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Jen (Phoenix)

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Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen flops frantically between sobs, hoping to get the spiderbot to loosen it's grip on her body. She sees a tube run out of the top of the robot and head straight for one of her breasts. Several thashes manages to bash that tube enough to halt it's advancement, but it doesn't seem to do any real damage


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 4
Spiderbot HP: 5

Submit(risk "Succumb-Game Over" roll)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

No! I don't want to be stabbed by a tube! Jen cries out as she struggles to get loose from the creature. Fear passes through her mind with the idea that the tube would be used to pump stuff into her.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen continues her erratic fight against her tormentor. She is able to roll over and smash the main body of the bot against the wall. The spiderbot releases her wrists long enough for her to pull them down to her body. The bot tracks around her, now focusing all it's attention toward her pinned thighs.

Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 4
Spiderbot HP: 4

Submit(risk "Succumb-Game Over" roll)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

NNNNNNNNGGGGGG! Jen sounds out in horrified frustration as she uses her hands to try and damage the limbs holding her thighs.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jan bashes her hands into the limb holding her legs tight. Unfortunately for Jen, her attacks seem to be ineffective. Further worsening things, she fails to see the tubes again reache for her breasts. before she can react, the tubs have exposed both breasts and have latched onto her. They pulsate with a vacuum, sucking on her rapidly hardening nipples.


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3
Spiderbot HP: 4

Submit(risk "Succumb-Game Over" roll)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen's eyes widen in shock as she sees what the thing is doing before she starts to panic. Reaching for the tubes, she tries to break them in half or at least bend them closed , not wanting to risk hurting herself by roughly tearing them off her breasts.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen involuntarily squirms beneath the cold metal bindings and now the stimulating tubes. She grabs at both tubes and is able to pinch them off. Without suction, they quickly fall off her breasts, but it does not seem to have done any damage.


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3
Spiderbot HP: 4

Submit(risk "Succumb-Game Over" roll)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Trying to think clearly, Jen follows up by wrapping the tubes around her palms once to get a good grip before trying to tear them out of the creature.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen yanks hard, with the hope that she can disable to robot, or at least it's tubes. She is successful, pulling both tubes out of the top along with a few pieces of metal. They fly over her head and she releases it; it falling harmlessly above her head.

Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3
Spiderbot HP: 3

Submit(risk "Succumb-Game Over" roll)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Hopefully with her success, Jen then moves down to the creatures arms trying to break them so that the thing has no grip on her legs.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen hopes to combo a second attack onto the robot; this time on the bindings holding her legs tight. She sits up and grabs onto the binding, pulling with all her might. She give one final tug before falling backward to take a quick breath; the bindings still firm on her upper thighs.


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3
Spiderbot HP: 3

Submit(risk "Succumb-Game Over" roll)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Nnnnnn! Jen Whines out as she tries to wriggle her legs free, using her hands to try and mess with the creature's hold at the same time.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen puts up a coordinated fight that surprises her just as much as it surprises the robot. She is able to knock the robot off of her thighs with her arms and simultaneously launch it skyward with a push from her thighs. It comes crashing down near here, but that gives her the opportunity to get back to her feet. Looking around, she quickly tires to figure out her next action.

(crit hit)

Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3
Spiderbot HP: 1

Submit(risk "Succumb-Game Over" roll)
Flee S/E/W (83%)
Pick up baseball bat (83%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Spotting the bat, Jens first reaction is to get to the reassuring length of material. The bat would probably be much better against the spider than her bare hands.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen makes a break for the bat near the doorway. She is able to grab it and turns just in time to see the spiderbot rapidly approaching her.

Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3
Spiderbot HP: 1

Flee S/E/W (83%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Well, now she had her bat, and hopefully it would be time for the thing to pay. Swinging her bat, she attempts to destroy the machine.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen swings at the spiderbot, closing her eyes in the process. She hears a crunch of metal and when she opens her eyes she sees a smoking mile of metal where the spiderbot once stood. Taking in the scenery she sees the hallway travel to the west and east, along with the door to her south.

Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3
Spiderbot HP: 0

Travel S/E/W
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Not wanting to stay here in case the thing moved again, and not wanting to go back to the room with the crazy man, Jen starts heading west.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen makes her way west through the hallway until she sees a door to her north. She takes note that the hallway continues to the west. She also notices that there are a couple of plastic boxes on the walls.

Jen DEF: 1
Jen CONST: 4

Travel S/N/W
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Boxes... Why is it always boxes? Jen wonders before starting to inspect the boxes. Like both times before, she didn't want there to be a creature inside and her not to know about it.
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