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Jump One: Unknown Location

Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Reaper leads Grant through the ship, remaining quite most of the way, until they arrived at the Motor Pool. "Barracks are just up ahead. You're gonna be attached to one of our strike teams." he says, leading Grant through the mostly empty motor pool to the Barracks, the doors of which he opened to reveal Kenzo and his squad, the leader of whom seemed to be asleep on his cot watching silent footage. "Briefing's soon. So get settled in and stay ready for anything." Reaper states, then leaves Grant to pick one of the vacant bunks.

Up on the bridge, Ariok would get a reading before the rest of the Bridge staff, of incoming trans-universe signatures, a distinct Harbinger pattern behind each one, six in all. According to where they were projected, they would come out in the middle of the battle ahead of the ship, and if his readings on the two sides weapons were right, they'd decimate both sides.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Grant takes his weapons and thanks Reaper before he leaves, then moves to a free bunk. Sitting down he lets out a sigh before giving his customised pistol a once over, a habit he has developed over the years. Once satisfied with its condition he clips it back on his combat suit before removing the top half along with his helmet.

"Thought so, looks like they're totalled," Grant mutters to himself as he removes the outer layer of the boots section of his combat suit to reveal the shock absorbers, a combination of hydraulic and air cylinders coupled with a mess of wires and minute pistons. Grant lets out another sigh, this time of frustration. "Looks like I'm going to have to see if anyone here has any idea on how to fix them." Grant then covers the exposed shock absorbers back up.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

As soon as he receives the information that the Harbingers were on their way, Arioks holographic image appears in front of the admirals once more, and he hollowly intones; "Harbinger signatures detected. They can follow us. I detect six vessels, jumping in to the middle of the battle up ahead. Without some form of intervention, I predict 100% casualties for both sides of the unknown vessels. Strategically, I recommend that we wait until the Harbingers have arrived, and then open fire upon them. It is possible that one or both of the opposing groups may call off their attack upon one another if they are fired upon by the Harbingers, which increases our probability of victory without casualties up to 87%. Tactical solutions for the fleet are already prepared, for this, for immediate retreat, and for getting into position and waiting for the Harbingers to wipe out the two opposing groups of vessels before engaging them, at your discretion admirals."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Harris casts about and stares at Ariok, slightly angered that he would consider allowing the Harbingers to wipe out the warring aliens. "Stukov, you know what to do in these situations. I want those two fleets alive." Harris states, Stukov sitting in the main command chair and sending out orders to deploy the fleet. "Ariok, I want a burst of FTL to take us and the fleet as close as possible to the Harbinger fleet when it arrives. I want our main guns aimed directly forward before the jump so we can commence fire ASAP, and tell the fleet to hold on for the ride." Stukov says, his fleet training showing through. As he issued commands to the various fleet ships, he also sent the ship into red-alert, which meant all the Marines were to be on standby.

Down in the barracks, the Red Alert klaxon blared, signaling the beginning of combat, and signaling for the marines to stand at the ready in case of boarders.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

The klaxons woke Linda from her sleep, and she was across the room and half into her gear before she reached full awareness. She had just enough time to wonder who would bother boarding the ship when she went out the door. The harbingers had been trying to blow them out of the sky, surely thay wouldn't have changed their minds since then?
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Not here five minutes and there's already an alarm going off," Grant comments to himself, a small smile starting to spread across his face. Putting the top half of his body suit back on he gets up and grabs his sword which he clips back onto his armour and awaits further instruction, secretly hoping for some action soon.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Dropping his Vat-Grown BLT sandwich back onto its plate not even half-eaten, Niles runs for his gear and then his assigned station defending the port hanger. I wonder how many noobs still haven't reloaded? Better take an extra box of ammo, just in case. Sgt. Zod is on station before any of the newly trained civilians show up, ready to repel boarders. As he waits, he takes the time to build firing positions at key places in the hanger.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Kenzo woke with a start to the klaxxon, the crimson light flooding his bunk in an eerie glow as it spun around the room, He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head to hasten the waking up process groaning at the shortness and uncomfortablity of his sleep... The desktop was still looping it's silet recordings, and he unplugs the small camera from the table, sliding it back into place on his Assault Rifle, Then opening a drawer underneath retreives a fresher magazine, ejecting and tossing the elder one to take its place... When he gets five minutes He'll refit most of them... They seem to be getting a bit few and far in between...

