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ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Cindy gave a small jump when the woman called out her name, still very startled over the whole situation, her eyes unable to fix at any one given point, her hands trembling as well. After Isa had told the waitress to lock herself in, she gave a small nod of her head, before unconsciously starting to bite on her lower lip, a bad habit she had for quite a long time.

When Isa turned to look Duke right in the eyes, Duke looked back at her, square in the eyes as well, looking down at her, listening to her speak with a dead serious expression, before giving a nod, "Being a smuggler myself before I met the likes of your elegance, I would say I do." he told her, leaning off the counter, and unfolding his arms, letting his right fall to his hip, while planting his left hand on his hip, "Due to the rather kind fact that the people here are quite hush-hush about who they take in, people like me find it easy to even land in town. Searching the docks would be a good place to start for these slavers of yours." he told her.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Lyn had sunken even further into the seat in all the commotion, trying to make herself invisible as everyone else crowded out to participate in the spectacle. Even afterwards, she just sat there, staring blankly at the sheet-covered body...
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Kunrou threaded her way to Lyn and wrapped her arms around the girl and started subtly checking for trauma. "Lyn, are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere?"
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

“Local docks…” Isa muttered, “Convenient.”

She looked around at the assembled people. An idealistic doctor, a frightened little mechanic, a tough lady with a gun, an egocentric man with people after him and a traveling academic. An interesting group, all she needed was a pilot and she could maybe call these people crew and passengers. “Alright people, this is how it is. Lyn’s sister is out there somewhere and there are slavers in town. Could be she got snatched up, could be she’s fine and dandy. Won’t know until we find her. Either way, the docks look to be the best place to start. Now I don’t plan on sticking around to answer too many questions when the alliance finally gets around to sending some law out here, and I get the impression that some of you are a might eager to be on the move. So anyone who would like to ship out on Rhapsody come with me. We stay as a group, as much as I’d like to pay back some slavers for what happened to Gentry, all that really matters is finding Lyn’s sister and taking off. Towns folk can probably take care of the slavers without us. Does everyone understand?”
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Duke chuckled, folding his arms again and shifting in his stance, "Personally, I wouldn't mind putting a few slavers out of their misery, but I wouldn't forsake a damsel in distress. I have a duty to rescue her." he announced, before giving a nod to Lyn, "Don't worry, my dear, I won't rest until your friend Vikki is safe and sound!"

Then he stood straight, and looked to Isa, "Well, captain," he emphasized on her title, as if trying to set it just right on his tongue, "lead the way."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Jean smiles and nods listening to the semi inspirational speech. "Yes ma'am lets find Lydis' sister." would look at the doctor and nod smiling and then she would look at duke and blush.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

The good professor finishes his tea, only slightly disturbed by the goings-on amongst him. Just another day on the Rim, after all. And if he was slightly disgusted by that, well, so he was. No matter. He stands, leaving behind several small piles of coinage. Gathering his things, he nods. "Let us away, then."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Satisfied that Lyn was alright, she eased the shocked girl to her feet, hoping she would snap out of it shortly. "Alright Captain, let's get out of here, she needs to get to the ship."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Nodding Jean smiles at the doctor and says "Yes we can't just stand around here all day. We have to find out who killed that man."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Duke looked at all of his soon to be crew mates eagerly voicing their want to be on the move, and chuckled a little, "We're certainly eager to bag ourselves some slavers, aren't we?" he said with amusement, before nodding a few times, "I can't say I'm not guilty of that as well. Come on, captain," he told Isa, putting an arm around her shoulder, and helping to lead her out of the bar, "We can't have you standing in place all day." he said with another chuckle.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Song nodded in satisfaction as she steered the shocked girl in the right direction.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Jean follows protectively as she guards her new comrades backs as she walks. "It seems we all share a purpose now..."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Song nodded, "I'm happy we've been accepted into the crew, and i know i don't plan on skipping out. This is what I've wanted to do since i got here. Danger, excitement, and people to help..."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Duke silently smiled for a moment, knowing that Song wouldn't see him do it, and deciding that perhaps it was better that she didn't. Already, he'd began to grow respect for the woman's desire to help those in need of it, a trait he knew was hard to find in the 'verse. Duke, after thinking for a moment, turned his head around with only the corner of his lips grinning, the one part of his smile he couldn't hide, "There's plenty danger in stomping on a bunch of slavers," he announced to her, "So, let's hurry and deal with the slavers, else they might get their hands on Lyn's sister."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

"Let them try." she blustered with a nervous giggle at the end, "But hopefully we can get away from this with minimal injury to both parties. I hate leaving people behind, even if they are trying to kill us."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Jean smiles and nods following the doc and Duke. "As do I Song. I could never leave a man or woman behind. Especially super cute doctors and vituous me." She finishes with a giggle and a blush.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

"Not my sister..." Lyn mumbles quietly, letting herself be led by Song without complaint.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Duke blinked, and turned his head to look at Lyn, "Oh? I'm terribly sorry... I could have sworn I- Ah, never mind." he said with a chuckle and a shake of his head, "It's a bit of a walk until we reach the docks, but not further than a few minutes. This might get ugly, so Song," he directed a hand at the medic of the group, "Watch after Lyn, won't you? I'm sure I can count on you to not take your eyes off of her," he said with a wink, before adding, "while Isa, Jean and I teach these bastards a lesson or two."
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Jean grins at Duke "Are we keeping score 'Mr hero'?" she would ask challengingly.
Re: ITTB: Episode 1: Some Days

Duke smiles back at her, and with the sun's light, takes in her attractive facial features, "Oh, I would, but I'd just lose count eventually." he said with a confident wink.