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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The alien girl sigh and rest at the wall, streching softly after Jean ended her long talk about dragons. Looks like i overestimate that lizard race... we have inteligent beasts than kills themselves alone too. Im not trying to offend, your explanation about their power would had amuse me, but at my eyes you are many times more interesting and your race too...the others are just very plain.

The young one, looks to be more interested in camp work than theory, her body dont show any lust out of control and she has already eaten. Quickly prepare herself to lean more of the strange fruit, the enchantment only boost her curiosity and heard than Sola made it at the instant increased the competitive part on her, she just cant now stop until learn her magic.

Leaving the human the iniciative, the orange young woman take the little fruit in a hold when this tried to place her twin dicks inside her feeding conducts, her tentacles at her back wrap rubbing the human's back inciting her to take a rythm, Jean soon got her holes penetrated by at least three tentacles in each of her lower holes and the alien girl breasts softly open to turn into suction traps for the milky mage's orbs. Hmhm, you should be trying to teach me that magic and not trying to fill my belly, silly~ The alien girl said between giggles when the first load was placed inside her suction holes.

Show me your magic, please~ I will lead you on this, so please stay focus...If you dont do it soon... i will end turning you into a round stuffed juicy fruit~ Said this the first tentacle who pound deep inside Jean's rear cum filling her with the delicious alien's cum. The human's tongue was soon defeated wraped and caressed by the special one similar to a thin tendril. Helpless in such powerful creature's hold as any fruit, Jean was endlessly pleasured in every inch as they coil in a round mass of tendrils, her toes werent escaping of this, as some ends of the tentacles drench them in slime to change any tickle into lustful erogenous touch.

Her holes were getting in minutes filled more and her dicks fight in vain as they get dry, the needs to learn magic would make this girl go on in this game until she sense than Sunflower could be close to faint. Jean tried to focus again to share her feelings and channel them so this girl could feel them too, but there was only lust, growing lust than make her thrust faster and give muffed moans, teardrops were escaping from such pleasure. A-are you still trying? Maybe i should go deep on this... The orange girl mutter as she take a break of her long deep kiss before start a long deep one. Her tentacle tongue not only wrap again but also get deep inside until use Jean's throat as a onehole, the changes on Jean help her to only enjoy this.

At the same time the tentacles got deep and pass her cervix, her multi inner cuns in her uterus in joy give the welcome of theirs new owners, making the lust overflow the area and distract Jean when her ass hole get penetrated more until five tentacles were getting inside, almost as a rubber doll her body expand, her breasts dry of milk get filled with the alien's milk until these wanted to get twice the size of Jean's head.

She was close to faint by all this lust, her body lacking of any pain by the powers of these creatures inbued at her body changing it until she was not more a weak human than could die for just this. She was close to lost her will when suddenly half that lust fade and she maange to sense the soul of the alien girl.


It was her soul or someone screaming to her, it was not clear, but this awakened her being to try to sattle the curiosity of her cousin, connected finally to teach her what she should feel... was maybe seconds or minutes, but Jean was now face up, filled like never in the sweet smelly jizz, her holes were making naughty sounds as some of it leak out of her, unable to move by the weight at her chest and belly she notice the alien girl trying to do what she has heard inside her mind, still completely amazed to had heard or feel another soul so close.

Was that magic!?
Was that magic!?Was that magic!?Was that magic!? She said before the room get many similar voices saying the same in unison, causing the alien girl squak in surprise, silent trying to look around from where that come, meanwhile Jean could see the cameras getting crazy looking at every space as if they were trying to find that strange bunch of girls with her same voice.

Owww, goood...ahhh, Young Mistress-dont hurt you, my love...? Sola in huge arousal manage to express her worries for Jean, her legs pressing as she crawl to see if the cum imflated human was fine. This thing on my neck... is another proof of love of your land...? I...ahhhi will teasure it too, im so happy.... i still, cant get used...to these vibrating objects, but was fun, right?

Jean could still talk, just she feels like some cum could reach her mouth in any moment and her breasts were leaking not enough of the cum to stop being so drenched in arousal.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower smirks amusedly. "Yeah you say that now, but imagine if I was also a big dragon too. Then I'd be me AND all of that mwahaha."

Sunflower chuckled, giving a slight groan as she pushed into the alien girl once more, thrusting up into her, encouraged by the tentacles wrapping around her. But her cousin, or sister, or whatever didn't seem interested in jsut holding her and helping, as sunflower gasped as several tentacles thrust down inside her body. Stranger, the alien's breasts opened wide and wrapped about her own and began suckling her milk out, her groaning as she can't help but orgasm from her twin shafts into her. "Unf... You love it and you know it... Besides you're the one making it... Feel like this...," says Sunflower with a bit of a whine, it feeling so good. She always felt like a doll being toyed with amidst these creatures. She wasn't sure she liked that.

She was being completely dominated, filling her with her seed as she turned her body erogenous all over, even her toes. She kept orgasming and orgasming, she couldn't get her wits about her. It was far too much. And rather than relent, her sister went all the harder, diving right into her mutated ovaries, her shrieking in bliss as she was pumped full, all her fluids being replaced by the alien girl's instead.

It seemed like it was all over, like she;d have her free will smothered under her desires and just be a toy, a slave to this intense bliss, when something strange snapped through to her. She wasn't sure if the voice was the soul of the girl or her own or something else, but she had made it, and got her wits together to show what had to be shown, concentrating hard.

She wasn't sure when she snapped out of the daze, laying, her womb and stomach bloated as much as her breasts were, all her fluids drained and replaced with her sisters in turn. Many voices called off at once, Sunflower blinking as she noted the cameras bizarre reactions.

