioned with them.

@Shrike: I would presume that our ship would want an Astropath so that we could send messages through space, so we might have stopped at your character's trade station along the way specifically to pick her up. We might have paid a fee to the Astropath's Guild for the services of one of their newer/more expendable members and that led us to you. Your character is notified ahead of our rival, and joins up with us.

You might want to say that she had a say in the matter and accepted the offer to join an exploratory crew. Either works for me. So yeah, your services are bought and paid for.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

That's what I was referring to yes. Also I checked, only folks who get piloting are you and me. And you'd have to purchase it.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

And I had purchased it. (Check my sheet).

If you reaaally want, you can be the official helmsman. Though the captain knows how to pilot the ship as well.
Re: Rogue Trader interest check.

Preferably so, but if not, I will make the best damn shuttle manoeuvres ever seen. That said it;s fine having two pilots, never know if we get an armada going or something.