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and downloads not relating to sales into account, which is beyond JSK's control.
Are you sure you read it correctly? Because trying hold someone accountable for factors out of their control, even if they signed a paper saying they take liability, seldom makes it past a legal challenge. More to the point; how could they even track and verify that say 250,000 people pirated copies of the game to submit as evidence?
Are you sure you read it correctly? Because trying hold someone accountable for factors out of their control, even if they signed a paper saying they take liability, seldom makes it past a legal challenge. More to the point; how could they even track and verify that say 250,000 people pirated copies of the game to submit as evidence?

Just read through the Unity post again and saw they posted an update about the pirating and other stuff.

I'm three days late on this, so my bad.
It won't affect him though. He needs 200k sales min for the new pricing model to take into effect and he never reaches those numbers.
Well, that's good news.

He can't. He's still working in Flash and then converting those flash games straight into his Unity project.
Godot also doesn't have any support for bone animation which is what JSK does.

Unity's literally the last place he can go right now after the fall of Flash.
And that's TERRIBLE news.

Unity has to crash and burn for this shit but it better not take down JSK.
Well, that's good news.

And that's TERRIBLE news.

Unity has to crash and burn for this shit but it better not take down JSK.
Unity did the same shit back in 2019 with some Vendors and had to do the same shit.
They're used to causing a shitshow.

And don't forget their greedyness doesn't come from nowhere.

Unlike Unreal and Godot, they're a publicly traded company. A HUGE amount of insanely popular mobile games are made in Unity. The amount of money they make is honestly ludicrous. Epic is out here making most of their bank off Fortnite, while Unity has like every other popular mobile game like Genshin Impact and shit revenue sharing with them. If you know how much those gacha trashes make you'd realize the crazy amount of dough Unity's rolling in w/o doing any work.


It sucks that indies are getting thrown under the bus for all this, but yeah. For a lot of them, there's really nowhere else to go, so you shouldn't want Unity to fail. In fact, when Unity was under its old CEO, Unity pushed to create documentation in Japanese. They even brought on the Live2D creators to create a plugin for their platform. Unity's the only legitimate game engine that Japanese devs feel comfortable working in. W/o it, high quality eroge is basically a dream.




Game store page is up, but the game itself isn't available to buy as it's still pending DLsite checks.

A quick check of the circle's catalogue page shows the new game isn't displaying yet, so someone typically jumped the gun no thanks to faulty machine crutches.

Beggars can wait another 24-48 hours before spamming the thread asking for links.

Edit: Game now available to buy as of 27th September 2023 1600hrs JST.
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Hm. Does anyone know how to use the counter move when she tries to pepper spray and kick you? The counter button never lights up.
If anyone wants all the content instantly, just edit the values inside the json save file. No need to post a full save.

to avoid those who seek, to unlock story 2


you have to talk with her during the fight and after the fight without having a sex scene. I tried literally all the combinations without skipping these dialogues during the fights, nothing happens


If one of you manages to unlock all the endings it would be nice to explain the correct combination in the game
The other story modes unlock when you get the other endings. There should be a readme file in the game folder that will tell you the exact dialogue you can use to get the various endings.
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The other story modes unlock when you get the other endings. There should be a readme file in the game folder that will tell you the exact dialogue you can use to get the various endings.

Forum goers are lazy and never read the JSK textfile readme that comes with all their games. I've copied it verbatim below, should be a no-brainer following instructions when everyone nowadays has a machine crutch of passable standard.