Sola had awoken too, seeming very pleased by her collar. Sunflower felt like she could barely talk. She snapped her fingers to get the girls attention, before pointing to the cameras. "Golemancer.," she said simply. One of the most scary of mages if she was right, and all the more terrifying in a world where their objects had accrued such power.

But right now she just wanted to rest and recover, idly feeling out with her soul to see if any permanent formation had occurred from such an intense ritual of sorts.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Oh, then you would had been unable to fit in our house or escape of the lab. The alien said with a smirk, before her hands move to rub the humans behind her hears. Im passing a great time, the next time you should talk me more about your past and what are yours plans for the future~ She add with a soft chuckle, the alien girl show a kind side before take Jean in a future sex sesion than no one of them would forget.

The many tentacles were having their fun at the right places, making the human moan and cum without stop, a single of them would be enough for a sweet pasionate sex, so now Jean was helpless in a lusty gropple. Heh, of course i love it... your juice is the best than i had tasted and i could leave you dry~ But im still fully focused on learn that magic, so it must be the same for you, right? Sunflower was not exactly in the same state than the alien girl, as the last was just drinking her dinner from Jean, the mage was being heavily fucked in all her being, the many changes in her body turned her into an easy prey and one than could endure this without lost easily all her cream.

Thanks to the unknown voice nothing terrible happened to Jean when this sex session ended, her body was so heavy to move now and breathing was also a little difficult by all the cum gallons in her system. Golemancer!? Both girls ask, but Sola's words could only be understand by Jean, the pink haired elf knee and her delicate lips get close Jean's left nipple, licking on it before start to suck it in an attempt to reduce the quantity of cum on Jean what could take her hours.

Ehm...yes, rest and i will try to help her in make you be able to move again... The alien girl said and then some voices in another room come out, Jean could see fear finally in this young woman as this tried to look out the room and ask who was there of if this was some kind of joke.

It take time to Jean to recover her conscience, the mating than was mostly a wild rape had finally calmed her lust... However checking her soul who was not damaged after the ritual, she got some soft dreams than make her get wet, her tongue licks her lips as she remember the tentacles thrusting at her, the flavor and mass, the texture in her mouth and holes using her like just a toy, it make her get so hot by just dreaming about it.

The suction so familiar for her now make her slowly open her eyes to notice the alien girl's tentacles being sucking her holes and nipples to reduce the cum on them. Please awake now. We should leave the house as certainly a hacker is invading ours systems, that invasor even played with the temperature and the lights, we should leave quickly or we could get hurt. The poor alien said in fear, her hands having a camera to record any invasor than seh could see, as there was not any weapon she maybe think in fight it hand to hand, but only Jean know the truth about what was happening.

Sola was softly moaning as she cuddle at the floor with her lover, one of her hands rubbing her collar what she enjoy as another wedding ring. The human was now more empty of the alien's fluids, so she could get up and walk, but her sizes werent the normal ones yet.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower groaned as she slumped back in a daze, her reaching down made her feel something, like the alien girl had imprinted her very nature on her soul. Or maybe not. As she came around to feel the alien draining her with her tentacles. She seemed so alarmed. Sunflower chuckled tiredly and reached up and tugged the girl down to hug her.

"I dunno what a hacker is but if you're talking about the machines, you're doing that. Calm down. Direct them. Concentrate and then command, order the machines to obey."

She chuckled and rubbed Sola's head, holding her close, before trying to reach through this potential new link and prod the alien girl to use her magic in the way she directed.

"Mmmf... And you mentioned wanting to talk to me more about my past huh... Well, what do you wanna know? I mean plenty to talk about. sola can fill in some. I'm part demon. Or was, anyways. Pretty sure still am, in this enormous mix of... Whatever I am. I'm a warmage. I have enormous temper issues..."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

H-hey! The alien girl manage to squeak, before be pulled down so Jean could hug her, her face filled with questions and frowning as she was not exactly sure than Jean was right about than she was controlling all this.

I cant believe than im doing all this, are you sure? The orange skinned one tried to focus and at least being focused a part of her brain on the task to think in control all this made it work for the moment, the cameras stop acting weird and the systems get at the normality again. But... how?

Her questions could be answered soon, but before that Sola giggle and hugs her mate as the human do the same to the alien. Sola's lenguage is not the same than you use with them, my love~ Certainly this was true, as Sola's words werent negated by the alien girl, Jean could remember the others fruits in the house moan and she never got what they were talking, no doubt this was the same with Sola, the translation device shouldnt be completed enough as they needed to work on translate now the fruit creature's dialect what was just moans and sexual lusty sounds, at least Jean know than Sola use them to comunicate herself with her soulmate, a dialect focused on sound and mind bonds.

Hmm, so temper issues? admit it is the first step, so you are trying to control that. The alien answer as she tried to focus with the remain of her brain not used to control the whole place in her inexperienced state. So i should ask... how you learned than you can use magic? the same as me, feeding of someone? Also, do you have someone special in that world? Because i guess than if not you dont need to return there, if is filled with wars and bad creatures... you should have something planned after close that portal. She ask, more focused in what Jean could leave for a future together in this peaceful planet.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Told you. How? Magic. Like you wanted. Guess you have an affinity for objects. It's usually tied to loneliness or trust issues, this sort of magic. so the magic makes you friends and allies that will always be there and can;t betray you from objects and such. Though the greater beings, Golems, are usually formed by outright rituals that bind actual souls into premade vessels. More complicated than what you're doing.," says Sunflower.

