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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Great, room to expand his 'collection'.

Somehow unable to shake the feeling that she's somehow going to end up in one of these, Jamie picks up the pace even more as she continues onward.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie moves north through the desolite hallway. The hallway continues to the north.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

This... is way creepier then all the other levels combined. I mean, I wouldn't want to see those spider things again, but I really don't want to see more cells...

Jamie keeps moving at a brisk pace.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues North and straight into another turn. Much like the last, there is an empty cell to her north. The hallway continues to the east. Turning, she is startled by a large man dressed as a guard. "What do we have here?" He asks.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4
Gaurd HP: 5

Flee E/S (17%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jenn decides that she doesn't care for another person who's just going to play stupid, comment on her hair, say they like a woman with 'spirit' and then try to rape her. There's no way her presence here isn't known.

"A skimpily dressed little redhead who somehow escaped from her cell and made her way up four levels seeded with things that wanted to rape her? Oh, and I have spirit, which I'm given to understand you probably like. There, have we gotten the stereotypes over yet? No wait, forgot one!"

She punctuates this last statement with an attempted kick between the man's legs.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Her kick connects. He lets out a loud and rather embarrassment squeal as he falls to the ground. "I just wanted to know if you had change for a $5... oww..."

He stays on the ground.

(Crit Hit)

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4
Guard HP: 3

Flee E/S (50%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"A likely story! I can't imagine you don't know the layout of this hell-hole, you know where I came from!"

She gives him a good solid kick in the midriff for emphasis.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"OW OW OW, STOP IT! What's wrong with you??" He cries as Jamie connects again with his midsection. He lifts himself up onto his hands an knees. "You must be another escapee, please stop." He says, holding out a hand.


Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4
Guard HP: 2

Flee E/S (67%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie decides that the man might listen to reason and that it might not matter in any case.

"Do you see many women dressed this way by choice? Or running around your sick menagerie of rape! Stay down!"

She runs onward, hoping the man will listen.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie manages to flee successfully to the East (I assume), further down the twisting hallway. She sees the third empty cell to her north and the hallway continuing southward.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4
Guard HP: 2

Travel W/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Yea, I think you can safely assume "not backwards" for this level unless I say otherwise)

He... doesn't seem to be chasing me. I wonder how many more of these twists there are? So far four of those horrible cages, one occupied. The only thing I can reasonably assume is four left, one occupied. Assuming they were filled randomly. I guess sequential filling would make sense as well, in which case all four would be empty.

Jamie hurries onward, not wanting to tempt the man to come up behind her...

(Edit: Note to reader. While I am OOC assuming 4 more cages because I have a good idea how large each level is, in-character Jamie is assuming the same because on average any given in-progress series is halfway done.)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues South, hoping to make what she assumes to be the last half of the final level uneventfully.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie pauses for a moment, and considers her situation.

If I'm halfway through level B-1, and I have no reason to assume I'm not, what am I going to find at the end? All the others have had a door guarded by something vile, and then something just as vile behind the door. If that man was to be believed, the Doctor himself will be somewhere beyond the door at the end of the hallway. I should be... prepared... if I can be.

The hallway, though, appeared empty. She took a closer look at her current segment before moving on, and resolved to keep her eyes open as she continued, not hurrying.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie searches the area around her, but cannot find anything in the desolate, dark, hallway.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4

Search Again
Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues south
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie predictably runs into another empty cell to her south. The sees that the hallway curves to the east.

(I think I made this last one a lil' long)

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4

Search Again
Travel N/E
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Well, if you think you made it too long you could skip ahead until I ran into something... :p)

Keeping her eyes open but deciding it wasn't worth the trouble to stop every few feet to search, Jamie continues on the path.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(I did just what you said, nothing funny between there and now)

Jamie continues through the twists and turns of the hallway, passing empty cells until she comes across a Heavy wooden door to her south. The hallway behind her backtracks to the North. The air surrounding the end of this hallway is very thick.

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, looks like this is it. What it is I can't be sure of, yet, but...

Jamie takes a good look around to see if anything useful happens to be outside the door, then proceeds inside.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie looks around the door, hoping to find something that she could use. She finds a torn, white robe that looks like what a hospital patient would wear. She puts it on and discovers the arms have been ripped off. Otherwise it seems to fit well and ties the drawstring around her waist. She walks through the door into a pitch black room. Her heart races. After a minute, she hears a distorted voice:

"Hello my pet. I must say I am impressed. You have made it to my final room. Of course, as I am sure you are well aware, I cannot let you leave. I am sure you have seen the cells on your way here. They are my other subjects that were... of weaker will... than you. But this is where your quest ends. You must defeat one more monster before you may finally see me. If you... excuse me, when you fail, I will not save you. But I will give you the option: think of any monster you have fought since getting to this point. This will be the monster you will fight. If you are silent, well, then I will pick, and you will not like my choice. Good luck, my pet."

Jamie DEF: 3
Jamie CONST: 4 + 1
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