・Hシーンで2回以上「外宮路 海」を絶頂させる。

1回目H後 「君も気持ち良くなってたんだから合法だよ」or「でも初めてだったのに感じてたのは嬉しかったからだよね?」

1回目H後のバトル中会話 「せっかくだし俺専属でパパ活をやらないか?」→「金なら出すぞ」

2回目H後 「身体の相性もいいみたいだから結婚するのが一番だと思うよ」or「君もイってたみたいだから、きっと受精してるよ」




1回戦バトル中会話 「なぜこんなことをするんだ?」→「君が反省するまではこのままだ」

1回目バトル後 「なぜこんなことをしてまでお金が欲しいんだ」→「人を騙して手に入れたお金では幸せにはなれないぞ」

2回戦バトル中会話 「君がやっていることは自分をおとしめる行為だと思わないのか?」→「対価を払う人間と、ただ一方的に奪う人間が同じのはずないだろう」

2回目バトル後 「君が自分が間違ったことをしている自覚があるはずだ」→「綺麗ごとを嫌うのは、自分が汚いことをしてると分かっている人間だ」

3回目バトル中会話 「君が考えを変えるまで何度でも言う」→「俺は本気だ。つまらない言葉で逃げるな!」

Hm. Does anyone know how to use the counter move when she tries to pepper spray and kick you? The counter button never lights up.

Counter moves are as always described in the readme. And I'm almost certain even without touching the game that pepper spray moves are never part of the standard set of moves vulnerable to counters.

What's new in this game is the counter move made available when the player has been hit by the stungun.

Edit: After finishing the game, I can 100% confirm the pepper spray + balls kick ISN'T vulnerable to time stop. The "Chance!" sign is showing when it really shouldn't, most likely because the second part of the move IS vulnerable to time-stop when it's executed on its own. Most likely an oversight on JSK's part which I expect will be patched out in future versions.

・「時間停止」は、特定の条件が揃ったとき、「外宮路 海」の攻撃時、もしくは会話時に選択できるコマンドです。
  「外宮路 海」のHPが一定以下(スキルレベルによって変動します)
  「外宮路 海」が「前蹴り」「上段回し蹴り」「ヒッププレス」を繰り出している時(「ヒッププレス」はプレイヤー転倒時に繰り出してくる攻撃です)
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The other story modes unlock when you get the other endings. There should be a readme file in the game folder that will tell you the exact dialogue you can use to get the various endings.

I am aware that apparently the readmee explains this, but it is a file .txt impossible to understand or convert .... How can we make this conversion it interests me?

I am aware that apparently the readmee explains this, but it is a file .txt impossible to understand or convert .... How can we make this conversion it interests me?

View attachment 48778

Spanish Windows user not bothering to unzip the Japanese content using Japanese encoding. The text shows up normally for me since my encoding is done correctly, but it isn't for you. Shouldn't be too hard to google how to get Japanese encoding to show up correctly on non-English Windows.
i try to translate this game with diff tool but none of them seems working like rei patcher,
i also try to use deepL but it seems too complicated
Finished the game with the full gallery. Looks like JSK received feedback regarding the length of ejaculation scenes and the story mode and has reacted accordingly. Following the guide, it takes less than an hour to finish everything if players are thorough. Only thing I got stumped on is one of the gallery entries corresponds with the "neutral" sex hypnosis positions only available when players use the body manipulation move when the opponent is at low health. Good thing the JSK Ci-En blog is open even to non-subscribers for checking.

Not having to do story mode twice to get endings saves a bit of effort, but the challenge in this game is SO much lower compared to previous games. Players will likely only ever lose once (the very first time when there aren't enough points to go around to get speed up to the minimum level), after that at least one point in telekinesis and the rest in speed and players can repeat the rape ending ad nauseum to quickly farm 1100+ points per round.

I'm not a lolicon, so having this heroine design works for me. This work's unique theme is bunnygirl, and I thought the scenes were all right. The improved camera function in this iteration gives more freedom for screenshots and the like, but the fundamental formula remains unchanged.

Mid-battle conversations make a comeback! Haven't seen these since the last vampire hunter game, and that one didn't have instructions as clear cut as this one for unlocking endings. Personality-wise I'm not so keen on this opponent compared to previous games, so the love ending isn't as satisfying as previous works. If anything, she gets what's coming to her when she chooses the wrong person for attempted extortion (Yes I'm well aware raping someone like this in real life regardless of circumstances is still a criminal offence. This is a work of fiction, if readers can't distinguish between fiction and reality it's time to seek professional help).
there is a scene that I couldn't find, it's the one where the girl is standing, how do we get it?


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