"Ah, right. I forget sometimes.," smiles Sunflower at Sola before looking to the alien girl. "Sola reminded me you can't understand her. Have to get mom to fix that... Anyways. Control is arguable. My magic is based on that anger. As for how it came to that... I was classically trained originally. Those who have no such spark like we do can learn how to by long difficult teaching. Wizardry. Rather than having their own magic, they basically learn rules and rituals to bind it into words. Stealing it from the ambient magic in the air. While they;re not able to do much without their tools and tricks, it means a wizard may use any kind of magic. Though in a place dead to magic they can't do a thing. I was being taught wizardry. But my demonic heritage... Well, Demons are horrible monsters and those born with demons blood are considered no different than them. So we often get abused and mistreated. My teacher did such and well... One day my anger overwhelmed me and I pulled a dagger and stabbed him to death in front of the whole class. So I ran away, changed my name, became a mercenary. That's a person who fights for whoever pays them."

Sunflower sighs and lies back, cuddling the two against her. "As for someone special... I've my father and two sisters but I haven't seen them in a long time. Also my mother, wherever she is. I've never seen her. Anyways after I seal the portal in the demon realm, I might be trapped in there with them. It's a fair price to save all the other worlds. I've a friend between the worlds though. She's nice if beyond mortal understanding. As is the nature of entities from between existence. But well, maybe come back here. But I feel like out here I couldn't do much. No violence, no fighting... That's all I'm good at though. What would I be here besides just some smart pet?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Tied to loneliness or trust issues? If you want to know, i have a lot of friends in the school and the web, at the last one i have more of three thousands of friends. The alien girl answer softly upset by the human words, frowning and slighty filling a little her cheeks with air. Her eyes turning to a side mostly as a side effect of trying to remember stuff. Beside, i have you and ...Sola too. Enjoy the use of devices is usual to the girls of my age, so im pretty much normal and popular.

Taking that topic aside, she tried to get what Jean had to say about what was supposed to be her magic. Making mental note of her need to train this later in a more safe area. Ouch, you actually do that to someone? Hmm... actually, i never get the chance to see you mad or angry. But lets forget that terrible past and focus on something more interesting to record...Why dont you try some of those called wizardry The alien girl said, trying to change of topic, as the idea of know how terrible act was made by the human was something than she suppose was terrible for Jean. Sla also feels bad for her mate, cuddling closer and rubbing her back to support her.

What are you talking? That is not a fair price! The alien girl raised the voice when the mage said than it was fine than she stay trapped in the demon realm, Jean could also feel than Sola was worried for her too. Just because you dont see it now, it dont mean than there is not a way to avoid be trapped there. Just now you said than you have someone in your land than are special for you and we are your family too, if you stay here you would be one of us, bot just a pet... You could write books about magic, share your knowledge and have a good life out of anger and risks. Said this the girl get up and said than she needed a moment alone, leaving both fruit girls in the storage room than has been their home for days.

Our owner is right my love... Sola mutters still hugging close her lover, her eyes softly wet as she endure the needs to let her teardrops falls. You must always try to live and be happy... I really dont want you to get trapped there, not alone at least. If you will sacrifice all then i will do it too and stay at your side.

Sunflower was then there, trying to understand the feelings of her two lovers, the arousal placed on Sola was not enough to stop her to feels worries for the future of her lover.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"I only said it was the usual source, not that it was the only source. In any case it doesn't have to be consistent loneliness, just like I'm not consistently pissed off. It could be one significant moment that really sticks with you. A moment that is very formative like when I snapped. Could be at some point you felt completely lost and abandoned that deeply affected you. Or, maybe it's just different here. Honestly couldn't say for certain.," shrugs Sunflower.

"Yeah. I'm not proud of it though the stuck up prick deserved a good beating. But it's a thing about us tieflings. Being part demon isn't just a thing, it comes with baggage. The demon part of us actively pushes us towards things that cause harm. It's not uncontrollable, but it scares people and that makes them lash out and that oppresses, marginalises and crushes down on us. And it tends to transform into anger, resentment, hatred, things our demon blood thrives on. It's a self fulfilling prophecy essentially. But it's not the rule. There's tieflings who are the kindest people you'll ever meet. Just like there's Aasimer, our angelic counterparts, who are as vile as any demon despite their heritage. Often for similar reasons. Everyone expects them to be so good and perfect and proper, people expect them to have mystical powers and harrass them to use them, or some realize that everyone looks up to them so much they can get away with almost anything. Funny how we're alike despite being opposites."

Sunflower blinks at the question. "Well I was never fully trained... I could try I suppose. I'll need some special things to do it though. My glove would be my focus, then I need something to write the formulas on and a writing medium attuned to me, like a griffin quill... Then I'd have to study your guys spells and figure out how they work broken down. Then I'd write out the formulas and then I could use that to copy your magic. Some people are actually natural wizards though and can just pluck that knowledge out of people without the medium. They just see you do magic and they just understand and do it themselves immediately."

Sunflower blinks as the pair snuggle up to her, her chuckling a bit. "Well, never said I wouldn't try to not be stuck. I promise to do my best, but it's a real possibility." She wraps her arms around the pair, rubbing the two's sides, and leaning down and kissing each of them. "Heh. Well I might stick around here after. It's a really strange place to me though. I'm so used to fighting, the concept of not doing so is a bit alien to me." She blinks as the girl leaves, and frowns a bit, as she hugs Sola. "...I'm not gonna abandon you, either of you... Pity I can't link with her like you me."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

If that is the case then anyone can have that kind of magic. The alien young said, not trying to find out if she have one of these events in her past, what should be mostly when she lost her family or being almost alone has been so usual to notice it.

Its your first time naming your kind. So you are a tiefing? if i get right the word. Pretty strange than If the ones like you and the ones coming from the creatures named angels are so similar, both need diferent names. But maybe is weird to me because we could be different but all our race is one. The girl tried to record every instant of their little talk, there was a lot of new info being stored now and Jean looks to be just starting.

