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ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Kunrou nibbles on her food a little before responding to Lyn, "Ariel? Really? I grew up there and eventually worked in the Saint Lucy's hospital... up until Miranda. Then I came out here." She jerked her head to the side, "These people out here needed me more than the overstuffed accounts on Ariel."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

“Gentry,” Isa said, “why does that name sound familiar…” She couldn’t place it at the moment but she was sure it would come to her.

The waitress came and collected the assorted plates and dishes. Isa at last turned to this man who had joined her table, “Sorry, didn’t mean to ignore you. I was watching the adventures of Duke, ‘people’s hero’ over there. By the looks of it, you’re a traveling man. Thanks for the meal, can I ask why though?”
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Duke folded his arms, cringing at Isa's words, which were what he assumed to be sarcasm. But then, he blinked at the name, "Gentry?" he said the name as if to remember it more clearly, before thinking for a moment, to respond a moment later, looking to Jean, "Hmm... I'd say you were fortunate to come under our service instead of his. I've heard about him, and I think I even saw him once as well. He mostly hires females from what I've heard, for what reasons, I'm not sure. And the pay is good for a reason, as I'm sure he'd expect you to be more than just a body guard..." he said with distaste in his mouth. Duke despised such slimy men with a passion, and often got into trouble for fighting with them, as almost everyone on Haven knew.
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Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

"It's quite alright, Captain. The, ah, distraction provided ample entertainment," the man said, smiling slightly.

He then shrugs, setting his now empty bowl aside as he does. "I was hungry, for food as well as for company. Though I will certainly admit an ulterior motive, after introductions. Dr. Jonathon Tarsus, of Bernadette." He nods at the captain, with this, "And it was Captain Mac-Orashu, correct?"
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Jean growls and lets loose with a large and very impressive string of curses. She even manages to throw in some from the dead languages until finally she finishes in english "... Son of a bitch if I ever get my hands on him. The nerve of that man planning to turn me into a whore." She finishes her rant and begins planting for breath. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes smolder and shine with anger.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Somewhere outside there was the far off sound of gunshots. Isa didn’t take notice.

“That’s right Dr. Tarsus,” Isa said, “Of the Rhapsody. As I said, you look like a traveling man,” she nodded towards Tarsus’ bags, “chances are good I’ll wind up wherever you’re going, but I can’t promise anything about when. I take it since you hail form Bernadette that you’re a doctor of the non medical variety?”

Isa overheard Jean’s tirade and realization downed, “Gentry… you mean that Gentry?!” Isa slapped a hand down on the table. “I knew that toad, I swore I’d kill him the next time I saw him--”

--The bar door was thrown open and a fat greasy man stumbled in. Gentry. His hands were closed around bleeding wounds in his abdomen. He staggered into a table, knocking it over as he fell to the floor.

Isa got up from her seat and looked to Doctor Song, “Doctor!”
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Kunrou was on her feet without any urging and sprinting over to the hurt fat man. Her instincts warred at her, this was a hurt man, he needed her help, and on the other this was a lecherous old slob that didn't deserve it. She growled a little frustrated and opened up her bag, the she spoke very calmly to the man, "You are Kuh Wu but I can't leave anyone hurt or in trouble." she pulled out a syringe, "This is something to make you sleep, and make the pain go away so I can treat you."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Tarsus had been about to answer in the affirmative when the large man fell into the room. He remained in his seat, watching calmly. Though he certainly knew basic first aid, the young doctor seemed competent. He would no doubt be more of a hindrance than a help. Besides that, he wouldn't mind an opportunity to study these people in a less... polite situation.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Jean immediately jumps to her feet and pulls out her pistol covering the door incase whatever shot the man decides to look for trouble inside the bar. "Doc when you pull the bullet out let me know what callibur it is yeah?"
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

When the man bursted into the bar, Duke, with Konrou, went running over to the man. Immediately, Duke turned the fat man over so that he was on his back, allowing Konrou to do what she needed to do. Duke was silent, but that didn't stop him from worrying what this might hold for him, "Damn it... This will only make me stay here longer. If Styx gets her nose on my trail, it'll be difficult to lose her again..." he thought grimly.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Isa walked over to where Gentry lay on the floor with the doctor working over him. There wasn’t just one gunshot, but many and so much blood. The heat of her anger at the mention of his name quickly transformed into something cold, something grim. Gentry was pushing away the antistatic, “No, d-don’t dope me.” His eyes fixed on Isa’s and terrifying realization downed. “Major.” He squeaked, “If I had known… I didn’t ask, I didn’t question. It needs to be put right…” Gentry reached into his coat with a trembling hand and produced a battered piece of circuit board, “N-nav log, th-this has everything, some one needs to put it r-right.”

There was a dead chill in Isa’s voice as she said, “Who did this corporal? Answer me.”

Gentry looked up at her like a man unsure if surviving might be more terrifying than death, “S-slavers”

Isa felt fury moving through her again. She reached instinctively for the handle of her Claymore and closed a fist around it.

“P-please,” Gentry stammered, his high pitch voice pathetic and plaintive, “I- can’t… I can’t go on, n-not with what I’ve d-done. Help m-me, m-make it s-stop hurting.”

