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Iron City (Tassadar)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Begin Raven's Story

Raven awoke with what felt like the worst hangover she'd ever had. With a slight grown, she looked over the area. It looked like an abandoned warehouse or factory of some kind - only by a few days too, it seemed. Groaning, she sat on the table, her ICPD uniform still in tact, pistol, baton, everything in it's correct place... As she rubbed her head, she winced as her fingers touched a golf-ball sized goose egg. It all came back to her in a flash.

She was part of a two-woman team to sneak into a part of the city that literally went 'dark'. An Alpha Female from the Coven, called Helena - or, as Raven had begun to call her, 'pet'. As they explored the dark area of the factory, the lights came on, the machinery started up - and then Raven was knocked on the back of he head with a rather large dildo (It would have been less humiliating if they just hadn't grabbed something off the factory manufacturing line).

She pulled out her light, quickly shining it around the area. There was no sign of her lover, but there was most definitely a scuffle. She didn't know exactly where to go, or where to start..
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

"Uhhh.... Where? Awww, crap...." Raven muttered, nursing her head with one hand as she got up off the table. "Where am I? What.... The hell?" She checked herself over, finding herself in her uniform with all of her gear intact. Memories flooded back to her, of Helena and their assignment.... And of being knocked with, of all things, an extra large dildo. She had no idea how long she'd been unconscious, however, and as she tried to figure out where Helena was, she examined the area with her flashlight.

"A fight.... I don't think she would have left me alone if she had any choice in the matter... Shit..." She muttered, and winced as her head throbbed. A quick glance around, and Raven had about as much information as she was likely to get from the scene. Moving quietly through the recently abandoned factory, she examined the floor, searching for signs of recent passage, particularly of someone being dragged or carried.

(I can haz track?)
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

Skill check: 10.
Roll: 14 + 4 = 18. SUCCESS!

It didn't take long for her to find the tell tale sign of heels being dragged, along with six or seven other foot prints. They led to the adjacent warehouse, right up to the large, double-doors that swung inwards. They had curtains pulled over the windows, but she could tell that there were lights on the other side... but she couldn't hear anything...
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

"Damn.... Wish I could call for backup.. That's a lot of them..." Raven muttered to herself as she followed the tracks. Six or seven.... She didn't have much of a choice. Moving as quietly as she could, Raven crept toward the building, looking for entrances other than the double doors out front. If she could find a better entrance, she'd take it, but if no other options presented themselves, she would sneak in through the front doors, trying to remain as quiet as she could.
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

Frustrated Individual Spot Check: 12 + 3 = 15.
Raven Stealth Check: 11 + 2 = 13.

Raven spotted a few other ways to get out of the current predicament.. But, sadly, she'd need something besides just her wits for each. There was a skylight above her, which would require a grappling hook, or even flight; and of course, a ventilation shaft, but that was far too small for her to fit. If she had some sort of super power, she'd be able to sneak into the warehouse... but instead, now she needed to use the doors...

The warehouse was stacked high with boxes. The officer glanced about, trying to sneak around the brightly lit warehouse, which proved harder than she thought; with all the overhead lights, nothing really left a shadow.

She came across a tiny clearing in the warehouse, with two women sitting on it, leaning against each other, propping the other up with her back. They both had a sort of day-dreamy look on their face.

"Mmm... She was good though, wasn't she?" The black-haired one asked, her back turned to Raven. It crossed her mind that they were talking about Helena, but she didn't have the proof... yet.
"Yeah... the fact she could grow a cock too? So cool," The red head giggled. They were talking about Helena! Her lovely pet, fucked by these sluts?! Setting her jaw, Raven leans forward, trying to get a better view of the girls... until the red head spotted just the top of Raven's hair.

"Oh shit! Intruder!" She shouted, jumping up to her feet. The black-haired girl fell to the table with a loud thud, but rolled to her feet awkwardly, as they both dropped into a fighting stance.

Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

Raven bit her lip and forced herself to listen to the two women speak, even as she realized that they were talking about Helena. Her sense of duty kept her swiftly rising jealousy and anger under tight control, but she felt rage rising inside of her as they spoke about her lover. Vivid images of how Helena shuddered when Raven touched her... How her eyes rolled up into the back of her head just before she....

"Dammit..." She'd been spotted. As the one rolled off the table, and the other fell only to quickly get back to her feet, Raven slipped forward in a crouch. Her hands moved in circles as she suddenly moved forward, ready to attack the two as hard as she could before they could respond. Her anger kept her from trying to soften the blows overly much.

(Attack, Combo multiple. Take 'em out!)
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

Combo 1 Roll = 1.
Attack Frustrated Individual 1: 6 + 3 = 9 vs. 4 + 3 = 7. Damage = 1.
Combo 2 Roll = 3.
Attack 1 FI2: 1 + 3 = 4 (autofail)
Attack 2 FI2: 6 + 3 = 9 vs. 5 + 3 = 8. Damage = 1.
Attack 3 FI2: 16 + 3 = 19 vs. 4 + 3 = 7. Damage: 2.

FI 1 Grapple check: 6 vs. 19 + 3 = 22.
FI 2 Grapple check: 2 vs 12 + 3 = 15.

FI 1 BP: 9/10.
FI 2 BP: 7/10.

Raven: Grappled. She may still attack.

Raven tries her best to attack the women, who seem to be much better trained than she had hoped. She strikes the red head's chest squarely, but as she goes to continue her combo, a quick sweep from the woman keeps her from doing so. She moves to the black haired woman, her first strike dodged; but the next, a quick 1-2 punch to her abdomen, knocks the woman off balance. She doubles over, clutching at her stomach...

Before she lunged right at Raven! Surprised, the ICPD officer tried to stumble backwards, but in the end, it only helped the woman knock her to the ground, quickly pinning her shoulders down!

"Oouf! Quick! Go get a dildo or something! I'll get this bitch held down!" She says, the red head nodding as she heads towards an open crate.
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

Raven grumbled as she was bowled over by the dark haired woman, her anger not helping her at all as the apparently more skilled than she would have thought individual eventually got her arms locked. She wriggled slightly, but blushed slightly at the command, the images she'd had of Helena coming back to her mind for a moment. As the redhead was busy going for her tool, however, Raven grunted, and suddenly tried to flip the woman over her, intent on getting on top of her.

((FF Reverse))
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

Reverse Skill check: 3 + 5 = 8 vs. 3 + 1 = 4. Success! Raven is now the one grappling the FI.

Raven stayed relatively silent, save for the frustrated grunts, as she struggled with the woman atop her. She decided to use her position, sliding her knee between the woman's legs. The dark haired woman gasped, taken aback, but it gave Raven the momentary distraction she needed.

With a quick flip, the dark hair of the woman was splayed out on the floor, looking up at the ICPD officer with wide, blue eyes. Before she could scream, Raven put her hand over the girl's mouth, frantically trying to keep her hands down.

((Raven has initiative, I'd say.))
Re: Iron City (Tassadar)

Grinning as she reversed the grip, Raven stared down at the girl she now had underneath her, and clamped her hand down over her mouth. She shook her head, and mouthed; "no no no!" down at her, before suddenly releasing the hand over her mouth and slamming it straight down into her throat, repeatedly digging the heel of her hand down so as to hammer her windpipe closed, preventing her from speaking, and from drawing breath.

(FF Combo. Try to knock her out.)
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