As the girl ponder all that about races, the human continued with some answers. Ours spells...Copy our magic!? Sure, if you know it all is placed in the web for you to read it. She said confused by what was getting being called magic by the strange fruit. She let Jean get more passionated, maybe the human noticed her tentacles rub her back too, in a more romantic way than just the usual way to feed of her kind, but no matter how kind Sunflower was with her, the alien girl needed a time alone to decide what was in her mind and calm herself of the idea of maybe loss her new family members or the world than she know.

Now with only Sola at her side, Jean got her head caressed by the elf who nods, touching softly her slave collar. Do you want to form a link with her too, my love? Im not sure than that has been writed in the reports, but i guess than is possible.

Our owner, i mean our mother... will maybe come soon, she always return at... the same hour. Can you train me more... or say me more about your gift, its so funny talk without focus on the vibration objects. Sola said as she rubs her thighs and move her hips constantly by the lust placed s her punishment, her cute soft voice sometimes altered as she whimper and moan.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"A trick? Of course, it sound fun, my love". Sola said as she enjoys the human's touch... But then In the instant than Sunflower has said the word, Sola couldn’t hold herself and arch her back moaning as she is confused by what has happened.Ahhh!... how? My body just got so in bliss by just your voice, we should be more close as never

"Hehe, it's the collar, silly." grins Sunflower, "I enchanted it. Now whenever I want I can make you gush your little elfy self silly. Or prevent you from doing so. You did say I needed to give you a third punishment. Though you also need to do one to me."

"Ah...but, that is not a punishment". Sola said blushing as she recovers from her sudden orgasm. "Im fine than you can control that for me, as i trust you completely, my love" The elf said as she try to sit again, the vibrators still making her after peak last for a while longer. "How can be than i have the chance to punish you? I won one?"

"We tied, remember?," chuckles Sunflower, "And thpt, neither are vibrators strapped to your body, but we don't complain about that now do we?," she smirks, "It's what I wanted to do to you so I did. I guess. I'm not used to this sort of thing obviously."

"Heh, so that happened... that means than i make you fill me like this" She said with her hand softly touching the small buldge in her belly. I think than then i should do more than just make you fill me completely in a bath with your seed... "But... i don’t have still magic like yours to make you have a present than allow me to decide when you can place your seed"

"Heh, well work with what you want to punish me.," she smiles amusedly, "I dunno. You’re a smart girl with your own sort of magic. Could try and use it."

"Then i must practice a lot before use that magic on you" She said with a soft and cheerful giggle. Where should i train? if you stay close, i may avoid to have the terrible dreams again" The elf softly sigh in worry, hugging her body as she hang softly on her mate

"Mmm, well hopefully they make those changes so we can go outside. That;d probably be the best place.," smiles Sunflower as she hugs Sola, "But the main trick is to just try and make the magic do what you're thinking. In your case asking it to change something or do something to me or about me heh."

"Would be ... that safe for you... my love?" Sola ask unsure than she could control perfectly her powers with just the third time of try it. Said as she hugs the human back, she decide to think in a different way to train herself. "I could try it first with me or any of our kind in the kitchen... All before risk you, i would never forgive me..." Her soft and worry words were said as they remain looking each other in their warm hug

"Safe as anything with magic really.," smiles Sunflower, "If you want to test on yourself that's fine, but the others might get scared since they don't understand. IF anything I might be the safest just because if things get risky I can defend myself or try to counter magic it."

"I could talk with them, say them to remain calm... but if you think than is risky then i must try it on myself." Sola said with a determined sight, her love for Sunflower was too much to try anything even small in chances to hurt her if the mage could count with defenses.

"Heh, it's your call dear. Just don't panic, if you don't concentrate properly, it can act strange."

The young elf smile as she nod, trying to dont make Sunflower get worried, she remain close her lover, to stay close so the cold strange feelings dont return to her. Cuddling and with her eyes closed, she whimpered and hug softly stronger, trying to be fully focused even when the vibrators were making it hard for her. The struggle lasted for minutes, her spirit fighting to have her power controled and she was close to fail many times, if Sunflower werent so connected this would be time lost

Sola was close to cum then as her magic focus on her, her body and spirit trembling in confusion until Sunflower got the needs to try to guide her, maybe using her twin tools or her bond in souls. The change maybe happened as Sola was somehow exhausted but smiling, there was not much to notice until Sunflower hug and notice a bigger size on her lover's chest

Sunflower smiles and uses her bond to help guide Sola, petting and coaxing her, before blinking in surprise at Sola's larger breasts. "Heh, yeah, definetly some sorta sex world druid alright."

"I-i was trying to make them able to be used by you as two new holes... but they only grow...and are more sensible." Sola said a little confused by the result, aiming her words to say than she still cant control this, not alone at least

Sunflower nods as she prods her nipples, blushing, "you want me to... fuck your breasts...?" IT was a hell of a strange idea, she;d never even considered such, but pulled close and used her own experience to guide Sola directly as she presses her cocks against Sola's nipples, trying to encourage sola's desires to manifest.

"Ah?ehm, not now...im not sure if they can fit... and i feel a lot the touch" The elf said in surprise as Sunflower started to try to penetrate her breasts. Her gasp and whimpers increased, as she tried to hold her mouth by such strange way to use her breasts. Sunflower could notice some magic trying to act after pound at her lover's nipples for minutes only causing milk to leak.

"Heh, you could make em fit.... Is that not what you want? Just focus your desires and will on it..." She says as she gently thrusts agaisnt them and leaks her fluids on them, humming as she only gets milk to emerge on her cocks. "Well... You'll get it I suppose. Just as well that sounded weird." She chuckles a bit embaressedly at having entertained the idea.