Kenzo slaps the new mag in the housing and cycles the bolt, then picks up his Helmet and snapping that in place checks the com chatter...

Kenzo heads back down to the flight deck wondering why there isn't an actuall designated Mission Briefing office...
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Seeing the marine that Reaper had pointed out earlier head out of the room Grant decides to follow him, assuming he knows where everyone is heading.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Ariok ignores Admiral Harris glare, as the man should at this point know that it was the AIs responsibility to present all possible options that might protect the fleet, regardless of their possible consequences for other beings, no matter how numerous. Such were the limits of his programmed compassion. "Affirmative Admiral Stukov." As fast he he could, the AI made it happen, powering the basic FTL drive and preparing firing solutions.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

As the AI went about his business, the signals began to grow stronger, until eventually, six rips in the very fabric of space opened, allowing the six Harbinger ships to slide into this universe, at which point they opened fire on both alien fleets. Stukov hits the button to jump, sending the ship slamming forward in a burst of speed, stopping between the alien fleets and in front of the Harbinger vessels, at which point he gave the order for the fleet and Ariok to open fire, the Fleet beginning to swarm around the Harbinger vessels, which had been caught completely off guard.

Down in the guts of the ship, Kenzo is stopped by a Lieutenant in full dress uniform, one of the Internal Affairs pushovers, holding a datapad in her arms. "Excuse me, uhm, are you Captain Kenzo? I have orders to bring you to the bridge." she asks, her voice polite and fairly petite, sounding slightly hoarse as if she had just recovered from a bout with strep throat. "Have your men gather outside of the bridge as well. The admiral says that you are going into combat as soon as possible." she remarks, then begins to lead him on towards the bridge, past other squads of Marines who were much taller than her 5'0" figure, rushing down corridors and setting up killzones in the event that they were boarded.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Heinrich was walking through the ship, that was until he heard the sirens of a incoming attack. As soon as he heard he makes a quick stop at the cargo bay. Once he got there he picked a box of ammo, and rushed to the bridge. When he arrived at the bridge he noticed that a large majority of the crew had already arrived. Heinrich thek stood at the back of the crew and awaited orders.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

As Terra heard the alarm klaxons sound off, she quickly sprang from her bed and grabbed her gear heading towards the bridge, on her way she would pass the female lieutenant and Kenzo, "Captain Aramada! What are our orders!? Are we under attack!? Do you need me to alert any of the others on my way!? I'm on my way to bridge as is, so I can pass on the message, sir! I'll be awaiting further instruction once we arrive!" She said awaiting his response and then proceeding to either head to the bridge immediately by herself or notifying others and bringing them along if ordered.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Ariok needed no orders to open fire with the ships guns, as he was already sending accurate to the millimeter firing solutions to the ships weapons at the first of the Harbinger vessels as the ship decelerated. The AI couldn't fire them himself, of course, as that would be far too dangerous in the event of him going rampant, but all the person at the controls had to do was hit a button, and as the formulas were updated every other millisecond, every shot was guaranteed to hit its mark. The fleet were getting orders every nine seconds, in packets containing firing solutions and movement orders that kept the entire fleet firing at no more and no less than two ships at once, trying to eliminate as many vessels as possible while they still had the element of surprise.

As the fleet started firing, the AIs holographic image appeared, and he quietly and solemnly intoned; "Admirals, if I might make a suggestion, now would be the time to try and contact the other two fleets, before the Harbingers open fire on either of them. I predict that such an action will minimize the chances of either fleet firing on us in the confusion of battle."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Grant, as he was new to the ship and didn't know his way around, followed everyone else to the bridge.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Just as he was nearing the flight deck, in order to wait for the rst of his unit, Kenzo was stopped by someone, turning around to see whom it was revealed an Internal Affairs Uniform...

Kenzo Stood slightly stiffer as he addressed her, His past run ins with IA not having been pleasant ones... And it's too bad... Cause she was kinda cute... Bit small... But cute...

"Yes, Ma'am I am Captain Aramada, To the Bridge, Ma'am?"