Isa fought to keep the fury out of her voice, “You know what you are asking me to do, don’t you?”

Gentry nodded.

“Doctor,” Isa said, “Step back, even if he wanted to be saved, you would need a full hospital. And besides, he may be an offensive toad, but he was once under my command. This is my responsibility.”
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Kunrou shook her head, "Let me send him into the green dream[*] Captain. Just a little prick with a needle and then no more pain. I hate seeing anyone suffer." She took another syringe out of her bag, and a small vial of a green liquid.

(((Lethabarb is used by vets for animal euthanasia, but it works on humans too iirc, and the medicine is usually green. Hence "Green Dream" I figured since she wants to help people, and saving them isn't always an option, Lethabarb is a "legal" way to put someone out of their misery. )))
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Duke stood up, backing away from the man, and walked over to a nearby table, grabbing a handful of napkins in an effort to clean his hands of what blood got on them, not wanting to stain his shirt. And as he wiped his hands off the best he could, he let out a sigh, "And with a bloody claymore..." he said quietly to himself, "I feel sorry for the janitor."

Duke suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, which gave him a start, given how much had happened in this whole day, as he turned to look at Cindy, the waitress, who had a terrified expression on her face. "Duke... What's goin' on?" she asked timidly. To which he replied,

"Another goddamn adventure..." he said with a slight bit of distaste in his tongue, "I suppose there are some things I can't run away from. One can't escape destiny, I suppose." He said with a stress relieving sigh. Then after a moment, he looked to Cindy with a concerned eye, before placing his arm gently on her shoulders, holding her, "Come on, I don't think you should see this." he told her, and began leading her over to Lyndis, who he managed to escort as well due to how frightened the girl was at what was happening, towards one of the back, staff rooms, where likely only the faint sound of what was happening inside the bar could be heard.

Once the two girls were safely inside the room, Duke went over to a counter, and leaned on it, folding his arms. "We'll stay here awhile... Until that nonsense is finished..." he told them quietly, lowering his head in silent thought...
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

“No Doctor,” Isa said mournfully, god how she wished she didn’t have to do this, but it was her responsibility, a duty placed on her by Bushido, “It has to be by the sword. Please, This man lived a life of dishonour, I have to let him regain what little honour he can…” She drew her claymore and knelt down to get a better angle, “I’m sorry you have to see this Doctor.” She raised the blade…

“Th-thank you Major,” Gentry stammered before the blade came down. There was a sickening wet sound and a solid *thunk* as the blade struck the heavy wooden floor.

Isa felt her angler subside, at least on the surface. Her shoulders slouched as though all the tension had left her. She whispered, “I always hated you, everything about you. That was why I treated you so badly during the war. I pushed you hard because I thought you could never be better than you were. Here at the end, you proved me wrong, and now I wonder, if I hadn’t treated you like that, if you might have been a better man. I’m sorry.” She collected the nav log he had been carrying and stuffed it into her coat do deal with later.

She fell silent for a moment, closing her eyes. Then she stood. She covered Gentry’s body with the tablecloth from the knocked over table then cleaned her blade with some napkins. Then turned to the bartender who had been silently watching the whole proceedings, “You, get the town undertaker and the Sheriff.”

The bartender looked unsure, “Undertaker won’t be trouble, but the law man got shot down a week past, haven’t got a new one yet.”

“Damn it all,” Isa cursed. Slavers on Haven and no Sheriff at hand to take charge. She was eager to leave behind Gentry and all the memories that came with him and she still didn’t have a pilot. Her being a retired alliance major made her the closest thing to a Sheriff or marshal nearby. “Alright then, get the undertaker, and tell the town folk to stay inside, it’s getting dark and I don’t want anyone getting snatched in the night. Then get all the fighting men and women together. Slaver’s won’t stay with an angry mob in town.”

She strode to the back room and opened the door, “Here’s how it is. Slaver’s shot Gentry, their probably still in town. They won’t risk snatching anyone in a group but anybody alone…” She looked at Lyndis, “You said you have a sister who’s a pilot? We need to go find her, and if she’s alone I don’t like where that may put the situation. Cindy, you stay in this room and lock the door until the bartender comes and lets you know it’s alright. Duke,” she turned to look the man square in the eyes, not an easy thing considering her height, “Do you know where a smuggler ship would land near here?”
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Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Kunrou muttered one word, "Barbarians." before fleeing from the sight of the soon to be dead man and outside to retch in the dirt.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Jean follows behind the medic and puts her arm around her back her hand rubbing soothing circles. "You ok sweety?" She asks worriedly with a sad smile on her face.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

"I can stand up to my elbows in blood and guts putting someone back together, but to see that..." she shook her head and wiped her mouth,"It turns my stomach."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

She smiles wanly and says "It's ok honey I understand... I felt the same way when I saw what the reavers did to my parents." She continues to hold the doctor and rub soothing circles on her back.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Kunrou politely slipped out of the grasp of the mercenary, "I appreciate the thought, but we should probably get back inside to see what the Captain needs for us to do." Plus i want to go looking for Lyn and see if she's alright...
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

She nods politely to the doctor "As you wish." She says and follows the doctor back into the bar.