The elf was maybe trying only this as a training, her cheeks blush in red as her lips too as she groan in her attempt to focus out of how weird it feels for her have used her nipples pressed "C-can i...? I only wanted to pleasure you in a different way, my love.

Sunflower chuckles and rubs Sola's nipples and decides to suckle on one to atste her milk. "Well, keep practicing Sola.," she smiles, "And of course you can make it work. Changing ones body is very typical of druids. Course most of them turned themselves into various beasts like wolves and bears, not like you. but different worlds."

The elf moan giving cooes and moans by having her ample sensitive breasts sucked by the one owner of her heart. As Sunflower start sucking her breast, she could feel her body warm in need but not so much and her twin phallus get hard and slighty more bigger, any soreness and pain fade completely as she enjoy the taste of the elven's milk, no doub she got without thinking healing milk. "Mmm, your milk seems to be healing... and slightly arousing and... um, made me a bit bigger. Geez, almost a foot of cock on one and about a third of that on the other...," blushes Sunflower as she pulls off Sola's nipple, "Starting to get a better hang of it...?"

"I...im still trying, my love" Sola manage to mutter as she close her eyes arching softly her back all the time, her body squirming with each taste gotten by the human. As Sunflower continue making her moan in passion, the mage could feel Sola's nipples starting to be more elastic and get slighty larger in a little naughty fashion. Sola opened one of her eyes sweating softly now after all the focus on the whole task

Sunflower smiles amusedly, before lifting up and pressing her shafts against her nipples again, seeing if her mate did it. IT was weird as hell but she had never had truly normal sex to date. May as well enjoy her lovers kinky changes. She idly wondered if she impregnate her breasts now, making them swell with her young...The elf just gasp in surprise when Sunflower tried again to penetrate her milk orbs. Her eyes closed again by an attempt to endure any strange pleasure or pain, but instead she quickly open them when her nipple's skin started to stretch her milky conducts. Her moans have a sudden mix of surprise as she whimper and weakly moan, her whole body would be softly coated in a cape of pearly sweat. Almost cumming when her breasts let the two huge dicks get inside and drench them in her milk unless Sunflower avoid it

Sunflower didn't much see a reason to avoid the deluge of milk as she groans at her shafts being enveloped like this, fluishing in the weird pleasure of being wrapped in such pleasurable pillows, she began to thrust in and out of them, shuddering with a groan as she panted. "Mmmf... Got this is so weird but it feels so good..."

"Ah...ah.... cant hold it... yes it feels weird and good..." Sola affirm at the mage's words, her body already close to reach a peak. Meanwhile Sunflower could not stop to enjoy so strange and small hole to fit her hugh manly members, the warm milk was almost as if she were fucking a cunt filled with cum, yet this milk heal and arouse her members every time making her be sure to think than she could cum endlessly and without hurt each other. Sunflower groans, shuddering at the strange sensations growing from her cocks, her panting and thrusting faster and faster into sola's chest, biting her lips before crying out, orgasming and beginning to unleash her ridiculous loads into sola's breasts, watching to see if anything would happen.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Ahhh ...ahhhn... is leaking out... i cant hold it any longer!!!" Sola moan aloud as she could share the lust earned by her lover, her whole body react as never, completely losing control f her muscles by just strange lust, just as Jean cum in her breasts, these slowly grow more to fit the liquid and then as Sunflower dont stop it Sola cum aloud with just potence than some of her stored cum in her pussy get free of her womb mixed with her love nectar. The breath on the elf increase softly making the human feels great and ready for try to fill them more

Sunflower moans, shuddering as she resumes her thrusting, panting with a whimper, "God you feel so good, I... I have to keep going... I need to keep...," pants Sunflower, thrusting harder and faster in her eager desire to keep filling her lover with her seed. She jsut couldn;t get enough!

"ahh...Change...?" Sola mutters confused her body unable to endure too much the potence to breath the enough and talk too. Then she noticed the cum starting to get close to escape from Sunflower's dicks, ready to endure the warm cum she never get ready when Sunflower make her cum in such weak state. "Ahhh...gah...kuhhhm...ahh" her words get lost and then a potent moan come out of her, the bond between them and her needs to change for her lover made her magic with difficulty react. More magic get in her breasts and so Jean was sure than Sola changed more as she asked her. After this Sola was just moaning to say something more than babblings, her lover could make her cum in every time than she reach her peak, making her udders press in delight so her release get better, cumming both together until some cum started to escape of her nipples, her breasts bigger than Sola's head maybe even twice by the huge amount of cum. Now Sunflower could continue even when dicks feel so good her cream was unable to fit more. so she could change of hole or just stop and let both rest

Sunflower definetly felt like she could keep going as she had filled sola's breasts to capacity, sliding her cocks out, and pressing them to Sola's lips. Well they had time. she decided to ensure Sola was filled to capacity in all her holes, throbbing eagerly after being bathed in so much milk. "Go on, clean up and be ready to be fed.," she groans eagerly.

With the huge members sliding out, a trial of cum and milk slide out until the healing properties made Sola's nipples get normal so the cum stay in place, her breasts bouncing once Sunflower decice to change of hole to feed her lover. Sola was already so affected by the continuos uses of her collar, her gazed eyes remain softly opened as she eagerly yet slowly start to lick the dicks of her lover, showing just love in her cleaning, so Sunflower not needed to worry to be so rough moments ago. Her licks continued soon with sucks as the milk coating the twin dicks looks to heal Sola's mind and body to be taken again, the light in her eyes return and soon she started to give soft muffed sounds of enjoyment, getting all ready for Sunflower to use her with her now clean dicks close to cum more seed.