Kenzo knew, there was only two reasons to be brought up to the bridge, either your name was drawn from the hat to do a suicide mission, or the top brass was gonna give you such an earfull you wish you had some lead asprin to dull the ache...

Just as they began walking Kenzo set a pulsating Blue NAV point on his person, displaying his whereabouts as the rally point.

(Combat... Well? There goes the whole demotion theory... Guess were back to Suicide mission... Again...)

Enroute the two came across another of Kenzo's Unit: Terra.

In a flurry of questions half waited out, half drowned out by wailing sirens. Kenzo Answered her...

"Your coming with me..." He points to the siren "Noones sleeping through that alarm... I've already set up a rally point... Now I'm going to fetch our intell... Hope you got some sleep... Were being shipped out again... Now get in line, don't break contact and lets move!"
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Linda did a double-take as the nav got updated with Kenzo's location. "Looks like he's headed for the bridge, god dammit..." She mumbles to nobody in particular as she turns about and starts towards Kenzo's nav.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

The short Lieutenant turned carefully in her high heels and began walking towards the bridge, the heels making defined clack-clack noises as she walked, until she had arrived at the bridge, ushering Kenzo in, but telling any of the squad members that had followed up to this point to wait outside for him to be briefed.

Inside, the Bridge was alight with activity, fleet operations storming about trying to gather intel as the large map table updated every millisecond, adjusting to the changing space battle, as Admiral Stukov was sitting in his grand command chair, Harris standing next to him before noticing Kenzo enter. "captain! Welcome to the Bridge. Pardon Alex's ignorance of your presence, but he's busy keeping us alive." he says, reaching out his left hand to usher Kenzo towards the map table. "We're going to wipe out all but one of those bastards and cripple it's engines. Then we'll drop it's shields. Can you guess why I called you up here?" he asks, his left hand adjusting the collar on his red overcoat, which was displaying his Admiral Cross-Star quite well, the special rank for the Fleet Admirals. Four stars connected on a cross, with the shortest end pointing towards the top of the collar. Even at his station, he stuck to code.

Buckley then decided to rear his ugly head, practically breathing down Kenzo's shoulders. Internal Affairs agents had the tendency to do that. "Yes, our brave Captain Kenzo, Hero of Tillan, will be leading the first wave onto the Harbinger vessel." the Admiral states in a mocking tone of voice. "Harris, you should go back to commanding battalions. This position is not your strong suit." he says, adjusting his black military cover, which matched his black leather overcoat, giving him the appearance of an old World War 2 Waffen SS Officer. Harris casts about and points his left index finger at Buckley. "You keep to pushing paper, Buckley, and I'll keep to sending Marines to kill squid-faces." he states, having practically forgotten Kenzo was even there, one of the Control officers walking over to them. "Captain Kenzo's Pegasus is prepared to deploy. I'll be directing the operation from control if you need me, Admiral." he says, the Admiral shaking his head rapidly and then saluting the young officer. "Kenzo, you heard Jacobs. Get to the G-hanger on the double and get ready to board a Harbinger ship." the Admiral says, saluting the captain and returning to exchanging insults with Buckley. All in all, he had basically just experienced a short stead in the daily life of a Bridge officer.

Out in space, Stukov had sent a message to the two alien fleets, who had yet to respond verbally, but physically, they had retrained their guns on the Harbingers and were assisting in the destruction of all but one, which was being left relatively untouched. Ariok had been given a direct order from Stukov to keep that ship alive.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

As imprudent as the AI might have thought attempting such action against an active Harbinger vessel was, Ariok was programmed to obey the Admirals orders, and so, the directions he gave the fleet were in sync with his wishes. One by one, the fleet, with the surprising assistance of the other aliens, fired upon and destroyed the Harbinger vessels, until only one remained. Knowing that it would probably attempt to flee, Ariok then sent targeting solutions to each of the vessels primary systems, trying to cripple it without destroying its reactor.

Engines, bridge, communications, shield generators, life support, and weapons banks. Each was destroyed, with targets given in that order, but without doing significant damage to the vessels primary power source.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Sgt. Zod saw Kenzo's rally point shift to the bridge, sighed, and started jogging the other way. When he reached the bridge doors and saw half the squad camped outside, he grunted "Private briefing?" and found himself a comfortable place to park himself until needed.