Sunflower moaned in pleasure as Sola serviced her, feeling quite pleased as Sola recovered, her panting eagerly and enjoying the oral service. "Mmm, take them deep... Time to fill your tummy up.," grins Sunflower, "Going to make sure you're all filled everywhere..."

"Yes, thanks, my love" Sola said as she stop for a moment to pleasure both dicks, her hands rubbing at both dicks as she try to fit with difficulty woth dicks in her mouth when they were close to cum. Meanwhile her hands get close Sunflower's flower too, trying and getting the right pace between two sex organs to stimulate more the human, her mouth slowly increase the speed having just a small frame to breath by the heavily filled than her mouth was.

Sunflower shuddered, groaning as her female half is touched, before giving a cry as she began releasing her seed eagerly, letting Sola swallow her down, before moving to roll Sola over and turn her so she can begin injecting her fully from behind and finish the job. She idly wondered if she was somehow getting Sola even more pregnant. she wouldn;t be too shocked all considered. The poor elf made gulp sounds as both members cum together, her eyes rolling back as her hands tried to cover any hole so she coul drink it all without let any drop escape her mouth. Finally after some minutes she gulp the last drop placed in her throat, getting back her breath as Sunflower turn her to her back so her two needed holes get used again. Pleasuring moans fill the whole house by the two fruits, the cum filled breasts bouncing as the liquid filled orbs than they are now, Sola moving her hips and holes pressing to make Sunflower hard enough to cum until fill her as her lover human has promised.

Sunflower grins as she pushes inside of Sola and presses down on her, hre breasts squishing against Sola's back, thrusting fast and hard in her eagerness to keep using her lover, nibbling on Sola's ear domianntly. "Mmm. IF you weren't already pregnant I;d be filling you with life for certain..."

"Maybe i get more life...please... give me more seed,,, please fill me, my love. Make us both cum as much as you wish" The true feelings of such hardcore mate come out from Sola than soon or later would have her insides filled in the fertile baby cream, moaning aloud and hearing the sounds of the twin members when they free her, making her know than Sunflower has made her get filled with cum

Sunflower growls, pounding in lsutily before pumping her seed into Sola, doing so a few more times til she was sure Sola was full to Capacity before pulling off her, gently rolling Sola over and cuddling her close, kissing her loveingly. She felt much much better. Stuffed with cum, the little elf almost roll when Sunflower make her roll to have her front exposed, the move making her breasts bounce a little more as also her insides filled with cum made soft funny noises. Sola giggled and hugs Sunflower, in bliss and joy by such mating.Sunflower smiles and nussles her, chuckling. "Feel better, my lovely ray of sunlight?"

"I dont faint this time, but i could need some time to get up" The elf said after some kisses placed by her lover who could enjoy rub so impregnated mate. "Yes, im so happy and you helped me a lot to control the magic, thanks i love you so much, my love." The elf tried to hug the human, as she smile more and really both could stay there cuddling at each other

Sunflower smiles and decides to cuddle and wait for now for the return of her mother, or her other lover to return. It was unsure if this was just Sola's training or what she wanted at Sunflower for punishment. But she dont said anything, the moment so precious to think in anything useless now, the vibrators on her werent enough to make her moan or focus on them instead her mate. Time passed and thanks to her healing milk, both remain with energy after such ordear, but the small rest help Sunflower and soon she manage to heard the entrance door open what means than her mother has already come after work

"Ah, mom's home. I'm gonna go say hi. You rest up, okay love?," smiles Sunflower, kissing sola's cheek before going to go visit her mom. She was getting used to her nudity all the time. She did miss her robes, but...

With a charming "yes" Sola accept the kiss of her lover and let her meet their mother who should be a little hungry after her work. Sunflower could feel the joy of have her softly erect huge rods hang free without clothes, the air as she move touching her softly sweaty body filled with the sweet fruit scent of love all the time than she has expulse and mixed with the arousing one of Sola and her others lovers. She easily opened the button dor pressing the red button and noticed some white gas filling softly the room, her mother stoping to press the button close her what made the gas end to come out.

Oh my love... sorry i forget to say than i was cleaning, but you will be safe, the changes on you will protect you of the exterior at least a little Her mother said getting closer

"Ah. Sorry.," says Sunflower with a smile, "Everyones home now. I um, I taught your niece magic now. She seems to now be in control of all the machines. Golemancy I believe."

Her mother needed a moment to get the surprise, but soon rise up Sunflower as her true little daughter, cuddling her in a hug as she giggle and her tentacle hair rub the human's shoulders. I may need a description later of what kind of magic is what she learned from you, but before talk about it. Let me say than you are more cute now than before. What is your secret? The alien woman ask playfully, of course than she could be aiming for the biggers cocks between the human's legs or maybe Sunflower has been more fresh smiling in happiness in her new life than could end in some days.

She then sit and placed Jean at her lap, her long tentacle hair moving to clean and rub her twin dicks of her daughter. I have all ready to tomorrow. Are you ready to impregnate all ours subjects? Sunflower could see two huge boxes than were new, maybe her mother bring them jsut now.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower blushed embarrassedly at her mothers comment, looking down at her cocks. "Erm, Sola was experimenting with her magic and well... I grew again, sheesh. I'm way bigger than any human now..."

At hearing her mother saying she'll be impregnating tons of people, groaning and squirming as she gets hard while her cocks are played with, Sunflower blushes deeply. "Ah geez... Knocking up so many people... Going to be weird not being involved... If they all bind to me I can only imagine what will happen to my body then..."

She squirms in place, biting her lip as she sits on her mother's lap. "Um... And well... Golemancy is making objects be alive and influenced by the mages will. The basic version is just putting magic into something and making it operate on it's own, like putting a hand in a hand puppet would. More complicated spells of it's nature might invest sentience into them, allowing them to operate on their own. The most powerful kind is taking a preprepared object and binding an animating spirit to it, creating a powerful creature called a Golem. Golems are strong, loyal, and immune to all but very specific magic. Depending what they are made from and their purpose they can have other properties too. The most traditional is making a humanoid out of special clay. But being clay, if you throw fire at it, it get's hard and brittle, easily destroyed."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

She can adapt other life form bodies at her will! Amazing... The red alien exclain, mostly showing her amuzament being bigger than never in these days by heard than Sola could have so powerful skills. I will suppose than she could make them shrink too or maybe there is others changes than she could do. Yes, her mother was so needed to learn more of Soa's magic.

The worries to fuck a lot of fruits, made the alien rub the human's cheek to calm her as also do the same to the twin dicks in an attempt to make Jean enjoy the moment. The subjects to breed with you will never be so bond as you with Sola, is not only special among her race but also you shared your genes with her beyong the usual bond.

Said this Sunflower talked about her description about golemancy. Dunno what is exactly a golem, but they sound as robots or machinery than we use to do works impossible for us, as i said we dont believe in souls until now i could never think in such things, but now with this magic i can only hope than she train to learn all about her new skills. She said about her niece, her tails eating part of Jean's twin dicks and penetrate softly her pussy meanwhile, thrusting softly as they talk.

What plans do you have now, are you still full with energy to impregnate the ones in our storage? Said meanwhile she point the room where the others fruit girls are resting.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"She's still learning, so her full capabilities are unknown to either of us.," says Sunflower with a shrug, "Normally druids only change themselves in such a way, or animals. Turning into beasts, enhancing nature's bounty and fertility, stuff like that. Suspect around here it takes a new meaning."

Sunflower gasps and squirms with a groan as her mother starts to play with her cocks again, squirming and blushing. "Well, assumedly, but I seem to break rules around here. Suppose it wouldn't be so bad, but Sola is my first after all... Though would be nice to bind you and your niece to me as well..."

Sunflower shudders further as her mother devoured her cocks and pushed into her, using her slowly as she moans a bit. "Mmmf... I'll help her. Though she's feeling weird evidently. Before the magic, not after. We should see about yours too, now that I know how to do it. Though erm, it really knocks me silly when it happens..."

"Um... I guess I could... Do that. Assuming you don't want to keep playing with me like this.," says Sunflower, blushing embarrassedly, still not fully used to such casual sexual attention.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

It would be benefical find out what are her limits. Her alien said about Sola, her mind still fully focused on this topic. And maybe she works as the druids of your lands, after all she only has been be able to change herself. As reports had inform, her kind and how it react with her partnert when incidents with collectors happen, we can name you part of herself. Said this, her mother let the human digest the idea and remember all the others things than Jean share with Sola, practicaly they were just two parts of the same flower or fruit... with all ready to create new beings and stay as one eternaly as a tree if the aliens havent stop that to happen.

Hmhm, Bind me?... so you want be more than my daughter~ Her mother said between giggles, her tentacles move faster to make the human arch and have problems to add more until her first load was taken. Lets check your theory, how would you bind with us? I cant deny than your nectar is of great quality and you have a huge quantity too until the point than your price would be pretty high in the market... But there is not reports yet of such union between ours species, not like we need it anyway~ Her mother mostly accepting to try later what Jean have in mind to bond her like Sola

The feeding get reduced on speed, mostly her mother wanted to heard more of Jean than just groans and moans. So she could be sick? We should make a full scan, but if she were worried about it she would had contact me when she was in the school. Said about her niece, but her hunger must be taking the best of her now, as she dont stop of feed from the futa fruid and her twin dicks.

Just five minutes more, i need so baddly to eat something now... oh... is .. you are so delicious darling, but i will try to stop soon. Her tentacles never stoping as Jean need to rest on the table by how the tendrils start to suck her lances, after had enough her mother sit close her and her tentacles as tails return to their place leaving Jean exhausted rest what she needs, mostly in bliss again as all the sex here has caused her to stay.

Once the human get restored, she will be helped by her mother who will carry her as a little girl in her shoulders, the twin cocks resting at the sides of her mother's cheeks, meanwhile some few large tentacle hairs wrap around them. Opening the storage glass door, a huge room is revealed where at least twelve girls of different races were having a great time fucking each other, some tied, others using sexual toys, the lack of inteligence evident in theirs gazed eyes.

[3 human, 3 beast girls, 2 reptil kinds, 3 futas of different races separated of the rest, 1 dark elf]
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Huh, yeah, definitely. And never thought about it like that. Druids usually bond with an animal, but I guess we're bonded instead heh.," blushes Sunflower.

Sunflower moan and cries out as her mother made her orgasm, feeding her seed to her, blushing deeply. "Um... ah... Yeah... Well you're still my mom but... Well we do lots of things family isn't supposed to do together as it is... And the feeling, knowing you're there, it's um. It's hard to describe, you'd have to feel it. As for how... My seed seems to be intensely infused with magic, so maybe if I fill you everywhere to the limit while pressing your soul against mine... It'd be easier with my glove but since I don't have it, well..."

Sunflower keeps groaning at the slow feeding, squirming as she;s thrust inside still. "She might be? She thinks it might be she's fully maturing or something? I dunno how your species works very well. Either way her chest is swelling I gathered and stuff."

Sunflower moans and writhes, feeding her mother until she's finally allowed some rest. She takes a few minutes to recover before getting up, blushing as she's piggy backed by her mother into the glass room. Many women were there, some human like, some more bestial, some even reptilian, and a drow. They lacked any spark of intellect, making her pout a bit. However with her mother stroking her back to hardness, it was hard to resist.

"Oh wow... Um... Well... guess I need to sleep with them all and impregnate them...," says Sunflower, turning deep red. She felt kind of like a horse led out to stud, told to impregnate dozens of what amounted to animals in mind if not in form.

"Um... you pick my first partners mom..."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Uhm, certainly adopt someone of your specie as a family member and not a pet is rare, but if both parts accept anyone can marry with someone of their family, it could be a sister or a daughter. The red alien said between soft giggles at the end as some of her eyes blink.

Its up to you decide when will you try it, maybe the glove than you are looking is still in my laboratory or was... lets just hope than remain hidden in the work area. Said to answer to Jean idea of teach her magic, showing than she would accept when the human think than is ready to fill her.

Her worries for her niece fade, as she suppose too than she could scan her, but maybe the young alien is just turning into an even more sexy alien woman.


With Sunflower already rested some minuts before be taken to the food storage, she was placed softly on the ground, some of the fruit girls cooed and wide smile in lust by the sex scent in every inch on Jean. Her mother activate a flying magic window and after read some words from it she point to a specific fruit in the area. You can start with that one, her fertility is at the max point and her seed is in the right place for you to impregnate her. The choiced one was nothing else than the neko than the young alien used that other time, maybe in heat after meet Sunflower the last time.

If you are very successful on this one, her spores will produce a chain effect on the rest than will stimulate them to prepare for receive your nectar. Do you require some help to prepare her? I have in mind take the rest and feed of them a little, do it would make all more easy once you take the rest. Sunflower could suppsoe than the tendrils of her mother will warm up the rest of the girls, as they see the neko be taken what would make them needed of have their twin spears inside them. Meanwhile the neko's eyes focused on the cocks of the new one in their barn, she was so wet and needed than her clueless moans were now sounding as pleadings in need, turning her back to Jean as she rise her tail raising her butt up to expose her drenched holes to the free futa.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"In our species, marrying your family or having sex with them is a huge taboo. Inbreedings unhealthy for the offspring too. Well, for most species anyways.," blushes Sunflower, "But we're not really related so I guess it's not that bad..."

"Yeah, hope so. It belonged to my birth mother. It's all I have left of her.," says Sunflower sadly, "It's really precious to me even if it didn't help my magic."


Sunflower blushed deeply at all the fruits staring at her. She looked to her mother, blinking. "Well, guess we'll put some smarts in em... Heh... heard of fucked silly, but fucked smart...? Um, yeah, you go ahead mom..."

With the cat plant offering herself, Sunflower couldn't help but get hard, blushing deeply as she moved forwards. This felt weird as heck but hopefully her magical seed could infuse more of her intellect into the girls with some help of her own magic a bit. As well as sire a new generation of plant girls to be their equals. She was breeding a new future for this world it was... Weird as hell, but kind of exciting.

She grasped the felines hips and lined her cocks up before pushing herself into the cat girls body, holding her firm as she thrusts quickly. She had a lot of girls to get too it seemed after all. She tried to ignore how powerful it made her feel to take them and grant them sentience by breeding them.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Birth illiness caused by problems in the genetic... That is pretty uncommon among fruits and of course is non-existent in our race, mostly thanks to our ability to alter ours childrens even before the seed of both parents mix to be created.

Her mother dont needed to say anything more about the glove, her many eyes show than she understan how precious is for her daughter


Uhm...can you do that!? Then let me link all these screens to the lab Her mother soon pressed with her hair tendrils the screens close her what made a red light pass across the neko and the rest of fruits what placed ceiling windows with letters, numbers and theirs images.

Ready all. The alien using her superior strengh and tendrils, placed in minutes all the fruits on line, looking to Jean and the neko, the remain tendrils were rubbing theirs holes to increase theirs need for that Alpha fruit with twin dicks

With the neko waiting, Jean put her dicks in place and get them inside, there was huge pleasure and enjoyment on this, but the neko was nothing at the side of Sola, the massive cocks caused a groaning loud moan on the neko, which holes can with difficulty let the members fit. Moans and puurs fill the place her tongue out and fully down resting all her body except her fully raised up back. Jean can notice the narrow space deep inside as she press against the womb door, her dicks half inside could go deep the whole extra path, but all this pleasure would make the nako faint before her second load of warm cream.

All the fruit girls moan in need for Jean anyway, it was up to her do this slowly or put an end to the neko in just a pair of peaks.
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Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Maybe? I'll certainly try at least. But this is all pretty new to me too so, well... See if this works..." Bolstering various aspects was hardly a ground breaking magic. Temporarily enhancing someones strength, or awareness or beauty or intelligence was an easy thing. Permanently... Not so easy, but it was doable. Not by her normally, but she was doing many things she normally could not right now.

She supposed if she imbued her seed, when the child took in them, the shared blood would transfer the greater intelligence through their shared bond. Ah geez, she really was about to impregnate several people. Barely people at that, she was breeding animals that looked like people. But well, she was working to change that now...

Thrusting hard into the neko, she groaned, working in the so tight cat girl's body, having to struggle to fit. Sola was the better partner for certain, but she couldn't help but enjoy a perverse pleasure of forcing herself into her tight body. As she pounded in, she worked her magic, working to infuse a bolster to intelligence into her seed, to breed intelligent young, and imbue it on her partner too.

Sunflower shivered as she bumped up against her partners womb. Well, she didn't need her awake to breed her. She swallowed, then thrust in, working her full length in with a pleased moan, before slamming in fast as hard, working her magic imbued seed to full preparation, groping her partners hips, before crying out in pleasure, flooding her womb directly with her potent magic seed, shivering and savoring the sensation, before pulling loose.

"Ooof... ehe... One down I guess... See if the magic works..."